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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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47 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Why are we seeing TJ saying how upset Molly is by Morgan's death instead of actually seeing Molly?  And this is what they brought TJ out of mothballs for, to weep over Morgan?

Yes - he was Morgan's one "friend." He told his mother to please back off because all he can think about right now is that he just lost a "friend." Yes, such a great friend - he inspired you to think more about sex with Molly because he was bragging/going off to hook up with a girl, and he also punched you out when you tried to save him from his drunken, stupid self. What will you ever do without him.

I think they also wanted to remind the audience that Jordan is a mother and she and Sonny are not really 'on the same side' despite those asinine courthouse scenes.

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OMG, all the self-flagellation today.  MAKE IT STOP. (sorry for yelling, but it was just so OTT).

Michael is clear proof that it's environment just as much as genetics that makes children who they are.  

I could care less about Clod, her kid and the kid belonging to the block 'o wood.

Not having Nina on my screen was such a relief, but alas, she's back.  

I like TJ.

Edited by LegalParrot81
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I've always had a soft spot for the Michael/Jason relationship.  I've forgotten huge chunks of this show, but I still remember Micheal's birth, and how Jason named him and cared for him when no one else could.  (Not looking for an argument about AJ could and would have done so).  

I also remember when little redheaded Michael had a change of school schedule, and his parents forgot.  But Jason didn't. Michael was sitting on a bench inside the school, feeling sad and forgotten, and then Jason showed up.  

Today's episode would have been so much better with SB.  It just would have.  The similarity in the looks with CD and SK always added more poignancy to the scenes.  At least for me. 

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Kiki's shrieking almost caused a seizure in my brain. Make it stop!  All of Port Charles is reacting to Morgan's death with GUILT and self-reproaches. There's plenty of blame to go round. Interesting that the show is developing at least the first two Kubler-Ross stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. Where are the two psychiatrists, Kevin and Jordan's boyfriend, when the town needs them?

I am sure hoping that Carly didn't get pregnant after that last encounter with Sonny the night Morgan died.

I feel that the only reason we got to see Jordan and TJ together in parent/child bonding was that we complained about Jordan's tendency to lie and confuse the boy. Although I winced when Jordan kept calling TJ "baby". Her tendency to infantilize TJ discourages TJ's ability to mature.

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26 minutes ago, LegalParrot81 said:

I could care less about Clod, her kid and the kid belonging to the block 'o wood.

With the insertion of Valentin into Claudette's sphere, and Dante being there to see Nathan meet her I'm pretty sure that kid is Lulu's. gaaaah. So. Stupid. 

28 minutes ago, LegalParrot81 said:

I could care less about Clod, her kid and the kid belonging to the block 'o wood.

They don't even know what to do with her now that she's not with Franco. This is ridiculous. Why is mr genius producer wasting money on her when they're not doing anything with her? Back up for Franco?

Whoa, I know you guys said Michael yelled but that must have given Chad a sore throat. I guess it makes sense for him to freak out given he just lost Sabrina too, but man, I almost kinda wanted Franco to still be there to say something.

HE's squeaks at the end made me burst into laughter. She's gonna get an emmy for this episode, isn't she.

1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

Wow, I never thought I'd see the day I wouldn't love Michael tearing into Kiki, but shut up, Michael.  You certainly didn't have any complaints when Kiki was making moves on you behind Morgan's back and when she broke up with Morgan to be with you.  That was some classic Sonny/Carly behavior Mikey was displaying and, of course, the Quartermaine (Dillon) gets the rock.  Bullshit.

I wanted someone to say to Michael, well if you saw Morgan centering his life around this girl and you think she's a fickle flake, why didn't you say anything to him?

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In other news, why are Kiki and Franco still living in the apartment Nina bought and paid for?

Nina was, oh so upset about the baby thing (she wants one, ya know) that she willingly moved out and allowed Franco and Kiki to stay there.  


Props to the casting department for finding a kid who looks like she could be Claudette's daughter. 

Agreed.  But at the same time, she looks way too young.  Charlotte is supposed to be 10 but she looked like she was six.  

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5 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

All of Port Charles is reacting to Morgan's death with GUILT and self-reproaches. There's plenty of blame to go round.

I'm seriously asking this: Is there plenty of blame? It seems to me Morgan should get the brunt of it, followed by Sonny and Carly. And that's it. Anyone else is peripheral, IMO.

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Eh. Ava can have some. Because Morgan seemed to be doing a little better* before she switched his meds - and seriously, wtf kind of adult comes up with a plan like that? The last two to pull some stupid ish like that were Kiki and Morgan, who are both stupid, AND HALF HER AGE!!1!1!!!


*relativity, for Morgan.

Edited by Oracle42
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4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm seriously asking this: Is there plenty of blame? It seems to me Morgan should get the brunt of it, followed by Sonny and Carly. And that's it. Anyone else is peripheral, IMO.

While I agree to a point, Ava needs to die for this.  Had she not been messing with the meds, Morgan wouldn't have spiraled.  Morgan being a total douche canoe, with an IQ of 3 is all on Sonny and Carly.

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1 minute ago, Oracle42 said:

The last two to pull some stupid ish like that were Kiki and Morgan, who are both stupid, AND HALF HER AGE!!1!1!!!

Which reminds me, Michael beating himself up for being mad at Morgan last year when HE DRUGGED HIM?  Guh-ross.  I at least appreciate Jason trying to remind Michael that he had plenty of reason to be furious at Morgan.

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10 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Bobbie was trying to be  there completely for Carly as an anchor or safe harbor, I think. If Bobbie had been extremely emotional, Carly might have lost it. Carly had had a very bad night according to Sonny, who probably emphasized that Carly needed calming down. Bobbie is a nurse, too, and could probably give Carly a sedative if needed. She could watch Carly's vital signs and even summon a doctor or ambulance if necessary.

She couldn't sedate her unless someone prescribed it, of course.  But your nurse point is great. I didn't think about it, but I'm a nurse, and I tend to be a little no nonsense when dealing with my family.  The difference is, JZ was using that bubbly cartoon voice, which seemed inappropriate.  And the grin (as big as the PS allows), is also confusing and misplaced.  I think if this was a month or two later, and Carly was still in bed crying, then the get up and put your big girl panties on is more fitting.   She needed her mother to be warm and comforting.  Not alternating bubbly and drill sergeant. 

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33 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Agreed.  But at the same time, she looks way too young.  Charlotte is supposed to be 10 but she looked like she was six.  

And at either age, wouldn't Charlotte know how to spell "safe?"

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13 minutes ago, ulkis said:

We joke about how Molly is older than Cam and she was born a year later, but now Joss is older than him!

The SORAS'ing messes so much up.  Joss is younger, by actual birth date, than Spencer and Emma, but is older than them.  Spencer's the only one actually the right age (10) to match is onscreen birth.  

ETA: LOL at the true ages of the kids:

Cameron - born 5/11/04, age 12

Molly - born 11/5/05, age 10

Spencer - born 2/20/06, age 10

Jake - born 5/7/07, age 9

Emma - born 10/29/08, age 7

Josslyn - born 11/3/09, age 6

The ones closest to onscreen birth ages are Cam, Spencer and Jake, but aging up Joss, and especially Molly, mucks everything up.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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Why is that when a storyline is a total dud, the writers insist on keeping with it? You sent Valentin to jail, why are we talking about him? 

I already can't with the Charlotte story. The timeline is a total mess if she's the embryo, she's older than a bunch of kids that were born before her. And since Dante met her, and Maxis is convinced she's not Nathan's then yeah, this story is headed straight to the crapper, like it already wasn't there anyway.

Highlight of the episode, Jordan and TJ. 

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I was laughing more today than I think I should have. I didn't really enjoy this episode, mostly because of the acting choices of KSt, ER, HE, BW, and BM. Not that the script was any better, it was downright repetitive with every character and inanimate objects blaming themselves for Morgan's death.

I cracked up when Kiki screamed "I CAN'T LOOK AT YOU" to Dillon (I feel you, girl) and when Jason was just talking about how Morgan was a screw-up.

Charlotte is Dante and Lulu's? *goes back to sleep*

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4 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I already can't with the Charlotte story. The timeline is a total mess if she's the embryo, she's older than a bunch of kids that were born before her. And since Dante met her, and Maxis is convinced she's not Nathan's then yeah, this story is headed straight to the crapper, like it already wasn't there anyway.

The whole Nathan/Maxie/Claudette/Griffin thing needs to be dropped and dropped quickly.  Get rid of all of them. I guess keep Maxie, but at this point I feel like she should probably be sent away too. If they want to keep Griff have him officially quit the priesthood and let him speak like a human being.

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3 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I cracked up when Kiki screamed "I CAN'T LOOK AT YOU" to Dillon (I feel you, girl) and when Jason was just talking about how Morgan was a screw-up.

I'm not a fan of Dillon's shaved side style haircut.

*nudging you to go to the Scorpio thread* Although it's a post about Maxie lol.

Speaking of hair, just when Julian's was looking kind of normal again . . . 

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And at either age, wouldn't Charlotte know how to spell "safe?"

I laughed at that because my eight year old who was sitting at the table doing her homework said, "that spells safe, that girl is dumb".  


 The timeline is a total mess if she's the embryo, 

I'm mostly spoiler free but how is this a thing?  Claudette didn't get pregnant by either Nathan or Griffin but instead was artificially inseminated by Valentin with the LuStavros embryo??????   Is that a thing????

Edited by Perkie
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4 minutes ago, ulkis said:

If they want to keep Griff have him officially quit the priesthood and let him speak like a human being.

He can go, too, IMO. I haven't seen a thing to convince me he wouldn't be boring.

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1 minute ago, HeatLifer said:

He can go, too, IMO. I haven't seen a thing to convince me he wouldn't be boring.

People seem to like him I guess. I wasn't a fan of him on Supernatural either but Griffin, as written, talks like a robot, so I'm willing to see how he would be if written differently.

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2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

People seem to like him I guess. I wasn't a fan of him on Supernatural either but Griffin, as written, talks like a robot, so I'm willing to see how he would be if written differently.

Griffin doesn't talk like a robot. MC does.

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KSt was terrible in this ep. And I am just SO over Maxie. 

I still think HE wasn't horrible. OK, maybe she was, but she was going for it and I appreciated that. RPW's faces in the background as Michael layed into Kiki were hilariously awful. Speaking of, Michael is such a dick. But CD plays it well.

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3 minutes ago, ulkis said:

No he doesn't! He talks like a radio announcer on a lite music radio station.

Whatever it is, I want it to stop! His voice is too quiet and stilted. Everything he does bores me. It's not all his fault, as the writing and the Duke-obsessed story has not helped.

1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

OK, maybe she was

LMAO. <3

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1 minute ago, HeatLifer said:

Whatever it is, I want it to stop! His voice is too quiet and stilted. Everything he does bores me. It's not all his fault, as the writing and the Duke-obsessed story has not helped.

I think, if FV wants to keep him and MC around, instead of giving them dialogue to speak and act out and stuff, they should just hide somewhere in the background for however many episodes their contracts says they have to be in, like a "Where's Waldo" for GH fans!

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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Which reminds me, Michael beating himself up for being mad at Morgan last year when HE DRUGGED HIM?  Guh-ross.  I at least appreciate Jason trying to remind Michael that he had plenty of reason to be furious at Morgan.

True. but Morgan is still his little brother and pre-RC they were very close. And now they've lost the opportunity to ever mend the breach

Edited by Oracle42
Dammit, spellcheck!
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How is Charlotte the embryo child when the embryo was created a few years ago and she's 10?  Is this some wicked Cassadine magic?  I know, I know *reasons, Helena, but damn, dude.  This is too much for even this show.  Charlotte should roughly be the same size/age as Rocco/Ben because that's when the eggs were created.   There is no way she can be the stolen embryo kid.  No freaking way.  Unless this story is massively getting rewritten or the embryo was a Johnny/Lulu embryo rather than a Stavros/Lulu embryo.   Or they outright undo the Lulu abortion, which would be weird af. 

I do get that a lot of characters feel guilty about Morgan.  No one raised him.  No one took actual care of him.  He became a self-destructive douche for a reason.  They should feel guilty.  It's normal to feel that way.  And yes they should be angry at Sonny and themselves.  They knew that kid was troubled.  No way should he have been expected to work, go to school, or whatever.  They wanted him to be okay, but he wasn't.  He really never was, but he never really knew who he was which is sad.  I get that we never got a true sense of self with Morgan.  

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2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I've always had a soft spot for the Michael/Jason relationship.  I've forgotten huge chunks of this show, but I still remember Micheal's birth, and how Jason named him and cared for him when no one else could.  (Not looking for an argument about AJ could and would have done so).  

I also remember when little redheaded Michael had a change of school schedule, and his parents forgot.  But Jason didn't. Michael was sitting on a bench inside the school, feeling sad and forgotten, and then Jason showed up.  

Today's episode would have been so much better with SB.  It just would have.  The similarity in the looks with CD and SK always added more poignancy to the scenes.  At least for me. 

Agree on all points.  Part of what I've missed most with BM in the role has been the relationship of Michael and Jason and how CD and SBu just worked, chemistry-wise as family.  I agree that the scenes would have been so much better with SBU, but I didn't hate the scene with BM today - which is new for me.  I'm sure he'll be back to crap acting by tomorrow.

2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Which reminds me, Michael beating himself up for being mad at Morgan last year when HE DRUGGED HIM?  Guh-ross.  I at least appreciate Jason trying to remind Michael that he had plenty of reason to be furious at Morgan.

But that's Michael.  He blames himself and takes care of everyone else.  Even with Kiki.  He was going over there to see how she was doing, and then overheard what she said to Dillon and flew off the handle.  Yet, within minutes of yelling at her, he was apologizing again.  I'll give Michael slack since he lost his girlfriend and his brother to violent deaths within a week or so of each other.  He knew he was wrong for yelling and blaming Kiki, and he apologized the minute he heard her beating herself up for Morgan's death just like he was doing.  Today was good stuff.  I would REALLY prefer it if it was Michael who finds out about Ava and what she did rather than Sonny or Jason.  How many Sonny v. Ava scenes/storylines can we sit through.  Hero Jason?  I say pass the leading man stuff off to the next generation.  Ava played a huge part in AJ's death, and she also played a huge part in Sabrina's death by keeping silent about who the real killer was at GH, and NOW she's responsible for switching out Morgan's meds.  That's three people that Michael loved that he lost as a result of Ava.  He should be the one to uncover the truth.  I would love to see that.  I liked the scenes CD and MW had with each other a year or so ago when he was at the five family meeting.  I would love to see those two spar - NOT become lovers - just adversaries.

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Was I the only one who thought CD said "I'm sorry too" in a tone that didn't sound like he was apologizing for the yelling? He sounded like he was saying "I'm sorry that you caused my brother to get into that car too."

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19 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I think it was for Michael's sake; he's standing there devastated by his brother's death as she yells at Jason. Tracy knows what it feels like to have a brother die tragically. Michael knew Tracy's right, that's why he didn't get upset with her. He could have told her to stop - instead he said she's "just being a Quartermaine."

And I did like that part. :) I have truly enjoyed the way the Tracy and Michael relationship has evolved the last few years.

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13 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Was I the only one who thought CD said "I'm sorry too" in a tone that didn't sound like he was apologizing for the yelling? He sounded like he was saying "I'm sorry that you caused my brother to get into that car too."

Yea, that's how I took it, too. And it was annoying. I mean I get that Michael is going through some shit, but I don't care, he was a dick there. Full stop. 

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27 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Was I the only one who thought CD said "I'm sorry too" in a tone that didn't sound like he was apologizing for the yelling? He sounded like he was saying "I'm sorry that you caused my brother to get into that car too."

I'm also sure no apology will be forthcoming to his cousin Dillon.  I like (and by like, I mean hate) how the first meaningful interaction between them was Mikey braying at him.

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Today's episode was boring and bad. They had such momentum going from yesterday that just stopped. HE shrieking, Maxie just KNOWING that Charlotte is not Nathan's daughter, and wtf was Maxie talking to Lulu about Charlotte when her brother in law was just killed? I know she's selfish, but really?

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1 hour ago, Chairperson Meow said:

I do get that a lot of characters feel guilty about Morgan.  No one raised him.  No one took actual care of him.  He became a self-destructive douche for a reason.  They should feel guilty.  It's normal to feel that way.  And yes they should be angry at Sonny and themselves.  They knew that kid was troubled.  No way should he have been expected to work, go to school, or whatever.  They wanted him to be okay, but he wasn't.  He really never was, but he never really knew who he was which is sad.  I get that we never got a true sense of self with Morgan. 

This. His parents pulled strings for him, but they did it for the sake of their names and reputation. They didn't provide Morgan with insightful supportive care, such as tutoring or mentoring for the college milieu and demands. Sonny got him a job, but didn't see to it that the kid got SKILLS he could be proud of. Michael could have been a better brother to Morgan, setting a good example and ensuring that the kid got certain life skills, and even checking on his meds and blood tests for awhile (not forever). Kiki indeed acted like a flakey flirt. Ava actively sabotaged Morgan. Morgan was a douche, but much of that came from the neglect he endured and the skills and training he never got.

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2 minutes ago, pianogirl73 said:

Today's episode was boring and bad. They had such momentum going from yesterday that just stopped. HE shrieking, Maxie just KNOWING that Charlotte is not Nathan's daughter, and wtf was Maxie talking to Lulu about Charlotte when her brother in law was just killed? I know she's selfish, but really?


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19 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, that's how I took it, too. And it was annoying. I mean I get that Michael is going through some shit, but I don't care, he was a dick there. Full stop. 

Yeah, although I kinda don't mind it if it's all partly because he still dislikes her for lying about AJ. Or I should say I would get it. I just want someone to genuinely dislike Kiki lol. One of the characters on the show I mean.

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5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Yeah, although I kinda don't mind it if it's all partly because he still dislikes her for lying about AJ. Or I should say I would get it. I just want someone to genuinely dislike Kiki lol. One of the characters on the show I mean.

I agree. Honestly this whole thing should bring the AJ situation back to the forefront of Michael's mind and he should really go back to hating Sonny, Carly, and Kiki for that situation plus this one.

2 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

When were the Stavros/Lulu embryos...created? Surely not long ago enough to have created a 10 year old.

It doesn't matter. If the writers have decided that Charlotte is the embryo then she will be the embryo whether it makes any sense or not. They just don't care about logic.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I don't know why Lulu was so gutted about Morgan. I get her being upset for Dante, but her reaction seems a bit much. Lulu and Morgan said two words to each other over the years.

"I came to see you, buddy." Eesh. That word needs to be banned. Especially when it come out of Jason's mouth.

I liked the Franco/Lauren scenes. It was good he told her that she wasn't selfish for wanting to break up with him, Morgan was a lot to deal with (for anyone). When Franco isn't Franco, he's not awful. Too bad he's only very rarely not Franco.

I could only LOL at the on-the-nose timing of introducing Charlotte. And the "s-a-f-e" had me rolling. 

STFU, Michael. Lauren doesn't have the greatest track record with the Corinthos brothers, but she had every right to break up with Morgan. It's not on her to keep him together. I wish she'd punched Michael during his tirade.

7 minutes ago, pianogirl73 said:

wtf was Maxie talking to Lulu about Charlotte when her brother in law was just killed? I know she's selfish, but really?

Lulu might have welcomed the change of topic.

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3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

"I came to see you, buddy." Eesh. That word needs to be banned. Especially when it come out of Jason's mouth.

BM has to be adding all the 'buddy' stuff, right? Like as horrible as these writers are I can't really imagine them actually writing that in.


I wish she'd punched Michael during his tirade.

I really needed her or Dillon to punch him. I was so disappointed it didn't happen.

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