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Green Arrow In Comics

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NYCC ’17 Liveblog: Jim Lee and Dan Didio reveal the fate of AQUAMAN: EARTH ONE & more at Meet the Publishers event
10/05/2017 1:38 PM BY ALEXANDER LU


On Thursday afternoon, DC Comics held its annual Meet the Publishers panel at New York Comic Con. Co-publishers Jim Lee and Dan Didio gathered in what DiDio characterized as a “highly professional” and “stately” panel to talk about the state of the DC lineup and make exclusive new series announcements.

Didio and Lee kicked off the panel by discussing Doomsday Clock, the followup series to Rebirth #1 from 2016 that saw Geoff Johns introduce Alan Moore’s and Dave Gibbons’ Watchmen characters into the DC Universe proper. Doomsday Clock, written by Johns and drawn by Gary Frank, was characterized by Lee as a “sequel to Watchmen,” but “not a typical” mashup between two series where the characters just meet and fight.

Didio addressed the dueling interests currently in the DCU. He asked a question he had been asked– “how can you do Doomday Clock and Metal at the same time?” To that, Didio said that it’s about creating enough content to satisfy reader interest. Metal is characterized as a title that introduces “new directions” to the DCU as a whole, “taking risks” like the alternate universe crossover comics and introducing the Dark Matter line by the event’s end. Meanwhile, Doomsday Clock is an entirely self-contained event with “no crossovers” that brings together two classic universes into something new and exciting.
*  *  *
Turning to Rebirth, Didio and Lee shed a bit of light on why no books in the lineup have been cancelled a year into their runs, which is essentially unheard of in the modern era of comics. Instead of cancelling the titles, Didio said, the company has tried to switch creative teams and story plot points in order to help the series find their footing instead.
*  *  *
Didio made an earnest promise about the DC line as a whole. He admitted that the company had made “missteps” with its line in the past, but he promised that they would not make the same mistakes because “we can’t keep relaunching. It has to stop.”
*  *  *
Lee then turned the panel to Warren Ellis’ relaunch of the Wildstorm universe, which began with his and Jon Davis-Hunt’s series, The Wildstorm. Now, the universe is expanding outward into its first spin-off series, Michael Cray, which focuses on the freelance assassin who has been betrayed by his former employer, intelligence agency IO. He will team up with a mysterious woman named Trelane to take down a billionaire named Oliver Queen. This version of Ollie isn’t the Green Arrow we know, however. There will be elements of the DC Universe that will be folded into the Wildstorm universe in unexpected fashion, Lee promised.

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You can watch recorded video of Geoff Johns' DC Doomsday Clock panel at NYCC below...

Mod: "You've said in interviews - and this quote gets repeated a lot - that you wanted to put the heartbeat back into the DC Universe. Could you just expand on that a little bit and just talk about, you know, what was missing. Was it relationships? Was it personal history? What was missing, and what was the direction you wanted to take it back in?"
GJ: "Um, for me, the DC Universe was missing everything you just said. You know, it was missing those personal relationships. It was missing emotional storytelling to me. It was - it was kinda - for me, doing a lot of - there's a lot of fly-by, you know, double-page spreads of guys fighting and then a two-page epilogue. And I wanted to get back to the essence of these characters...."

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September 2017 GA sales numbers are out...

September 2017 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops
October 9, 2017


Units    Dollars    Comic-book Title    Issue    Price    Pub.    Est. units
*  *  *
94         114          Green Arrow              30         $2.99    DC      26,429
*  *  *
96         116          Green Arrow              31         $2.99    DC      25,742

ETA: To compare, here were the August 2017 sales numbers:


83    112    Green Arrow    28    $2.99    DC    26,572
84    113    Green Arrow    29    $2.99    DC    26,455

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It's consistently dropping down about a 1,000-digit each month, although the size of the drop has decreased...

Jan.:  35---, 34---
Feb.:  33---, 32---
March:  31---, 30---
April:  30---, 29---
May:  28---, 28---
June:  27---, 27---
July:  27--- , 26---
August:  26---, 26---
Sept.:  26---, 25---

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The Green Arrow is back in Star City, but with Oliver Queen about to go on trial for murder is his return a welcome one? And with the Ninth Circle reeling from the loss of their satellite, and her son directly responsible for that loss, Moira Queen’s standing in this syndicate of criminals is in jeopardy. With her life in danger, is Oliver destined to meet his long thought dead mother once again? Find out in “THE TRIAL OF TWO CITIES” part one!




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10 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

They're bringing Moira in too?  So the separation of comics and show is really the "anyone except Felicity Smoak" rule?  SMH.


Technically she was a part of the comics...

But lol of course they bring her in now almost 15 years after her last appearance

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2 minutes ago, ChampagneSupernova said:

Technically she was a part of the comics...

But lol of course they bring her in now almost 15 years after her last appearance

And wasn't she always a dead character?  And a ghost, of course, which is still a dead character. But this Moira seems like show Moira and not the loving comics mother.

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DC Comics Rebirth & Green Arrow #33 Spoilers: Oliver Queen Gets A HUGE Surprise Just In Time For Tonight’s CW Arrow Season 6, Episode 2.2, Tribute!
John Babos | October 19, 2017 


Readers have known for some time that Oliver Queen’s mother Moira Queen is in fact alive and aligned with the Ninth Circle a villainous cabal. However, they have turned on her forcing her hand.

…Moira Queen reveals she is alive to her son!

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15 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Not sure what the illustrator was going for there, but she looks like she's trying to chew his bottom lip off and he looks like he's in pain. Kinky!

Reminds of the Oliver and Laurel 'sex' scene. 

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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

Reminds of the Oliver and Laurel 'sex' scene. 

From they way comic!Dinah is koala-hanging on to Ollie, maybe that's the scene that inspired the panel. At least they don't have her wearing socks!

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Evidence piece 1000 that their claims of not being inspired or having no knowledge of the show because they are oh so superior is bull?


All so so look at all those non shipper soap opera haters romance is icky peeps salivating over that very thing ?

Edited by LeighAn
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Green Arrow #34
*  *  *
There are a few times when the Green Arrow comic seems to be too married to The CW’s Arrow for its own good. For the most part, Benjamin Percy has been able to go his own way with Oliver Queen’s adventures without taking his cues from the live-action show. And yet the influence of that series on the comic is definitely felt in this issue, and it makes Moira Queen’s expanded role seem more awkward and obvious. Even the return of John Diggle seems to derail some of Green Arrow’s recent hot streak, and the trial of Oliver Queen feels like it’s lost its sense of urgency. At least Stephen Byrne is still the second-best artist on this book. That’s not a knock on Byrne, as he turns in some great looking pages. Juan Ferreyra is just in a class of his own. But even the best art can’t hide one of the weaker issues of this book’s DC Rebirth era. Hopefully this title will bounce back quickly. -Blair

Final Score:

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18 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Omg wasn't Moira Queen an original character to the series? God they're not even trying to hide the fact that they basically take from the show. Ben and Juan Arrows biggest fans ?

IIFC on Smallville she was Laura Queen. I don't know if she was in comics first Laura or Moira. In Year One Oliver was already in his 30-40s and his parents were long gone before becoming GA.

In nu52 GA, she was Moira Queen and died of Cancer after Oliver came back from the Island, she was around for his first year or so as GA.

I think, not sure, but I think his parents (up to nu52) really were only plot devices for his origin story (much like Bruce Wayne's parents). In nu52 Robert came back alive for an arc and Moira showed up in flashback during Zero Year tie-ins.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Last month's comics sales numbers came out - the sales for Green Arrow #32 appeared to be an outlier, so I looked it up and it turns out that issue was a Dark Nights: Metal tie-in ("Gotham Resistance" finale)...

October 2017 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops


Units    Dollars    Comic-book Title    Issue    Price    Publisher     Est. units
*  *  *
39          56            Green Arrow              32        $2.99       DC              48,898
*  *  *
97         119           Green Arrow              33        $2.99       DC              25,963

To compare, here were the GA numbers for September 2017:


Units    Dollars    Comic-book Title    Issue    Price    Publisher        Est. units
*  *  *
94           114        Green Arrow              30         $2.99    DC                  26,429
*  *  *
96           116        Green Arrow              31         $2.99    DC                  25,742

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3 hours ago, tv echo said:

Last month's comics sales numbers came out - the sales for Green Arrow #32 appeared to be an outlier, so I looked it up and it turns out that issue was a Dark Nights: Metal tie-in ("Gotham Resistance" finale)...


Dark Nights Metal is selling so well my comic shop instituted a one issue per person policy.  This is the only GA tie in so the numbers should go back to normal in the next update. 

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'Ragman' Writer Ray Fawkes Avoided Referencing 'Arrow'
By NICOLE DRUM - November 25, 2017


Ragman may have departed Star City and Team Arrow last year on The CW superhero series, but he's busy in his own DC Comics series. However, fans shouldn't expect the comic book hero to be too much like his television counterpart.

While Ray Fawkes has seen Arrow and the show's take on Rory Regan, an unusual superhero who wears the mysterious Suit of Souls that gives him the ability to summon the forces of all the souls who reside there, he didn't draw on the television portrayal of the character when it came to writing the comic. Fawkes said that there was so much more he wanted to do with the character now that he was the center of his own book.

"I've seen the character in Arrow. I think he's cool, but I did steer away from it because I feel like television and film are a great way to realize these characters but they're also very restricted by budget and realism,” Fawkes told ComicBook.com. "They want to look real, and so there's only so far you can go, especially with a character like Ragman who is a secondary character on Arrow."
*  *  *
The comics version of the character is quite a bit different. In Fawkes' version, with art by Inaki Miranda, Ragman is a war veteran named Rory burdened with grief at having lost his partners when a mission they had to raid a tomb in the Israeli desert fails. However, when Rory gets home to Gotham, he realizes that what was in the tomb has followed him home -- the Suit of Souls.

With the two versions of the character being so different Fawkes explained that he didn't dislike Arrow's take. He just wanted to do something visually very different.

"So, while I was aware of it, and I don't dislike it, I didn't want to be held to it because I wanted visuals to really wow people and blow their minds," Fawkes explained. "I wanted to tell Inaki [Miranda] that he could just go completely nuts and try and not try and make it like anything else, just make it his own thing really."

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The November sales numbers were just published (fyi, GA comics became a monthly issue starting with Issue #34)...

November 2017 Comic Book Sales to Comics Shops


Units    Dollars    Comic-book Title                Issue        Price    Publisher        Est. units
*  *  *
87           84            Green Arrow                        34             $3.99    DC                   25,181
*  *  *
110         81            Green Arrow Annual            1               $4.99    DC                   20,372

To compare, here are GA sales for October 2017 (fyi, issue #32 was linked to Dark Nights Metal issue):


39           56          Green Arrow                          32              $2.99    DC                   48,898
*  *  *
97          119         Green Arrow                          33              $2.99    DC                   25,963

And GA sales for September 2017:


94           114        Green Arrow                          30              $2.99    DC                  26,429
*  *  *
96           116        Green Arrow                          31              $2.99    DC                  25,742

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Apparently, November 2017 was a banner month for DC Comics because of Doomsday Clock, but it doesn't seem to have helped GA sales...

DC's Doomsday Clock helps make November 2017 second best month of year; GN orders grow
by John Jackson Miller   December 15, 2017


Doomsday Clock and its continuing Batman-related event during the Justice League movie's release month combined to give DC its strongest month of 2017 by far in November 2017, outstripping its previous November (which also had five shipping weeks) by 21%. That's a major beat, and a reversal after a long string of comparatives against Rebirth months; we're now into comparisons with the 2016 months where Rebirth issues weren't returnable.

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Green Arrow Annual #1 appears to be a special Christmas issue that went on sale on November 29, 2017...



Christmas is a time for reflection, relatives and…revenge! So says Count Vertigo, who returns to Seattle to send Oliver Queen on a violent, mind-bending journey into his own past and future. The hidden secrets of GREEN ARROW are laid bare in this oversize special that tests the already tenuous bonds between Team Arrow, featuring the long-awaited returns of Shado, Diggle and the dark archer Merlyn!
*  *  *
On Sale Date:  Nov 29 2017

Exclusive Preview: GREEN ARROW ANNUAL #1
By DC Publicity   November 22, 2017


In this 5th week of November, in DC’s first oversized annual issue of GREEN ARROW, Oliver wakes up on Christmas morning to celebrate with friends…but things take a rocky turn.   

Count Vertigo is back in Seattle ready to mess with Oliver’s mind and send him on a journey into his own past and future. With this unexpected visit, the hidden secrets of GREEN ARROW are laid bare and the already tenuous bonds between Team Arrow are tested. Not to mention, the long-awaited returns of Shado, Diggle and the dark archer Merlyn.

Can team Arrow survive? Will Oliver stay out of his own head long enough to defeat the Count? Can Team Arrow survive yet another trying battle? Stay tuned for more from writer Ben Percy with art by Eleanor Carlini in GREEN ARROW ANNUAL #1.

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Some reviews of Green Arrow Annual #1 (warning: spoilers!)...

Green Arrow Annual #1 Review
Jim Werner   November 28, 2017


The issue starts back in the Arrow Ewok Village (this takes place way back before issue #25) and the gang's all here.  Emilo, Dinah, Henry, Roy, Oliver and even Diggle are hanging out celebrating the Holidays.  Except they aren't.  After Ollie gets swarmed by Christmas Tree Bees, we see it's all a VR simulation for Oliver...by Vertigo Designs.  Dum Dum Dum!  Maybe I should put "dumb" in there as well as I would think Oliver would recognize the handful of red flags here.

I guess it's sort of explained by the issue continuing in a dream with a young Ollie going home to his mother and having some fun...until Diggle kills her and he wakes up tied up by Diggle himself.  I kind of got a grip on things as we get a little recap of why Ollie and Diggle hate each other (women problems, am I right?), but the scene ends before the shit hits the fan and we are whisked away to Roy Harper.
*  *  *
Dinah is the last one up and we get the reveal of what is happening along with an explanation of why Canary isn't under it's spell.  The rest of the issue is devoted to a good gal versus bad guy fight and in the end, all's well the ends well.  I know that seems like a cliched way to end this review, but hey, if the shoe fits!  Seriously, this issue ends with the neutering of one (if not the) biggest Green Arrow villains and a hokey "on Christmas, even the bad guys deserve a happy ending".  I liked the sentiment, but it was way to corny to like it too much.

Unfortunately, this is the standard Annual we get on the fifth week of the month.  A generic story with no real ties into the ongoing series so also, no real reason to buy.  Throw in that it's a story we've seen over and over (and even in this week's Aquaman book) and this one is a stinker.  I did like Eleonora Carlini's art, but Ben Percy could have at least given us some character development to go along with this nonsense.
*  *  *
This Annual can be skipped by Green Arrow readers which makes it necessary to nobody.  The story is full of quick stories that don't amount to anything and a corny ending that  may have been better off being condensed and thrown into this years Holiday Special.  Let's forget this happened and get back to the regular series in a couple of weeks.

Review – Green Arrow Annual #1: Villain Crashes Christmas
29 November, 2017 by Ray Goldfield 


Ray: This Green Arrow annual was delayed three months to make it more of a holiday-themed issue, a decision that doesn’t really seem to have played all that much role in the story. The issue begins with an entertaining segment depicting the entire Arrowfam at Christmas together, although the six issues that have come and gone have changed the status quo a bit, making the issue feel a bit out of place. However, that doesn’t stop it from being an extremely entertaining issue. The holiday celebration takes a turn for the dark when the characters are all sucked into strange dream sequences, courtesy of Count Vertigo. Ollie’s is the longest and most complicated, as he goes from a version of his normal life to his childhood with his mother (that plot has recently taken a twist), to being tortured by a vengeful Diggle.

Corrina: The real-world delays didn’t seem to impact the quality of the story at all. It’s always nice to see the entire cast of supporting characters show up in the book.

Here I will insert my customary frustration that Percy basically just declared Dinah and Ollie a couple without showing why they would be together. Something like the Batman/Catwoman story in the annual out today would go a long way to me having any feels at all for this rendition of the classic couple.



Green Arrow Annual #1
There are some parallel themes between the Aquaman Annual and the Green Arrow Annual that may or may not have been intentional. But reading the issues back-to-back means that the similar plot elements got tired very quickly. Benjamin Percy reunites most of Green Arrow’s supporting cast for this tale, and there’s even a legitimately funny scene between Emiko and Nightwing. The art seems like a strange choice for this issue. On one hand, Eleonora Carlini can draw very appealing figures. But when it comes to giving her characters unique facial expressions, the art makes their smiles appear to be comically monstrous. For some of the characters, that may have been intentional. However, that look keeps reappearing, even on the heroes’ faces, and it is totally disconcerting. Carlini definitely has talent, but she may not be the best fit for the book. As for the script, it’s simply okay. The annual itself is better than an average comic, but it’s not anywhere near the creative heights that this series has reached during DC Rebirth. -Blair

Green Arrow Annual #1: Interesting and Dreamlike Tale
Posted by Joshua Davison November 30, 2017 


We are given a peaceful scene of Green Arrow, Black Canary, Arsenal, Diggle, Emiko, and Henry enjoying a nice Christmas celebration in Ollie’s forest headquarters. This is revealed to be a virtual reality simulation, and the story takes a stream of consciousness structure from here. We get snapshots, fantasies, and nightmares from Ollie, Arsenal, and Emiko as we get more and more lost before figuring out what is going on.
*  *  *
It’s pretty weird that both the Green Arrow Annual and Aquaman Annual, released on the same week, give stories about fantasies and nightmares brought about by some outside force.

Its’s also odd that this comic’s timeframe goes back before Green Arrow #25 by the comics own editorial admission.

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Per the above reviewers, Green Arrow Annual #1 takes place before Green Arrow #25. Here are the descriptions for Green Arrow #24 and Green Arrow #25, which might explain why Oliver's living in a treehouse:


“THE RISE OF STAR CITY” finale! The Ninth Circle’s plan for Seattle comes to its horrifying conclusion as the city is reborn as Star City! Sponsored by Queen Industries, it’s the first privately controlled metropolis in America—and Green Arrow’s worst nightmare. How can Oliver Queen fight back when the fat cats literally own the city? The answer will shock you in this stunning conclusion. 


“BROKEN ARROW” part one! Hopelessly divided over Oliver’s role in the rise of Star City, Green Arrow and Black Canary do the unthinkable and break up. While Dinah starts a resistance movement in the former Seattle underground, Ollie's been driven out of the city he sacrificed everything to protect. And that’s only the beginning! The next major phase of GREEN ARROW begins with in this oversized anniversary issue! 

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8 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Here I will insert my customary frustration that Percy basically just declared Dinah and Ollie a couple without showing why they would be together.

Heh and here I thought comic readers would be okay with them being together because it's comic Canon and that apparently you can't have GA without BC. 

This is a classic misstep they took with Barry/Iris on the Flash and Oliver/Laurel on Arrow... Ironically they did show why Olicity should be a couple but they're sorta hated by comic purists... 

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2 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Surprising good or bad? What's an annual? Is that like an anthology?

Surprisingly low compared to the other numbers especially being a special issue.

Oh wow, already broke GA/BC up?! Starting that breakup/makeup pattern again ?

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The Arrow producers should ask for royalties for Ben "I don't care about Arrow and have never watched it in my life (even though I have used original characters and concepts from the show)" Percy for using their episode title. ?

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GA #36 went on sale today (Jan. 3) - warning: spoilers below...

SPOILER Gets Shot in Green Arrow #36
By CHARLIE RIDGELY - January 3, 2018


Green Arrow and his team spent most of the new issue trying to stop his mother from making a devastating sacrifice to the Ninth Circle. Unfortunately, as a fight broke out between the two sides, a different sacrifice was made.

Momma Queen had the element of surprise on her side, and she took an opportunity to fire an arrow at her son, hoping to stop him for good. She had him dead to rights, but his half-sister Emiko Queen, better known as Red Arrow, jumped in front of the shot to save Oliver.
*  *  *
Emi, as Oliver calls her, took an arrow directly to the chest, attempting to save her brother. In the final panel of the issue, Oliver held her in his arms and cried, "Stay with me Red Arrow!"

Review – Green Arrow #36: Ollie Needs Rescuing
Posted on January 3, 2018 by Ray Goldfield 


Green Arrow #36 – Benjamin Percy, Writer; Juan Ferreyra, Artist
*  *  *
Ray: So, I can’t review this Green Arrow issue 100% fairly, because it’s a very good comic on a lot of levels – spectacular visuals, great action, plot twists aplenty. But it also hits on multiple of my biggest comic pet peeves as the battle with the Ninth Circle hits its apex. When we last left off, Moira had betrayed Ollie and left him to die at the bottom of the ocean after getting what she needed from him. The opening page is one of the best of the entire series, as Ollie’s body begins to break down under the literal pressure. Fortunately, Dinah is on the case, and manages to pull off a daring rescue, while Kate Spencer and John Diggle do their own parts to protect Ollie in other areas of his life. I did like Dinah calling Ollie out on his reckless isolationist streak afterwards, and them having a serious talk about their relationship. I very much did not like her making that point by kneeing him in the crotch. I had this same issue with a story in Hawkeye – yes, the guy did something wrong. That doesn’t mean you get to physically assault your partner.
*  *  *
So the issue has at least one woman in danger, but that’s not where my issues with the story end. Moira’s characterization so far has been…sketchy. She seemed at first to be an amoral but overall pragmatic woman. Now, her characterization seems to be driven by evil and a twisted relationship with Malcolm Merlyn. Her willingness to kill pretty much anyone who gets in her way makes her a mostly one-dimensional villain. Emiko taking the arrow she meant for Dinah is…upsetting, to say the least. Next issue supposedly has her “between life and death”, so the odds are she’ll survive, but if she doesn’t, it’ll cast a massive pall over this entire run for me.

Corrina: Once upon a time, in their joint comic before the new 52 reboot, Ollie and Dinah solved their fights via violence. I believe the issues were written by Andrew Kreisberg, the executive producer of the CW superhero shows who was fired for sexual harassment. Looking back on his comic run, which included the creation of the terrible Cupid, I have to wonder how much of his personal point of view oozed into his run. Given how many sexual harassers whose personalities have seeped into their work, my eyebrows go up when I read problematic work.

Percy needs work in showing (not telling) the romantic and sometimes other feelings between his cast. Like why would Ollie trust his mother? She just shows up out of the blue and it’s his mother, so goes his reasoning. Did she remember his favorite thing as a kid? Bring him back a trusted object that she gave him as a child to play on his emotions? No, she plays on just being his mom. Similarly, the Dinah/Ollie relationship is also bereft of them being, well, kind and considerate to each other. They’re shown having sex but I want to know why either of them would stick with the other and I’ve not received a satisfactory answer thus far. And now she’s kneeing him in the crotch. That is no way to have a respectful relationship with each other.
*  *  *
The action sequences are always good but there’s something missing from the emotions of this comic and I’ve probably said that every time I review an issue.

Edited by tv echo
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Huh? And yet the Rebirthed GA comics still have Diggle, Moira, Malcolm, Roy, Tommy - and Thea Emiko's not dead yet (fyi, the GA comic is now monthly) - pretty much versions of every major character on Arrow except Felicity...

Green Arrow Comic is Cutting Ties To Arrow TV Show
By Matt Morrison  January 3, 2018


Is the Green Arrow comic eliminating its ties to the television series Arrow? This is the question many are asking in the wake of Green Arrow #36. While there is no official connection between the bimonthly Green Arrow comic and the The CW series based on the character of Oliver Queen, elements from the show were introduced to the comics world (presumably in an effort to broaden their appeal. Arrow writers Andrew Kreisberg and Ben Sokolowski were even brought on to write the book for six issues.

Originally rebooted along with the rest of the DC Comics Universe as part of The New 52 Initiative, the new Green Arrow series was largely without an overarching direction from the very beginning. The book’s creative team changed three times within the first seven issues, and it wasn’t until writer Jeff Lemire took over with Green Arrow #17 that the book developed a cohesive vision. While his run was critically acclaimed, many long-time Green Arrow fans disliked the liberties Lemire took with some of the classic characters – and the ways in which elements of The CW’s Arrow were introduced into the series.

Both fans and critics were satisfied with the changes wrought by the DC Rebirth Initiative. The new Green Arrow series returned to its roots, reincorporating classic elements that the New 52 Green Arrow lacked, such as Oliver Queen’s romance with Black Canary and his partnership with Roy “Arsenal” Harper. This new series also introduced some elements from Arrow, including a more villainous Moira Queen and a more paternal Malcolm Merlyn.

The overlaps between the comics and CW TV show look to be coming to an end, however, as Green Arrow #36 ends with Emiko Queen – Oliver’s half-sister- sacrificing herself to save Oliver’s life.
*  *  *
The character of Emiko Queen is one of the odder compromises between both worlds. In the Rebirth reality, Oliver Queen’s father, Robert Queen, was part of a secretive group called The Outsiders, which was composed of various clans built around ancient weapons. While searching for a mystic Arrow totem, Robert Queen had an affair with the assassin Shado (no relation to the character of Shado on Arrow, it should be noted, apart from the shared name.) They had a daughter named Emiko, who was abducted by Robert’s protege, Komodo, and raised to hate The Queen Family. Eventually Emiko learned the truth of her heritage and joined her half-brother in fighting crime as Red Arrow.

Emiko’s confusing backstory has done more to turn away Arrow fans than attract them. Introduced into the series by Jeff Lemire as a parallel to Thea Queen, Emiko didn’t develop any personality traits beyond “murderous” and “rebellious” until Benjamin Percy started writing Green Arrow. It didn’t help matters that many comic readers saw her as a rip-off of Damian Wayne – the most recent Robin, who was also raised by assassins to kill the hero with whom they would eventually join forces.

With Emiko’s death, relatively few elements borrowed from Arrow remain in the Green Arrow comic. Moira Queen is still alive and willing to kill her own son, unlike her Arrow counterpart who only turned to villainy to protect her children. Tommy Merlyn, who was introduced as a villainous foil to Oliver Queen in Green Arrow #0, is still on the run. (Ironically, Tommy was turned into a villain in the comics before Arrow even aired!) John Diggle, now a traitor to Team Arrow in the comics (he abandoned the team to save Malcolm Merlyn, saying only that he owed Merlyn his life) is also still at large.

Time will tell if the rest of these elements will be removed from the series as well.

Edited by tv echo
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