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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I dream of the day that Silas kicks a door in and reveals he's a WSB agent. Le sighs.

How will Anna get her job saved? On my GH, it goes like this:

"Well, Nathan, you saucy boy! And Dante! It must be hard keeping all that pent up aggression and hair gel, plus you do have to listen to Sonny. And you boys saved my job."

"Well Commissioner, we only had to-"

"Shh. Don't talk. Nathan, just rub my feet. And don't worry about Agent Sloane. He's hot now. I'll keep him busy while you're with those blondes. "

Better than any Spencer or Fluke story!

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The baby is Stavros!!*

*(not entirely kidding!!!)




This reminds me of an Outer Limits episode where a fertility doctor impregnates a woman with the cloned embryo of her dead son and the baby was able to communicate with her in the womb as he reacts to his past self's memories. Eventually he reveals that his murderer was his father, her husband.


I recall at the end that the wife murders the husband for revenge and then he is brought back as a cloned embryo as well which the fertility doctor impregnates herself with. 


Of course the Outer Limits was a Sci-fi show based on the most unbelievable, incredible, impossible ideas and scenarios one could ever come up with. Though expecting Ron to know and understand the difference might be too much to ask for so who knows, perhaps cloned babies with their past self's memories are on the way.


That'd be one way to start bringing back vets...





What next- her dad is Jerry Jacks?




And Lila will be her mum, therefore connecting her to Sonny, because all roads and DNA results lead back to Sonny.




One thing I really wish RC could do when Carly is all heartbroken over the fact that Michael has pretty much cut her dead, is have somebody, anybody, point out to her, forcefully, "The way you're feeling right now?  Like there's a wild animal inside your chest gnawing on your heart?  How it hurts so much you can hardly even breathe?  That's how A.J. felt.  Every single day of his life, for years and years, that's how he felt.  BECAUSE OF YOU".  It's really maddening how they are always showing Carly supposedly so heartbroken over losing Michael and yet this particular light bulb just never goes on.




Because doing so would imply Carly is capable of feeling guilt and remorse over doing bad things to AJ.


She isn't even sorry he's dead at this point, she's just sorry she got taken down for covering up his murder which has put a little "wrinkle kinkle" in her relationship with Michael. Of course she is convinced that she'll eventually get that smoothed out, after all nothing stands in Carly's way of getting whatever she wants, not even her son's feelings or future.


If Carly was given the choice of having AJ live or at least survive the shooting or being given the opportunity to make sure the truth never came out about his death? I see her picking option B every day of the week without even batting an eye.


Being rid of AJ is something she's desired since she found out he was Michael's bio dad, she just hates that right now she's having to deal with some actual consequences for once.

Edited by CPP83
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There was some nonsense about Felicia's name being wrong on the ballots in that part of town (Felicia JONES instead of Felicia SCORPIO) and Lucy, being a hot mess, freaked out and stole a box of ballots.  So she didn't even know if she was helping or hurting Felicia.

My biggest problem was Lucy used to be one of the best schemers ever lol.All of a sudden shes acting like this is the worse thing shes ever done and can't keep quiet about it WTH lol.

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One thing I really wish RC could do when Carly is all heartbroken over the fact that Michael has pretty much cut her dead, is have somebody, anybody, point out to her, forcefully, "The way you're feeling right now?  Like there's a wild animal inside your chest gnawing on your heart?  How it hurts so much you can hardly even breathe?  That's how A.J. felt.  Every single day of his life, for years and years, that's how he felt.  BECAUSE OF YOU".  It's really maddening how they are always showing Carly supposedly so heartbroken over losing Michael and yet this particular light bulb just never goes on.



This is what Monica should do but she's apparently not even allowed to confront the man who murdered her son so why should she confront the woman who covered his murder and now has karma biting her ass?


And I just can't even with a virtual stranger voluntarily listening to Carly's drama and then volunteering to speak to someone he met once about something he has zero real clue about. 


Why did Jason have to come back?  Ugh.  First AJ's dead and now St. Jason is back - salt meet wound.

Edited by ch1
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Okay not a big Sam(my) fan to start with but what was she 12 when she hid under the desk..."if I cover my face no one can see me..Right?"SMH


Meh. I thought it was cute. Too many people take themselves too damn seriously all the time in Port Charles. 


She must be reading here because she mocked herself for being a "good" PI.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Ugh, every time Patrick calls Sam Sammy I cringe.


I was just coming here to ask if anyone else is so severely annoyed by the Sammy nickname that they can't focus on anything else in the scene.


I'm quite sure that inside Patrick's little head it's spelled "Sami" and the i, of course, is dotted with a heart.

Edited by Cassiopeia
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Okay not a big Sam(my) fan to start with but what was she 12 when she hid under the desk..."if I cover my face no one can see me..Right?"SMH




I'd say that was more the move of a six year old myself, even twelve year olds' are more self aware and might attempt to be searching for something underneath the desk or have dropped their phone on the floor to at least try and cover up their true intentions.


I just...even as a Sam fan the way they've been writing Sam lately I just can't take her seriously anymore. Everything she does either appears dopey or just plain dumb.


Not to mention watching Kelly and Jason try and make things appear "sexy" or "passionate" between their characters continues to be a highly failed experiment imo.

Edited by CPP83
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There's really no reason for Sam to be so isolated. She's a freaking PI in a town filled with liars, schemers, and super villains. She's a gold mine, writing wise, because she can naturally mix it up with most people in town and be involved in a variety of stories. Instead, she's doing...whatever with Patrick. 

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And I just can't even with a virtual stranger voluntarily listening to Carly's drama and then volunteering to speak to someone he met once about something he has zero real clue about.


With Lauren leaving, someone needs to take that spot. (She really does lift right out.)

Edited by dubbel zout
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There's really no reason for Sam to be so isolated. She's a freaking PI in a town filled with liars, schemers, and super villains. She's a gold mine, writing wise, because she can naturally mix it up with most people in town and be involved in a variety of stories. Instead, she's doing...whatever with Patrick. 



Oh but just wait! With Jason returned from the dead she'll soon be doing whatever with him and won't that just be so very exciting...


I always felt that Jason really weighed Sam down and so much of her potential for a decade was halted and wasted because of their "relationship" and all the bloody sacrifices she made to stick by him, and then finally she's free from him and she barely lives half a life despite having so much new-found freedom to live her own life for once without Jason or Sonny breathing down her neck and now he's back again.

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 now he's back again.


Right on time for when Sam is having sex with a guy she didn't want to go "there" with just a few weeks ago. A guy whose friendship she preferred to his penis.


But you know, Sam must  be shoehorned into a lame relationship just for Jason's benefit. Patrick is faring any better with this plot point.


I like BM and thought I could tolerate Jason with him in the role, but since Jakeson is RC's special soldier, he just might be worse than Steve!Jason. 

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Right on time for when Sam is having sex with a guy she didn't want to go "there" with just a few weeks ago. A guy whose friendship she preferred to his penis.


But you know, Sam must defiantly be shoehorned into a lame relationship just for Jason's benefit.


I like BM and thought I could tolerate Jason with him in the role, but since Jakeson is RC's special soldier, he just might be worse than Steve!Jason. 




Not to mention that he's also the (ex) husband of the woman who saved Jason so of course that'll get hyped up to high heaven to add to the "drama".


Sam's half Jerome, half Cassadine, she's a former con artist and thief, she is a "P.I.", she's a mother, sister, aunt, daughter, and ex to a few main characters and enemy to quite a few more plus a friend or acquaintance to half the town and yet once again she's playing the part of plot bunny for Jason's sake, everything she does ties back to him.


Her life has never been her own since she first came on the show, imho, and once more everything going on with her ties back to the beloved Jason. If I hadn't seen this same story a hundred times already I might hold out some hope for a different ending.

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There's really no reason for Sam to be so isolated. She's a freaking PI in a town filled with liars, schemers, and super villains. She's a gold mine, writing wise, because she can naturally mix it up with most people in town and be involved in a variety of stories. Instead, she's doing...whatever with Patrick.

Not to mention the fact that she is related to half the people on the canvas. How long has it been since she shared a scene with her brother? And besides a passing mention to Nikolas, she has barely reacted to her dad bring in jail for murder. It's all Patrick all the time.

I did laugh when she casually said what's up? ( forgot the actual line) when Patrick found her. I thought it was amusing. But everything else about those scenes were strange.

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At least she hasn't been kidnapped and sexually menaced for a few years. 



Kidnapped no, thank goodness, but there was that unfortunate incident in the clinic with that sleazy desk clerk. It seems that Sam can't go six months without being reminded of a former sexual assault, sometimes with added video tape evidence, or she's facing some new attack.


How long has it been since she shared a scene with her brother?




You mean her brother Danny? Why he's been dead for years! [/sarcasm just isn't enough sometimes for this show].


Imagine if Sam and Lucas (Who?) ran the P.I. business together? But two siblings working together and actually being productive on this show? Perish the thought...

Edited by CPP83
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Imagine if Sam and Lucas (Who?) ran the P.I. business together? But two siblings working together and actually being productive on this show? Perish the thought...


Eh, I want Sam and Lucas (who?) to interact more, but Lucas belongs at the hospital, following in Tony and Bobbie's footsteps.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I do have a distinct suspicion that Nikolas is faking his overnight heel turn to learn Helena's plans. Which Helena should be able to see through.


That being said, I am not at all opposed to Anna having a torrid fling with Prince Nik to get closer to him and this scheme. Why not? They might be hot together. Leave me alone.


Also, I like Patrick and Sam but their dialogue yesterday was weird and infantilizing. The whole "Sammy" thing was especially bad.

Edited by jsbt
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I do have a distinct suspicion that Nikolas is faking his overnight heel turn to learn Helena's plans. Which Helena should be able to see through.


Especially since he attempted this before, when he learned Stavros was still alive a couple of years ago.

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I do have a distinct suspicion that Nikolas is faking his overnight heel turn to learn Helena's plans. Which Helena should be able to see through.


That being said, I am not at all opposed to Anna having a torrid fling with Prince Nik to get closer to him and this scheme. Why not? They might be hot together. Leave me alone.


I want Anna with everyone, but for some reason the thought of Anna and Nikolas makes me recoil. I'm not a huge Jax fan but I love SlovakPrincess' idea of bringing him back and pairing him and Anna up.

Especially since he attempted this before, when he learned Stavros was still alive a couple of years ago.


Maybe it's a double game, she knows he's playing her. 


But I can buy that Helena is desperate enough to believe Nikolas. Unless Helena really is a vampire or something and has plenty of time to get her legacy in order.

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Eh, I want Sam and Lucas (who?) to interact more, but Lucas belongs at the hospital, following in Tony and Bobbie's footsteps.




The hospital is my first choice as well, and I certainly would not mind seeing he and Brad actually get to spend some time together, but I was just thinking of work that might actually prove worthwhile outside of being a doctor if they didn't go that route.


With the way they write hospital characters I fear he'd actually go ahead and fully vanish from onscreen unless he becomes a Dr. O "pet" that she lavishes attention on since she's basically the only one Ron really bothers to give screen time to.

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there was that unfortunate incident in the clinic with that sleazy desk clerk.


Dude was sleazy, but Sam could escape. She wasn't in a tank top tied to a chair while he leered at her, as has unfortunately happened in the past.

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I'm quite sure that inside Patrick's little head it's spelled "Sami" and the i, of course, is dotted with a heart.


While this is not the first time this thread has given me a brain freeze, I just had the weirdest image of Patdick writing love notes to Sami Brady. :-P

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The desk clerk who asked Sam to fatten his cock at 2 PM EST on ABC! I'll never forget that.


I think Nikolas is singularly uninspiring in many ways at present but when Tyler is done up right (and not too, shall we say, 'jacked') he can still be hot. I'll go for a Nik and Anna fling, I don't care!

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Dude was sleazy, but Sam could escape. She wasn't in a tank top tied to a chair while he leered at her, as has unfortunately happened in the past.



That is true, escape in Sam's case is rare when it comes to her dealing with a perv.


I still can't shake the "Manny" stalker/assault storyline for Sam. That was just...I really don't know still how Kelly handled that for so long. The actor portraying Manny could always bring the most frightening, horrific characters to life and he really made Manny into a monster and the way he hunted Sam...still gives me chills, how real it all seemed.


I still think that was some of Kelly's best work on the show to date and yet watching "Sammy" carrying on now... *Sighs*

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I still can't shake the "Manny" stalker/assault storyline for Sam.


That's the exact story I was thinking of. Props to Robert LaSardo—he's terrifying in just about every role—but I was glad when Manny finally bit it. 

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That's the exact story I was thinking of. Props to Robert LaSardo—he's terrifying in just about every role—but I was glad when Manny finally bit it. 



Oh same here, that is one thing I will have to tip my hat to Guza over, he knew when to kill off the living nightmares who truly could never be redeemed.


I can't even imagine if Ron had Manny to play around with...I probably would have had to stop watching. 


And speaking of horrors who long ago needed to be killed off, I glimpsed Sonny in the previews talking to Shawn, still looking as if he's auditioning for the part to play Rocky's twin, and he brings up how they will need to go to "war" despite everything Julian told him and the fact that Sonny was so out of the loop he hadn't yet figured out it was notLuke's hitman who targeted Michael. I mean...are they kidding with this?


Ron must have only watched one episode of the "Sopranos" because he clearly has no clue how to write anything mafia related, imho.

Edited by CPP83
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Honestly, I don't think Sam is isolated. Patrick is isolated. She has scenes with Alexis, Molly, Julian, Jason, Liz, Carly, she's had a few with Dante and Nathan, she had one with Lulu in the hospital a couple of weeks ago (also when she and Patrick went to visit Dante and Lulu in their loft), and of course she had scenes with Silas most of the year before they broke up, she's had scenes with Larry and Tracy. She doesn't have a lot of scenes with Lucas, but Lucas doesn't have a lot of scenes, period, anyway.

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Robert LoSardo is a friend of a friend and seems to be a prince of a guy IRL. He does kind of play that same dude over and over though. GH clearly just hired him to reprise his role from nip/tuck by another name, because someone in TPTB watched that show. It wasn't an original idea, it was just 'let's get that guy to do that thing!'


Guza's GH always tried to wow the rubes in the soap press by hiring primetime actors - Michael Logan in particular always jizzes at the primetime connections vis a vis any story or actor hired, because he thinks those superficial trappings (actors, an idea) are the same thing as a soap and its storytelling being ready for primetime-level prestige drama. He still does this with the current GH sometimes. He wants to pretend he's this cultured media critic, but really he's just very easily dazzled.

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That is true, escape in Sam's case is rare when it comes to her dealing with a perv.


I still can't shake the "Manny" stalker/assault storyline for Sam. That was just...I really don't know still how Kelly handled that for so long. The actor portraying Manny could always bring the most frightening, horrific characters to life and he really made Manny into a monster and the way he hunted Sam...still gives me chills, how real it all seemed.


I still think that was some of Kelly's best work on the show to date and yet watching "Sammy" carrying on now... *Sighs*

KeMo and RL had great chemistry, IMO. I think that's part of what made that storyline so creepy.

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Eh, Sam does interact with characters other than her new boyfriend. A lot of other characters. She's the female lead of the show, regardless of whether someone likes her story or not. She has a ridic amount of airtime. Her new boyfriend is the one who is secluded and does absolutely nothing else but interact with her. I can't even remember the last time he had a scene alone with Emma or Anna or Liz or whoever. And if he has one, the conversation is about Sam. He has no life outside of her. He has a job we never see. He has a history he's not allowed to talk about. He just got divorced to a woman he was in love with for about a decade. And you would never know.

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KeMo and RL had great chemistry, IMO. I think that's part of what made that storyline so creepy.



Yes they did, it's as if she wasn't afraid to go toe to toe with him, showing the terror and yet resilience of a woman who refused to be his victim and it only made him more determined to "break" her. The realism was rather striking, it was one of the very few times I felt Guza and his team actually hit one out of the park.


And frankly that's the sort of internal strength that made me glad to be a Sam fan back then, I saw Kelly really giving her all. She put on one hell of a performance day in and day out, and every shot seemed so emotionally and mentally draining.


I think that's what gets me so about her current state. It's like Kelly can't find her groove. She either appears to be bored and out of it or she's trying too hard to make things "work". They just aren't given her much to work with here imo, or should I say nothing good to work with.


Seeing that same woman who battled a psycho without backing down reduced to a woman who crawls underneath a desk and covers her face with her hands so she can be found by her new "guy" like she's playing adult hide and go seek...that to me is so incredulously ridiculous it's mind blowing. 

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Robert LoSardo is a friend of a friend and seems to be a prince of a guy IRL.


I've seen various interviews with him, and he always comes off as really nice guy who just happens to have a really scary look. I wonder if he's frustrated with his typecasting, or if he's just happy to have the work. He and Danny Trejo need to be in a sitcom where they raise puppies. Hee.

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I've seen various interviews with him, and he always comes off as really nice guy who just happens to have a really scary look. I wonder if he's frustrated with his typecasting, or if he's just happy to have the work. He and Danny Trejo need to be in a sitcom where they raise puppies. Hee.



I've always thought his tattoos play a big part of it. They're quite artistic looking and yet grotesque at the same time. Oh how about a puppy and baby daycare center sitcom, I'd watch it, heh. 


I think what I miss most about a Manny character on GH is that you knew he had an expiration date.


He wasn't going to last forever, he was never going to live on for months and months and years. He was going to burn up hot and fast, the way all good, truly evil villains should. But this show currently...the villains are now the majority, and most of them are shit characters.


They're either old and frail and it makes no sense someone hasn't just committed them to a nursing home while keeping them drugged and sedated, or they're just plain useless and boring.


And now there's this stupid new agent who's worthless, the mayor who gets no airtime except to annoy, they all just keep piling up.

Edited by CPP83
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I honestly remember Manny going on and on and on and getting sick of him. Maybe his tenure elongated in my mind, but it seemed to go on forever and get stupid and sort of like Friday the 13th because they didn't want to get rid of the actor.

Edited by jsbt
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I think what I miss most about a Manny character on GH is that you knew he had an expiration date.


He wasn't going to last forever, he was never going to live on for months and months and years. He was going to burn up hot and fast, the way all good, truly evil villains should. But this show currently...the villains are now the majority, and most of them are shit characters.


I might be remembering this wrong, but didn't that Manny dude also have a "See, not my fault!" brain tumor?

Edited by TeeVee329
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I might be remembering this wrong, but didn't that Manny dude also have a "See, not my fault!" brain tumor?



I'll respond in the history thread. Now I have Manny/Robert on the brain, heh.

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So now Johnny didn't gift his shares in the Haunted Star to Starr, but sold them to...someone...and Lulu was apparently working with this...someone...this whole time.  Oookay then.


I felt for Jordan, Anna was asking her to take a lot on faith.  Plus, she didn't seem to bat an eye when Anna mentioned Shawn would be going to jail too.  Baby steps, Jordan!


Again, are we supposed to find Sloane's all-consuming hatred of Anna dreamy?  Interesting?   Not at all a waste of time?


It's day one and I'm already so very over Rosalie being Helena's spy.

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So Sonny sends Shawn to shadow notLuke? He does know Shawn sort of and by sort of I mean he really, truly does suck at his job yes? He isn't very good at doing things well yes? That when he's sent on a mission it fails miserably yes?


Good going there boss man. And heaven forbid he has to pull his gun for some reason.


The Rosalie actress continues to underwhelm me greatly.


Agent Sloane is just...the pits, truly he is.


Why the hell won't Dante brush his hair? Has he just given up? I don't blame him really but still-he's a grown man.


So Johnny let's it "accidentally" slip about Nathan and Dante's visit to his place. How surprising. They really are trying to make something happen there, why I don't know but I do know I don't give a damn about any of it.


Jordan really needs to stop listening to everyone, especially the very people who keep promising to keep her safe and then fail to do so, and just grab her kid and run, honestly.


Holy crap, is it true?!? Was I right?!? Fluke is Luke?!?




That's what Helena told Nik, when he kept bugging her about who she's working with. She's letting him think that the "real" Luke who's returned is her partner in crime. 

Edited by CPP83
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I might be remembering this wrong, but didn't that Manny dude also have a "See, not my fault!" brain tumor?


I believe so, and he also had a twin brother who was a priest (who magically had the exact same tattoos in the exact same places!).

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Forgive me if someone has already responded to this and I missed it. But in regards to the idea that Helena is "magic" and that Rosalie was hired at the very moment Rosalie was meeting Michael. I just assumed the whole "client" meeting was set up by Helena, to send Michael there, so that Rosalie could "bump" into him. The entire thing was staged, and Helena/Rosalie already in tandem at that point.


I still think Rosalie is Fluke's minion as well, or Fluke's kid or other relative, if indeed it does not turn out to be DID. I can see she and Johnny being family in some way.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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