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S31: Kass McQuillen


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From the Spencer thread...


I still can't believe that Kass kept Spencer over Woo after all the talking she did. It seems like she did it just to make the game more exciting and give her more airtime.


Kass saved Spencer for Ciera, who is Kass's closest ally. Kass and Ciera were in at least one alliance together on Bayon and were together as part of the Ta Keo 5. They've never been allied with Savage. Spencer was the emotional revenge vote, and Woo was the strategic vote. It may have been better for Kass's game if Ciera hadn't minded being the decoy and she'd been able to get Spencer out without rocking the boat, but functionally, Kass had to choose between Ciera and Savage. Ciera is a much more reliable ally for Kass. (I loved Ciera's play because I don't love Savage, but I wish Ciera had just told Savage directly, "no, I am not comfortable being the decoy vote... use Kelly Wiglesworth instead." I think long-term that would have been better for Kass and Ciera... although I guess Bayon practically has no choice but to go after themselves now)

Edited by Zuleikha
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Kass's day after.  I admit, I was not a fan of Kass returning primarily because I thought she'd be either an easy first boot or, if she survived beyond that, would play a completely off the radar mellow game and go along with whatever anyone told her to.  So even though she seemed like an easy first merge boot (I think the tribe pretty much agreed that's what it was), I never would have expected her to make it this far.  I'm glad she at least made the jury, and that she did cause a little chaos before leaving.  Hopefully she continues her chaos in the jury house.  Glad that she and Spencer were able to bury the hatchet for the sake of the game; I only wish her and Tasha did.

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Interview with Kass.  Starts at 1:06.  Some highlights: the blow up with Tasha was worse than what was shown.  Felt if she had gotten Joe on her side she would have had a chance, because Spencer/Kelley/Keith were voting how Joe voted.  Says Tasha needs to get over the past.  Also said Monica would have been the first Bayon member to go.  Also believes Monica ruined any chance for a women's alliance, and that Tasha wasn't expecting her to be on the jury (in reference to Monica, she says Monica had it out for her from day 1, then turns around and wanted to do the women's alliance but lost trust with Kass).


I'm glad Kass is getting some love on twitter from her fellow castaways.

These exit interviews are reminding me why I don't like Kass. Self-congratulatory about her "big, chaotic," moves in one answer, then a martyr in the next. I'm completely on Tasha's side in their argument and I think no matter what she said or did once Kass knew she was going, she was going to find a reason to pick a fight with Tasha so she'd have an excuse not to vote for her. 

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I'm completely on Tasha's side in their argument and I think no matter what she said or did once Kass knew she was going, she was going to find a reason to pick a fight with Tasha so she'd have an excuse not to vote for her.
Per Kass's interviews, Tasha was leading people in ostracizing Kass, Ciera, and Abi, which is why Kass went over to have the fight. That meshes with the big power talk on the beach, which was in open view, and Abi voting for Tasha instead of with the numbers (which seemed odd to me because why would Abi of all people stick with a doomed plan). 
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she did nicknamed herself after all

And that reminds me of George Costanza trying to get his co-workers to call him 'T-Bone', but they started calling another guy that.


To me, Kass giving herself a nickname comes across as a ploy to make herself appear to be a bigger player than in reality; also that she wants to be a cool kid (because she probably wasn't one while growing up; that she thinks her actions turned the whole camp upside down and inside out, yet that didn't really happen. In other words, she's a big ol' poser.


I'm so glad she's gone and I have no interest in knowing what she does at Ponderosa, because if it's "creating her chaos" she's doing it for sport and that's just pitiful in the scope of life.  

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Per Kass's interviews, Tasha was leading people in ostracizing Kass, Ciera, and Abi, which is why Kass went over to have the fight. That meshes with the big power talk on the beach, which was in open view, and Abi voting for Tasha instead of with the numbers (which seemed odd to me because why would Abi of all people stick with a doomed plan).

Is that when Abi said they were like those things that eat dead people...what do you call them...vultures? :)

And that reminds me of George Costanza trying to get his co-workers to call him 'T-Bone', but they started calling another guy that.


To me, Kass giving herself a nickname comes across as a ploy to make herself appear to be a bigger player than in reality; also that she wants to be a cool kid (because she probably wasn't one while growing up; that she thinks her actions turned the whole camp upside down and inside out, yet that didn't really happen. In other words, she's a big ol' poser.


I'm so glad she's gone and I have no interest in knowing what she does at Ponderosa, because if it's "creating her chaos" she's doing it for sport and that's just pitiful in the scope of life.  


I agree.  I wonder if I would feel differently toward her had she not named herself and proceed to enjoy that image to a nauseating degree.  She cannot stop saying it, even when the game is over for her other than her one vote.  

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I haven't been able to listen to the interviews yet, but was it clear whether Tasha was doing that after Kass drew the line in the sand (literally)?
I'm not sure. I'm sick right now, which is making my memory crap, so unfortunately, I'm already forgetting everything from the interviews.


I remember that Kass really likes Abi, though. I think that's funny because there was so much hope for an epic Kass/Abi clash, and instead they bonded together in mutual ostracism.

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I remember that Kass really likes Abi, though. I think that's funny because there was so much hope for an epic Kass/Abi clash, and instead they bonded together in mutual ostracism.



I think that hope was near to nil. They seem to get along real well before the game, as one must when you photobomb the other while they are on the toilet seat. AND post it on social media.

Edited by wonald
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Kass is smart enough but I don't think that she is the mastermind that she thinks that she is. I think she did a better job socially this season but she was never really pressured. As soon as Kass feels any type of pressure, she seems to go into snarky, button pushing mode and hopes that it leads to something that benefits her.


I can see this work in court. If she can get under the skin of a witness, she can make them, and their story look bad. I just don't think it works on Survivor. She lasted as long as she did in Cagayan because she was a goat. The only person who wouldn't take her to the finals was Woo and even that caught most people off guard.

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If Kass were 10% the wily genius she thinks she is, she could have made them see the advantages. Or if she had spoken to the right people.
Per Kass's interviews, the Brolliance was actively keeping people from talking to her, Abi, and Ciera. She didn't have a chance to talk to Spencer until basically when they were leaving for Tribal.


I also don't think being able to persuade people to vote in a way that's not necessarily advantageous for them is about being a genius. Once Joe decided to throw in with Brolliance instead of Ta Keo 5, Kass solidly lost her numbers. Unless Joe is asked about it when his game is over, we won't know what made him make that choice. Maybe it was about identity politics that Kass couldn't affect (being more comfortable in an athletic male-dominated alliance). To turn Stephen, Kass would need to prove that his defection would get other people defecting, which she couldn't know (and honestly it probably wouldn't... Stephen wasn't a linchipin for anyone). She would need to be an emotional manipulator to accomplish that, which she's not and she knows she's not. That's a Parvati/Cirie type move.

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Kass's reputation hurt her. She had burned bridges with Tasha in the first season and could not rebuild them. She had established something of a working relationship with Spencer but I doubt he really trusted her which would make it hard for the two of them to work together with tight numbers. Her behavior in Cagayan probably meant that the other players did not want to risk working with her because they knew what she was capable of.


I am hoping that the edit based on the off the wall behavior of Abi and the residual aftermath of Kass's chaotic game play of her first season provide a real lesson for people who are applying for the show. I hope they see that the talking head comments and voting attitude of the other players shows that the crazy play is not something that is going to win you the game in your first season and is going to continue to bite you in the ass in future seasons. Hopefully, it means that the intentionally crazy game play goes away for a while.

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It's funny, because with four returning people with Cagayan, you'd think in the interest of their game these four would have taken advantage of the perceived/know animosity to build super secret alliances that no one would have seen coming. I wrote something about that a few episodes ago, when Woo and Spencer found themselves on the same tribe - they would have been perfect for each other to align with. But it is also true for Kass and Tasha. Woo would have been happy (I think) to work with the others, and Spencer showed he was ok working with Kass. Big opportunity miss.  


Then again, that's usually how it happens. Amanda could have benefitted for secretly allying with Parvati in HvV but wasn't inclined to. Ditto for Candice, who preferred to throw her lot in with unknown (to her) Russell than with Parvati+Sandra. So many people let their ego overpower their game play :-)

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Another interview with Kass.  In it, she says she told Jeremy in front of several people that if he made it to the end that he would win (which pissed him off) but that he is running the show.  She, Abi, and Ciera were ostracized and no one wanted to be seen with them for fear of the alpha alliance.  Kass also says that no one liked Tasha at all and alludes to the fact that she is getting a very good edit.  She also compares Andrew to the spoiled kid who has his toy taken away when he doesn't get his own way out there.

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Kass is articulate and classy, if you ask me.   Contrast to Varner's People interview where he ridicules personal details about Tasha.  


You're not the first person to mention having troubles with Tasha...and I know that your tribal council got very heated. Is there anything that we didn't see that you think we should know about?

(Sighs) No. I think the producers make a great show and they tell the story they want to tell to the viewers. Everyone knows that on Survivor, a lot of stuff happens that isn't shown. I think it compromises the show when contestants run around and say 'you didn't see this. I blame the edit.' It's their show; it's a successful show.

Tasha and I know what happened; everybody out there knows what happened. And she has to live with that, and I don't need it to be all over the press.


I've never liked Kass and didn't vote for her to come back for a second chance but I have to wonder if she really gave herself that nickname or if that was a producer 'suggestion'.  However it happened, she certainly seems to relish playing the part and had to know that she would have her work cut out for her, with everyone, not just Spencer and Tasha.  


I used to like Tasha but based on what I've seen I believe the other cast members when they say she is anything but pleasant and is, indeed, getting a very favorable edit.  She was horrified when she realized that Kass would be on the jury and you could tell that she knew she had just screwed the pooch.

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But who will join Kass at Ponderosa next? I'm guessing either Abi or Ciera since they are on the outs. Most likely Ciera since people are still trying to drag Abi to the end. Kass was trying to be nice to the Ponderosa staff but they were like who is this crazy woman?! LOL!!! I'm looking forward to the jury phase and how Kass will dress and present herself in the the jury box. Will she roll her eyes? I wish it was Wednesday already.

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