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S21: Tamar Braxton: Dancing All The Way Home

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Tamar unfollowed Val??? Oh Lord, that seriously can't be good. Apparently Tamar is on sick leave and even missed a performance she has tonight at Madison Square Garden (unbeknownst to her fans who are not quite upset they bought tickets to a concert that she's not performing). Their performance may not be very good due to her sickness and lack of practice time. 


I've just been reading the conversation over on DWTSGossip's twitter. Apparently Tamar unfollowed Val on both twitter and instagram. Val is following Tamar on twitter but not on instagram. (It's not clear if Val unfollowed Tamar on instagram or just never followed her in the first place. Interesting.

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A lot has been said here that I wasn't aware of at all. I'm not familiar with Val fans' behavior other than their issues with Derek and/or his fans. I'm very surprised that Tamar unfollowed Val, and equally surprised by other observations made about her commitment to the show, among other things.

I guess we'll see how it all turns out. I leaned strongly toward believing she was hurt by the judges critiques, the edits and fan responses and I always have compassion on celebs if they appear to be picked on, inaccurately portrayed or treated unfairly.

I personally disagree with the comment about Val and Derek "bullying" their partners but that topic doesn't belong in this thread. If Val has bullied Tamar I haven't heard about it or witnessed it. Is there something I've missed?

A lot has been said here that I wasn't aware of at all. I'm not familiar with Val fans' behavior other than their issues with Derek and/or his fans. I'm very surprised that Tamar unfollowed Val, and equally surprised by other observations made about her commitment to the show, among other things.

I guess we'll see how it all turns out. I leaned strongly toward believing she was hurt by the judges critiques, the edits and fan responses and I always have compassion on celebs if they appear to be picked on, inaccurately portrayed or treated unfairly.

I personally disagree with the comment about Val and Derek "bullying" their partners but that topic doesn't belong in this thread. If Val has bullied Tamar I haven't heard about it or witnessed it. Is there something I've missed?

I think fans are two fold.  Celebs come into the season with one set of fans, the ones they had pre-DWTS and their hardcore fans.  Then they usually pick up a new set of fans for the show.  You really need to both to win IMO.  But how much the pre-existing fans get into he show, to me, is usually a result of how invested the celeb themselves seem to be in show.


So I don't think think Tamar is doing anything wrong.  She has hardcore fans who go hardcore for her.  But I don't think they are DWTS fans so they probably need to be told what to do and pushed into voting and caring.  Tamar will post one voting post a week, but beyond that, she doesn't really do anything to incite her fans and get them interested.  Whereas a lot of other celebrities will post numerous times about how fans can vote, post cute little videos with their pro or other celebs, and whatever they can do to drum up interest.  Tamar's fans are more invested in her music because that is largely what she posts about, which of course makes sense since that is her actual career.  But the fans take their lead from their celeb.


To me it's like the difference between a Cody Simpson and a Hayes.  Cody didn't act like he cared, so his fans didn't care enough to vote and keep him there.  Hayes on the other hand comes off invested and like he's having tons of fun, and as a result I think his fans are more invested in keeping him there.


Also at this point I think most of the casual fans have picked their horses in this race.  Val's hardcore fans are still hardcore, but I agree that now that he has his win they aren't as obsessed with him winning.  On top of that I agree that his young fans are mostly into the shipping aspect so they don't care if they don't have someone to ship him with.  Guarantee if Bindi was his regular partner there would be people shipping that.  Same way people still ship him with Janel (even though I don't think they talk), or people think that Rumer is his soulmate (which, what?).  His fans mostly like to attach themselves to a ship and declare that "Val has never acted like this before until X came into his life".  Rinse.  Repeat.


I'm getting vibes of a Christina Milian situation all over again.  She seemed to have all the ingredients to go far (young, energetic, musicality, picked up choreography well, pleasant, cute, etc.) and she seemed to enjoy the training and performing but she just didn't promote to her fans.  She was all about her wine bottle signing events and vaping (electronic cigarettes).  Mark's team tried and tried to engage her team but her team just ignored or blew off the attempts - until they realized she was in trouble but by then it was too late and she was the season's "shock" elimination.  Sadly the only "shock" was that she lasted as long as she did.  I guess her team figured she was so popular and dancing so well that of course people would vote for her. I'd assume Val has someone who counsels his stars (and their teams) on how the show works, scoring, voting, campaigning, etc.


ETA I have never heard even a hint of Val "bullying" any of his stars. He's a tough teacher and a stickler for proper technique but that's a far cry from "bullying".  It would be counter-productive anyways. It makes no sense to me.

Edited by Uke
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Taking the Val "bullying" talk to his thread.  It's honestly hard for me to read Tamar's behavior since I didn't follow her pre-DWTS so I don't know her general MO.  I do think it's telling that I have not heard one thing about her dance this week from either the official DWTS channels or from either Tamar or Val.


Edited to add that it looks like Tamar just re-followed Val on instagram, so maybe it's all nothing.  Maybe Tamar just regularly unfollows and refollows people all the time.   Who the heck knows.  I just want to see their dance.  Oh, and of course Val is now doing damage control about how he can't wait until Monday and nobody is beefing and he hasn't been this excited for Monday in a long time.  Okay.   He follows a lot of his fans so I'm sure he saw people asking about drama.

Edited by spanana

Well Val just confirmed that they have something special for us on Monday... If they get the last dance of the show we'll definitely know it's something good. 


Via Val's twitter (in reverse order)


Valentin ‏@iamValC  13m13 minutes ago
... in a very long time. #DWTS
34 retweets 144 favorites
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Valentin ‏@iamValC  15m15 minutes ago
and ain't nobody beefing. If anything this by far has been one of the most fun I've had in a long time. Haven't been this excited for Monday
43 retweets 174 favorites
Reply   Retweet  43   Favorited  174 
Valentin ‏@iamValC  20m20 minutes ago
hate to do this to em but this #TeamValenTay performance on Monday is gon be somethin really really special #theynotready @TamarBraxtonHer
69 retweets 235 favorites

Their dance may very well be great.  Thing is Rhythm Nation to me is a lot of synchro arm movements and formations--and it's also a routine where Tamar's facial expression issue shouldn't be a problem.  So I'm expecting a big old troupe thing and it will look really cool.  Think along the lines of how Derek likes to rely on synchro arm movements in team dances because it's the kind of thing that is fairly easy to get celebs to do cleanly.


However I think Val's tweets are damage control as much as anything else.  He stays tuned in to what his stans are saying, so I think that was also his way of trying to nip any rumors in the bud.  However that only works if his partner acknowledges his existence at some point.


Also a little surprised that neither took advantage of the opportunity to actually go see Janet Jackson last night as her LA concert tour stop was last night.

Edited by spanana

Meanwhile Tamar has been tweeting that she is is still super sick and is apologizing to her fans for missing the show tonight in NY. This is all very weird.

This is a problem. If she's sick how is she dance rehearsing? The Dwts contracts are iron clad, and she may well be very upset that she cannot perform tonight, and yet she has to rehearse sick or ABC will sue her. This gig of Dwts to promote her career may not be working out so well since her album sales aren't what was projected, she's getting slammed by the audience and according to her Val yells at her all the time. If she gets through Monday she may have hope but I'm not that optimistic. Edited by Andie1
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I have no idea how Val and Tamar get on, why and how they follow or don't follow each other. But looking at Tamar's instagram, IMO it's clear that she feels hurt by the way the show has portrayed her, that post about the "angry black woman" stereotype is pretty pointed. And just yesterday she posted "You never think someone will do you like that, until they do you like that." She doesn't refer directly to DWTS, but still. I don't know how and if Val comes into that, if perhaps she feels let down by him? No idea. Pure speculation on my part. But that coupled with the pointed lack of posts about DWTS...yeah, Idk. I'm not sure she has a great experience on the show and that's always sad to see.

Edited by katha
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I remember randomly checking who tamar was following from dwts a few weeks ago and she wasn't following val then, so I doubt anything new went down btw them...seems like they are having fun according to Val.


Not trying to get into a game of he said she said since I can't prove it, but Tamar was following him previously.  Val was the first and one of the only people from DWTS that she followed.  She followed him right around the cast announcement.  That's why I guess it was noticeable when she stopped.  But anyway, I do find it funny that Tamar retweeted one of Val's tweets about their dance this week being awesome but didn't touch his tweets about how there is no beef and they are having so much fun.  Either that or she just didn't read them since she's not tagged.

I have no idea how Val and Tamar get on, why and how they follow or don't follow each other. But looking at Tamar's instagram, IMO it's clear that she feels hurt by the way the show has portrayed her, that post about the "angry black woman" stereotype is pretty pointed. And just yesterday she posted "You never think someone will do you like that, until they do you like that." She doesn't refer directly to DWTS, but still. I don't know how and if Val comes into that, if perhaps she feels let down by him? No idea. Pure speculation on my part. But that coupled with the pointed lack of posts about DWTS...yeah, Idk. I'm not sure she has a great experience on the show and that's always sad to see.

Val "did her like that" when he played into the producers' pointed questioning after he initially said she was all these loving, nice things. But upon further questioning he jokes with an exaggerated wink, "She's great as long as you don't disagree with her about anything." They cut. We got it!


That's was a pile on and seems disloyal.

Edited by anonymiss
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Honestly, how does anyone even know tamar is mad at Val? As I said Tamar wasn't following Val when I checked 2-3 weeks ago..so I highly doubt any of her tweets this week had anything to do with him.

Maybe she unfollowed him weeks ago simply because he posts too much or if they did have a disagreement who knows what it was about, it could have been minor...heck a music choice, a dance step,.etc.

I will agree that Tamars post this week were about not liking how she is being portrayed on the show,as she has a right to be though...but i don't necessarily think an unfollowing from weeks ago ties into this weeks posts

I was not familiar with Tamar before now.  I did some googling.  Fans of her show have a lot of complaints.  Some want her taken off the show because of her attitude.  This site is one of several I found.  




 They are showing what she is putting out which mirrors what she is like on Braxton Family Values.   I think Tamar probably likes her edgy "diva attitude" (from link).  Seems she identifies with her edges and wears them with pride.  She has been getting negative feedback for a long time and has not changed, nor should she.  No criticism intended here.  If she likes presenting herself this way why not go with it and watch her be herself?   Some love her attitude some do not.  ***shrug***  

Thanks for the footage. It looks like she's trying to relieve tension since she's not doing the prescribed dance.  A snapchat I saw on a Val blog rehearsing  a lift so it's going to be jazz I guess. 



Edited by Andie1

Yes it is. People usually get sick when they are spread to thin and are not taking care of themselves. This can certainly be the case with Tamar. If she is sick maybe she cut down on the other jobs and is focusing on her performance on DWTS.


More likely the other way around. Her other jobs are what bring in the money, DWTS only tangentially so.  If I was a celeb, especially one being denigrated already by TPTB, I know where my priorities would lie.

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DWTS would be considered a promo so is a part of her other work. It is bringing some name recognition outside her core fans. In this age of name recognition being more important than talent or even hit songs, getting herself on a show that does attack an audience outside her core and generates press, DWTS might be considered more important to focus reserved energy. 


But I can see how being sick would affect her ability to sing&talk while not fully hurting her ability to dance. She can take medicine to make her feel better but if you have a sore throat it's best to rest that with no singing and limited talking. That kind of illness can linger and do damage.

DWTS would be considered a promo so is a part of her other work. It is bringing some name recognition outside her core fans. In this age of name recognition being more important than talent or even hit songs, getting herself on a show that does attack an audience outside her core and generates press, DWTS might be considered more important to focus reserved energy. 


But I can see how being sick would affect her ability to sing&talk while not fully hurting her ability to dance. She can take medicine to make her feel better but if you have a sore throat it's best to rest that with no singing and limited talking. That kind of illness can linger and do damage.

On the other hand, if she's getting a negative edit, that could hurt sales of the new album, or otherwise drive people away from her other ventures. If that's case, she'd be wise to get out as soon as she can.


I think it depends on what she has.  Some colds and flues attack the EENT system, which makes talking and singing difficult and not recommended.  Others sap your energy with chills and or hot flashes, which would make dancing the more difficult endeavor.

I really liked what Afterbuzz had to say her. That one lady, Suri has made it quite clear all season she doesn't like Tamar so it's no surprise from her. However Shirley made a great point about how competitive people, or more specifically competitive women are painted on the show. It's all editing, and the way the producers made it seem like she abandoned Val for two days when she clearly had to rehearse in order to get that choreo down shows how the producers are biased on the show. I've always liked it when Shirley Ballas was a host and think she should be a guest judge on the show.

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Happy to see Val and Tamar posting about each other on social media. I know it's arbitrary but it just makes me feel like they get along in their dance partnership. Also the Zendaya All Access interview during switch-up week and she said she'd want Tamar as her partner. So I guess she is getting along w/ his former partners as well. All of Val's former partners seem to be pretty close which is kind of funny. 


Also saw this picture on instagram https://instagram.com/p/9O280Ly2-e/?taken-by=tamarshedidthat


Wish DWTS would show more of this side of her w/ the other contestants. 

Unfortunately the odds makers have Tamar way down on the list.  Rhythm Nation may have given her a reprieve, but the downward narrative for her this season just stinks. I'm really pissed at the show for this bs.




click on Dancing with the Stars.  She's at 14-1 only Andy is lower at 18-1

If what tamar said on twitter is true....dwts did her dirty

I believe it full scale 100%. It's the same thing they did to Nastia. They have found something about her that they don't like and are trying blatantly to get her off the show. 


And even if the producers didn't prompt her. Apparently confidence is the Scarlet Letter. Where would world class champions be if they didn't believe they were the best. Hell all of these pros believed they were the best at some point or else they wouldn't have competed. This is SO FRUSTRATING. She seemed to get along fine with the team during the pre dance package and yet when the judges were giving their commentary they were CLOSING UP on Tamar's face. They are looking for the moments when Tamar isn't at her best. More than that, they are creating them. 


Wait to set her fans up with a package that starts well. Tamar is talking about her growth in dancing. Val is genuinely talking about their growth as partners and Tamar's ability to take critiques and trust him. All of the sudden we get the RANDOM clip of her saying that she's the best.... ummm what?? That was so out of no where it seemed shoehorned in their just for the producers to make the audience feel some kind of way before she danced. It's almost insulting that the producers are doing this again. This is coming from someone who wasn't a huge fan of Nastia's but can full admit that the producers manufactured all her drama. 


I hope all commentary, including Afterbuzz and Previously TV's, will include an acknowledgement of her tweet as well as a clear manipulation of the audience to get her off the show. 

Hate to say it, but she leaves me cold. She seems to have a high opinion of herself and has an attitude when the judges offer criticism.

Disappointed she wasn't the one who went home tonight.


I fully acknowledge people's personal opinions and I have certainly disliked contestants that seemed to be universally loved (Amy Purdy). 


I just think there's a clear bias on this show (whether it be racial bias that is debatable but certainly gender biased as Alek received no such treatment after essentially cursing the judges out for receiving scores he didn't agree with. No one interrupted his interview mid sentence to "scare" the cohost. That was rude IMHO, both Val and Tamar looked annoyed after that) to contestants like Tamar. 


It's such an extreme dichotomy, you're either the Bindi's or Sabrina's or Kellie Pickler's or your the Tamar or Nastia or Mya of the season. One of hte few contestants to bridge that gap I think is actually Rumer. 

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I liked the foxtrot a lot, and I didn't see any of the mistakes the judges mentioned. I thought she and Val connected better than they have in most dances (and Val looked smokin' hot).

But it does seem like the producers threw in that comment to mess with her head, or the fan base, or something. But she got about a third of my votes tonight, more than I usually give her, in hopes that she can make it through next week.

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Louis van Amstel was on All-Access. His opinion concurred with what Shirley said on AfterBuzz last week. If anyone posts it on Youtube, I'll add it later. But to paraphrase: he disputed rumors that she has a bad attitude, said she’s very hard working and came to win, that people think she doesn’t smile enough in packages but she’s a very sincere person.

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Tamar keeps tweeting and retweeting things and deleting them.  I get her calling out her edit and the producer manipulation, but now she's coming for the judges and their critique of her tonight.  Which, okay.  I'm not saying I necessarily agree with everything the judges said.  But I don't really see where it's going to get her either.  Critiquing and biting back at the judges never really ends well for the celeb because it mostly comes off like celebs whining.   The judges haven't treated her any worse than Alexa over the course of the season IMO.  If anything before tonight I thought Alexa has been the main punching bag of the season.  Then again I don't know that anybody besides Tamar fans pay attention to her tweets.


I'll be curious to see if she did the press line at all.  Last time she was annoyed she skipped out.  Plus Val is all buddy buddy with most of the producers, so does he have his partners back or is he toeing the company line?

Edited by spanana
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This show sucks donkey so Tamar should say whatever she wants. She's not being treated fairly.  Nastia was the leader of the competition at this point last season regardless of the edits.
 Tamar was a bottom feeder tonight and treated like crap from the judging..again SMH.


At least the woman has a pulse,  thank heaven for that.  I love a fiesty person who will stand up for herself. Playing the game gets you the Hayes treatment.

I quit watching DWTS years ago because of the blatant favoritism and shoddy edits that plague the show. This season, I came back because I'm a Tamar fan, and I would be very surprised if she won because the show is stacked against her. I don't know why it seems like this every season, but certain dancers are show favorites and if you aren't the sweet Bindi type, super sexy alpha male, or the all-American you get cast as less-than stellar.

For example, I just went to the show website to vote. They have a section called Clips which has the last few dances of the remaining contestants. Every single one was described with good adjectives, except Tamar's.

Bindi's Fangtastic Routine

Bindi delivers a masterclass in the Argentine Tango

Alexa's Cutting Edge Paso

Alexa impresses the judges

Alex's Haunting Viennese Waltz ---someone who was much more rude to the judges on his scores than Tamar ever was

His says, "Alaek moves in the right direction"

Carlos Nails the Paso Doble

Carlos delivers an almost perfect Paso

Nick's FrankenSexy Argentine Tango

Nick commits to Halloween week

Tamar's Disconnected Routine

Under each clip there is a sentence blurb and once again, Tamar's states "Tamar Braxton Gets Out of Sync" while every other performance is lauded...even the not-so-good ones. This is a marketing ploy, it puts it in the minds of the audience that her performance was not good. Add that to lower judges scores and they are lining her to be eliminated next week if she doesn't pull a rabbit out of her butt.

Tamar definitely is overbooked, but she has taken the show seriously by scaling back on her appearances on the Real (she does not film on Mondays anymore), as well as her tour (she is only doing limited dates/cities this go around). She is committed, which Is more than I can say for many of the other eliminated folk who didn't take this seriously (Bussey, I'm talk about you). and when she was sick last week with her voice, she still put in her best work.

Most dancers don't have a knockout performance every time they hit the floor, but their scores should be based on their actual dancing and not blatant favoritism over personality and ass kissing. The way the judges have been salivating over Bindi's every move this season, we all know who they want to win.

I wonder if this is the same thing that happened with Mel B (before the all stars season). Good thing Tamar wasn't in this for a mirror ball trophy. She has stated in many interviews that she just wanted to learn how to properly dance, and she has picked up on that really well. I'm sure she will translate it to her real life and it may make her performances better. She has to be confidant and compliment herself because the show definitely isn't complimenting her at all. Keep your chin up Team Valentay.

Tamar keeps tweeting and retweeting things and deleting them. I get her calling out her edit and the producer manipulation, but now she's coming for the judges and their critique of her tonight. Which, okay. I'm not saying I necessarily agree with everything the judges said. But I don't really see where it's going to get her either. Critiquing and biting back at the judges never really ends well for the celeb because it mostly comes off like celebs whining. The judges haven't treated her any worse than Alexa over the course of the season IMO. If anything before tonight I thought Alexa has been the main punching bag of the season. Then again I don't know that anybody besides Tamar fans pay attention to her tweets.

I'll be curious to see if she did the press line at all. Last time she was annoyed she skipped out. Plus Val is all buddy buddy with most of the producers, so does he have his partners back or is he toeing the company line?

So true, once Nene started snapping back at the judges she got kicked off shortly thereafter. Although this must be mostly with women because Alek ran his mouth last week and the judges were fawning over him this week.

Re: Press line; She wasn't annoyed, she was sick. She probably skipped it because she had no voice and couldn't speak to answer any questions. She came to film for the Real the day after but was too sick so they sent her home. She missed 3 episodes...and even if she was in a huff about DWTS, there is no way she would miss the Real, a show she is the EP on and she genuinely enjoys doing.

Edited for spelling & punctuation.

Edited by Spiderella2
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