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S11.E18: We Have Not Yet Begun To Fight

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Polar ice descends and each Skipper must choose flight or fight. The Saga is in danger of sinking and Jake must act fast to save his crew. Josh takes a huge gamble against Casey's wishes and heads towards the ice. Sig and Johnathan race to rescue gear.


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Anyone go to the DC FB page to see the coming attractions for Tuesday? Does anyone know who the bride is Josh is walking with?  Just wondering....

Edited by NEGirl
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I'm just wondering what line the captains will take on Josh and the rudder incident.  If they address it at all on The Bait.


I have to say I've been disappointed to see Jake A with his earbuds in while in the wheelhouse.  I remember Sig saying he used to blast music and then there was an accident on deck and he thought he had killed one of his guys (ended up being a severe back injury) and he was so traumatized he wouldn't play music again after that, because he couldn't be certain he was paying enough attention.  


Hopefully Jake A took a lesson from that and only had the earbuds in while that other captain was actually captaining.

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The Bait made me so damn mad.    Jake is raked over the coals for wanting to be a captain.   "He wants to go right to the captain's chair."   "Why doesn't he tender salmon for awhile."   Like this guy hasn't worked his ASS off for the chance to be a captain.   


But Josh.   Oh Josh, who has never even been an interim deck boss is praised for all he's done.   He's come so far.   He runs that boat.   He has the respect of his crew.


WHAT THE FUCK???   Did they switch the script for those 2?

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I signed up just so I could say I agree. WTH? I mean, maybe they are treating Jake seriously as a colleague but why blow smoke up Josh's ass by telling him, he's so awesome.

Why no Casey? I'm not even sure if they even mentioned him. Did they?

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Where to begin?

First: screw you Bill!!! Bill's probably my 2nd least favorite captain. he's just so mean!! basically, if you get injured on his boat you're screwed. A bit of hypothermia? Oh, eat some warm noodles. if you can't handle lugging extra fish with a still healin hand, then you aren't man enough. Just a big disappoinment.

Anyone notice that it went from a 300,000 pound loss to a 200,000 loss, that the CC was screwed out of? 100,000 lbs is a pretty big difference.

The NW hit the jackpot! 1.5 million pounds and $100+grand per crewman? Holy smokes!

Johnathan cut it close!

The boat situation with the Saga was creepy. Just hearing the knocking noises. You could tell the crew was freaked out.

I was cheering when Casey blew up at Josh and basically walked out on him. Finally! Too bad Josh got lucky.

The wedding was cute. That deckhand who got married is my new favorite crewman on the CM.

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Couldn't understand why Sig is so angry at Jake.  Jake has been BEGGING for more time in the chair ever since he got his captain's license, and he just wan't getting much.  He is a licensed captain - young, yes - but the licensing board says he can do it.  So why shouldn't he?  I think the crewman was jealous - he never had the brains or initiative to get his captain's license.


And I'm with those of you who didn't understand why everyone was so full of praise for Josh.  He's a joke, and a flat-out danger to his crew.  He's all about watching the Super Bowl and listening to loud rock music while others do the work to fix the boat.  

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The "but i bet his Facebook's updated" scene with Josh last week was obviously a manipulative set-up for this week's "redemption" story.


So Josh found crab.  BFD.  Jake found as much by sheer accident.   It wasn't lost on me either that when Josh looked at the radar while planning his big "gamble," he noted,  "Sig's up there" and then decided to head into that territory.   Crab finder?  Try Sig finder.


All that contrived drama just so the asshole could look like he learned something.    Mike Rowe noted, "Josh dodged the ice," but it looks to me like he "dodged" it by never truly going near it -- he just said he was going near it.     The Time Bandit was NEAR the ice.


Edgar Hansen is the unsung hero of this series. 

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I'm just wondering what line the captains will take on Josh and the rudder incident.  If they address it at all on The Bait.


No mention of that at all and, worse yet, they acting like Josh's incoherent yelling at his crew was effective leadership.  Both Josh and Jake were hailed as having earned their Captain titles this season.  For Jake, that was true in large part.  For Josh, not at all.


Wild Bill reminds me of an abusive spouse when he's dealing with his son or a crewman who is underperforming.  He seriously has a screw loose.  The greenhorn couldn't handle working on the crab boat.  Bill and the other crewmen told the guy that in many different ways.  Why on Earth would they act like that when he was leaving?


After last week, Josh must have known he'd screwed up in front of his beloved cameras so what does he do....whip out the specter of his father and use it to justify a massive risk.  He was lucky this time.   In The Bait, Casey showed the massive overhaul they're doing on the Cornelia Marie.  The deck under the galley was rusted through.  It looks like they gutted the ship and are re-building almost everything.  Casey said the renovation cost more than $1M.  This is after a season with a lot of problems.  Sure, updated equipment will help some of that, but they also have a problem with the part-owner/part-captain.  Need to fix the nut behind the wheel.


Watching the Hilstrands have a little brotherly rebellion was good, but I'm glad at the end that common sense rules and John admitted that Andy was right even if he was sitting at home in his living room.


As bonkers as Wild Bill is, he had a good point in The Bait that made me look at the finale in a slightly different way.  Bill said that when he crabbed before, he had a crew of Samoans who were amazing.  Since he's returned, he's been trying to build up a good crew while Sig and Keith for the most part had their good crew in place.  This season, Sig and Keith both had a lot of changes (Buh-bye Freddie, for instance) and Bill pointed out that the two of them are now going through what he's been experiencing.  I have to say, though, that Sig and Keith are handling it much better even though both have had much larger issues than Bill has had.  Bill exacerbates his own problems.  Someone asked Keith about Freddie.  It was interesting how he phrased his response.  Of course, he'd love to have someone like Freddie (or Freddie himself) back but it doesn't sound like that is going to happen anytime soon.  Freddie's demon's must have caught up with him.

Anyone notice that it went from a 300,000 pound loss to a 200,000 loss, that the CC was screwed out of? 100,000 lbs is a pretty big difference.

The NW hit the jackpot! 1.5 million pounds and $100+grand per crewman? Holy smokes!


I think Josh got a friendly rounding down of the number by Discovery.   The Northwestern, on the other hand, always does much much better than the other boats.  Bigger quota, I think, and a professional operation.

Edited by terrymct
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The Hanson's also own most of their quota as opposed to leasing it so there is one less middle man to divide the final tally among.  Even when they bring on greenhorns, the NW doesn't have the same kind of issues as Wild Bill, Keith or the Hillstrands.  Besides, having a core stable crew made up of mostly family and long time family connections, they are simply more careful about who they put on the boat.  I don't recall them ever putting a total stranger on deck.  Its always a relative, or friend of someone already working there.  That takes a lot of the wildcard out of the hiring process.  

Wild Bill needs to take a look in the mirror for some of his own issues.  He's the captian and its his boat.  You know Zach is a lazy engineer yet not only do you not check his work but you let him continue in the job just because he is his kid.  

Jonathan still wants to be "one of the boys" too much which is why the Time Bandit runs better under Andy who handles Captaincy better.

Keith has a core veteran crew but until Monte truly takes control of the deck as deck boss they will continue to have greenhorn turnover.


Jake is sorely lacking in confidence and will do 1000% better once he stops second guessing himself.  Though, I would be concerned about his hiring ability, but time will tell.  I hope he gets a chance on another boat,  I don't like that the other captains described the Saga as a death trap.


Cornelia Maria needs to be sold to someone who will take care of her.  Josh and company are pouring good money after bad.  There is simply no appearance that he has the business acquimen to own, operate a that boat successfully,

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The Hanson's also own most of their quota as opposed to leasing it so there is one less middle man to divide the final tally among.  Even when they bring on greenhorns, the NW doesn't have the same kind of issues as Wild Bill, Keith or the Hillstrands.  Besides, having a core stable crew made up of mostly family and long time family connections, they are simply more careful about who they put on the boat.  I don't recall them ever putting a total stranger on deck.  Its always a relative, or friend of someone already working there.  That takes a lot of the wildcard out of the hiring process.  


Exactly right.  They never hire some yahoo who walks up to them in a bar in Dutch Harbor.   They also treat each other civilly (everyone gets bitchy after days and days at sea).



Wild Bill needs to take a look in the mirror for some of his own issues.  He's the captian and its his boat.  You know Zach is a lazy engineer yet not only do you not check his work but you let him continue in the job just because he is his kid.


Bill also seems to sort of enjoy verbally abusing his son.



Keith has a core veteran crew but until Monte truly takes control of the deck as deck boss they will continue to have greenhorn turnover.


I've been wondering about this, myself.  Is it that Monte isn't taking control or that Keith isn't relinquishing control?

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Bill also seems to sort of enjoy verbally abusing his son.

In turn, Zach also seemed to enjoy verbally abusing the greenhorn after he quit.  It sounded to me like he was regurtitating everything Bill had ever said to him.

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I was shocked that the captains didn't go after Josh at all on The Bait.  If they did, Disco edited it out for the sake of their sick Harris redemption saga, which they are stubbornly hanging on to like a dog with a bone.


Another season comes to an end, and all the boats returned safely, with no loss of life or limb.  That in itself is a success.


Now that the season's over and it isn't a spoiler, I can tell you that Sig had a very close call while the camera guys and crew were sleeping, so it wasn't filmed.  The Northwestern took a wave that rolled her a full 90 degrees; he was actually standing on the wheelhouse WALL and was very afraid the boat would go down.  He told this story on Evine when asked if the cameras ever missed anything good.

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I heard that, too.  But if they never shut off the captain's camera in the wheelhouse, I don't see how they had "nothing."  They have cameras rolling 24/7 on deck, too, don't they?  Which capture the odd big wave when nobody's on deck?


Maybe somebody lost the film and they're covering for him.  Or, hopefully, there will be a "lost footage" episode?


Thank you to whoever upthread pointed out that they're now referring to Josh as "boat owner" and Casey as "captain."  At least that's some acknowledgement of the joke they're perpetrating.


We should have done DC Bingo cards, with "close up of picture of Phil," mention of "my old man," and "close up on Phil Harris Memorial Wheelhouse plaque" as squares.


It was interesting that the NW crew was so hard on Jake, but I think it was heavily edited and Sig was responding to the others hassling him about "the heir apparent" and why doesn't he just turn things over, etc.  As for Nick, I don't think he's jealous -- I think going out for Opies before you've even run the boat solo for salmon is pretty audacious, and it put them in a position of having to work with a different crew than they're used to.  Nick has now outlasted both Jake and Matt, and I'm sure Jake was pulling most of the young guy weight.


Not sure how much Jake made as Captain on the Saga, but I'm guessing it wasn't as much as he would have made on deck on the NW!   A good sacrifice for his resume, though.  As much as he has aggravated me this season, I have to say his lying on the crab and nuzzling them was pretty damn funny and endearing.

Edited by kassa
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It was a good three hours last night. Everyone here has made good comments that I agree with.


The Bait - I was kind of surprised by how angry Sig, Edgar and Nick were at Jake. I know they invested a lot of time in Jake but he has always made it known regarding his desire to be a captain. Sig took years to give Edgar a chance, and that's only part-time. He should not expect Jake to hang around and be happy with the little bits of wheel time he would get.  I was also surprised they indicated the Saga(or I guess any boat) would be a death trap with him as the Captain. I don't understand dico's desire to rag on Jake and make Josh out to be the second coming for a new captain. They certainly showed all his many faults this year. Then they make him out to be this awesome, devoted captain. Which, is anything but the truth.


The CM looked in pretty bad shape when Casey was showing all the damage with the rotted steel. I would bet it was the two new co-owners who put up most of that 1m for the overhaul, they now own 50% of the boat. Josh obviously did not have the money to do it or some repairs would have been done already. The owners also bought a ton of quota with them that the CM will now have.  The CM will look like a new boat inside with the overhaul when it's shown on tv. I guess there will be a tour of the boat for all the work done next April.


Keith was right about both the NW and TB having the same problem as Wild Bill and the Wizard. However, Sig always seems to luck out with his gh's and the person does not go though a season of nasty verbal abuse the whole time. It will be interesting to see where Freddy, Nick and Jake J. wind up. Also Scotty Hillstrand and Travis Lofland, who quit the CM.


The Show - Boy, did Sig catch a shit load of crab. 100k for each crew member. Like you all said, they are such a well run boat and it always shows.


The CM - Will, Josh lucked out on his guess to go North. I was surprised when I heard each dh got I think 42k.  Can all captains perform marriages?


The Cape Caution - Wild Bill again proved why he is such a douche. That gh did a really good job and worked his ass off up till his hand was so infected he could no longer work. When they showed his hand it was still swollen and red and he probably should not have been working. Zach and Nick were both jerks, and as long as they all treat people they way they do they will never keep a gh.  I bet after that kid spoke to his parents they told him to get the hell off the boat after everything he went through with his hand. And, I also think Zach is lazy and Wild Bill puts up with it despite knowing he does half-assed jobs like not checking the holds etc. And, I agree, Zach sure seemed to enjoy verbally abusing the gh the same way Wild Bill dose him. I guess the apple does not fall far from the tree in this case. I could not imagine being married to Bill. No wonder the wife divorced him.


The Time Bandit - I don't like Andy but in this case he was right. Did  Andy say on The Bait that Neal will no longer be on the boat?


The Saga - Jake did a good job in the end and caught over 500k in crab. Now all  he needs is more confidence and a chance at captaining a boat again because it sure sounds like he is not welcome back to the NW.


The Wizard - I think Monte probably does the best he can, but Keith is a control freak like Sig. They never show Monte managing the deck the way they always show Edgar.  I'm guessing it is because it simply is not the story the NW is.

Edited by NEGirl
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I heard that, too.  But if they never shut off the captain's camera in the wheelhouse, I don't see how they had "nothing."  They have cameras rolling 24/7 on deck, too, don't they?  Which capture the odd big wave when nobody's on deck?


Maybe somebody lost the film and they're covering for him.  Or, hopefully, there will be a "lost footage" episode?



Exactly.  Like when they have that night vision footage of various captains falling asleep in the chair, or waves washing across the deck when no one is out there.   The camera guys would have been tossed out of their bunks by a wave like that and would have gone running for their cameras.  That's the kind of footage they're out there to get.  All the crew would have been out of their bunks and on the floor unless they used bungie cords to strap themselves in (yes, people do that).  I woke up one night off shore when a wave was large enough to make me "catch air".  It lifted me off the mattress twice in a row.  You don't forget that, let alone a 90 degree tilt.  Something is weird about there being no footage.    90 degrees is a MASSIVE roll.  That's flat over on the ship's side and a ship can sink in that position depending on how it's sealed.   For an idea of what 90 degrees looks like, the Costa Concordia wasn't even all the way at a 90 deg angle when it was half sunk in the water in all those photos that were on the news.  The Coast Guard has some cutters that can survive rolling completely over, but most boats have trouble when the rail/gunwales go underwater.  It's a matter of sealing the vessel and building it to withstand the stress.  Those ferry boats go down like rocks when they roll because they have things like ramps that lower to the allow cars to drive into them.  "Keeling over" isn't necessarily going absolutely upside down.  It's just going so far over that the boat can't recover.  I'm sure most of the Bering Sea crab boats are well sealed (if they're well maintained), but damn, that would stick in your memory.


Here's a first person description of a boat rolling on to it's side.


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I don't understand dico's desire to rag on Jake and make Josh out to be the second coming for a new captain. They certainly showed all his many faults this year. Then they make him out to be this awesome, devoted captain. Which, is anything but the truth.



One hint might be that Josh is a "consultant" in the credits, whereas Jake is not?  (I remember when Sig was the only consultant -- now they all are.  Except Jake, apparently)

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Kassa - Last night when I was reading the credits I thought I saw that but the various credits went by too quickly and like you said they listed so many names.. Explains everything.  Although, I can't imagine what Josh has to offer as a consultant.

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Wild Bill pissed me off a bit while I was watching last night. He said something like, "I give my heart and soul to these kids and they just crap all over it...."  Not an exact quote but the sentiment made me angry.  I don't know what he thinks "support" is.  I think a person can rule with an iron fist and be fair...but as posters mentioned before, he seems to like to verbally abuse the 'horns.  His son has some of Bill's habits, it seems, and that makes me sad.  I thought Zack was giving pretty ok pep talks to the horn until the horn quit.  


I was thinking that the look on Casey's face when Josh caught crab said, "He is the luckiest sonofabitch "captain" ever."


I'll be back after I watch The Bait...

Edited by gryphon
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I'm a big fan of Sig and Edgar, but I'm perplexed at their attitude and.anger toward Jake. Yes they trained him and gave him his start in the industry. But Sig made it crystal clear Jake would not be next in line for the chair no matter how many years went by. He has Edgar and another brother and their kids as part of the business. Edgar has been fighting to get more time in the wheelhouse for several years. Sig is nowhere ready to retire, so Edgar gets to be captain when Sig doesn't want to be on the boat. For Sig to be indignant that Jake left to pursue the career he wants is crazy. Jake is supposed to wait around for Sig to not want a trip AND for Edgar to pass on it as well? Jake wants to run a boat, he went to school to get licensed to do it. Jake has had more fishing & engineering experience than Zach or Josh. He's capable but he's expected to work as a deck hand until the Hansens retire or die?

I also don't get the Josh as a "fishing legend in the making" edit. He's a camera hog fame who're with little interest in the boat. I've said it many times on PTV and TWOP - I'm so tired of Disco and Josh and the CM crew dragging images of Dear Ol' Dead Dad out to make viewers root for Josh. Phil was a fun character to watch on his seasons. He may have been the greatest guy in the fleet, but just because Josh is his kid does not mean Josh = Phil. Stop insulting me as a viewer or as a fan.

And Bill, Zach and Nick came off as bigger bullies than usual. I like those guys generally, but Bill can be so abusive. I wonder if his ex wives/GF's have PTSD.

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Of course Josh is a consultant.    A) the producers will milk Phil's death to the last cent and 2) the squeeeing fan girls (full disclosure I have at times been a squeeing fan girl about meeting football legends, the less said about the time I got life advice from John Riggins the better) will keep watching the show and buying the DC merchandise, thereby making everybody more money.   


I think the rest of them became consultants as part of the settlement a few years again.   Which always ticked me off they settled, I was looking forward to seeing the Captains (the real ones, not Josh) around the Courthouse.    HEY, I disclosed I could be a squeeing fan girl at times too.

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As to Josh being a consultant, I figured it has something to do with the fan girls. Disco took a lot of shit for not having the CM on that one King Crap season in 2013. I also dislike that disco keeps pulling out the Phil thing.  In truth, he was a shitty father and probably no better or no worse than many of the other captains  who fish but  we never saw on DC. What he did have was camera presence and personality, which he milked up to his death. Josh has learned well  to play to the camera the same way Phil did. Josh has a agenda after the show ends and he is using the CM for all it's worth to achieve those means.


Hey, John Riggins was a great running back!

Edited by NEGirl
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Watch the scene when Zach found out John quit. It looked like the producer told him, because Zach kept saying, "no he didn't," then he looked at the camera guy who said, yes he did. Talk about producer manipulation for the sake of drama.

Edited by Neurochick
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We should have done DC Bingo cards, with "close up of picture of Phil," mention of "my old man," and "close up on Phil Harris Memorial Wheelhouse plaque" as squares.

Brilliant. But now that you mention it, I am surprised that Disco doesn't already have that up on their website.

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I know Discovery has caught flack for deceptive editing, and I don't know if it has been discussed here, but did anyone notice that the pot Jake was looking at from the wheelhouse, screaming about how full it was, actually appeared empty? They cut away pretty quickly making me more suspicious.

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Kassa - Last night when I was reading the credits I thought I saw that but the various credits went by too quickly and like you said they listed so many names.. Explains everything.  Although, I can't imagine what Josh has to offer as a consultant.


Grooming and personal care while at sea.  No matter how many days or weeks they've been out, how many days of around the clock fishing they've been doing, Josh always looks well rested, bathed, and fully manscaped.    That's the talent he brings.

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Brilliant. But now that you mention it, I am surprised that Disco doesn't already have that up on their website.

Mandatory Eagle shot should be a square as well (it seems like there's rarely an episode without one). As well as an, "EDGAR!" square, and a "Motha****ing" square. Throw in a few harder-to-get squares like "Bill is nice to the greenhorn," and we're good

Ugh. Bill does not deserve that majestic hair.

I never knew Josh was a consultant.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Josh was added this year.  And I can see why they wouldn't have added Jake for the first half of the season, wanting to keep the secret until they revealed the Saga saga.  I forgot to check if Elliott appeared on the list at the beginning of the year and was dropped.   

Last year was the first year I remember seeing all the other captains listed.  It used to be a couple of unknown (to me) names and Sig.  Not sure if there was an intermediate year with just Sig and the Hillstrands, or whether everybody else got added together after the contractual debacle.


Josh definitely wasn't on last year's consultant list.

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Back 4-5 years ago the Hillstrands were supposed to do a spinoff and they kind of blew it off and didn't complete it.  Discovery sued them for several million dollars.  Sig quit in solidarity.  Eventually everybody came back, but if I remember rightly that's when they increased the coverage on other boats, so they could not be held over the barrel again by the stars.  

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Kassa - Yeah, the special was some honky search for a sea monster or something stupid like that. I think it happened the year after Phil died so disco could not afford to loose the NW and TB.  They all made nicey nice and made up. And your right, it sure seems they don't show the TB as much as they used to before that happened.

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I think around that time (maybe shortly afterward?) was when Andy went off the wagon and he and Josh and Jake would be completely plastered at public appearances.  For example, they did Cash Cab and it was pretty embarrassing.  It was not a good time.  

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Osmom -  I hate to admit it, but I watched about 10 minutes of that dumb ass special and changed the channel. It was beyond honky - no wonder they did not want to finish it. I Know money talks, but jes.......

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Osmom - I hate to admit it, but I watched about 10 minutes of that dumb ass special and changed the channel. It was beyond honky - no wonder they did not want to finish it. I Know money talks, but jes.......

No need to be ashamed. You're among friends here. We've all watched things we're ashamed of. ;)

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I have absolutely NO shame about ANY teevee crap I watch.  Ever.  I've watched a helluvalot worse than Alaskan Monster Hunt : Hillstranded!!! :-)

Didn't watch it but know where you're coming from.  Just ask my family. 

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I remember early on when Zack first starting working for Bill, there was a medical emergency & Zack saved the day.  I couldn't help but wonder why Zack didn't help that kid before his infection got out of control.  Zack's an EMT & you'd think Bill would have used his expertise in that situation.  Just sayin'.

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