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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Is Ron truly incapable of writing a complete episode or have budget restraints reached the point where they have half the episode consist entirely of flashbacks from the bday before? Whatever the case, make it stop! Flashbacks are all hell and good when done in moderation or to bring up Past events that are relevant to the story. But if audience attention spAns are that short that they can't remember (presuming they cared enough to watch in the first place) events that transpired either in the same episode or the day before, we are all in serious trouble.

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Patrick & Sabrina's accident was why they showed the crypt sex episode.

YMMV, but given what the storylines for the next few weeks/months, Rafe causing the accident because someone forced him to do so, the repercussions from that, connecting it to Ava, Fluke, or Nina and their storylines, the fallout for all of the characters who have some connection to it, are all more important to more storylines falling under that umbrella than how Britt met Nik or whatever else happened in the July 4, 2013, episode.

This makes perfect sense. The problem is I don't care about Sabrina, Shamwow, Rafe, FauxLuke, Luke, Silas or Nina. Therefore the fallout means absolutely nothing to me. All the above mentioned characters plus Sonny, Kiki & Felix can exit stage left without any explantion for all I care.

They don't do it anymore, but I prefer to see older fun filled episodes.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Well, finally got around to watching yesterday's show. If Ava isn't on, I know it's just not going to be as interesting or good. Of course, that means Sonny wasn't on either. I'm so damned if you do, damned if you don't with this crapfest. No Sonny, but no Ava. No Kiki, but no Morgan. Bah.


Anyway, I thought JT and Brooklyn were pretty fantastic. They just have a very believable father/daughter vibe, and they're very sweet together.


Although I've been a big proponent of Naxie, unfortunately I couldn't concentrate on them what with the skunk hair Maxie was sporting. Um, ew? Roots, girl. That was atrocious and took me out of the scenes entirely. Much like Nathan, I blame Levi.


Aw, damn it. Just when I thought I was a Samtrick shipper, along comes Sante out of nowhere. He saved her, awww. Now I'm curious to see if they would spark in the bedroom. Maybe I'll have to find that Sam and Dante fanboard that was spoken about, heh. I did love Sam ignoring Silas' calls. About damn time.


Nice scenes between Alexis and TJ. I want to really see them bond over Molly being in the accident.


That text was the creepiest non-creepy text ever. "Meet me in the exam room, don't tell your father." If the sexes were somehow reversed, it would seriously gross me out.

Today. 4:52 pm

Is Ron truly incapable of writing a complete episode or have budget restraints reached the point where they have half the episode consist entirely of flashbacks from the bday before? Whatever the case, make it stop!


Yes this new tendency to use up time with repeats of scenes (especially at the beginning of the show) is another downward trend, I'm afraid. At first I forgave them, thinking "they are just setting up the tension with which they ended the scene yesterday." But it's probably an easily-arranged approach to further budget cutting and more profit from the million commercials that usually run after the repeat scenes. Cheap! Cheap! Let's do the math...think of the profits if they can add one or two minutes of commercial to rake in extra money instead of using that same time to pay for scripts or acting, lighting and technical work.


This makes perfect sense. The problem is I don't care about Sabrina, Shamwow, Rafe, FauxLuke, Luke, Silas or Nina. Therefore the fallout means absolutely nothing to me. All the above mentioned characters plus Sonny, Kiki & Felix can exit stage left without any explantion for all I care.

They don't do it anymore, but I prefer to see older fun filled episodes.

Oh I agree, but, if I had to guess, the major fallout isn't really going to about Rafe, Silas, Nina, Sabrina, Shamwow, Sonny, KiKi, or Felix.

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She responded to tweets about how obnoxious the character is, including tweets that didn't have her (since she tweets in his name) tagged. It was very Ron like. Told someone to die or to find a grave. There seems to be a bit of a problem for her  distinguishing  criticism of the character and her kid, and she does it all in his name, which in turn will make things worse for him. I'm glad the other kids in his age range don't have parents like her.


Okay, then.  Some of the other parents of child actors on the show should really take her aside and let her know that stuff like that never ends well.


Unless Fluke is really Rafe's father.


I'll take my answer to this to the Unspoiled Speculation thread.


So anybody else wanna make a compilation video of the Julexis loves scenes and send it to Guza?

A woman over 40 getting laid and enjoying it would have never happened with him. 


The compilation video should also include an attachment showing how well GH is doing in the ratings, just to rub in how wrong his whole "No one wants to see sex/romances involving women over 40" attitude really was/is.  A copy should be sent to Brian Frons.


For being the child of Anna and Robert, one would think Robin would have taken a self defense class by now.


I thought she already knew self defense...?  (Not that she ever acts on that knowledge, so I guess the point is moot).


Patrick did say he would wait.


He was lying.  As usual..  

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I was wishing so hard when Patrick and Emma were talking about the Drakes' marriage that we might be getting a hopeful signal to a saved marriage. The two actors (Patrick and Emma) work so well together,  as do FH and the child who plays Emma. Besides dressing Emma very well, the show makes Emma use an appropriate language level when she speaks, so that she expresses thoughts and fears that are typical for her age and social development level. I always feel that Emma is especially intelligent too, perhaps because she can dance well and cooperates cheerfully and patiently with her relatives and caregivers.


So I want a stable home for her. It's been beyond exasperating to see how the show has teased us with Robin's behavior and commitment level. We know that Robin is being coerced at some level to be away from her family; yet she seems to be strengthening the enemies' hands by buying in to their arguments too. She wants Jason back, and has some culpability in the chaos that has fallen on the Drake marriage and home instability. The show has set up a perplexing problem for itself, and may be painted into a corner concerning  that family and their relationships. I like all 3 characters, and it's painful to watch them struggle.

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People say lots of things that they may truly mean at the time they say them but that turn out to be wrong or untrue once lived experience sets in.  I don't blame Patrick for underestimating how hard it would be to maintain a marriage with his wife gone indefinitely and (possibly, depending on what day of the week it is) not even able to communicate with him. 


I think most people have had the life experience of making a promise that it turned out was just too hard/unhealthy/dangerous/damaging to keep.  As long as he's honest about it, I don't have a problem with Patrick changing his mind.  It's not like Robin left in reliance on his promise that he would wait--she made it pretty clear that she was going to go whether he waited or not.  If he's done his best and it's just not working, I don't know what else there is to do.  I feel bad for her.  I just also feel bad for him.


Well, this show is definitely not real life, nor does it do a smidgen of trying to show reality, let alone a good job, so I don't even think about that part of it. Also, it's only been 3 months since Robin left.  3 months. I guess Patrick expected Robin to cure Jason in a week and be home back within a month.

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I don't blame Patrick for underestimating how hard it would be to maintain a marriage with his wife gone indefinitely and (possibly, depending on what day of the week it is) not even able to communicate with him.


Same here. Changing your mind isn't lying. Robin is back in PC for just a few months after being gone for two years (or whatever it was), only to leave again for another unknown period of time. I don't really blame Patrick for being frustrated. If he knew when she was going to return, it would be different. But Robin's absence is open-ended.

Edited by dubbel zout
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They wouldn't show it. They've rarely allowed her Scorpios side come out. I remember her picking a lock. Patrick was surprised, she had lock picks & that she was good at it. The other time was when they allowed her to weild a machete & she proved she had accuracy, when she threw it & killed a snake in a tree.

Rare moments. Allowing Robin to be kick ass wouldn't fit into the uptight know-it-all do gooder mold they are trying to sell. I'm not buying. I've watched her since I was a kid.


And ironically, all this awesomeness occurred under Guzasshole.


Is Rafe getting Eli'd or Rossened or Stanviled? Because we don't see him for a while and....boom! Drug addict, ugly earrings, and baby murderer. But he does have a cool back story. I just wanted him to yell "No one wanted me! I was conceived because of haunted candles!" Because. Just because.

I actually thought about this the other day. I even added whether or not he was receiving the AJ express train treatment. My conclusion was he was receiving Ron's version of the Stanvil.

What's happening to Ric is what I consider the AJ express train treatment.

I don't think he's Rossened because IMO, none of this is making anyone else look better. Silas & Kiki appear neglectful at best. The Nina comes off manipulative & heartless. Julian & FauxLuke are evil mobsters that brought drugs to PC which is why Rafe had access to drugs, resulting in him getting hooked.

Stanvil works best for me because Rafe was off screen for a while & suddenly he's front and center. It becomes Ron's version of a Stanvil because he had to cram every plot point & twist he could into the storyline. Rafe's on drugs, he's stealing money to pay for his habit, he pursposefully targeted Patrick's car (most likely to pay for drugs), he almost ran Sam over, he will be the reason Molly gets hurt & he knows The Nina's secret but didn't warn Silas or Sam.

GHScorpiosrule, it does make the story they are trying to sell weaker, when you point out Robin has only been gone 3 months in real time. Especially, since due to Ron's twitter, Robin calls home & has frequent conversations with Emma. Does she not talk or refuses to talk to Patrick or vice versa.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Patrick is too busy playing Scooby Doo with Sam to catch the Skype convos.

Rewatched crypt sex episode. Oh so many anvils.

Cam tells Spencer that Emma is not in danger. Cue to Fluke on the phone. Spencer later calls Fluke and says he will keep quiet if he does not hurt Emma. Reporters ask Anna who caused the accident. She says I don't know. Cut to Fluke. Emma says Britt was on the scene. Cut to Fluke.

Maybe we all got distracted by crypt sex, Ava beating herself in the head, guitar riffs, and cookies.

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Aw, damn it. Just when I thought I was a Samtrick shipper, along comes Sante out of nowhere


I like Dam better.  Like Dam!  They're hot.   Although she did bang his dad and had his baby.  That kind of makes it less hot.  But...she did bang her sisters father, so eh.  I'll take it.  Personally, at this point I would take anyone that isn't Silas.  Except Levi.  Never Levi.

  • Love 2

I like Dam better.  Like Dam!  They're hot.   Although she did bang his dad and had his baby.  That kind of makes it less hot.  But...she did bang her sisters father, so eh.  I'll take it.  Personally, at this point I would take anyone that isn't Silas.  Except Levi.  Never Levi.


Yeah, Dam! is pretty damn good. ;) I like it. Honestly, what with this show and its limited tree branches, I am at the point where I no longer care who's been with who. I had no problem with Ava and Morgan even after he was with her daughter. For me, it's all about chemistry and if I can find it in an unconventional place for one of my faves, then I'm all for it.


But totally agree on the anyone but Silas. And certainly not Levi, heh. The one good thing about a Borg back from the dead is that he could come back actually really hot.

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Stanvil works best for me because Rafe was off screen for a while & suddenly he's front and center.


Stanvil is for a character we barely knew existed or didn't know at all who's suddenly front and center. Rafe hasn't been seen much lately, but he's has decent airtime in the past and has ties to a number of major characters.


Rafe's confessions were so whiny-sounding. I will not miss him one iota. I don't care that he's the last of the Barringtons. Amanda deserved a better grandchild.


Honestly, what with this show and its limited tree branches, I am at the point where I no longer care who's been with who.


This is exactly why I do care who's been with who. Ron keeps introducing new characters who are related to existing characters, and the pool gets smaller and smaller. And then we get squicky situations like Crypt!Sex and Ava's pregnancy. There's no reason everyone has to know everyone else.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Stanvil is for a character we barely knew existed or didn't know at all who's suddenly front and center. Rafe hasn't been seen much lately, but he's has decent airtime in the past and has ties to a number of major characters.


Rafe's confessions were so whiny-sounding. I will not miss him one iota. I don't care that he's the last of the Barringtons. Amanda deserved a better grandchild.


It's still my hope that Allison, fearing that Caleb would come for his child, swapped the real Rafe at birth with this pod child in order to keep realRafe safe, and realRafe is still out there somewhere.  Poor JD has never done justice either to the Barringtons or to the Morleys.  I'm hoping for a recast over a death. 

Edited by Rancide
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Did Rafe lose control of the car? Or was he accelerating toward it? If it's the second one, he better hope he dies, because Alexis is going to rain hellfire down on him.


On Thursday's episode?  Or when Shamwow died?  If it's the former, I think he's surprised by the roadblock & loses control of the car (at least that's my guess because it wasn't clear from what was aired).  If it's the latter, yup.

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Patrick is too busy playing Scooby Doo with Sam to catch the Skype convos


Ha~! I've enjoyed those little sideglances that Patrick makes in his mind when he is talking to Sam and he remembers Jason is alive. (He knows that Robin is trying to revive Jason.) His motor is being revved by the Scooby Doo games with Sam, and he feels guilty for his attraction to her, I think.


On the other hand, Sam reminds me of an inquisitive mouse who smells cheese (any male character's interest in her, or vulnerability) and does her best to find and eat it up for her ego. I don't think she is very capable of being true to  one man, except Jason, yet she loves the attention of other men, and encourages it. She has a "game-player" aspect to her personality that I don't like or trust. The men never seem to notice her games, although they recognize her sexiness and slurp it up like sponges (example: Sam and Patrick at the night picnic). I see very little in Sam that is honest; it all seems to be play-acting.


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I agree. I wish they'd brought KeMo as Livvie as she plays conniving like no other, but Sam has grown on me. Plus, I missed the Sonny stuff. I think she kinda knows something is up with Patrick, The Nina, and Silas. However, she's used to playing the game so she will not tip her hand. Action Sam is better than Sad Sam everyday. I can see the glances between her and Patrick, like I know you know something. Even the looks at The Nina like you are not right. And Silas its like dude just be real.


On the other hand, Sam reminds me of an inquisitive mouse who smells cheese (any male character's interest in her, or vulnerability) and does her best to find and eat it up for her ego. I don't think she is very capable of being true to  one man, except Jason, yet she loves the attention of other men, and encourages it. She has a "game-player" aspect to her personality that I don't like or trust. The men never seem to notice her games, although they recognize her sexiness and slurp it up like sponges (example: Sam and Patrick at the night picnic). I see very little in Sam that is honest; it all seems to be play-acting.


I couldn't disagree more with all of this.

  • Love 9

Alexis cannot rain hellfire on anyone with her driving record. How she is still a practicing lawyer is another reason to shake your head loose. Her and Sonny and Law of any kind is an oxymoron. Plus Molly jumped into the car , Rafe told her to go but just like Jason did to AJ ,they each have to take some of the responsibility for their actions. I feel for Rafe .He has had no life since the day he was born and the actor does not tick me off like FrancoTodd. At least he is a kid and he isn't trying to turn the scene into a farce. This show is a bad joke. I guess we can watch YT ,and find out what storyline Re-Ron will steal next month.

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On the other hand, Sam reminds me of an inquisitive mouse who smells cheese (any male character's interest in her, or vulnerability) and does her best to find and eat it up for her ego. I don't think she is very capable of being true to  one man, except Jason, yet she loves the attention of other men, and encourages it. She has a "game-player" aspect to her personality that I don't like or trust. The men never seem to notice her games, although they recognize her sexiness and slurp it up like sponges (example: Sam and Patrick at the night picnic). I see very little in Sam that is honest; it all seems to be play-acting.


Are we watching the same Sam?

Alexis cannot rain hellfire on anyone with her driving record. How she is still a practicing lawyer is another reason to shake your head loose. Her and Sonny and Law of any kind is an oxymoron. Plus Molly jumped into the car , Rafe told her to go but just like Jason did to AJ ,they each have to take some of the responsibility for their actions. I feel for Rafe .He has had no life since the day he was born and the actor does not tick me off like FrancoTodd. At least he is a kid and he isn't trying to turn the scene into a farce. This show is a bad joke. I guess we can watch YT ,and find out what storyline Re-Ron will steal next month.

Ava is pregnant. Lulu can carry a baby. Hi baby swap!

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 Naxie was one of the very few highlights of last week. Naxie has the kind of chemistry and spark that Maxie's relationship with levi lacks, to the point of non-existence.  As for their getting handcuffed together, I blame Maxie. If she hadn't let Dunkledick mess with her mind, she probably wouldn't have been protesting at the brownstone in the first place, let alone handcuffed to Nathan, which is the only bright side to this whole mess. Nathan brings out the best in Maxie, not the worst. However, I do agree that Nathan should have called Mac because I believe that he would've kept quiet, but he also would've rubbed Levi's nose in it every chance he got, which would serve him right, to say the least.



Maxi and Nate are...whatever. Nate has the charisma of a gym show. How can someone so good-looking be so unsexy?


 I've asked that question about MB for years. Even at his worst, Ryan Paevey is still way easier to take than MB on every level, as far as I'm concerned.

  • Love 3

Crypt sex was April 24, so Ava is already almost in her 2nd trimester. Lulu needs to light a fire under it because otherwise Ava is going to have to claim she's 6 months overdue to steal Lulu's baby.  I'm sure they'll change the date because we gotta have the baby born in February, and Ava would be due in mid-January with Crypt Sex baby.


Ava knew what she was doing when she kept Lauren away from Silas.


I agree, I do not think RP is the worst actor on the show by a long shot. He's at least trying unlike some people, ME and MB, I'm looking at you. I think RP has chemistry with KS and FH. I really wouldn't mind if Anna had a fling with Nathan if Maxie is still being an idiot with Levi. I would have swallowed the keys to the handcuffs in Maxie's place.

Edited by TarHeelTeacher
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Are we watching the same Sam?


Yes, LeftPhalange, we are watching the same Sam. Examples... The Sam who is eager to hang on to the "high-ground" that she's won with Man #1 Sigh-less (using tactics such as wild semi-public sex in his office with the blinds partially drawn)  yet still able to continue with enthusiasm, charm,  and provocative poses at a night picnic to fascinate Man #2 [ever-randy] Patrick, when Man #1 [called-away-by-his-undead-wife] must depart.


[Clears throat] All while still wearing Man #3's wedding ring...


I'm just sayin'.


PS. Even her peer-characters were asking Sam about wearing her wedding ring...a tease, giving off conflicting signals to the men (and women--didn't Liz or some female ask about it?) of Port Charles.


Edited by P3pp3rb1rd


Even her peer-characters were asking Sam about wearing her wedding ring...a tease, giving off conflicting signals to the men (and women--didn't Liz or some female ask about it?) of Port Charles.


The person who mentioned Sam still wore her ring was Nina.  & she's trying to break up Silas & Sam.  & is apparently BSC.  I'm not really caring what that character has to say given her motives.


& I don't see Sam trying to "hang on" to Silas or any higher ground (which I honestly don't understand what you mean by that) by having "semi-public sex".  Sam has the right to have whatever kind of sex she wants with the man she's dating.  I don't understand why sex is a bad thing between two people over the legal age for consent. 


Also, I saw nothing "provocative" in the Sam/Patrick scenes, or Sam trying to lasso her a new man while Silas ran off to deal with his crazy wife.  Sam & Patrick are friends, & neither have acted in any manner that would be inappropriate for friends. 


Your mileage obviously varies, so we'll have to agree to disagree on this topic.

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& I don't see Sam trying to "hang on" to Silas or any higher ground (which I honestly don't understand what you mean by that) by having "semi-public sex".  Sam has the right to have whatever kind of sex she wants with the man she's dating.  I don't understand why sex is a bad thing between two people over the legal age for consent.


I do agree that sex is not necessarily "a bad thing between two people over the age of legal consent." But I place myself among those in our society who would raise eyebrows and feel shocked ,startled, or uncomfortable if I saw a couple openly and noisily having sex in a hospital office as I walked by. Since the blinds were partially closed, and it was a doctor's office instead of a waiting room, I called that "semi-public sex". The behavior could be construed or interpreted under the law as public lewdness or any number of embarrassing infractions, depending on what the couple was up to and the laws of the state. It is no doubt in violation of the hospital behavior codes, and children might accidentally enter or walk by. Since Sam did not say "No," she was either consenting happily to the semi-public circumstances or was being raped--both of which are inappropriate, and the latter certainly illegal by anyone's standard.


Actually, the scene did briefly cause me to think of rape when he grabbed her violently, turned her around, and bent her body over the desk (apparently pinned down and unable to free herself).  Unfortunately, because of the precedent set by Luke Spencer, this show is no stranger to depicting rape and even glorifying it (Luke/Laura fabulous wedding).




Man, I wish I saw Sam coming onto Patrick in their most recent scenes together.  I'm Team Samtrick all the way, and I just don't see it at all.  Not on either side. 


Try as I might--and I have tried--I just don't see how Sam gets out of Silas hell any time soon.  The writers made a mistake in making Nina so evil.  It's just not possible to see her as a realistic threat to Sam/Silas when she's throwing things and telling people to beat her up so she can blame a kid for it.  She's so clearly plot point that she's barely worth thinking about.  Meanwhile, there's nowhere else for Silas to go and nothing for him to do except stay with Sam.  I think the writers are really missing the boat here.  If Nina were less crazy, the story might be more compelling. But as it is, it's just another kind of silly plot-point obstacle for Team Boring to snooze through. 


Samtrick could be a dramatic gold mine.  Patrick is the only person on the show who knows that Sam's husband is alive.  That's built-in drama.  The stories practically write themselves.  Sam and Patrick grow closer, but Patrick resists the growing attraction because he knows about Jason.  Sam gets frustrated and angry and begins to turn to someone else (Dante? hell, even back to Silas?), which makes Patrick feel jealous but also guilty because he's keeping information from Sam.  Maybe Patrick finally gives in, maybe he doesn't.  Jason returns, drama ensues. 


Instead we're going to get... what?  Sam and Silas looking bored at each other over the top of Nina's chair until Jason eventually comes back, at which point.... what?  There's no drama in a Jason/Sam/Silas triangle, or a Jason/Sam/Silas/Nina quad.  But Jason/Sam/Patrick or Jason/Sam/Patrick/Robin (if KMc ever comes back on board) could be a legacy grouping.

Edited by Rancide
  • Love 9

Actually, the scene did briefly cause me to think of rape when he grabbed her violently, turned her around, and bent her body over the desk (apparently pinned down and unable to free herself).   



I'm all in favor of ending desk sex once and for all, but I'd put this on Michael Easton's method of portraying passion. On OLTL he was always slamming his women backwards into the wall as foreplay. Maybe substituting the desk is a means to avoid a Prospect Park lawsuit for portraying John McBain.

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