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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Seriously Anna, get your damn head out of Sonny's ass.


And of COURSE Emma doesn't mention that time Sonny shot Mommy in their house.  Not that Anna would care anyway. Avenging what happened to Robin has never been her 'thing'.  Avenging a loser who loved being mobbed up, trying to kill her friend and covering for a murderer is SO much better.


Why is Anna here? Why? She's not doing anything worthwhile and is simply Mob Cheerleader #1289494.

  • Love 11

And of COURSE Emma doesn't mention that time Sonny shot Mommy in their house.


to be fair, I wouldn't expect Emma to remember that, at most, she'd probably remember something jumbled.


Why is Anna here? Why? She's not doing anything worthwhile and is simply Mob Cheerleader #1289494.


Yeah, but so is everyone else, so if the show is gonna be filled with Brendabots (of both genders) one of them might as well act well and be nice to look at.


I can understanding wanting a favorite character off the show in preference to them kissing Sonny's ass though.

Edited by ulkis

Carly didn't visit with Morgan for even five minutes. Not that I blame her, but what about how much she loves her kids?


Hee at everyone—including Emma—telling Griffin "GO!" when he said Pip summoned him back to GH.


Why is Carly acting as if Finn were the first doctor she'd ever met?


Location shoot tomorrow! Uh-oh.

  • Love 2

The Tracy days have spoiled me. Plus, the overload of Carly/Kiki/Ava/Morgan in one small room all emotional was too much for me. And Michael's hair! Then they introduced a Joss who was hitting on Morgan in a dramatic fashion. Gross. Scary. Barf.

Was that the one with the basketball team? Ahhhh. It was great. Peter Engel is a better producer than Frank. Even if he did give us Screech.



The Tracy days have spoiled me as well. If not for her...........*shrug*  I probably would not bother.

I have not watched yet today, and probably will catch the Finn stuff, but little else. I like that Finn actually honors his patient's wishes, but I do think Paul, in his own way, does care about what happens to Tracy. I found the exchange with Paul and Dillon funny, where Dillon is basically like "okay maybe I can get you in" to Tracy's room. As if it's some happening hot spot and Dillon is the bouncer.

I hate that they have ruined the potential of Paul. He clicked with the Qs. All for what? To give Sonny a new enemy? To give Ava yet ANOTHER man? Stupidity. It isn't as if this show is going to go out of their way to cast another man for Tracy, and when you find something that might work, you don't destroy it all for no good reason.

Dumb show.

  • Love 4

Kiki: How often does Ava Jerome feel guilty over something?


Yeah, cause she and the Captain always feel so much guilt over their crap.


Kiki: you were the first man I ever loved?


First of all, "man"? Second, and then she loved his brother WAY more. Sorry show, you shoved their love down our throats for two years, I'm not gonna forget it.


Why is Kiki the gunshot victim wearing Sonny's sleeveless vest from 1995 when it's late March?


Sonny minion: Yeah, they're nervous, they pissed you off.


Okay, you can go back to ESPN now.


If Anna/Sonny actually happened, in character the only way Carly would from then on refer to her would be as "Robin Scorpio's mother". With a sneer.


Watch, if Anna/Sonny hook up Emma will pop up to say, "mommy wanted me to tell you guys that if you and grandpa weren't going to be together she always thought the next best thing would be you and Mr. Sonny."


Wow, wow a great story about the lizard. cough.


ugh, cutesy Carly is unbearable. I need her to start having a problem with someone (besides Ava, cause I can't take that fight anymore) stat.


And agreed, Anna/Sonny/Emma telling Griffin "go!" was pretty cute.


Oh God Julian/Alexis are at an actual outdoor locale tomorrow. They're going to have sex in the garden, aren't they?

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 8

Carly and Finn.  What?  Someone explain to me like I'm Morgan what the flippin flap is going on there.  We have a twenty minute convo the other day about the stupid lizard  and we have another one today?  Are they chem testing them?  Is that what chem testing has come to these days, talk about a lizard?  


Why does Anna need Sonny's guy to put a locator whozitz on Paul's phone?  She was a double agent for the WSB and the DVX for years.  She needs a greasy little mobster to pull this off for her?  Shut up show.


Love Emma.  Loved the Emma/Griffin interaction.  It was very sweet, especially if I didn't pay attention to all the "Duke was good and should be avenged" nonsense  

  • Love 10

I also have a feeling they are chem testing Carly and Dr. Michael Easton.


I think so, too. It's really giving me the heebie jeebies.


ugh, cutesy Carly is unbearable.


I fucking despise her. I can't. I CAN NOT. I hate LW's acting when Carly's like this. RAGE! Ahem.


Griffin was really cute with Emma. 


When Emma said Robin told her to hug Sonny I was like really Robin? REALLY? You want your daughter to hug the man that shot you in your home? REALLY?! WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO KISS SONNY'S ASS I CAN'T FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE!


I, like LeftPhalange, have forgotten everything else.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 11

When Emma said Robin told her to hug Sonny I was like really Robin? REALLY? You want your daughter to hug the man that shot you in your home? REALLY?! WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO KISS SONNY'S ASS I CAN'T FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE!


Seriously, he gets enough propping from his own children, we don't need children flown in to join the crowd.


And if Robin is telling Emma to give out hugs, they should all be going to Mac.  MAC!

  • Love 12

You know, ulkis, I was able to scroll quickly past in the other threads without hitting play on the videos, thus avoiding all the eye-gouging, traumatizing awful.  But forcing that picture of Redrum MyKill on us like that?  Too far.  


There, my apology :)




It was between that and a picture of Ronn Moss, those were the nicest pictures in my photobucket

  • Love 3

Seriously, he gets enough propping from his own children, we don't need children flown in to join the crowd.

And if Robin is telling Emma to give out hugs, they should all be going to Mac. MAC!


But I really don't care about Emma hugging Sonny. I'm just thanking Jasus that Robin's daughter is allowed to talk about her and acknowledge her. It's the little things.

  • Love 5

Emma pimping Dr. Xerox and Sonny in the same episode. Girl, bye.


Anna indirectly pimping Sonny in the same episode.  Girl, b--wait, go steal Andre away from Jordan.  Please.  Go get some sanity.


At least the Stephen A. Smith cameo ("Brick"...he kind of looks like one, so whatever) was properly low-key.


OTOH, Pip and Hamtaro straight up shutting down Paul was pleasant space filler.  Hamtaro bonding with Carly over Roxy (who might have gotten more elegantly established backstory in one scene than...give me a minute...) was kind of good and kind of really bad in that "Oh, shit, are they really teasing this?  For the love of God, Montresor!" way.


And then there's mini-Sonny and mini-Carly, who finally earned that moniker today--I could swear that nearly everything Kiki said to Morgan today was something that original recipe Carly has said to her man at some point.  And of course it's for her that Morgan starts to "feel" again.  Subtle, show.  It's still the least of all possible evils, however, so I'll suck it up and take it.

  • Love 2
OTOH, Pip and Hamtaro straight up shutting down Paul was pleasant space filler.


Besides that, I also liked when Paul looked at Pip as if he were going to try to charm some info out of her and her facial expression was, "Uh-uh, don't even TRY, Mr. District Attorney." And it's good to know that Sonny is still a little scared of Pip.

  • Love 1

Oh, he won't last that long. Richard showed up last July, and I'll bet he didn't sign on for more than a year. And yeah, I'm still bitter about what happened with his character. I don't know who is to blame for being dumb enough to put him into Ava/the mob's sphere.  He was clicking just fine where he was.

But yeah, I think that line of Tracy's about her sons killing their fathers will come back to haunt her. There would be a line a mile long of people who would want to kill Paul (thanks again, show-you could still kill off Ava instead, it's not too late, and she's past her shelf life, anyway). Three of those suspects would be Tracy herself, and both boys. Speaking of Tracy and her boys....I've said it before, I'll say it again: watching the Qs these days,  in any combo, but especially in Tracy's story.....is like watching a whole other show.

Especially when Wally showed up. I grinned like an idiot. He MUST stay. I know he may enjoy doing both shows, but Days is so boring. I have tried to get back into that show and it's SO dull, GH, messed up as it is, is leagues better. Days  isn't using him, and GH lights up with him on.

Seriously, it was like watching clouds part when he walked into his mother's hospital room.


And I haven't watched today's show yet, but was Finn writing something down before he shot up? So, he could be testing an antidote on himself. But I do think it's having the Jeckyll/Hyde effect on him. Which could be really interesting, actually.

But to anyone out there trying to put Finn with Carly-I see you !  No to that.  The suck of Carly and Sonny must be contained.

  • Love 2

Emma was told to hug Sonny? The man that traumatized her as a tot when he SHOT HER MOTHER IN FRONT OF HER? No.

I haven't watched in ages, full disclosure. So since I didn't actually SEE this atrocity, it NEVER HAPPENED.

Ok, y'all know I hate Sonny, but he never shot Robin or tried to shoot Robin. His gun went off in the house while he was trying to off Jax and a piece of broken glass or something hurt Robin.

But our babies are happy in Morocco, gurl!

  • Love 4

Ok, y'all know I hate Sonny, but he never shot Robin or tried to shoot Robin. His gun went off in the house while he was trying to off Jax and a piece of broken glass or something hurt Robin.

But our babies are happy in Morocco, gurl!


True! And Morocco? Not California? Eh, whatever. They're away from the Port Chuckles cesspool!


And I guess it could be worse: She could be hugging Sabrina. UGH.

True! And Morocco? Not California? Eh, whatever. They're away from the Port Chuckles cesspool!

And I guess it could be worse: She could be hugging Sabrina. UGH.

Oh, they still live and work in Cali (Emma was showing pics of the home and area to Anna, so cute), but they're at a medical conference in Morocco while Emma's on spring break.

I think Emma has finally been cleansed of her daddy's plot points and can finally be her mother's daughter. *fist pump*

  • Love 4

Sonny didn't shoot Robin but Robin did get hurt by a bullet that Sonny shot in Robin's house in front of a very young Emma but it wasn't Sonny's fault, after all he was aiming at Jax and Jax got out of the way.


either way, Emma was like three. She's not gonna remember that. Did she even know it was Sonny? I think at that point Sonny and Emma had nil interaction. He held her once when she was a baby and that was it.

  • Love 3

Sonny didn't shoot Robin but Robin did get hurt by a bullet that Sonny shot in Robin's house in front of a very young Emma but it wasn't Sonny's fault, after all he was aiming at Jax and Jax got out of the way.

Of course he still brought a gun in her home and it went off. He's a piece of crap, I'm not saying otherwise and I'm not excusing him at all. But he didn't shoot Robin, that's all I'm saying.

  • Love 2

I don't know. I kinda like Carly and Dr. Michael Easton. LW sparkles in scenes with him, and ME is alive in this role. It's nice for me. And Carly promised to actually knock instead of barging in. It was nice. Plus, he hasn't shot her nor any of her kids, plus he's not a mobster. It's kinda working for me so far, plus no mentions of Avery nor Kiki. And they're really pretty together. I like it.

  • Love 8


Hammer? Seriously, show? Sometimes I get worried actual mafia members are watching this show.


How about "the Button"? or "Buttonman" (as in the Godfather series).


Hated Anna and Sonny as best buds confiding in each other.  Duke was not a noble man.  Shut up with that show.


Why is Anna here? Why? She's not doing anything worthwhile and is simply Mob Cheerleader #1289494.


Having Anna plan the phone bugging with Sonny, and having Emma hug Sunny 'cause her Mommy told her to do it gave me a nauseating rage headache. Anna, former Super Spy and Heroine Extraordinaire, is devolving into a Mob hanger-on and cheerleader indeed. I hate the flirty way she and Sonny look at each other across the room while in cahoots, and the hug from Emma was Show's way of trolling those of us who remember what Sonny did in the past.


Was Anna infected with some mob-loving rot fungus from Duke, and now worms are eating her brain?


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