truthaboutluv June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 Like I said, I haven't been following news about Darren so I am probably unaware of many things. That being said, even without knowing the full details or context of the incidents you're referring to, I don't buy that this has anything to do with any of that. The fact is Caitlyn Jenner is a hot topic right now and there is some over sensitivity on some people's part with regards to her and the issue of transgender, along with a need to be almost too PC if you will. So couple that with some people's long held dislike, some would even say hatred, of Darren and any reference to Jenner would have likely sparked a reaction. Link to comment
Glorfindel June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 (edited) Caitlyn Jenner’s name is not in the original script of Hedwig. Darren improvised last tuesday and he himself put her (wrong) name in and misgendered her: Darren, not Hedwig. Darren was the one who initially thought that adding Caitlyn Jenner’s birth name to a (scripted) joke on the show was ‘funny’ enough to justify publicly ridiculing a real person, calling her “Bruce”, a name she renounced only weeks ago and asked people to not call her that anymore. Deadnaming (using their birth name instead of their new chosen name) and misgendering a transgender person who has (recently) transitioned is something many transgender people rightfully have very strong feelings about, which Darren, the big LGBTQIA+ ally, chose to ignore in the hope to get a quick laugh and to make his show more relevant.By doing that he crossed a line imo, by turning an impersonal ‘joke’ into a very personal one, and imo it’s good he got called out on it and had to apologize. Yes, Hedwig is a very controversial person who makes many cringeworthy, political incorrect and insulting remarks, and I know that the creators (desperately?) try to keep the show relevant by adding current headlines and famous names all the time, but that doesn’t mean she as a character, nor her creators (and that includes Darren when he improvises), have to get away with everything whenever they go too far according to many people (and remember that this was first tweeted and called out by ordinary Hedwig audience members who were not amused, so not the usual Darren ‘haters’ if you want to call them that).I don’t know exactly what JCM as Hedwig has put in the show in the past and/or who Hedwig has insulted over the years (I believe JCM made a similar joke about Laverne Cox?), as I don’t follow JCM nor Hedwig as a show (nor do I follow Darren, but this popped up on my tumblr dash and many people have been talking about it), but from what I’ve read about the show it’s not something I would want to see, let alone spend money on. Tbh I find hiding behind a character to insult and bitch at real people in the hope to get away with it rather petty and cowardly. Imo it takes away from the story of the show: the struggle and journey of an interesting and complicated character like Hedwig. But it doesn’t really matter what someone else did at some other time, even under the same circumstances, in the same show: it still doesn’t excuse what Darren did now. Darren decided to improvise and add Jenner’s wrong name and therefore deliberately had his character make a very personal transphobic comment that was unnecessary within the context of the show. And it’s not the first time he made transphobic comments when it comes to Hedwig, so I'm not giving him much benefit of the doubt here. Edited June 26, 2015 by Glorfindel Link to comment
fakeempress June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 As far as I got the timeline, it started with a few tweets by people who were in attendance saying they almost left the theatre at that moment, Didn't seem to be Darren haters at all, but fans of the show which they'd seen repeatedly so they knew what it was about. One of their tweets was quoted in that US Weekly item. When some of his fans descended on them, I think at least one tweet was deleted. So It didn't originate with the haters but of course got legs there. It even raised a few eyebrows among his fans because of the hot button issue around CJ - and it's this topicality which had the potential to get it blown up into the entertainment media, unfairly or not. So damage control it is. Link to comment
caracas1914 June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 (edited) Quote The fact is Caitlyn Jenner is a hot topic right now and there is some over sensitivity on some people's part with regards to her and the issue of transgender, along with a need to be almost too PC if you will.I have to say this once. I'm fine with people agreeing or disagreeing on what is offensive or inappropriate. Mileage varies. However I do think it's a broad and lazy generalization to say that when someone finds something offensive or inappropriate to automatically dismiss it as just being "too PC". Edited June 26, 2015 by caracas1914 3 Link to comment
ComfySweater June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 I remain baffled at the apology and the outrage. It's Hedwig. Hedwig is offensive. Hedwig is transphobic. I'm more offended by the apology than the joke. Hedwig is supposed to offend there. Did they see the show? Hedwig has issues, subscriptions and more back catalogs than a hoarder with a Smithsonian fetish. Before you even try to tell me I'm an up his butt fan, I don't think he can sing this and everything I've heard people say is perfect has been straining to reach the notes at best. I await Taye for a decent representation of Hedwig, but this joke is not the hill on which I choose to die. I've seen this show more than once. None with Darren, but I can still see the context. I'll be back for Taye. If anybody cares about that, message me and I'll let you know what I think as it does not belong here. Link to comment
Danielle87 June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 On 6/26/2015 at 5:31 PM, ComfySweater said: I remain baffled at the apology and the outrage. It's Hedwig. Hedwig is offensive. Hedwig is transphobic. I'm more offended by the apology than the joke. Hedwig is supposed to offend there. Did they see the show? Hedwig has issues, subscriptions and more back catalogs than a hoarder with a Smithsonian fetish. I totally agree. I would not have have apologized. But then again I will admit to being biased because I'm not a fan of Caitlyn AT ALL. But that's a whole other topic. Link to comment
caracas1914 June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 (edited) It's all PR and damage control at this point. Darren is suppose to come out in a Pride float for Hedwig this Sunday. I'm certainly NOT a Khardassian/ Jenner fan (cough..cough..attention whores...cough..cough..) BTW, I've seen Hedwig a few times. So sue me, I enjoyed the gun tower joke at the concentration camp ( "we were all victims"). My friend who has has a personal family connection to the holocaust did not. She knew that the character is suppose to be offensive and show how damaged Hedwig is but she didn't like it. Fuck if I'm going to tell her she "just doesn't get it". I'm sure some wouldn't "get it" if Hedwig made a topical joke about the Charleston shooting. I have warned young transgender people who are going to see Hedwig for the first " may not be exactly what you think." My point is, if others know what the intent of the writer is and still find it offensive, I'm not going to paint them all as PC ignorants not recognizing a flawless master work of art. Some can "get" the character of Hedwig and still find some topical things cross the line. Anti -PC sometimes gets out of whack too. Edited June 26, 2015 by caracas1914 Link to comment
mercfan3 June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 (edited) I think the outrage came from trans issues being a hot button right now. I don't think it's from Darren haters, why would a Darren hater go to the show? (Okay..some the cray crays would, but most wouldn't.) The entire show has something for someone to be rightfully offended about. I think that's something people should probably know going into the show (I was a little taken aback), so I can see the "It's in line with the character" view point, and "that's offensive" too. After seeing the show, it seems to me..there intent with Darren was to update the script. Bring in younger people. He used a James Franco joke that I'm pretty sure 90% of people over 35 wouldn't have gotten (because they wouldn't know who Franco is). He made a joke about James Cameron Mitchell being old. There were a lot of little instances, where, IMO, where it was talked about the role changing a bit for Darren...that seems what was meant. So Bruce Jenner was used. To me, it's very in character of Hedwig. That joke itself (I didn't hear it with the Jenner part) is offensive towards to the Trans community. Maybe it seemed too real given Jenner is a real person. Regardless, I think Darren is enjoying the character a lot..and maybe it wasn't the best judgement to use a real person's name. Anyone that knows anything about him though, knows he's a strong Ally for the LGBTQA community, and apologizing (a sincere one, not the typical "Sorry you were offended" apology) was probably the best way to go. I expected Criss' voice to not be able to handle a broadway show like this, without knowing the score. Simply because Darren has a singer/songwriter..smallish voice. And I'm unfamiliar with the musical up until recently seeing it, but it doesn't seem like a particularly hard score. It wasn't really notes that were the problem, more enunciation and sound mix when he'd sing softly. Edited June 26, 2015 by mercfan3 Link to comment
truthaboutluv June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 (edited) On 6/26/2015 at 4:59 PM, caracas1914 said: I have to say this once. I'm fine with people agreeing or disagreeing on what is offensive or inappropriate. Mileage varies. However I do think it's a broad and lazy generalization to say that when someone finds something offensive or inappropriate to automatically dismiss it as just being "too PC". And I never once said that ANYTIME ANYONE finds something offensive and inappropriate they are being "too PC". I knew the second I wrote what I did it would probably (unsurprisingly) be picked apart. The point I was making is that this is a hot topic issue that many are particularly sensitive towards (not sensitive in the sense that they are taking things too personally in case that's not clear) and so anything that is perceived as offensive or troubling in any way will likely get picked apart and criticized. So yes, mix people who already don't care for Darren with a very sensitive issue and you have a perfect recipe for controversy. That was the point I was making and I'm done. Quote I think the outrage came from trans issues being a hot button right now. I don't think it's from Darren haters, why would a Darren hater go to the show? (Okay..some the cray crays would, but most wouldn't.) Admittedly I'm just going off US Weekly's story on the incident but apparently the sequence of events was that someone who attended the show, so likely just a regular attendee, tweeted after about the Jenner comment and being bothered by it. Social media being what it is, the game of telephone began where people who likely weren't at the show but just reading about the comment ran with Darren being offensive, he is transphobic, etc. So that's where the notion that some of the criticisms likely came from people who already don't like him, came from. I will say that I do think Darren's apologizing made the incident more of a story than it would have been. As I noted, I don't pay much attention to media around Darren, the show, etc. so I only knew anything about this when one of the publications I follow on twitter re-tweeted his apology. And then of course I was curious to find out what exactly he was apologizing for. So I heard nothing about this at all until he apologized and US Weekly only seemed to pick it up as a story because of his apology. So might have been better to just ignore it but maybe he felt the need to explain himself. Edited June 26, 2015 by truthaboutluv Link to comment
caracas1914 June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 (edited) Quote The fact is Caitlyn Jenner is a hot topic right now and there is some over sensitivity on some people's part with regards to her and the issue of transgender, along with a need to be almost too PC if you will. Quote The point I was making is that this is a hot topic issue that many are particularly sensitive towards (not sensitive in the sense that they are taking things too personally in case that's not clear) and so anything that is perceived as offensive or troubling in any way will likely get picked apart and criticized. So yes, mix people who already don't care for Darren with a very sensitive issue and you have a perfect recipe for controversy. That was the point I was making and I'm done. So glad you cleared up you weren't "generalizing". ; ) Edited June 26, 2015 by caracas1914 1 Link to comment
Lovecat June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 On 6/26/2015 at 6:10 PM, mercfan3 said: After seeing the show, it seems to me..there [sic] intent with Darren was to update the script. Bring in younger people. He used a James Franco joke that I'm pretty sure 90% of people over 35 wouldn't have gotten (because they wouldn't know who Franco is). He made a joke about James Cameron Mitchell being old. There were a lot of little instances, where, IMO, where it was talked about the role changing a bit for Darren...that seems what was meant. So Bruce Jenner was used. I'm 44...we *do* get James Franco movies here in the nursing home, you know ;) In all seriousness, I'd bet a shiny button that most fans of Freaks and Geeks are over 35, since they would have been smack in the target demo when the show aired. Folks over 60, 70? Sure, but are they the ones who are spending their theatre dollars on Hedwig? Perhaps not. Your average 35-to-45-year old is going to get the joke, though! I promise!Back on topic: Oh, Darren. Maybe try to keep your foot out of your mouth while you're still in the sparkly heels. Less chance of shitting glitter, hmmm? Link to comment
ComfySweater June 26, 2015 Share June 26, 2015 I want to know the reaction of the ER doctor who gets told the symptom of "shitting glitter." Outside of Eurovision, I'm not sure how that happens. 1 Link to comment
mercfan3 June 27, 2015 Share June 27, 2015 On 6/26/2015 at 11:02 PM, Lovecat said: I'm 44...we *do* get James Franco movies here in the nursing home, you know ;) In all seriousness, I'd bet a shiny button that most fans of Freaks and Geeks are over 35, since they would have been smack in the target demo when the show aired. Folks over 60, 70? Sure, but are they the ones who are spending their theatre dollars on Hedwig? Perhaps not. Your average 35-to-45-year old is going to get the joke, though! I promise! Back on topic: Oh, Darren. Maybe try to keep your foot out of your mouth while you're still in the sparkly heels. Less chance of shitting glitter, hmmm? Maybe I should have said over 50 :) (Basically, I know my parents and their friends haven't got a clue who the guys is.) But my point was really that Darren is inserting jokes from pop culture that people paying attention to pop culture now would get and laugh at. (IE, younger people in general). IMO, I think that's likely where the Jenner improv came from. 1 Link to comment
fakeempress June 27, 2015 Share June 27, 2015 (edited) I think the whole nation is aware of Jenner. And imo she is now part of a social discourse at its tipping point, not just pop culture personality (though she is that too). Edited June 27, 2015 by fakeempress 1 Link to comment
Snow Apple July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 (edited) Sigh. Darren's Hedwig made a joke about Finding Neverland "If I wanted to see a mess on stage, I would have seen Finding Neverland." Of course there are the usual outrage and of course by people who didn't see the show. I can't help but feel gleeful (heh) that Matt Morrison himself responded to the "tattler" that he's in on the joke. Matt saw the show a few days ago and I wouldn't be surprise if he told him to use FN for that particular joke (or at lease approved it). But I wonder how long before *they* say Matt's only saying that just to save Darren's ass? Never mind that's basically calling Matt a liar, anything to put Darren down. Oh, I just saw the post about James Franco. I saw a video of JCM doing that bit (shhhhhhh) so it was already in the script and wasn't not updated for Darren. Edited July 2, 2015 by Snow Apple Link to comment
Sara2009 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 (edited) From what I've seen, a lot of people were upset because some Darren fans used the joke as an excuse to bash Matt. Also fwiw, the " tattler" is actually friends with Matt in real life, so I can't be too hard on her for getting defensive about the joke. Edited July 2, 2015 by Sara2009 Link to comment
camussie July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 Given the Broadway community's antipathy towards Harvey Weinstein I would assume the joke was more of a dig towards him than anyone. A much larger audience saw a version of that joke in the Tony broadcast where one of the hosts mocked him for FN not having any nominations. Link to comment
truthaboutluv July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 It's probably like the Spiderman musical at this point. For awhile after that disaster, everyone was taking a crack at it. Link to comment
Sara2009 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 On 7/2/2015 at 5:49 PM, truthaboutluv said: It's probably like the Spiderman musical at this point. For awhile after that disaster, everyone was taking a crack at it. The difference is that " Finding Neverland" has been a big hit with general audiences. Anyway, I got upset because it seemed like a crappy thing to do to a friend. Obviously knowing now that Matt was in on it changes things. Link to comment
Snow Apple July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 (edited) On 7/2/2015 at 5:18 PM, Sara2009 said: From what I've seen, a lot of people were upset because some Darren fans used the joke as an excuse to bash Matt. Also fwiw, the " tattler" is actually friends with Matt in real life, so I can't be too hard on her for getting defensive about the joke. Well, I stand corrected. 40 lashes with a wet noodle to me for jumping to conclusions; the very thing I'm posting against. So maybe it's a good thing then, because it gave him a chance to post publicly to those who are not his friends. And latching on to the joke to bash Matt is also a crappy thing to do. Edited July 2, 2015 by Snow Apple Link to comment
Sara2009 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 (edited) On 7/2/2015 at 6:07 PM, Snow Apple said: Well, I stand corrected. 40 lashes with a wet noodle to me for jumping to conclusions; the very thing I'm posting against. So maybe it's a good thing then, because it gave him a chance to post publicly to those who are not his friends. And latching on to the joke to bash Matt is also a crappy thing to do. Well, some fans(including me) DID overreact, so you weren't completely wrong. I think just in general, we fans tend to forget that we don't actually know the cast in real life, so we get offended on their behalf. And obviously even people who know them in real life don't know absolutely everything. Edited July 2, 2015 by Sara2009 Link to comment
truthaboutluv July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 Quote I think just in general, we fans tend to forget that we don't actually know the cast in real life, so we get offended on their behalf. Uh yeah pretty much. And it goes both ways with liking someone and not being a fan of them. At the end of the day no one really knows any of these people personally and a lot is just assumption, whether you think they're just the most perfect and amazing human being ever or they're awful and the worse person ever. Link to comment
mercfan3 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 (edited) The fact that Matt is a friend, is probably why Darren used it. That joke is in the script, and he's gotta use a show that's on broadway. It's probably a better idea to use Matt's (Who is likely to laugh at it) than say..a show with a bunch of people that isn't doing well. At least with the Jenner thing I can understand people being offended. This is literally a line in the musical and it's going to be a joke on whichever play he chooses. (He used "Mama Mia" in the show I saw.) Edited July 2, 2015 by mercfan3 Link to comment
truthaboutluv July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 Congratulations to Darren on his Emmy nomination for Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics for This Time. 3 Link to comment
Lovecat July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Yay for him, but...starts filming on Italy? I hope they're starting without him, because he finishes Hedwig on Sunday night, and could probably use a nap! 1 Link to comment
truthaboutluv July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Guess he'll be getting on a plane right after his last performance. The movie premise sounds a bit random but the final product might be interesting. And for some reason it made me think of Princess Bride and I have no idea why. 1 Link to comment
Hana Chan July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Sounds like a generic rom-com, which is pretty much the kind of films that I thought that Darren could get easily cast in. Eh... not my cup of tea, but good for him. Link to comment
Pink ranger July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Congratulations Darren! great week for him. To line up a movie IMMEDEATELY after a Broadway gig like that is impressive. 3 Link to comment
fakeempress July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) Absolutely expected, I have said here before that I'm pretty sure he got things lined up. He's typically evasive and doesn't spill, I don't think he mentioned even once before the announcement that he got Hedwig lined up already, instead was all, "working on the album". So it's perfectly possible he was cast in this project a while ago and the schedules fit. In hindsight, seems he hinted about it recently how after BW a film that shoots on the beach would be nice. As for "impressive", Lea was cast in that rom com right after Glee while being in SQ, not to speak of Dianna who's barely had time to catch her breath between McQueen and her next batch of indies. Darren's very commercial and easily castable in such projects, and I am willing to bet more are to follow. Of those who have a few projects already, the one I'd not expected so much is Kevin. Edited July 17, 2015 by fakeempress Link to comment
mercfan3 July 19, 2015 Share July 19, 2015 So his dream broadway role followed by being in a movie with an Oscar winner making his director debut and an emmy nomination. Darren could be doing worse for himself. 1 Link to comment
Lovecat July 19, 2015 Share July 19, 2015 Add all that on top of the fact that he had the privilege of having me and my 2 best girlfriends in the audience at last Saturday's Matinee of Hedwig ;) and I'd have to say it's been a pretty good week for the kid! 2 Link to comment
caracas1914 July 25, 2015 Share July 25, 2015 (edited) Well I have to give his PR their due, the false story that he was flying over to start filming the Monday immediately after his BW run ended on Sunday. He was flying over to get to a paid appearance at that Italian Giffoni film festival some Glee cast have appeared in previous years. He starts filming next week, but still good for him that he got that film gig. Edited July 25, 2015 by caracas1914 Link to comment
truthaboutluv July 25, 2015 Share July 25, 2015 (edited) Perhaps I missed it but I didn't really see a story about Darren's having to fly out on Sunday to start filming. What I saw were articles stating that filming of the movie he was cast in, was starting Monday, which is still likely true. It just means he's not filming at that time. And from that, some made the assumption that he would be flying out right after the show to go to the set. But that said - does it really matter? I guess I'm not understanding what the story here is. I mean if Darren's people had made up a false story about him being in a movie that was filming in Italy when he was really only going there to do to some paid appearance then I guess I would understand this but basically he's filming next week instead of the assumption some had that it was this week. Okay... Edited July 25, 2015 by truthaboutluv 2 Link to comment
tom87 July 25, 2015 Share July 25, 2015 There is this : These entertainment sites take the original source and just rehash that information. I think some made the assumption he was starting on Monday. I think some fail to understand these are not from the movie's PR or the star's PR except the original source the Hollywood Reporter. Now they may hope the story is picked up by others but their PR are not giving these sites exclusive or anythings. Link to comment
truthaboutluv July 25, 2015 Share July 25, 2015 Quote These entertainment sites take the original source and just rehash that information. I think some made the assumption he was starting on Monday. Yeah that's what I figured. And that link looks like one of those entertainment blogs that anyone can make a contribution to, using stories from reputable sources like The Hollywood Reporter. Link to comment
jjjmoss July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 I like the recent shirtless pictures of him. He's definitely gotten fitter. I remember there were a few times on the show when people would act like his body was godly and I was like "What?" Esp when Tina was obsessed with him after she'd been dating Mike Chang of all people. Or the Shirtless Guys of McKinley calendar episode where it kinda looked like he had to suck it in to not compare too unfavorably against the others. Link to comment
caracas1914 July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 (edited) They had to put a cumberbun on Darren for his photo session of the Men of McKinley calender to hide his beer belly , and he was practically alone in not being in scenes completely shirtless in that episode. However I agree he looks pretty good these days after Hedwig , mind you not Harry Shum Jr. good, but then again one can't expect miracles. Speaking of good bodies, why isn't there any activity regarding Jacob Artist? Of all the Glee cast his silence is almost defeaning. Edited July 29, 2015 by caracas1914 Link to comment
Lovecat July 30, 2015 Share July 30, 2015 Having seen Hedwig from the second row, I can attest that his musculature is indeed pretty impressive these days. The first conversation my girlfriends and I had post-curtain went thusly: Friend 1: Jesus, [Lovecat], his ARMS! Me: His THIGHS! Friend 2: CALVES! And then we went on to discuss the show, the performances, etc., because we are only slightly shallow :) 2 Link to comment
AndySmith November 1, 2015 Share November 1, 2015 This moment never gets old nor stops being awesome. 3 Link to comment
Florinaldo September 22, 2017 Share September 22, 2017 (edited) The line-up for the yearly music festival co-organised by DC is very appealing, with guest performers like Jeremy Jordan and Ingrid Michaelson. We'll see how many other names they will really have time to add as their Web page indicates; I note that the bleacher seats are all gone. Meanwhile ACS Versace is still shooting, but the first teaser clips have started to come out (including this one with doves imbued with chameleon powers and this POV from inside a hearse; if they are a faithful representation of the final product's looks, it is going to be a very stylish show. There is a brief snippet of DC at 0:35 of this general promo for all of FX's schedule. Edited September 23, 2017 by Florinaldo Link to comment
Florinaldo October 8, 2017 Share October 8, 2017 DC and his fellow ElsieFest co-organisers have attracted other performers to their event, happening today, which makes for a very interesting final line-up. Judging by the event's official web site, Jeremy Jordan will now perform a full set as he has been moved to the "headliners" section. Link to comment
Sara2009 October 9, 2017 Share October 9, 2017 On 10/8/2017 at 4:16 PM, Florinaldo said: DC and his fellow ElsieFest co-organisers have attracted other performers to their event, happening today, which makes for a very interesting final line-up. Judging by the event's official web site, Jeremy Jordan will now perform a full set as he has been moved to the "headliners" section. Expand I’m not surprised. Jeremy Jordan is amazing, and it would’ve been a shame not to give him a full set. 1 Link to comment
Florinaldo October 9, 2017 Share October 9, 2017 On 10/9/2017 at 2:16 AM, Sara2009 said: I’m not surprised. Jeremy Jordan is amazing, and it would’ve been a shame not to give him a full set. Expand It's not only a question of organisers giving him a full set: he also has to be willing to do one under the conditions proposed and have the time and energy to prepare and rehearse it. Maybe initially he wasn't sure if he would be able to manage it. He is already very busy with shooting the TV series in which he is a regular cast member. And yes, he is quite a singer. It appears that Ryan Murphy and Jenna Ushkowitz were in attendance. 1 Link to comment
Sara2009 October 9, 2017 Share October 9, 2017 On 10/9/2017 at 3:08 AM, Florinaldo said: It's not only a question of organisers giving him a full set: he also has to be willing to do one under the conditions proposed and have the time and energy to prepare and rehearse it. Maybe initially he wasn't sure if he would be able to manage it. He is already very busy with shooting the TV series in which he is a regular cast member. And yes, he is quite a singer. It appears that Ryan Murphy and Jenna Ushkowitz were in attendance. Expand Oh I know there are logistics to think about. I was just saying. Link to comment
crashboom January 2, 2018 Share January 2, 2018 Darren Criss an Emmy winner and other 2018 pop culture predictions we hope come true Link to comment
Florinaldo January 3, 2018 Share January 3, 2018 (edited) On 1/2/2018 at 2:26 PM, crashboom said: Darren Criss an Emmy winner and other 2018 pop culture predictions we hope come true Expand I decided it was more relevant to reply to your similar post in the media thread. Edited January 3, 2018 by Florinaldo Replying in other thread Link to comment
truthaboutluv January 3, 2018 Share January 3, 2018 (edited) Thought these would be fitting here. Some early glowing reviews of Darren's performance in The Assassination of Gianni Versace. The Hollywood Reporter eta: Darren will also be a presenter at this Sunday's Golden Globes Awards. Edited January 4, 2018 by truthaboutluv 1 Link to comment
legaleagle53 January 20, 2018 Share January 20, 2018 So Darren just got engaged to his girlfriend of 7 1/2 years, and some of the Klaine shippers aren't having any of it. Check out some of the responses to his tweet about the engagement. There was one Klaine shipper in particular who went thermonuclear over the announcement, basically calling Darren every name in the book and accusing him of selling out, lying about his sexuality, and staging a fake engagement for the sake of his career. Denial clearly isn't just a river in Egypt! 3 Link to comment
Florinaldo January 20, 2018 Share January 20, 2018 (edited) On 1/20/2018 at 9:54 PM, legaleagle53 said: So Darren just got engaged to his girlfriend of 7 1/2 years, and some of the Klaine shippers aren't having any of it. Check out some of the responses to his tweet about the engagement. Expand So it appears that many of the most rabid CrissColferites still believe the two actors are in a secret relationhsip suppressed because of PR reasons At least most of the responses appear to be positive and posters are calling out the tinhatters. It seems reality still prevails in the majority of people's minds and not all fans are crazies, far from it. The announcement was wisely delayed until after the ACS Versace promo blitz, which kept interviewers focused on the main subject without any gossipy distraction and allowed DC to enjoy the postive reviews he got for his performance, especially from reviewers who received screeners. Amusingly, some of the tinhatters apparently missed the Star Trek reference and thought that DC had mistyped "engagement", no doubt to send them a "secret" message. Edited January 20, 2018 by Florinaldo 1 Link to comment
fakeempress January 21, 2018 Share January 21, 2018 (edited) Quote So Darren just got engaged to his girlfriend of 7 1/2 years, and some of the Klaine shippers aren't having any of it. Expand Good for Darren and Mia. I thought the CrissColfer crays have moved on but obviously was too optimistic. Quote and allowed DC to enjoy the postive reviews he got for his performance, especially from reviewers who received screeners. Expand I don't see anything in the article or his instagram to suggest he took a time out for the purpose of review enjoyment. Edited January 21, 2018 by fakeempress Link to comment
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