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Green Arrow In Comics

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32 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

They took the "news" of Ben Percy et al talking about not letting the show influence his run of the GA comics and turned it into "DC cut ties with Arrow!!" It's just the haters twisting things to fit their agenda, as per usual. (And showing their lack of reading comprehension.)

Thanks! Other than that SR article, I couldn't find anything that backed it up. I figured it was a combo of shitty reporting and an absolute lack of reading comprehension but I saw it repeated in a few arguments yesterday. 

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I was curious about that too. I stumbled upon some flash fans tweeting about how Arrow’s going to get canceled and they were using that as an argument, but I couldn’t figure out where that came from. The comics have always been pretty separate from the show - the show gets its own special-edition comics. Weird. 

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For someone who claims not to have let the show influenced the comics, it's funny how Percy's run of GA Rebirth comics includes a version of almost every major character on Arrow except for Felicity.

If you say at least once every season that Arrow will get canceled, eventually you'll be right.

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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

I was curious about that too. I stumbled upon some flash fans tweeting about how Arrow’s going to get canceled and they were using that as an argument, but I couldn’t figure out where that came from. The comics have always been pretty separate from the show - the show gets its own special-edition comics. Weird. 

We were probably seeing the same tweets. I saw people trying to explain but man, they're so stuck to their illogical beliefs.

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Some reviews of GA #37...

Review – Green Arrow #37: Ollie’s Trials
February 8, 2018   Ray Goldfield 


Ray: First up, let’s get the main thing out of the way – my enjoyment of Green Arrow #37 and of Percy’s run as a whole was going to be heavily dependent on whether Emiko survived that shot to the chest the last issue. And thankfully, she does! If anything, it’s a little bit casual. It really looks like a killshot, but then Dinah points out that she’s still hanging on, and the next time we see her she’s awake and cracking jokes in a hospital, barely worse for the wear. Makes the cliffhanger feel a bit cheap, but I’ll take it! Beyond that, this final chapter of the battle against the Ninth Circle is suitably epic, with Juan Ferreyra delivering genuinely spectacular visuals. Dante – who we still know very little about – turns the vault into a massive, moving deathtrap where the heroes and the villains have their final battle. Diggle switching sides again was welcome, and it was great to see Dinah take the lead while Ollie rushes Emiko to safety.

... For instance, I thought the showdown between Shado and Moira was probably the weakest part of the issue. Moira is so overtly despicable that it’s removed any nuance from the character, and while Shado is an interesting character, here she comes off as rather one-note and her sacrifice sort of comes out of nowhere.

On the other hand, Kate Spencer steals the show, as she brutally deals with the home invader trying to kill Wendy and holding her son Ramsey hostage. Although I wonder if Percy remembered that Ramsey actually wouldn’t have much to fear from a knife – continuity deep cuts! Seems like there’s a lot of Manhunter still left in Kate. What makes this issue work, though, is the smaller moments. Ollie’s inner monologue, his interactions with Emiko and Diggle, and his final statements before heading into his trial. This run has its ups and downs, but as it enters its final act, it’s heading there on a high.
*  *  *
Corrina: As with most of Percy’s run, my reaction to this is mixed. On the good side, there is Kate’s takedown of the home invader who wants to kill Wendy and Ramsey. It’s a terrific moment for Manhunter, a character that has been horribly underused for years now. (I did like her as the DA in Gotham but that role vanished quickly.)

But Kate’s starring role, like the fight between Moira and Shado, also suffers from not enough setup. I’ve said before that Percy seems to simply drop in plot points rather than developing them, so therefore Kate is introduced as a lawyer with no hint of her ever having been a superhero or her background. Similarly, Moira’s characterization seems to rely more on the reader’s familiarity with the Arrow television show than anything I’ve seen in the book. She returns, contacts Ollie, instantly betrays him, and now she’s gone. Without the build-up, it’s anti-climactic. However, we have seen enough of Shado’s complicated relationship with Emiko to buy her sacrifice, so that worked well.

As for Ollie himself, he remains an enigma to me. He ran off to take down his enemies instead of standing trial and then says he’s learned something but I never quite see what he’s learned. Perhaps it’s that the Ninth Circle never became the complicated and complex enemy this run demanded for it to work. They’ve remained one-note villains all the while.

Green Arrow #37 Review
Jim Werner  February 7, 2018


The issue opens where we left off...Ollie holding Emiko and wondering where and when it all went wrong.  We get a nice little narration that shows how much Oliver has matured and if you are older (like me, unfortunately), it's something that you've probably already learned yourself, just not in such dramatic circumstances I hope.

We then get the continuation of the "Moira is an awful person" campaign headed by herself and then Dante (will he just go away!) turning the switch to make the tomb a deadlier version to the American Gladiator's obstacle course.  I told you I was old!
*  *  *
We then see that Emi is okay and get the line that I was sure was going to come earlier in the issue ("you called me Red Arrow") before going off to what I've been waiting months for...Ollie's trial!  Yep, the issue ends with Oliver "suiting up" and heading off to trial as the big heroes of the DCU look on and the fate of Star City hangs in the balance.

This is a quick read that hits a bunch of right notes as we finally get to the trial.  Diggle coming back suddenly felt a little forced, but I do like the idea of Team Arrow and will take it.  It will be no surprise that I love Juan Ferrerya's art because I always do, but it's the fact that I really liked this issue that has me pumped.  The timing couldn't be better as I can't wait to see how Percy handles the trial and hope it all leads to Seattle being put back on the map.

Review: Green Arrow #37
By Philip Schweier   Feb 7, 2018 - 10:17


The issue is a bit of a reunion for all the element of “Team Arrow,” a phrase I hate. I regard it as borne of the TV show, in which a lone vigilante has somehow assembled a team of other heroes, sort of s ub-Justice League. It bothers me to see heroes who insist they are are loners join team after team after team.

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Strangely, and coincidentally, this is happening in the GA comics, just as


Roy Harper will be returning to Arrow for a rumored significant Thea story beginning in 615...

DC’s Green Arrow Continues Our Favorite New Arrow/Bird Romance
February 9, 2018  by Justin Carter


If there’s a defining factor in the Green Arrow mythology, it’s that an archer always falls in love with a bird, eventually. Oliver Queen fell for Dinah Lance, the Black Canary, and his Rebirth book began with the two of them meeting for the first time. The book has dealt with the relationship between the two, but with Benjamin Percy and Juan Ferreya’s Green Arrow #37, a new Arrow/Bird romance is developing: the romance of Red Arrow, Oliver’s half-sister Emiko Queen, and current Robin, Damian Wayne.
*  *  *
The two of them haven’t really had a chance to hang out much since then; Damian got caught up in some time travel business, while Emi’s had to prove her big brother’s innocence, so that’s to be expected. More traumatically for Emi, she took an arrow to the chest, a blow fired by Moira Queen that was meant for her brother, and looked to be in critical condition. Thankfully, she managed to survive and spent the last pages of the book recuperating. And who came to see her but none other than the Boy Wonder with a smile on his face.


It’s unknown if this thread will continue in next month’s Green Arrow #38, since that book will be focused on Oliver’s trial, but there’s little doubt that it will develop in the weeks and months ahead. There’s definitely something there brewing between the two of them–and both of them appear to feel the same way. They’re both inheriting a big mantle in their respective families, and they aren’t really afraid to take what they want by force, if necessary. Should any relationship blossom between them, though, it’s going to take some time–he’s going to be spending some time with the Justice League in a few months, after all.

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Incidentally, I thought this was interesting - now can we expect to see this dating app show up in a GA issue...

Green Lanterns Introduces the (Dangerous) World of Superhero Dating Apps
02.08.2018 by Justin Carter


In Green Lanterns #40, the earthbound space cops find themselves dealing with a massive hurricane alongside a handful of other superheroes. Some you’ve heard of before, such as Power Girl, Blue Beetle and Firestorm; others, you may not have, such as Bulleteer. Once the chaos settles, it’s Bulleteer who comes to Simon asking for the Lanterns to help find her missing friend, Night Pilot. And it’s here that we learn about the hot new superhero dating app: Caper.

Caper is essentially the DC Universe equivalent to Tinder; you swipe left if you dislike someone, swipe right if you like them. It’s exclusively for the heroes out there, thankfully avoiding creepy situations with devoted fans. The company behind the app has designed it so that heroes don’t have to reveal their secret identities on the app; they post a name, picture, interests, and their powers. With superhero/civilian romances rarely ending well, the only ones who could truly understand what heroes are going through are other heroes, after all.

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WWII Felicity Smoak returns! - See the comic panel below (go to link to see other comic panels)...

Exclusive Preview: BOMBSHELLS UNITED Chapter 25
DC Comics Previews  February 8, 2018


DC Comics has shared its EXCLUSIVE preview with Comicosity for tomorrow’s new chapter of the digital first Bombshells United series. Scroll down to view full sized preview images.

Written by Marguerite Bennett
Art by Sandy Jarrell, Kelly Fitzpatrick, and Wes Abbott
Edited by Kristy Quinn
Published by DC Comics
Release Date: Friday, February 9, 2018

This chapter welcomes back The Batgirls! However, some of them will be called to leave Gotham City behind… to find the source of the mysterious but beautiful song coming over the radio… all the way from Hawaii.

This is the kick off to the next stage of the war, in Hawaii, where they will soon meet Black Canary.


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You may recall that this WWII version of Felicity Smoak made her first appearance - I think - in DC Comics Bombshells #19 (Nov. 25, 2015). She then returned in DC Comics Bombshells #21 (Dec. 11, 2015), in DC Comics Bombshells #37 (Apr. 1, 2016), in DC Comics Bombshells #38 (Apr. 8, 2016), in DC Comics Bombshells #56 (Aug. 12, 2016), and now in Bombshells United Chapter 25 (Feb. 9, 2018).*

(* If she was in any other issues, please reply in this thread.)

Marguerite Bennett also tweeted about this Felicity character in 2016...

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I grew up reading and enjoying Meg Cabot books, but after years of toxic experiences with everyone and everything associated with DLL, not even having one of my favorite authors on board could compel me to read about her. I would've made an exception for Dinah Drake.

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So this is an actual novel not graphic novel? I also grew up reading Meg Cabot but going back and rereading them before handing them off to a friend's younger sister made me realise I'm now a bit irritated with a lot of her writing quirks. I guess that's re reading YA books for you. I might check it out since I liked the character in some of the cartoons.

I know this has no connection to Arrow but if they're expanding the BC brand we won't be saying goodbye to DD anytime soon, not that it was likely anyway.

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6 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

So this is an actual novel not graphic novel?

She says it's a graphic novel on her site:


I’ve been invited to author a graphic novel featuring the character Black Canary for DC Zoom (when I say invited, I mean I campaigned for this project for months. I LOVE BLACK CANARY, and I wanted her to have her own book for younger readers).

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13 hours ago, tv echo said:

WWII Felicity Smoak returns! - See the comic panel below (go to link to see other comic panels)...

Exclusive Preview: BOMBSHELLS UNITED Chapter 25
DC Comics Previews  February 8, 2018



If there’s a defining factor in the Green Arrow mythology, it’s that an archer always falls in love with a bird, eventually.

Initially I was bringing the quote over to mock since there have been plenty of runs where "a bird" isn't involved at all, but then I noticed that Felicity is referred to in the above final panel as a bird flying in a wider sky now.  So...she's a bird too?  Lol.  

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There have been 6 Volumes of GA, and the only ones that didn't ever feature a bird were Vol. 1 (14 issues), Vol. 4 (15 issues), and Vol. 5 (52).

Though Vol.4 is connected to Vol. 3.

Correction: Vol. 5 is the only one that didn't have a bird or her being in his life ever.

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Looks like she showed up in Green Arrow Vol 4 #3. But Vol. 5 was the only ones where he had no connection with her whatsoever. But he still spent majority of his continuity and issues with her in his life.

279 issues with her in his life vs. 52 would be a big leap.

Oops, apparently she did was in Vol. 1. So there is only Vol.5

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FYI, this new Bombshells United series began last August, and each arc of this series will focus on a particular hero or group of heroes (it looks like the Felicity arc is starting now and that she may soon be meeting Black Canary for the first time in Hawaii)...

EXCLUSIVE: Bennett and Savuage take on Japanese Internment in new BOMBSHELLS UNITED series
06/12/2017 11:00 AM BY ALEXANDER LU


Beginning on August 25th, DC Comics will release Bombshells United as a weekly digital first title. Bennett will return to write the series and will be joined by a rotating team of artists– many of whom are veterans from the first Bombshells series. This new series will continue the adventures of the bombastic heroines fans have come to know and love with some poignant changes that will make the story more resonant for the challenging and historic times that we live in.
*  *  *
It was important to Bennett to make her takes on DC’s greatest heroines less inherently perfect and to provide them with the opportunity for improvement and redemption. “I’m very into fallible heroines,” Bennett explained. “I understand why so many inspirational characters are given to girls, whether it’s to make up for the years that their weren’t any or that there were so many damsels in distress, but there’s a degree at which when we only give children– but little girls especially– aspirational heroines, we’re denying them the ability to screw up. To have a complete human experience. Being a child and seeing these role models, I knew that I could never possibly compete or live up, so when I screwed up it was horrible. These characters weren’t afforded the opportunity to fail and come back from it.”
*  *  *
Indeed, the first arc of Bombshells United is all about failure– in particular, America’s failure to protect the rights of up to 120,000 Japanese Americans when the national government imprisoned them in internment camps for the duration of World War II. In Bennett’s exploration of Japanese American internment, she casts Cassie Sandsmark and Donna Troy, two characters who have carried the Wonder Girl moniker, as second generation Japanese Americans whose friends and family are being held against their will. While Cassie and Donna are not Japanese in the mainstream DC Universe, according to Bennett, these are her universe’s “definitive versions” of the characters.

Bennett was inspired to tell this story in Bombshells United after a trip back to her family home. She was flipping through a younger cousin’s history textbook and noticed that the chapter on World War II made no mention of Japanese American internment during the war. Perturbed, she asked to see another cousin’s high school level history textbook and found that that book made no mention of the tragedy, either. According to Bennett, the realization that this dark chapter of American history was being erased “inspired these feelings of horror and rage and…motivation, I suppose. If this was the kind of thing that was being ignored and scrubbed out of the story [of World War II]…if [the war] was being increasingly turned into good guys versus bad guys and one side is completely innocent and never did anything wrong…that needed to be addressed.”

Initially, Bennett expressed some reticence about whether she was the right person to tell this particular story. She said that she felt like she might be “overstepping.” However, she ultimately felt compelled to use her position as the writer of this deeply popular and historically-based series to “highlight something that should never ever be forgotten or removed from our national narrative.”
*  *  *
Additionally, Bennett wanted to make it clear that even in her story, the Japanese American community is the one making the plans to summon Wonder Woman and challenge their illegal detention. They’re in charge of their own destiny with Wonder Woman as an ally. As she put it, “I wanted to avoid a white savior thing at all costs, so I hope the power dynamics are very clear about who’s calling the shots in this story.”
*  *  *
Looking beyond the first arc, another major change to the direction of Bombshells United is the structure of the series as a whole. In the first Bombshells series, the title focused on a different set of heroes in each ten page chapter, which Bennett explained as “one of the difficulties of trying to tell the story of an entire universe of characters when you only have roughly the same number of pages as every other book out there that only focuses on one character.” She said that some readers felt “whiplash” thanks to this hectic storytelling structure, so in Bombshells United, each arc will focus on one heroine or team of heroines. “Then,” explained Bennett, “the next four or five issue arc will focus on a different group. That way, we’ll be able to visit everyone in turn– and yes, we’ll be seeing a lot of new heroines.”

Bennett teased the inclusion of Black Canary, Katana, and Bumblebee as new heroes in upcoming arcs. Conversely, she teased the return of old villains including Edward Nygma, Rhakontys the Bringer, and the Tenebrae. They’ll be joined by new villains such as Black Adam and Clayface as well as not-quite-villain Talia al Ghul. Generally speaking though, she hopes every character there is a Bombshells design for will get a moment in the sun, building towards a”truly bombastic finale” that will “will be build up and come together a few years down the line into something I hope is truly mindblowing.”

By Official Press Release    Monday, June 12th, 2017


Our new tale begins in 1943, with Wonder Woman is headed to Arizona. Cassie Sandsmark and Donna Troy called for Diana’s help when their families were forced from their homes under Executive Order 9066, which displaces them and other Japanese and German Americans into internment camps. To save them, Wonder Woman will be forced to confront the very armed forces she fought beside on the European front. The series will continue to bring more of DC’s pantheon of female Super Heroes to the page, with thrilling new adventures within the alternate-history timeline.

The new series will also bring a new structure, with each arc focused on a particular hero or group of heroes, in order to dive deeper into each storyline.

The first chapter will launch Friday, August 25, with new chapters available weekly. Print issues will collect two digital chapters each beginning September 6, shipping twice monthly.  

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6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I think it's a stretch to count the comic runs where Dinah chose not to be with Oliver as runs that show the road to their (per that article) inevitable love story.  

Except doesnt it say where falls in love with her, not her with him. But either way she was important to to the character since his very solo issue.

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13 Characters Who Need To Appear in DC's Young Adult Line
By RUSS BURLINGAME - February 5, 2018


It took only moments after DC announced a pair of new imprints -- DC Ink for young adults, and DC Zoom for middle grade readers -- for fans to begin speculating about what characters might be represented in them.
*  *  *
As one might imagine, we have put together our own potential lineup of characters we would like to see in the lines, and we will provide a bit of commentary below as to why (and/or which of the two we figure the character would be better suited to).
*  *  *
Helena Bertinelli seems like a perfect opportunity for a YA character.

Like Batman, she lost her parents -- but in a different way, and at a different age.
Helena's realization, as a teenager, that her father was mobbed up and that the relative wealth and privilege she had enjoyed for years came from the suffering of others is a powerful story to explore, and seems perfectly suited to that familiar formula that pairs the coming of age/puberty/whatever with a larger-than-life story that mirrors that same physiological journey in a psychological way.

It would also provide fans with a powerful, female character in the Batman-verse who is not romantically associated with one of the male leads.
*  *  *
With Benjamin Percy leaving Green Arrow but sticking around DC, we would love to see him spotlight Emiko, a character he made us love during his Rebirth run on the Emerald Archer's comic, in her own right.
*  *  *
Yes, Felicity Smoak barely exists in the comics and functioned for years primarily as Firestorm's stepmom. 

Still, TV's version has already made her way into the comics, and now it could be interesting to get a look at a younger version of her, as she grows up goth or becomes the super-hacker we have all come to know and love on Arrow.

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I wouldnt mind if Felicity showed up. I for one would love at least one issue that of something that has her, Chloe Sullivan, and Barbara Gordon working together. 

One thing Felicity haters do forget is that a lot of iconic themes in comic books have come from outside sources such as tv, cartoons, audios, movies. Barbara Gordon is only came around because of Batman 66 tv series. 

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The producers were concerned about not enough girls in the batcave, lol

I saw the show in reruns and it's messed forever with my head cause it was clear I was supposed to ship Batman and Batgirl and I keep doing it even though everything else says Catwoman

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January 2018 sales figures were just published...

January 2018 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops
Estimated Comics Shipped to North American Comics Shops
Based on Reports from Diamond Comic Distributors


Units    Dollars    Comic-book Title    Issue    Price     On sale        Publisher        Est. units
*  *  *
97          87             Green Arrow              36       $3.99     01/03/18       DC                  23,012

To compare - here were the December 2017 sales figures:


85          79             Green Arrow               35        $3.99     12/06/17        DC                23,682

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So Oracle is fighting the Calculator again in the comics. Too bad the Calculator was so underused on Arrow...

BATGIRL Goes on the Offense In THE BIRDS OF PREY #19 Preview
By Newsarama Staff   February 9, 2018 


Predictive policing - beginning with the Calculator - in a preview of next week's Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #19.

Variant cover by KAMOME SHIRAHAMA
“Full Circle” part one! In addition to her vigilante life as Batgirl, Barbara Gordon also fought crime behind the scenes as Oracle. Now she’s taking it one step further—working to stop crimes before they happen. Her first target? Bringing down the Calculator’s intricate network of super-villains. Huntress and Black Canary are concerned she might be going too far, and it could put them all in the crosshairs when a new evildoer arrives to settle the score on behalf of the Calculator.

On sale FEBRUARY 14 • 32 pg, FC, $3.99 US • RATED T
*  *  *

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Meg Cabot starts talking about Black Canary: Ignite at around the 28:14 mark...

DC INK & DC ZOOM: Full ALA Panel
Published on Feb 15, 2018, by DC


You’re never too young to be a hero…or to read about them! DC recently announced two new graphic novel lines, DC Ink, which is geared towards Young Adult readers, and DC Zoom, which targets Middle Graders. Recently, fans and professionals at ALA learned a lot more about these exciting books—which feature DC’s most popular heroes and are written by prominent YA and middle grade authors—when DC hosted a panel to help launch the two lines. DC All Access is now pleased to bring you this panel in full. Enjoy!

DC Zoom:
-- Oct. 2018: DC Super Hero Girls: Search for Atlantis (Shea Fontana)
-- Feb. 2019: Superman of Smallville (Art Baltazar & Franco)
-- Apr. 2019: Super Sons (Ridley Pearson)
-- May 2019: Black Canary: Ignite (Meg Cabot)
-- May 2019: Dear Justice League (Michael Northop)
-- Jul. 2019: Batman Tales: Once Upon a Crime (Derek Fridolfs & Dustin Nguyen)
-- Aug. 2019: Batman: Overdrive (Shea Fontana)
-- Oct. 2019: Green Lantern: Legacy (Minh Le)
-- Superman Smashes the Klan (Gene Luen Yang)

DC Ink:
-- Sep. 2018: Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass (Mariko Tamaki)
-- Nov. 2018: Mera (Danielle Paige)
-- Feb. 2019: Under the Moon: A Catwoman Tale (Lauren Myracle)
-- Mar. 2019: Teen Titans: Raven (Kami Garcia)
-- Aug. 2019: Gotham High (Melissa de la Cruz)
-- Nov. 2019: Wonder Woman: Tempest Tossed (Laurie Halse Anderson)
-- Nov. 2019: Batman: Nightwalker (Marie Lu)

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Bombshells United #26 (digital chapter) is out today...

Story Arc: The Black Island, Part 2
Characters: Alysia Yeoh, Felicity Smoak, Black Canary, Bumblebee, Barbara Gordon, Enchantress, Killer Croc, Rose Wilson, Operator
Synopsis: "Alysia and Felicity head for Hawaii to investigate the mysterious radio signals causing trouble across the world, but they find a new voice for the revolution!"
Writer: Marguerite Bennett
Artist: Sandy Jarrell

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^^^ FYI, the blonde woman with the flower in her hair is Black Canary. How do I know? Go to the Amazon page on this digital comic and click on "Look inside" cover pic to see a preview panel that identifies her. Also, you can recognize her from her collectible statue below...

Amazon link to Bombshells United #26:

Amazon link to Bombshells: Black Canary statue:

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Synopsis for Bombshells United #27 (out Feb. 23)...


The Suicide Squad has arrived in Hawaii! What price will Black Canary pay for Ollie's disappearance?

Synopsis for Bombshells United #28 (out Mar. 2)...


Phantom radio signals have been plaguing the world…but no one is prepared for Killer Croc under the influence!

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It's interesting that Bombshells United is an alternate reality comics where versions of Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance and Felicity Smoak all co-exist, but there's no possibility of a love triangle - or even Olicity - because this Felicity is just a tween, while Oliver and Dinah are apparently adults.

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Two widely differing opinions on the GA/BC comics relationship...

Syfy Wire Staff  Feb. 17, 2018

-- Screen Captions: "#3 Black Canary and Green Arrow. They're superheroes, but their love is so human. They fight crime together, sure. They also help each other through life's everyday traumas, like assault and addiction. They respect each other's privacy, value independence, and... yes, they have fantastic sex. They married in the 2000s."

10 Most DYSFUNCTIONAL Marvel & DC Couples!
Published on May 14, 2017, by Official Life Facts

-- Narrator: "#7. Green Arrow and Black Canary. These two have their first encounter in the comic, Justice League of America #21, made in 1963, when the Justice League and Justice Society of America were forced to fight each other. Green Arrow first defeated the then married Black Canary, but then was knocked out by her husband. The dysfunctional relationship went as follows. He loves her, but she hates him. They love each other and they have a continually dysfunctional relationship involving lots of cheating and a very unloyal marriage. They always seem to come back for each other, only to give up soon after. This relationship has left each of them in some pretty low moments. So fans have to wonder if it's really for the best for it to continue."

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As far as I can tell, the tween version of Felicity Smoak (as one of the WWII Batgirls - the one with glasses, blonde braids, blue dress and green ballcap) is in the following Bombshells issues (so far)...


DC Comics Bombshells Chapter 19 (Allies, Part 1 of 9) - Nov. 25, 2015 - digital
DC Comics Bombshells Chapter 21 (Allies, Part 3 of 9) - Dec. 11, 2015 - digital
DC Comics Bombshells #7: Allies (collects Chapters 19-21) - Dec. 23, 2015 - print  [see ETA below]
DC Comics Bombshells Chapter 37 (The Batgirls Swing Again, Part 1 of 3) - Apr. 1, 2016 - digital
DC Comics Bombshells Chapter 38 (The Batgirls Swing Again, Part 2 of 3) - Apr. 8, 2016 - digital
DC Comics Bombshells Chapter 39  (The Batgirls Swing Again, Part 3 of 3) - Apr. 15, 2016 - digital
DC Comics Bombshells #13: The Batgirls Swing Again (collects Chapters 37-39) - 2016 - print
DC Comics Bombshells Chapter 55 (The Batgirls Fly By Night, Part 1 of 3) - Aug. 5, 2016 - digital
DC Comics Bombshells Chapter 56 (The Batgirls Fly By Night, Part 2 of 3) - Aug. 12, 2016 - digital
DC Comics Bombshells Chapter 57 (The Batgirls Fly By Night, Part 3 of 3)  - Aug. 19, 2016 - digital
DC Comics Bombshells #19: The Batgirls Fly By Night (collects Chapters 55-57) - 2016 - print
DC Comics Bombshells Chapter 82 (Leningrad, Part 1 of 3) (Batgirls appear in flashback) - Feb. 10, 2017 - digital
DC Comics Bombshells #28: Leningrad (collects Chapter 82-84) - 2017 - print

Bombshells United Chapter 25 (The Black Island, Part 1) - Feb. 9, 2018 - digital
Bombshells United Chapter 26 (The Black Island, Part 2) - Feb. 16, 2018 - digital

ETA: Here's a review of DC Comics Bombshells #7: Allies (print issue that collected Chapters 19-21)...

DC Bombshells: The Perfect Stocking Stuffer
Posted on December 23, 2015 by Corrina Lawson 


Ray: This is a full-length adventure and I can’t say enough about how excellent this book is. It’s not just the best issue of the series, it’s one of the very best single issues DC has put out this year. I don’t know the last time I’ve seen a comic that tackles so many serious issues – many of which are still very relevant today – while remaining a fun, breezy read that’s incredibly accessible to young readers. The issue opens with a Jewish family in Gotham being robbed and evicted by their cruel landlord and his thugs for hiding refugee family members in their apartment. The daughter, Felicity, speaks up – yes, it’s that Felicity Smoak! – but the landlord boasts that he has the law in his pocket – until the team of Harper, Kathy, and Nell show up, in full Batgirl costumes, and give him a much-deserved beating. He calls on a corrupt officer friend of his – who turns out to be the same officer who rounded up Harper and Cullen years ago and dragged Cullen off to an orphanage.
*  *  *
Corrina: ... But the reason my inner fangirl was tap-dancing isn’t just the inclusion of Felicity Smoak but also the addition of Nell from Bryan Q. Miller late and lamented run on Batgirl featuring Stephanie Brown,  Kathy Duquesne from the Batman: The Animated Series movie, Batman: The Mystery of the Batwoman, and even Alysia Yeoh from Gail Simone’s Batgirl run. They’re all used well, as Ray said, and can we talk about how the artwork is perfect for all ages, portrays the action perfectly and never once sexualizes the girls? (This last will not be the case in the Teen Titans issue this week.) It’s just great art. Period.

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A few more Felicity highlights from the Bombshells series...

From DC Comics Bombshells Chapter 37 ("The Batgirls Swing Again, Part 1 of 3"):


From DC Comics Bombshells #39 (“The Batgirls Swing Again, Part 3 of 3”):


From DC Comics Bombshells Chapter 56 ("The Batgirls Fly By Night, Part 2 of 3"):



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DC Comics' "Bombshells" Is Coming to an End
By JENNA ANDERSON - February 20, 2018


The world of Bombshells follows an alternate reality where DC's female heroes served as the main protection within World War II. The unique character redesigns first entered DC fans' lives back in 2013, with the release of a Bombshells-themed Wonder Woman statue.

From there, a plethora of new statues were released, re-imagining plenty of iconic DC characters in this distinct style. The popularity of the Bombshells world only grew in subsequent years, ultimately leading to the first Bombshells comic series debuting in the summer of 2015. The series, which was written by Bennett, ran for 100 digital issues and 33 print issues, before coming to a close in 2017.

Bombshells United was launched shortly after, and has accumulated twenty-six digital issues and twelve physical issues so far.

“With women superheroes, it tends to be a team of 5 dudes and one woman, and she then has to be everything, and no woman can ever be everything." Bennett told ComicBook.com last year. "With a large cast, a large number of women, they don’t have to be icons and idols, they can just be themselves," she explained. "It’s so refreshing to create the women as characters, and not as liabilities or ticking time bombs."

While this will mark an end to an era for Bombshells, it's pretty safe to assume that the spirit of the series will still live on. Aside from the main Bombshells statues, fans can collect an array of Funko and Cryptozoic products inspired by the series, a fashion line from Hot Topic, and a lot more merchandise. And some have begun to clamor for a live-action Bombshells adaptation, utilizing DC's wide array of female characters in the film and TV space.

At the moment, there's no telling when Bombshells United will officially conclude, although the May solicitations for the series do hint at the "final chapter" beginning. ComicBook.com will provide more updates as they come about.

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2 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

DC went on a canceling spree!

 Justice League of America is ending with April's #29. This follows the recent confirmed cancellations of Trinity, Bombshells United, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey, Supergirl and Super Sons. 

Boooooooooo!! I’ve really enjoyed their run.

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