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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I like Valentin, plus "desperado" so added bonus and all. If he wants to kill everyone, I'm on board with that too.

Sam in the preview...wardrobe really needs a swift kick in the ass. Do they have an endless supply of skinny black jeans and Henley or something? This soap is zero effort from all corners, the writing, makeup, hair, wardrobe, most of the acting. Everyone is showing up for their paycheck at this point. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

Franco: I was unredeemable, until I met a woman who showed me goodness, and now I try to become a better man.

Seth: I hope Tom finds a woman like that.

Franco: Tom is unredeemable, and I will make sure he never meets another woman to hurt her.

You do know all it takes is for someone to tell Mongo Jason that Tom is out for Tom to go away. Not only is he Liz' Designated Cockblocker, but he is also Emily's brother. Unfortunately, he is off with Curtis on their Hardy Boys Adventures.


I think it would be funny if Tom also requested not to be pardoned, in fear of what a non dead Jason would do to him. And that is the thing: there is no one that can hold the high ground morally with him. Only Liz, because she was his victim. He is the only person on this show that has served a reasonable amount of time for the crime he was convicted off. Jason branded around his own justice by taking people out to the woods and killing them, much of the time on Sonny’s orders, orders that have shown in the past sometimes had nothing to do if the person should in fact, die. Franco is Franco, and has shown post tumor he is willing to kill and terrorize people and kidnap infants if feels that he has been wronged. Sonny murdered AJ and got out months later. Tom might actually be the most appropiate acting person. Wonderful things aren't happening for him (he has no money, he lives with his brother, he is a town pariah and can't leave because he is on parole), even without Franco terrorizing him, the few times he bumped into Liz has been accidental, he doesn't seek his victims out, like Franco, or walk into their homes uninvited like Sonny.

By the way, Jason, if you have to go out of your way to prove that Sonny is “innocent” because Sonny wasn’t a hundred percent sure if the hit he put out on Julian was in fact called off, maybe he should be returned to jail. 

FV and Jelly are incredibly stupid. We already seen what they are doing to fan favorites Anna and Lulu. Now they are writing things that make a child rapist sympathetic, which wasn't their intent. Everything else has been cut, so you think they would tighten up the writing-the one thing that can be controlled, but no, it might be the least polished thing on this show. 

  • Love 4

I have no doubt that, today, Tom will do or say something that will drive home the writers' point that Franco is The Hero and Tom is The Villain.  Like, he'll probably threaten to hurt Liz or Kiki, making it retroactively okay that Franco locked him up in a cage with a SHOCK COLLAR.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

Nothing is worse than what was done to AJ and what keeps being done when his murderer still has AJ's son in his life.

Right now, Valentin is considering the best interests of Charlotte, Lulu is not.   And I don't think Valentin murdered Nicholas at all. He's alive and will be stumbling back into Port Charles in the  not so distant future (not a spoiler, just the same old no body reality).

Lulu needs some perspective.  The whole glove incident with Nina was stupid.  So is Lulu being given time with her child and sending her off to play elsewhere.  

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, CookieBud said:

Right now, Valentin is considering the best interests of Charlotte, Lulu is not.   And I don't think Valentin murdered Nicholas at all. He's alive and will be stumbling back into Port Charles in the  not so distant future (not a spoiler, just the same old no body reality).

Didn't we see him murder Nikolas on-screen?

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, CookieBud said:

Doesn't mean a thing in Port Charles, especially when it concerns Cassidines.  ;)

Agreed. :) But whether he's actually dead or not, he still shot him. It's what I'm always yelling to myself during Sonny/Dante scenes lol. "Okay I know he's fine now BUT HE STILL TRIED TO MURDER HIM!!"

1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

I'm sure Claudette introducing her to ten different daddies didn't help matters.

"This is hunky model papa # 1. This is hunky model papa # 2."

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 8
1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

I really just hate this whole storyline.  Of course, Franco and the SHOCK COLLAR is still the worst story currently going on, but this is a closer second than I thought it would have been.

Nelle is my second. Might be my first actually. At least with Franco there is some train wreck quality going on. Nelle/Sonny/Carly/Michael just makes me sleepy.

  • Love 3

I mean, I assume FV's writers will redeem Valentin by bringing back high pitched soccer-dad!Nik and claiming that Nik asked him to help fake his death so he could get away from Ava and Hayden - because FV gives zero fucks about this soap and GH characters that pre-dated his reign of shittiness 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Aurora2 said:

As for Valerie and Dante having different issues if they were the couple now – most likely – but I expect that at least they would be DIFFERENT issues- and I’d appreciate that.    

Perhaps. Or Valerie would instantly acquire her own case of baby rabies. There is something about the Corinthii that makes women want to have their babies no matter the time, place, situation, level of affection between them or how badly the man uses them.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Perhaps. Or Valerie would instantly acquire her own case of baby rabies. There is something about the Corinthii that makes women want to have their babies no matter the time, place, situation, level of affection between them or how badly the man uses them.

Any pairing that is together for longer than a year will eventually get shitty writing and storytelling. I'm always eager for someone to tell me who this doesn't apply to.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Any pairing that is together for longer than a year will eventually get shitty writing and storytelling. I'm always eager for someone to tell me who this doesn't apply to.

True, but the original poster's point was maybe Valerie and Dante would at least have a different set of shitty storytelling. I have my doubts. I can just picture it: "Oh no Dante! Lulu gave you a child! Now I have to too!" And then she turns to Michael Easton's 6th character for help.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

True, but the original poster's point was maybe Valerie and Dante would at least have a different set of shitty storytelling. I have my doubts. I can just picture it: "Oh no Dante! Lulu gave you a child! Now I have to too!" And then she turns to Michael Easton's 6th character for help.

I can picture it bc Jelly are obsessed with babies with a shitload of characters. 

Just now, HeatLifer said:

I can picture it bc Jelly are obsessed with babies with a shitload of characters. 

They should bring Joe and Teddy back and pair him with Nina. They love JVP and MSt, I'm surprised I had to think this up for them.* That's it, I'm tweeting it to them. Merry Christmas, Heatlifer. You don't have to thank me.

*No, seriously, I'm kinda surprised.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

They should bring Joe and Teddy back and pair him with Nina. They love JVP and MSt, I'm surprised I had to think this up for them.* That's it, I'm tweeting it to them. Merry Christmas, Heatlifer. You don't have to thank me.

*No, seriously, I'm kinda surprised.

You really should get paid to stop.

Speaking of JVP, I'm surprised they were finally like, "OK, bye." 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:
3 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

I feel forced to root for whiny murderer Valentin and crazy Nina over Lulu ... I want Valentin to get full custody and for Nina to laugh in her face.

Listen, I feel this way, too. But it's because I shamefully really like Valentin.

I like Valentin. I DON'T EVEN CARE. I think JPS is playing Valentin just right. He's smug, arrogant, but coming off as the sane one next to Lulu's godawful baby rabies.

1 hour ago, ulkis said:

"This is hunky model papa # 1. This is hunky model papa # 2."

"Who's who again?"

  • Love 9

It's really weird seeing Carly and Sam be friends, even if it is about Morgan.

Poor Monica. Yet another grandchild to be kidnapped, used as a pawn, etc.

Franco's hallucinations are not redeeming him, Show. GIVE UP.

Elizabeth, listen to Heather. She's nuts, but she knows her son. (BH's eyebrows are a-m-a-z-i-n-g.)

"How long do I have to wait?" "As long as it takes." I'm sure during the commercial break Sonny was screaming and pounding on the floor having a temper tantrum.

  • Love 6

Monica's moment with Sam at the shower was cute, as was her giving the baby a gift that had belonged to grandpa Alan.  I'm just sad that she had to be in the same room as the woman who covered for her son's murderer.

Liz going to Heather for help finding Naomi - who...Helena!...has apparently had her sentenced commuted off-screen and vanished - was beyond contrived.  I was pleased Heather pointed out that Liz is just the latest in a line of women that have "saved" Franco by name-checking Carly and Nina.

I don't know why the mention of Kristina moving out of Alexis' was thrown in.  So people would stop complaining when we don't see her?  I don't for a second believe she's suddenly about to get story again.

So Sonny hasn't learned a goddamn thing.  Shut the fuck up forever.

  • Love 12

What are the odds we discover who "the boss" is in the next few months? This Charlie's Angels deal grates on my nerves. Then again, maybe I don't want to know who it is, because I'm sure the reveal will be utterly underwhelming.

Two Francos, dueling pieces of his psyche, pretentious self-aggrandizing bullshit, blah blah blah SHUT UP.

Is the cake cutting another cliffhanger that won't be resolved for days? Why even bother with those scenes if there's no follow up?

I'm glad we got some nice scenes of Alexis with her girls and not swigging alcohol.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Linny said:

Is the cake cutting another cliffhanger that won't be resolved for days?

How is that even a worthy cliffhanger?  

Maybe the baker screwed up and it's lime green and somehow the piece of paper got lost and Dr. Lee's records were hacked and there's no record of the test and then they do another ultrasound and all that's in Sam's womb is a crumpled, non-gender specific leather jacket and a "sorry we missed you sign..."

  • Love 5

I can't believe that Sam was ok with what Maxie did.  Maxie would have been wearing that cake if it had been me.

I loved that Monica gave Sam Alan's baby whatever.  That was really sweet.

Sonny never learns (and just how many other people's sons did you have killed?  Just sayin').  Julian annoys.  I hope Alexis stays sober.  

RM deserves Kudos for her portrayal of Heather.  She always brings the crazy and as long as she's been playing her, that can't be easy.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Cheyanne11 said:

How is that even a worthy cliffhanger?  

Maybe the baker screwed up and it's lime green and somehow the piece of paper got lost and Dr. Lee's records were hacked and there's no record of the test and then they do another ultrasound and all that's in Sam's womb is a crumpled, non-gender specific leather jacket and a "sorry we missed you sign..."

LOL  Or it's a lovely shade of lavender.

  • Love 2

Maxie is one of the worst friends I've ever seen on a soap. Pls take an extended vacation.

Keeping the gender of BuddynScout a secret is weird. But I guess it's just for their fans bc I can't imagine a general viewer caring.

There needed to be at least ONE baby gift that wasn't about Jason's tired old jacket/motorcycle bullshit. "Here baby! This is what your daddy wore and rode when he killed people!"

I can't even comment on anything that has to do with Franco or Liz. Screw you, show, for wanting me to vomit during every Liz scene for that past 10 years.

Carly/Sonny....how they became our classic OTP couple, I'll never know. Mo, use your powers for good and stop this.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I like Valentin. I DON'T EVEN CARE. I think JPS is playing Valentin just right. He's smug, arrogant, but coming off as the sane one next to Lulu's godawful baby rabies.

"Who's who again?"


I love Valentin. I probably shouldn't admit it, but I like him with Nina, too.

And I am so on his side when it comes to Charlotte. Lulu is acting crazy and not in the best interest of her daughter. 

  • Love 8
20 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Keeping the gender of BuddynScout a secret is weird. But I guess it's just for their fans bc I can't imagine a general viewer caring.

Maybe if the last 200 of the 400 babies on this show hadn't been boys, I'd think the baby might be a boy. But it's a girl. 



There needed to be at least ONE baby gift that wasn't about Jason's tired old jacket/motorcycle bullshit. "Here baby! This is what your daddy wore and rode when he killed people!"

Carly/Sonny....how they became our classic OTP couple, I'll never know. Mo, use your powers for good and stop this.


bwah. Mo is trying! And couldn't someone have given the baby an off-the-shoulder onesie in honor of Sam?


Maxie is one of the worst friends I've ever seen on a soap. Pls take an extended vacation.

I think that too but I feel bad for saying because I think she probably had another break-out on her face. And the stress from knowing this thing already caused her to have to be off-screen probably makes it more stressful which in turn makes it harder for her break-out to go away. Vicious cycle man.

Of course, maybe nothing's going on and it's just a bad hair do.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5
45 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Why couldn't Sam get to ever, ever say half of that stuff to Franco in real time that Franco's hallucination of Sam got to say?

Not only that, but where were Michael and Jason? 

2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Maybe if the last 200 of the 400 babies on this show hadn't been boys, I'd think the baby might be a boy. But it's a girl. 

Who cares. Their baby was unnecessary! 

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, DanaMB said:

I love Valentin. I probably shouldn't admit it, but I like him with Nina, too.

And I am so on his side when it comes to Charlotte. Lulu is acting crazy and not in the best interest of her daughter. 

I like Valentin a lot. Just doesn't mean I'm on his side. Although honestly I don't really care who the hell gets Charlotte. I certainly don't want Lulu to get full custody, that would mean no story. 

2 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Who cares.

The fans, Mr Grinch!

Not only that, but where were Michael and Jason?

Man it's like they're spiting Chad. "If we don't get to have Bryan anymore, you don't get to have any airtime either!"

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

Why couldn't Sam get to ever, ever say half of that stuff to Franco in real time that Franco's hallucination of Sam got to say?

Because this isn't about Sam. It's about how GentleFarmerFranco is punishing himself more than Sam ever could - which is supposed to make up for the fact that she hasn't even tried to murder him once. It does not. 

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