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Green Arrow In Comics

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First review is negative and second review is positive (both because of focus on a supporting character while GA is sidelined)...

Green Arrow #7 (2016) review

Best Shots Review: GREEN ARROW #7 'A Terrific Character-Based' Issue
By Richard Gray  September 21, 2016 12:30pm ET

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4 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I hope Dinah shoved some Viagra in her bag before they got shipwrecked, because Oliver legit looks like a dirty old man.

So much romance tho! I bet ~no one will buy it!

Of course they will :) This run has been deemed 'magical' W/ Romance... I guess........ romance isn't just for fangirls?


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I just keep thinking how pissed the comics side of DC must have been when they found out that the TV side was killing off Black Canary, while they are trying to re-launch her and her romance with Green Arrow.

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3 minutes ago, Trini said:

I just keep thinking how pissed the comics side of DC must have been when they found out that the TV side was killing off Black Canary, while they are trying to re-launch her and her romance with Green Arrow.

The comics side of DC reads/approves Arrow scripts prior to filming, and handles ancillary merchandise licensing and sales (action figures, shirts, etc.)  It's very probable that they were part of the decision process.

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6 minutes ago, Trini said:

I just keep thinking how pissed the comics side of DC must have been when they found out that the TV side was killing off Black Canary, while they are trying to re-launch her and her romance with Green Arrow.

They probably didn't mind because they probably don't want the show and comics to be compared... 

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7 hours ago, wonderwall said:

They probably didn't mind because they probably don't want the show and comics to be compared... 

I agree but I think there is a odd visual that plays out so it seems almost like the comic diving into uber romance territory seems like a direct answer to what was done on Arrow.  Maybe it is as simple as they did see how badly done it was on Arrow and wanted to show the right version but if one didn't understand how long comics take to create, one might think they chose this story line to protest Arrow killing Laurel. 

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In case you're wondering, here's a sampling of reviews of Green Arrow #8 (which makes it all the more baffling why Arrow gets criticized for its romantic storylines) - plus, light symbolism! plus, Oliver looks old enough to be Dinah's father! oh, and apparently Diggle was in this issue as well...



This is a romance book through and through, with much of the book focused on Green Arrow whispering sweet nothings to Black Canary. Much of the book shows us at a happier time for them, including a sultry sex scene–which culminates into a bit of a fight between them. Percy does a good job showing how their upbringings change the way they look at hardships which gives their relationship an interesting wrinkle.
*  *  *
There’s very little action in this issue with much of it focused on the romance and I can’t say it carries things quite as effectively as it should have. Basically the book focuses too much on them, not mixing in enough of action or at the very least more info on the threat. In the collected format I’m sure this issue will feel fine, but in a single issue it’s not enough unless you’re dying for a romantic issue.



Having washed up onto a new island, Oliver is left hopeless and lost until Dinah (AKA Black Canary) appears. Don’t ask why or how, because I have no definite answers. All I know is that she and Diggle are somehow stuck on this rock with Oliver. The remainder of GREEN ARROW #8 follows the romance that is Dinah-ver. Sure we see Diggle get kidnaped by a robot bear and taken to some stranger’s lab (where he claims to run the island), but really it’s all about the love. Every page seemed to be Oliver and Dinah kissing, only to be interrupted by corny dialogue straight out of a Freddie Prinze Jr. rom-com.



Percy cleverly shows this by starting this issue with an Oliver that is about to give up to the darkness. But instead he flips it by not just adding Dinah to the issue. Also by having the first appearance of Dinah be with the sun shining brightly behind her Percy immediately showed us this wasn’t going to be a depressing story. Playing up the physical attraction between the two gave this issue a much lighter tone compared to the previous two arcs.
*  *  *
... Green Arrow #8 is a compelling look into the developing relationship of Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance. Benjamin Percy furthered the relationship by showing us the emotional aspect of the pairing and how they differ from one another. This is an element that has been missing from the two and I am glad that we are going to have it as something to be explored further down the line....



One of the biggest complaints about the New 52 was how our old staple relationships (Clark/Louis, Barry/Iris, Ollie/Dinah) were erased overnight. It left most readers a feeling of longing for a lost love. We got small dose back with the introduction of pre-Flashpoint Superman, but overall, it just wasn’t the same. Let’s be honest, while comic readers do want progressive material and diverse characters, we also like our old staples to be there for us to lean on. Well, if anyone has heard that criticism and taken it to heart, it was most assuredly Benjamin Percy.

This best thing to be said about this issue are quotes from the author’s twitter; “THE SEXIEST COMIC IN WORLD HISTORY” and “Hubba, hubba.” The majority of our time is  spent developing the relationship  between Ollie and Dinah, not just emotionally, but physically as well with an  impromptu  bathing scene that leaves  little to the imagination. However, the  sexuality between these characters is a scene we are used to by now. What we haven’t been treated much to  is the playful banter these two can enjoy which will easily bring a cheesy smile to your face.


Edited by tv echo
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Exclusive Preview: GREEN ARROW #9
by Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero on October 14, 2016


"ISLAND OF SCARS" part two! Lost and alone on a remote island, John Diggle finds a secret facility manufacturing illegal narcotics, and an eccentric drug king who'll stop at nothing to protect his empire. Where are Green Arrow and Black Canary, and will they reunite with Diggle before it's too late?

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This is a why I can't take comic fans of this new green arrow comic seriously or the ones talking about the comics. 

It's all a freaking soap opera but because someone else is taking the love interest spot on the show, it's apparently only the show that is a soap opera to them. So stupid.

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This is a little out of date but, I just came across it reading another article about how comic teen girls are drawn too sexy.

46% of Comic Readers are Female

Also Comic Sales for Green Arrow dropped another 10% this month, down to 52k issues sold in September.  However, that seems to be the normal drop for Rebirth at this point, excluding the big guns (Superman, Batman, etc). 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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The mask! The trick arrows! The facial hair! Green Arrow celebrates his 75th Anniversary this year and with a hit show on the air and a blockbuster new comic on the stands, he's never been more popular. Join us as we look back at the Emerald Archer through the years, as conveyed by many of his greatest artists. As tributes go, this one's on target!

Published on Oct 21, 2016, by DC Entertainment

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Some Green Arrow #9 reviews...

David Brooke  OCTOBER 19, 2016


Green Arrow is in love on a deserted island with the girl of his dreams. Sounds like the perfect happy ending for the character but, like with all dramatic stories, nothing can be perfect. Ollie and Black Canary face off against the threat of the island, but is it good?
*  *  *
You can’t deny Black Canary and Green Arrow are good together. The romantic relationship mixed with the occasional disagreement give the series a bit more character oomph. Writer Benjamin Percy does a nice job connecting the island narrative to the Ninth Circle. The story flows well and ends with a well deserved cliffhanger that propels the story forward too.

Review: GREEN ARROW #9
Aaron Long   October 19, 2016


After the steamiest moments in superhero comics this year, Arrow & Canary search the island to find Diggle and get the hell off the rock. Naturally, they find something bizarre and are stuck in something more sinister than they had anticipated.

Which is all great. When it’s executed as well as this is, the schtick of heroes blazing into something headfirst and being in over their heads (and consequently also messing things up worse) is just entertaining comics. Percy has zeroed in on what makes these characters great and I love the dynamic he has built between Ollie and Dinah. These two have a connection and it’s simply nice to read, as there aren’t many couples in comics these days. Dinah is the character that makes Ollie work and Percy definitely gets that, with Ollie even admitting it at points on the page. The title hero is stronger when she’s on the page with him, and I’m continually pleased as this title rolls along by how well Percy is fleshing out Ollie’s supporting cast. They all enrich him and strengthen him as the title character of this book in different ways and they allow Percy to keep Green Arrow off in his own world and stories without the need to be embroiled in the crossover of the day to facilitate some interactions with other characters. Percy works really well with the arrows he’s got in the quiver and this issue supports my belief that Ollie works best in a group (certainly this Percy version, anyway).

GREEN ARROW #9 Review: Opposites Attract
Brad Sloan  Posted: 5 days ago


Benjamin Percy nailed the whole opposites attract theme in this issue. The married couple don’t agree on the Ninth Circle’s island involvement. Ana is “Team: Ninth Circle Drug Money” where Ata is “Team: Get The Hell Of My Land And Let Me Live In Peace.” Percy also tries to let the reader know that Oliver and Dinah are opposites as well. They bicker throughout the issue like an old married couple. For me personally, Percy failed to convince me that they’re so different. It just seems like Oliver has a big mouth and Dinah keeps telling him to shut up. They both fight crime, they both make corny quips, they’re both hot blonds… I just don’t see much contrast.

Exclusive Preview: GREEN ARROW #9
by Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero on October 14, 2016

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"It feels like a perfect partnership....like we're one person, moving and breathing and tracking together."

Oh my word, that is vomit worthy. I guess the comics aren't ones for subtlety either. Yikes.

How funny that GA being in a relationship gives the character more depth and oomph and the hero is stronger with her but romance on the show is icky and bad. I sure do love the taste of hypocrisy!

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How funny that GA being in a relationship gives the character more depth and oomph and the hero is stronger with her but romance on the show is icky and bad. I sure do love the taste of hypocrisy!

You will find people who hate romance in all mediums, TV, Comics, Novels,Movies etc . Some people are romance haters by default. Comics are not free from this opposition either, so where is the hypocrisy.

Then some hate romance in the show (or comics) because of the story type/execution/writing. They could very much dislike a particular ship and not all romance on the show. So its not exactly fair  or honest to simply others' preferences or opinions into "romance on the show is seen as icky and bad", without any consideration of factors and explanation behind them. 

Edited by HeroLeague
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2 hours ago, Angel12d said:

How funny that GA being in a relationship gives the character more depth and oomph and the hero is stronger with her but romance on the show is icky and bad. I sure do love the taste of hypocrisy!

Just reminds me of the most LOL-worthy thing I've seen when someone explained why they thought L/O was acceptable for the show, but not Olicity: "Because L/O is comics canon, it's not romance!"

Edited by lemotomato
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Awesome news, Green Arrow is back in injustice?.  Its been a long time. 



I think part of their appeal is that it isnt a long drawn out will they or wont they and (thus far in this run) isn't full of stupid drama. They are fun together and still plenty of action.  

Maybe. Whatever the appeal, all people are certainly free to have their own preferences,justified or not . Hate the ship sure but there is no need to mock other people for what they like. 

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2 minutes ago, HeroLeague said:

Maybe. Whatever the appeal, all people are certainly free to have their own preferences, justified or not. Hate the ship sure but there is no need to mock other people for what they like. 

I think it's the hypocrisy being mocked, not the individual preference.  

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I think it's the hypocrisy being mocked, not the individual preference.

But we dont hear this other side of the story, just your accounts of their opinions. This whole thing sort of goes into fan talk territory anyway, which is not allowed here, so Its rather not fair to bring up comic book fans again and again. So maybe we should focus on the topic of the thread  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯not other fans and their opinions. 

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7 minutes ago, HeroLeague said:

But we dont hear this other side of the story, just your accounts of their opinions. This whole thing sort of goes into fan talk territory anyway, which is not allowed here, so Its rather not fair to bring up comic book fans again and again. So maybe we should focus on the topic of the thread  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯not other fans and their opinions. 

You were the one who started talking about what kind of people like and dislike romance. The previous posters were comparing romance in the comics to romance in the show without mentioning anything about fans.

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You were the one who started talking about what kind of people like and dislike romance. The previous posters were comparing romance in the comics to romance in the show without mentioning anything about fans.

Emilybettfan comments explicitly mentions comic book fans as been some other past posts, and some posts imply comic fans. Way before I even posted. I did start talking about fans to defend the comic fan side of this story, since Im one, but Im saying now lets not put each other in that position to break that rule. 

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4 minutes ago, HeroLeague said:

Emilybettfan comments explicitly mentions comic book fans

On a post from October 16 which the thread had already moved on from. It's totally fair for people to think the romance in the comic book is gross or stupid or dumb and say so. It's also totally fair for folks to snark about the irony that the GA comic book is now all about romance when the show is all noromo. There is always and forever an implication of fans, since, well, this is a board that talks about things that have fans. But nobody was mentioning the fans since that one post from Oct 16... and then you brought it up.

And hi, I'm a comic book fan, and I love romance above all other things on the planet, and I'm still 100% okay with people snarking about the GA/BC romance in the comics. Because I find it dumbtastic and gross and stupid.

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But nobody was mentioning the fans since that one post from Oct 16... and then you brought it up.

9 days ago, if its to you, cool, its not a long time to me. Especially when the post is still on the same page as current posts. If Im not mistaken, implying other fans is not allowed either. Its tricky, I know. 


And hi, I'm a comic book fan, and I love romance above all other things on the planet, and I'm still 100% okay with people snarking about the GA/BC romance in the comics. Because I find it dumbtastic and gross and stupid.

No need to tell me, I dont care, I know not every person in a group feels the same and Im very cool with that. I didnt mean to sound like I was speaking for all comic fans, just me and some.

1,2,3 I hope we can all startover....

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If the writer has the "season" planned out, I think they will be fine. I say probably at least another 6months-year. 

DInah & Ollie were perfection in the Injustice series, I hope it is something that continues to be shown in the main series. 


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If the writer has the "season" planned out, I think they will be fine. I say probably at least another 6months-year. 

If they have a long term plan cool, with DC's history of losing creators, Im surprised they have come this far without any issues. Yeah  I liked GA/BC writing in the Injustice while it lasted, then they killed off Green Arrow (: . 


There is a robot bear! That sounds fun.

Just read the comic. Wow its true, there is a robot bear!. Weird comic but so far still far better than new 52. 

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10 hours ago, HeroLeague said:

Emilybettfan comments explicitly mentions comic book fans as been some other past posts, and some posts imply comic fans. Way before I even posted. I did start talking about fans to defend the comic fan side of this story, since Im one, but Im saying now lets not put each other in that position to break that rule. 

I will continue to also because some comic fans love to snark about Olicity fans. Anyway for the most part I made that post because the author of these comics was the one who chose to leave Felicity out of the comics and still add Diggle. I was relating the comics Dinah and Oliver back to Olicity from the show because this whole comic to me is soap opera and how it's hilarious since this was what these comic fans were complaining about on the show. I'm allowed to share this opinion and it's true. We see it all over Facebook for instance. This comic is the biggest contradiction I've ever seen. So is the author.

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I was relating the comics Dinah and Oliver back to Olicity from the show because this whole comic to me is soap opera and how it's hilarious since this was what these comic fans were complaining about on the show. I'm allowed to share this opinion and it's true.  This comic is the biggest contradiction I've ever seen. So is the author.

The book is not centrally focused on romance, so far its only the latest 2 issues that has been GA/BC centric out of 9.  After GA, his sister Emiko has had the 2nd most focus. Superhero Comics do have soap opera elements which is not a bad thing, but action/superheroing is meant to be the main focus. Just as is expected in DCTV shows. Sure this GA comic might descend into a soap opera, and they will pay for it in lost readership and bad reviews. Its not only Arrow/superheroTV that is held to this standard. 

The comic is contradictory? well yeah that how DC comics operates these days, they make contradictory/wtf decisions all the time for all their products. Its not good business strategy but its not easy running a long serialised content business either. JMO.

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