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The LSSC Wishlist: Guests, Sketches, Improvements and More!

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The Pope is going to be in the U.S. soon. That's who I really want to see him interview.


Would the Pope go on a talk show?


It would be awesome to see, but no, I'd be shocked to my recovering Catholic bones if the pope would be interviewed on ANY sort of live talk show. MAYBE a primetime newsmag, where the Vatican and the Pope would be able to have some control, but he's not running for President, he's got the gig for life.

Alright, this is completely out of range for me, but in terms of musical guests, I hope Stephen will invite more overseas artists or artists who need some attention. I'm not just talking my K-pop and J-Pop groups, but also like Late Night Alumni, Marina and the Diamonds and indie artists from Asia such as Daoko and Neon Bunny.


And I know it's a little farfetched since he tapes his shows in NYC, but I hope there will be more mingling among CBS hosts, daytime and nighttime. James Corden, Drew Carey and Wayne Brady stopping by to welcome their new TV relative. Also, it will fulfill my post WL reunion since Stephen appeared on the show before. Surely they should already be acquainted with him.


As for guests, well Trump was on the top my list until they announced that he's appearance, but I just hope Stephen stay balanced in Trump. Be welcoming but not afraid to question his qualifications as President besides being a high status egotistic businessman/celebrity. I'm praying Stephen is prepared to handle Trump and not let him off the hook like Fallon did. 


And to end my tangent here's a non political guest suggestion: the cast of this season's Power Rangers. IDK, maybe it's because I like the season and the show deserves some recognition outside the Internet; also, there could be fans who grew up watching Power Rangers and happen to watch Stephen's show. 

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I'm sure Steve will have a movie to promote in the future.

He's co-starring in "Freeheld," which is one of the big Oscar-bait fall releases, so we could see him soon (fingers crossed!!!).


I wonder if he would ever have Sam Bee on to promote her new late night show (which debuts in January)? It might be in the 11-11:30 PM time slot (it hasn't been announced yet exactly when it will air), so maybe they won't be direct competitors...

Overall the show is going pretty well so far IMO, but there's always room for improvement.


What does the peanut gallery think can (and should) be done?




I'll start with a tough one (because it would require big set changes). Watching the American In Paris Ballet bit, I just noticed the performance area between the band and Stephen's desk area is actually damned puny.  You could really tell with dancers there. They had to cheat forward and use the space in front of the desk rather than simply stay inside that "square".  In fact, now I recall a few of the music acts from previous shows seeming a bit squeezed in there too.


I think the timing of monologues has gotten better. Stephen has stopped introducing the theme song and just is telling a final joke instead.  That's MUCH better. But I DO think there's still SOME tweaking to be done here.


They need to figure out a bit more for Jon and the band to do, comedywise, besides "Yeah!!!" and the muttering over each other bits. Both of those are funny, but more needs to be developed.


A few of these high profile political and intellectual guests make me wish the show had some more solid plan to cut down the monologue and desk bits specifically on days when they need to add another 4-5 minutes to an important guest.  Not every night, but just on the nights that need it.

Although this is all pre-taped (and thus edited) I DO think they need a potential 5 minute window into Corden's time for special occasions (or they could just let HIM run late that much too). 

I'd like to watch another freakish fight involving Jon and Conan.


Behind the scenes:


The "build-up" and the actual "fight":


Another opportunity:


Maybe throw in John Oliver and Craig Ferguson, too? ;-)


Concerning interview guests: NdGT, Bill Nye, Lawrence Krauss, Seth Andrews, Richard Dawkins, Elizabeth Warren, Eugenie Scott


Musical guests: Earth, Wind & Fire (just for the hoot of it), Weird Al Yankovic, Leon Ware, Jackson Browne etc. - yeah, I'm an old school guy.

Edited by TV-junkie

I guess I'm just easily pleased. Or that I'm just GLAD and HAPPY to see Stephen on my screen again. It's only been two weeks, but I'm loving the show and don't see the need for improvements.  It's not as if the show is on the bubble/fear of cancellation that changes need to me made to "make it better."


I see the real Stephen and shades of "Stephen" too. He makes me laugh. He's keeping me entertained. That's enough for me. Oh, and he's as sharp as ever.

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I don't know whether or not a pope has ever done a late night tv interview, but if any pope would, it's Francis.

Well, ABC's World News anchor, David Muir, recently got an interview with Pope Francis, at The Vatican, which aired on ABC's newscast.

Plus, this Pope seems to be "different" than his predecessors & does things his own way, rather than the "traditional" way Popes have--like he doesn't use the special apartment reserved for the Pope; he sleeps in the dorm, or whatever, with lower-level priests, etc.; he'll often eat in the cafeteria where Vatican workers eat, instead of wherever Popes traditionally eat; & he recently went, personally, to an optician in Rome to have a new lens prescription put in his glasses instead of having an assistant take the glasses for him. Among other "non-Pope-like" things.

So, while I doubt he'd actually appear on Stephen's show--or any of the other NYC-based talk shows--for an interview, considering he's such a "different" Pope, who knows?

A lot of interesting suggestions, just to throw out a few thoughts....


As mentioned, the show is still very new and I'm sure it will tighten up as time goes on.  Maybe Stephen could have gotten a remote interview with the Pope if there had been more time, but I imagine that would have to have been arranged far in advance.  I'm sure that we will see Stephen hosting friends like Jon Stewart and Amy Sedaris, and long time "Friends of the Show" like Neil DeGrasse Tyson.  I  wonder if he could eventually slip in an occasional author - of course he had Stephen King on but I mean one who isn't a household name.  I often used to enjoy those guests on the Report.

As far as actors go, he doesn't generally appear on late night, but I would just love to see Vincent D'Onofrio, he lives in New York, he loves to improvise and of course Stephen made an appearance in Law and Order CI so they have even worked together. I 'd love to see them do a skit!

I hope that eventually there will be more remote pieces.  The "Apocalypse Dow" video Stephen made over the summer was one of the funniest things I can remember ever seeing.  I'd love more like that.  I know some fans are wondering when Stephen is going to show the "who am me?" clips, and I am as well.

I have thought it would be great to have more musical guests playing along with Jon and Stay Human.  I also hope there will be more indie type music since it seems Stephen brought a lot of musical variety on the Report, I have a feeling that will come.


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If he wasn't terminally ill, Jimmy Carter would have been a perfect guest.  It's a shame for many reasons that won't ever happen.


Henry Kissinger (even older than Carter, but not incapacitated or even senile as far as I know) is an interesting possibility. Do you treat him as a villain, a hero or an old vulnerable man though?


Pie in the sky list: some foreign leaders. If you can have the sitting UN General Secretary and the sitting US Vice President, then why not the likes of David Cameron (UK) or Angela Merkel (Germany)?

If he wasn't terminally ill, Jimmy Carter would have been a perfect guest.  It's a shame for many reasons that won't ever happen.


Carter is still going to Nepal, so there's still a chance!


Pie in the sky list: some foreign leaders. If you can have the sitting UN General Secretary and the sitting US Vice President, then why not the likes of David Cameron (UK) or Angela Merkel (Germany)?

I'd be really surprised if we didn't get a few of these folks at some point.


Carter is still going to Nepal, so there's still a chance!


I'd be really surprised if we didn't get a few of these folks at some point.

it'd be nice if Colbert's ace booker actually calls up Carter then. I mean if there's any guy I bet Stephen could have an enlightening talk with, it would be Carter.


As for the world leaders? That's a reward for doing the show from New York rather than Braindeadywood in California. If they're visiting either the UN or even The White House, a side trip to Colbert is manageable. I suppose the same possibility exists with them going on Fallon, and I'm sure his bookers are aware of it, but Fallon is such a dimwit, I'd shudder at the thought. 


Cameron probably won't be on that list any time soon though. Even here in the US he'd have to address questions about if he REALLY put his penis in a dead pig's mouth.  Geez, what a sentence to type about a world leader.

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Henry Kissinger (even older than Carter, but not incapacitated or even senile as far as I know) is an interesting possibility. Do you treat him as a villain, a hero or an old vulnerable man though?


Considering how Stephen treated him with kid gloves on TCR, I believe the answer is self evident.


As for the world leaders? That's a reward for doing the show from New York rather than Braindeadywood in California. If they're visiting either the UN or even The White House, a side trip to Colbert is manageable. I suppose the same possibility exists with them going on Fallon, and I'm sure his bookers are aware of it, but Fallon is such a dimwit, I'd shudder at the thought.


There's a better chance of a world leader going on Dimwit Fallon's show than on Stephen's, because there's a better chance of them being treated with kid gloves by Dimwit Fallon than with Stephen. Carly Fiorina singing about her dogs on Dimwit Fallon's show is proof of that.

Something I have noticed is that his recent guests list has been very run of the mill or typical of most late night shows: actors and comedians and the like. In the first few months, Colbert had more intellectuals, a game developer, and even celebs who were also activist. I am not sure if CBS stepped in, but TCR had a great booker too with a slew of authors and scientists. With the election coverage, I hope it does not give way to an even more mediocre guest list. 

I had thought for a long time his online presence needed major work.  Considering how many viral moments he had on the Report (thanks Daft Punk!), it's been lackluster at best.  They have started posting stuff from rehearsals and Q+A which is helping: the story on how he knew his wife was "the one" went viral (and had me cheesing up the entire time.)  Now with the conventions, the FB page is running live streams of...the hot dog condiment station.  So strange, so bizarre, and yet 500K WATCHED.  And wow, people love napkins.  

11 hours ago, mtlchick said:

I had thought for a long time his online presence needed major work.  Considering how many viral moments he had on the Report (thanks Daft Punk!), it's been lackluster at best.  They have started posting stuff from rehearsals and Q+A which is helping: the story on how he knew his wife was "the one" went viral (and had me cheesing up the entire time.)  Now with the conventions, the FB page is running live streams of...the hot dog condiment station.  So strange, so bizarre, and yet 500K WATCHED.  And wow, people love napkins.  

So you're saying that they've had good results by just putting it all out there and not trying to micromanage and a big viral success by just letting Stephen be Stephen and give us something personal and real? If only there was something we could learn from that...

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