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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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He did. But they should have followed through on it (but not really, heh, because I want to see Sonny's "duh" face when Morgan and Dante come in).




Well if some of the spoilers pan out then

Sonny might be too busy being shot to make too many faces



Also perhaps it was just me but Bryan didn't really seem very energetic in his scenes.  Dom was banging on trays and looking distressed while Bryan appeared a bit removed and more concerned with picking at his fake coffee cup.



Man, imagine the hilarious "The fuuuuuuu...." faces we might have gotten from Dante if he had crossed paths with Nina and Magda.




Dante: Hey! Come back here with that overly orange half werewolf baby! It's either my niece or sister! That is a girl right? Right? Cause of the pink and everything...?

Edited by CPP83

Michael had the line of the day "What are you going to shoot me like you did Dante"  LMAO. Anytime someone reminds Sonny of that is awesome.


I'm torn about that. One hand, never brought up too little as far as I'm concerned. On the other, he was first in line to encourage Dante to move on and forget about it back then. Oh well, whatever, if he signs off on that "no way in real life acceptable but I'll soap handwave it if it gets Sonny arrested" paper, he can bring it up as often as he likes.


So now Michael is throwing the "whore" title around, really Ron is it just impossible to restrain yourself? Oh wait what am I asking of course you can't, I am not even sure that word is in your incredibly sparse vocabulary.



I'm not too fussed about Michael calling Ava a whore. I'm not all "rah rah you go Michael" about it but the woman killed Connie, framed AJ for it, used the false fact that AJ killed Connie to try to goad Sonny into killing him, screwed Sonny on AJ's grave and is STILL trying to manipulate him to do what she wants (kill Sonny). Unless the main issue is Ron not being able to come up with another term. Then, yeah, I kind of agree.


CPP83, I'm really hoping that spoiler/rumor is not true cause I don't like the other parts of the rumor.


ETA: oh, and another thing re: Bobbie - she would not act like AJ's murder is not a big deal. What the eff. it's one thing to try to minimize Carly's role, another to be all "oh well it's AJ does anyone really care?"

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

Instead of shooting Sonny, what I would like to happen is that Michael marches Sonny to the PCPD and tells them to arrest Sonny for murder and what he was planning to do to Ava.


I was actually hoping, when it went into the last commercial break, that we'd cut back to Anna and Duke in Anna's office and then Michael would come barreling in, with Sonny at gunpoint, saying that Sonny had something to confess.

  • Love 1

Oh my god, Michael even realized that they had their "little tryst" in his apartment - love it.  And I love Michael calling him Sonny instead of Dad. Sonny with "you're angry right now"?  Yes, Sonny, he is angry.  Because you KILLED HIS FATHER.  And I adore that Michael immediately assumes Sonny kidnapped the baby.  Because, you know, he's Sonny.  So glad Michael didn't fall for Sonny's spin.


But I am happy that some combination of Silas/ Nathan/ Morgan/ Dante is probably going to show up in time to keep Michael from actually killing Sonny.  It's easier to root for Michael if he doesn't turn in to a stone killer as well.  I'd rather see him go on a nonviolent rampage, destroy Sonny's "bidness" and conspire with Jax to take back the MetroCourt, get them sent to jail, turn everyone against them, get Joss away from Carly...


Ava is EXACTLY like Sonny.  She will kill, manipulate, and lie to cover her own ass.  She's lied to her own daughter over and over to achieve an end.  How is she better than Sonny?  I'm not seeing that at all.


I don't know if I think she's better, but I certainly hate her less.  I think it's largely because she doesn't have a cast of characters constantly telling me how wonderful and good she is.  Even her own daughter was admits that Ava has done some pretty terrible things. 


The legality of the recording is no longer an issue to me, because Sonny and Carly have now both confessed what they did to Michael, and Michael's testimony can certainly be used.  

  • Love 6

I am so happy I watched today's episode on delay. I cackled & hollered so much doing during some scenes I couldn't heAR the next line.

I bow down to MW. She was freaking awesome. Ava saw her chance to go free and she went for it with guns a blazing.

I swear many of Micheal's lines were taking from fans/boards calling out Sonny killing AJ over the past months. The next time ? Micheal needs to remember that Sonny desecrated his father AJ's grave and was cheating on Olivia his oldest son's mom with his youngest son's girlfriend.

CD was much better than I expected. Good for him. Maybe KA has been holding him back.

  • Love 8

I wouldn't mind Michael giving Sonny a disabling injury by shooting him in the foot or the hand or a joint ..... any joint will do. *ahem* Unfortunately in terms of soap logic, it gives Sonny a retroactive pass by putting him in the position of "forgiving " Michael. I think it's best that at most Michael fires a gun next to Sonny to see if he'll make wee-wee. 

  • Love 5

I'm not too fussed about Michael calling Ava a whore. I'm not all "rah rah you go Michael" about it but the woman killed Connie, framed AJ for it, used the false fact that AJ killed Connie to try to goad Sonny into killing him, screwed Sonny on AJ's grave and is STILL trying to manipulate him to do what she wants (kill Sonny). Unless the main issue is Ron not being able to come up with another term. Then, yeah, I kind of agree.


CPP83, I'm really hoping that spoiler/rumor is not true cause I don't like the other parts of the rumor





At this point to me "whore" is just Ron's go to word so much and I'm tired of it. It's as if every time a man wants to insult a lady on this show it's "whore" this or "slut" that.


Michael could have insulted her far worse with better names, heh, really that's what I took away from the scene. Yet again Ron just writes cheaply for no good reason, so yes that was my issue with Michael bringing that word out. It's all the same old same with this piss poor writing team.


And agreed, the spoiler is really just...awful but then that just means it's pretty much a done deal with this show.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 2
I was actually hoping, when it went into the last commercial break, that we'd cut back to Anna and Duke in Anna's office and then Michael would come barreling in, with Sonny at gunpoint, saying that Sonny had something to confess.




People doing things by the law book in PC? I don't think I could handle it at this point... *smirks*


But then again we were spared a scene with Duke interacting with his bestest "pal" Sonny.


Duke: "Oh Sonny my dearest friend! I did not betray you! Even at the risk of losing the love of my life I knew where my loyalties should lie! With you, oh great pal and trusted brother!"

  • Love 3

Chad, Maura, Ian, and Fin were all fantastic today.

I was literally standing up and clapping as Michael went all truthteller on Sonny. My favorite line was when Michael asked Sonny if he was going to him just like he did Dante.

I am disturbed by the fact that I not only found Kiki likeable two days in a row, but think that KA's bizarre facial expressions are somehow perfectly on-point in this story.

I think JZ and LH did the best they could with some bad material.

Lastly, anything and everything Freakco and/or Nina was just awful. That schmaltzy music and them telling the each it was good to hear their voice . . . Wtf is this shit?!?

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 8

Lastly, anything and everything Freakco and/or Nina was just awful. That schmaltzy music and them telling the each it was good to hear their voice . . . Wtf is this shit?!?


The gall of that...Franco the SERIAL KILLER just left four people to die and Nina is in the midst of kidnapping a baby...but we're supposed to feel all warm and snuggly inside that they're friends and they miss each other? 



Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

Okay, I have to say that I loved the Sonny/Michael confrontation.  I didn't know what to expect.  Would Michael be yelling, crying, quiet?  He was all of those, and I liked it.  I thought I wanted Michael to be screaming at Sonny in anger, but I liked how it played out today.  First, I don't think Michael would want to look and be emotional in front of Sonny.  That's the impression I got today.  Sonny respects power, and if you remember when Michael was raped, Sonny was the only person he desperately didn't want anyone to tell because he didn't want to appear weak.  I saw that again today.  Michael wanted to look and be strong in his confrontation of his father, but he did lose his temper at times, and he did falter here and there, but he still kept his cool.  It wasn't until the very end when he had the gun pointed at Sonny, after he got all his answers, that Michael started to lose control.  His hand was shaking, and he started to cry.  I thought that was so realistic.  No son is going to be fine with killing their father.  It's unrealistic.  Two hours ago, Sonny was still Michael's idol, and that doesn't go away two hours later.  I think CD and MB did great in those scenes, and I give Sonny kudos for not playing the victim.  He came clean about the fact that he shot AJ in cold blood.  CD has been fantastic all week.


I loved how dismissive Michael was of Ava.  She starts her manipulation of "Shoot him, kill him!" and Michael is just "Ava STFU!"  I loved it.  I have no problem with Michael's whore comment.  He's not like Sonny who uses the term like a second language, and she DID have sex in his father's crypt on the DAY of his funeral.  I'll cut Michael some slack.  I probably would have said the same thing to a woman who did that to my father, and NOW he knows she helped get him killed.  I hope Michael goes after her too.


Franco and Nina completely slowed down the episode.  Why was Franco on today?  Why?   Another smug scene for him?  And I DON'T CARE ABOUT NINA'S freakin baby obsession.  UGHH!!!!!  Please go away both of you!  Why didn't Bobbie throw a drink in Franco's face?


I enjoyed the Morgan and Dante scenes, Anna and Duke, and I have to admit that I do see the chemistry with Anna and Nathan.  Hmmmmmmm.  

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 5

What the hell was the point of the Bobbie-Franco scenes? I got nothing out of them except that RH and JZ have zero acting chemistry.


The (real life) baby girlchild is pretty adorable. And about 10 pounds too big for a newborn.


I wanted to punch Sonny in the face, he barely even pretended to look remorsefull until maybe the last couple of minutes.


I like Nina and Franco, but the on the nose pushing of them tarnishes them. The cheesy music today was unnecessary. When actors have chemistry, pimping them so obviously only hurts them (I feel similarly about SamTrick)


That's all I got. Today was pretty dull compared to the rest of the week.

The only thing I didn't like about the Michael/Sonny scenes is that it felt like Sonny was half-assing his answers. "Yeah, I killed him in cold blood, but it's cool because you'll forgive me soon. Can we move this along? Since you won't shoot me, I have an Ava to kill. Deuces!" IDK, I just wasn't feeling the urgency or feeling on Sonny/MB's side. CD did a great job, though. IMO

  • Love 8

CD was much better than I expected. Good for him. Maybe KA has been holding him back.

There is no maybe about it.  Morgan blossomed when he was away from her, and the same is true of CD.  He has been so great - with Rosalie, Sonny, Carly - anyone - when he's not anywhere near Kiki.  Let's hope that relationship is finally put to rest next week.  Please!

  • Love 6

I loved how dismissive Michael was of Ava.  She starts her manipulation of "Shoot him, kill him!" and Michael is just "Ava STFU!"  I loved it.  I have no problem with Michael's whore comment.  He's not like Sonny who uses the term like a second language, and she DID have sex in his father's crypt on the DAY of his funeral.  I'll cut Michael some slack.  I probably would have said the same thing to a woman who did that to my father, and NOW he knows she helped get him killed.  I hope Michael goes after her too.


I would have minded the 'whore' thing less if Michael had called Sonny one too. Ava didn't screw herself on AJ's grave, and let's be honest, Sonny's the biggest manwhore in all of daytime television. But that's not how  MoRon rolls, because he, like Sonny, is a disgusting pig.


Also, Ava only "helped" AJ get killed in the sense that she killed Connie, a woman Sonny loved so much that he bedded her cousin ten minutes after her heart stopped beating. Mini McMoobster having the impulse control of a zygote has nothing to do with Ava or anyone else. He'd wanted to kill AJ for months, or else why would he have been whining about the promise he made to Michael saying that he wouldn't? He should tell Michael the whole truth, that he stood over AJ's hospital bed snarling at a comatose man about how he should die already. I have the feeling that if he did, Michael's gun hand would become a lot more steady. But he won't, because he's a lying liar who lies to protect himself at all costs, and he doesn't really give a raggedy damn about anything else. Not even Michael. JMO.

  • Love 7

The only thing I didn't like about the Michael/Sonny scenes is that it felt like Sonny was half-assing his answers. "Yeah, I killed him in cold blood, but it's cool because you'll forgive me soon. Can we move this along? Since you won't shoot me, I have an Ava to kill. Deuces!" IDK, I just wasn't feeling the urgency or feeling on Sonny/MB's side. CD did a great job, though. IMO


He did the same thing when Morgan found out about crypt sex. "When is this tantrum going to be over, damn." The way I think he was trying to play it, it was that Sonny knew it was no use saying anything. The one thing I really had issue with is him sighing when he put down the gun. It made him sound irritated instead of, you know, devastated or afraid or a billion other emotions that would have been more appropriate to the situation

Also, Ava only "helped" AJ get killed in the sense that she killed Connie, a woman Sonny loved so much that he bedded her cousin ten minutes after her heart stopped beating.


She also constantly clamored to Sonny when AJ was in the coma that they had to kill AJ, and at one point she went in to do it herself and squeezed his oxygen tube closed, but Bobbie or someone interrupted her.


I would *never* take away any of the guilt from Sonny in the situation. But Ava certainly helped.

  • Love 7

The only thing I didn't like about the Michael/Sonny scenes is that it felt like Sonny was half-assing his answers. "Yeah, I killed him in cold blood, but it's cool because you'll forgive me soon. Can we move this along? Since you won't shoot me, I have an Ava to kill. Deuces!" IDK, I just wasn't feeling the urgency or feeling on Sonny/MB's side. CD did a great job, though. IMO

I actually liked that about MB's performance because Sonny IS use to Michael forgiving him and giving him a pass.  I think he genuinely believes that he can talk Michael down, and why wouldn't he?  Michael has always been loyal to Sonny.  He found out by the end of the episode that things had changed drastically.



I would have minded the 'whore' thing less if Michael had called Sonny one too. Ava didn't screw herself on AJ's grave, and let's be honest, Sonny's the biggest manwhore in all of daytime television. But that's not how  MoRon rolls, because he, like Sonny, is a disgusting pig.


Male writers don't allow their male characters to be called "whores," don'cha know.  I think they all have the Madonna/whore complex.


Also, Ava only "helped" AJ get killed in the sense that she killed Connie, 




LOL, no, Ava did a hell of lot more than "helped."  She killed Connie and then actively framed AJ for the murder.  When he started to get his memory back, she sent Carlos after him to murder him.  AJ would have died at Ava's hand if Carlos had gotten the job done.  When she was with Sonny and AJ in her apartment, she did the same thing to Sonny that she tried to do with Michael today - the whole "Shoot him!  Kill him!  He's trying to hurt me!"  Sonny fell for it because he hated AJ.  Michael didn't fall for it.  Good for him.  I just love how he swatted her ass out of the room like she was a gnat.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 6

Micheal at least didn't call Ava a whore to her face, with a gun to her head, after they had sex, or right after she gave birth to possibly his child. And he seemed concerned about poor orange girlchild. He was going to kill Sonny for that alone. When he yelled "Where is she?!" That was awesome. Micheal at least has some manners and moral decency.

The credit to that should go to Monica, Dante, Robin, and AJ. They weren't huge in his life, but they did something. Jax, too helped, I believe. The context in Micheal calling Ava a whore was more belivable than any of Sonny's w bombs because it was in extreme anger and in the context of her sleeping with his father's killer on his grave at his funeral. I don't think I've heard this Micheal insult women in a demeaning manner.

  • Love 4

I did like Dante admitting he knew this day would be coming one day.


Besides CD/MW killing it, this was my fave part of the episode.


Duke: I'm too hood to snitch, Sonny! (goes to tweet #themhoesaintloyal)


I guffawed! Perfection!


Why was Franco on today?  Why?   Another smug scene for him?


Yea really. How absolutely stupid. Franco has served his purpose and he can go anytime now.


I have to admit that I do see the chemistry with Anna and Nathan.  Hmmmmmmm.


Speaking of pointless scenes, that one between them certainly was, but I didn't care because they're just so cute together!


ETA: I forgot to say, I loved that Michael thought that Sonny had done something with the baby. Probably when he heard it was a girlchild he thought,  "Oh shit, Sonny probably threw her in a dumpster."

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7

When she was with Sonny and AJ in her apartment, she did the same thing to Sonny that she tried to do with Michael today - the whole "Shoot him!  Kill him!  He's trying to hurt me!"  Sonny fell for it because he hated AJ and because he's an idiot.


Fixed that for you, Bishop. Because with Sonny, that's really what it always comes down to, that he's a cheap hood with a hair-trigger temper and the IQ  of a houseplant. And that's an insult to houseplants. Michael being smarter than his moronic "father" is not difficult, so Ava not fooling him shouldn't be something to throw him a parade over. If he shoots the little thug, then I'll think about it, but not before that.

  • Love 3

Wow, is Duke pointless.  What an ass.  Everything he said about Sonny (friend/job) could have been applied to AJ.  What an ass.  Anna's wasting her tears on him.


Sonny may have been honest with Michael about how everything happened but he lied to Michael's face about if he only knew AJ's innocence.  Bitch please.  He has been saying he would have done it again.  

  • Love 6

I would have minded the 'whore' thing less if Michael had called Sonny one too. Ava didn't screw herself on AJ's grave, and let's be honest, Sonny's the biggest manwhore in all of daytime television. But that's not how  MoRon rolls, because he, like Sonny, is a disgusting pig.


Again, to play devil's advocate, Sonny and his ilk has been using the word "whore" on this show for years.  It's not a Ron invention, the use of that word on this show.

  • Love 4

Julian this, Julian that... Duke, will you please SHUT THE HELL UP!!!  Anna, dump his sorry ass already.


Speaking of Duke, really Lucy?  You don't think a fake alibi is something you should get in trouble over?  Do me a favor and go back to wherever it is you came from.


STFU Bobbie.


Michael disowning Sonny was a thing of beauty.

  • Love 8
The one thing I really had issue with is him sighing when he put down the gun. It made him sound irritated instead of, you know, devastated or afraid or a billion other emotions that would have been more appropriate to the situation.​



I only had issue with it if by "had issue with" you mean "laughed my ass off at"!  He was sooooo exasperated, like, "Come ON, Michael, aren't you done with this yet?  Stop being so dramatic."  I think you guys know that I hate Sonny with the heat of a thousand suns, but I have to admit that I thought MB played Sonny perfectly today, absolutely keeping with his character.  At first, Sonny was all "oh, Michael, you think you're mad now, but you'll be fine" and then "it wasn't my fault" and then "poor me" and then "get over it already", and only then did he start to slowly realize that maybe this was kind of a big deal.  That fits with who I understand to be, and with how he's handled confrontation with people in the past.  Only difference is, this time Michael didn't immediately cave like he, and everyone else, usually has.  

  • Love 8

Yea really. How absolutely stupid. Franco has served his purpose and he can go anytime now.


Frano was SUPAH pointless today. What the point of that? Just to harass Bobbie?


I really hope they don't expect me to believe that Duke will develop any sort of reciprocal feelings for Lucy. Unless it's because he's completely given up on everything. Now I have this sad picture of Duke getting wasted on whiskey, sitting bed, while Lucy babbles in his ear.


The credit to that should go to Monica, Dante, Robin, and AJ. They weren't huge in his life, but they did something. Jax, too helped, I believe. The context in Micheal calling Ava a whore was more belivable than any of Sonny's w bombs because it was in extreme anger and in the context of her sleeping with his father's killer on his grave at his funeral. I don't think I've heard this Micheal insult women in a demeaning manner.



Nooo but there have definitely been a couple of weird scenes where he interrogated Carly about her sex life or lack therof. I remember when they were trying to pair Shawn and Carly Michael was like ARE YOU HAVING SEX WITH HIM MOM?? HUH? HUH? TELL ME BECAUSE I'M ENTITLED TO KNOW ABOUT EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE. And I remember Abby the strooker begged him not mess with her ex-boyfriend and he was like quiet honey the men are trying to figure out how to fix your problem. Oh and the creepy scene where he went to watch Abby dancing at the strip club unbeknownst to her. Oh and let's not forget this fine moment (quoting the Despair in the Afternoon blog):


You know who else is asking for [to be beaten]? Strippers. Not all strippers, of course! Just, you know… the bad ones. The ones who like stripping:


MICHAEL: Look, these dancers that this guy’s beating up? Most of them only dance there to make ends meet. They don’t like taking their clothes off for strangers any more than Abby did.


Michael’s right, you guys. It’s okay to be a stripper, so long as you feel degraded and trapped in a life you can’t escape. Only women who enjoy taking their clothes off for money deserve to be beaten!


Michael. Had/has some issues, I'm just sayin'. I mean, this is what happens when Carly and Sonny are your parents I suppose, because Morgan kiiiinda has a boatload of issues on that front as well.

  • Love 4

STFU, Bobbie. Ugh, she's SO annoying. "Don't arrest Carly! She didn't do anything!" Please. Then pulling Lucy away from Duke and Anna? You know Bobbie didn't want Anna distracted from arresting Duke and doing something about Carly instead.


Who cares if Madeline hired Ava to seduce Silas? It's the least interesting part of all of this. Well, it's tied with anything Lauren.


I'm tired of "whore" and "slut" being thrown around—it's so lazy. The men on this show are never negatively judged for their sexuality. If anyone is a lying whore, it's Sonny. But he's never called out on that.


I actually liked that about MB's performance because Sonny IS use to Michael forgiving him and giving him a pass.  I think he genuinely believes that he can talk Michael down, and why wouldn't he?  Michael has always been loyal to Sonny.  He found out by the end of the episode that things had changed drastically.


This is how I saw it, too. All of his kids have forgiven him every terrible thing that's happened to them because of him. Why should this time be any different?


LOL that Franco offered to by Bobbie a drink. She's pathetic.


Double LOL that Lauren doesn't recognize her own mother lying on the docks. Call 911, you dumb shit.

  • Love 6
The one thing I really had issue with is him sighing when he put down the gun. It made him sound irritated instead of, you know, devastated or afraid or a billion other emotions that would have been more appropriate to the situation.​





Sonny has never been appropriate whatever the occasion so why start now, and actually I thought Maurice played Sonny exactly as who Sonny has been from day one. A self centered man like him wasn't just going to cave in on himself because his ego is in the way, it always is in the way of whatever he's doing or has done.


A man who has done all the things that he has and yet still can consider himself a "victim" isn't going to be rattled, he'll be figuring out how to smooth things over, as usual, and find a way out unscathed.



Boobie seems to think that Snarly keeping the secret that Sonny shot AJ is fine because no one liked AJ. I think that I hate Bobbie now.





I don't even see it as Bobbie talking, it's all Ron. It's the groundwork he laid with the way he wrote AJ and then killed him off, he is making it clear that there will be those who won't and don't care that Sonny killed AJ.


I just feel as if most of these Sweeps has been as heavily two fisted as Ron's usual material, rushed, hectic, jumbled, and writing the Vets terribly. I don't see things as having changed much at all.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 1
Boobie seems to think that Snarly keeping the secret that Sonny shot AJ is fine because no one liked AJ. I think that I hate Bobbie now.



I keep reading how Michael's reaction to AJ's death is over the top (like on twitter) because he barely knew him but for me?  Since I have to listen to characters have over the top hate for the guy, I'll take Michael's over the top loyalty (even if I don't see someone feeling rage that someone they cared about was murdered, left for dead, had his grave desecrated by the murderer and was lied to for months as over the top).

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