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Green Arrow In Comics

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On 7/15/2016 at 3:11 PM, Lantern7 said:

. . . maybe I'll just pick up the first few issues of Torchwood.

I don't hate her per say... but between killing her or killing Ianto, I had much rather to let her die. Ianto was just a far more interesting character imo and I felt there was alot more they could have done with him.

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I always felt like Ianto was overrated, he was pretty much a blank slate and most of his popularity is caused by a rare canon gay relationship with a lead of the show. This romance wasn't even developed at all. The best writing Ianto got was his death (I love Children of Earth).

That said, I've come to love his actor for his superb voice acting in an unrelated franchise, so I'd probably think better of Ianto were I to rewatch Torchwood.

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Diggle is still in the new GA comics, as of #4...

Review: GREEN ARROW #4
DC Comics Reviews August 3, 2016


Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Juan Ferreyra, Nate Piekos
Published by DC Comics
Release Date: August 3, 2016

On first glance flipping through Green Arrow #4, it appears that the main plot is Arrow and Diggle squaring off. Writer Benjamin Percy and artist Juan Ferreyra quickly remind readers that there is a lot more going on in the series though, as Emiko has betrayed Oliver Queen and is now with the Ninth Circle, who is running a human trafficking organization and have locked down Queen’s finances.
*  *  *
Some of Percy’s dialog comes across as excessively flowery, fine enough for comics, but bordering on too much melodrama. Even for comics. Diggle’s speech about tinfoil seems ripped from a CW Arrow script, likewise for Canary’s dig that traitor isn’t a strong word. Those moments, coupled with the ornate drawings were enough to disrupt the flow of the story in Green Arrow #4 for me more than a time or two. Ollie’s dialog seems natural enough, and most of the other characters hit their marks, but those couple of instances – on consecutive pages – gave this story speed bumps it didn’t need.

Ollie, Diggle, and Fyff sitting around talking things through is comfortable and provides character moments to balance the evil empire absurdity (but comic book level villainy) of the Ninth Circle portion of Green Arrow #4. Everything comes together nicely by the end of Green Arrow #4, setting up a big showdown between Green Arrow and the Ninth Circle.

Edited by tv echo
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And here's a review of GA #3 (it's as if the comics reconfigured OTA to focus on Oliver, Diggle and Laurel)...

Review: Action-Packed 'Green Arrow' #3 Confronts The Ninth Circle
20 July 2016, 10:15 am EDT    By Robin Burks


Life for Oliver Queen as he knew it is over. Presumed dead, the only thing Oliver has left is his alter-ego, Green Arrow.

However, is that enough?

That's a question Oliver continues to ask himself in Green Arrow #3, which brings Green Arrow back to where it all started: Queen Industries, the company that once belonged to Oliver, but now has an evil man from the Ninth Circle at its head.
*  *  *
However, this issue also brings more of Diggle and Black Canary into the story, as they start uncovering the secrets of the Ninth Circle in their own individual storylines....

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I've just seen her called Dinah Lance. I'm assuming it's Dinah Laurel. But who knows since she always uses Dinah in the comics. 

Also was this really the summary they used for issue 1.


Together again for the first time, the Emerald Archer meets Black Canary. Questioning everything Green Arrow believes in, Dinah Lance throws the hero’s world upside down, forcing him to question what he cares about more: his morals or his money?

That sounds like a cheesy romance novel. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Another review of GA #4...

Green Arrow #4 (2016) review


We mentioned this in our Suicide Squad: Rebirth review, but it looks like DC Comics are trying to merge elements from it’s live-action properties into their main continuity. Is this an attempt to make it easier for new readers brought here by the tv shows/movies? Maybe. Whatever the reason, it actually works quite well. The animosity that Diggle has for the Green Arrow is definitely reminiscent of the recent run on Arrow season 4. The latest issue in the Emerald Archer’s rebirth series sees the two come to blows before working together again. And it’s great to see that DC aren’t afraid of exploring every emotional avenue when it comes to their characters.
*  *  *
The only downside to the issue is that the writers have reduced Black Canary into a ‘damsel in distress’ role – when she’s easily been capable of looking after herself from the beginning. But now, it’s up to Ollie to save her. This is a disappointing turn – and we hope they change the underwhelming plot point around before it’s too late. She could easily outmatch these villains in a fight, there’s just rather a lot of them. The only thing that can remedy this mistake, is the art work of the issue.

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Posted: 19 hours ago Stephen Gerding, Senior Editor

REBIRTH Puts DC Back On Top of July 2016 Comic Book Sales Charts
by Michael Doran  Date: 12 August 2016 Time: 11:06 AM ET

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Top 100 Comics: July 2016    


Based on Total Unit Sales of Products Invoiced in July 2016


*  *  *
34          40           41.14      MAY160248-M    GREEN ARROW #3 [*]    $2.99      DC
35          41           41.13      MAY160246-M    GREEN ARROW #2 [*]    $2.99      DC

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One review of GA #5 (Diggle is still in the comics with no one complaining, and Black Canary is captive bait)...

Review: GREEN ARROW #5
DC Comics Reviews  August 17, 2016


The opening arc of Green Arrow: Rebirth ends here. Black Canary held captive. Emiko a betrayer. Diggle begrudgingly at Oliver’s side. And the entire Queen fortune (and more) about to sail away or sink to the bottom of the ocean. The Inferno is going to destroy Green Arrow, one way or another.
*  *  *
Benjamin Percy has brought family back to Green Arrow.
*  *  *
There’s one panel in this issue that’s particularly adept at showing exactly what’s been missing in youthful Oliver Queen’s life to date. Juan Ferreyra, amid literally dozens of picture perfect panels that range from heroic to absolutely grotesque, gives us this single glimpse of what we’ve all be looking for: Oliver, Dinah, John, and Emi — all smiling and ready to jump into action.
*  *  *
It’s the family. Green Arrow’s family.

ETA: "Oliver, Dinah, John, and Emi" = Oliver, Felicity, John and Thea?

And this article contains previews of the first five pages of GA #5...


Who's in an abusive relationship now?...

Green Arrow #5 (2016) review
by EAMMON JACOBS on AUGUST 17, 2016 


Edited by tv echo
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I wasn't planning on reading these anyway but the bolded part makes me walk away again. 

The opening arc of Green Arrow: Rebirth ends here.

Black Canary held captive. Emiko a betrayer. Diggle begrudgingly at Oliver’s side. And the entire Queen fortune (and more) about to sail away or sink to the bottom of the ocean. The Inferno is going to destroy Green Arrow, one way or another.

I guess that's why the Flash does so well, the women are love interests and damsels that occasionally get to do something as long as the previous two are met first. 

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9 hours ago, tv echo said:




Do they change artists is the middle of a run or something? I only ask because the art looks completely different from earlier panels posted here.

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Sometimes, yeah. I read one issue of BoP 52 that had 3 different artists in the same issue, that was bad.

A few years ago Marvel re-launched X-Men (all female team) they rotated through 3 different artists and one of them was utter crap.

When Jeff Lemire wrote GA he had a dedicated artist (Sorentino). Not sure who makes the decision on artists or why.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Usually the Editor-in-Chief assigns artists.

I know of a couple cases where the artists switched midway through an issue because either the penciller or the inker was so behind, the colorist complained that she wasn't going to be able to make the print deadline and/or would have to get backlogged on other work.

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11 hours ago, tv echo said:



Anyone read this and know what's going on here? I'm guessing Dinah used herself as bait for something and Ollie (bleck) didn't know, and rescues her, therefore ruining whatever she had set up? 

Regardless. Seems super healthy!

ETA: Never mind. I found the rest of it. Even healthier than I imagined!


Edited by apinknightmare
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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Sometimes, yeah. I read one issue of BoP 52 that had 3 different artists in the same issue, that was bad.

A few years ago Marvel re-launched X-Men (all female team) they rotated through 3 different artists and one of them was utter crap.

When Jeff Lemire wrote GA he had a dedicated artist (Sorentino). Not sure who makes the decision on artists or why.


58 minutes ago, quarks said:

Usually the Editor-in-Chief assigns artists.

I know of a couple cases where the artists switched midway through an issue because either the penciller or the inker was so behind, the colorist complained that she wasn't going to be able to make the print deadline and/or would have to get backlogged on other work.

Interesting. Thanks guys. It's weird to change the artists halfway through, IMO. Dinah, for example, looks completely different in the panels posted today compared to the first issue. You'd think they'd want to keep some consistency. 

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17 minutes ago, Angel12d said:


Interesting. Thanks guys. It's weird to change the artists halfway through, IMO. Dinah, for example, looks completely different in the panels posted today compared to the first issue. You'd think they'd want to keep some consistency. 

I think most editors do, but being late to press can end up being very expensive.

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47 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

I cannot put into words how much I abhor the way Percy is writing Dinah. I want to rescue her from his MRA views of the world.


46 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

The "it's up to you not to let me go" after the slap made me cringe, and I don't even care about her one way or another. 

Heh. This reminds me of some posts i read on scans_daily. Readers were complaining about how AJK wrote Dinah/Ollie during his run. They started calling the title Green Asshole/Incompetent Lass

Edited by Morrigan2575
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5 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

The "it's up to you not to let me go" after the slap made me cringe, and I don't even care about her one way or another. 

Wow.  That's just terrible.  If I read this in a fan fic I'd rip it apart.

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It's funny because I always thought the show might/could do a long lost sibling for Oliver and Thea seeing as Robert was never faithful.

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43 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Okay, so in this version Shado had a kid with Robert. Did she also have a thing with Ollie, a sort of a parallel to Isabel with Robert and Oliver?

She had a relationship with Robert (only). When the story was created by Jeff Lemiere that Oliver was only 25-27 and Emiko was around 12.

Now it looks like they aged Oliver back up to 40+ 

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Some reviews of Green Arrow #6...



Green Arrow #6 features a surprising lack of Green Arrow. Instead, this book and apparently arc, center on his partner/sister, Emiko Queen. ... Regardless, while Percy has done a good job of keeping Oliver around in his books, he’s walking a fine line. I don’t particularly think Green Arrow needs to become “Green Arrow & Black Canary” or “Green Arrow & (Insert ideas for Emikos’ codename)” as much as I like the character or feel their presence in the books. Now, if we were to get another book all together, that’d be different. Although, I still don’t want a Green Arrow & Black Canary book.



Green Arrow has been a gem in the Rebirth lineup, the strongest the title has been since Lemire and Sorrentino had their run with the character. A big part of that strength has been Percy’s take on Ollie’s supporting cast and what a prominent role they play in his life, identity and the storyline so far. This look at Emi’s last year and her orchestration of the downfall of The Ninth Circle gives readers a great look at what makes her tick and what a strong character Emiko is. ...  I firmly believe it is Black Canary and Emiko who are making Oliver work in this volume of Green Arrow, and I’m just fine with that.



Through flashbacks Percy does a good job establishing the importance of Ollie on Emi’s life due to her terrible parentage. This actually leads into a clever mission Emi goes on to crack down on something her classmates are up to. This mission reveals a drug of some sort involving a supervillain which is a clever reveal. This issue has CW vibes and you could easily see it on that network due to the strong writing of Emi in general, but also the way Percy connects her rebellion to the narrative at large. ... Anyway, the art does feel like a step back from the stylized and beautiful work of Juan Ferreyra. There isn’t a lot of action in portions of the book which is typically harder to amp up visually and these scenes feel boring because of it. Byrne’s more simplistic and barren backgrounds give the book a cheaper production value. The action isn’t much better either, like in one two page sequence of Emi recounting her and Ollie stopping a bank robbery. Each page is drawn with four panels but they aren’t compelling or kinetic enough to feel energized and action packed. The layouts in this scene are dull. ... Emi fans will love this issue as it gives her character new purpose and more complexity. All in all it feels like a good CW episode of a show we should be watching.

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Anyway, the art does feel like a step back from the stylized and beautiful work of Juan Ferreyra. There isn’t a lot of action in portions of the book which is typically harder to amp up visually and these scenes feel boring because of it. Byrne’s more simplistic and barren backgrounds give the book a cheaper production value


I agree with @SmallScreenDiva the artwork on this issue looks better than previous issues. much better imo.

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I haven't really liked the artwork since Sorrentino but, I'm not digging the latest scans. They're too toony/teen anime looking to me. I don't know, I'm just not digging it. Not to say that the previous artwork was better.

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Well, the art is better than Arrow's 2.5 comics. Remember when they didn't even have eyes in some panels? LOL. And the perspective was all off in some too. So this is a huge improvement. But there doesn't seem to be any consistency. Not that I care because I'm not buying but that's my outsiders opinion.

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