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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Yeah, Patrick and Sam do have chemistry but he just got divorced and she was in a serious relationship. Pace, writers! Of course they want the big Jason reveal to be him walking in on Samtrick in bed- how soapy!


Maybe it's because I've been conditioned to believe I am not worthy of having nice things, but I still don't think the show is going there with Sam/Patrick, at least not right away.  My personal bet is that the weird staging of Silas carrying Nina to the bedroom was because nothing actually happens between them except that they sleep in the same bed, and the knife thing is just a dream sequence. 


I think Patrick is a diversion before the show goes back to Silas/Sam in time for Jason's return.  I'll be surprised if Samtrick even kiss. 


Because, no, no nice things for me. 

Edited by Rancide


I have to believe the whole "Peter Harrell" ass-pull is some sort of last-minute change, because that's what it stinks of - no way would this be anybody's first idea. Either they think this is what they'll use to give Levi more time on the canvas, or they backed away from another idea for the same. Either way it's extremely feeble. It's probably the single most pointless past reference I have ever seen Ron Carlivati come up with, and that's considerable.


As long as he's not Sly Eckert I can tolerate almost anything. But oh my God, how stupid and pointless. Couldn't they have just said he was some sort of old relative of one of Mac's old pals from his criminal days? That would be fine.

I am more and more convinced that Ron changes his stories if there is even a hint on any of the boards, spoiler or rumor sites that people have figured out what he is planning. It is more important for his ego that he look clever than the story work, So once the boards started sprouting that Levi was Sly, or Mac's Son or Jax's Son or connected to Jerry any of those ideas went out the window for Ron and he switched it up.


I think the same thing is happening with Fluke I think he and TG wanted Fluke to be Bill but far to many people have guessed that, so Ron is now scrambling to re-write the whole thing, and I would predict still let Tony play Bill one last time by having Bill be the person who recuses Luke, Cause Bill has been held hostage by whoever Fluke is for all this time. Because in Ron's world two years of captivity like Robin or even twenty years in captivity al la Duke is just something to be shrugged off, Hell Nina who for all intensive purposes SLEPT though her twenty years suffers more than Duke (like him or not) who spent twenty years in a Turkish Prison....as Ron ever seen Midnight Express...crap...


Felicia didn't mention Peter right away but admitted to Frisco that she had a fiance when they were hiding her in the pullman car (fall 84). 


Peter nearly killed Felicia in late 1984 when Robert, Holly, Luke, Sean and Frisco were all involved with trying to find the treasure. (That was Nov sweeps of 84 when after they saved Felicia, Laura announced she was pregnant with Lucky.) 


Peter came back in March 1985 just after Frisco and Felicia consummated their relationship and caused Tony to get shot by Slater. Peter disappeared after that though. It was assumed that he died because he was injured/sick. 


But I hate when Ron does this shit. Like Brad was randomly related to Kim from the Asian Quarter storyline. Seriously? Fuck off. 


Well no wonder I missed it, then. I was in India around that time and then in '85, starting high school, and lots of family upheaval, I missed it. Good to know my memory is still intact.




Yeah, Patrick and Sam do have chemistry but he just got divorced


Not yet he hasn't. All we know is that Patrick is going to divorce Robin. I didn't see him give Robin any papers to sign. Oh wait, what am I blathering about? He did get divorced--it all happened offscreen, and I'm sure that Fuckwit will reveal the deets on his TwitterTwatter.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Watching Sam and Patrick today made me realize that Sabrina was really just a speed bump for him. She's so pointless.


I am going to partly disagree. Ron trashes long standing characters, it is his thing.


However, his pets get lots of juicy time. Sabrina was going to be a hot but nerdy/shy 22 yo nurse swept up into the hot and hotshot neurosurgeon's life. That happens in real life, too, at every hospital.


Ron chickened out, and SORASed her to 30+ MILF with lots of past sex, the day of the first love scene. TeCa the actress wasn't quite up for playing at that level, though she does both shy nerd and campy fine. JT tanked the hell out of the scenes, which left TeCa hanging, because JT is the hottest or second hottest male actor on the show (open to arguments) and therefore can do no wrong.


I don't check the spoiler sites and don't buy magazines anymore, but if I am right then Sabrina is going to be the love angel to Sam's darker sex succubus in the race for Patrick's love. Sam will take the early lead because TeCa still has (guessing) 25 pounds to lose to do a love scene, and Kelly is ready now. I don't think Sam will do something serial killer level bad when the time comes,  but it will be something. If the race heats up enough into campy land, then TeCa will be able to pull it off. I think we can count on Ron to do that for us.

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Yes, but the character, who was engaged to Felicia, was looking for the Aztec treasure with her.  So I'm guessing he started dating/asked her to marry him, so he could get his hands on the treasure himself.  He obviously failed, and more then likely passed it on to his son.


"You must buy a happy meal for 30 years and hope you get the jewelry in it, son! If you don't luck out . . . finally resort to trying to marry Felicia's daughter, I guess."

  • Love 5

It's also perfect because Peter Harrell was an easily forgettable character and, hopefully, Levi soon will be.

That's the only thing keeping me hopeful. Tying him to a throwaway character that virtually no one knew existed *should* spare us a minute more of this freak than we must. Get him the hell off my screen. Yesterday.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Nina is almost as tall as Silas, and ME, God love him, doesn't look like he's seen the inside of a gym in about a decade.


And for people we've never seen go outside during the daytime, both of them looked pretty tan yesterday. Wondering how Nina, especially, got time in the sun, distracted me from Silas pursing his lips and flaring his nostrils while Nina was coming on to him. 



… Sam's darker sex succubus in the race for Patrick's love.


Definitely yes to this. Sam was the one doing the heavy* flirting yesterday. She was the one up in Patrick's face, literally. At the Jason reveal, it'll work out that she'll be The Bad because she was pursuing him. If they end up having sex, Patrick will be innocent, having somehow fallen on top of Sam when they were both naked. together. in the same room. And then it will be Robin's fault, too. 


* accidentally typed "heaving" at first, although, that'd work, too, considering the number of times she bent over and revealed her cleavage.

Edited by rur
The Asian Quarter thing with Brad I liked - it made some sense, it wasn't trying to be some huge new lame B-story like this Levi shit. You can do more with it or not.

Oh, I'm convinced Ron's not done with that yet, he'll probably dig it up when it's time to give Lucas and Brad some fleeting angst.


I'm of two minds with the Asian Quarter stuff. On the one hand, it's kind of insulting that Brad is tied to an Asian mob family just because he's Asian. On the other, it does make for a nice shared past with Lucas—except for the glaring fact that Lucas grew up with Bobbie and Tony, who had no mob ties.


Ron always tries to have it all ways with this kind of thing. It's never thought through; he makes the connection to the past without going any deeper than this story/character existed, and now there's someone else connected to it.


And yes, I'm sure Brad's Asian Quarter past will somehow be used in the future, because OMG GH HISTORY.


Exactly when did Silas and Nina officially reunite? <snip> She was acting like it was already a fact of their life and he didn't seem to question it.

Last night. Heh. Typical ME character, don't you think? The woman always does the heavy lifting in his relationships, and ME's character just goes along with it.


I don't care about Sam and Patrick (and I won't care about Jason coming back and "ruining" them), but it's nice to see them genuinely happy and smiling for a change. JT and KM are pretty, pretty people. I like to see pretty people being pretty. GH has so little of that.

  • Love 2

I'm of two minds with the Asian Quarter stuff. On the one hand, it's kind of insulting that Brad is tied to an Asian mob family just because he's Asian. On the other, it does make for a nice shared past with Lucas—except for the glaring fact that Lucas grew up with Bobbie and Tony, who had no mob ties.


I've always found their shared past a tad too similar ("My bio daddy is a mobster!"  "OMG, mine too!"), a shortcut taken instead of actually developing the attraction between them.  Also, I fear any such story will involve total hypocrisy on Lucas' part, that it's okay for him to have a relationship with his mobster daddy, but not for Brad.


Last night. Heh. Typical ME character, don't you think? The woman always does the heavy lifting in his relationships, and ME's character just goes along with it.


Seriously, full-on McBain flashbacks.  Ugh, still cannot stand it.

  • Love 2


And for people we've never seen go outside during the daytime, both of them looked pretty tan yesterday. Wondering how Nina, especially, got time in the sun, distracted me from Silas pursing his lips and flaring his nostrils while Nina was coming on to him.


Nina discovered the joys of high-contrast hair highlights about 2 days after she came back to PC, so she's probably learned about spray tans, too. Silas, I have no answer unless Nina drugged him and took him with her. 


I don't even like Sam or Patrick, but I was surprised by how glad I was to see someone, anyone, having fun. And I'm one who watches mostly for angst and conflict. 

Yeesh, did Sabrina really have to swear on her baby's soul?  And why does she think she'll be more successful at figuring out what happened than the cops or a private investigator?


Every time Felix pats himself on the back for backing out of the threesome, I wish he knew that he was about to literally have his ass canceled on.


I am a little sad the Britt/Nina first meeting wasn't bitchier.  Though, awww, Nathan speaks highly of Britt!  Sibling love!


The Lucas/Brad/Britt stuff was kinda cute.  And hey, the show remembered that Maxie is Lucas' cousin too!

Edited by TeeVee329
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So Brad and Lucas got lost in their own little world and spent the past two days in near or full naked glory being very active together, it's like a dream come true...if only I could have seen some of it!


Yeah, I'd much rather watch Carly and Sonny doing unspeakable things together than see Brad and Lucas rolling in the hay again and again...and again...


But honestly I don't think I have enjoyed scenes between a soap couple more on this show all year, hands down. The kisses, so many kisses, the staring, Brad watching Lucas sleeping so adoringly was...I think one of the hottest, sweetest, cutest scenes by far, not to mention all the laughing and teasing and grinning and general at ease with each other. It just felt like I was watching a good show with a couple having a really amazing time reconnecting and being together.


They were the perfect example, to me, of what love in the afternoon can look like, and the idea that Ron would rather spend time with people obsessing over babies and being pointlessly and redundantly, kidnapped instead...gah.


And speaking of obsessing over babies, the Nina was really laying it on thick with Silas. It's a good thing I had Lucas and Brad to counter those bed scenes.


My goodness but baby Ben was so bloody adorable today. That shot of him falling asleep on Nik's lap and then when that big little head dropped forward and he woke himself up with a start, I about died, that was too cute for words.


I have no idea what Tyler has done to his hair, I don't think I want to know.


So Carlos is back. Will he be rocking the Faison brand of captivity kind of cray crazy? One can only hope.


Previews: the Nina is pregnant...? There is no god.

Edited by CPP83
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Silas waking up and being like "Hey, what's up" to Nina - not a kiss, smile, etc. after they've had sex for the first time in 20+ years is almost, ok kinda, funny. Nina...just creepy. Asking your husband if it was fabulous for him, too...blech. Yes, Silas, let those doctors brain cells of your work and connect that Nina should be much weaker than she is and is in fact, crazy.


Becky Herbst is so good with the babies. Rocco seemed content with Elizabeth. Show remember Aiden and Rocco are cousins and that Liz and Lulu have Spencer history ... glad for small, nice moments like that.


TCa looks quite healthy post-pregnancy, but jeebus those bright pink scrubs that match her lipstick are just too much. 


Rocco falling asleep in Nik's lap and toppling over was hilarious. Nice catch, Tyler!  Gotta love that Rocco is perfectly content with his mom not being there and yammering about giving him a sibling. Hate Tyler's current haircut though, and the Liz/Britt competition dialogue, esp. "Britt's winning" and Nik being...Nik.  Go Liz!!! (re: previews). 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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I'm very conflicted.

I find myself enjoying Short Hair Yelly Angry Levi. Maxie and Lulu give me a headache as well, and I have been wanting to throw something at one of them. And I agreed with everything he said about Felicia, too. If only he'd have said "And shut up about having a damn baby, Lulu! Maxie you ruined your chances with your daughter, you moron, by lying in the first place!"

I am sorry, but.... I like a truth teller.

I find myself enjoying Short Hair Yelly Angry Levi




I don't understand leaving the fringe in the front, but I like the hair cut overall, far better than Tyler's certainly. And now that he's dropped the Levi act, he isn't as bad. I have wanted him to put a bullet in either of those annoying females since he took them though, or both, I just want them silenced somehow.



What'd Liz in the previews?




She slapped stupid Nik with his stupid hair.

Edited by CPP83

What does Levi really want with Lulu? I thought that her kidnapping was pretty random.

I'm going to guess he now knows Lulu is Luke's daughter, and Luke was involved in that Aztec treasure storyline with Felicia, Frisco, Sean, etc. back in the '80s.

What'd Liz in the previews?

She slapped Nikolas for kissing her. Context is today he made a joke out of Elizabeth's vague reference to "The Bachelor" and acknowledged he recently almost had sex with Britt, and saying he also told Britt that night that he has feelings for Liz. So she's basically calling him out on being an ass - or so it appears.

She slapped Nikolas for kissing her. Context is today he made a joke out of Elizabeth's vague reference to "The Bachelor" and acknowledged he recently almost had sex with Britt, and saying he also told Britt that night that he has feelings for Liz. So she's basically calling him out on being an ass - or so it appears.


Go Liz indeed!  How surprising that Nik's explanation of "Yes, I almost slept with a woman you hate, but in all fairness, I told her I still had feelings for you first, so we're all good, right?" didn't go over well.  Douche.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Wait, so... Nina's pregnant?  Is this time with Silas not the only time she's had sex since waking up from her coma?  And is it not, literally, the morning after?  That's not how this works, Ron.  


I watched that preview of Liz slapping Nik more than once.  More than twice.  OK, fine, more than five times. How he hasn't been slapped before this is beyond me. 


It's like Ron said "now, Liz/Nik was really gross the first time.  How do we measure up to that?" 

Edited by KerleyQ
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Previews: the Nina is pregnant...? There is no god.

This has to be a dream. It HAS to be, right? As a physician, I managed not to go to crazy when Maxie got pregnant the day she had a miscarriage. But if Nina is pregnant the morning after having sex for the first time in 20 years (at her age!), I am not sure what I would do! Perhaps set up a GoFundMe for a medical consultant for the show because whomever they are using is quite fuzzy on medical concepts. Maybe I could help them out myself...


I too enjoyed Lucas and Brad today. They do have nice chemistry.

What'd Liz do in the previews?

During the show Britt bragged she 'let slip' to Liz that Britt and Nik almost screwed (I won't call it making love or sexy time because it was pretty sad on Britt's part)...


Anyhow, for the preview it looked like Nik went in for a kiss and Liz either spit and bitch slapped him, or bit and slapped him, the angle was behind her shoulder so only the slap was clear.


Other shots on the show:


Sabrina was mostly okay, but the oath on her baby's soul needed more oomph on TeCa's part. Not sure why all the prison wating room drama.


Britt was good for the most part, but the hanging around while the lovers were in bed was impolite.


I simply don't care about Maxie, Lulu, and whatever we are calling the aussie idiot now. Move it along.


Anna and her team were a little too subdued for my taste.


Three days is a very long time to be having sex. Were they taking shower, shave, and chow breaks?


I am glad the Nina storyline is going somewhere, I wish it was moving faster. I understand Silas has to be dumb to make this story and the Patrick/killer story work, but come on. Also, Nina is a little too crazy without good reason. We need some mirror talking scenes or other device to establish an extreme hurt or injury or illness to make us buy it.

Holy crap, I watched all of today's episode without having to ff anything.   I can't remember the last time that happened.  Not all of it was great, but the only part I was even tempted to FF was Silas and Nina in bed, but in the end I just couldn't turn away from that trainwreck.  The whole thing so very wrong and the opposite of sexy.  Someone needs to tell Ron that obligation sex is just gross, no matter the sex of the not-really-into it person.  Ick.  And if it's NOT supposed to be obligation sex, well, the director needs to smack ME upside the head because he played it very much nauseated-looking today.  Which was funny because nauseated was also how I felt.


The great:


Brad and Lucas.  Yum.  Hot guys in bed, nary a baby in sight.  Yum.

Ben and everyone interacting with him.  That kid is adorable.  This is the proper use of children in soaps (take note, Spencer!)

The Georgie shout-out.  Georgie, you are missed!


The good:


Levi.  (Don't hate me).  Where did this come from?  Is a haircut really all it took?  Am I really that shallow?  He's kind of hot and not a terrible actor.  Maybe we can keep him and give him some better dialogue. 

Anna.  Just because she's Anna.


The okay:


Britt and Nathan.  Nathan is so asexual to me (funny for a guy that good-looking), but the confused puppy look works okay in non-sexual situations.

Sabrina and Felix.  I still don't care about either of them, but they don't actually infuriate me when they only talk to each other.

Liz and Nik.  Awkward and weird, but Ben makes everything better.


The wonderful:


No Sonny, Carly, Franco, or Kiki.  Praise Jasus.

Edited by Rancide
  • Love 1
No Sonny, Carly, Franco, or Kiki.  Praise Jasus.




Can I get an amen?


It's days like today when I don't mind when the show feels like two completely different shows, being shot on completely different planets. It was so nice to be able to watch knowing I wouldn't have to see them nor hear about them the entire time, so blissful.

  • Love 2
IA. Looking at him is like gorging on cotton candy or something. Really good at first but then it's too much. TOO MUCH PRETTY. I don't know, lol.




Let me pull up a chair at the table. I also don't think that it helps he doesn't seem to have chemistry with anyone yet, any real chemistry.


I can't help but wonder if they had made him a gay character if that might have sparked something, just being different and not atypical. Being an openly gay cop could have led to some very interesting story lines, not that I would have trusted Ron with such sensitive topics but it might have given Ryan something meaty to do than just be the pretty boy who "falls in love" with a pretty girl.

  • Love 1

Being an openly gay cop could have led to some very interesting story lines, not that I would have trusted Ron with such sensitive topics.


Ron already wrote an openly (well, after some in the closet drama) gay cop - Oliver Fish on "One Life to Live".  And he actually did it well.  I always liked that despite whatever personal drama he had going on, Fish was able to stow it away and he helped save the day on several occasions.


So despite his predilection towards reRoning himself, I'm not surprised he didn't want to dip into the same well.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Oh Jasus.

Sabrina will totes be the one in PC to be all "AJ", that's Ava Jerome. She killed Connie, not AJ Quartermaine! So Ava was going to kill him, but Sonny did and then somehow... you got tricked into taking the fall, Carrlos! To the Scooby van!

And Sam has solved more cases than the PCPD lately. She should be commissoner, but then she'd lose her brains.

  • Love 2

Dante in the bed with Ben!!







I'll be honest, if they made Dante a single dad with Ben I might become a fan. I don't mind him really, I hate that they have made him "Sonny's son" and since I've never liked Lulu making them lovers never worked/did a thing for me, but Dom has a great chemistry with that kid and it really was a cute scene.


All things Ben were cute to the tenth degree and even he can't stay awake through Liz and Nik's usual droning about their non-relationship status. And really, Nik, what happened to being so worried and concerned about your sister, yet you have time to screw with Liz about almost bedding Britt and your true "feelings" about her? His hair really matches his attitude right now, overly greasy and trying too hard.



TeeVee329, I keep forgetting Ron wrote on OLTL, I stopped watching that show so long before it was cancelled I don't even think I was watching when that character was on, but it's nice to hear Ron proved he could do it. I know he has shown promise several times he just doesn't seem to give much of a shit about real character development on the show right now. 

Edited by CPP83
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I loved his (paraphrasing) "i'm going to grab that girl and never let her go" in relation to Maxie when talking to Britt.


I guess I'm not going to get my scene where Nathan tells Maxie that he's glad she's okay but the way she treated him, over and over and over again, is a problem for him and he just doesn't have the stomach to play games with her.  


I'm not saying they shouldn't eventually get together but Maxie should have to work for it.  She treated him like shit.  

  • Love 4


I can't help but wonder if they had made him a gay character if that might have sparked something, just being different and not atypical. Being an openly gay cop could have led to some very interesting story lines, not that I would have trusted Ron with such sensitive topics but it might have given Ryan something meaty to do than just be the pretty boy who "falls in love" with a pretty girl.


I wish Nathan were gay/bi so Lucas wouldn't be stuck with Brad and Felix. 

  • Love 2
Why couldn't he be for Britt and Dante?




Because that would have been far better and he might have stayed Ben on top of things? Then Lulu would have gone fully nuts and Dante would have had her committed and we wouldn't be going through this right now, how nice would that be?


I've never felt that Nathan has much of a romantic, if any, presence because Ryan is still learning the art of acting, and he's...well, he could be worse, he has improved, I think, but he's still got a lot to learn and that, imo, includes being a romantic character.


What works in real life doesn't always resonate on screen, or looks right, especially on a soap, and I think he just hasn't had the time to come into his own right now. I think turning him into Britt's brother, Dr. EvO's son, possibly Victor's as well, was more than enough to pile onto this newbie's plate. Let him try and get through all of that first before then trying to throw a romantic pairing on top of it all before he's ready. 


I also don't think Maxie needs a boyfriend right now, she goes through them like shoes, it'd be nice to see her act/behave like an adult who is working to turn herself into a good person and mother so she can get her daughter back.

  • Love 1


So Brad and Lucas got lost in their own little world and spent the past two days in near or full naked glory being very active together, it's like a dream come true...if only I could have seen some of it!

Yeah, I'd much rather watch Carly and Sonny doing unspeakable things together than see Brad and Lucas rolling in the hay again and again...and again...

But honestly I don't think I have enjoyed scenes between a soap couple more on this show all year, hands down. The kisses, so many kisses, the staring, Brad watching Lucas sleeping so adoringly was...I think one of the hottest, sweetest, cutest scenes by far, not to mention all the laughing and teasing and grinning and general at ease with each other. It just felt like I was watching a good show with a couple having a really amazing time reconnecting and being together.



They were awesome! I was surprised & excited they even got that much screen time alone in bed. PS & RyCa are hot, hot, hot, hot, hot. For me those two just sparkle together.  I may have squeed when they were rubbing their face together like cats.  I don't know why I found that so hot but damn, I definitely did. The touching, the kissing & playfulness was a treat to see. I am pleased to know that Felix isn't even a factor at this point.


Ben made my ovaries quiver today. That baby was too damn cute.


I know they were probably for exposition but I think those Anna/Dante/Nathan scenes were TIIC trolling us. It seemed like pure fanfic fodder.


Today RH had the nurse in me wanting to get her height & weight in order to calculate her BMI & contact the Dietitian for a nutrition consult. So many bones in her chest & back were prominent/visible.


Ugh, I am pissed & frustrated that all the non-gray sets are being used as hide-outs. Don't TPTB know people on GH need housing.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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