Kris117 September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 Loved this episode! I am hoping for a Vanessa/John/Steve Final 3, although I would be okay with any of them winning, except for Julia right now. If her sister leaves and she does a good job playing on her own, my opinion of her game would improve. Whoever edited this episode has a great comedic sense. The cutaways to John sulking when he was bitching about the twins in the HOH room! Austin's expression over learning his girlfriend thinks it's Sigmund and Freud! And the time clock on Steve's popping in and out to wake Austin up. Really funny! All that on top of good strategy-- definitely one of the best episodes of the season! I especially loved that they showed Liz's (or was it Julia's?) reaction to Steve's announcement, "Who wants to see my HoH room?" She groaned, "I sure don't," and then went upstairs and gushed over everything. Yes, they kind of do that anyway, but they were a bit over the top. Then there was the contrast between JMac's glum appearance in the HoH room with his glee commenting on the twins in the DR. I cackled hard at those cut-ins. Liz has a mean side, huh? She took a dig at Steve at the end, calling him a socially awkward nerd. I get being upset when you're on the block and going home is a reality, but did she really think Steve was going to keep her Austwins/twins alliance solid til the end? Why? Because she and Julia are nice to him?? These people kill me. Sometimes they really, truly don't understand moves that people make to benefit their own game instead of the other person. They (well, Austin, but they work as a group) *just* put Steve up. She just finished talking so much crap about him to Vanessa. So he should sacrifice his opportunity to be better than 5th in line because you allowed him the privilege of being in your presence? So glad Steve isn't so swayed by being "accepted" by the popular kids that he hurt his game. Me, too. On the other hand, a lot of houseguests have that same emotional if illogical reaction when first nominated, and I'm okay with that early reaction. It's the ones who never let it go who bug me big time. Speaking of Steve's HOH room, it says a lot about the guy that the main thing he wanted was a photo of the very adorable Harrison (his nephew?). I have always had a thing for the shy, nerdy guys and I really hope some nice, sweet girl scoops Steve up after his time in the BB house. That was really sweet. For some reason, I thought Steve was an only child, but I guess not. I also liked the conversations Vanessa had with Steve. When I contrast the way she talks when she's alone with him against the way she talks when she's alone with some of the others, she seems a little less fake with Steve. Of course, she is trying to manipulate him into doing what she thinks is best for her game, but she just feels less guarded to me. He made her laugh at some point, and it sounded more light-hearted than I've heard her up to this point. The Sigmund/Freud and their tiger bit? OMG! I recall a conversation on the Liz board not long ago that indicated she went to a very good school and was actually pretty smart. I sincerely hope #SigmundAndFreud was Liz and Julia pretending to be giggly dumb blondes for whatever reason, because if that was real....Yikes! Best part was definitely the look on Austin's face during that conversation. It looked like the blood finally started traveling north again and he was actually listening to this girl he is so crazy about speak for the first time. Plus, for a few minutes, he was the only person in the room who got what everyone was talking about. Julia and Liz were stuck on Sigmund [sic] and Roy, and not connecting on Freud, and Steve had no clue as to where in La-La land they had taken the conversation. So funny. Everyone, no matter how intelligent, has gaps in knowledge or momentary memory circuit failure, but not getting a reference to a cliché like Sigmund Freud and the Oedipal Complex is a moment worthy of Jordan. Oh, and Liz's running out of the nomination meeting in tears was completely juvenile and, I believe, meant to make Steve feel like crap for putting her up. I don't hold it against Austin for not chasing after her. I am new to the show, but I am fairly certain the HGs aren't supposed to leave the room during the nomination ceremony. I don't remember seeing someone rush out like that before. It probably has happened, because each of the BB seasons flies through my brain like an express train making no stops, but it is definitely out of the norm. 3 Link to comment
Eolivet September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 (edited) Is Photoshop an official sponsor this year? What is the show's obsession with (poorly) placing people's heads onto other people's bodies? I half-expect the next comp to be "identify the bodies with emoji heads." Disappointed we didn't get to see more of the "during show" conversations that usually happen during Double Eviction. I guess it was an uneventful HoH reign. I miss the days when 60 different deals were being made and people were pleading for their show lives until the very last minute. I felt like they didn't really give a good indication why Austin and Julia -- who both seemed to pretty much hate Johnny Mac -- chose to keep him over James. I guess Liz's whole "you're a pawn, don't worry" convo was supposed to suffice as explanation. Edited September 8, 2015 by Eolivet Link to comment
Turtle September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 I think they didn't show much of for exactly that reason- they're wasn't much to show. James had become odd man out and so when forced to make a quick decision, he was the easy one. Julia winning veto meant there was no discussion needed about that (or at least no reason to explain to us why she didn't use it). Once James was on the block, Austin and Julia are of course going to vote for Liz's target, Steve won't vote to evict John, and Vanessa wanted James gone more than anyone else did because he was gunning for her. So James was easy, and it didn't require a lot of talk. Had there been a week to think about it, or had anyone else won veto, there might have been more scrambling. 3 Link to comment
Tara Ariano September 8, 2015 Author Share September 8, 2015 In case you missed it, here's the Previously.TV post on the episode! Big Brother Contestants Eat Their Own / After the previous eviction, everyone is friends with everyone else. But not for long. Link to comment
laurakaye September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 I could have gone my whole life without having to hear about Austin's kissing abilities. Just ew. Listening to Julia and Liz talk about Austin's "saliva-uhhhhhh." I will never be able to un-hear that. NEVER, I TELL YOU. 7 Link to comment
Wootini September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 Watching LIz's eyes fill up with tears as she realized that the other hamsters weren't just going to hand her the prize money was delicious, but then when she ran out of the room and hid in bed under the covers was icing on the cake. Every season there's always that housguest who seems to act like they're entitled to the prize and everyone should just help them win it because they're so wonderful or something. And when they finally come crashing down to Earth, it's always a great moment. I do get the whole "Put up Austin and Liz so Julia can't win Veto and take one of them off" idea, but I'm hoping that if Liz is still on the block come Thursday, they send her packing. That's the one that makes the most sense. You're breaking up the showmance and the strongest alliance in the house at the same time if you get rid of her. It should also upset Julia so much that she won't be able to concentrate in the subsequent HoH comp. (I hope) Austin, I don't think would be as bothered… ;) 3 Link to comment
ghoulina September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 I do get the whole "Put up Austin and Liz so Julia can't win Veto and take one of them off" idea, The idea, as I understand it, is based on Julia being the weakest competitor out of the three. So she's the least likely to win Veto. If Austin or Liz win, they can take themselves off, but can't ensure anyone else's safety. If the person who wasn't nominated wins Veto, not only can they save on member of Austwins, but they are safe as well. So that's the most dangerous situation Steve could face - the non-nominated member winning. Since Julia isn't much of a winner, he feels safest leaving her in that position. 1 Link to comment
Wootini September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 Yeah, I get that. But what I meant was that the show was angling it to make it seem like Steve was actually thinking of targeting Austin when they should really be getting rid of Liz. Link to comment
ghoulina September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 Yeah, I get that. But what I meant was that the show was angling it to make it seem like Steve was actually thinking of targeting Austin when they should really be getting rid of Liz. Ohhh, okay. Yea, I am with you on thinking Liz is the smarter bet, if she's left on the block. Like you said, she has strong ties to two people in the house. If she was gone, I don't know how much Austin and Julia would really want to stay together. But I think John came to Steve with the concern that if Liz was gone, Austin would go back to being all buddy-buddy with Vanessa. However, I still think Liz is the way to go. What's a stronger pair? Liz-Julia? Or Austin-Vanessa? It's a no brainer to me. 1 Link to comment
Kris117 September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 Yes, I think Steve's concern is valid, but those Austin/Liz and Liz/Julia bonds are stronger. Also, I see this end group as being very flexible about who they'll be aligned with from week to week. Usually, there's a tight alliance left who are bound and determined to make it to the end together, an opposing tight alliance, and then hangers-on who think they are part of one of those groups, or a couple of floaters. This group, though, is more like a nexus of interlocking parts. Squeeze it one way by declaring a new HoH for the week, and the individual parts bind together in one configuration. Squeeze it another way when someone goes home and there's a new HoH, and the group adapts by grouping in a different configuration. Even though there is a lot of emotion expressed when nominations are made and people are sent home, this final group is working with a degree of emotional detachment that is refreshing. There's an absence of that demonizing of the other side that has characterized most seasons. It's not totally absent, but it is not dominating the game. They each have a preference of whom they want to get to F3 with, but they aren't rigidly locked into that preference. Clumsily expressed, but that's my take on the Final 6. Oh, I forgot to mention one thing about the episode that caught my eye. The sound bite that led into the opening sequence was Steve being sick into the sink. Then, during one of the middle rounds of the competition, when he just barely finished the puzzle in time to stay in the competition, he grabbed his stomach and his mouth and I think he came very close to being sick on camera. As I said earlier, I loved this episode because it was so funny and because events went the way I wanted them to. However, this is my favorite episode for one standout reason: I was deathly afraid that Austin was going to make it to F3 without ever having been on the block, but now that's not going to happen! 4 Link to comment
LoneHaranguer September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 You guys, come on. Thursday Julia didn't know that saying you got a "W" meant you got a win and today they not only both don't know what salutatorian is but think Sigmund Freud was bitten by his tiger. They DID go to high school, didn't they? I never heard of a salutatorian until years after I graduated; the high schools in my area didn't have them. It's a little odd to be honoring the top loser (which is what second place is). Freud is easy to miss since he's parodied but rarely mentioned by name. And really, really loved Steve and John being giddy about how stupid the Austwins were to boot James over John. They're dumbasses. The Austwins were screwed either way if they didn't keep hold of HOH. 1 Link to comment
candall September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 It's a little odd to be honoring the top loser (which is what second place is). LOL. I've heard "second place is just top loser" before, but then the kid always turns around and throws the race or the spelling bee at the last minute to teach Craig T. Nelson a lesson. 2 Link to comment
Petunia13 September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 The phrase Freudian slip is quite common, used in sitcoms. 2 Link to comment
mostlylurking September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 The Sigmund Freud convo was funny. I think Austin is gross but I loved his reaction shots and that he was finally like "You mean Sigfreid and Roy you dummies". I even felt a little bad that first production tells us that he smells, and now Liz outs him as a bad kisser. He's gross but that's still a little mean. I thought it was funny Steve kept going in to awkwardly see if Austin was awake. When he finally did wake up Steve was just like Oh sorry, did I wake you? Hee. Liz and Austin have no reason to be mad at Steve but of course they still will be. It's strictly about numbers and it's true that Steve is at the bottom of the totem pole. I don't think it's personal at all. I think that they actually will get this, but human nature being what it is they are still going to have some bad feelings. 3 Link to comment
laurakaye September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 (edited) Go Steve! He seems to finally be playing smart and using his awesome salutatorian brain. If he can manage to keep it up and not hurl, hyperventilate or pass out during the final two, he's got this game won! My favorite part is when he turned to the camera and called the Austwins idiots - then repeated it with rage, "ID-I-OTS!" You go, boy! I might have a 94% crush on him. Not 93%, mind you........ Edited September 8, 2015 by laurakaye 5 Link to comment
ghoulina September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 I thought it was funny Steve kept going in to awkwardly see if Austin was awake. When he finally did wake up Steve was just like Oh sorry, did I wake you? Hee. That was so funny. Especially since roughly 20 minutes had elapsed. That was it! He was walking back in there every few minutes! 3 Link to comment
LoneHaranguer September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 The phrase Freudian slip is quite common, used in sitcoms. But, how many viewers are going to look up where the phrase comes from? He's been mentioned by name on The Big Bang Theory, along with Adler, and a whole host of other names from various fields, but I doubt anything sticks with most people, even when the writers try to be educational. Link to comment
Guest September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 They publish what info is supplied to them. I can't imagine that they demand proof of GPA, etc. I'm betting the 'cum laude' b.s. is pure Big Brother because Liz doesn't claim it on her LinkedIn. Why would she? It's public info, pretty much, which someone here found out with probably 30 seconds of googling. They exaggerate everyone. Austin hasn't been a 'pro wrestler' in years, and wasn't one for long. Davonne was probably not a poker dealer or she'd know who Vanessa was. What did they call Frankie-- a "Youtube sensation"? Becky's 'train' was a tram and her long recovery story appears to be baloney. Link to comment
slasherboy September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 (edited) I even felt a little bad that first production tells us that he smells, and now Liz outs him as a bad kisser. He's gross but that's still a little mean. I don't feel bad at all nor do I think it's mean. When a person agrees to be on live, national television 24/7 for 3-ish months, everything they say and do ... and I mean everything! ... becomes fun fodder for the viewers. If he was concerned something personal might be revealed or poked fun at, then the's on the wrong show. I loved it! Edited September 10, 2015 by slasherboy 2 Link to comment
Stripper Glitter September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 I've been waiting for this to happen. Believe it or not, I was caught in a natural disaster situation with two strangers who were identical twins. Since it was just the three of us--shifting heavy stuff around and orchestrating our movements (and no changing clothes for days!)--I really needed to be able to specify which person I was talking to. They were used to it and just laughed, but I felt ridiculous that I could NOT figure out some facial or physical detail to differentiate them. "The one with the ponytail" would take off her hair scrunchie and I'd be back to zero. We're all still close and now they don't even look very much alike. I'm shocked that strangers can never tell them apart. An off-topic, but true story. That's funny. I have identical twin friends from high school and have never had a lick of trouble telling them apart. It always puzzled me that people did. Now, get them on the phone, and I was confused. Very very similar voices. 1 Link to comment
backformore September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 Don't forget he wants to make out all the time (same hammock convo) and that he has octopus arms and is tattooed (badly) head to toe. Quite a catch indeed. ETA: He also has an aversion to wearing shirts. What exactly ARE his tattoos about? I see tree roots, and branches or vines snaking around his torso and arms. Anybody get a better idea of what they are? I mean, besides being gross. 5 Link to comment
Former Nun September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 The phrase Freudian slip is quite common, used in sitcoms. And everyday conversation. 4 Link to comment
alegtostandon September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 What exactly ARE his tattoos about? I see tree roots, and branches or vines snaking around his torso and arms. Anybody get a better idea of what they are? I mean, besides being gross. I thought they were supposed to be veins, I like tree roots better. I do not feel sorry for Austin either. He wants public attention, he's got it! Just wonder if girlfriend back home has the same reaction to his kissing 'non' abilities. Link to comment
laurakaye September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 I have been a reality tv junkie for longer than I care to remember, and some of the crap I've watched with glee is truly embarrassing to admit. But I have never felt the creepy vibes I get with the Austin/Liz relationship. I don't watch or follow the live feeds so I know I am missing a lot of detail, but I cannot get over the fact that Liz seems truly uncomfortable around Austin but continues to lead him on, while Austin is missing some glaringly obvious clues that he should back off but ignores them. It's not a cute showmance, it's a disturbing one, and the show is portraying it as such. (And one more thing - NKOTB, you have the most awesome user name ever). 3 Link to comment
Guest September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 I don't think Austin is missing cues except maybe that Liz doesn't want to make out as much as he does. She's quite comfortable using him as all else, it looks like to me. She called him "my boo" and is very warm to him in most scenes where they're cuddled up to each other, sleeping together, etc. I don't think a woman needs to send subtle cues that have to be picked up on by a male or else she's a victim. We can use words. And unsubtle cues. A pretty woman like Liz knows full well how to rebuff unwelcome advances and what she's doing with Austin really isn't it. And everyday conversation. Ha! My 10th grader laughed out loud at that whole segment, so at least one normal American female has heard of Freud by age 15. Link to comment
nkotb September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 (And one more thing - NKOTB, you have the most awesome user name ever). Woo hoo! My first shoutout - thank you so much! PS - totally agree you with the Austin/Liz romance being creepy. They get out of the house on Wednesday or Thursday (can't remember when the finale is, although, I'm thinking Wednesday, for the "Survivor" lead-in), I'd bet my house that they won't be a couple by Friday evening (if they're even still a couple on finale night). When they showed him holding her head in place to kiss her, that sent up huge red flags for me. Maybe that's why he's a bad kisser, because she can't move at all. 1 Link to comment
ghoulina September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 I think Liz sends mixed signals. In the beginning there were definitely more "get away from me!" signals. And he was not picking up on those. But if you're trying to subtlety trying to get a guy to leave you alone and it's not working, then you get more direct. You go right to him and say, "You're a great guy, but I'm not into you like that and when you're always touching me, it makes me uncomfortable". Liz, as far as I have seen, has never done that. And instead I have seen HER at times initiate contact. Now, could she be doing this for her game? Was she worried if she spurned him, it would paint a target on her back? Possibly. But I still think there are other ways of dealing with the situation without letting it go as far as she has. She could tell him her parents are super religious, so no touching on camera other than a little hug here or there. Austin has always seemed completely smitten with her, so I'd wager she could have kept things a lot more low key and still have had his loyalty. Honestly? I think part of her interaction with him is game, but I also see her as one of those girls who just gets off on the attention of men. If she's willing to put up with it to get that ego boots, that protection in the game - then she deserves all the beard rash she gets. 3 Link to comment
Nashville September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 I have been a reality tv junkie for longer than I care to remember, and some of the crap I've watched with glee is truly embarrassing to admit. But I have never felt the creepy vibes I get with the Austin/Liz relationship. I don't watch or follow the live feeds so I know I am missing a lot of detail, but I cannot get over the fact that Liz seems truly uncomfortable around Austin but continues to lead him on, while Austin is missing some glaringly obvious clues that he should back off but ignores them. It's not a cute showmance, it's a disturbing one, and the show is portraying it as such. I'd have to disagree. I think last season's Beast Mode Bunny Boiler after-school special was much more creepy. 4 Link to comment
Former Nun September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 Austin has always seemed completely smitten with her, This may be the key. She has probably had boyfriends, but this is "a man" who is definitely gaga and she was drawn into that. 2 Link to comment
Guest September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 I think the courtship dance involves a lot of withdrawing and advancing, especially on the part of the female, and it's very normal for a man to not just give up completely at the first mild rebuff. Sure, he has to be careful not to cross the line into "whoa there, buddy" territory but I feel like Liz (especially with 24/7 camera monitoring) has never been in the least bit of danger or other manipulation by Austin which she couldn't handle. I think Austin is the one being more manipulated, and they probably both know that. He seems desperate to extend his 15 minutes of fame and willing to play the smitten puppy at any cost, if it helps him get air time and name recognition later. Link to comment
ghoulina September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 All very true. But when Austin was immediately trying to secure his safety with Steve and not batting an eye at the prospect of the twins going up, I almost had to wonder who was using who? I definitely think Austin is into Liz, especially physically. But he was VERY quick to start playing for himself and only himself. Prior to this last episode, I had almost envisioned Austin throwing himself on the bomb, to save Liz. Now I'm beginning to wonder if his allegiance to her isn't largely a game strategy, just as hers is? 2 Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 I just want to know how Judas feels about this whole Liz thing... 6 Link to comment
Nashville September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 I just want to know how Judas feels about this whole Liz thing... Really? I find myself of a different mindset altogether. I don't give a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut what Judas thinks about anything. YMMV, of course. 5 Link to comment
LoneHaranguer September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 I definitely think Austin is into Liz, especially physically. But he was VERY quick to start playing for himself and only himself. Are you suggesting that if he were to win the money, he wouldn't spend any of it on his new GF? 1 Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 *grins at Nashville* I'd think that an Austin win could go two ways... if he does it by beating Liz that relationship is over, if it's against someone else the money will keep them together at least until the money runs out. Link to comment
ghoulina September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 I'd think that an Austin win could go two ways... if he does it by beating Liz that relationship is over, if it's against someone else the money will keep them together at least until the money runs out. I'd think this is probably accurate. I've long believed Liz's 93% into him is 90% game, maybe 3% actually liking him. And now I'm thinking Austin being into her is largely game, although maybe more evenly split with actually liking her. 1 Link to comment
candall September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 Having your kiss technique trashed on national television is harsh, but I approved it as partial compensation for that girlfriend who's waiting back at the ranch for Austin to be liberated so he can drop by and retroactively dump her. Link to comment
yankee1151 September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Honestly? I think part of her interaction with him is game, but I also see her as one of those girls who just gets off on the attention of men. If she's willing to put up with it to get that ego boots, that protection in the game - then she deserves all the beard rash she gets. I don't know why, but "beard rash" gave me a grosser visual than #fingergate All very true. But when Austin was immediately trying to secure his safety with Steve and not batting an eye at the prospect of the twins going up, I almost had to wonder who was using who? I definitely think Austin is into Liz, especially physically. But he was VERY quick to start playing for himself and only himself. Prior to this last episode, I had almost envisioned Austin throwing himself on the bomb, to save Liz. Now I'm beginning to wonder if his allegiance to her isn't largely a game strategy, just as hers is? I think Liz was 93%-100% using Austin for game (I do NOT feel sorry for Austin at all, he IS creepy and he cannot read body language at all - Liz is not a very convincing actress) but I think she was doing it in preparation for the exact scenario that came about this week. Now that they're on the block together, she is hoping he wins veto and tanks his own game by using it on HER. I am 93%-100% sure that is not going to happen. So all that beard rash (ew) will have been for nothing. 2 Link to comment
slasherboy September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I don't know why, but "beard rash" gave me a grosser visual than #fingergate Guess it depends on where her rash actually is. I just made myself hurl. 2 Link to comment
Nashville September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Guess it depends on where her rash actually is. I just made myself hurl. Not me. All I did was throw up in my mouth a little. Thank you very fucking much. 2 Link to comment
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