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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Dear Ron,


If you want viewers to change their minds about Sabrina, having Patrick FINALLY grow a brain and realize that Robin has been coerced into working for a dangerous man who surely is not above targeting her husband and daughter to keep her compliant only to have Sabrina throw water on that extremely correct theory is not the way to do it.





  • Love 8

Dear Ron,


If you want viewers to change their minds about Sabrina, having Patrick FINALLY grow a brain and realize that Robin has been coerced into working for a dangerous man who surely is not above targeting her husband and daughter to keep her compliant only to have Sabrina throw water on that extremely correct theory is not the way to do it.





So that's what us in DC Metro region missed because of the McDonnells (gov/Va.) trial.  Thanks.

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Mylanta! So who else in Port Charles wanted Gabriel Shamwow Santiago dead? Poor towel baby.

And Nina is one ball of crazy. Am I supposed to laugh or be scared? I'm laughing. I only like her scenes with Roger Howarth and even he was like da fuck yesterday. And bangs, I like you, but stop attacking citizens of Port Charles. What have they done to Rosalie? No.

I liked the reveal that Patrick shaved. He's cute again. It's hard to hate him.

And shut up Shawn and Sonny. So Shawn has a plan to kidnap Ava? So that means the neighbor down the hall is getting kidnapped. Sorry Mrs Goldstien. You won't make Fluffy's fifth birthday party, but here's a free cup of Corinthos coffee. Shawn fucks everything up. And you shut up too Lauren. You had one job. Piss off Franco so he hands over Recording. And you failed. Like always. Go away. I hope Sabrina spyder finder stalks you.

By the time the AJ reveal happens, I'm sure it will be Easter.

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We lost the last 10 minutes and the previews so that the local TV news could tell us over and over they had some news coming in 15 minutes.


Anything fun happen?


Not really. Exposition city today. The only cute thing was Alexis shipping Patrick and Sam.


Really? Julian signs his name "J" on his texts? Okay then.


Kiki talking to Morgan tomorrow, in the snottiest voice possible: "I have a problem with your mother". I would sympathize with that sentiment for any other reason besides "it's because she's cheating on Franco." I hope Morgan laughs in glee that Franco is being screwed over.

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Kiki talking to Morgan tomorrow, in the snottiest voice possible: "I have a problem with your mother". I would sympathize with that sentiment for any other reason besides "it's because she's cheating on Franco." I hope Morgan laughs in glee that Franco is being screwed over.


Ugh, I missed the previews.  Her outrage at Carly on behalf of her SERIAL KILLER buddy is more than a little rich considering what went down with Michael when she was with Morgan. 


And of course, she's going to tell Morgan, but not her poor delicate boyfriend Michael.  Because she's not a liar!


In conclusion, SHUT UP KIKI! #haaaaaaate

Edited by TeeVee329
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Ugh, I missed the previews.  Her outrage at Carly on behalf of her SERIAL KILLER buddy is more than a little rich considering what went down with Michael when she was with Morgan. 


Oh man, I didn't even think of that angle. Her character is so awful.




previews are Sam and Silas, Rosalie teasing Nina about Franco, Emma wants to see Robin, Spencer whining, and Kiki/Morgan, and Michael saying he knows what's going on in Carly's house

Edited by ulkis
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Kiki talking to Morgan tomorrow, in the snottiest voice possible: "I have a problem with your mother". I would sympathize with that sentiment for any other reason besides "it's because she's cheating on Franco." I hope Morgan laughs in glee that Franco is being screwed over.


There are so many things wrong with this: 1) Why would Morgan care what Lauren thought about Carly? 2) Why would Lauren talk to Morgan and not Michael about this? 3) Why would Morgan care if Carly were cheating on Franco? 4) Why would Morgan care that his parents are getting it on?


You can probably substitute Michael for Morgan and get the same answers. Neither of them would care one iota about any of this.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Dear Ron,


If you want viewers to change their minds about Sabrina, having Patrick FINALLY grow a brain and realize that Robin has been coerced into working for a dangerous man who surely is not above targeting her husband and daughter to keep her compliant only to have Sabrina throw water on that extremely correct theory is not the way to do it.







Clearly, I'm having a brain seizure. But what does this mean? That Patdick finally remembered that Robin had no choice, and is still being threatened, and that Sabrina said, NO, Robin did have a choice and she's A-Okay with "abandoning him and Emma"?

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And shut up Shawn and Sonny. So Shawn has a plan to kidnap Ava? So that means the neighbor down the hall is getting kidnapped. Sorry Mrs Goldstien. You won't make Fluffy's fifth birthday party, but here's a free cup of Corinthos coffee. Shawn fucks everything up. And you shut up too Lauren. You had one job. Piss off Franco so he hands over Recording. And you failed. Like always. Go away. I hope Sabrina spyder finder stalks you.


"I don wan annyting tuh habben tuh dat bebby" Yeah? So maybe you should hold off kidnapping the expectant mother so you can attempt to terrorize her for the remainder of the pregnancy, Sonny you walking hard-on fucktard. Po ole directionally challenged Shawn is going to get blamed when the little coffee bean goes missing. Then Sobby will get the finger of blame pointed at her (and several others from the comfort of my chair) when she's framed for whatever it is that happens and Stumpy will kidnap her (while she sobs) threaten her (while she sobs), then buy her a dress (while she sobs) and then my eyesight will fail. (I hope)


Loved Sabrina throwing shade at stupid Kiki for her murderous relatives.

Edited by yuggapukka
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Clearly, I'm having a brain seizure. But what does this mean? That Patdick finally remembered that Robin had no choice, and is still being threatened, and that Sabrina said, NO, Robin did have a choice and she's A-Okay with "abandoning him and Emma"?


Patrick was talking about the card Silas found among Rafe's stuff from the NYC clinic and he twigged on to the fact that Robin was there and working for the dangerous Mr. Cassadine and it wouldn't be unreasonable to think that he set up the accident to keep Robin in line.


But Sabrina (because she thinks Ava did it) basically dismissed the card as a red herring and basically said pursuing that line of thought would mean telling Sam about Jason, which Patrick clearly doesn't want to do.

  • Love 2

Patrick was talking about the card Silas found among Rafe's stuff from the NYC clinic and he twigged on to the fact that Robin was there and working for the dangerous Mr. Cassadine and it wouldn't be unreasonable to think that he set up the accident to keep Robin in line.


But Sabrina (because she thinks Ava did it) basically dismissed the card as a red herring and basically said pursuing that line of thought would mean telling Sam about Jason, which Patrick clearly doesn't want to do.


Oh for Fuck's sake...


Oh wait. I forgot. Can't have Robin looking good here, or that she's being forced/threatened. Because then Patdick would realize he, again, was being an ASS of the first order and then maybe trying to talk to Anna to try and free Robin. No, it's much better that he divorce her, so he can fuck Sam with a "clear" conscience and have plausible deniability when Jason returns.

  • Love 5

Dear Ron,

If you want viewers to change their minds about Sabrina, having Patrick FINALLY grow a brain and realize that Robin has been coerced into working for a dangerous man who surely is not above targeting her husband and daughter to keep her compliant only to have Sabrina throw water on that extremely correct theory is not the way to do it.



All part of RC's directive to Protect the Pet Patrick at all costs. Sabrina was constantly saddled with"Talk-Patrick-out-of-the-correct-conclusion" back when Robin was coming back from the dead as well. That way Patrick "can't be blamed" for not searching for his wife then or going ahead with the divorce now - he would have, if it weren't for Sabrina and her gosh-darn logical arguments! It's such a transparent attempt to keep the asshole Righteous and Blameless, it's laughable. Edited by yowsah1
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Because of this:


Yes he remembered Victor is teh evil and Robin was forced, but said she seemed to be staying of her own free will.


and this:


Patrick was talking about the card Silas found among Rafe's stuff from the NYC clinic and he twigged on to the fact that Robin was there and working for the dangerous Mr. Cassadine and it wouldn't be unreasonable to think that he set up the accident to keep Robin in line.


But Sabrina (because she thinks Ava did it) basically dismissed the card as a red herring and basically said pursuing that line of thought would mean telling Sam about Jason, which Patrick clearly doesn't want to do.


There fixed this for you:


I liked the reveal that Patrick shaved. He's cute again. BUT it still isn't hard to hate him.

ETA: Apparently yowsah1 types faster than I do. What s/he said.


Sabrina is being set up to be -- in Patrick's eyes -- unreliable. The last time she talked him out of something, it was when he thought Robin was alive. She convinced him he was wrong. He has a right idea again now, but, again, Sabrina has convinced him that he's mistaken. This way, he can escape blame-free from any Robin or Shamwow situation that might arise. I'm almost ready to bet that Sabrina will need some kind of help down the road but Patrick won't provide it because of "what she's done."


I wasn't particularly a Sabrina fan, but it does irritate me to see yet another woman go mental because of baby-related issues. It's a sad day when Ava Jerome seems to be one of the most responsible and sane women on the show. 

Edited by rur
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All this shows is Patrick is easily persuaded into taking the easy road, even if it means ignoring logic and his own intuition - proceeding with his decision to divorce Robin and pursue Sam, rather than considering he may have misjudged Robin or that he might have to tell Sam the truth about Jason.

Sabrina is merely a dolt, but Patty still looks like a self-serving ass.

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Sabrina is being set up to be -- in Patrick's eyes -- unreliable. 


I dunno, Patrick never held her being wrong about the phone call against her (although I found the "Oh FUCK" look she got on her face when Robin confirmed the call had come from her to be priceless) and I don't see him doing so here too.  It's clear we're meant to think he values her opinion, which is why he let her steer him away from his theory.


It is about protecting Patrick from the Robin/Jason blowback, but still, putting Sabrina in that position given the history doesn't help her character in the slightest.

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It's a sad day when Ava Jerome seems to be one of the most responsible and sane women on the show.

I don't get this sense at all, I think it is Kiki that Ron is trying to paint in this role, even more sad.


I was talking just about today. Ava seemed sane. Kiki was just stupid running to Franco to tattle and then not doing so. If she was really trying to look scared when she was clutching that vase yesterday after Carly caught her, then she shouldn't have run straight to Franco. If she wasn't scared, then she should have just told him, whether Carly was there or not. (Do. Or do not, Kiki. There is no try.)

 Sheesh … get off my screen and don't make weird faces in the background as you go. 

Edited by rur
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Does Sabrina know Pat wants Sam now? You'd think she'd be a little miffed that she went off to mourn their baby and, when she comes back, he's all "I'm leaving my wife - not for you, though! Even though I was totally set to marry you less than a year ago!"


You're assuming Patrick has ever been in love with Sabrina. IMO he never has been, and went along with marrying her because it was the easier thing to do than keep telling people he doesn't see her in a romantic way. I like Patrick, but he's not one to make a decision for himself by himself.

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Why hasn't Sonny put a hit on Kiki to keep her quiet? We all know that he wouldn't care that it would hurt Michael.


b/c he WANTS Franco to learn about what Carly did, he just doesn't want Franco to rat him out to Michael. He wants to get rid of Franco not Kiki. Michael isn't even a blip on his radar...neither is Kiki for that matter, he just wants to win the battle of the glittery whoha

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Wouldn't she assume with Robin out of the picture and the Dead Gabriel shared grief that Patrick might turn back to her now?


She doesn't seem all that interested in him, IMO. I know she's just gotten back, and she's on her Revenge for Gabriel Tour, but I also haven't gotten the feeling she wants to rekindle anything. Of course, that can always change once she realizes that making a frownie face at Ava isn't going to intimidate her.

Yeah, but would Sabrina know that? Wouldn't she assume with Robin out of the picture and the Dead Gabriel shared grief that Patrick might turn back to her now?

Although why am I expecting normal reactions from these characters at this point?


Thinking about it, I honestly think that Sabrina realized Patrick really loved her the way she wanted him too. I suspect she might even have enough pride to not take him back if he tried to go back to her.

I think, to Sabrina, Patrick was a fantasy.  And now that's been shattered twice, first with her dream princess wedding being broken up by his thought-to-be-dead wife.  And then again with the death of the baby.  So I don't think she wants to go back there.


And, out of universe, I think Ron finally wised up that this pairing wasn't going to catch fire the way he (and Michael Fairman) thought it would.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

I understand that Robin/KMc is no longer on the show*, but the way Patrick is so flip about Robin’s situation and “at peace” about his impending divorce kind of makes him an unfeeling idiot in my eyes, which I’m sure isn’t the intention.


Two seconds after speaking with Sabrina about the fact that Victor is most likely threatening Robin and may have run them off the road, he’s smiling and semi-flirting with Sam about…his beard.


Sabrina debunked his theory, but does she really have so much clout with Patrick that he’s completely ready and willing to let it go?


And it seems like the only reason he’s OK with letting it go is so he doesn’t have to tell Sam about Jason.


So a part of him believes Victor is dangerous, but he doesn’t want to tell Sam about Jason, so screw Robin and her well-being!


Also, having Alexis push Sam toward Patrick was laughable. She was nearly giddy that Patrick/Robin were divorcing and I just don’t think that was true to her character.


Sidenote…did the writers completely whitewash that Patrick wanted Robin to leave Jason to die? Or the fact that he despised Jason and didn’t care if he came home to Sam/Danny? I think those are far more dramatic points in the Sam/Patrick love story than anything else.


*I don’t get how this storyline works without Robin on-screen. So Jason comes back and Robin is where exactly? Still being held against her will and no one cares to look for her? Actually, that sounds about right at this point.

  • Love 6

*I don’t get how this storyline works without Robin on-screen. So Jason comes back and Robin is where exactly? Still being held against her will and no one cares to look for her? Actually, that sounds about right at this point.


Good point.  Wouldn't Patrick's first reaction to seeing Jason be, "Huh, Robin lied about him being dead, maybe she's in a pickle after all."


I hope when it all comes out, Mac slugs Patrick in the face and then Anna karate chops him in the throat and Duke...well, Duke probably won't be on-screen to react, but I'm sure he'll be cross about it too!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

Another day where nothing happened that I could care about, joy.


Why does Sam keep repeating the Nina's supposed master plan for breaking up her and Silas and yet she still went ahead and gave her exactly what she wanted, 24/7 time with Silas uninterrupted. It doesn't make sense, Ron, I don't care what you think dude, it just doesn't.


if Sam truly cared about/loved Silas then she would have staked her claim and dared the Nina to do her worst. That she would not be tricked or manipulated or allow Silas to be either; she was only his wife still in name and as soon as she was back on her feet then they could go ahead and part ways, living their lives free and clear from all the past baggage.


At least I got a line from Sam saying that she liked her parents together, it was nice to hear...especially considering they never have any goddamn scenes together! Gah! Stupid show.


Would it be too much to ask for a scene where Sam goes to see Julian and ask him why he is allowing the business to keep him away from the woman he claims to love so much? Then they could have a little chat about when he first met Alexis, how he somehow hadn't managed to forget her after all those years and just how much his new family truly does mean to him. There hasn't been nearly enough Julian and Sam scenes for my liking, not at all.


However, he signs his texts "J"...I'll allow it because he's hot.


I actually didn't mind the Jerome siblings scenes today, why the hell did they have to go and fuck with them in the first place? Ava is the most tolerable she's ever been, imo, when she's around Julian and not trying to betray or kill him. If they had just kept together they could have easily taken down Sonny, notLuke, Duke, and Franco for giggles by now.


I want an iceberg to land on Shawn, I really do. I want Sonny frozen in ice, I truly do.


The Nina is too tiresome for me to even comment on anymore, she's exhausting and inane.


So Patrick finally did shave, and yet fails to mention his hunch/suspicion about Robin's current situation tying in with the car accident to Sam because...oh right, this shit has to drag on until next Spring, oh and Sabrina told him not to. GTFO with this bollocks. Stupid show.

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I hate what they have done to Shaun. I have a hard time believing that he would be ok with kidnapping a woman so that Sonny could keep her captive until she gives birth and then be killed by Sonny. I think that hitman Jason would even have quarms about doing that.


He'd be fine with it. Replying in the history thread about why

Edited by ulkis

Good point.  Wouldn't Patrick's first reaction to seeing Jason be, "Huh, Robin lied about him being dead, maybe she's in a pickle after all."


I hope when it all comes out, Mac slugs Patrick in the face and then Anna karate chops him in the throat and Duke...well, Duke probably won't be on-screen to react, but I'm sure he'll be cross about it too!


The SECOND Jason is spotted, Patrick, realistically, should spill the beans to anyone with half a brain and get a search party together. But the only way that type of story works is for Robin/KMc to physically be on the show for a significant period of time, especially after she's finally found and everything is out in the open. I've watched soaps for a very long time and there has to be some type of payoff after so much tragedy. And for some reason, Ron doesn't think that applies to Robin's character.


I know this is all dependent on the actress pursuing other goals, but then I think Robin should either be recast or written off for now. It's nearly impossible to have a character in the middle of a MAIN storyline and not be present.

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Nina was absolutely freaking every where today.  It was like a Nina-palooza.  If Nina wasn't on screen, everyone was talking about her.  What happened to Stafford's declaration that she wasn't coming on to take over the show?


Now that my rant is over.....


I liked the Sam/Alexis scenes


I liked the Julian/Ava scenes


I still loathe everything Franco


Sonny & Shawn could put an insomniac to sleep


Sabrina is still boring.

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