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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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What should happen is Jason gets his memory back and his first words are where the hell is Robin who SAVED MY LIFE! He looks around and everyone is whistling with their thumbs up their asses. He goes straight to Helena and chokes the truth out of her. He punches Patrick in the throat and balls,then throws deuces to the lot of them grabs Emma and heads off to Paris to find Robin, while Sam, Liz and Carly sob.


What will happen instead, May sweeps Helena is shown in a cell somewhere in Paris. Robin is 9 months pregnant giving birth. Helena takes said baby pats little bird on the head and walks away shutting the door.

Hahahaha. So accurate. It's cute that Ron thinks he can treat Robin like a nobody day player and the fans will just go along with it. It's adorbs.

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Oh, wow. This is like asking the meaning of life. I must ponder...


It depends on how often you want to hear the phrase "this is Mrs Sabrina Santiago-Corrrrinthos and our twin children, Adella Lily Juana* Corinthos and Miguel Felix Corinthos"


*after dear cousin Juan of course

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Mo's dye-job looks awful.

I am really disturbed . . . I used a good amount of bandwidth back at TWoP hating Sabrina, but now I not o my like her, I am loving S&M, and I was happy that TCa finally made the opening credits. What is wrong with me?!?

Anna is amazing. That is all.

Imma need Agents Carters' s Dr.Ivanko to strap one of the vest bomb things that Howard Stark invented on Carly. She is the worst. The worst, the worst, the worst; the worst!

Edited by Tiger
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Seriously, though, something has to give with the Robin stuff. And in ordinary circumstances, I'd say HELL NO to recasting, but it's clear that KMc's passions lie elsewhere, and this story needs some sort of fucking resolution. So have Mark Teschner TAKE HIS TIME and let RC/FV LET HIM pick a new Robin and get on with this shit already.

It depends on how often you want to hear the phrase "this is Mrs Sabrina Santiago-Corrrrinthos and our twin children, Adella Lily Juana* Corinthos and Miguel Felix Corinthos"


*after dear cousin Juan of course


I...just projectile vomited. Thanks for that! Although Sabrina is just a younger Lily, and just as annoying. She should copy Lily all the way to the end, a la KABOOM!

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Carly: I didn't want Michael to become AJ, a mix of entitlement and self-pity.



I am so over having to listen to a character that was killed off constantly being shit on.  Enough already. 


Plus, someone needs to call Carly out on why she took her initial actions.  It wasn't about AJ's entitlement or self-pity.

Edited by ch1
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 I was happy that TCa finally made the opening credits. What is wrong with me?!?


Wait what? you're kidding me right? ugh I was hoping she was just "there" until Kiki comes back. Seriously she is like so much milk toast. She has no personality and seems so meek. I didn't mind her as wallpaper but opening credits material. double ugh!

I'd rather see two with TG...oh wait.

Edited by Cattitude
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It depends on how often you want to hear the phrase "this is Mrs Sabrina Santiago-Corrrrinthos and our twin children, Adella Lily Juana* Corinthos and Miguel Felix Corinthos"


*after dear cousin Juan of course




I'm still not convinced that Sabrina won't turn out to be Sonny's daughter herself...

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Recasting Robin doesn't mean Ron will suddenly become a good writer and give the character a good story. Lol. He needs to wrap it up with Kim and just stop the bull.

TeCa ain't ever leaving this show. Ron and Frank love her and the character for whatever reason.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Oh Nikolas, you too are dead to me.  Shame it happened just when you were looking so damn good.


Isn't Sabrina supposed to be really good at the sex?  If so, then yes I back this pairing with Michael.  He needs some good sex and a woman who won't constantly apologize for Sonny.


Sonny: You had a good life.  Me: He would have had a much better, safer life living with his rich business family.

Edited by mjt626
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I think Liz has a coupon.



Stalker nurse Liz probably raided Aiden and Cam's college fund to pay for Jakeson's surgery


Isn't Liz also related to Dr and Mrs Hardy somehow? She's probably got a trust fund.




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Recasting Robin doesn't mean Ron will suddenly become a good writer and give the character a good story. Lol. He needs to wrap it up with Kim and just stop the bull.


I'm still not convinced that Sabrina won't turn out to be Sonny's daughter herself...


Not after pairing her with Michael.

UCG moment of the day


Sonny: I cannot have my character called into question


Well then, maybe you should've thought about that before you became a mobster!


forget becoming a mobster. Just being a giant selfish misogynistic whiny violent temperamental whinebaby in general?

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And I don't even feel bad for Sabrina/Micheal being my fav couple. They just fit together like Bo and Hope.

Wha...??? Putting Michael/Sabrina in the same sentence as Bo and Hope?! I need to go scream into a pillow now.


Yeah, that one almost made me scream out loud at work, which isn't good. 


Ugh, Sabrina in the credits? For real? Not enough alcohol to watch the show later.

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Not after pairing her with Michael.




All things are possible with Ron.


Plus that would give him the perfect excuse to draw Sabrina even further into that dysfucktional family circle.

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Isn't Liz also related to Dr and Mrs Hardy somehow? She's probably got a trust fund.


Liz invested all her money including the trust fund that Jason set up for her children in a stupid stock market thing and lost it all.

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Sabrina started pissing me off, but then she mostly came around to support Michael, and I was able to calm down a little.  Plus, so many other people pissed me off so much more.  I think the real Sam would have defended Michael over Sonny all day every day.  And her saying that Sonny is "devoted" to his children?  Yeah, he was so devoted when he killed Michael's father after promising not to.  So devoted when he screwed Morgan's girlfriend on Michael's dead father's crypt.  He was devoted to Dante when he gave him a guilt trip about "making" Sonny shoot him the chest.  Also, devoted when he almost blew up Kristina.  Oh, wait, what about his potential baby with Sam, when he forced her to live with Jason (who hated her at first, right?) and treated her like absolute trash?  Carly - you just sit down and shut the hell up.  She is so delusional that I think a trip to Shadybrook is long overdue.  So maddening that she is blaming Michael for tearing the family apart; SONNY DID THAT when he killed AJ.  Where's that blame? 


It's going to piss me off more than usual if Michael comes out of this being the bad guy.  Even if Michael's seeking custody just to spite Sonny, that baby will still be better off away from Sonny and Carly.  A hundred bucks says that she won't get shot in the head or raped in prison if Michael raises her.  Especially because:


Sonny is such a douche.  "I have to stay away from the mob during the custody case because the court might view it as an unsafe environment for a child.  But once I have possession of my property...I mean, custody of my baby...I'm back in for sure!".  Urgh.



They shoe polished Sonny's hair AND beard between episodes, didn't they.  Do they think we don't notice?


Do we have any idea why Helena gives a shit about ELQ?  Or why Nik does? 

I mostly liked the scenes with Ned, Olivia, Julian, and Alexis.  But I think that was because WK and WdV were doing a really good job.

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Sabrina started pissing me off, but then she mostly came around to support Michael, and I was able to calm down a little.  Plus, so many other people pissed me off so much more.  I think the real Sam would have defended Michael over Sonny all day every day.  


You know, I thought about that, and I don't know if it was just KeMo's usual demeanor or what, but I'm wanking it. Because Sam usually lets Carly have her delusions unless Carly is really getting in her - Sam's - way. She was just like, yeah, great Sonny's out of prison. Her internal monologue was probably, "when can I get lunch?"

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THe thing that drives me crazy is how everyone talks about what a devoted father Sonny is.Theres much better parents on this show but we never hear how great they are.If Sonny loved his kids as much as he claimed too then he would put them first over his power and money.

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It's going to piss me off more than usual if Michael comes out of this being the bad guy.


Michael will never be the bad guy. He's the ungrateful, delusional son. But not the bad guy (for now; he'll crawl back sooner or later). That label is saved for fatties.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Didn't Carly and Sam use to fight like cats and dogs all the time? I mean, Sam would be a hypocrite talking shit after a certain point, but she fully admits the life she led with Jason got him killed and has moved on to two non-mob men. She could at least tell Carly how it is like she sees it.


I cannot believe they are actually going for Round 5 with Sabrina on this show and forcing her on Michael. Poor Michael!

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I cannot believe they are actually going for Round 5 with Sabrina on this show and forcing her on Michael. Poor Michael!


And sliding her into the credits next to Michael after two years was the exclamation point on this umpteenth attempt to make Sabrina happen.


But doesn't it really feel like this was supposed to be Rosalie and Sabrina got slotted in?

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Didn't Carly and Sam use to fight like cats and dogs all the time? I mean, Sam would be a hypocrite talking shit after a certain point, but she fully admits the life she led with Jason got him killed and has moved on to two non-mob men. She could at least tell Carly how it is like she sees it.


I cannot believe they are actually going for Round 5 with Sabrina on this show and forcing her on Michael. Poor Michael!

Sam and Carly hugging and talking like besties was the icing on the cake of Ron's insanity.

This show trying to make Sabrina happen over and over again is kinda amazing, though. I'm trying to think of another character this has happened with in daytime history and I cannot.

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ulkis has the Carly/Sam dynamic down: Carly yells at Sam and Sam silently lets her unless 1) it's some truly heinous shit or 2) the plot demands a cat fight. Sam has learned that it doesn't pay to engage with Carly. When they fought in the past, it was usually because (of course) Carly was constantly barging in wanting to talk to Jason.

Edited by dubbel zout
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But they weren't, like, BFFs by any stretch of imagination. It seems like since Ron took over he has blanded out almost every interpersonal character conflict just so they can all talk to each other and regurgitate story information for weeks and months to fill time until the next plot beat.

Edited by jsbt
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Didn't Carly and Sam use to fight like cats and dogs all the time? I mean, Sam would be a hypocrite talking shit after a certain point, but she fully admits the life she led with Jason got him killed and has moved on to two non-mob men. She could at least tell Carly how it is like she sees it.


I cannot believe they are actually going for Round 5 with Sabrina on this show and forcing her on Michael. Poor Michael!


Sam, as far as I've noticed, has never admitted that Jason's life got him killed. It was always mean old Faison didn't follow the code and shot him in the back. They shot Ma in the back!


Chad Duell does has unfortunate luck in love interests.

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But they weren't, like, BFFs by any stretch of imagination. It seems like since Ron took over he has blanded out almost every interpersonal character conflict just so they can all talk to each other and regurgitate story information for weeks and months to fill time until the next plot beat.


Yeah, they were never, ever giving each other BFF talks until Ron came along. One of my favorite Sam scenes ever pre-Ron is when someone is banging at Sam's door and when she sees it's Carly through the peephole, she sighed and said, "ugh it's you" to herself. But she was nice to Carly when she opened the door. Sums up their dynamic.

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Sam, as far as I've noticed, has never admitted that Jason's life got him killed. It was always mean old Faison didn't follow the code and shot him in the back. They shot Ma in the back!


I've noticed some nuance from Sam on this issue in the past when talking to Silas or Patrick. But you're right, she does whine about Faison a lot.

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Roger Howarth as Franco.


Yeah, he's way worse. The only reason I'm annoyed Sabrina's still around is she is so unnecessary in a cast of 30 million. If it were only 10 million, then I could understand keeping her. Hell, I could understand keeping her if they got rid of, say, Kiki. Or Silas. Or Franco or Nina or soooooooomebody.

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I remember during the funeral when Sam thought her baby was dead that Carly came in and everybody was like, "Oh shit, what is that crazy bitch going to do!", but all Carly did was offer Sam support and a hug.  It was a nice moment, two women who really, really, reeeally don't like each other reaching out at a very sad time.


But what worked in that one instance doesn't make sense on the regular.

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It was a nice moment, two women who really, really, reeeally don't like each other reaching out at a very sad time.

Carly's also been pretty good about staying out of Liz's way since Joss got Jake's kidney. Carly and Liz used to snipe practically every time they saw each other. I'm glad it's stopped, as it was SO tiresome. Again, Jason, Jason, Jason. Gah.

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RC tends to be against women being sworn enemies on his shows. He even made Tea and Blair kiss and make up on OLTL, which was not allright with me. Them being occasional frenemies I could deal with, but not outright BFF-ing.


Dont get me wrong, I also hate soaps where all the women are pulling out each others hair, figuratively or otherwise, over some loser, but I miss when women on soaps were portrayed as having much stronger personalites that clashed with each other.

Edited by Bawoman
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But it's RoHo. That makes sense to me. For me the comparison would be if Franco was played by a relative newbie in the business.


That's true, but it's RoHo after he a) he had just left as a completely different character, or if it was RoHo and only 6 months or a year down the line that would be different. We're approaching year 2 and it's just horrible retcon and horrible story idea after idea. Everyone throwing up on the chew! No, he didn't really rape Sam or Michael! Tumor! Hairdye! He's really Jason's twin brother! Just kidding, he's really Scotty and Heather's son! He loves Carly! He rescues Michael from water! Redemption! Heather! Oh, still not buying it?? Here's the lady from Y&R! More Heather! LSD! 'Special Effects' from the LSD!!


Watching Franco has felt like I'm on LSD, really.


I mean, I hated Shmoe Shmunior, but if someone gave him a tumor maybe he would have been a legit hit too. He already had a decent garnering of fans.

Edited by ulkis
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Oh, I see. Yeah, I get that, if we're talking about the perspective of personal love and not who's the bigger bomb.


Unless they're afraid that if they fire her even now they'll get hit with a wrong termination lawsuit. Seems unlikely though.

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Unless they're afraid that if they fire her even now they'll get hit with a wrong termination lawsuit. Seems unlikely though.


Doubtful since I think TeCa had her baby last May, so the kid is 9 months old. I think it's pride. Ronnie can't face that his "you're going to love her, I promise!" (direct interview quote) character bombed so badly.

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Seriously, though, something has to give with the Robin stuff. And in ordinary circumstances, I'd say HELL NO to recasting, but it's clear that KMc's passions lie elsewhere, and this story needs some sort of fucking resolution. So have Mark Teschner TAKE HIS TIME and let RC/FV LET HIM pick a new Robin and get on with this shit already.


I...just projectile vomited. Thanks for that! Although Sabrina is just a younger Lily, and just as annoying. She should copy Lily all the way to the end, a la KABOOM!


That will just prove Michael's life is as dangerous as Sonny's and Sonny gets to keep his newest little possession.

Isn't Liz also related to Dr and Mrs Hardy somehow? She's probably got a trust fund.


Liz invested all her money including the trust fund that Jason set up for her children in a stupid stock market thing and lost it all.

Yep. Liz, as a nurse, is one of the poors, at least in Guza's GH.

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Besides her normal ennui in her speaking, Sam was an absolute idiot today. Sonny, Carly and Sam all need to take a seat. The argument that right now Sonny isn't heading the Corinthos mob so it's TOTES okay for him to have custody of Avery made my eyes burn.  Even if let's say you could walk away from the mob which you can't, he still killed AJ! The Idiot Governor pardoning him doesn't negate that he killed AJ!

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Besides her normal ennui in her speaking, Sam was an absolute idiot today. Sonny, Carly and Sam all need to take a seat. The argument that right now Sonny isn't heading the Corinthos mob so it's TOTES okay for him to have custody of Avery made my eyes burn.  Even if let's say you could walk away from the mob which you can't, he still killed AJ! The Idiot Governor pardoning him doesn't negate that he killed AJ!


"Dear Judge, I'm no longer a danger to the baby because I'm not longer in charge of my organization. Oh, who's the strange stiff-shouldered man living with me? He's just, ya know, my friend. He likes to hide in my closet and make scratching noises, but he's harmless."

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The Cassadines are billionaire royals.  So why do they care so much about ELQ, a company that in the past two years has only managed to make a relish that poisoned people on national television, renovated one brownstone that people lived in rent free, and made plans to open a free clinic?  

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ulkis has the Carly/Sam dynamic down: Carly yells at Sam and Sam silently lets her unless 1) it's some truly heinous shit or 2) the plot demands a cat fight. Sam has learned that it doesn't pay to engage with Carly. When they fought in the past, it was usually because (of course) Carly was constantly barging in wanting to talk to Jason.

Yup! Seems like Sam said Sonny was devoted to his children (the only positive thing she said about him to Carly) to placate her, and because that's the party line she heard from her great love Jason for so many years. I also think that because Sam grew up with an adoptive father who used her to run cons (make money), she doesn't see Sonny for the absolutely terrible father he is. 

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