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S02.E11: Valkyrie

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I'm sorry, but how are people still walking around with working cell phones picking up this broadcast with no specialized app to do so ? In high-Definition video no less.  Most people turn Bluetooth off in order to save power the day they buy the phone.


Chandler: "I will get it there or die trying." 

Oh come on.   That's some pretty shitty dialogue.


Of course Valkyrie is a pink-haired hacktivist.


Tex gets shot in the ass.  Hah !!


The Nathan James surface radar is pretty shitty if they didn't detect that boat with the RPG approaching the oil rig.  Did they just stop shooting at the boat, and allowed it to get off a 2nd shot ?  And how did the RIB get fubared by the explosion on the upper levels ?  That's right, plot inconvenience.


Are they just closing valves at random hoping that will stop the "gas leak" ?


And where does the hacktivist think she is running to ?  Too bad, an explosion knocked her off her feet.


They killed Chung -- you bastards !!


Ned Ramsey's injury makeup was pretty badly done. And Sean Ramsey is writing his manifesto. Whatever.


And Bivas is going down from a bad shrapnel wound.  Wow, what a waste of an actress -- she was basically a background player for most of the season, why even bring her onboard ?  I guess Burke should have had sex with her in the shower when he had a chance.

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What a great episode and I was loving it till they killed her! Noo. She was a great addition to the cast and so much more useful than the pregnant one or the others. She was bad ass.


Chung too. :(


Also during an outbreak everyone on that beach had full battery life and data on their smartphones to watch videos?

Edited by Artsda
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You killed Ravit?  What's the matter, show?  Is there a limit of one hot female on the ship at any given time?


Best line of the night:  "The truth is in there."


Production note:  If you have the characters say "They're out of range", it would be a good idea to show bullets splashing into the ocean between the oil rig and the speedboat.  The fact that those assault rifles have an effective range of over 500 yards notwithstanding...


There's something seriously wrong with the plot here.  Ramsey & Co. seem to be outwitting, outplaying, and out-teching the Nathan James at almost every turn.  Last episode he seemed to know ahead of time that the NJ would fire numerous rounds in response to the torpedo attack, and had his cameras up and ready, as well as the production facilities, to reverse the events and get his message out.  He has a ready answer for everything the NJ does.   


On a more personal opinion level, so far it seems that all the survivors and immunes tend to fall into that category of Slack Jawed Mouthbreathers, willing to believe any demagogue who gets on the air first.  I have to wonder why the NJ crew are trying to take back a US that doesn't exist anymore.  Establish a new "colony" somewhere defensible and fertile, and start over.  Let the willing come to you.  Let Ramsey try and manage a crowd of unreliable misfits who are likely to revolt en masse at any given time.  It's not like he can control the entire continent as was shown (laughably) in the late Revolution.

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Ya gotta love that good ol' southern boys figured out how to take out a comm center with a little audacity, and a very big gun.  :)


Boy, did it ever strike me while watching the video of the flotilla being blown.  All the NJ shots were in extreme daylight.  The explosions, as we all know, occurred in very dark night.  


I almost vomited when XO told the prez he had given the speech of a lifetime.  That was as bland and boring as any I have seen.  With that affect, an agitated and bitter American viewer would  not accept anything this POLITICIAN said.  That speech demanded specifics and admissions against self-interest.   "Here is how we screwed up.  But, even if we had been perfect, the disease was going to wipe us out.  Here is precisely what the NJ has been doing.  Here is a video of the slaughtered workers on the USN hospital ship.  Would we have taken them out?  Why?"  Then. some sound advice as to how they need to live in order to survive.  Finally, an offer to those who want to trust to receive the cure.  


Sad to see IDF girl killed off.  Of course, she died because for the first time, NJ personnel couldn't shoot straight.  To this point, they almost never missed.  Now, some realism.  Of course, that boat was within range the entire time.  So much for realism.  Ugh.  Dare I even ask how the vast bulk of the away party on that rig survived?  Holy impossible suspension of disbelief, Batman!


So.  Kirk will lead an attack on the HMS Whackjob.  When will he collapse because the shrapnel severed blood vessels?  Will he live or die?????  Stay tuned for next season!  

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I almost vomited when XO told the prez he had given the speech of a lifetime.  That was as bland and boring as any I have seen.  With that affect, an agitated and bitter American viewer would  not accept anything this POLITICIAN said.  That speech demanded specifics and admissions against self-interest.   "Here is how we screwed up.  But, even if we had been perfect, the disease was going to wipe us out.  Here is precisely what the NJ has been doing.  Here is a video of the slaughtered workers on the USN hospital ship.  Would we have taken them out?  Why?"  Then. some sound advice as to how they need to live in order to survive.  Finally, an offer to those who want to trust to receive the cure.  

Yeah, that was awful - no mention of the death cult i.e. Ramsay's motivation or that he and his people are immune and have done their best to stop the production of the cure  and to spread the virus to the remaining survivors. That the country is basically in the middle of a civil war without one side even knowing they're under attack. Just some patriotic chest-thumping in a lame attempt to emulate President Whitmore's speech from Independence Day.

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On a more personal opinion level, so far it seems that all the survivors and immunes tend to fall into that category of Slack Jawed Mouthbreathers, willing to believe any demagogue who gets on the air first.


That's exactly what I though this week and for previous episodes. How stupidly 'Sheep' are these people. Like, some guy comes up to you and says "Hey I'm Santa Claus" apparently the immunes (or uninfected) automatically believe them. Does no one think logic, or second guess motivations or be slightly suspicious (aka self-preserving) or simply question the people further. It's like the immunes are all genetically not too bright because sheesh.


I almost vomited when XO told the prez he had given the speech of a lifetime.  That was as bland and boring as any I have seen.  With that affect, an agitated and bitter American viewer would  not accept anything this POLITICIAN said.  That speech demanded specifics and admissions against self-interest.


Totally totally agree. There was nothing in that speech that did anything to inspire hope, except make me think Ramsey was being forced to speak under duress. Not that he showed physical indications he was, but that would be the first thing I would think.


Second, don't preach to me whilst sitting in your cushy office, with clean clothes and food, etc. Tell me what you are going to DO??. He didn't say one thing about how they would combat the virus, or provide aid for the people, or that there are immunes or what the US Gov't was doing. But as we've seen - so many people jump to different sides without even getting a decent explanation, I guess the sheep on this show will eat that speech up.


Ravit and Chung!! How dare you kill them off! What was the point? None. Ugh. I don't mind Foster at all, but Ravit had a fun yet kick-ass way about her. Damn show.


Guess most everyone else was watching Fear the Walking Dead live (it aired same time), because not too many posts here. I'll be interested to see the ratings for this episode.

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I guess so.

I swore Burke was a goner last week...

So say we all. I guess since Burke is not going back to Masters of Sex as it time jumps I could have had a clue. As soon as the Captain told the Senior Chief to go off I knew he was a goner since he was introduced helping LT Chung with the cell phones
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Sadly, I'm just not digging most of the storyline involving the President.  I think it's the actor---I didn't like his character in Mad Men, Homeland, or Desperate Housewives, so I get annoyed when I see his face.  Not his fault...he's probably a lovely man in real life, but he's played some douchey characters.


I wasn't overly-attached to Ravit, but she was one of the few female characters on the show, so I don't understand why they felt the need to kill her off!  I would like to see more women out in the field, but I guess that's not going to happen because Foster is pregnant, Rachel is on ship-arrest, and Garnett is vital to ship operations.  Granderson is all we're gonna get on missions, I guess.


I miss the Tex/Rachel flirting and Danny/Kara relationship stuff.  The show has really cut back on the romance stuff for some reason.  Maybe that's not what the audience wants to see.  I don't know, but I always found Tex's crush on Rachel amusing.


And yes, the dialogue continues to be just AWFUL at times.  Chandler's entire batshit crazy speech involving aliens was just completely ridiculous, and the president's speech was laughable.  The guy just has no charisma, I don't know why anyone would watch his video and think "yes please, sign me up!"



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Goddamn!  Everybody got hurt in this episode.  And we lost some people!  And worst of all - TEX GOT SHOT IN THE BUTT!


A part of wished they keel hauled the Valkyrie woman - she had a big hand in the problems of this season.  And I hate that Cap. Chandler is being lenient with her but his relationship with Doctor Lady is still strained.


I hated that they killed off Israel Woman or Ziva lite or whatever her name was.  I liked her.


Lastly, they had better get The Ramsey Brothers alive.  Because dying in an exploding or sinking submarine is too good for them.

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I didn't love that we lost a BUNCH of people (Chung, no!) but I did enjoy spending time with characters that we haven't seen in a while.  We haven't actually had stories that involved Granderson, Foster, Chung, etc. for some time.  That's what I feel like has been missing this season.  There's more of an emphasis on the action (Is the Navy sponsoring part of this? We get a lot of Navy stock footage) and less on the smaller stories of the Nathan James.  It seems a little like they are course correcting and bringing it back to the Nathan James.  


Also, maybe Chandler realizes he took it too far last time?  Rachel is awfully helpful and his "my way or the highway" attitude clearly didn't work out.

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Too much Hollywood, and not enough realism.


Just because you create a fictional plot-line (all are) , doesn't give one the right to turn military operations into fiction.


It's getting old that the Captain is the lead point man on all these off ship combat excursions, while the XO never leaves the ship.  The first season, they were mainly on the ship so it didn't rear it's ugly head like this season, with the exception of South America.  But this 2nd season has just gotten stupid.  The Captain, would never be leading the charge into combat like they portray this fearless leader of the NJ.


And this whole irrational harsh behavior towards the doctor for killing the man responsible 5 billion people and was captured trying to kill more people starting with kids in an attempt to save all the others still left is dumb.  Like the crew wouldn't be divided on the subject, like there wouldn't be drama on the ship over the subject (would have been a better episode just dealing with a ship divided).  This is all on the same episode where they hold a captive for shooting a teenager in the back, but they gleefully offer a Presidential Pardon to him, if he just tells them how the cell phones work.  This man they have made a simple mistake, the Doctor however committed a heinous crime for which there is no forgiveness.  I watched this last episode, just to see if they would have the Captain come to his senses.


Tired of all liberties taken to tell this tale aboard this ship.  And if you are going to do a shoot off of an oil rig and supposedly off of New Orleans, and you don't have the budget to go to New Orleans, then grow a brain, and don't show the mountainous land horizon in the background that show you are clearly off of California.  Is it that hard to show open sea.


Anyone want to talk me off the ledge?  The show had a good thing going, but I don't know if I can watch another episode.  Maybe just to watch the sea battle that is coming up.

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Did I miss a scene near the end of the show.  Before the commercial, the main gas line is leaking, there are distance shots of multiple explosions on the oil rig, and the characters say they can't get to the water, their escape ship is destroyed, and the helicopter can't land.  Then after the commercial, the first scene is all the wounded arriving back on the ship.  So I guess the helicopter could land after all?


Fully charged cell phones didn't bother me.  After hurricane Sandy, my parents didn't have electricity for 8 straight days.  The town set up charging centers for people to charge their phones/computers.  It seems to me that in a group of survivors, they'd be able to rig a generator to do the same thing.

Edited by futurechemist
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Our hacktivist is Tania Raymonde, who you might remember from such shows as the Jodi Arias story and Malcolm in the Middle (as a teenager).

Wasn't she also Ben Linus's daughter on LOST?


Did I miss a scene near the end of the show.  Before the commercial, the main gas line is leaking, there are distance shots of multiple explosions on the oil rig, and the characters say they can't get to the water, their escape ship is destroyed, and the helicopter can't land.  Then after the commercial, the first scene is all the wounded arriving back on the ship.  So I guess the helicopter could land after all?


Thank you! Same thing happened to me. I assume maybe they all went into the water and Cobra team picked them up, but no one looked wet. Urf.

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That's exactly what I though this week and for previous episodes. How stupidly 'Sheep' are these people. Like, some guy comes up to you and says "Hey I'm Santa Claus" apparently the immunes (or uninfected) automatically believe them. Does no one think logic, or second guess motivations or be slightly suspicious (aka self-preserving) or simply question the people further. It's like the immunes are all genetically not too bright because sheesh.


Heh, I can think of a perfect real life equivalent, but we aren't supposed to talk politics.

Sadly, I'm just not digging most of the storyline involving the President.  I think it's the actor---I didn't like his character in Mad Men, Homeland, or Desperate Housewives, so I get annoyed when I see his face.  Not his fault...he's probably a lovely man in real life, but he's played some douchey characters.

I know!  I still don't trust him for some reason.

Yeah and who played her? I spent the entire episode trying to figure out where I've seen her before.

Wasn't she also Ben Linus's daughter on LOST?


Yes, she played Alex on Lost.

Edited by Haleth
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Fully charged cell phones didn't bother me.  After hurricane Sandy, my parents didn't have electricity for 8 straight days.  The town set up charging centers for people to charge their phones/computers.  It seems to me that in a group of survivors, they'd be able to rig a generator to do the same thing.



While the people on the civilian fleet had power, what would be the point of carrying around a phone with no working cell phone network ?  And are we supposed to believe that during the rush and panic when all the boats were sinking that they stopped to grab their cell phones ? 


As for the people on shore, they probably haven't had regular power for 5-6 months. 


So when that Immune dipshit runs up to the civilian fleet survivors and starts pointing at the Navy guys, they wouldn't know what he's even talking about.


I won't even bother to try to figure out how the Bluetooth network is even fictionally supposed to work over distances more than 50 feet -- since you kind of have to pair the devices first in order to transmit anything, and while that transmitter was powerful, the transmission power of the phones is tiny by comparison, so no pairing.

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Thank you! Same thing happened to me. I assume maybe they all went into the water and Cobra team picked them up, but no one looked wet. Urf.

Directors choice, instead of showing them go down to the boat the time was spent on triage/deaths and the memorial service
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There's something seriously wrong with the plot here.  Ramsey & Co. seem to be outwitting, outplaying, and out-teching the Nathan James at almost every turn.  Last episode he seemed to know ahead of time that the NJ would fire numerous rounds in response to the torpedo attack, and had his cameras up and ready, as well as the production facilities, to reverse the events and get his message out.  He has a ready answer for everything the NJ does.   


Yeah, that's a big problem (well, that and killing off Ravit). All of a sudden HMS Benny Hill now has a brilliantly executed asymmetrical war plan? Four episodes ago, their idea of strategy was handing out infected teddy bears and holding tent revivals.


Still liking the show though. 

Edited by xaxat
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Shit, that got kind of depressing.  First, Chung dying, who wasn't a main character, but has been there since the beginning, so that still stung a bit.  And then Ravit.  Badass Ravit, who owned a guy with forks, gets done in by a shrapnel to the back.  Lame!  And it was probably just a coincidence, but that happening right when they bring in this Valkyrie character, just made me go "What, show?  We can't have both Inbar Lavi and Tania Raymonde on here?  Too much hotness for you?" about it.  I can just hope that some other show out there will hire Inbar and use her to the fullest extent.


Chandler now has shrapnel still in him, but is refusing to let any operate on him, so that's going to cause major problems, I'm sure. Come on now, Chandler.  I get you want to be in the thick of it, but you have to realize how dangerous this is.  And it's not like the Nathan James would be boned without you.  Both Slattery and Jeter seem more then capable of running the show, so just do it, before you cause more issues.  At least the near death experience made him act slightly nicer to Scott, so yay?


Agree that Milcher's speech really was good enough to warrant the major ass-kissing that Slattery gave it.  Of course, since Slattery is played by Adam Baldwin, I was thinking that Slattery really wanted to say "Needs to be a bit more like Reagan!"


Biggest laugh came from Chandler's sarcastic response about being helped by aliens, only because I wanted to go "Wrong TNT show, Chandler!  That's Falling Skies; you're on The Last Ship!"

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Chandler now has shrapnel still in him, but is refusing to let any operate on him, so that's going to cause major problems, I'm sure. Come on now, Chandler.  I get you want to be in the thick of it, but you have to realize how dangerous this is.  And it's not like the Nathan James would be boned without you.  Both Slattery and Jeter seem more then capable of running the show, so just do it, before you cause more issues.  At least the near death experience made him act slightly nicer to Scott, so yay?



Slattery yes, he is a Commander and a prospective commanding officer as all XOs are these days. Jeter would not step in to run the ship that is not his role. On of the many officers the Chief Engineer, the faceless aviator or other would move up to command and Jeter would remain in his special role.

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Fully charged cell phones didn't bother me.  After hurricane Sandy, my parents didn't have electricity for 8 straight days.  The town set up charging centers for people to charge their phones/computers.  It seems to me that in a group of survivors, they'd be able to rig a generator to do the same thing.

I don't see that kind of "c'mon down and hang out with lots of strange folks" sort of thing happening in a plague scenario.


On the other hand, if these were people from the ships, they had access to generators. 


The real problem though, is the cell tower infrastructure. Nobody is maintaining that stuff, so why would people be carrying phone around and have them switched on. Again, the fleet might have had a tower rigged up, but that's gone.


It was a little far fetched that some random dudes a) spotted the Navy folks heading out. b)Trailed them w/o being spotted.c) Had a rocket launcher d) Knew how to use it expertly. And they didn't need all that contrivance. A supply run from Ramsey's folks, Valkyrie getting a Deadman message off, either could have easily explained it better. They didn't need it to show Ramsey's propaganda working either, we already had the scene at the beach for that.

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
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This show is ridiculous. I admit it, but I just don't care. I still like it. The momentary military bits, the rah-rah, the camaraderie, I enjoy it.

I was sad to see Ravit die. I liked her sarcastic bad-assery. I did appreciate the extra shots of mussy, dirty Wolf. The shallow side of me was wishing he'd fallen in the water & been lightly injured enough that he needed to remove his shirt. My shallow side is a greedy gawker.

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Even though I'm a little critical, I do really like it and look forward to it every week.  I also thought that Wolf's shirt needed to come off, maybe to help with someone's wound?  I also enjoy that the crew just pitches in and helps wherever needed.  Say what you will about the lack of realism with the cell phone networks, etc.  That's probably one of the few things that's true to life.


That being said, our hacker was able to keep up her dye job in the middle of a global pandemic?  What is her coloring product, I need it!

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Awright, am I gonna have to come out there and sink that damned sub myself??

Mrs. Torqy and I are trying to come up with a drinking game based on how many episodes that sub is still around.

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Despite the faux-science and faux-tech in this show, I like it for its pace and imagination.  Tonight's episode brought up an interesting dilemma about public distrust of government and government agencies.  Even if a government is mostly good, signs of corruption can alienate the public and make other governing options more attractive.  Court marshaling Dr. Rachel Scott and insisting Jeff be made President because good guys follow the letter of the law seems extreme.  (Meanwhile, I'm sure they must be breaking as many laws as they are upholding.)  It's a slippery slope. If you start making up your own laws, then anyone can, and the result is chaos. Then the ultimate winners would be the best armed and/or the trickiest/most charming con artists.  So, I guess if 80% of the population died out, it would be best to stick to the laws already made rather than start from scratch.


I peeked at the imbd list of all of the characters  -- wow, the casting budget must be huge. Like GOT huge.  Maybe if they'd hire a few fact checkers instead of one-line actors, the show could win back credibility.  It seems doable.  Zoo gets more fun with campy dialog and outlandish plot turns, but I think this show needs to be credible to be good.

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Sorry folks, but I don't pick the show apart the way some do.  I'm not Navy and I don't care if some stuff isn't realistic, and I actually really like that Chandler goes on away missions.  It woudl be different if there was a fleet of ships and Chandler was the overall commander, but it's ONE ship with a limited crew - that keeps losing soldiers.  Slattery is capable of running the ship too.  I'd much rather have Chandler (and the star) doing some stuff off ship then just watching him bark orders from his chair.  Bor-ing.


I thought it was a really good episode.  My initial thoughts:


Sean Ramsey is mental.  This guy is not just about getting power and ruling the world, he seems to actually BELIEVE that he's meant to do what he's doing.  Even his brother is starting to see that his older brother is wacko.  I think this makes Sean even more dangerous because for him, it's a religious mission, and now he's writing a manifesto??


The death of Chung really bothered me.  He's been around since the beginning, and he was essential to the Nathan James.  The Israeli soldier?  I liked her, but I wasn't as invested in her as Chung.  So his death hit me more than hers, but it was surprising to lose both of them in this episode.  


Michener seems to be fully committed ot the Nathan James.  I never believed that he was still a bad guy once he made the confession to Chandler.  That isn't something that Michener would ever have revealed to Sean Ramsey.  So I do think that the president is good guy, but hopefully he doesn't turn into a typical politician and think he knows more than the Captain.  Right now, the military has to take center stage with Michener helping as part of a PR campaign (which has their work cut out for them).


I'm liking Valerie (aka Valkyrie).  She's an MIT graduate, and she's smart and tough, but not annoying smart and tough.  She was genuinely affected by the deaths on the NJ and that Chandler risked his life to come after her and save her.  Whatever is in that bag can hopefully help the Nathan James reverse the damage that Sean Ramsey has been spewing to the masses.


Chandler's injury?  I don't like that the piece of shrapnel is still in his body behind his liver.  We all know that something is going to come of that in a later episode, right?  Is he being stubborn as hell for not getting it removed?  Yes he is but I also get that he doesn't want major surgery when a sub is hunting them and the world is turning against them AND he just lost four sailors.  Then again, if he dies, that's going to be worse for the Nathan James, both in military experience and morale.  Good leaders are important in apocalyptic situations for the crew to look up and for the public to rally behind.


Chandler and Rachel - They are on the path to patching things up, it seems.  Chandler is still angry with her, and he should be.  Niels was going to be his counter-propaganda machine, and now that they have Valerie, he might have been able to send out some really compelling tapes on a broad network.  That's shot now., but at the same time, Rachel saved his life.  There is definitely something between them.  They both seem to want to say something to the other, but they can't get he words out.  I am NOT talking about "I love yous."  I'm talking about the fact that Rachel did something that she shouldn't have and Chandler doesn't like being on the outs with her.  Both seemed to struggle to want to say something about their positions.  There was a considerable thaw in the ice between them at the very end when he calls her "Rachel" and he thanks her.  She was affected by that.  


Final thoughts:  1) I still feel that the floating shrapnel in Chandler's body is going to be a problem in the finale; and 2) I fear that we still have one more death to go.  I hate deaths.  I'm not one that feels people have to die in order for the show to be believable.  If I have favorite characters, I don't want them dead.


Court marshaling Dr. Rachel Scott and insisting Jeff be made President because good guys follow the letter of the law seems extreme.  (Meanwhile, I'm sure they must be breaking as many laws as they are upholding.)  It's a slippery slope.



Rachel Scott wasn't court marshaled.  She's not military.  She admitted to cold-blooded murder and it had to be addressed on the ship that Chandler commands in order to keep order.  Also, Jeff wasn't "made" President.  He IS the president by the laws of the US Constitution and the law of succession.  

Edited by Bishop
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That being said, our hacker was able to keep up her dye job in the middle of a global pandemic?  What is her coloring product, I need it!


Actually, I noticed that about the hair dye too except differently. The bright red dye was all around the bottom ends of her long hair - indicating that her hair was shorter and dyed red, and it's been growing out these long months. That seemed legit. The problem was the dye itrself. From what I understand, those bright coloured dyes fade very quickly. They don't last that long, so having it so vibrant red after months and months - no way. It would have dulled in colour by now.


But hey - she looks "hacker-chick cool" so there you are.

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