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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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Soooo...Kim's top lip looked great great (did I just say that?) On WWHL last nite.  Why the hell did she tape all her talking heads with new lip filler (like JUST done before taping)?

Her lip on KUWTK looks like it is so swollen from filler that its turning inside out... I speak from experience on that one...lol

She owns the show, so just postpone the damn taping?

Edited by Christi
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Her appearance on WWHL was a cringy.  This woman cannot string words together to make any sense.  Talking about Tyga and Kylie's breakup:  "There has not been any drama with her since."  What weird phrasing.  That's the way I'd expect her to talk about Chyna or TSwift, not her own sister.  Why didn't Andy ask about Kanye? 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, iwasish said:

Kanye who? She's making more and more appearances without him and talking less and less about him.  Interesting though that she was so open about Kris Humphries.. She knew as early as the honeymoon that it was over.

Kim knew well before the honeymoon that the marriage to Kris H. was not going to last, as she tried to avoid going on the honeymoon with him at all, nor did she even allow him to move his things into her home. Kim only dealt with this guy for as long as necessary to stage her elaborate and lucrative wedding show where he was the dopey, disposable groom. And it was not turning 30 that made her rush into this marriage; it was her narcissistic need to outshine Khloe, whose own made-for-TV wedding to Lamar had momentarily taken the spotlight off star sister Kim.

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

Her appearance on WWHL was a cringy.  This woman cannot string words together to make any sense.  Talking about Tyga and Kylie's breakup:  "There has not been any drama with her since."  What weird phrasing.  That's the way I'd expect her to talk about Chyna or TSwift, not her own sister.  Why didn't Andy ask about Kanye? 

I wanted to shoot out the TV screen every time she said the word "like".  Every other word was "like".  What is she, 13?  Damn...

  • Love 8
23 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Kim was born in October of 1980. She's 36. 

At any rate, Kim is not a 13 year old, that is exactly what she sounds like when she speaks off script of her E! shows, and we've seen through the home videos that there was a point in time that Kim and Kourtney had the vocab and cadence of normal people at their age.  This whole "Like, liiiiiikee, eeehhhhh" thing is fairly new for them. 

  • Love 3
Just now, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

At any rate, Kim is not a 13 year old, that is exactly what she sounds like when she speaks off script of her E! shows, and we've seen through the home videos that there was a point in time that Kim and Kourtney had the vocab and cadence of normal people at their age.  This whole "Like, liiiiiikee, eeehhhhh" thing is fairly new for them. 

The vocal fry and uptick at the ends of sentences absolutely kills me. Seriously, ladies. You're pushing 40. Time to start talking like adults now.

  • Love 9
14 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

The vocal fry and uptick at the ends of sentences absolutely kills me. Seriously, ladies. You're pushing 40. Time to start talking like adults now.

I just think it is so strange how much press she's gotten for not saying anything, really, at all, on WWHL.

On the Hump:  "Pressure to be married before 30".  Bitch, you were married once before.

On the Stylist the family kicked to the curb:  "Kanye decided to be my stylist so........ask my sisters about that"

On Tyga/Kylie: durp

On Caitlyn:  My Mom will neva eva eva speak to that woman again, until the next episode or two when we can drum up ratings because we've kicked the Kanye meltdown and robbery dead horse for too long.

It's probably coming, but how tone-deaf would it look if the remainder of season 13 focused on Kim's robbery after the Ariana Grande horror?

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

On Caitlyn:  My Mom will neva eva eva speak to that woman again, until the next episode or two when we can drum up ratings because we've kicked the Kanye meltdown and robbery dead horse for too long.

But of course we still love Caitlyn and always will!!! After all she's Kendall and Kylies father and they love her and we would never say anything bad about her.  So you love her but out of loyalty to your mother you won't speak to her anymore, but you still love her? WTF. I get loyalty to their mom and actually  agree some what with her. But in truth Kim merely road the fence until she was forced by her mom's outburst to take a side. Khloe seemed more honest in her feelings of irritation and betrayal, up till she had her sit down and then professed her undying love for her "dad" that she had for all these years and put it all on herself as being the one who needed "time and space".  Eventually even Kendall and Kylie are going to feel forced to take sides either between Mom and Dad or between the Kardashian sisters and themselves.

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Puppies for Northie and P.

How nice. I give Northie's about 3 months till it dies or disappears BUT not before Kim milks it for a million selfies draped around her naked body.

Hasn't she commented a bunch of times that she would never have a pet? She was "allergic" to the kitten Kanye gave her. Maybe Northie will be allergic too. Blame it on the kid.

Edited by iwasish
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3 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

She's announced her own "twins" https://www.instagram.com/p/BVfeCknFkoI/?taken-by=kimkardashian You can't tell me that wasn't on purpose. 

Technically, Kourtney posted a picture of the dogs first. They first appeared together on Kourtney's Snapchat 3 nights ago though she didn't give specific info. 

These women just never know (or care) what is appropriate about anything, bottom line! A Pomeranian is not the right choice dog for a small child, just like the Bengal kitten was not the right one for Kourtney's kids. Pomeranians have fragile bones that break easily and little kids are hard on animals. Agree with y'all, it will be gone in the near future.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, iwasish said:

Northie wants to call it Mercy (after Kanye's song)...

Yes, I'm absolutely sure that's what Northie wants, she said "Mummy, I would like to give my new puppy the name of Mercy, it's my favorite song of Poppa's" & then Saint chimed in "Oh yes dear sister, please do!" & they all lived Happily Ever After.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, peaceknit said:

Pomeranians have fragile bones that break easily and little kids are hard on animals

This is so true.  Not only that they need a lot of grooming and aren't suitable pets for little children. First time Northie or Saintie gets nipped or snarled at or it pisses all over their beds and clothing it will be on the fast track to being "adopted" by some member of the glam team. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, peaceknit said:

These women just never know (or care) what is appropriate about anything, bottom line! A Pomeranian is not the right choice dog for a small child, just like the Bengal kitten was not the right one for Kourtney's kids. Pomeranians have fragile bones that break easily and little kids are hard on animals. Agree with y'all, it will be gone in the near future.

And yet Kourtney got the same dog for Penelope.  Kourtney is just as guilty as being a moron when it comes to getting animals for her kids. the Bengel was nothing more than a photo op for her Instagram. I certainly hope these poor dogs get the right care but I'm not holding out hope for either of them.

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57 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

And yet Kourtney got the same dog for Penelope.  Kourtney is just as guilty as being a moron when it comes to getting animals for her kids. the Bengel was nothing more than a photo op for her Instagram. I certainly hope these poor dogs get the right care but I'm not holding out hope for either of them.

Kourtney hasn't been on screen that I know of saying that she "can't ever see herself owning pet" nor carting a tiny kitten around NY  like a hand bag.  The Bengal cat was beautiful but not a pet for children. I would hope Kourtney would have better sense.  But then what example have Kris and Caitlyn given them as parents. Every series of home movies of various Christmases  or Bdays, someone was getting a puppy or two people were getting a puppy, which was probably long gone by the next special occasion.  One year  someone got a horse.. where is it now? Caitlyn left her dog when she left Kris. Khloe has it now. But now Caitlyn has a replacement pet.  

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, iwasish said:

Kourtney hasn't been on screen that I know of saying that she "can't ever see herself owning pet" nor carting a tiny kitten around NY  like a hand bag.  The Bengal cat was beautiful but not a pet for children. I would hope Kourtney would have better sense.  But then what example have Kris and Caitlyn given them as parents. Every series of home movies of various Christmases  or Bdays, someone was getting a puppy or two people were getting a puppy, which was probably long gone by the next special occasion.  One year  someone got a horse.. where is it now? Caitlyn left her dog when she left Kris. Khloe has it now. But now Caitlyn has a replacement pet.  

A lot changes when you have children especially as they start getting older and wanting things. North has been asking for a dog well over a year now. I've certainly done things I never expected since I had my kids. And for me, Kourtney never saying on camera anything about never seeing herself owning a pet doesn't change the fact that she's equally as careless when making choices regarding them. If Kim is an idiot for getting a breed that isn't great for children then Kourtney is as well since she got the SAME dog for her small child. For all we know it could have been her idea to get the girls "sister puppies". Regardless I think they were both foolish for getting them. My local animal shelter won't even give particular cat or dog breeds to people with small children.

  • Love 2
39 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

If Kim is an idiot for getting a breed that isn't great for children then Kourtney is as well since she got the SAME dog for her small child. For all we know it could have been her idea to get the girls "sister puppies". Regardless I think they were both foolish for getting them. My local animal shelter won't even give particular cat or dog breeds to people with small children.

Kim bought both puppies http://www.tmz.com/2017/06/19/kim-kardashian-pomeranian-puppies-not-micro/

8 hours ago, howmanywords said:

A lot changes when you have children especially as they start getting older and wanting things. North has been asking for a dog well over a year now. I've certainly done things I never expected since I had my kids. And for me, Kourtney never saying on camera anything about never seeing herself owning a pet doesn't change the fact that she's equally as careless when making choices regarding them. If Kim is an idiot for getting a breed that isn't great for children then Kourtney is as well since she got the SAME dog for her small child. For all we know it could have been her idea to get the girls "sister puppies". Regardless I think they were both foolish for getting them. My local animal shelter won't even give particular cat or dog breeds to people with small children.

I agree that they both are idiots in this regard. But Kim has been very vocal in the past about not wanting pets. And just because a 4 year old wants a dog doesn't mean she is capable of being responsible or able to treat a living thing properly.  If it's true she purchased both dogs and gave P one as a gift, she' s even worse. If the shoe were on the other foot she'd have blasted. Kourt. 

The truth is most likely she loved the idea of sister puppies and how cute and the idea of many likes or hits or whatever it is she gets on pics she posts. A cute,fluffy puppy, this week's accessory. To be foisted off on some hanger on when she's finished with it or sick of cleaning up shit ( or telling her assistant to clean it).

This goes for Kourtney too.

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 6

It really is a shame that North and Penelope have these puppies, since they are in a family where pets are nothing more than disposable fashion accessories or photo props. In other families, these little girls would be taught that their pets are living creatures that need care and commitment -- an important life lesson for any child. At least Penelope got the chance to name her puppy, whereas Kim was soliciting hits from her social media followers by asking for suggestions to name North’s puppy and also pretending that North wanted to give Kanye a shout-out by naming the dog after one of his songs.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, howmanywords said:

BTW has either North or P been seen with these dogs? Other than Kourtney and Kim posing with them on Instagram and Snapchat I haven't seen either girl with them. 

That's probably a good thing.  Toy breed dogs (with the exception of pugs) are really not good dogs for small children.  They tend to be very high strung but also tend to just latch onto one person - typically whichever adult is feeding them and taking them for walks - and ignore the kids.   I guess you could say this about all dogs, but I find the teeny ones tend to have a disproportional amount (for their size) of anxiety and destructive behavior when there are changes in their schedule.  Kim and Kanye, as well as the kids are constantly jetting off, people coming and going from their various homes.

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57 minutes ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

That's probably a good thing.  Toy breed dogs (with the exception of pugs) are really not good dogs for small children.  They tend to be very high strung but also tend to just latch onto one person - typically whichever adult is feeding them and taking them for walks - and ignore the kids.   I guess you could say this about all dogs, but I find the teeny ones tend to have a disproportional amount (for their size) of anxiety and destructive behavior when there are changes in their schedule.  Kim and Kanye, as well as the kids are constantly jetting off, people coming and going from their various homes.

Not only that but one drop to the floor from even a foot or two off the ground can easily break a leg or dislocate a "knee". They aren't rough and tumble dogs, if the kids trip and fall on them it can do a lot of damage to their fragile body.  Not to mention the dog could possibly react by snapping, or biting.  A stupid decision all around.  

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, iwasish said:

Not only that but one drop to the floor from even a foot or two off the ground can easily break a leg or dislocate a "knee". They aren't rough and tumble dogs, if the kids trip and fall on them it can do a lot of damage to their fragile body.  Not to mention the dog could possibly react by snapping, or biting.  A stupid decision all around.  

Kim was probably never going to get a family dog (lab, golden retriever, terriers, even boxers are on lists for dogs that are good for family's and kids) and I think all animals are cute, especially dogs but Kim seems like she wanted a fluffy puppy for cute Instagram posts, The big dogs aren't always fluffy and Kim doesn't like big dogs anyway. She hated Kendall's dog when she lived with Kris and I remember her not being a fan of Reggies dog. I'm surprised Kourtney accepted the puppy as I remember an episode when Manson got a pet fish that died and Kourtney talked about how that's why she will never get her kids a dog because she had a dog once and it died and she was traumatized by it. 

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I watched Kim's appearance on The View (found on Gossip Cop) & she said something that I thought was interesting. In the 2nd half of the interview, starting at around the 2:20 mark she talks about seeing pictures of herself in Mexico & being unhappy with how her body looked. So I guess when everyone here was pointing out how bad she looked, we were right.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Fostersmom said:

And she and Kanye have hired a surrogate. 

I was just coming to post this. I'm stunned, or, I will be IF it happens. Definitely thought for sure Kimye was 2 & through. I really don't think she actually wants more kids, for one thing, I don't think that marriage is all that solid, but I also think she got a girl, got a boy, they're healthy & beautiful, I thought she'd just be finished. My uneducated guess is it's Kanye that wants more. 

I'm going on record right now & saying if there is a baby Kimye #3, she'll be a girl, created in a lab, with her gender chosen, like the first 2 Kimye kids (you'll never convince me otherwise). Poor Saint, he's as cute as he can be, but they so very obviously favor North, & I'm sure girl #2 will be favored as well. 

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Swatches of Kim Kardassian Beauty  are now posted on trend mood. It's 4 kream kontour kits for that contain  $48 each and available for purchase today. $48 is kinda pricey for contour and it's only like 2 or 4 shades per kit. Also not everyone likes cream contour. People who are  oily or acne prone don't like it. 

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