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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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51 minutes ago, NutmegsDad said:

Oh, Sweet Blessed Carrie Fisher's Moonlight-Bathed Bra! Couldn't Robin wrap her chain around Liv's neck and choke her into submission?

At least they didn't insta-recon Duke's body back into existence, and remembered that Anna spread Duke all over the coast off Scotland last year.

I would be so into an episode where Liv and Heather have a Bat-Shit-Crazy-Off.

One thing about the endgame to Endgame: I remember back them they had poured copious amount of concrete to bury the lab, so just walking down and finding a couple of old IBM mainframes was a bit of recon.

Even Mr. TVEye was like "that's a long ass chain, why doesn't she choke her with it?" and for the bazillionth time, I had to wade through all the self-loathing I feel for watching this show and remind him, "it's General Hospital" , a phrase that is starting to become synonymous in our household for anything that makes no sense.

So Liv is going to substitute Griffin for Duke's Dead Body and what? Turn him into Duke by sewing an old piece of Duke's hair onto Griffin's body? And is this where they tell us that Griffin is Anna and Duke's son? (speculation, not a spoiler, oh God please let it be wrong speculation!)

Liv and Heather together would be awesome! I don't recall if they knew each other way back when, but it's General Hospital so it doesn't matter.

I'm really starting to get annoyed with the amount of things I've seen done so much better on Buffy being used on TFGH, now, just like the Initiative was covered and filled with concrete only to be seen again 3 seasons later for one episode, old cobwebby computers and all. I should be happy if they're giving a wink and a nod to my favorite show ever (Buffy The Vampire Slayer, not TFGH) but it just makes me roll my eyes so hard I'm afraid they're going to fall out of my head.

And thanks a lot TFGH, all these damn elevator scenes lately gave me rusty old damaged elevator dreams.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, jsbt said:

I can't remember if Nora had left the DA's office before OLTL ended, but she spent most of her years on the show prior to that in private practice.

I think she was still the DA?  I remember she was the one who ended up dismissing the murder charges against Clint re: Eddie Ford the summer of 2011 because she and Bo found out that Matthew did it.  And I'm pretty sure, on the PP OLTL, she came to see Natalie in her lab to talk about evidence for some case.

But yeah, her stepping down/back into private practice wouldn't be a huge leap.

Edited by TeeVee329
9 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

He took his shirt off years ago, to have sex with Claudette, and two lives were ruined. No, three. Or nine. His choice changed everything! Because when Griffin takes his shirt off, you know what has to come off first? His priest collar.  

After he gets rescued from Olivia J., my bet is that he is not slated to take his shirt off again until he and Liz have sex in some distant sweeps period, sending Franco into a downward spiral of disturbing artwork and repeatedly picking up and putting down a butcher knife. In that scenario, Liz will become the "town pariah." Kiki will appear at the nurses' station to call her a whore.  

But seriously, now that you mention it, I believe he has been well covered up since Maxie saw the bullet wound. I might have missed something since, though.  

Hey now, he stripped down for the Nurses Ball!  You know, as priests usually do...

  • Love 8
14 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Look, all I know is that spring is right around the corner, so I had better get The Park back. The GH parking garage is beautifully atmospheric for cold-weather months, but I lived for the weedy uncut grass, chain-link fences, and visible background SoCal architecture of The Park. Love in the afternoon. It was as though the vérité innovations of late-era Guiding Light had made a fleeting promise, and ten years later, General Hospital was making that promise come true.  

This is possibly the greatest paragraph ever written.

I am actually looking forward to today's ep, so that's nice. I just can't wait to see what Liv thinks she's gonna do with Duke's hair and Griffin's shirtless body!

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, jsbt said:

JP Stuart is capable of a lot more

As are so many of the actors. I'm continually amazed at what a waste, on so many levels, this show is.

20 minutes ago, OhioSongbird said:

Had a Helena sighting this morning!  Constance Towers was on Perry Mason looking fabu.

I wonder if we'll get a hologram Helena, since we're back in Endgame territory. Or just Helena, since I'm still convinced she never died in the first place. I refuse to believe she simply sighed her last and shuffled off this mortal coil.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Vyk said:

She had some of her goons grab him and bring him there.

How does dead for 25 years Liv get goons?  Johnny had goons because they were originally Zachara family goons that he inherited.  I would think Julian has Jerome family goons and Sonny, well, he has Max.  But how does someone who hasn't been around get goons?  Is there a store for that kind of thing?  Goons R Us?  Do you apply on Craigslist?  How loyal can they possibly be to the crazy lady?  

3 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

Couldn't Robin wrap her chain around Liv's neck and choke her into submission?

I'll give Robin the benefit of the doubt here.  She's pregnant, she's not in law enforcement, she knows Liv is crazy and I might be naive but I don't think Liv would hurt Duke's stepdaughter, even if she is Anna's daughter.  

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, Perkie said:

How does dead for 25 years Liv get goons?  Johnny had goons because they were originally Zachara family goons that he inherited.  I would think Julian has Jerome family goons and Sonny, well, he has Max.  But how does someone who hasn't been around get goons?  Is there a store for that kind of thing?  Goons R Us?  Do you apply on Craigslist?  How loyal can they possibly be to the crazy lady?  

Hasn't Olivia J. taken over the Jerome crime family?  So I assume they're Jerome goons appropriated from Julian and Ava.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, jsbt said:

Howarth looks aaawfullll

And worst part is, that was actual his best hair day in a while. 


Griffin's hair makes him look like a little boy. Valentin wussing out for fuckin' Nina turns him into the least intimidating Cassadine ever, and JP Stuart is capable of a lot more. He also looks like he's dressed and coiffed for School Photo Day. If they're trying for some sort of nonsensical triangle?? with Anna??? I am embarrassed. What in the Christ happened between him and Anna? This is ridiculous.

Apparently Anna put out a hit on him for reasons we don't know yet. In one episode he cried to Anna over how she was so mean to him at the WSB and it killed most of any mystique he had.. I think one way they can get it back is for him to snap Nina's neck one day a la Stavros and Chloe.


Oh, good - more Duke, Griffin and that damn kid. That's the ticket, GH. I'd write the little girl, Nina, Valentin (and probably Griffin at this rate)

I'd be willing to give Griffin one more chance if they actually had some sort of story for him. But he doesn't actually do anything.


Did they ever address that letter from Luke?

Nope. Apparently


rumor is that Luke is sending some woman to contract Tracy and people are speculating Tracy will leave to meet up with Luke. I suppose maybe there is a chance Laura and her will have a scene before Tracy goes and it will be brought up there but I doubt it.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2
1 minute ago, jsbt said:

Wasn't Olivia always secretly in control of the Jeromes? Isn't that the implication here in this story so far? Or no?

I don't think so?  Because before, Julian was being blackmailed/controlled by Fluke.  And Olivia J. said something yesterday that she only came out of hiding/exile because of Duke's death.  So I think her anointing herself Queen of the Jeromes is more recent.

Yeah - this dude who just wanders around town whining to Nina and people about his family, Anna, this dumb kid, getting roofied by Helena, etc. has zero menace. What a waste of both a character and a very talented actor. There's easily a good whodunit here where you get Nina written off too, and then it turns out to be one of the other Cassadines.

That fucking letter. "Dear Laura - Left fridge on. laterz~"

2 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I don't think so?  Because before, Julian was being blackmailed/controlled by Fluke.  And Olivia J. said something yesterday that she only came out of hiding/exile because of Duke's death.

God, what a jobbing maroon Julian is.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, jsbt said:

What, is she definitely alive? I mean, I assumed so since it's soap star Bree Williamson!!! and Frank loves her, but still.

Some Canadian mountie told Nathan and Maxie that her body had been found, and maybe that she had committed suicide?  But said mountie then called Valentin and told him the dum dums bought the story, so yeah, Claudette is only "dead".

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2

That fucking letter. "Dear Laura - Left fridge on. laterz~"

I think they're going all Lost in Translation with the Angel letter - what we imagined is better than what was said.  Or they got lazy.  I guess that's a tossup, really.

Tonya is killing it.  I like a villain who can both crack me up and make me believe she'd kill in a nanosecond.

  • Love 8
21 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Given Franco was in the ER when Sam came in, it would seem weird to me if he didn't ask a generic "how is she?" question when Elizabeth came home.  

Eh. In the context of his history with Jason/Sam it's inappropriate and Liz should react to it that way.

8 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Olivia J. wants to use Griffin as a VESSEL for Duke's SOUL!!!

Amazing. I am genuinely delighted

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Perkie said:

 But how does someone who hasn't been around get goons?  Is there a store for that kind of thing?  Goons R Us?  Do you apply on Craigslist?  How loyal can they possibly be to the crazy lady?  

It's Port Charles. I'm sure there's a temp agency specializing in minions.

2 hours ago, ulkis said:

I'd be willing to give Griffin one more chance if they actually had some sort of story for him. But he doesn't actually do anything.

He's a doctor, so I'm willing to give him more than one more chance.

2 hours ago, jsbt said:

That fucking letter. "Dear Laura - Left fridge on. laterz~"

I think it was more along the lines of "Dear Laura, The only people who can deal with my hair are in Amsterdam. See ya never."

20 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:
25 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Olivia J. wants to use Griffin as a VESSEL for Duke's SOUL!!!

Amazing. I am genuinely delighted

Same here. This is the kind of soap I love, not watching Nina pout that Valentin likes Anna better. Gah.

  • Love 7

Oooh, nice touch with Lucas telling Anna about the ENDGAME lab, given he was poisoned so Helena could blackmail Tony into reviving Stavros.

21 minutes ago, jsbt said:

Jean Passanante did this exact plot on ATWT for realsies so don't dismiss OJ's brilliant plan out of hand

Ha, get out.

I was thinking it would have been a good twist for Griffin, in that moment, to reveal that he wasn't actually Duke's son after all, that it was all some kind of long con.  Alas.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2

I forgot about that little kid who played Lucas and Roy saving him, haha. Nice.

I will never forget the opening of the General Shmospital take on Endgame:


Now, you're probably wondering why I brought you all here today. Well, let me just summarize for you. Our country was attacked by terrorists in an unprecedented attack on our freedom. As a result, this show had to show --shall we say -- empathy towards those who lost their lives. As a result of that, both Robert Kelker-Kelly and I have been let go from our roles in this show.

1 minute ago, dubbel zout said:

LOL that André is supposed to know where Julian was in the hospital. What a lame way to involve André.

Is it me or does careful-talking Andre sometimes have the vocal pitch or affect of Ben Carson? I'm just asking questions.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 2

I cackled when Liv was calling for Duke to come back and thought Anna's footsteps were Duke's. Her unceremoniously shoving the funnel in Griffin's mouth while muttering about his cooperation not being a necessity was a pretty good moment, too. She's easily the most entertaining villain we've had in ages, especially now that she's doing things other than squabbling with Julian. 

Griffin has earned my love by pretending to be embodied by Duke's spirit. That was exactly what I was hoping he would do, and it was fucking fabulous. Giving credit where it's due, the writers have finally delivered a satisfying storyline, one that has been built upon character history and thus feels authentic. This is the kind of material I want to see more of.

  • Love 11

So the PCPD thinks Olivia is still lurking in the hospital and they want to keep all the people they think might be in danger from her... in the hospital.  Jordan doesn't want Anna getting involved in chasing down Olivia and has the authority to stop her, based on her physical condition alone, but...  just lets her leave.  Andre has access to the GH computers, so... he and Jordan access Olivia's medical records without any warrant or subpoena.  Tight operation you're running there, Commissioner Ashford.

Oh, Anna.  In spite of knowing your weakened physical condition and the possibility of what an injury could do to you, you run off to track down Olivia on your own, without telling anyone your lead, thus endangering the search and, albeit unknowingly, any hostages Olivia may be holding.  Plus, you send one of PCPD's finest to your house.  (Like I said, Jordan, tight operation.)  How they've ruined you, Anna.

Wouldn't any judge in a custody battle want to speak to the child involved?  All else being equal, I would think Charlotte being afraid of and not liking Lulu would be a serious consideration.  I'd question any judge who'd give the kid to Lulu right now.   Of course, this is the same town that gave Sonny custody of Michael, so...  I'm hoping Nina is there to spite Laura and testify for Valentin and, oh by the way, tell the judge what Laura did.

Yes, and Lulu, how can Rocco "adore" Charlotte?  Have they even met?

Oh, Olivia.  Even if Duke is inhabiting Griffin's body now, do you really think he's on your side?   What am I saying?  Of course, you do.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

She's sitting behind the Kevin Collins "I'm Over Here!" Rock.

I just can't BELIEVE they did this again. Am I supposed to believe Patrick and Emma wouldn't be blowing up her phone or Anna's phone? Am I supposed to believe Anna would just be leaving lowkey messages instead of automatically knowing something is wrong? I'm not sitting through another round of this BS with Robin. Enough is enough.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

In other news, I don't understand how Nina - who basically ripped a baby out of someone - has become the linchpin in this custody case, that whoever has her on their side is going to win.  Whaaa?

As I understand it, if she goes against Valentin, that blows his "I'm giving Charlotte a stable, two-parent family" claim apart. Laura is trying to get Nina to do that with the promise of using her "influence" with Lulu to keep Nina in Charlotte's life. Fat chance of that, given how Lulu feels about Nina.

Nina doesn't have to be on Lulu's side, just against Valentin.

(Or you understand it but can't believe this is what's being written. In that case, sorry for an unnecessary explanation.)

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

I'm saying not just in front of the judge (because, really, her history should be a black mark against Valentin), but in the story in general.  This custody battle between Spencers and Cassadines will be settled by...Nina.  Whaaa?

Also, just like she did when Nina was trying to buy that baby, this would be a great opportunity for Ava to breeze in and put Nina on blast.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

I don't think Valentin's opening statement did him any favors, TBH. I get what he was going for but given that he started with an affidavit detailing Charlotte's conception and that "neither Lulu Falconeri and I were willing participants in her conception" and went from that to admitting that he was there in the delivery room when Charlotte was born and there for her first years and also that he knew little things about Charlotte like her favorite color and what makes her laugh - how is it Lulu's fault that she doesn't know these things when Valentin took the chance from her to know them?

Valentin made the unilateral decision to find and hire a surrogate to create Charlotte from the embryo. Lulu was never given such a choice.

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Linny said:

Griffin has earned my love by pretending to be embodied by Duke's spirit.

So long as that's what it is and not that Duke has enterred Griffin's body in some weird Disney movie type of thing.  Also, as much as I hate Duke Lavery (and I did!), I was hoping Griffin would have used the Scottish accent, just to mess with Liv's head even more.

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Have we had any explanation where Nathan is

RP is shooting another of those Hallmark movies.  

1 hour ago, Fellaway said:

Andre has access to the GH computers, so... he and Jordan access Olivia's medical records without any warrant or subpoena

I'm supposed to beleive that a computer system that was likely put in place in 2009 after the hospital renovation, would have records from 27 years ago on it?  Come on now.  All those old files would be in boxes in storage somewhere.  

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, Perkie said:

I'm supposed to beleive that a computer system that was likely put in place in 2009 after the hospital renovation, would have records from 27 years ago on it?  Come on now.  All those old files would be in boxes in storage somewhere.  

Well, I guess they think they covered themselves on that by having Andre talk about the paper documents scanned into the system having poor resolution.  But, yes, would they really bother with records that old and the patient supposedly since deceased?

  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, Perkie said:

So long as that's what it is and not that Duke has enterred Griffin's body in some weird Disney movie type of thing.  Also, as much as I hate Duke Lavery (and I did!), I was hoping Griffin would have used the Scottish accent, just to mess with Liv's head even more.

OMG, that really would ratcheted things up another ridiculous level.  Maybe tomorrow!

Speaking of tomorrow, looks like we're back in Nelle hell from the previews.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Fellaway said:

Wouldn't any judge in a custody battle want to speak to the child involved?  All else being equal, I would think Charlotte being afraid of and not liking Lulu would be a serious consideration.  I'd question any judge who'd give the kid to Lulu right now.   Of course, this is the same town that gave Sonny custody of Michael, so...

Michael didn't like AJ either. I'd question a judge who didn't send Lulu and Charlotte to counseling, not one who decided to let Valentin have custody because the kid didn't like Lulu.

1 hour ago, Fishy said:

Did Anna really retain any of her training from the WSB - she can't even take down Liv??  Duh

She did just get out of the hospital though.

1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

Also, just like she did when Nina was trying to buy that baby, this would be a great opportunity for Ava to breeze in and put Nina on blast.

I will also give GH bonus points if Nora somehow uses against them that Diane is the go-to attorney for the mob.

Was it just me or did Liv start Joe Jr-ing her lines a bit during the fight with Anna?

8 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Oh sorry!!  On his honeymoon since Maxie's now unemployed?

No, they didn't. I don't really mind since people have been off-screen this long without an actor taking a leave, and if I hadn't known I probably wouldn't have even noticed either, but you'd think they would have taken advantage of the honeymoon excuse because it makes sense and would have taken two seconds to slip in.

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