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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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6 hours ago, Harmony233 said:

We don't know anything about Serena other than Scotty didn't invest her trust fund and Serena was pissed at Lucy a couple years ago which kinda makes me curious how she feels about her parents dating again or whatever the heck there doing lol.

Nothing new for Serena. She has seen this dance beforewith Scott and Lucky. It would've interesting if I trusted the hack writers to do anything with Baldwin family dynamics. Especially since Serena holds the purse strings over Scott and Lucy.

37 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

One more question...why the fuck are Franco and Kiki still living in the apartment Nina bought?

Been wondering that for months now. Why the fuck hasn't Nina demand her money back or for Lauren and Franco to get their shit out of HER TARDIS APARTMENT! Instead we got to see Nina asking Lauren to pack Nina's stuff up? No mention of Franco or Lauren paying rent. No mention of Nina graciously selling the place back to Lauren. Just, hey, can you box my stuff up so I can knock on my own door and get it and take it back my a hotel room? WTF?

5 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I pretend that Serena went to medical school and is now working as doctor, like her sister Karen did. She invested her own money the moment she could and is far wealthier than anyone in Port Charles. She is also a sarcastic smart ass.

My world? Karen has been raising her little sisters during Scott's busy life and Lucy's nutso days past. With some nice husband and 2 or 3 kids. Why? Cause Karen didn't die by some stupid car accident. Noooope. Didn't happen. Because wouldn't Scott hunt down the "unknown driver" that cowardly committed a fatal hit and run on his beloved daughter? Especially in his time as DA? Nope. Scott and Karen chose to fake her death to get her away from all of the creeps and nightmares around her life in PC.

So I would be very happy if Serena was a doctor(like Karen and Kevin), a savvy lawyer(like Scott or Lee) or even a business owner(like Lucy and Dominique). 

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A few quick things about the bibs and bobs of the last month of this crap I have bothered to watch:

  • I don't know who is responsible for keeping the Julexis shit going after he framed her, abducted her and tried to kill her with the dagger that killed her mother but it needs to end. I feel like FV keeps getting stymied on this. The writing seems confused as to whether it's for real or Julian is delusional, like they're on the fence too depending on the network. Just stop. End it.
  • A little amazed Kevin and Laura fucked on the first date. They're nice people but still boring together IMO. OTOH, Scott and Lucy - a pairing I was never very fond of but is at least fun in doses - got a great line out of Ava: "While you two boozed-up sex barnacles were laying waste to my home..." I just wish Scott and Lucy were not background fodder to Ava's storyline.
  • I still have no idea how Heather got Raymond Berlin's money, or whether she got it from Naomi Dreyfus by blackmailing her (over something??), or what. Can anyone explain this?
  • Did Spencer literally just get the quickie scene where he got mildly weepy with Sonny for two seconds after he got saved from Uncle Valentin, and that was his entire onscreen reaction to his dad's 'death'? His voice caught, we were about to see if Nicolas Bechtel has stepped up his game and can actually act, and then they cut the scene.
  • Everything about Franco and Liz is straight out of those old episodes of Oprah with the guy who would come on and give long lectures about not following a man to a second location. As others have said, Franco making it about him when Liz goes on about her rape was amazing. Franco is the physical embodiment of the Second Location.
Edited by jsbt
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18 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Catching up, oh my poor Kevin.  While I appreciated the nod to "Port Charles", his having been secretly writing a fictional novel based on Laura this whole time was some out-of-nowhere garbage.  I get that Genie Francis is, I guess, taking a bit of a break, but they really didn't have to cram in this contrived split to justify it.

This.  I mean, really.  The entire "I'm secretly writing a book that became all about you" was so out of left field that my head is still spinning.  Like you said, I get that Genie was going to be going off on vacation, but the writers could just as easily had her say goodbye to Kevin that she was going to spend some time with Spencer and get him settled in at boarding school, and that they will Skype or whatever.  The "book" was such a plot-point contrivance that I had to roll my eyes.  I am absolutely loving Kevin and Laura and have loved Jon and Genie.  So I hope that the writers don't screw this up.  All that being said, I do like that Kevin and Laura have a bit of angst waiting for them when Laura returns.  If it was all lovey-dovey, it would get boring really fast.  On a side note:  I don't like that Spencer is going off to boarding school either, but it's a way to explain Spencer's absence.  So I get it - from soap story standpoint.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Also, there's this really gross undercurrent that, basically, Rocco doesn't count because Lulu didn't get to carry him herself.

Yeah, Rocco always sounds like a very reluctant booby prize. "Well, at least we have our son." "I guess. [Heavy sigh]"

1 hour ago, jsbt said:

I still have no idea how Heather got Raymond Berlin's money, or whether she got it from Naomi Dreyfus by blackmailing her (over something??), or what. Can anyone explain this?

I believe Heather is blackmailing Naomi over Rebecca Budig's paternity.

1 hour ago, jsbt said:

Did Spencer literally just get the quickie scene where he got mildly weepy with Sonny for two seconds after he got saved from Uncle Valentin, and that was his entire onscreen reaction to his dad's 'death'?

Yes. I'm sure Sonny being there was more than enough to comfort Spencer. Now he wants to go to boarding school in France (I think), and Laura is taking him there. Rebecca Budig is against it because she hated boarding school. Laura told her to stuff it, as was appropriate.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, jsbt said:

I still have no idea how Heather got Raymond Berlin's money, or whether she got it from Naomi Dreyfus by blackmailing her (over something??), or what. Can anyone explain this?

They've dropped a couple of very broad hints that Hayden's father is really Jeff Webber and Heather's been blackmailing Naomi to keep the secret. When Naomi was in the hospital, she was talking to herself about how Raymond isn't Hayden's father, and then the other day Heather said something vague to Franco about Jeff and Naomi being together.

I'm not sure at what point they decided that Heather knows the shocking secret! behind everyone's birth, but this would make a hell of a lot more sense if once upon a time, Heather had been a maternity nurse, switching and selling babies to her heart's content. As it is, I don't see how she would know anything about anyone since she was supposedly in a mental institution for 20 years. But if they're going to do this with her, then I wish they'd pick up that loose end from years ago when she snuck into the Qs, looked at Edward's will, and then started chanting, "I know something the Quartermaines don't know!" about a previously unknown Q heir. This is how we got stuck with the "Franco is Jason's mutant twin" thing. Since Heather knew that Franco really wasn't a Q, there must be another Q out there that hasn't been revealed yet. That's who Hayden should have been; they could have made her Tracy's abandoned daughter or maybe Alan's illegitimate kid from an affair.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Wait, toast is a "thing" with them? Wow ok. This explains a lot. 

Yeah.  I mean, every soap couple has their totems that get their fans squeeing (I certainly did whenever OLTL played "My Confession" for Kish and am still annoyed by its reuse on GH), but toast?  For reals?

1 hour ago, Bishop said:

All that being said, I do like that Kevin and Laura have a bit of angst waiting for them when Laura returns.  If it was all lovey-dovey, it would get boring really fast. 

I'm a little worried that Kevin's basically always going to be the goat in their angst/drama because Laura's Laura, you know?

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

I was wondering that myself, and then I remembered that when they broke up, Nina told Franco he could stay there and she'd find someplace else to live. WHY? Helena. Reasons. Commercial Break.

I guess so Nina would be at the Metro Court to be fucked by Valentin, which weirdly seems to have been a major priority for this show?

Relatedly, I should mention that I at least appreciated the show offering some kind of explanation as to why Kevin currently lives at the Metro Court, even if it was a plot point.

Edited by TeeVee329
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57 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

They've dropped a couple of very broad hints that Hayden's father is really Jeff Webber and Heather's been blackmailing Naomi to keep the secret. When Naomi was in the hospital, she was talking to herself about how Raymond isn't Hayden's father, and then the other day Heather said something vague to Franco about Jeff and Naomi being together.

also sounds like she and Liz are full sisters rather than half-sisters. Like in a twin separated at birth sort of full sisters.

I don't even care, actually. I don't even understand how Heather is involved in this. I'm assuming she'll be involved in brokering the deal for Nina and her baby induced fever, since the second someone says baby, Heather pops up from behind the bushes.

59 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

They've dropped a couple of very broad hints that Hayden's father is really Jeff Webber and Heather's been blackmailing Naomi to keep the secret. When Naomi was in the hospital, she was talking to herself about how Raymond isn't Hayden's father, and then the other day Heather said something vague to Franco about Jeff and Naomi being together.

I'm not sure at what point they decided that Heather knows the shocking secret! behind everyone's birth, but this would make a hell of a lot more sense if once upon a time, Heather had been a maternity nurse, switching and selling babies to her heart's content. As it is, I don't see how she would know anything about anyone since she was supposedly in a mental institution for 20 years. But if they're going to do this with her, then I wish they'd pick up that loose end from years ago when she snuck into the Qs, looked at Edward's will, and then started chanting, "I know something the Quartermaines don't know!" about a previously unknown Q heir. This is how we got stuck with the "Franco is Jason's mutant twin" thing. Since Heather knew that Franco really wasn't a Q, there must be another Q out there that hasn't been revealed yet. That's who Hayden should have been; they could have made her Tracy's abandoned daughter or maybe Alan's illegitimate kid from an affair.

I still think that it would've been insanely easy to make Liz and HaChel, cousins. Just have it turn out that Naomi and Liz's mom are sisters. The whole family disliked Raymond and either knew that he was con man or suspected it. And cut ties with them. And Naomi didn't care or value her family ties, so she was ok with it.

18 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

I was wondering that myself, and then I remembered that when they broke up, Nina told Franco he could stay there and she'd find someplace else to live. WHY? Helena. Reasons. Commercial Break.

I'd guess that it's at least partially due to the fact that f*ckin Kiki is one of 3 people with whom Franco can realistically interact since everyone else (justifiably) despises him

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I'd guess that it's at least partially due to the fact that f*ckin Kiki is one of 3 people with whom Franco can realistically interact since everyone else (justifiably) despises him

If Kiki weren't so fucking stupid and worthless she wouldn't want anything to do with him either. You know, because he's a serial killer and rapist.

  • Love 4
18 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I guess so Nina would be at the Metro Court to be fucked by Valentin, which weirdly seems to have been a major priority for this show?

Relatedly, I should mention that I at least appreciated the show offering some kind of explanation as to why Kevin currently lives at the Metro Court, even if it was a plot point.

Well yeah because Nina has to be inserted into EVERY story. She's the new Sonny. :(

  • Love 3
47 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I don't even understand how Heather is involved in this.

Because all baby shenanigans in PC go through Heather eventually.

42 minutes ago, stlbf said:

I still think that it would've been insanely easy to make Liz and HaChel, cousins.

Valerie and Lulu being cousins hasn't resulted in any gangbuster stories. Valerie was basically a stranger when she slept with Dante, so the family tie was pointless as far as that goes, IMO. Insta-family of any kind always fails when it's solely for plot purposes, as this is.

  • Love 4
On ‎8‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 0:50 PM, Cheyanne11 said:

I screamed "you have got to be kidding me" at the TV when this happened.  Why is everyone treating Sonny like he's the fucking Mayor and can get updates like this? 

Argh, this show makes me want to hit things.

ya need to hit delete without watching.I wanted to watch Laura and Scorpio,they ruined that..I'm done. I am really thankful to you for keeping me up to date. Thanks.

Edited by testardo

The PCPD exchange between Jordan and Andre was all awkward pauses. So bizarre to watch.

3 minutes ago, Syndicate said:

I'm convinced these writers do nothing but steal our ideas and points of views.

Liz and Hayden being sisters is hardly a shock. These writers always take the easy way. If they really want to surprise people, they need to step up the pace of stories and not drop the heaviest of anvils.

  • Love 3

I get that the reveal that Liz and Rebecca are half-sisters via Jeff (who, per Heather, doesn't know about Rebecca Budig.  Meanwhile, No Name continued to have no name when Heather was telling the story) was a foregone conclusion after all the snarling anvils, but just dropping it into a Monday and Franco of all people being the first to know?  Booo.

Speaking of terrible reveals, Paul's the hospital killer?  Paul?!?!  That makes nooooo sense.  And again, we have a super corrupt cop or DA vs. our heroic mob sweethearts.  UGH UGH UGH!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 11
31 minutes ago, CreamedPeas said:

Random observance. Whoever plays Lulu is a shitty actress. That was so awkward watching her watch Robert as he was talking. 

I'm not a fan of hers, never have been, but this particular story does her no favors. I kinda wish they'd write Dante and Lulu off for a bit. I need a break. And maybe the writers can regroup until they come up with a worthwhile story.

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In other news, poor stupid Steven Lars, good on him for not wanting anything to do with Franco or Heather.  But Show, maybe it's not a good idea to remind us that he's still in lockup while his SERIAL KILLER half-brother is free to grossly woo his half-sister.

Why didn't Rebecca Budig just threaten to tell the cops about Liz being an accomplice after the fact to her shooting unless Liz handed over the diamonds?

Lulu is a Lulu-antic.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I'm not a fan of hers, never have been, but this particular story does her no favors. I kinda wish they'd write Dante and Lulu off for a bit. I need a break. And maybe the writers can regroup until they come up with a worthwhile story.

Oh, watch, they'll probably all be killed off in one fell swoop to give MB some emmy bait. And LW. Lulu was like Carly's surrogate daughter!

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Lulu is a Lulu-antic.

I think even for this baby centric version of Lulu this is OOC. How can the writers know about the embryo without knowing that Lulu utterly rejected it? Oh, hell, they probably just read Ron's notes that probably said, "there is a Lulu child in storage with Stavros, the dark mysterious man that she has rejected even though he is in love with her."

  • Love 4

So if I want to continue watching Hayden's scenes I'm going to have to get used to Liez always hanging around flashing bitch face and attitude. Ugh. I knew this was coming but a part of me still hoped it might not be true. Also, Hayden, you have ammunition against Liez, Laura, and Nik when he comes back. Use it.

How dare they have Liez get pushed down the stairs and not crawl around on the ground for multiple episodes.

Paul is the serial killer. Welp, I'll give them one thing - I definitely didn't see that coming. This is one of the worst serial killer stories I've ever seen. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Linny said:

So what, exactly, is Paul's motive for killing these people? Does he have a brain tumor? 

Susan was brutally raped off-screen!

I'm only sorta-kidding.  He keeps having these outbursts about Susan, about people not knowing what he's done for his children, etc.

Oooh, maybe he'll try and kill Morgan so Dillon can have Kiki!

  • Love 4

Bull shit.  Elizabeth would have slapped HateChel and not just took that slap.

FV is way too busy wanting to cement ReBu on the show after giving the woman a four year deal and had no intentions of fans finding out the name of Elizabeth's mother, after nearly 20 years.  Ass hat.

Elizabeth is stuck with Franco and that makes me sad and pissed off.

  • Love 7

And another thing. Where does the conflict and shock of reveal come in, if Lulu is the first to bring up the embryo? What's the point of having Helena bring her an envelope at all? It should have been a bombshell to Lulu that the embryo still exists, or that a child might be out there. How can the writers be so incompetent? I have a headache.

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

This ain't the first, and it's far from the last, story they've written in the most obtuse manner.

I know! I thought you and the Jason reveal as I was typing that. I try not to be all "I could do better" cause I would suck at writing a soap in general, but seriously. I think most of us could guess that this is not the way to go. I mean, this whole scenario shouldn't have been written in the first place, but since it is, they've actually chosen the most improbable path possible. What. the hell.

Edited by ulkis
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