Wootini September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 As soon as they realized that Liz and Julia were switching places, they should have IMMEDIATELY targeted Liz for eviction. Even if they weren't sure that a twist would bring both twins into the game eventually, it's the kind of situation that should make a BB hamster super-paranoid. But they didn't. And then Liz got another ally in the game. At which point, the other houseguests should have realized they'd made a terrible mistake and immediately targeted one of the twins to break up what is clearly the strongest alliance in the house. But they didn't. They all deserve whatever they get. (Which will be having to choose between Liz and Julia in the final two and possibly voting for the wrong twin by accident… seriously, I can't tell them apart!) 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1476666
laurakaye September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 Just about the only upside to last night's rubber-stamping of the Austwins inexorable march to the final was that the surprise double eviction meant that the idiots didn't have a chance to rehearse their stupid "passing each other on the way to diary room" choreography. When did that fresh hell start, anyway? So much this. I realize they have plenty of time on their hands, so I'm thinking they must spend considerable time inventing and then memorizing those stupid hallway rituals. What I have always wanted to know - are they given scripts to memorize when they do the weekly stuff like nominate other HG's, draw for veto players, or stand at the memory wall looking pensive and sad? The words never, ever change. How they all keep a completely straight face is beyond me. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1476686
AbsoluteShower September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 So much this. I realize they have plenty of time on their hands, so I'm thinking they must spend considerable time inventing and then memorizing those stupid hallway rituals. What I have always wanted to know - are they given scripts to memorize when they do the weekly stuff like nominate other HG's, draw for veto players, or stand at the memory wall looking pensive and sad? The words never, ever change. How they all keep a completely straight face is beyond me. "One of my duties as head of household..." - It's your ONLY duty, you numbskull!! "With that being said..." "This [veto/nomination] ceremony is adjourned..." "Hey everybody it's time for the [veto meeting/nomination ceremony]" - just once, wouldn't it be great to have someone just bust open the door and say "Alright idiots, let's DO this!!" etc etc ad nauseum until the world explodes.... 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1476709
Guest September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 I'm sure they're not only given scripts but they also have cue cards during the ceremonies. And I figure the hallway antics are choreographed from above and pre-rehearsed. "Meg and Steve, you do a little left-to-left hip bump like this, now practice it yourselves. Austin and Vanessa, you do a jump high-5 like this..." Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1476745
AbsoluteShower September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 I'm sure they're not only given scripts but they also have cue cards during the ceremonies. And I figure the hallway antics are choreographed from above and pre-rehearsed. "Meg and Steve, you do a little left-to-left hip bump like this, now practice it yourselves. Austin and Vanessa, you do a jump high-5 like this..." "Liz and Vanessa - pretend you're looking in a mirror, because TWINSIES!!!" 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1476759
AbsoluteShower September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 Oh, and I'm so over the classy exit as well - bring back the good old days when you never knew when evicted houseguests would totally go off on the others before leaving. How fondly I remember Howie knocking Mike Boogie's douchehat off his head on his way out of the door... 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1476784
TaraS1 September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 I hate that James had to go, because he was the only one who seemed to get that it was a game to be won. He told Clay & Shelli he wouldn't put them up? Fuck that, he put them up. THAT is how you play Big Brother! You don't vomit in the sink because you're afraid of Vanessa, or let a freaking three-headed twinsie/showmance monster traipse to the end without a care in the world. What is wrong with these weaklings?? On a side note, all I can think of when I see the twins is that they look like a couple of mean, haggard, Valley Girl versions of Natalie Dormer. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1476798
ghoulina September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 They all deserve whatever they get. (Which will be having to choose between Liz and Julia in the final two and possibly voting for the wrong twin by accident… seriously, I can't tell them apart!) I agree. They totally deserve it. Were I in that house, I would have been gunning for Liz/Julia the minute I knew there were twins. I realize there were other tight bonds in the house, but nothing is tighter than twin sisters. And the fact that Austin would do anything for Liz didn't make it any better. Not only should the outsiders have been all over that, but their own alliance members shouldn't have let it get this far either. They're morons. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1476955
AbsoluteShower September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 I agree. They totally deserve it. Were I in that house, I would have been gunning for Liz/Julia the minute I knew there were twins. I realize there were other tight bonds in the house, but nothing is tighter than twin sisters. And the fact that Austin would do anything for Liz didn't make it any better. Not only should the outsiders have been all over that, but their own alliance members shouldn't have let it get this far either. They're morons. *shoulder shimmy*"Oh My Goooooddddddd-uuuuuhhhhhhhh! We woooooonnnnnnnnn-uuuuuuuhhhhh!!*shoulder shimmy* That's right morons - that's what you'll be hearing in three weeks. And thereafter in your nightmares... 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1476978
candall September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 Oh, and I'm so over the classy exit as well - bring back the good old days when you never knew when evicted houseguests would totally go off on the others before leaving. How fondly I remember Howie knocking Mike Boogie's douchehat off his head on his way out of the door... Yes, please. Last night I think everyone hugged everyone else. Is there really no middle ground between the unmitigated racism/sexism/assholery I've heard about in other seasons and this whole barn full of My Little Ponies? . 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477025
Tara Ariano September 4, 2015 Author Share September 4, 2015 In case you missed it, here's the Previously.TV post on the episode! Big Brother Gets A Second Chance To Double-Tap / When double eviction comes around again, nobody wants to make the same mistake twice. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477028
LoneHaranguer September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 "Hey everybody it's time for the [veto meeting/nomination ceremony]" - just once, wouldn't it be great to have someone just bust open the door and say "Alright idiots, let's DO this!!" Or anything else that doesn't try to pretend that they're not all gathered in the room for exactly that reason. Even better would be if the announcement were followed by Johnny Mac saying "I'll go get Steve" and running off to the bathroom to tell him (Steve being the most likely to have excused himself for an attack of nerves). Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477040
backformore September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 I love all you guys! I feel like we're watching the show together, and all agreeing. I have not watched a season of BB before, and I'm intrigued, but the only one left that I have any positive feelings toward is Steve, and it's really more pity than anything else. Maybe if Vanessa wasn't around to bully him, I could figure out whether or not to like him. These people conspire against each other and pretend they're conspiring WITH the people they're getting rid of, then hug them and promise to be BFF's till the end of time. I would NEVER be able to be on a show like this. I can be coolly polite to people I don't like, but I don't have it in me to be fake enough to HUG someone I despise, or someone who betrayed me. I could , however, be fake-nice to Vanessa (otherwise she'd talk me to death), agree to do what she wants, and do the opposite. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477284
Harperlee1 September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 Sorry Jmac lovers, but I was reallllly hoping he would've gotten sent out last night. It would've been hilarious after having the opportunity to break up the power alliance and not doing it. He looked like a scared puppy after he got chosen and it was glorious. I'm normally not so mean, I swear lol. I'm just so frustrated with these people I can't stand it. Like I legit get anxiety over it! Ugh. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477299
AbsoluteShower September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 I love all you guys! I feel like we're watching the show together, and all agreeing. I have not watched a season of BB before, and I'm intrigued, but the only one left that I have any positive feelings toward is Steve, and it's really more pity than anything else. Maybe if Vanessa wasn't around to bully him, I could figure out whether or not to like him. These people conspire against each other and pretend they're conspiring WITH the people they're getting rid of, then hug them and promise to be BFF's till the end of time. I would NEVER be able to be on a show like this. I can be coolly polite to people I don't like, but I don't have it in me to be fake enough to HUG someone I despise, or someone who betrayed me. I could , however, be fake-nice to Vanessa (otherwise she'd talk me to death), agree to do what she wants, and do the opposite. That's another thing that grinds my gears - the phony baloney "you're all amazing people and I love each and every one of you" speeches from the eviction noms. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477352
AbsoluteShower September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 Sorry Jmac lovers, but I was reallllly hoping he would've gotten sent out last night. It would've been hilarious after having the opportunity to break up the power alliance and not doing it. He looked like a scared puppy after he got chosen and it was glorious. I'm normally not so mean, I swear lol. I'm just so frustrated with these people I can't stand it. Like I legit get anxiety over it! Ugh. Honestly I liked Johnny Mac when it looked like he had a pair (not taking any of Vanessa's bullshit, telling Liz that he didn't feel like they were making much of an effort to include him as an alliance member etc) but clearly at some point between his eviction and re-entry into the house he had some kind of spine-removal surgery. So fuck him. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477408
alegtostandon September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 That was downright sad. Steve, so badly, wanted to vote out Julia. He knew it was the right move to make in order to break that trio, or quartet, if you throw Vanessa in the mix, up. He could not make that decision on his own, had to have someone tell him it was okay. Why can't any of this season players make a move without conferring with the whole house? Why must every single vote be what "the house" (read, Vanessa) wants? Vanessa intimidates him so badly, he was physically sick. Meg said it all in her exit interview: "I am scared of Vanessa". As much as I disliked Becky, she was not afraid to stand up to Vanessa. One of those 4 are going to win (Austwins or Vanessa) and the rest of the players handed it right to them. Honestly I liked Johnny Mac when it looked like he had a pair (not taking any of Vanessa's bullshit, telling Liz that he didn't feel like they were making much of an effort to include him as an alliance member etc) but clearly at some point between his eviction and re-entry into the house he had some kind of spine-removal surgery. So fuck him. I agree with this, in fact, I think it was actually a bit before his eviction, he seemed to have lost his game enthusiasm. I did not know if he just gave up hope, knowing that no one would dare cross Vanessa or Austwins. I guess, because of my strong dislike for 'Austin's Angels', I have no one left to cheer for but Steve. I just do not know if he is mentally strong enough, though, to follow through on the heavy moves & votes that need to be made. Maybe we'll find out now that this insecure kid has been acting all along! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477546
Ceeg September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 If Steve had voted out Julia, he'd be watching the rest of the season from the jury house. Liz would have been pissed, would have won the HOH, and Steve would have gone up on the block and been evicted. Voting out Meg was absolutely the best move for Steve at the time. Because of it, he bought himself at least one more week, if not more. Vanessa intimidates him so badly, he was physically sick. Steve was sick because he's spineless and the thought of going back on his word to the twins made him physically ill. Steve being that way has nothing to do with Vanessa specifically and everything to do with Steve being a nervous wreck who's scared of pissing the entire house off. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477556
Maharincess September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 Oh, and I'm so over the classy exit as well - bring back the good old days when you never knew when evicted houseguests would totally go off on the others before leaving. How fondly I remember Howie knocking Mike Boogie's douchehat off his head on his way out of the door... I dared to disagree with Miss Ali and got my first warning at TWoP over Howie knocking that hat off. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477568
Mreid September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 I dont necessarily think Steve would have gone home if he voted out Julia, if JMAC or James were next to Steve either one of them could have still likely gone home over Steve. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477572
Ceeg September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 (edited) I dont necessarily think Steve would have gone home if he voted out Julia, if JMAC or James were next to Steve either one of them could have still likely gone home over Steve. Liz would have known Steve flipped. It would have been John vs. Steve on the block. Austin, Meg, and James would 100% vote out Steve, because it was more of a personal betrayal for him to vote out Julia than John or James, and Meg/James were way closer with John than Steve. Bye, Steve. Edited September 4, 2015 by Ceeg 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477578
AbsoluteShower September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 Liz would have known Steve flipped. It would have been John vs. Steve on the block. Austin, Meg, and James would 100% vote out Steve, because it was more of a personal betrayal for him to vote out Julia than John or James, and Meg/James were way closer with John than Steve. Bye, Steve. And therein lies the problem with the way this game is being played right now - instead of thinking about their own game people are too worried about what others think of them. Its the mentality that allows Vanessa to grill people for information that will benefit her game. Her game, not theirs. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477669
stcroix September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 After James left, I heard Vanessa spew her usual crap, saying she was all emotional, wanted to cry, wanted someone to hug her, etc. It's as if she truly believes that she is HOH even when she's not HOH. She and her motor mouth and her awful makeup and gross beanies and bloody hands can be sent packing ANYTIME NOW PLEASE. More likely, I think Vanessa's been watching Big Brother long enough now to know the evicted houseguest gets to sit with Julie and listen to what they say right after the houseguest is evicted. Working that jury vote! I can remember seeing several people putting on the sad act over the years when you know they were happy the person was gone. As much as I'm sick of Vanessa, at least she's playing the game. I cant say that about ANY of the others. The twins just plain got lucky being in the house the year the rest of the hamsters were too darn dumb to vote them out, or not let them get in together in the first place! I look forward to this show every year and this year it's truly scraping the bottom of the barrel. No game play whatsoever, except Vanessa. (and James some, but not enough to save himself, sadly) 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477850
mojoween September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 Well that's twice now James came to the conclusion that Liz and Julia are a strong pair who needs to get broken up. Hey. Dipshit. They were BOTH THERE last time you were HOH. They were there when Becky was HOH, but she had such a hardon for Vanessa she didn't care. So quit your whining, you have no one to blame but yourself. Whether Vanessa is truly misting everyone or they're just dumb, it doesn't matter. She is playing this game (not too hard, I'm not insulting you Vanessa don't yell at me) and people are falling in line with her. Up to this point, anyways. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1477936
candall September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 And therein lies the problem with the way this game is being played right now - instead of thinking about their own game people are too worried about what others think of them. @Nashville detailed the various outcomes for the Meg/Julia vote and at first I felt s/he put too much weight on revenge as a motivating factor. I would think there are WAY too few people left for anything except "check---->pocket." But, nope, apparently there are still some peripheral issues in play. ****** Right now I'm worn out from 80 Days of Big Brother, but I'm looking forward to a future cast that gets down in the dirt and plays hardball. (Ha. I'll probably be shocked. "What happened to all the hugging?") 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1478047
LoneHaranguer September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 I would have liked if Meg had gotten to see a couple of goodbye videos (Julie could have shut up sooner to make time). Some had to have been taped, or it would have tipped off the HG's about double-eviction. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1478128
AbsoluteShower September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 ...(Julie could have shut up sooner to make time)... But then we wouldn't have heard her ask Meg and James about the possibility of a romance! Because that's obviously what we're all interested in, right? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1478153
Ceeg September 4, 2015 Share September 4, 2015 I would have liked if Meg had gotten to see a couple of goodbye videos (Julie could have shut up sooner to make time). Some had to have been taped, or it would have tipped off the HG's about double-eviction.I'm pretty sure Meg will see the goodbye messages at the jury house. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1478166
Guest September 5, 2015 Share September 5, 2015 I'm kind of glad this season is disappointing. I bought a season pass for this season on Amazon because my teen wanted to see it, and we cut the cord in June. I don't think she'll care next summer. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1478292
lookattheflowers September 5, 2015 Share September 5, 2015 (edited) I look forward to this show every year and this year it's truly scraping the bottom of the barrel. No game play whatsoever, except Vanessa. (and James some, but not enough to save himself, sadly)I have to respectfully disagree. Last year was way, way worse. Everyone pretty much handed Derrick the $500,000. Edited September 5, 2015 by lookattheflowers 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1478321
AbsoluteShower September 5, 2015 Share September 5, 2015 I have to respectfully disagree. Last year was way, way worse. Everyone pretty much handed Derrick the $500,000. So what you're saying is that this season the turd is slightly more polished... 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1478380
lookattheflowers September 5, 2015 Share September 5, 2015 So what you're saying is that this season the turd is slightly more polished... Exactly! At least there was a smidge of a power shift that one week James was HOH. I'm just enjoying this season better then last,. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1478467
ennui September 5, 2015 Share September 5, 2015 Another BB forum I visit occasionally is hoping that Vanessa gets picked for All Stars, so she has to play against people who understand the game. This cast is wimpy. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1478622
Eolivet September 5, 2015 Share September 5, 2015 I think someone needs to take away the Photoshop from the CBS interns. Between the Kathy Griffin show billboard and the fake houseguest road trip pictures, there's been far too much of it this season (though the comic books were very cool). I can't believe they had set decoration for the veto in the double eviction, right down to fake trees and a giant fake spider. What that had to do with a boomerang, I don't know. Johnny Mac needs to be scripted at all times during the live show. He's way too nervous for live TV, but he's gold with a cue card in front of him. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1478730
North of Eden September 5, 2015 Share September 5, 2015 (edited) I dared to disagree with Miss Ali and got my first warning at TWoP over Howie knocking that hat off. there is a name I never wanted to hear again and I am not talking about Howie. I like the more lenient moderation herest .Three cheers for this site! Edited September 5, 2015 by North of Eden 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1478831
Gemma Violet September 5, 2015 Share September 5, 2015 (edited) "Hey everybody it's time for the [veto meeting/nomination ceremony]" One thing I've always noticed about this is that it's always said in a quiet subdued manner that half the house guests probably can't hear since they're probably spread all over the house and backyard. Shouldn't it be shouted to the rooftop, "HEY, EVERYBODY, IT TIME FOR THE VETO CEREMONY!!!" Producer involvement, I guess. They want it to be a dark and somber moment. Edited September 5, 2015 by Gemma Violet 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1478887
slasherboy September 5, 2015 Share September 5, 2015 And "WHO WANTS TO SEE MY HOH ROOOOOOM?!?!?!?!" What do they mean when they talk about "camping"? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1478962
stcroix September 5, 2015 Share September 5, 2015 I have to respectfully disagree. Last year was way, way worse. Everyone pretty much handed Derrick the $500,000. I forgot about my Derrick rage....... sorry! I tend to forget each season as soon as they're over. Maybe self preservation? So what you're saying is that this season the turd is slightly more polished... Thank you for the perfect explanation of how this season compares! LOL I can't wait to forget this season,too. On to next summer, sigh...... 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1478997
Ceeg September 5, 2015 Share September 5, 2015 What do they mean when they talk about "camping"? It's a euphemism for sex. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1479126
slasherboy September 5, 2015 Share September 5, 2015 Oooohhhhhhh-uh. Thanks-uh. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1480048
Guest September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 One thing I've always noticed about this is that it's always said in a quiet subdued manner that half the house guests probably can't hear since they're probably spread all over the house and backyard. Shouldn't it be shouted to the rooftop, "HEY, EVERYBODY, IT TIME FOR THE VETO CEREMONY!!!" Producer involvement, I guess. They want it to be a dark and somber moment. I thought they have everyone sitting silently outside on the same sectional trying to look natural, waiting for the HOH to casually lean out the door and deliver that line. Every. single. week. It's so contrived, why not just begin the scene at the start of the veto ceremony? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31313-s17e32-episode-32/page/2/#findComment-1483561
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