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Past Seasons Chit Chat

Way Wes Jr

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I actually enjoy S9 quite a bit, the trashy nature of those involved aside.  It features some sweet reversals that operated in my favor.  And the most worthless people (IMO) in the group got what they deserved.   And I think the winner made some skilled decisions.  A couple of disquieting moments, but the worst thing you could say about Production is there's one time when they called the HoH to the DR so s/he couldn't be talked out of a controversial nomination decision where [they] went against the wishes of [their] allies.  I guess Grodner learned her lesson from S8.

S8 would have driven me away (I'd been bored by S1, irritated by the ads for S5 [Jase being his douchey worst and some weird moment when Karen tried to be demanding by using a pb&j sandwich to trace the air], and only been sucked back in by seeing Dr. Will do his thing in All-Stars), but the writer's strike landed in AG's lap and there was literally nothing else on TV.  So, random factors appear to have operated in [her] favor.  Or as Dr. McCoy put it, "In plain, non-Vulcan, English, [she got] lucky."

The bad news is that Sharon became the first HG to start shouting her DRs as a matter of course.  Which only became worse in S10, or as I refer to it, "Shut UP, Dan!"  But we'll get there when we get there.

Back to tie up a few last loose S8 ends:

18 hours ago, Hanahope said:

When did it become known Dick’s son cheated the voting? 

Unlike the coded letter, this never made the live feeds.  Since Richard didn't know there was an AP in play, he didn't know that Vincent had fixed it. So really this was all Vincent on his own.  We found out about it on the boards because, IIRC, he'd bragged to his friends about it, and it leaked.  (And he could even have been lying, but the later "Get Jen an auto-voter, too!" campaign proved efficacious, so Vincent's thumb probably was on the scales.)

For a while, I argued that there should be an "All-Relatives All-Stars", with Vincent as the villain going up against the likes of Ian Kirby (who took credit for a portion Dr. Will's strategy) and the lovely Kelly Gheesling.  (There's differences of opinion as to how attractive Dan is…I've seen opinions ranging from "ungodly hot" to "he looks like he has Down's Syndrome"…but that bone structure IMO certainly works well for his sister.)  Of course, this is the sort of thinking that got us Paulie Calafiore, down the road, so what do I know?  And…I'm sorry!

18 hours ago, Hanahope said:

It was hard rooting for Zach at the end, but he played into them as well.

IMO Zach did nicely considering he had been recruited a whopping four days before pre-sequester and he knew nothing of the game and was mostly there to plug his company.  I would love to see him return, although 12 years down the road, perhaps that time has passed.

And the Final 3 endurance, the "Bunny Hop" competition was truly a classic, so marks for that.  Even if it wasn't free of (guess what?) production interference, since the water that was shooting the HGs wasn't automated, but controlled by Production Assistants.  So Zach was basically getting pelted by a water cannon, whereas Daniele (who'd done such a thorough job of flirting with the DR personnel that in S13 she reassured her allies she had "friends" on the production staff) barely got a trickle down her back.  But…she was still the first one out, and ended up huddled in a blanket and sobbing while the comp went on, for so long we actually saw the end on BBAD.  And she didn't exactly rush outside to support her Daaaaaaaaad, either; it was at least 20-30 minutes before she dried off and dried her tears and re-emerged.

(BTW, S9 features not one but two classic endurance comps, so you have that to look forward to as well.  Plus arguably the best OTEV ever.)

And that might not have been Production's last throw of the dice, either.  In the final part of the final HoH, Dick took an early one-question lead on Zach and then "fortunately" matched him answer-for-answer from then on, never giving Zach even the chance to catch up.  Various people on the internet argued that this was because the mirrors in the living room had been rearranged so that Dick could see Zach's answers.  It seemed somewhat credible, although to be fair, by this time, "various people on the internet" could have alleged that Richard had helped Dick Cheney mastermind the 9/11 attacks and it might have "seemed somewhat credible".  So there's that.  But the mirrors were different next season, so…

(And now, of course, they do the final part in the back yard, anyhow.)

And thus we were free of the Donatos for the next four seasons.  They even infested the annual "gag reel" that is shown at the post-season cast party, which devolved largely into a not-particularly amusing parody of The Sopranos.  The gag-reel makers were back on their game for S9, though, so it was only temporary.  

18 hours ago, Hanahope said:

Did Eric and Jessica remain a couple?  

They did date after the season for a while (you've probably seen them return to host the HoH in S9 by now) but went the way of Nick/Daniele and Nick/Jen, soon enough.  Until Brenchel, nobody really took it to the next level, post-show (Jeff and Jordan stayed in contact, but lived in separate states for years), which seems odd now that we've had multiple marriages and multiple children, but things take time, I guess. 

At this point, the most we'd had was Boogie being semi-sincere with Krista for a few years, until it became clear that she wasn't moving to LA and he certainly wasn't moving to her LA (Opelousas, Louisiana) and that ended that.  And Shannon and Will dated for two years, until she dumped him for being boring.  (Apparently Will needs a camera to really be "on"; in the real world he's rather quiet and Boogie is the charmer, odd though that might seem.)

Years later, Eric (while still campaigning to get back on the show because he totally would have won if the AP hadn't messed his game, yo!) said that he couldn't bring himself to watch the season because it was weird seeing him and Jessica flirting now that they are ex-.  Nobody ventured to ask Jessica how happy she would be to be reminded she dated Eric, but…

I'm excited for S9!  Even if I'm the only one.  (BTW, since Grodner had no idea how long the Writers' strike would last, there was no set end date in place.  Which is why the season unfolds at a somewhat unique pace.)

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 2

Ok I’ll keep more of an open mind then on S9.  Yes I did see Eric and Jessica host the comp.  I just finished the first veto comp, so I’ve a ways to go.

definitely not a fan of the theme, but it looks like the players are  trying to strategize outside the forced couples, so we’ll see how it works out.

i did wonder why they were doing a winter edition, I’d forgotten about the writers strike.  I guess they had to move a little fast to get S9 cast and ready.

Looks like I'm almost finished with the "couples" part of S9 (at least Julie Chen said that after the next eviction, it will be a 'new' part of the season, so I just need to do that episode). I'm guessing some sort of comeback competition or buy back since Sharon and her ex were in sequester.  Will Ryan really want Jen back in the game?  It didn't look like the game was good for their relationship.

How scary was it for two houseguests to have pretty serious medical problems at the same time.  Seriously, slop diets are a bad idea.

So my favs so far are Joshuah/Sharon (they killed the last HOH), and James/Cheslia.  I'm a bit on the fence with James (and I had to look up the issue with his arm tattoo), but he seems pretty smart.  Amanda definitely annoying.  Watching the feeds with her going "bueno" all the time must have been seriously tedious.  Natalie,....Matt is so not into you, give it a rest.  Sheila and Adam are a hoot, that love/hate relationship.  And did I miss some details as to wtf happened between Sheila and Allison?  (and seriously making up a lesbian story, really?)

What happened with Joshuah's first "house husband"?  All they said was a family emergency.  A shame that it had to happen to the house's one gay couple.

All that asperagas going to waste....unless they ate some.

From a discussion in the Jack thread:

14 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

like happened in that infamous season where...wasn't it a bed flipping?...caused such pushback on social and other media that BB was forced to address it? 

The bed flip came later. 

There had been so many racist actions during week 1 (McCrae HoH), such as Aaryn's remarks about not being able to see Candice in the dark (because she's black, get it?  ha-ha) and GinaMarie's using the N-word  and various anti-Asian comments directed at Helen, that Aaryn and GinaMarie had already lost jobs because of SM outcry, and the CBS "hey, they're racists but we're just keeping real, yo!" disclaimer started appearing on the episodes beginning with the Sunday episode in Week 2 (ep 15.05), when Aaryn was HoH.

Because of the Feedster outcry, TPTB sent Amanda to tell Aaryn to cool it down.  Why they just didn't tell Aaryn herself in the DR, I don't know.  Perhaps they were trying to fluff Amanda, who was rumored to be an acquaintance of Alyson Grodner.  (Amanda had already been a CBS summer regular, on Big Shot Live!)  This was the conversation shown on episode 15.07, with Aaryn famously dismissing the subject with a raspberry.  

(Of course, having Amanda tell someone to chill it with the racism is like having Kevin Spacey warn someone to knock off the sexual harassment.  Her "best" moments, such as the whole "Puerto Rican showers" conversation, were never shown.  But she really didn't amp things up until Candice was targeted later in the season;  the bit about Candice's "nappy, greasy hair" messing up Amanda's headband was Week 4 [Judd HoH], IIRC.)

BTW, I was looking something up about the season, and I found this Feed summary from July 9th (Week 2):


Aaryn is in the [HoH] bathroom with a huge black garbage bag. Kaitlin comments you could literally hid a human body in that bag. Aaryn says not Candice. Kaitlin laughs. 

Not sure if that's a fat joke or a black joke, but still…

Anyway, when Aaryn's HoH was up and she had to move back downstairs, that's when BedGate happened, later the Thursday night after Helen's HoH win, complete with Aaryn's "whatcha gonna do" and "Shaniqua" taunts and GinaMarie taking Candice's previous "see the black come out" comments and getting in her face with them.  This aired in ep 15.08. 

(Which also featured the food competition [remember those?] where the HGs tossed spoiled milk from bowl-to-bowl, Survivor-style.  Howard teamed with Aaryn, GinaMarie, and Kaitlyn, trying to throw the competition and get the girls on slop.  [This plan fell apart when Amanda and McCrae proved so incompetent that they lost anyway, dragging Jessie and Judd down with them.]  Aaryn said that having Howard throw the spoiled milk at her, and get some of it on her face, was "like getting jizzed by King Kong".  Oh, Klan Barbie, you're so witty!)

So, no, America already knew what Aaryn and GM were all about (even if other things, like Amanda's racism, Jeremy's sexism, and Spencer's Nazi-apologism, were never exposed) before the bed hit the floor.  Compared to those "sweethearts", Jack…still sucks, but not in a unique way.

Oh, and since Jackson's sex-partner total has come up, here are the S15 "numbers", according to that group:

Jeremy: 24 sex partners, he claimed

Spencer:  37 (the hell??? Standards in Arkansas must be lowwww…or watermelons plentiful)

Aaryn: 7  (Jessie in the Jury House would be 8, Judd at the Vegas party was 9…)

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3 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

From a discussion in the Jack thread:

The bed flip came later. 

There had been so many racist actions during week 1 (McCrae HoH), such as Aaryn's remarks about not being able to see Candice in the dark (because she's black, get it?  ha-ha) and GinaMarie's using the N-word  and various anti-Asian comments directed at Helen, that Aaryn and GinaMarie had already lost jobs because of SM outcry, and the CBS "hey, they're racists but we're just keeping real, yo!" disclaimer started appearing on the episodes beginning with the Sunday episode in Week 2 (ep 15.05), when Aaryn was HoH.

Because of the Feedster outcry, TPTB sent Amanda to tell Aaryn to cool it down.  Why they just didn't tell Aaryn herself in the DR, I don't know.  Perhaps they were trying to fluff Amanda, who was rumored to be an acquaintance of Alyson Grodner.  (Amanda had already been a CBS summer regular, on Big Shot Live!)  This was the conversation shown on episode 15.07, with Aaryn famously dismissing the subject with a raspberry.  

(Of course, having Amanda tell someone to chill it with the racism is like having Kevin Spacey warn someone to knock off the sexual harassment.  Her "best" moments, such as the whole "Puerto Rican showers" conversation, were never shown.  But she really didn't amp things up until Candice was targeted later in the season;  the bit about Candice's "nappy, greasy hair" messing up Amanda's headband was Week 4 [Judd HoH], IIRC.)

BTW, I was looking something up about the season, and I found this Feed summary from July 9th (Week 2):

Not sure if that's a fat joke or a black joke, but still…

Anyway, when Aaryn's HoH was up and she had to move back downstairs, that's when BedGate happened, later the Thursday night after Helen's HoH win, complete with Aaryn's "whatcha gonna do" and "Shaniqua" taunts and GinaMarie taking Candice's previous "see the black come out" comments and getting in her face with them.  This aired in ep 15.08. 

(Which also featured the food competition [remember those?] where the HGs tossed spoiled milk from bowl-to-bowl, Survivor-style.  Howard teamed with Aaryn, GinaMarie, and Kaitlyn, trying to throw the competition and get the girls on slop.  [This plan fell apart when Amanda and McCrae proved so incompetent that they lost anyway, dragging Jessie and Judd down with them.]  Aaryn said that having Howard throw the spoiled milk at her, and get some of it on her face, was "like getting jizzed by King Kong".  Oh, Klan Barbie, you're so witty!)

So, no, America already knew what Aaryn and GM were all about (even if other things, like Amanda's racism, Jeremy's sexism, and Spencer's Nazi-apologism, were never exposed) before the bed hit the floor.  Compared to those "sweethearts", Jack…still sucks, but not in a unique way.

Oh, and since Jackson's sex-partner total has come up, here are the S15 "numbers", according to that group:

Jeremy: 24 sex partners, he claimed

Spencer:  37 (the hell??? Standards in Arkansas must be lowwww…or watermelons plentiful)

Aaryn: 7  (Jessie in the Jury House would be 8, Judd at the Vegas party was 9…)

Aaryn & Jessie??!

Yep, I talked about this last year.  Give me a bit and I'll find the post.

Ah, it's in the ep 20.09 thread.  Here's the relevant bit:


Short(ish) version:  Aaryn had had some f/f experience (she confessed this to Kaitlyn early on) and talked to Jessie in the house about having "lesbian freakout dreams" where she was kissing BB11's Lydia Tavera* and was worried her parents would find out.  She also talked a lot about lesbians in general and once demonstrated proper "scissoring" technique with Amanda.

After Jessie's eviction, she developed a bad case of the Jury House hornies, but Judd (he said after re-entering) wasn't interested and Jessie was reduced to trying to masturbate under a blanket when they (and Candice) were watching a movie. Once Aaryn was evicted, apparently things took their course in the JH.

Post-show, Aaryn and Jessie got into a fight over Judd at the Las Vegas party.  (The Judd/Aaryn pairing was barely visible on the episodes but it was definitely clear from the feeds that he was into her.)  "Party Darty" chose Aaryn (really, Judd?) and BBCan1's Dr. Alec Beall got Jessie on the rebound in record time. (Also, Aaryn got into a big Twitter fight with Alec's housemate Liza Stinton, claiming that Liza had tried to hook up with her.  Liza was pretty much "as if!")

About a month later (October), Aaryn tweeted excitedly about going to visit Jessie on Riverwalk in San Antonio.  This raised various eyebrows, and Aaryn followed with a tweet about how people don't know the full extent of HG relationships and they can change over time and enemies can become friends, hint-hint-hint.

However, this also works in reverse.  In November, Aaryn and Jessie got into a big Twitter fight and Aaryn outed the JH hook up, talking about how "you didn't mind me in jury" or something like that, complete with lots of kiss and scissor emojis.  She implied that it was mostly Jessie doing the servicing, but when Amanda confirmed the hookup on a podcast the next day, she said it had been more even.

And that was pretty much that.  Aaryn started her wedding planning business and married a guy.  No word on if she's managed to do her eyebrows properly.

Those Live Feed summaries (from OnlineBB) that I quoted above?  One of them has Aaryn "joking" about scissoring Amanda in the hammock, which later led to the "demonstration" cited in the quoted post.

Apparently Aaryn picked up some useful knowledge from her sisters in Zeta Tau at Texas State before she quit the sorority.  (Jessie was also a Zeta Tau, at the University of Texas.  Her older sister had attended Texas State, and been in the same chapter that later had the "honor" of including Aaryn.) Who says that you never learn anything of value in college?

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From the Feeds thread, but containing no Feeds info:

On 7/23/2019 at 1:49 PM, tinkerbell said:

I have only heard of the "have nots" on the live feed threads, this season and on the few previous seasons I've watched.  It might be mentioned in the episodes, but very little is said about the issue.  I suspect that many episode watchers have no idea about the rules for have-nots.  

Have-Nots were first introduced in BB11, and for the first five years, they were determined by a "Have-Not" competition, held after the HoH but before nominations.  (And thus shown on the Sunday show.)  This replaced the Food competitions and Luxury comps that had traditionally occupied that slot.  If the HoH ran so long that it had to be shown on Sunday, they usually folded the H-Ns into that comp (usually making the first few to fall in the endurance comps Have-Nots, for example), but that was more the exception than the rule.  And having the HoH simply name the H-Ns to punish his/her enemies was the rarest of all.

Have-Not status actually affected games (Britney gave a monologue to the HoH camera in BB12 about how people would get upset about getting stuck as H-Ns) and as noted upthread, in BB15, Howard tried to throw a H-N comp to sabotage his "teammates".  But all of this came to an end in BB16.

As with the Wheel O'Keys, "fan favorite" Battle of the Block was to blame.  It took the Sunday show spots, and made off-camera H-N selections the new normal, with community pressure to be "fair" and rotate the punishment, which basically ruined the entire point.  Even with BotB (thankfully) long gone, the problem survives, as the show won't commit to restoring the competitive nature of the Have-Nots, now filling up Sundays with Roadkill comps and Den of Temptation segments and App Store visits and WhOmps and an annoying plethora of resolutions to TBC HoH comps.  Ugh.

Edited by Halting Hex
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I've only watched a few seasons of the American and Canadian seasons, and think this may have been a Canadian episode and not American, but my cousin and his wife who have watched every American season said my memory did not happen. So, I'm asking here. We were discussing the trip Julie mentioned and I said it may be like the situation I'm describing below.

Does anyone remember when some houseguests, I think they were both female, won a public vote to leave the game, thought they were being evicted but instead were taken to a different room where they could watch the others on video and had a bunch of benefits like letters from home, take out foods (I think) and spa treatments?

I really hope I'm not having Big Brother hallucinations. That's just too pathetic. I only have classy reality television show hallucinations, like the Teen Mom and 90 Day Fiance franchises. 

classy real housewives GIF
40 minutes ago, Christina said:

Does anyone remember when some houseguests, I think they were both female, won a public vote to leave the game, thought they were being evicted but instead were taken to a different room where they could watch the others on video and had a bunch of benefits like letters from home, take out foods (I think) and spa treatments?

That would be BBCan4, where Kelsey and the woman who had won the first HoH (Afro-Canadian, name started with an "L"…let me cheat and look it up…ah, "Loveita".  No wonder I was blanking) were indeed evicted (by the Houseguests, not by Canada) in a double-eviction in episode 4.11.  It's just that the HGs didn't realize they were going to have to vote one of the two back in the following week.  So it was much like the House-voted buybacks of BBUS 3 and 9; the only difference being that the evictees got to keep an eye on the goings-on in the house.  (This is not a first for BBCan; in BBCan2, three potential "late entrants" spent Week 1 in a secret room, observing the action, before Canada voted one of them into the game.)

The returnee in S4 (like the late entrant in S2) did in fact last for a while.  No insta-re-eviction "Operation Revolving Door" shenanigans up north, in either case.

Edited by Halting Hex

Per a discussion of the history of Have-Nots in the Feeds thread:


During the Food Comps, the HGs used to compete for different food items and then they moved to Have Not competitions.  Have nots used to only get PB&J. But it was around season 13 or 14 they moved to slop? 

Actually, slop pre-dates the Have-Not status, including Have-Not rooms and the "cold showers only" restriction.

Originally, losing competitors in a food competition, or others on penalty status, were limited to peanut butter & jelly (and bread) for food.  But with Season 7 (All-Stars), slop became the penalty food instead.

The full "Have-Not" package (room and showers, besides food) was introduced in Season 11.  Have-Not competitions, as noted, lasted through Season 15, being replaced by "Battle of the Block" the next season.

The Food competition discussed in the other thread, where the HGs had to gain weight by eating disgusting flavors of soft-serve fro-yo to avoid Have-Not status, was from Week 4 of Season 15, where Gina Marie put her bulimic past to "good" advantage and basically inhaled the fro-yo on behalf of her team.  Perhaps CBS got some pushback about this; this was the final food-based competition ever held.  The remaining Have-Not comp that season was a cross-promotion (for Unforgettable) memory comp, and after that H-Ns were determined by having the HoH pick them,  or by who fell first in an endurance comp.

And that's how we got from there to here.

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Better study up for Professor Hex's BB history quiz. It counts as half of your grade! Multiple choice questions include:

Raven Walton from BB19 claims that:

A. She has to get a new pacemaker every year and also that an iphone will turn it off if placed on her stomach.

B. She has Rough Kneecap Syndrome

C. There were open, gaping holes in her stomach after one of her many surgeries

D. She is a puppet master.

E. All of the above

There will also be essay questions, such as:

After the insane fight between houseguests, who do you think might have wanted some of Keesha's birthday cake? Was there a deeper meaning behind the person(s) "yes" or was it just because CAKE!!!

  • LOL 7
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 Advanced issues found
1 minute ago, Scout Finch said:

Better study up for Professor Hex's BB history quiz. It counts as half of your grade! Multiple choice questions include:

Raven Walton from BB19 claims that:

A. She has to get a new pacemaker every year and also that an iphone will turn it off if placed on her stomach.

B. She has Rough Kneecap Syndrome

C. There were open, gaping holes in her stomach after one of her many surgeries

D. She is a puppet master.

E. All of the above

There will also be essay questions, such as:

After the insane fight between houseguests, who do you think might have wanted some of Keesha's birthday cake? Was there a significant reason behind the person(s) saying "yes" or was it just because...CAKE!!!


All I'm going to say is that anyone who hasn't read the Raven thread (or the BB19 Live Feeds thread) is missing something.

Did she really call herself a "puppet master"?  I thought that was Dr. Will taking "blowing smoke up someone's ass" to Hall of Fame levels.  But I could be wrong.  It's not as if there was a lack of Raven stories to sift through.


Raven, leaping for joy on purchasing her new $32,000 Kia.  Sure, her mom was running a fundraiser to pay off Raven's alleged "$200,000 in medical debt" and there was also that trip to Sweden that she was trying to arrange to see that "special" doctor, but come on, now.  Girl has to take care of priorities, amirite?

Edited by Halting Hex
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I don't have the stamina.  I made it to 55 (and passed the immortal "her GPA is Dance") and I was good.  I can always come back later.

She never did puke in the house, right?  I mean, allegedly she puked her guts up "every day", but through at least Day 60 there was not a peep out of her stomach, despite her eating all the gluten in the world, it seemed.  It's a Big Brother Miracle!

2 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

I don't have the stamina.  I made it to 55 (and passed the immortal "her GPA is Dance") and I was good.  I can always come back later.

She never did puke in the house, right?  I mean, allegedly she puked her guts up "every day", but through at least Day 60 there was not a peep out of her stomach, despite her eating all the gluten in the world, it seemed.  It's a Big Brother Miracle!

As you can imagine it was very difficult choosing just a few lies for the multiple-choice question!

On 7/14/2019 at 12:15 PM, Halting Hex said:

IMO Zach did nicely considering he had been recruited a whopping four days before pre-sequester and he knew nothing of the game and was mostly there to plug his company.  I would love to see him return, although 12 years down the road, perhaps that time has passed.

Ah, Zach Swerdzewsk....I must have been the only one that liked him.

In Googling, turns out he no longer owns the company he was plugging; however, he has done very well for himself and is even engaged to a cute little blonde.

He is on Instagram.

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

I know I'm not the only woman who never wanted to go through pregnancy but I do think it's highly likely that there's only a very small percentage of us who are grossed out by bare pregnant bellies. Hard to admit.

So far as I’m concerned it doesn’t have anything to do with being grossed out by pregnancy - hell, I’m a father twice over - but everything to do with not supporting clickbait for Kluckers.  Call me finicky, but I’m downright peculiar about such.

Edited by Nashville

So i started with a rewatch of Episode 12 from S9 to refresh my memory of the houseguests, and moved on from there through Ryan's HoH and James' eviction and comeback.

I really felt for Sheila that Ryan took away the 10K.  Its hard to blame him, everyone can use 10K, but after Adam gave it to Sheila (wow, that was incredible), it really cast a pall over Ryan's taking it away.  That may come back to haunt him and it sure lit a fire under Sheila.  And yes Chelsia, Sheila can play the single mother card and until you are a single mother, stfu.

I was hoping for Jen or Parker to comeback and when it was Alex, I hoped they take James back, as Matty really annoys me and I didn't want him to get an ally back.  I was so sure Alex was going to come back for a bit, because BB always tends to disappoint me in that way.  Glad it was James after all.

Natalie is a bit coocoo for cocoa puffs. An early Sam.  but no one should trust her with plans against Matty (though he sure seems to be willfully alienating an ally).

Now that its no longer couples, the game is improving.  Other than Matty, I don't really dislike anyone, yet at least.  that probably means Matty wins.  [don't tell me - this is one season I have no idea].

Ok, finally finished S9.  I have to admit, it ended better than it started, imo.  While I was on the side of Chelsia/Sharon/Joshua/James, I was ok with the F2 of Adam and Ryan, at least it wasn't Natalie or Matty.  I didn't hate either of the F2, which is an improvement over other seasons, lol.  I can see why Adam won, he did seem more likeable and nice than Ryan, though I thought Ryan was the stronger player.  At least those final 2 questions were better than recent ones.

adding:  I thought TPTB really screwed Sharon out of her HoH at the end when they said there was a relationship still in the house and then you find out its the friggin guinea pigs.  I mean really?  That was some bullshit and could have changed the game.  or maybe not, depends on if Sharon would have played better than Sheila on any of the first 2 last HOH rounds.

I was really pulling for Sheila to win America's Favorite, falling myself for the single mother story.  Then I looked people up afterwards and felt a little less sympathetic for Sheila, finding out her history (I wonder if any of the houseguests knew during the show), and felt better about James winning the money, he probably needed it a lot too, and didn't have the advantages that Sheila had early in life.  couldn't find much information about him, other than he and Chelsia did break up (not unexpected)

And OMG what Adam did!!!  I guess this is why I have never heard anyone refer to him or his winning BB.  I'm sure BB would totally like to forget he ever was on the show.    Still, wtf happened that led him to do that?

Well, onto S10!

Edited by Hanahope

S10 done!  Definitely a good season, a nice palate cleanser.  No real twists, just good play and a good winner who used strategy from the beginning.  Dan did an excellent job of appearing weak, both physically and strategically letting himself be used back and forth until he could be more assertive and take control.  and he was a decent guy, wasn't mean or insulting.  yeah, he had to play the game, which involved some lying and backstabbing, but I didn't think he did anything really bad.  

I didn't really get this veto-roulette thing on Michelle, it looked like people just kept throwing out names until he could say, sorry Ollie, Michelle is on the block.  And speaking of which, Michelle was not back-doored!  She got to play in the veto!  She could have won and saved herself.  One is "back-doored" when one doesn't get to play in the veto, doesn't get the opportunity to save themself.  Man that annoyed me every time someone said that.

But that was the only thing.  I bet watching feeds must have  been a lot of fun with all those fights going on with Libra, Jerry, Renny, April, Michelle, etc.  Renny and Jerry were a hoot, it was nice to see some older players in the game.  definitely made things different.

Dan sure must have been something over Memphis, who got no votes at all.  Memphis just seemed like a non-entity, I never got a read on him.  I can see why people think Dan is one of the best players.  

Onto S11.

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I was bored and so I decided to watch a video on YouTube about why Paul lost both of his seasons.  There was one point that made me laugh even more than when he said, "Not again."  I think it was when Julie was reading off the votes for him vs. Nicole (it could have been him vs. Josh, I was not paying close attention), he was up in the vote count and he mouthed, "I won", or something along those lines.  It was funny to see him then lose when he was so sure he had won.

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On 12/11/2019 at 9:04 AM, Hanahope said:

Dan sure must have been something over Memphis, who got no votes at all.  Memphis just seemed like a non-entity, I never got a read on him.

I like Memphis. I wouldn't have voted for him over Dan, but I think he was a decent player in his own right. He and Dan were a legitimate pair, though I always forget that they don't become the Renegades until something like halfway through the season. 

It's funny, because I think back to other outcomes and out of all the vote breakdowns, Dan and Memphis was probably the one that "deserved" a unanimous vote the least; it's just that Dan is Dan and there's no way Memphis was going to overcome that. But out of the runners-up, I think Memphis is more worthy of a vote than a lot of the other ones, so it seems wrong that he didn't get any.

I don't know; it's somehow simultaneously the one season that should have had a unanimous winner (as I think Dan is the GOAT) and also one that shouldn't have, if I'm making sense.

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2 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

Yesterday, on the radio in the car...

Rob Zombie: "Crawl on me/Sink into me/Die for me/Living dead girl."

Me: "Crawl on me/Sink into me/Die for me/Ra-ven Wal-ton." 

Kudos to the person(s) who came up with that nickname. Yesterday was the first time I changed the lyrics and it fit perfectly!


You’re welcome.  😁



Edited by Nashville
Now with extra imagery!
  • LOL 1

So finally back to my BB catch up.  Just started S11, the Jeff and Jordan season.  I don’t know who won, I just know them from the year they showed up on the Amazing Race.

high school cliques, just what everyone loves.

i laugh at the veto comp, the two girls trying these super big words and shotgun wins.

and this is where “have not” originated.  How did the brains lose that?



I was scrolling through my Facebook memories from today and came across this -

“OMG these bitches on Big Brother are complete trash.  Ok well just Aaryn, Amanda and that haggy warthog Gina Marie. I wish I could quit this stupid show.”

I honestly did not remember having such strong feelings about them.  I mean, I knew what they were, but to have posted it on FB to my feed where most people didn’t even care about BB was weird.  I wonder what specifically happened five years ago on this date to get me all riled up.


Edited by mojoween
  • LOL 5

S11 -  I kept wondering if Julie would make it to the end or the season, or give birth first.

I do wonder if Kevin would have won against Jordan, he wanted to take her instead of Natalie who it sure seemed he’d beat, but he thought otherwise.  Jordan was smart to take Natalie.  She relied on Jeff for most of the game, but she came through at the end when it counted.  Of course women who lie are reviled, but Jordan was a nicer person.  

i get how upset Chima was but wow she ruined her jury chance, and of course any possible comeback.  Of course it was the smart move for Jeff. 
I so lol’d when Kevin was snarking on the 3 crying over Jessie.  and it was Lydia who gave him the mr pectacular name.


5 hours ago, lasu said:

I didn't know the best place to ask this question, but are the contestants REQUIRED by production to name their stupid alliances?  Because I do not understand how people don't refuse to come up with these idiotic names.

I think they're (strenuously) encouraged to think up the stupid names, but not required. 

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Watching season 14 that Ian won. Man I miss the days of OG BB. They make big moves and talk game ALL.THE.TIME. Love the backyard couch gameplay talks. SO miss that. We get very little gameplay talk on the show now. Also, now, all the noms are always safe non-entities for the first several weeks until they get down to the big alliance of threats. 


Edit to add: No, I did watch this season. How could I forget Dan's funeral.

Edited by Lamima
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