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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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28 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

So did we see where Nelle planted the expensive sexy French bra in Sonny's bedroom? I got the impression it was somewhere in the bed or sheets or pillows? If so, why wouldn't Sonny have found it already?

Legal point: if all the nurses go on strike, are they protected from being fired by their union membership?


I wouldn't bothering asking that question...the writers don't get care about things like laws or making this show remotely believable. 


4 hours ago, CoolWhipLite said:


  • The show's use of the 80's scenes of Finola and Tanja adds so much special sauce. 

They better not show too many scenes; it will remind the audience just how badly this show is written and produced compared to that time period. 


I don't get "hate my job" but I just see boredom and laziness. Every scene is basically flat---no one really tries to rise above the dialogue and make it better like they used to.


@HeatLifer I get it. These people are lucky enough to be working actors. But, and this is the only part of this post that matters, the writing sucks across the board and it just keeps on sucking, especially if you are an actor/character that predate FV and the actors now realize that they will probably not get good scenes. I maintain Guza was a crap storyteller after his return in the aughts because his head was so far up the Mob's ass and his homoerotic crush on Jason Morgan. What was worse the two people that could do anything about it, JFP and Frons, encouraged him, yet Guza, and many of his supporting writers, could reliably turn out good scenes for all the actors time to time. They constantly ruined characters, but at least the actors could sink their teeth into and there was more of a lead up to their self-immolation, where both actors and the audience could understand what was happening, even if the audience hated it.  Now it seems solely the job of the actors to elevate all the shitty scripts that are handed to them, not the job of the writers to throw in an ocassional non shitty scene. Richard Burgi and the guy that played Seth should be handed emmys for spinning gold out of the piles of shit filled hay they have been given.  Every era had their clunkers for storylines, but usually there were plenty of other of storylines that didn't suck. All the storylines are terrible and well as the writing.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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So I watched Thursday. It's made me not want to watch Friday. Really, even if I wasn't an Ava stan, (I was going to write fan, but then I realized, who the hell am I kidding? Not a psycho though.) I would hate to see this repetitive misogyny. Either one is annoying or gross, but putting them together makes it unbelievably unwatchable. I focused on Maura's eye makeup, because it took my mind off the rest. That was some serious glittery smoking eye. It looked great, as did she.

I didn't have a problem with the Curtis/Hayden scenes, I liked them having a drink together and catching each other up on their respective lives, dishing about their relationships. They make good friends. They'd make very pretty lovers, but I realize I'm never going to get that except maybe in fan fic. Like Hayden, I still love that he calls her Cupcake (Luke/Lulu be damned).

The Jordan/Andre scenes were boring and tired. They make me want to take a big nap.

Dante didn't enrage me, but he didn't endear me either. DZ seemed pretty engaged to me, he was probably thrilled he got to expound about being a cop and upholding the law as opposed to more Charlotte BS.

Thanks to the warning on Kristina, I was able to tolerate the scenes much better. I thought NLG did great, and they all just are so believable as a family unit. I think it would have worked better if Sam had been more reticent to accept it, but I loved that she did. I kind of wanted three different reactions as opposed to two. But they were good scenes, even if Krissy was the annoying, petulant brat who still only manages to think of herself instead of her mother's disease. Molly's hair still looks great.

That's all I've got.

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10 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

Like Hayden, I still love that he calls her Cupcake (Luke/Lulu be damned).

I'm not a fan. It's one thing for a father to call his daughter by that sort of nickname (mine called me Kitten), but adult friends is something else. If she had an equally belittling nickname for him it would be a lot better, IMO. But parity never happens.

(Apparently I'm feeling rather militant today. I'll try to keep the rants to a minimum.)

Edited by dubbel zout
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I used to like the Cupcake nickname because it felt like a cute, playful nickname between friends, but they've made Curtis such an asshole that it kinda comes off less cute now.

I thought becoming a Sonny/Jason worshiper would be what ruined Curtis, and it certainly contributed, but I think this shit with Jordan has done more damage to him for me.

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ARG!  How many times is our show going to be interrupted for press conferences?  If I want to know about politics, I'd be on an all news channel, not watching a soap, hoping they would interrupt.

On a positive note, at least I don't have to listen to Morgan's name.

Edited by CookieBud
Poor punctuation.
  • Love 4

Oh, so that's who that guy is. How convenient Anna's eyesight comes back just as Olivia J. leaves.

Lulu's face when Valentin told her off was priceless. She really needs to stop trying to make things right (or lull him into a false sense of security or whatever) and just stay away from all of them for a while. 

Suddenly Sonny is all about knowing 100 percent before he does something? He has no remorse about killing AJ, so that line was ridiculous.

I wish they'd make the PCPD totally corrupt. Then at least the lack of success in figuring things out wouldn't be so exasperating.

As always, the pacing on this show is beyond terrible.

Edited by dubbel zout
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What the hell kind of accent was that guy talking to Anna supposed to have.

I liked Ava's earrings. 

Someone, anyone, burn Dante's shirt already.

Carly: Ava killed Morgan?

Sonny: a-yup.

Sonny's talking about his killed son, not confirming Ava stole the silverware. Maybe MB could have tried to sound a bit less casual.

Between Julian quickly saying "no" when Olivia asked him if he were threatening him and her slapping him, he's really become kind of pathetic. Can't the writers find a medium between "knife wielding wife killer" and "sad sack"?

I actually liked the Felicia/Nelle scenes. Nelle and Michael still look like brother and sister though.

53 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

So I read that Anna's story with Valentin was exposited today by some WSB dude we've never seen or heard of before?  ...neat.

Not exactly. We found out she put him on a kill list, but we don't know why.

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19 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Not exactly. We found out she put him on a kill list, but we don't know why.

I was commenting more on this WSB guy we've never seen or heard of parachuting in to offer up pieces of the backstory.  I mean, I get we can't keep relying on off-screen Robert and Frisco for this stuff, but still, it's lame.

It also reminded me again how stupid the show was to never build up any other WSB agents since Robert and Anna's hayday.  There should be a whole other generation of them.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Sonny should just kill Nelly and be done with it. 

Is Bobbie paying Felicia? I hope she isn't dealing with that girl for free. 

Julian is pathetic. He should hire someone competent to kill OJ for real and then kill Ava. Most of his problems would be solved with both of them dead.

Those scenes with Anna at the hospital were so ridiculous. Also, if Valentin isn't going to actively go after her then I don't care about any of this. 

Would be great if Lulu could just stop everything she's doing.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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Bleh. Maybe if they'd done this with spicy bad girl/obviously a sociopath Claudette?

I wouldn't mind watching her 'Tess' her way through their lives, so long as she ran away forever afterward. 

But Nelle had no motive, she's already conflicted and she's terminally boring - and what's supposed to happen?  CARLY Benson (Spencer) Quartermaine, Corinthos, Corinthos Alcazar Jax Corinthis is going to be insecure about Nelle? 

This is dumb and boring and also dumb

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 4

I guess?

I think we're supposed to think Carly's recent badmouthing of Frank Benson has lit a fire under Nelle, thus the flowers to herself, the bra, etc..  But my gawd, the pacing on this is sooo bad.

And maybe drawing out this part of it would have been okay if Nelle, I dunno, HAD TARGETED ANY OTHER ASPECT OF CARLY'S LIFE! 

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

So, I checked my DVR at like 2:20 and saw that GH was recording but when I went to watch it at 3 it was nowhere to be found. The recording just disappeared. I think my tivo has become sentient and is trying to protect me from this dreck.

Is there anything worth seeking this ep out to watch?

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Oh, I'm sure it will all be Carly's fault. She's the one who brought Nelle into their lives in the first place by insisting Nelle stay in PC and work for her. Sonny really had no choice but to sleep with Nelle, when you look at it logically. 



Actually, Sonny fake screwing Nelly is Ava's fault. If Ava hadn't switched Morgan's meds he'd probably still be alive. If Moran were still alive Sonny wouldn't have been drunk and vulnerable to Nelly's advances. Also, if Sonny were drunk and vulnerable due to Ava murdering Morgan, Conflicted Spicy Bad Girl #2 would have never worked up the courage to drug him.

32 minutes ago, ulkis said:

speaking of bad pacing and blandness, how long has it been since Kiki and Dillon shared a scene together?


  • Love 8

I just don't get why Sonny and Carly gnash their teeth and swear to kill whoever killed Morgan. Doesn't Carly sanctimoniously say that she wants Sonny to quit violence? And don't the two of them believe in the court system of America? Killers rotting in prison for the rest of their lives? Hasn't Sonny learned his lesson from the tediousness of being tethered to his electronic leash?

Nah, they lose their self control and start screaming for blood revenge for Morgan.

And Eureka!! Sonny DID find the bra that Nelle planted before Carly could discover it tucked cunningly in the pillows. But if he is dreaming and holding it when Carly emerges from washing her hands in the bathroom, she's gonna see it and the games will begin!

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54 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Is there anything worth seeking this ep out to watch?

It was very Jerome centric.  Ava being interogated by Dante.  Julian being interogated by Jordan, than leaving Ava to hang, then getting reprimanded by Liv.  Anna almost running LIv at the hospital but being momentarily blinded, literally.  CarSon sexing it up then him stopping her from going after Ava to kill her.  

Non Jerome:  Nelle finding out from Michael that Felicia and Bobbie are besties and figuring out that Felicia is playing her.  Lulu seeking out Valentin to apologize and him shutting her down.  

21 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Doesn't Carly sanctimoniously say that she wants Sonny to quit violence?

Carly told Dante that she wants Sonny to stop with the violence, but that because it's her son's death that we're talking about, she also understands Sonny's need for revenge.  As a mother, I can see Carly's point here.  

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