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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I'd like to see if Dr. O's "kick out John Doe because insurance" was all part of the plan. She should be out because the Board is no longer beholding to Victor Cassadine.  Otherwise, why keep her there, specifically?


I truly think Dr. Obrecht doesn't know that Jake is Helena's minion.  Not that Ron couldn't rewrite that, of course.


And don't forget, Obrecht's not just at the hospital due to Victor.  He was mostly just instrumental in getting her out of all the Robin-related charges against her.  She made a huge donation to the hospital (basically bought it) and that's why she's still there.

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I will never understand how someone that looks like Jordan has self-esteem so low that she sleeps with that knuckle dragging mouth breather of a bully.


Yea really. Jordan's been ruined beyond repair (maybe) by this bullshit with Shawn. It's awful in every way. I can't believe RC took such an amazing female character and fucked her like this. I mean, I can, because he does it a lot, but still.


Today's episode was worse than boring, it was a hot mess.


For me, boring is worse than anything. I stop watching when I get bored by most of it. I love a hot mess! Right now I'm about 50/50 on bored and enjoying it, which is enough right now because I don't really have much else going on so I have some free time fore it. If it's still at 50/50 come summer though, I'll probably leave because Big Brother will be on.


Yes, things about the show suck royal monkey balls, but everything about it is not the worst thing ever and I'm sure that not even everyone here who reads the witty commentary from posters thinks so.  They just don't feel comfortable posting because it's so darn negative so much.


I see plenty of people post positive things. Hell, I personally post a lot of positive things! Don't be afraid to post if you like stuff.


If Nik is evil, make him evil not bored or coerced.


I don't think TC is capable of playing anything but bored at this point. He looks like he's being forced to act on this show most of the time. Maybe that's why we're getting this story. FV/RC are like well might as well write to his strengths! 


Well at least the other writers care. I feel like I should tweet them support or something.

I know right! I wish RC wasn't such a egomaniacal petty idiot because there are definitely writers that could be producing great stuff. Hell, RC himself is definitely capable of writing good stuff. But he's letting his campy side run too much of the story, his petty side run too much of the casting, and his egomaniacal side run too much of the characters.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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It's just really hard when some days (most days) there are literally pages and pages of non-stop negativity. I know that I have to force myself to post my positive thoughts sometimes because I know that I'm going to get drowned out, or I'm going to get some snarky comments in return (unfortunately). And sometimes, I just sit down and read so much negativity that I just figure 'why bother?' and so I don't bother. I do enjoy reading most of the posters here, but a few do tend to get snarky and I don't want to get into it because I can be guilty of it myself, I know that.

There's always the block feature as well. I'm not being snarky, I usually don't like to use it but I have a couple of times and it helps.

Edited by ulkis
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I will eat crow if this is all building to some big crescendo where the ever-growing legion of doom is finally, finally taken down and that was the plan all along. And the good characters who have been written as clueless pawns for so long will get an enormous win.

But I doubt it. it's been years of this now, with villains cycling in and out and helping each other and always coming out ahead, and infecting every single story. Ridiculous plot contrivances are written in to save these folks - Dr O gets a pass for everything, Anna and Robert just happened to pick the wrong guy to guard Faison, they're all unkillable and nobody has tried just snapping Helena in two over their knee, etc etc. And still we have no clear idea of what they want and why. They just cause misery and chaos just for the sake of conflict, and the writing sets up obvious contrivances to help them.

While the cops are clueless, Tracy gets raped by nonLuke, Anna gets humiliated repeatedly, Robin gets tormented constantly, and everyone who isn't a lunatic loses all their brain cells or is rendered ineffectual. It's extremely unsatisfying to see the good guys get beaten down, with no end in sight.

If the writers have a plan, how long can they expect the viewers to hang in there, waiting for the tide to turn in favor of the non-psychos?

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If the writers have a plan, how long can they expect the viewers to hang in there, waiting for the tide to turn in favor of the non-psychos

This is Ron. He expects us to hang in for as long as he deems necesszry. AND to love everything he writes. Just ask him, he'll tell you. But do it nicely if he'll block you from Twitter lol!

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It just seems this is Ron's answer for everything when he forgets to write for a storyline or he ignores something: the quick, one-episode dénouement..


Or else he gets snotty on Twitter.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I guess I will never give up on this show even when I don't like the story lines or direction. There's something in me which won't give up. I won't take it off DVR. I always find some type of light with it and if the ship goes down, I guess I'm going down with.


For example, I admit I don't care for the return of Jason storyline but I decided to remain patient and wait it out. I don't know the outcome but I'm happy to find anything to hold my attention.


It's all I can do besides curse them on twitter every day. I don't want GH cancelled because a little part of me will go along with it.


It's like when 90210 (the original) was cancelled. Yeah I pretty much stopped watching it faithfully in the later years but I still didn't want it to go.

Edited by Thinbalina
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They were also the ones who, when Ron wanted Jason to re-enact Jack Dawson's "I'm the King of the World!" shout, asked him, "But would Jason ever have watched Titanic?"  I think Ron's response was "Lalalalalala, I can't hear you. I wanna do this! And maybe Brenda was watching it in the background while Jason was planning a hit, and without even paying attention to the movie, Jason totally picked up on that particular scene, knew exactly what happened with the whole boat thing, and heard the dialogue, and he just happened to commit it to memory. Even if he lost his memory. And why are you guys always playing 'gotcha' with your logic and your annoying habit of wanting to, air quote, make sense.  And yes, I just said air quote for emphasis. Now here's a list of my 20 favorite shows.  Give me 100 different ways that Spencer can incorporate them into an episode."


Of course, I'm just paraphrasing.


But but he is no longer the borg Jason.


He is new and improved. He EMOTES! 

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I truly think Dr. Obrecht doesn't know that Jake is Helena's minion.


I don't think Dr. O and Helena are really working together. Their interests sometimes overlap, but their plans seem to be totally different. At least from what we've seen. But given Ron's penchant for tying everything together whether it makes sense or not, I won't be surprised if it turns out Dr. O is tied in to the Fake!Luke stuff. Like she's brainwashed Nathan so he's now Fake!Luke's flunky.

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Sorry, everyone, but exactly HOW do you use the block feature?  I can't find info anywhere on the site.


Nik:  Make up your damn mind.  Lie/no lie, evil/good, pick a side and stick to it.  If he is afraid of being bankrupted by Hells (who should have lost all of her holdings and power when she, you know, died...) that's a great motivation for being a hypocrite.  I think Stephan always tried to give him a moral compass.  I've never really been sure why he stays in PC.  A few visits a year would satisfy his urge to hang with Lulu.  I think Spencer is every bit the child he deserves.  Aside from all of the old show references and adult opinions, Spencer is as insufferable in exactly the way he should be with a dad like Nik.  I actually bought his relationship with Britt and desire for a mother.


At least the election is being resolved, even if it is slapdash and hurried.

Edited by Stinger97
Off-topic discussion snipped.
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I don't think Dr. O and Helena are really working together. Their interests sometimes overlap, but their plans seem to be totally different. At least from what we've seen. But given Ron's penchant for tying everything together whether it makes sense or not, I won't be surprised if it turns out Dr. O is tied in to the Fake!Luke stuff. Like she's brainwashed Nathan so he's now Fake!Luke's flunky.


I don't think she's currently tied in to the Fluke stuff, but Dr. O does owe Helena for getting Faison and Britt out of town so I assume Hells will collect on that debt eventually.

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 I do enjoy reading most of the posters here, but a few do tend to get snarky and I don't want to get into it because I can be guilty of it myself, I know that. 


Speaking for myself, since the power of the snark is strong with me, I do it because I find most of the show so actively depressing ninety percent of the time that I have to let it fly in an attempt to find humor in it. When it isn't depressing, it's boring, IMO. Also speaking for myself, if I have snarked in response to your posts in particular, it isn't you I'm making fun of. The thread isn't really an echo chamber, as someone said way upthread, although I guess it can seem like one. In my case, it's more like a wind tunnel of discontent. I hope that makes sense.

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I regularly compliment what I like about the show, when I do like it. I try to mention what I do enjoy. Until the last six or seven months I still found at least one thing I enjoyed everyday, either for intentional or unintentional reasons. These days that's harder. I usually find GH consistently entertaining and fun as I almost always have under Ron and Frank, but I don't find it good. There's a difference.


I think there is a lot of love poured into the show as there always has been with this overall creative team, but I also think there's a lot of neglect, a lot of bias and a lot of laziness. An unwillingness to give up on the wrong things. This was a major issue at OLTL off and on, but it's really metastasized at GH, because that's when these guys began to fully believe their online rep as the anointed saviors of daytime, unable to do wrong because it's not like there's anybody else in the running. When Ron started at OLTL I was among the first people to tell everyone he was great, long before people like Daytime Confidential got wind. I went everywhere I could to spread the gospel. I couldn't stop talking about it - for a while they made OLTL the best it had been since the '90s, IMO. And they kept doing that, off and on, with some great ideas or characters or couples mixed in with some really ugly, shitty stuff. I mean, we would have the rapemance story with Victor Jr./Todd II and Marty, but we'd also get the Kish gay romance, which I thought was incredible. And eventually that balance of wonderful and terrible got out of whack, but the show ended on ABC with a lot of goodwill, a couple strong (if very flawed) stories and what I mostly found to be a satisfactory ending. I owed Ron a lot as a viewer, and I thought he had a lot of creativity and came from a place of real love - I still think he does that at GH. But after almost five years I was also very aware of all his huge flaws, and those have only gotten much bigger and much more problematic at GH.


I would still rather be watching Ron and Frank's show than Guza, and I think some of the massive changes they have made are integral and have done a huge amount of work towards breaking the mold of the Guza/Frons mob-centric show. In terms of tone and style and overall ethos, the show is largely unrecognizable. I would rather have Bobbie, Lucy, Michael Quartermaine, Mayor Felicia, etc. than not. They have done things to the texture and core of the show that Guza would never dream of and I appreciate a great deal of that. But they also got rid of a slew of great writers and the replacements are often lazy and slapdash. The plotting, the characterization and the day to day writing are all a mess, and they cover up for it with a lot of wit or social media-ready jokes, some of which are legitimately funny, but after you live with it daily for a while, just like on OLTL it all starts to blend together in your mind, and you start looking at the story and wondering 'that's real funny, but why the fuck are they doing this?' Whether it's another rape story or another psycho or another showcase for Roger Howarth or Michelle Stafford, or more subplots for Spencer and the chupacabra - it starts out cute and then it becomes unbearable.


Almost every day I see the skeleton of a great show, I see good ideas or good performances or a handful of good, witty dialogue squandered with bad plotting, poor characterization or just shitty stories. And I always try to point out the good stuff hiding amidst the bloat or the laziness. Because the show can be so much more if people took a little more time as opposed to coasting on their reputation. I don't think they're assholes scheming to destroy daytime; I don't think they don't care. They obviously care, and they obviously adore GH and this proud history. They're just not the greatest stewards of it, and they're talented but lazy and cynical towards any kind of criticism. It's that simple for me. And I'm not going to change where I post about that or how I do so. I think I am more than fair - I used to get dinged about being too complimentary of OLTL, frankly.

Edited by jsbt
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I am not going to pussy foot my opinion if I like the show for fear of offending anyone.


I am not going to pussy foot my opinion if I dislike the show for fear of offending anyone.


Both opinions are mine and mine alone and can either be read and ignored, read and agreed with, or not read at all.


The thing I've always loved about here and formerly TWOP is that all opinions were welcomed good, bad, ugly or indifferent.


To get it back to the show....I miss Spencer Cassadine of the sweater vest.  This current incarnation needs to go away to boarding school for the next 20 years. 


I need this Fluke story to end.  I was intrigued when it first began and loved Geary's performance, especially when he played opposite himself, but it's now been almost a year and it's lost much of it's appeal.

Edited by LegalParrot81
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I think the best way to go is the blocking option ulkis mentioned. I encourage anyone, especially fans of Sam's new boyfriend, to block my ass 'cause I know for a fact I'm annoying as hell on that end and I'm OK with it. Haaaa.

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I should add that I don't think every period on Ron and Frank's GH has been bad. I think most of 2012 was pretty strong, if flawed; I loved the water crisis. I thought the show was still doing very well until the end of the 2013 Nurses Ball (which I loved until Sabrina's big singalong), at which point they refocused everything around getting the OLTL stars back, which IMO irreparably crippled the show and continues to do so. I loved Robin's big messy return in the fall of that year and I thought that mostly delivered, despite some unnecessary slapstick with Faison and Obrecht at Wyndemere and the whole thing with Anna and Robert being locked in a lab for fuckin' weeks because they didn't want to tape anything else on a different set.


I think every soap has ups and downs and highs and lows. That's the nature of the beast. There's almost never a wholly perfect year of soap opera, or a wholly bad one, and that's why people stick with them and it's why I forgave their last year of OLTL a lot of its trespasses, because they got a lot of big stuff right amidst the rest of the terrible fucking mess. I feel like that's just how we have to be as fans sometimes when we watch a show for years and years. So I make a lot of allowances and I give a lot of passes, I always have - if a story or a period clicks overall, like the above mentioned, then I let a lot of the bad parts go. But there's only so many allowances I can give when something is really fucked, and right now I feel like the show has been in that zone for quite a while. The daily writers are not untalented, most of the ideas are not without merit. It's the execution, and the drive towards snark and wit and pushing quotable social media moments over actually delivering something internally consistent. They learned from Ron to drive for the next big moment, so they don't write for the year-round IMO.


And if it comes down to just disagreeing about a couple or a character, well, take the Silas example - not everyone hated Sam and Silas, fine. People dig the couple, or dig the actor or whatever - fine. Nobody's stopping that. But we're not the reason Silas can't buy airtime anymore and probably is getting fired. That's on the show.

Edited by jsbt
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I should add that I don't think every period on Ron and Frank's GH has been bad. I think most of 2012 was pretty strong, if flawed; I loved the water crisis. I thought the show was still doing very well until the end of the 2013 Nurses Ball (which I loved until Sabrina's big singalong), at which point they refocused everything around getting the OLTL stars back, which IMO irreparably crippled the show and continues to do so

I would add to this the apparent pissing contest with YnR for signing stars. The, and there is no good way to put it, grade school pursuit for MSt and BM just for the sake of a "get" instead of a deeply thought out reason for existence or a better casting is also hurting the show. As much as I personally dislike Dr O as COS I can tolerate the character as she is organic to GH not forced and would work easily as a crazy doctor. The same with Nathan, Britt (who really fit in at the end) Ava and even god help me Sabrina.


I am not saying BM and MSt could not have fit in at GH but it seems there was more of a rush to "get them" and then develop characters. Kind of like oh we got Michelle let's make a character for her, as opposed to we need to bring on a missing wife for Silas, let's create Nina. it is even more glaring with Billy Miller, instead of we need to bring back Jason, let's find an actor (and BM would not have been a good choice, Lucky yes Jason no) it was BM is available let's sign him he can play.,.....Jason.


When you look at the list of characters who long time viewers want gone it is the OLTL Three and Nina for the most part. Sabrina, Jason and even Sonny pop up on occasion, Fluke as well but as long as that has run it is also limited,  but it is the failure of the OLTL threesome and the pissing contest with YnR that really hurts

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I think Billy Miller is doing a fine job with a more empathetic and traditionally heroic Jason and I think his portion of that storyline is mostly okay so far, if growing repetitive. They're playing his brainwashing much more low-key (and IMO effective) than Jacob Young's similar story 14 years ago - he is not a zombie, he is confused and frightened. But I know he's not for everyone. And they have got to stop making these old people say "soldier boy". It's not funny.

Edited by jsbt
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If Spencer is so out of control and Lulu wants babezz why does Lulu not spend more time with him instead? The only time I really liked him yesterday is when Dante and Lulu were questioning him. It seemed normal and they had good chemistry with him.

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If Spencer is so out of control and Lulu wants babezz why does Lulu not spend more time with him instead? The only time I really liked him yesterday is when Dante and Lulu were questioning him. It seemed normal and they had good chemistry with him.

It was the same when he was with Britt, the kidnapping story aside. I think if they went there with Spencer and started to show that his behavior is outlandish and uncalled for, and that it was all because he was a little boy desperately searching for a Mommy (be it Britt or Aunt Lulu) It could be both good and touching, Instead we are force to think that none of the adults around this child think he is off the rails

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Whether it's another rape story or another psycho or another showcase for Roger Howarth or Michelle Stafford, or more subplots for Spencer and the chupacabra - it starts out cute and then it becomes unbearable.


This, I think, is a huge problem with Ron. He can find things that work and are cute and funny, and then he either destroys them or batters them into the ground. If it was a horse, there wouldn't even be a puddle of glue left. Guza's obsession with trying to re-create The Sopranos was obnoxious on a different level, if only because the only reason Tony Soprano worked is because viewers were all too aware that he was, at best, a benign monster. And James Gandolfini, may he rest in peace, being an awesome actor. The stuff about current GH that is good, or at least promising, either gets a few slivers of screen time at most, or becomes so played out due to overkill that I want it killed with fire.

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Give me a break, Carly.  Michael was totally mild with her, but off she goes running to Jake(son) for a hug, whining about how mean her son is, not forgiving her for covering for his father's murderer.  Blech.


The explanation as to why Nikolas is going Cassadine was a little wobbly (too Emily focused and, hey Nikolas, you played a part yourself in your romantic disasters with Liz and Britt), but I'm intrigued.  And I'm delighted by how delighted Helena is.


So Rosalie's not really a nurse...because why introduce characters in the medical profession on a show called "General Hospital".


I'm glad Anna recognized and immediately called Sloane out on having aligned with Lomax and planned her ouster in advance.

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Cackling at Michael changing his phone number on Carly.


Ugh, every time Patrick calls Sam Sammy I cringe. 

 I was just coming here to ask if anyone else is so severely annoyed by the Sammy nickname that they can't focus on anything else in the scene.

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Cackling at Michael changing his phone number on Carly.


Ugh, every time Patrick calls Sam Sammy I cringe. 

It was the blasé way he mentioned it to Carly. Michael is over her. 


I didn't mind the Sammy. They might be sweet together, who knows? 


Enough of Maxie and Nathan in bed being schmoopy. 

Edited by Mrs OldManBalls
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So Rosie is working for Helena now too? Seriously? Dear lord...now I realize exactly why I didn't miss her the tiniest bit.


Michael really is an idiot.


She pretty much said that she's a professional liar and con artist fr hire and yet that's the person he wants to entrust the role of "personal assistant" to because she can use a computer and answer a phone.


And yet Tracy was the one made out to be the overly trusting imbecile when it came to the company? They can just GTFO with this nonsense.


Could they be telegraphing Jakson's role in reuniting Michael and Carly anymore? Sheesh, he barely knows Carly, he's even less familiar with Michael and yet he volunteers to go and speak to him on Carly's behalf. Unbelievable.


Nik now wishes to fully embrace his Cassadine evilness and does so in the most disinterested and bored tone imaginable while looking barley awake. Someone's aching for an Emmy... [/sarcasm font times ten].


Nathan and Maxie in bed held no interest for me the first time around so watching them rolling around in the sheets is just silly to me. Especially considering Maxie can bone Nathan all the day long and mooch off her parents without a single care. And it would surely figure that Nathan would be the first of the two to bring up Georgie 2.0 and her well being.


Parenting classes in PC should be mandatory.


Sam and Patrick were themselves together as usual so I couldn't care.


To try and reblanace my Ch'i after watching this show from now I am going to try and find one positive note to end my posts with so...I liked Anna's coat.

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none of the adults around this child think he is off the rails


Everyone is all, "That's just Spencer!" as if no one had any responsibility in his behavior. Nik basically throws up his hands and grounds him. There have been a few decent conversations about Spencer missing having a mom, but as usual, nothing further happens. I don't want to see Nicolas Bechtel given more story—I think he's on too much the way it is—but instead of making Spencer an entitled brat, it'd be nice if Ron could at least have him stop bossing the staff around. Ugh. That's not funny, it's gross.


So Rosalie's not really a nurse


I'm shocked—shocked!—I tell you. I did not see that coming.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I know soaps need villains but GH seems to have way too many villains.

The town is like 60% villain now. Which is why I will never get on board with blaming PCPD or Anna for screwing up. Clearly they are up against an impossible task (especially since the WSB and Feds have been villain-infiltrated, too ... along with the hospital, PCs major corporations, and apparently PC has a judicial system preoccupied with Maxie's dating habits).

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I think Nicolas Bechtel is a cute kid, and like Ron and Frank, I saw that on Day One when he asked Laura if they "supwised" her. But seeing something in a new hire (like him, or Kathleen Gati) doesn't mean you frontload them all the time and push them at the expense of others, to the point that they run roughshod over most of the other characters. I see nothing wrong with using Spencer, or even him being this extroverted, flamboyant spoiled little kid. He can be fun in doses. But when he's not actually scared or chastened by any of the adults who raise him, or doesn't show much of an emotional core, it's hard to tolerate.


Yes, they explicitly started having him talk about Courtney a lot ("my mudda!") after we started talking about that being a potential emotional touchstone for the character. But he doesn't bring it up outside of plot, like whining about Britt, who he barely knew. No other kid calls Spencer on not having a mom and makes him cry or at least be vulnerable with people like his father, or even contemporaries like Joss, Cam or Emma (and I suspect that Ron would/will now have Cam do it, to further prove to us that all the 'nice' people are boring or secretly hypocritical assholes, even if they're fuckin' eight - he treats Cam and Emma with the same mild disdain that he gives to characters like Lulu, Liz, Ric, etc). Nothing cuts into him and shows us he's a human being as opposed to a joke machine and a writer surrogate. Let him be vulnerable, let him actually be scared of his father's wrath or his grandmother's or great-grandmother's or something. Have someone that can call the kid on his shit, which Nikolas clearly cannot do.

Edited by jsbt
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In other random thoughts news, I was surprised, and pleasantly so, that Nathan and Maxie didn't rush right into living together, as Ron as done with other couples both here and on OLTL.  I wonder where Nathan will hang his towel now.  Maybe he and Lucas (who?) can get a pad at the brownstone!


Also, given Nikolas is apparently going to seduce Brooklyn into giving him her ELQ shares, do we think we're going to see her or will that business be completely off-screen?

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If we must see Spencer and have a kiddie story why could it not be Spencer is seen as an rich brat but Cameron is really bullying him but no one will believe him. I'd like that much better than his TG antics at 10. I always think he is trying to do theater on a soap.(I also often feel that way about KG)

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I think Ron is often pretty decent with the build on some supporting couples, at least mid-level ones (and sometimes bigger). I thought the build with Nathan and Maxie was his usual textbook, with the exception of the endless Levi shit which really tanked it for me. I used to think they were at least sweet, I just don't find them interesting, and they've also turned saccharine. When he remembers to put the shit onscreen as opposed to playing it off-camera for months due to Frank's block taping, the supporting romance material usually can be alright. He just often doesn't bother anymore.


I will laugh if they do a Nik/Brook Lynn fling offscreen. That would really be the apex of Twitter Plot for Ron.

If we must see Spencer and have a kiddie story why could it not be Spencer is seen as an rich brat but Cameron is really bullying him but no one will believe him. I'd like that much better than his TG antics at 10. I always think he is trying to do theater on a soap.(I also often feel that way about KG)


I'd hate that. For one thing Cam's not that kind of kid, and it would just further Ron's bias against any regular sort of character. He's so into his broad cartoonish or arch villain types now that he often disdains most characters who are just basically decent people. Which is not to say anyone on a soap is wholly 'good' or 'bad' or should be, but that doesn't mean everyone decent has some fatal flaw to make them a shitheel and there's no reason to vilify an eight year old. If you're going to hit that note with Spencer do it with someone else, and let 'townie' Cameron be the one to comfort him.

Edited by jsbt
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I'd hate that. For one thing Cam's not that kind of kid, and it would just further Ron's bias against any regular sort of character. He's so into his broad cartoonish or arch villain types now that he often disdains most characters who are just basically decent people. Which is not to say anyone on a soap is wholly 'good' or 'bad' or should be, but there's no reason to vilify an eight year old. If you're going to hint that note with Spencer do it with someone else, and let 'townie' Cameron be the one to comfort him.


Oh, that might be even better. Spencer is jealous of Cam and Emma, but being forced to go to "regular" school by Nik Spencer gets bullied and Cam becomes his friend and protector. There are many children's stories that could be told if we must that are 100 times better than what we get instead. Surely at least ONE of the writers knows how real kids act.

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Given that Nik and Brook Lynn had their awful, completely unnecessary Pygmalion story years ago, I don't think seduction is necessary. Just tell BL the truth and see what she thinks.


I'm not particularly into seeing Ron tackle a bullying story.  The one with Shane on OLTL had some decent moments, but also a ton of WTF-ery.


Ditto. I don't want to see NB try to squeeze out some tears and cwy over evwyone being mean. Ugh. I know he can't help his lisp, but it doesn't help.

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I'm not particularly into seeing Ron tackle a bullying story.  The one with Shane on OLTL had some decent moments, but also a ton of WTF-ery.


I thought Austin Williams did great work overall, and there were a few very, very good days of story, both with his suicide attempt (Farah Fath also did a good job! Good for you, Farah! She used to lurk.) and the follow-up in the hospital where he was counseled by a doctor and she ran him through that whole procedure with someone who's at risk - that's something they wouldn't bother showing now but was well-done. I think everything before and after that was pretty lousy, plot-wise. And when they had to surgically remove the alleged gay angle with Shane it just made the Jack Manning role in it that much more obscure (and kinda gayer).


But yeah, I really don't think Ron should ever go there again, not some major story. I was just suggesting a one-week thing, where some kid gives Spencer shit and we get to see some genuine emotional beat for the character and maybe an unlikely person helps him.


I kinda liked the idea of Nikolas and Brook Lynn. I thought it could have worked when they had her on last time. But the whole escort angle was really unseemly. You could tell Guza, etc. thought nothing of her character.

Edited by jsbt
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Does Helena have any clothes to relax in? Maybe a nice robe at least?


I can't tell if Nik is just playing along (and if he is, maybe he should remember that the last plan he tried to play along with, his sister ended up frozen and he ended up shot), but if he isn't, is he seriously complaining that he tried to move on with Liz but it didn't work? Of course it didn't work out, moron. It was his brother's ex-wife! He didn't see that shitfest coming?


Carly, it hasn't been "a while". It's been "two months."


Nathan also has a bad sense of time. "We've been spending every day since New Year's together." So . . . two weeks then? And I wish he asked Maxie how the hell she was gonna pay rent.


So glad we're seeing the back of his actor soon. His duck lips are annoying and he looks like he smells of cheap cologne. And he's a crappy actor. 


Patrick only being allowed to interact with Sam makes him seem super pointless. At least, say, Dante, who is also pretty pointless nowadays, interacts with people in his capacity as cop. Patrick isn't even allowed to perform surgery on the other characters.

Edited by ulkis
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Given that Nik and Brook Lynn had their awful, completely unnecessary Pygmalion story years ago, I don't think seduction is necessary. Just tell BL the truth and see what she thinks.


Brook Lynn already needs a bunch of character rehab, not sure I want her to deliberately stab the Quartermaines in the back.


Also, I'm still completely lost as to why ELQ is so gosh darn important to all the evil doers' plans.

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If Spencer is so out of control and Lulu wants babezz why does Lulu not spend more time with him instead? The only time I really liked him yesterday is when Dante and Lulu were questioning him. It seemed normal and they had good chemistry with him.


He was tolerable/cute in scenes he had with them last Valentine's Day too


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I like the ELQ angle because it brings the Q's into this mess and helps it out a bit with scope and different people, but when we barely see the Q's involved other than Michael and his power bottom Uncle Ned (I'm still a little spicy about how Ned abused Michael's dad for years, sorry Ned, I love you) it could be better. Instead of telling me what all the other Q's are doing, bring some on. It's not like Kiki and Silas are cutting into the airtime. Spencer, Franco and Nina can take a few more days off.

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Brook Lynn already needs a bunch of character rehab, not sure I want her to deliberately stab the Quartermaines in the back.


Also, I'm still completely lost as to why ELQ is so gosh darn important to all the evil doers' plans.


My money's on some kind of revenge from Luke and Bobbie's childhood, or else what's the point of Crusty Cobweb Manor?

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Does Helena have any clothes to relax in? Maybe a nice robe at least?


I'd love to see Helena lounging in a fluffy robe.  And maybe she makes brainwashed Jake(son) give her a pedicure, just for fun!

Edited by TeeVee329
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I kinda liked the idea of Nikolas and Brook Lynn. I thought it could have worked when they had her on last time. But the whole escort angle was really unseemly. You could tell Guza, etc. thought nothing of her character.


Not to mention when she agreed to whore herself out for Carly (by drugging/nearly raping Dante) because that was such a preferable option to living with the Quartermaines rent-free and going to college (gasp!) as Edward requested of her.

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And what sucks is that, if you wanted to drop a spoiler into Dante and Lulu's relationship, Brook Lynn made total sense as a old friend/childhood sweetheart of Dante's from Bensonhurst. 


But the whole mess with Carly ruined that.

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