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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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Kim doesn't enjoy being on the sidelines while Kanye is in the spotlight. She wants the attention on her. The only reason for dressing like that was to get media coverage. Kanye's ego is going to take a beating. He wanted Kim on his arm so everyone would know he was fucking her. Talking about fucking her on a sink.... That was ego, pure and simple. But now he's got her and she isn't going to share the spotlight that easily. She doesn't want to be the spouse in the audience, watching someone else getting the adulation. She finds a way to make it all about her. As if Kim would ever be seen in Tennessee!!! What a joke.

All the articles I read about Bonnaroo were about Kim. Kanye's performance was totally glossed over. There wasn't even a picture of him. She had no interest in basketball before Kris H, she had no interest in hip hop before she hooked up with Kanye. She becomes interested in whatever her latest man is interested in. She's desperate for the attention again. It's what she lives for.

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Kim's inappropriate (for Bonnaroo- white pants and heels, really?) outfit is the best thing that can happen for Kanye's press right now. 'Roo goers have long memories and we still remember him making us wait until 430am before he deigned to grace us with his presence (and no apology in sight) at the 2008 festival. All day the next day the 90000+ attendees greeted each other with "Fuck Kanye!" It brought us together in a way few things could. Everyone I know who went this year was pissed that he was invited back, so him letting out his ego wouldn't help matters. Kim taking the spotlight by looking like a dumbass will keep the press from remembering the last time he pissed off the 'Roo, even if he doesn't realize it.

Kanye's mom died from vanity plastic surgery, you'd think he wouldn't be attracted to a woman who thinks nothing of lasering, waxing, botoxing and surgically altering all aspects of her appearance.

Interesting too, that after Kris's meeting with Rob over the dire results of his blood work and her big talk about taking control of his situation, she and Kim decide the first course of action is to go to an aesthetition and start lasering off his tattoos... And his stretch marks. PRiorities people!!!!

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Definitely Kimmy's boobs look different now than they did just a couple years ago. What do you think she had done? They look somewhat smaller and more buoyant, like she no longer even needs a bra to hold them up. Not natural at all!

Her tits look different day to day, outfit to outfit. I think she uses various methods of lifting, hoisting, minimizing, maximizing, flattening or free flapping depending on her mood of the day. Same with her ass.

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OMG, you're right, I didn't even think about that. After Rhianna wore a mesh dress & Rumer Willis walked around topless, Kim's low cut tops weren't going to be good enough anymore. She's going to have to get Kanye to make a line of designer plastic wrap, just for showing off your boobs.


Looks like she's already on it.....



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Sometime yesterday E! replayed their episode of the Kardashian E! True Hollywood Story.  I caught the part where they were talking about Kim and Ray J's sex tape and they showed preview clips of what was in the tape (PG-13 maybe).  Anyway, there was a part with Kim walking around in a pair of jeans (she also had a shirt on) and her ass was A LOT smaller than it is now.  I never really believed the ass implant/injection rumors but after seeing that I might be on the bandwagon.  I don't think squats can make her ass as big as it is now. 


Examples here:



I saw the E! story also and what struck me was Kris's ridiculous outrage when Kim got married!  Calling her husband up to ask him what have you done, my daughter is a TEENAGER!. Where was all that outrage when Kim was dating a 29 year old man WHILE she was a teenager?. That was okay, he can fuck her but not marry her? Kris is such a hypocrite. She was dating Robert Kardashian who was 11 years older than her when she was in her early 20's.


And her reaction to the sextape....we did what you have to do in those circumstances... hired a good lawyer.

OMG, you're right, I didn't even think about that. After Rhianna wore a mesh dress & Rumer Willis walked around topless, Kim's low cut tops weren't going to be good enough anymore. She's going to have to get Kanye to make a line of designer plastic wrap, just for showing off your boobs.

Yes I can just see the Kanye designed plastic wrap... I bet he even cuts holes in it to make it more edgy. Because what is more edgy than clothing with strategically placed holes and tears and rips. I mean its genius!!!  

Looks like she's already on it.....



She took it one step further than Sue Ellen Mischke.

Edited by iwasish
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Kanye's at it again. From Fader:




"Kanye West took the stage at the Cannes Lions festival yesterday to speak on a panel for a seminar titled “Technology, Culture, and Consumer Adoption: Learning to Read the Cultural Landscape.” Maybe married life is doing Yeezus well; according to Adweek, West was reportedly smiling, laughing and conversing about everything from Apple’s recent multi-billion-dollar deal with Beats by Dre to how the internet is “fucking ugly.” Here’s a few highlights:

“After [steve Jobs] passed, I made it my life’s mission to do what he did inside of that company. I dream to help raise the palette and raise the taste level of a generation and also be involved with the production and distribution and advertising of that thing everyone’s begging for.”

“Now, can you imagine telling someone who just wants to Instagram a photo, the No. 1 person on Instagram, that we need to work on the color of the flowered wall? But the fact that the No. 1 most liked photo has this certain aesthetic on it was a win for what the mission is—of raising the palette.”

“The reason I said I didn’t like Samsung particularly is because throughout my entire life, because of how my parents raised me, I have to work with the No. 1. I can’t work with anyone but Jay Z, because he’s No. 1. I can’t be with any girl but Kim, because that’s the girl whose pictures I look at the most and get turned on by. I’m not going to represent any company but Louis Vuitton, because that’s No. 1. … Samsung is not quite Apple, but it showed that Jimmy [iovine] and Dre would be able to connect with the No. 1 influencers.”

“The world as a whole is fucking ugly. The Internet as a whole is fucking ugly, too. But I’m not in the construction business.”


So - Kimmy is just a "girl" whose pictures he gets turned on by. What happens when her looks fade? I "almost" feel sorry for her because she's seen by the world AND her husband as nothing but a real-life blow-up fuck me doll.

Edited by DangerousMinds
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I can’t be with any girl but Kim, because that’s the girl whose pictures I look at the most and get turned on by.

This disgusts me in ways I can't quite articulate. It is such a shallow & uncaring statement. "I want someone whose pictures I enjoy whacking off to." That's true love right there.

And I'm so relieved to know Kanye is going to take up the space left by Steve Jobs. I can't wait to see his idea of the next big thing. Raise the palette dude!

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Regarding Kim's boobs, someone should tell her wearing those extreme push-up bras every day will actually stretch breast tissue and make sagging worse.

I'm not surprised Kim's only friends are vapid, fellow famewhores. Besides vaginas, sex, her body and her looks, I can't recall any other topics of conversation when Kim is onscreen. People who are so consumed with themselves are just utterly boring. Doesn't she have a baby somewhere who needs attention?

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So here's my takeaway from the Fader article:


Boyfriend's a big, old follower who only wants to hang with the cool kids who did all of the hard work to get to "number one" - whatever that means.  If he were a true creative genius and game-changer, he might accept the challenge of taking an also-ran (assuming Samsung must have asked him to collaborate on some project? I pride myself on knowing as little about this fool as possible.), applying all of that "genius," and making it a contender. Maybe even taking it to "number one." But then, it's easier to just latch onto the current "number one" and get, well, I don't know what from the attachment.


His aesthetics and mine are vastly different. I know, I know. My llimited little mind can't comprehend the mind-blowing, world-changing power of leather jogging pants, gray hoodies, and walls of roses. (If that's the case, keep him away from my beloved Apple.)


He obsesses about the most bizarre things and blows them wildly out of proportion. "Number one" Instagrammer? "Number one" liked Instagram photo? BFD. Really. No one but you - and maybe some of the brain-dead illiterates who follow this circus on Instagram - cares. THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT. (Yes, I am yelling.)


If he applied this much power to something that actually was creative and meaningful, he'd be the legend he already is in his own mind.


What color is his world, anyway?

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Really 4 days to photoshop and perfect an Insta-Gram picture? Does he not grasp the concept of INSTA GRAM? As in INSTANT?  And after 4 days it still looked like they were standing in front of a wall covered in dirty wool.


also be involved with the production and distribution and advertising of that thing everyone’s begging for.” 


And this would be what? Endless pics of Kim's tits and ass busting out of her too tight clothing?  

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He obsesses about the most bizarre things and blows them wildly out of proportion. "Number one" Instagrammer? "Number one" liked Instagram photo? BFD. Really. No one but you - and maybe some of the brain-dead illiterates who follow this circus on Instagram - cares. THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT. (Yes, I am yelling.)

This is well said! I don't do Instagram because I'm not big on sharing pics online. I realize I'm an old fuddy-duddy, but my tween, who had asked for an account & was told (by me) she wasn't old enough recently said she was bored with the whole Instagram idea & was beginning to think social media was "inflated with so much overexposure". Which, as a mom, made me happy & thinking about how much importance Kimye place on sharing their every thought & pic makes me laugh a lot. If a child can see that & a supposedly media savvy adult can't then I won't hold my breath for his genius next gadget/idea.
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I see no passion between them, never have. Kanye wants to fuck on the sink...she'll do it, but I think her participation is pretty much the clichéd moaning, groaning, fuck me, put it in me, flopping around that she did in the sex tape. I do think she probably gives a good blow job though. I doubt Kanye notices, he's too busy cheering himself on and patting himself on the back for "getting the hot girl"

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Kim says she and Kanye are in the honeymoon phase of their relationship. Ummm...what has it been 3 weeks? But she thinks they will always be in that phase. Yeah Kim.... Let's see if you can last Oh... 72 days maybe?

I just love how she's totally wiped that whole fairy tale marriage out of her mind.

Like her sex tape.... Unless the haters bring it up, she just pretends it never happened.

Edited by iwasish


Kim says she and Kanye are in the honeymoon phase of their relationship. Ummm...what has it been 3 weeks? But she thinks they will always be in that phase.


Yes, Kimmy, you will stay in the honeymoon phase forever.

I believe Kim will always be in the honeymoon phase, because as soon as she divorces Kanye, she'll find someone else to marry & be in a honeymoon phase with him. She's just going to keep getting married & honeymooning, little North is going to have lots & lots of uncle daddies. 

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Joe Francis? Kris J didn't learn her lesson with OJ? You would think she'd keep her girls far from assholes like him.

And those strategically taken pics of Kim on her honeymoon... I wonder what agency she made a deal with for those carefully posed and photoshopped and selected pics. Cause no way she didn't get to approve which shots were most flattering.

It does my heart good to know that Annie Liebovitz didn't cave and take the wedding pictures. Just the idea of that moron wasting 4 days in Italy and Ireland, hunched over a laptop, trying to adjust the various shades of white/cream/gray in the flower wall, while his "girl" hung over his shoulder making fuck me fish faces while taking more selfies and inspecting her face and body for imaginary defects that she then obsessed over for the remainder of the honeymoon ( the first one) does my cold, black heart good.

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She has photographed people who are genius, who have created something, whose names aren't synonymous with overblown ego,an oversized and over exposed ass and whose vocabulary contains more than like, literally and amazing.

She's afraid of celebrity.. But he spends four days trying to make someone else's picture replicate her signature style and vision. Are we surprised? It's not the first time he's stolen someone's product, either clothing or music.

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