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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Is there any chance that Roger Howarth and Franco are leaving GH......like......now? I am so grossed out by this character and TPTB trying to make him in to some romantic hero to any female cast member. He isn't and he won't. There is no way they can make him or a storyline where romance is involved. Love in the Afternoon seems like such a long time ago. Okay, I know it was 30 years ago but you get my point, right? LOL!!!

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@ByaNose I understand RoHo signed a new contract, so it certainly doesn't appear he's leaving. I've always been a fan of his but at this point I'd be thrilled if he left. He can come back as Todd or as anyone else if FV really wants to keep him around. But Franco was ill conceived from jump and he's only gotten worse. Sad really, that this was the best Ron could come up with for an actor he and Frank seem to love so much.

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There would have been no need for Franco, Kiki and Silas if RC and FV had simply honored the deal that they had in place to use the OLTL characters with PP.  But, nooooooooooooooooo RC and FV just went their merry little way killing off OLTL characters on GH and then having to scramble story on this show when they lost McBain, Todd and Starr characters.  I still think ABC/D should have cleaned house when they let RC go last year and bring on fresh blood or someone that could balance the vets with a COUPLE of new characters and not make CarSon head cheese.

I'm out of sync because an entire episode last week was pre-empted for "weather" (Atlanta pre-empts every time the wind blows), and I think I missed another episode.  Has there been a time jump?  I caught the scene where Jordan talked to Julian about the bomb in his car, "last October".  It just sounded odd.  Either October was so very long ago, or Julian gets bombed so often she needs to be specific.  I'm assuming they're jumping from Thanksgiving straight to Christmas.

Sonny and Carly were at their worst today. Threatening to kick Ava's ass--are they adults or teenagers? And then they implied that Ava could have been involved in Paul's murders because they were having sex. Considering the history of Carly's bedfellows, that's probably not an argument she should be using against Ava. Jesus, what awful, immature bullies. Ava's right--they deserve each other.

I despise how Alexis thinks she has the moral high ground just because her drunk ass ran over a criminal instead of a regular person. Newsflash: you still committed a crime, Alexis! 

Sam/Jason/Curtis are snoozeville. I spent their scenes wondering whether Sam has a leather jacket in maternity size for when her bump expands.

Oh my God, that ending with Lulu and Charlotte was so extra. This show can be so embarrassing.

  • Love 8

So, Jason breaks into someone's truck without using gloves? And he and Curtis put their hands inside/all over that truck without using gloves? Brilliant investigators, those two. 

Ah geez, so this 'cliffhanger" is leading up to (I assume) Lulu being all "I felt she was my daughter from the first moment I saw her" line.  Charlotte's "want my Mommy" line as Lulu stares at her in wide-eyed shock on Santa's lap....makes me roll my eyes. Nice not subtle anvil there, Show. You're giving the audience concussions. 

  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, Linny said:

Sonny and Carly were at their worst today. Threatening to kick Ava's ass--are they adults or teenagers? And then they implied that Ava could have been involved in Paul's murders because they were having sex. Considering the history of Carly's bedfellows, that's probably not an argument she should be using against Ava. Jesus, what awful, immature bullies. Ava's right--they deserve each other.

I despise how Alexis thinks she has the moral high ground just because her drunk ass ran over a criminal instead of a regular person. Newsflash: you still committed a crime, Alexis! 

Sam/Jason/Curtis are snoozeville. I spent their scenes wondering whether Sam has a leather jacket in maternity size for when her bump expands. Oh my God, that ending with Lulu and Charlotte was so extra. This show can be so embarrassing.

This, this this! Carly already flying to Sonny's side and defending him like a mother wolf, and inventing an excuse to get them into the bedroom upstairs so that they can retrieve Joss's presents (HA!). Her nastiness to Ava was deplorable. Carly must not touch that baby again.

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Ah geez, so this 'cliffhanger" is leading up to (I assume) Lulu being all "I felt she was my daughter from the first moment I saw her" line.  Charlotte's "want my Mommy" line as Lulu stares at her in wide-eyed shock on Santa's lap....makes me roll my eyes. Nice not subtle anvil there, Show. You're giving the audience concussions. 

So now we have to assume Lulu is dumb in addition to embryo-obsessed, considering she either doesn't know or is disregarding the basic math that Charlotte is TOO. OLD. to be her Embryo Child.

How did Laura get to the hospital and get clothes?

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

So now we have to assume Lulu is dumb in addition to embryo-obsessed, considering she either doesn't know or is disregarding the basic math that Charlotte is TOO. OLD. to be her Embryo Child.

How did Laura get to the hospital and get clothes?

Lulu is dumb, definitely, but I suspect it's our illustrious writers who fail first-grade arithmetic.

As for Laura, maybe she had a change of clothes in her car?

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

And yet another day gone, but we don't know whether  Keeks was stalked and attacked by Tom. The pacing of this show!

I quoted this with the intention of saying something snarky like "do we care?" when I realized that, yeah, I do. I have no use for Kiki at all, but for this show to play cute with a "cliffhanger" involving a possible rape is just fucking beyond.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

Lulu is dumb, definitely, but I suspect it's our illustrious writers who fail first-grade arithmetic.

I agree. The writers had Nathan, then Griffin, believing Charlotte was their kid - when that little actress is clearly younger than 10 years old. Now Lulu gets to be the one (via the writers) who won't recognize that the kid is too old to have resulted from her embryo. I guess the Casting Dept. found a cute girl who looked like she could pass for being related to either the Claudette or Lulu actresses and could also say lines on camera- so that was enough. 

  • Love 5
30 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Charlotte's "want my Mommy" line as Lulu stares at her in wide-eyed shock on Santa's lap....makes me roll my eyes. Nice not subtle anvil there, Show. You're giving the audience concussions. 

Oh geez-us.

It's actually insulting to me that we're supposed to ignore that it makes no sense for Charlotte to be the age she is AND be the result of the Stavlu embryo.  Shut up, writers.

  • Love 6

Stinker Nelle didn't seem to remember where she might have lost her necklace, yet Sonny found it 'way under the bed atop the ribbons of the presents. To get there, it must have been deliberately placed by Nelle. But Nelle seemed thoughtful and worried when she remembered that she last had it on in the bedroom. I'm beginning to think that contradictory Nelle has a spare personality, an alter ego.

5 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Oh geez-us.

It's actually insulting to me that we're supposed to ignore that it makes no sense for Charlotte to be the age she is AND be the result of the Stavlu embryo.  Shut up, writers.

I suspect Valentin is the actual father. How or why? Helena. But it is less gross than Stavros being the father, so I'll take it.

  • Love 5

I could see a retcon where there was another egg of Lulu's left on Cassadine Island and Valentin took it and used it himself and thus Charlotte is his*.  But that still doesn't line up with when Nathan and Griffin last saw Claudette, when Britt was preggers with Rocco, etc.

*But then why drop in the stuff with Daphne on Cassadine Island and Helena wanting her to be the surrogate?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2
Just now, TeeVee329 said:

I could see a retcon where there was another egg of Lulu's left on Cassadine Island and Valentin took it and used it himself and thus Charlotte is his.  But that still doesn't line up with when Nathan and Griffin last saw Claudette, when Britt was preggers with Rocco, etc.

No, I think it would be Valentin stole it right after Lulu was kidnapped the first time, just to spite Stavros, and implanted Claudette then. And then he left Stavros with a thermos with a m&m in it or something and dumb Stavros never checked.

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, ulkis said:

No, I think it would be Valentin stole it right after Lulu was kidnapped the first time, just to spite Stavros, and implanted Claudette then. And then he left Stavros with a thermos with a m&m in it or something and dumb Stavros never checked.

You mean the time Lulu was kidnapped and ended up in the freezer, right?  If so, Charlotte should still be younger than Rocco as Britt was already pregnant with him by then (I think they've aged up Rocco so that's less noticeable, but I certainly noticed) and she would be too young for Nathan or Griffin to think she was theirs, given the last time they both saw Claudette.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2
Just now, TeeVee329 said:

You mean the time Lulu was kidnapped and ended up in the freezer, right?  If so, Charlotte should still be younger than Rocco as Britt was already pregnant with him by then.  I think they've aged up Rocco so that's less noticeable, but I certainly noticed.

Oh right, darn it, I thought it might fit. 

ugh, they shoulda just knocked up Lulu with Johnny's baby last year. Still not too late show! Say he dropped by again two months later!

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, LeftPhalange said:

Jelly/Frank/casting are so fucking stupid. Why not just get an actress who is young enough to be the ******? Were they forced to hire this girl who is clearly too old? Do they not understand basic math?

The stupidest part is that they clearly wanted a child that could both fit into the age range of being A) Nathan's and/or Griffin's and B) being the StavLu Embryo Child. Yet those age ranges (9-10 vs 2-3) don't mesh at all, and they are far apart enough that it is clearly noticeable to anyone with a working brain and basic knowledge of math. Why couldn't they have just written in a scene where Nathan and/or Griffin ran into Claudette three/four years ago and one thing led to another? Still dumb, but not "we can't do math" dumb. 

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I don't think the writers realize they said Nathan and Claudette met ten years ago. Unless Nathan and Claudette were married for a long time before she and Griff had the affair.

Does that matter? Charlotte was born at a time when either Nathan or Griffin could ostensibly be her father. (Unless I'm misinterpreting the comment, which is entirely possible. Also, I haven't seen today's ep yet.)

Kiki is in tomorrow's previews and doesn't appear the least bit traumatized, so clearly if tom is stalking her, he didn't make a move. Or you know, the writers completely forgot what they wrote on Friday and there will be no follow up. Which actually doesn't bother me in the least because the last thing I want is to watch Franco go after Tom or anyone else again.

  • Love 3

But that time - the last time Nathan and Griffin saw her before Port Charles - was years before Lulu was kidnapped and stuck in a freezer.  So a child resulting from that kidnapping and egg extraction would be younger than a child Claudette could pass off as Nathan or Griffin's, and younger than Rocco.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

But that time - the last time Nathan and Griffin saw her before Port Charles - was years before Lulu was kidnapped and stuck in a freezer.  So a child resulting from that kidnapping would be younger than a child Claudette could pass off as Nathan or Griffin's.

I'm saying maybe that's when Griff had the affair with Claud, only a short while before Nathan came to town. That that's their retcon.

*shrug* Who knows.  They should have left the Claudette part out of this altogether, given how pointless passing off the kid as Nathan or Griffin's was plot-wise, but then we wouldn't have gotten Bree Williamson, I guess. #eyeroll

It's all just so dumb.  Dante and Lulu don't need another kid.  Nobody on this show does!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

What was the purpose of nurse Amy's appearance?

I played sudoku during the Michael/Nelly scenes. 

When Lulu heard Charlotte say she wanted her mommy I wanted a giant anvil to fall on both of them.

There was no reason to bring this Avery custody shit up again when we're already forced to deal with this ****** shit. Too much airtime is being devoted to *stories* about unnecessary children no one asked for. 

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

They're not good enough to write themselves out of these stupid unnecessary corners. This "story" is an idiotic, incoherent mess

What cracks me up about this is that Charlotte, Claudette, Griffin, and even Valentin are all creations of the current writers. (Valentin has always been just a name until now, right?) Jean, at least, keeps complaining about how she gets hamstrung by History!, and she can't even keep her own straight. Gah.

  • Love 7

I don't want to have to do math to watch the show...I try to limit using math skills to balancing my checkbook.

Which of the following texts is beneath that peel-away sign on the side of the mystery van that Jason and Curtis are ransacking?

  1. "Corinthos Coffees and Gummy Bears"
  2. "Metro Maids Service"
  3. "General Hospital Candy Stripers"
  4. "Kelly's Deli Deliveries"
  5. "ELQ Executive Van"
  6. "PCPD" (and in small print: "Protect and Serve")
  7. "Wyndemere Castle and Spoon Island Tours"
  • Love 2
14 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

And why make all the noise about Lulu wanting to experience pregnancy for herself when they were just gonna drop in another kid of hers someone else carried?

I guess that's Jelly's sad idea of drama? The problem is that they've already had Lulu willing, hell -  anxious to carry StavLu spawn - so, the fact that this child is ten years old and doesn't understand what a "daddy" is, shouldn't be that much of a hurdle.

It's dumb; they leached out any possible drama before the story even started. Instead of Lulu talking to Laura about whether giving birth to the child and bonding with an infant made it easier to accept a child borne of a violation, there's no real issue. She's not going to leave the kid with Nina and Valentin. There's no point to any of this 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 2
40 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

And why make all the noise about Lulu wanting to experience pregnancy for herself when they were just gonna drop in another kid of hers someone else carried?

Lulu's been focused on that ever since she and Dante started talking about kids, back in the JMB days. So points for consistency?

Edited by dubbel zout

Charlotte has JMB's resting grump face, so good casting kinda?

oh no Nelle is trying to be flirty.

Carly: You can say can keep throwing Morgan in my face, Avery should still stay with Sonny.

Yes Ava, stop throwing those pesky facts in Carly's face. Of course, Ava isn't sharing all the facts.

Anna: Oh Valentin, what did you do?

Hello Anna, he burned down the school, not much more to see there.

I know Alexis just ran over Julian, but if he wants to convince Alexis he still loves her maybe he can say that "I do" with a bit more regret in his voice?

1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

Lulu fans are stronger than I am. I would be livid if this show gave my fave some random kid by a Cassadine.

I mean . . . it could be worse. It has been worse. If she's actually Stavros' I might be able to scrounge up some hate among my apathy somewhere. I don't mind Valentin. Like I said though, if Lulu was gonna get another baby by another man, it should have been Johnny's with an actual pregnancy so Dante would have to deal with Lulu going through all the pregnancy stuff with another man, and so it wouldn't be a freaking repeat of Rocco's story.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4
45 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

And why make all the noise about Lulu wanting to experience pregnancy for herself when they were just gonna drop in another kid of hers someone else carried?

How long before Charlotte showed up was it that Lulu had the idea of searching for the Stavlu embryo? Maybe they were planning for Lulu to carry it but enough people were like "wtf" that Lulu wanted to go after it that they changed their minds and decided to introduce Charlotte instead.

  • Love 1

Shortly before all the StavLu talk, there was a casting spoiler for a small, appropriately aged little girl with light brown hair who was supposedly named Athena.* Plus, Daphne from Cascading Island actually had those scenes about a surrogacy.

I think they were doing two different little girl stories and then decided to mash them together into a nonsensical sandwich. 

It was like TIIC started an (admittedly distasteful) story, realized that it had actual internal coherence (despite being out of character) and immediately replaced it with something worse.


*Which, I get the mythology link, but it's still a stupid name

Edited by Oracle42
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