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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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28 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

I love Jax.  Besides the Quartermaines, he seems to be the only Port Charles resident who is a 100% Sonny non-apologist.

Uh . . . Mac?  Felicia?  Scott?  Ava?  Julian?  Jordan?  Patrick when he was here?  And despite their collaboration to take down Julian, I'm pretty sure Anna doesn't really like him, either.

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6 hours ago, Michel said:

Uh . . . Mac?  Felicia?  Scott?  Ava?  Julian?  Jordan?  Patrick when he was here?  And despite their collaboration to take down Julian, I'm pretty sure Anna doesn't really like him, either.

Felicia never had a problem with Sonny that I recall. Even Patrick had some sort of gym bonding scene with Sonny before he left. I think the implication was that Anna DOES kinda respect/like him when she was working for him.

Most everyone has to take a sip of the kool-aid.

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14 hours ago, ulkis said:

oh, I read that DZ said Dante's vows were edited out. Keep on making the good choices, FV!

It would have been nice to hear Dante grovel a bit to Lulu in his vows. Though I'm of the opinion that we didn't need to hear either of them say their vows. The divorce was pointless in the first place. 

This fakakta show.

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12 hours ago, ulkis said:
12 hours ago, ciarra said:

Why is Alexis the only one depicted as an out of control drunk?  Except for the church and the PCPD, Sonny has had a drink in his hand for practically every scene.  And he's not drinking wine.  And she's not on bi-polar meds.

Alexis isn't fat, so I'm stumped.

She's a wimmins, and we all know how out of control they get.

Edited by dubbel zout
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55 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

It would have been nice to hear Dante grovel a bit to Lulu in his vows. Though I'm of the opinion that we didn't need to hear either of them say their vows. The divorce was pointless in the first place. 

This fakakta show.

I don't know, at this point I don't think it would have a place in the vows. I think it would have been nice to hear it 6 months ago.

I'm gonna fanwank they did it for Laura, since she never got to be at the first wedding. In fact, I don't think she's been at any of her kids' wedding except when Lucky was played by Old Yeller, and that wedding didn't go through I don't think.

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Why the hell are they showing an episode from 2014? I figured that today's rerun would be about Morgan's accident, but no. We've got Jakson, Duke, Luke in a straightjacket, and fucking Spencer the Pilgrim. Damn, show, don't we deserve a better throwback episode than this mess? 

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

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I'm catching up on the week and ..... am I legit seeing Liz talk to her rapist at SonnyBucks, Valentin "Most Scariest Cassadine" fight for small child, and Franco mope to Sam for forgiveness?  Wtf is this fresh hell?  I would rather see FonDuke and stories about Sam eating Cheetos, hell even relish.  

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4 hours ago, Linny said:

Why the hell are they showing an episode from 2014? I figured that today's rerun would be about Morgan's accident, but no. We've got Jakson, Duke, Luke in a straightjacket, and fucking Spencer the Pilgrim. Damn, show, don't we deserve a better throwback episode than this mess? 

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Show writers must be trolling those of us who hate Spencer, Dewq, and Fluke. So they found an example with all three, maybe wanting to give us indigestion after our Thanksgiving meals. I fell asleep after watching Alexis undress Fluke out of his jail straight jacket.

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14 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

I'm catching up on the week and ..... am I legit seeing Liz talk to her rapist at SonnyBucks, Valentin "Most Scariest Cassadine" fight for small child, and Franco mope to Sam for forgiveness? 

Wait until you get to the lack of Michael and JaSam, plus the "inventive" way they avoided paying for all those NPCs at busy Kellys'/Floating Rib.

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3 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

all those NPCs at busy Kellys'/Floating Rib.

You forgot Gene's Brandford Roadhouse (established 1985!), the hot new place to go when you don't want to run into anyone you know. Except since everyone goes there not to run into anyone they know, you run into everyone you know. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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6 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

Wait until you get to the lack of Michael and JaSam, plus the "inventive" way they avoided paying for all those NPCs at busy Kellys'/Floating Rib.

I saw him wearing the Official Jason All Black Everything and stopped.  My heart pooped it's pants and I needed a break. 

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14 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

You forgot Gene's Brandford Roadhouse (established 1985!), the hot new place to go when you don't want to run into anyone you know. Except since everyone goes there not to run into anyone they know, you run into everyone you know. 

AND when you leave the place and drive drunk you literally run into....your ex husband. 

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Why the hell are they showing an episode from 2014?

Have you been watching these past two years?

ETA:  perhaps they are going to pick up a thread from then and fix some of the current problems.  holidays and optimism.

Edited by sunnyface
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I gotta ask....what's a NPC?

Nelle spilling the beans about the kiss, finding Sonny drunk and pissed at the news...you know she has to 'comfort' him...Carly arrives catching them in bed....hilarity ensues.  I've been expecting this.  Ya know it had to happen.  Nelle was crushing on 'Mr. Corinthos' from the get.  She wants Carly's life....for some reason.

Carly and Jax are so good together.  Carly and Sonny just don't work for me and I don't (and never did) see any chemistry.

LW and IR have 'it'.  Can we keep him...huh?  Huh?

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4 hours ago, OhioSongbird said:

I gotta ask....what's a NPC?

Nelle spilling the beans about the kiss, finding Sonny drunk and pissed at the news...you know she has to 'comfort' him...Carly arrives catching them in bed....hilarity ensues.  I've been expecting this.  Ya know it had to happen.  Nelle was crushing on 'Mr. Corinthos' from the get.  She wants Carly's life....for some reason.

Carly and Jax are so good together.  Carly and Sonny just don't work for me and I don't (and never did) see any chemistry.

LW and IR have 'it'.  Can we keep him...huh?  Huh?

Lol.  At least Carly got Tony Jones, Jason, and AJ before she settled for the Sonny Power.  Nelle just went for the Orange Glow.  Maybe Nelle really does not like children or barware or herself. 

I don't think we can keep Jax because we can't have nice things. 

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12 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

He deserves WAY better than Carly. She will always, always, ALWAYS choose Sonny and/or Jason over him.

Maybe this time is the charm, since they lost Morgan. Carly deserves to lose both Sonny and Jax. Maybe she will clap eyes on Parker and be smitten.

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Carly has lost Jax; he spends most of his time in Australia. He came back to PC mostly for Joss. He turned down Carly's grief!sex advances, which tells me they are dunzo. He's kind to Carly, but for me that's because she's Joss's mother. If Carly isn't doing well, it's not good for Joss.

Edited by dubbel zout
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40 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Carly has lost Jax; he spends most of his time in Australia. He came back to PC mostly for Joss. He turned down Carly's grief!sex advances, which tells me they are dunzo. He's kind to Carly, but for me that's because she's Joss's mother. If Carly isn't doing well, it's not good for Joss.

The best thing for Joss would be for Jax to get full custody of her.  Carly has repeatedly endangered her children's lives by raising them with a bi polar, homicidal mobster.  Now, she has a dead son and is beginning to soften towards said mobster.  Jax should get custody and the courts need to make Carly choose between her love of all things mob related or her daughter.  I am not sure she would choose Joss in the long run.  She may stay away from Sonny for a while but I don't think she has the strength to stay away from for very long.  

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1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

The best thing for Joss would be for Jax to get full custody of her.

Joss is old enough to decide for herself who she wants to live with. I'd love to see her decide to stay with Jax because of safety concerns, but I doubt that will happen. We don't see Joss often, so I don't see why this couldn't happen. Well, I do see why: It would be somewhat interesting, and Carly can't lose.

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Jax (on the phone): I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well, Mom.

Automated Voice: The time is now 9:15 p.m.

Jax: Of course, I'll be there as soon as I can.

Automated Voice: The time is now 9:16 p.m.

Jax (to Carly): You're not gonna believe this, but I have to go.  Oh, what a bummer!

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I hate that Nelle drugged Sonny.  Because now the narrative would be that Sonny would NEVER have gone to bed with Nelle to spite Carly if he hadn't been drugged except, you know, he totally would have. 

Really don't get what Nelle is after.  Obviously, this couldn't have been her plan all along.

Lucas mention!

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7 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I hate that Nelle drugged Sonny. 

Ugh. Drugging someone is really gross, even when that someone is Sonny. I take back my earlier post about wanting him to think he'd slept with Nelle. She couldn't have just gaslighted him by telling him he was incredibly drunk?

Edited by dubbel zout
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I admit I don't feel mad at Nelle drugging Sonny. No one's gonna laugh at him, unlike Carly and Jason at Jax. My reaction is simply "lame", because they couldn't bring themselves to have them actually sleep together. Whatever Nelle's plan is, it's probably pretty lame.

Edited by ulkis
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7 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Why is this show so obsessed with rape or having characters think they were raped or having characters get drugged and not remember what happened to them. It's disgusting. Jelly are just so lazy and useless. 

It's such a gross and unnecessary pattern. Do better.

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I would've felt better about Nelle drugging Sonny if she hadn't tearily apologized to him while he was passed out. But at least she shuddered at the thought of being in bed with him before she did it lol!

memo to Jax: Alexis is a drunk. A drunk will say or do anything to get you to believe them. You say you don't trust her but then agree to let her handle things on her own? There is no way she's going to tell her children that she's been drinking or that she nearly killed Julian. She'll make up some lame story about where she was and never mention that she (once again) mowed someone down with her car.

Joss, if you hate Sonny that much, tell your mother that if she goes back to him, you're moving to Australia full time. I'm sure your father would be happy to have you live with him.

jrodan and Andre: SHUT UP!

Curtis, why the hell do you care so much who planted the bomb or why?

SAm is as worried about Sonny as she is about her mother? Shoot me now.

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I watched like maybe 1/4 of this ep. Too much boring. And I wish I hadn't watched the Alexis scenes because I really can't with NLG's cry face/voice.

2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Lucas mention!

My first thought was, "I wonder if we'll actually get to see him soon?" and then, "Teevee is gonna be slightly happy for once!"

1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

This show is vile. I'm ready for an extended break. 

I'm hoping that I'll be too busy with the holidays to watch and then I'll just gradually ease myself out of the habit.

1 hour ago, ulkis said:

I admit I don't feel mad because of Nelle drugging Sonny. No one's gonna laugh at him, unlike Carly and Jason at Jax. My reaction is simply "lame", because they couldn't bring themselves to have them actually sleep together. Whatever Nelle's plan is, it's probably pretty lame.

This. Just, all of this.

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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

In less gross news, OMG, show, nobody cares about Jordan and Andre's relationship.


2 hours ago, Lillybee said:

Or Val's and Curtis.

Excuse me?  Don't assume "nobody" does.  I do.  Don't be putting words out there that you think apply to everyone, but don't.

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This Nell shit is bad because we just had this same shit play out with Hayden and drunk guy.

It also does them no favors when they are trying their hardest to cleanup and downplay what Franco did to Sam. Yet they have him going after Tom.

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2 hours ago, Sake614 said:

memo to Jax: Alexis is a drunk. A drunk will say or do anything to get you to believe them. You say you don't trust her but then agree to let her handle things on her own? There is no way she's going to tell her children that she's been drinking or that she nearly killed Julian. She'll make up some lame story about where she was and never mention that she (once again) mowed someone down with her car.

In Jax's defense he was rushing back to Australia to be with his gravely ill mother.  If it were not for that pressure, Jax would have forced Alexis into his car and driven or flown her the the best rehab center.  He would not have left her side until she was safe and receiving the best treatment available.  Jax should have called Diane, Alexis' other best friend, and let her know how deep in trouble Alexis is.  Together they could have come up with a plan of action and Diane could be the one to physically get Alexis into a rehab.  After all Diane's boyfriend, Max, is one of Sonny's enforcers.  For once Max could use his powers for good.

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