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Green Arrow In Comics


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More speculation that Arrow is adapting from the GA comics this season to make the Ninth Circle the Big Bad both in the present day and in the future...

Are Arrow Season 7’s Real Villains in The Present And Future?
Nat Berman   February 15, 2019

Who is Black Canary? A Primer on DC’s First Bird of Prey
By Eric Frederiksen - February 16, 2019


Rachel Skarsten portrayed the character in Birds of Prey, while Alaina Huffman took on the role in Smallville. Both of these came back when producers were terrified of comics, but in love with stuff like Blade that proved you could drop silly hero costumes in favor of some black leather. Over the course of Arrow, Black Canary has been portrayed by Caity Lotz as Sara Lance, Katie Cassidy as Laurel Lance of Earth-1 and a different Laurel Lance from Earth-2, and most recently by Juliana Harkavy as Dinah Drake.
*  *  *
Black Canary’s been wearing most of this right since the beginning and most of her appearances have kept very true to this, especially in comics and animation. The comics have tinkered a few times, but she always ends up back in the original. The live-action appearances have taken more liberties, but Lotz’ Canary donned the leather jacket, corset, boots, and gloves while going with a slightly more functional pair of pants in place of fishnets. It was a surprisingly true adaptation of the costume – moreso than Cassidy’s bondage-biker look or the tragic bird-inspired version on Smallville. Harkavy’s look hews closer to the superhero costume Canary was given for the New 52 incarnation, but does a nice callback to the diamond fishnets with the padding on her current garb.

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48 minutes ago, tv echo said:

This quiz is mostly based on the comics version - there are 15 questions and I scored 73% (which surprised me, since I've never read the GA comics)...

DC Quiz: How Well Do You REALLY Know Green Arrow?
Jonathan H. Kantor    Feb. 21, 2019

Got 87%  

Too bad they don't tell you what the correct answers for the ones you missed (or even which ones you missed)

10 hours ago, olicityfan25 said:

I got 80%. They tell you the right answers to the ones you got wrong with showing a check mark on the right ones.

I redid the quiz giving the same answers just so I could scroll down and see what I got wrong.  Missed who created it and when it first debuted.  Somehow it doesn't make me feel bad about my knowledge base, lol.  

GA #48 was written by Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly, with art by Javier Fernandez...

January 2019 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops
February 25, 2019


Units    Dollars    Comic-book Title    Issue    Price    On sale       Publisher    Est. units
*  *  *
114         119          Green Arrow            48        $3.99    01/09/19       DC              18,989

To compare, here were the Dec. 2018 numbers:


100        103         Green Arrow             47        $3.99     12/05/18         DC            18,951 

Edited by tv echo

The DCeased comic book series (6 issues) is expected to launch on May 1 and apparently includes GA and BC among the superheroes...

DC's Making The Walking Dead BETTER With Superheroes


The upcoming mini-series DCeased will place DC Comics' greatest heroes in a zombie apocalypse situation akin to The Walking Dead and test the heroic codes of the World's Finest heroes like never before. The Elseworlds tale will answer the question: how can heroes fight to save the world... when it's already doomed?
*  *  *
CBR spoke with DCeased author Tom Taylor about the project and how it would differ from a typical comics event or horror series. Taylor explained that the action of the story will center around a plague which infects 600 million people and is spread through anything with a screen, transforming the infected into "violent, monstrous engines of destruction." Taylor further teased the project on his social media, revealing some of the dialogue in a series of Tweets, which can be viewed below.
*  *  *

These lines hint at several dark events to come, starting with the apparent end of the Justice League. The second line almost certainly refers to Superman unleashing his full fury on Darkseid (we hope), who is suggested in the preview artwork to be the villain responsible for creating the deadly virus that dooms the Earth. The final line may be the most shocking, however, hinting at the hero Black Canary doing something so disturbing that it shatters the resolve of her long-time love-interest Green Arrow, who always addressed her as "Pretty Bird."

Edited by tv echo
1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

Really?  Zombies?  Lol

Night of the Living Deadpool.  


The upcoming mini-series DCeased will place DC Comics' greatest heroes in a zombie apocalypse situation akin to The Walking Dead and test the heroic codes of the World's Finest heroes like never before. The Elseworlds tale will answer the question: how can heroes fight to save the world... when it's already doomed?

They all die, only Deadpool survives.  He gets bit, turns into a Zombie but his healing factor brings him back to life.  In the end Deadpool, gives up, allows the zombies to eat him and then they all turn into Deadpools.  The End. 😀

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12 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Night of the Living Deadpool.  

They all die, only Deadpool survives.  He gets bit, turns into a Zombie but his healing factor brings him back to life.  In the end Deadpool, gives up, allows the zombies to eat him and then they all turn into Deadpools.  The End. 😀

You know, because it’s Deadpool, I can’t be entirely sure whether you’re making that up or not. 😂 Even though I know he’s not a DC character. 😁

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29 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

You know, because it’s Deadpool, I can’t be entirely sure whether you’re making that up or not. 😂 Even though I know he’s not a DC character. 😁

That was the plot of a 4 issue comic a few years back.  It was actually really good, all B&W except for Deadpool who was his normal Black/Red/White color.

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GA #50 is the final issue (on sale tomorrow, March 6th)...

Ernie Estrella   Mar. 4, 2019


Life is unfair, and when it comes to the sacrifices of superheroes, true happiness is rare. In the pages of 2018's Justice League: No Justice, Oliver Queen, aka Green Arrow, was left to defend the Earth while the rest of the League went into outer space. Martian Manhunter appeased his anger by giving him a mysterious box, with a weapon that could take down the Justice League, which he kept secret from Dinah.  

But at the end of Green Arrow #49, Dina Lance AKA Black Canary, was given the orders from the government to take Oliver down because of his possession of this weapon. The two have one of the strongest relationships in mainstream comics, so pitting Black Canary against Green Arrow in the final issue is a heartbreaking tale, written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly, drawn by Javier Fernandez and colored by John Kalisz.
*  *  *
"When we accepted the task of ending this amazing series, we knew that Green Arrow had to be left in a position that would prep him for accepting an entirely new status quo," Kelly says. "Our one request was that we were able to not just change his world, but to destroy it."

"Oliver Queen is a man of mistakes, and while we genuinely love him, it’s also painfully clear that he needs to start fresh if he’s ever going to be the kind of man that someone like Dinah can actually commit to, long term. By striping everything from him — his relationship, his world, his perceived importance and the self-image he’s built around it — we hope to leave the audience with a man who can finally drop some of the bull**** that has been holding him back," he adds. "While this hurts, and we know it hurts, we are genuinely sorry for that. Our goal was nothing less than paving the way for a stronger, wiser and more self-realized Oliver Queen to one day rise again."
*  *  *
"The real trick to writing an issue like Green Arrow #50 is delivering the last moments in relationships that mean so much to the readers, and to you," explained Lanzing. "The plot needs to give way to the characters, all the punching and jetpacks and superpowers need to act exclusively as a driving agent to get at the heart of the people whose stories are ending."

"This is the last time in quite some time anyone will see Ollie and Dinah together. This is the last time you’ll see that house in Seattle, the Arrowplane, the memory of Roy Harper, or even new elements like lefty superhero Jayce Riot, in a good while. Those moments have to matter, so the process leans much more heavily on what’s going to land the most emotional damage than what’s going to challenge a character’s powerset."

Sadly, this will also be Fernandez's last work on Green Arrow, who was just settling into a groove with Oliver Queen's world. Lanzing said that while Oliver and Dinah's fight with Vertigo the last two issues were a showcase of his Fernandez's use of perspective and inventive approach to action, Green Arrow #50 "lives and dies on emotions, on acting, and Javi proves that he’s capable of breaking your heart as easily as he blows your mind."



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Two reviews of Green Arrow #50 (warning: spoilers - of course)...

Review – Green Arrow #50: Ollie’s Last Stand
Posted on March 6, 2019 by Ray Goldfield


Ray: It’s the final issue of Green Arrow for now, and Lanzing and Kelly bring Ollie’s story to a close in a dense and often confusing issue that ties together plots from the last few runs. Over the last few issues, we’ve seen Ollie start to spiral following the death of Roy Harper and his attempted murder at Citizen’s hands. But there’s also the long-dangling plot thread of the mysterious box J’onn J’onnz gave Ollie in case the Justice League ever needed to be stopped. It may have seemed like a good idea then, but Ollie’s declining mental state has made people question that. That’s where Black Canary comes in, and this story surprisingly picks up on plot threads from multiple reboots ago. Dinah’s past as a government agent with Skywatch goes back to the early days of the New 52 and I barely even remembered it was a thing, but that old connection calls her back into service to take down their target – Oliver Queen, so they can obtain the box and take an unstable vigilante off the table.

I’m not sure about this whole plot, honestly. Dinah’s decision to go along with her handlers to try to convince Ollie to go peacefully rings false. Ollie’s been distant and a little obsessive, yes, but he’s hardly gone off the deep end like some heroes have – even Batman in his own title recently. She spends most of the issue trying to play both sides, talking Ollie down even as she helps him escape assassination. Riot, the young vigilante introduced two months ago, plays a key role in forcing Ollie into a corner. The resolution of this issue, which leads to Ollie as a lone warrior again and exiled from Star City, comes rather abruptly and seems designed to pit him against the Justice League – especially after an odd ending that makes it seem like the Justice League was playing him all along, and then not. There’s a lot going on here, and it feels like this arc had to be wrapped up several issues early. I’m not sure what comes next for Ollie, but this wrap-up didn’t quite stick the landing. And we still don’t know why Emiko left!
*  *  *
Corrina: The good: circling back to the mysterious box. The bad: making Dinah the fulcrum of the government going after Ollie. The Good: the suggestion their connection is because Dinah herself timelost/timechanged. The Bad: it keeps her history as a spy, which belonged to her mother in the new 52, sorta.

In other words, the plot does a disservice to Dinah and makes her current history a helluva lot more confusing than it ever was. And that’s saying a lot, as Black Canary’s history has had some really crazy moments.
*  *  *
However, the art is tremendous, especially in the panel construction, with insert boxes that emphasize a particular item or person. ...

It’s just not enough to save the story.

Green Arrow #50 Review
March 6, 2019


While this is an over-sized issue that has our hero kicking ass and taking names in an amazing way that we really haven't seen him do much of in this series........ it somehow feels a bit small because out of nowhere we have Black Canary's Team 7 past show up and order her to take Oliver Queen down and take possession of the Justice League box.  Now while this past coming back shows continuity that I love, it's just thrown out here and besides for Black Canary being ordered around and being accompanied by soldiers going after Green Arrow, we have no reason behind this or how this organization knew about the Justice League box.
*  *  *
While I would have loved more lead up to this final issue's story, the biggest problem is Dinah Lance's flip flopping about how she feels throughout this issue and what this issue means for Green Arrow and Black Canary going forward because while things can be believed to be okay between the two by the end of the issue, when the two will be able to be together again is left open ended and the idea of what the Justice League box is....... is also left open ended.
*  *  *
All in all, I'm not a fan of the art in this issue, but that's nothing new from me.  While I think that the action scenes involved are awesome, I think they would have been ten times better under a different artist and as for the story.......... there really isn't much of one.  I can't even say that this is much of a victory lap for a final issue because mostly it just has Oliver whining about not being like the other heroes in the DC Universe, while stepping aside because he's irrelevant.  There just isn't a satisfying conclusion to this issue and while there are some cool ideas and possible setups for what's to come from Oliver in the future...... there just isn't much to this story that should have been pretty important for all the elements involved.
*  *  *
The story just kind of fizzles out, while the art doesn't do it any favors in my opinion.  There was a lot at stake it seemed here, until there just wasn't, but things are still left open in a way that leaves me frustrated because while answers are what you obviously want out of this issue...... it seems like the questions in general were just ignored to give an all out battle for Green Arrow, while leaving the character whimpering by the end.  Not a satisfying ending.

Edited by tv echo

GREEN ARROW Relaunch/Reset Coming from DC
By Chris Arrant, Editor   March 6, 2019


A new Green Arrow title is in development, with DC planning to make the character "a bigger part of the DCU" according to co-publisher Dan DiDio. DiDio revealed this when asked about March 6's Green Arrow #50 - the final issue in the title's "Rebirth" era volume launched in 2016.

"It's a milestone issue - it's also the last issue, which is kind of interesting. The book is still performing well for us, but we decided to end the story there because we wanted Green Arrow to play very intricately in a lot of the stories and events that are about to take place across the DCU," DiDio said.
*  *  *
"So because of that, it worked counter to the way the series was going and we didn't want to run in two seperate directions. So we're bringing one story to close and let this other chapter going," he continued. "But to be very frank with you, we will have another Green Arrow book. He's one of my favorite characters."

DiDio compared this to the recent relaunch of DC's Green Lantern titles with Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp's The Green Lantern.

"Every once in a while you need to do a reset. You saw that with Green Lanterns to The Green Lantern with Grant Morrison, so I feel that with Green Arrow we wanted to make moment to reset and make him part of the bigger DCU again then spin him out."

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On 3/7/2019 at 9:47 PM, Primal Slayer said:

Just as I thought they would.

Except it doesn't sound like one had anything to do with the other.  SA wanted to walk away for a year now.  The comics brought in new writers that they then pulled and replaced.  It's clear from that they had hoped to keep the comics going.  And it's not like they've had any real shared content.  Why assume they would cancel the comic because of Arrow or vice versa?  

13 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Except it doesn't sound like one had anything to do with the other.  SA wanted to walk away for a year now.  The comics brought in new writers that they then pulled and replaced.  It's clear from that they had hoped to keep the comics going.  And it's not like they've had any real shared content.  Why assume they would cancel the comic because of Arrow or vice versa?  

I didnt mean anything about the show. Just that they'd relaunch the title not to long after cancelling it.

The Green Lantern Homages a Classic Green Arrow Team-Up Issue
by Noah Dominguez – on Mar 15, 2019


DC Comics' The Green Lantern #8 will feature writer Grant Morrison and artist Liam Sharp's modern take on Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams' classic Green Lantern/Green Arrow team-up comics.

Titled "Space Junkies," this issue will see Hal Jordan joining forces with Oliver Queen to take on a drug cartel from outer space who are using Earth as a distribution base. Of course, this is sure to evoke memories of the 1971 two-issue Green Lantern/Green Arrow story arc "Snowbirds Don't Fly," which saw Hal and Oliver tracking down a group of junkies who had turned to mugging to get drug money. That arc somewhat infamously revealed that Oliver's sidekick Roy Harper/Speedy was one of them.
*  * *

  •  written by GRANT MORRISON
  • art and cover by LIAM SHARP
  • variant cover by TONI INFANTE
  • Green Lantern teams up with Green Arrow to stop a cosmic drug cartel that’s using Earth as its main distribution base! It’s a brilliant homage to the team-ups of old, as Morrison and Sharp do the 2019 version in a story we can only call “Space Junkies!”
  • ON SALE 06.05.19
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February sales figures are just out for Green Arrow #49...

February 2019 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops
March 18, 2019


Units    Dollars    Comic-book Title    Issue    Price    On sale    Publisher        Est. units
*  *  *
100        99            Green Arrow            49         $3.99    02/06/19    DC                17,694

To compare, here were the January sales figures:


114        119           Green Arrow            48         $3.99    01/09/19    DC            18,989

Edited by tv echo

As you know, Green Arrow #50 went on sale March 6, 2019 - fyi, here's detailed spoilers...

Green Arrow's Finale Reveals His Anti-Justice League Weapon (Sort Of)
by Renaldo Matadeen – on Mar 19, 2019 i


Green Arrow #50 serves as a series finale, charting a new course for Oliver Queen, and one that is sure to have a lot of drama between him and Black Canary moving forward. Not to mention there'll be a lot of tension with the Justice League. Ollie ends the issue ticked off at these beings who come off as gods to mortals like him, and he swears to be there to oppose them when they step out of line, clearly harboring a grudge for which he wants resolution.

And the main reason for all this resentment is that, at long last, we finally find out what's in the box that the Martian Manhunter gave him at the end of Justice League: No Justice, which was supposed to take the League down. Well, we sort of find out, because at first glance it seems like J'onn J'onzz pacified him and played Ollie with a worthless MacGuffin -- when really and truly there's more bubbling beneath the surface.
*  *  *
This bookending issue sees Black Canary (Dinah Lance) trying to procure the box from Ollie on behalf of the U.S. government. However, they end up fighting, as he believes he's the only one who can be entrusted with it and bear the burden of whatever contents are inside. What ensues is a breakneck high-speed chase and a well-choreographed battle after he recovers the box from an aquatic lair in Lake Washington. When the government's agents confront a weary Green Arrow, though, Canary has her lover's back.

They take down the swarming agents, but when they get outnumbered, a vigilante Dinah hired, Jayce, speeds in on her bike and kidnaps Oliver, removing him from the scene. When the dust settles and Jayce leaves, Ollie's torn. He's grateful for Dinah's help, but bitter about how things went down. At least he knows that, despite their flawed chemistry and often complicated relationship, her motivations are based more on love than sympathy.

Ollie's had a torrid time coping with Roy Harper's death, and with that depression legitimately creeping in, he's more reclusive, as he doesn't want to become the archetype of a wallowing, self-deprecating superhero. Nonetheless, he believes he's got it figured out and proceeds to open the box, only to find... nothing.

That's right, it's empty. But this time, there's no bravado, barnstorming antics or slapstick comedy from Green Arrow, or any apparent forgiveness forthcoming. When No Justice occurred, he defended the planet barehanded with Amanda Waller while the League was off Earth. This reward, or lack thereof, is insulting, and he vows to exact revenge on the haughty League someday for this.

He especially keeps J'onn in mind as someone who's patronizing and ostentatious through these actions, which you can't blame Ollie for thinking because his ego's truly dented. Ollie isn't even a crutch for the League or a bench player, he genuinely feels like a throwaway asset.
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His relationship has broken down in the wake of Roy's death, as he blames the League's Sanctuary for Red Arrow's murder. And we know he's always had an inferiority complex as someone without powers.

Now, seeing how he risked his life for an empty box, even brawling with the love of his life, well, let's just say that, while he's gone into hiding in civilian gear, Ollie is going to be plotting retribution. But as he walks away, leaving the ornate wooden box in the mountains, there's a green glow inside it, which leaves us wondering what the heck really is inside.
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Is it magical? Cosmic? We don't know why it wasn't visible to him, but the scary thing is it's now there in the open for the government to find. Nonetheless, Ollie departs with his head held high, setting up a requisite future adventure, but sadly, it's one that could spell doom and gloom for his former allies when the title relaunches.

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Top Comics Down Over 1M in February, with Lowest Sales in Eight Years
by John Mayo – on Mar 20, 2019


The New 52 reboot of the DC Universe was a response to the low sales and generate reader apathy of early 2011. Batman Who Laughs #3 sold 101,771 units and was the only item over 100,000 units. Outside of the top 20, Superman #8 which sold 50,475 units and Green Lantern #4 which sold 50,176 units were the only items to sell over 50,000 units. Green Arrow #49 which was at rank 100 sold 17,694 units with Spider-Man/Deadpool #46 right above it sold 17,828 units. A decade or so back, sales under 20,000 units at Marvel was grounds for cancellation with the line of death at DC being a little bit lower.

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😶 ...

Gail Simone Tells Us What To Expect From Catalyst Prime at Emerald City Comic Con
Posted by Dan Berry On March 18, 2019


Gail Simone, iconic comic writer and Chief Architect of the Catalyst Prime Universe, took some time out of her packed Emerald City Comic Con schedule to answer a few questions for The Geekiary. We talked about Catalyst Prime, Domino, and what it would take for her to write an Olicity one-shot.
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... How about this: would you take a gig writing a Godzilla comic series with almost complete autonomy if the contract required that you also write a schmoopy Olicity one shot?
Oh my god. [Laughs] I think a lot of people would be unhappy but I would be deliriously happy.

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That question and GS’s answer are why I laugh when I see claims that Olicity will be forgotten as soon as Arrow is over. The pairing has made such an impact on fans and haters alike, with prominent comic industry figures like GS being asked about Olicity and constantly mentioning them in her social media for attention. It warms my heart that something I enjoy so much is always on everyone’s minds. 😏

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Julie & Shawna Benson On Wu Assassins And Green Arrow | C2E2 2019 | SYFY WIRE
Published on Mar 23, 2019, by SYFY WIRE

-- Now that their Green Arrow comics run has ended, the Benson sisters talked about the Citizen character from that series. They joked (sarcastically) that social media was supportive, non-toxic and lacked opinions.

-- Julie Benson said that they were "so lucky" to write Green Arrow and to be able to bring in Black Canary from Birds of Prey.

-- They talked about the new Birds of Prey movie and its great casting. 

-- They also talked about writing for the new Netflix series, Wu Assassins (cast includes Byron Mann and Katheryn Winnick).

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March numbers were just posted for sales of Green Arrow #50 ('final' issue)...

March 2019 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops
April 29, 2019


Units    Dollars    Comic-book Title    Issue    Price    On sale        Publisher        Est. units
*  *  *
92          73            Green Arrow               50      $4.99    03/06/19               DC                   21,423

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The first issue of this 6-issue series is being released on May 1 (see comics panels below with GA and BC)...

DCeased: First Look at DC Comics Zombies Event
Jim Dandy   April 29, 2019


DCEASED #1 written by TOM TAYLOR
variant cover by FRANCESCO MATTINA
horror movie variant cover by YASMINE PUTRI
*  *  *
A mysterious techno-virus has been released on Earth, infecting 600 million people and turning them instantly into violent, monstrous engines of destruction.

The heroes of the DCU are caught completely unprepared for a pandemic of this magnitude and struggle to save their loved ones first…but what happens to the World’s Greatest Heroes if the world ends?



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DC's Year of the Villain #1 is also out today (see comics panels below with GA)...

Review – DC’s Year of the Villain: The Coming of Evil
Posted on May 1, 2019 by Ray Goldfield 


The story then shifts to the second main thread, as the mysterious Leviathan makes its big move against the heroes and villains of the DCU. It opens with Merlyn under attack by Leviathan as he desperately tries to convince Batgirl and Green Arrow to help him escape. This is definitely a Bendis comic, as the dialogue comes fast and furious. Alex Maleev’s art is well-suited to the dialogue-driven story, capturing the sense of tension amid a dark, rainy night. Things go badly, and Batgirl winds up facing off one-on-one against the masked Leviathan, who makes an intimidating figure. As Green Arrow sends a message to Batman, Damian shares his theory that Leviathan is Red Hood – something he seems much more careful about than when he tried to kill Jason only a few issues ago. The segment also brings Oracle back into continuity in an interesting way, which raises a lot of questions about the timeline. Did Babs run the Suicide Squad during summer vacation?

(pics source)

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Releases June 5th, 2019 by DC Comics


Green Lantern teams up with Green Arrow to stop a cosmic drug cartel that’s using Earth as its main distribution base! It’s a brilliant homage to the team-ups of old, as Morrison and Sharp do the 2019 version in a story we can only call “Space Junkies!”

Edited by tv echo

Grell's comment about GA below made me think of the Arrow episode where Oliver shoots to kill the Count who's holding Felicity hostage (fyi, this comic book store is in Maryville, TN)...

Green Arrow artist Mike Grell headed for Free Comic Book Day at The Golden Age
By Kelvin Ray Boyd krb2600@gmail.com  May 2, 2019


The Arrow will hit the mark Saturday for Free Comic Book Day at the Maryville-based comic shop The Golden Age, 1942.

Comic book writer and artist Mike Grell will be a featured guest at the event. He is known for his work on titles such as “Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters,” “Green Lantern/Green Arrow,” “Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes,” “The Warlord” and “Jon Sable Freelance.”

FCBD is held the first Saturday of May. The event started in 2002 and is used to bring new readers into independent comic book stores. Free Comic Book Day 2019 will feature free titles by such acclaimed series as The Avengers, Spider-Man, Catwoman, Stranger Things, Pokemon, The Tick and Spawn.
*  *  *
In 1987, Grell wrote and drew the three-issue limited series “Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters.” Green Arrow was redesigned: The robin hood hat was replaced by a hood, and the trick arrows were traded for penetrating broadheads that actually killed the bad guys.

“The trick arrows didn’t jive for me,” Grell said. “The trick arrows were crazy. He had a boomerang arrow, and the idea of an arrow that could turn back at you scared me. Using the real arrows was necessary. Green Arrow was turned into an urban hunter.

”He is in a big city (Seattle), and the villains are viscious and bloodthirsty. Things are going to get intense and he will be forced to use extreme measures. The hood was useful because he is in Seattle, where it rains a lot. I dropped the mask because that is not going to really conceal Oliver Queen’s identity.”

The “Longbow” series led to Grell writing, and occasionally drawing, 80 issues of the Green Arrow title from 1988-93. Grell used as much hard-hitting realism as possible. When Green Arrow kills a villain that is holding hostage his fellow hero Black Canary, there are serious repercussions.

“He could have shot the guy’s hand,” Grell said. “Instead he goes for the heart. He kills somebody because he wanted to. The relationship between Queen and Black Canary changes. Topics like that kept coming up in Green Arrow and the stories became so real. Green Arrow is my (favorite) character and I love writing/drawing him.”

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GA will be appearing in yet another upcoming DC comic series, Event Leviathan...

Mike Avita   May 1, 2019


According to Bendis, Event Leviathan hews closer to an Agatha Christie novel populated by caped heroes than it does to earlier DC event series such as Blackest Night or Final Crisis. “It’s a whodunit, it’s a thriller,” he said during an invitation-only press event at the DC Comics offices in Burbank which SYFY WIRE attended. “The reason I bring that up is that so many event mini-series…have a disaster movie structure, and I’ve done that. I’m responsible for some of that. In this one, we said, let’s get a little more like Batman. Let’s get a little more detective. Detectives show up after something happens and try to figure it out.”

Event Leviathan is a six-issue limited series debuting June 12. Scripted by Bendis and illustrated by his longtime friend and collaborator Alex Maleev, it surrounds the new character Leviathan. In the prelude we see in Year of the Villain #1, Leviathan offers Batgirl a better way to save the day. When the mystery person tells her, “Look around. It doesn’t work,” Barbara doesn’t answer. While the heroes try to solve the mystery before the sun comes up,  the role of heroism is called into question. “He’s not selling villainy, and he’s not selling antagonism," Bendis says. "There’s heroes and there’s villains, and there’s this other thing right now. And that’s going to mess with a lot of people’s heads."

Bendis teased that literally the entire DCU is a suspect, and then assured that by the end of the six-issue limited series, we will discover Leviathan's true identity. Some of the DCU’s best sleuths — Batman, Green Arrow, The Question, Plastic Man and Lois Lane — come together to solve the mystery. ...





Edited by tv echo

The groundbreaking and always-inventive team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Alex Maleev (Jinxworld’s SCARLET, Marvel’s Daredevil) reunite on a mystery thriller that stretches across the DC Universe and touches every character from Batman to Superman to the Question to Talia al Ghul. With startling ease, a newly dangerous and aggressive Leviathan wipes out all its competition and now turns its sights to molding the world into its vision of order. Can the new threat’s growth be stopped...and who’s guiding its new agents of chaos?

LEVIATHAN Recruits, Criticizes 7 DC Hero-Detectives in New Promo Images
By Newsarama Staff   May 18, 2019 


Check out these new images with Leviathan's personal messages to Batman, Green Arrow, Plastic Man, Batgirl, Lois Lane, The Question and Manhunter. 

Edited by tv echo

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