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S10.E18: You Be Illin'

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Was it wrong that I was enjoying how much pain Tetanus Guy was in? I'm a horrible person, but man, that kind of "I can't take an aspirin, it's poison!" b.s. is one of my buttons.

This episode has also reminded me to make an appointment to sign up with the bone marrow registry.

Derek and Meredith are such a good team these days.

Edited by AlliMo
  • Love 3

Look, I know that the certain bugs are virulent and everything.  I get it.   I've lived.    But having spent a considerable amount of time in outpatient treatment on Tuesday I couldn't help notice how little our doctors washed their hands.    Nurses who treated my mom on Tuesday?  They used liquid hand sanitizer every time they touched everything.   They used it when they entered the room and again when they left the room.  


  • Love 2

I know real-life doctors are known for slacking on the hand washing (I think that was a tip in Readers Digest, asking your doctor to wash their hands when they enter your room... which is ridiculous that we have to ask but OK) but I was so taken aback by how unconcerned everyone was about the flu going around. You're dealing with patients who are already compromised, and you have one who is actually so compromised that they have to be isolated for life... and everyone's just chill about it? Telling people to suck it up and deal, betting on who will drop first, calling them wusses when they finally go home? Am I supposed to be amused? And my god, were they just disgusting. You hear there's a bug going around and not only do you not up your sanitizing game (soap and water, sanitizing wipes for your iPads and elevator keys, etc.), but you continue to touch anything and everything, including your face? Nasty!

I found it disturbing that Jo has not only been violent with that OB guy but with two men before her... plus, her vending machine Hulk smash from the other week. Even if it's just set up for her going into Ortho, like... that's concerning. With the OB guy, I think the idea was that she was defending herself and went too far, which was supposed to redeem her, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, I very well may be. But with two additional incidents, she's looking like more than just a tough girl from the trailer park, and now I'm worried for Alex.

Dr. Buttworth, or whoever that dude was, I found ridiculous with his dancing surgery... how can you focus like that? Especially weird when paired with a flu going around the hospital, doesn't seem like a time to boogie. He seemed legit in the end but I think Alex needs to ask more questions before diving into this new practice... sounded a little scammy to me.

Bailey describing the different kinds of sick men was funny and absolutely true. Happy that Cristina and Owen only interacted as coworkers, no romance drama. Nice to see the Shepherd-Grey family interacting for most of the episode and outside of their home.

Edited by omgsowicked
  • Love 4

So Arizona gets sneezed on by a kid with a stomach bug or the flu (or the plague or something) and touches pretty much every surface in the hospital without first washing her hands or using hand sanitizer?  Really?  That's even more egregious than insisting that Leah keep working, in surgery no less, while clearly very ill.  No wonder so many people die at this death-trap hospital.  Get out while you can, Alex!

  • Mind Blown 1

With the OB guy, I think the idea was that she was defending herself and went too far, which was supposed to redeem her, right?

Actually I think the story was: he grabbed her arm while they were arguing, causing her to wig out and attack him, and he was only defending himself.  My impression is that Jo has major anger management/violent overreaction issues, at least partly as a result of her difficult childhood, and she needs some psychiatric help.  I just hope Ortho gives her an outlet for all that aggression before she ends up physically assaulting Alex.

  • Love 2
I found it disturbing that Jo has not only been violent with that OB guy but with two men before her...

This really bothered me, especially because it was more than likely just thrown in there as a "joke" and to further her interest in Ortho.  If they were going to ever really explore anything then it might be somewhat interesting, but as it is these little revelations about Jo's aggression don't do the character any favors, and as much as I like Jo and Alex together, her character is definitely in need of some favors or at least a good medical storyline.  I did like her with Callie though and I hope they stick with this.  I would love to see Team Ortho and Team Peds hang out.

It won't work for show purposes, but damn, Alex take the private practice job.  Less hours, more pay, nicer work environment.  Actually, it sounds too good to be true. 

I agree that all the doctors being sick and still working was awful, including Derek doing BRAIN surgery while he could barely stand.  My MIL who was an ER nurse always says that hospitals are the worst places to be sick.

At first I was like Awwww Shit, Atomic Dog!  Then I was like NO, this song doesn't need to be improved upon and neither does Tenderness, especially when the new artist barely did anything different from the original.  I felt like I was listening to a Ronco Presents Songs from the 80s with 100% Not the Original Artists. 

The Bubble Boy kid is the cutest kid ever and I'm glad that he will be sticking around.  Both cases were pretty interesting, but I could do without any more butthole surgeries. 


  • Love 1


I think Alex needs to ask more questions before diving into this new practice... sounded a little scammy to me.

Yes. This! It definitely gave me a "Pyramid Scheme" vibe. Especially because shows love the story of someone in debt that falls hard for a "to good to be true investment/bet" and looses everything. Well, I suppose it's what happens in real life I'm afraid. But please please let's not go down that path with Alex!


"Back off, Scrooge McDuck!"  Hilarious.

And I love the potential of Team Ortho with Callie/Jo. It's about time Callie has a resident under her wing.

Those were two of the moments I enjoyed this episode. There were few others. I'm in agreement that the lack of awareness of simple precautions was pathetic, as was the absurd tone of pushing through being sick. Can you imagine knowing your neurosurgeon was poking around in your brain while feverish, dizzy & about to vomit? I'm starting to think the docs at Seattle Mercy Grace West Sloane Grey Memorial Hospital take special classes on how to make yourself the most venerable for lawsuits.  


I know the mom of the cardio kids is one of those Hey It's That Guy actresses, but I can't place her. I swear it was recently she was in something that I watched, but I seem to have non-icee induced brain freeze. I'm going to blame it on not washing my hands before I had a glass of tea. 


ETA: I got a there/their/they're wrong. I definitely have the brain freeze.  

Edited by ramble
  • Love 1

They really need to stop with the bad 80s covers.

No kidding! Did they actually try to turn "I wanna dance with somebody" into a slow, moving ballad? I was scratching my head trying to figure out if what I was hearing was real. How odd.

Grey-Sloan Memorial continues to be the worse hospital ever. That's really what you want - sick surgeons operating on you.

  • Love 1

I really hope this whole Callie/Jo mentor relationship is not some set up for Arizona or Jo to find out about Alex's interest to go into the private practice through Callie by one of them mentioning it to her.  I thought the scene of Callie telling Arizona about her girl crush might be my favorite Callie scene of the season. I do help if Alex does leave the hospital he talks to Arizona about it before he does it because of what happened with the whole Hopkins situation.

Grey-Sloan Memorial continues to be the worse hospital ever. That's really what you want - sick surgeons operating on you.

I was shaking my head when they said there were so many people out now, they'd have to start cancelling the elective surgeries.  Really?  They should have done that right away so that sick doctors wouldn't have to stand there with IV's in the operating room spreading germs all over the place.

  • Love 1

I had surgery on Monday and was discharged Tuesday. Not only did they make certain *I* had no history of MRSA and that I wasn't sick, they had me brush my teeth and gargle before surgery to reduce the chance of pneumonia due to intubation. Every single person who came into my room used hand sanitizer coming in and going out, and any time they touched me or dealt with my drains, they used gloves and universal precautions. I was in pain and needed help getting out of bed due to the pneumatic stockings around my lower legs and they were meticulous every time. No way would anyone who was ill be able to care for me. It was beyond ridiculous seeing all those sick doctors touching everything in sight.

  • Love 1


I know the mom of the cardio kids is one of those Hey It's That Guy actresses, but I can't place her.

She also played a creepy serial killer who kept people as live dolls on Criminal Minds, I believe.


I thought the scene of Callie telling Arizona about her girl crush might be my favorite Callie scene of the season.

Absolutely! Callie needs some good things this season, she has had so much crap going on.


She also played a creepy serial killer who kept people as live dolls on Criminal Minds, I believe.

That's it! Thank you. Although I think I saw her on Bones as well. Between those two appearances I now understand why I felt vaguely uneasy about her. In the back of my mind I sort of expected to find out she had been poisoning her children.

I agree that the possibility of a Jo & Callie ortho story has potential. Especially since I feel like Jo's character has been so limited. She sleeps with Alex & was a foster kid. She reads as background filler to me most of the time. I enjoyed seeing Callie excited & happy & not dealing with relationship issues for a change.

Edited by ramble
  • Love 1

I had surgery on Monday and was discharged Tuesday. Not only did they make certain *I* had no history of MRSA and that I wasn't sick, they had me brush my teeth and gargle before surgery to reduce the chance of pneumonia due to intubation. Every single person who came into my room used hand sanitizer coming in and going out, and any time they touched me or dealt with my drains, they used gloves and universal precautions. I was in pain and needed help getting out of bed due to the pneumatic stockings around my lower legs and they were meticulous every time. No way would anyone who was ill be able to care for me. It was beyond ridiculous seeing all those sick doctors touching everything in sight.

THIS^ I used to work in a pediatric ER. Everyone there was fairly meticulous about hand washing, especially during high viral times like RSV season. I took last night with a huge grain of salt.

  • Love 1


They really need to stop with the bad 80s covers.

Why are they doing this? I cannot imagine that there have been this many 80s songs covered in even the past 10 years even. Someone said that this is a project of Shonda's. Does anyone know if that is, indeed, true? Why is she mangling these classics?


This really bothered me, especially because it was more than likely just thrown in there as a "joke" and to further her interest in Ortho.  If they were going to ever really explore anything then it might be somewhat interesting, but as it is these little revelations about Jo's aggression don't do the character any favors, and as much as I like Jo and Alex together, her character is definitely in need of some favors or at least a good medical storyline.  I did like her with Callie though and I hope they stick with this.  I would love to see Team Ortho and Team Peds hang out.


I wonder if Jo's fights have been the result of living on the streets. People see transients as easy targets because often there is no one to miss them to notice they are gone; if someone does miss them, they aren't taken seriously by the cops because someone living on the streets can't really be said to be missing because they have no place to be missing from; and, it is easy to attack them because they are less likely to go to the cops. Maybe Jo fought those guys in self-defense or because of hyper-vigilance. Even the incident with Peckwell wasn't one of her just rolling up on him and clocking her. She reacted like a caged or traumatized animal: scared, angry, and in self-defense mode. I agree that her fighting record is being played for laughs, but maybe that's the reason. Jo isn't typically angry and we haven't seen her just jump on someone.

I think Callie and Jo should be called the Bone Breakers. I am not always the biggest fan of Jo, but I liked her with Callie very much. I'm glad Callie finally gets a protege. I wish that Callie called her work an "easy fix" because orthopaedic surgery is by no means just breaking bones. Most ortho surgeons just specialize in the hand/wrist, or knees, or hips, or shoulders. The anatomy is complex enough that these people only focus on one part of the body. Callie's dreamy description of Jo to Arizona was hilarious, as was Arizona using my method of sprawling on the cool tiled floor next to the porcelain god.

When the father said that about not many African-American's are signed up for the bone marrow registry to April, if the way this case place out, is that April persuades Jackson to register, and he ends up being a match. 


I hope a big deal isn't made over Jackson donating marrow. Yes, a bone marrow biopsy is painful, but a few days worth of painkillers and you're fine. I hope they won't act as if Jackson's being told he's a match and asking him to donate a lung or a lobe of his liver.

I couldn't believe how they didn't wrap or cover that pustule on the kid's forehead. It was an open wound, the kid was picking at it with his dirty hands, and the parents know he's immunocompromised. 

I saw nothing noble about staying at work when you're sick just to save face or keep a good rep with your colleagues. It didn't look like stoicism, it looked like narcissism. 

I have a feeling that this Alex working at a private practice thing is going to be a ripoff of when Doug Ross was going to join a practice when it seemed like he'd stalled in the hospital. They already stole a Doug Ross iconic scene using Jackson and the bus in the finale.

I'm liking Stephanie so much more now that she's away from Jackson. She's less needy/pushover puppydog. She acts like a grown woman now, she's assertive, she's gregarious, and she's funny. Lifting Jackson's angst from her shoulders has made me like her more.

When the dad talked about the donor registry, he used the term "ethnic" to describe everyone who's not white. It grinds my gears when white is set as the default and it totally denies the notion that white people have ethnicities! The term is people of color, not ethnic! Ugh! Sorry, this is just a pet peeve of mine.

  • Love 2


That's it! Thank you. Although I think I saw her on Bones as well. Between those two appearances I now understand why I felt vaguely uneasy about her. In the back of my mind I sort of expected to find out she had been poisoning her children.

I aboslutely was thinking "Munchausen's by proxy" where mom is poisoning the kids. Has Grey's done one of those storylines before? I feel like almost every medical show does at least one of those, but I can't remember a Grey's instance off the top of my head.

Thanks for checking on that! Now I can just enjoy some of the eye rolling and facial dialouge that was so fun in earlier seasons! im probably in the minority but I miss all the little nuances that made the cast enduring! A happy Yang, is not smiling Yang! Alex, where did your sarcastic pessimism go? Derick, stop looking confused and get those one liners back! Callie oh Callie!!!!! Please Please find the balls George took when he died AND dump your one legged wife! Meredith? Find your dark and twisty and use it on Jo. play the my life sucked more then your life sucked game!And Baily where the heck did your SNARK go?

I wonder if Jo's fights have been the result of living on the streets.

I watched the scene again where she again because I was remembering it as her saying she put two "boyfriends" in the hospital, but it was two guys.  That seems a little better simply because it would surprise me if she was or felt threatened, given her past.  It could have been in foster care, in an orphanage, or sadly, even by someone whose job it was to look after her.  So I don't love this side to her, especially because they just drop hints with no follow up (kind of like they did with Alex for years), but it isn't as bad as I initially thought.   Hopefully, she will stick with Ortho and mellow out some.

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 1

I aboslutely was thinking "Munchausen's by proxy" where mom is poisoning the kids. Has Grey's done one of those storylines before? I feel like almost every medical show does at least one of those, but I can't remember a Grey's instance off the top of my head.


They did a straight up Muchausen's case in an early season (woman was a...explorer or anthropologist or outdoorsy or...I don't know, something and kept getting sick). I can't remember if they've ever had one with MBP, though. 

Why are they doing this?


I cannot imagine that there have been this many 80s songs covered in even the past 10 years even. Someone said that this is a project of Shonda's. Does anyone know if that is, indeed, true? Why is she mangling these classics?


Shonda doesn't do it. Many indie bands do 80's covers. Shonda uses lots of indie bands for Greys. It's just a style she has picked for the show much like she uses a lot of Motown for Scandal.

In earlier seasons didn't they have music in the E.R.? I have this distinct memory of Callie liking rock music and talking about rock climbing and all sorts of bad ass things. So I liked the bit in the O.R. with Arizona & Dr. Butthole. I'm intrigued by the idea of Alex being tempted by private practice, too. Of course, I don't want him to go, unless he can stay on the show, and it can be used as a vehicle to further explore Arizona's grief issues, which have been given short shrift.

I loved Callie & Jo. I was reminded again in this episode that I'm going to miss Leah, though.

I did think the April/Bailey scene was great. Liked the whole idea of showing the 3 couples, with one getting sick & the other showing how each couple manages it. Derek, when he can't push through anymore, is more like Ben. He likes to have some TLC. Jackson goes into his man cave. And Arizona's characteristically Type A in planning for her sickness. I liked that she wasn't as extreme as Jackson or Derek; she let Callie help her... but she also wasn't whiny the way Ben was described. I wish though, that since they were under, they had extended the final Calzona scene instead of doing the flashbacks at the beginning. Heck, since it was 1 minute, go 30 seconds more Calzona  & 30 seconds of flashbacks. 

I'm interested to see what happens both with the Bubble Boy & Cristina's cases

Shonda doesn't do it. Many indie bands do 80's covers. Shonda uses lots of indie bands for Greys. It's just a style she has picked for the show much like she uses a lot of Motown for Scandal.

Yeah, but she's never done so many covers before. At first I thought it was a one episode thing. Then I thought maybe it was a couple episode arc. Has it been explained why the music this season is all 80's covers? I can't remember, but I don't think the season started out that way???

Anywho...As usual, the promo set up a totally different show. Was expecting an "Outbreak" type tense episode. Instead it was a comedy! Loved the Mer-Der scenes and how it ended with Mer presenting.

On 4/4/2014 at 2:05 AM, omgsowicked said:

I know real-life doctors are known for slacking on the hand washing (I think that was a tip in Readers Digest, asking your doctor to wash their hands when they enter your room... which is ridiculous that we have to ask but OK) but I was so taken aback by how unconcerned everyone was about the flu going around. You're dealing with patients who are already compromised, and you have one who is actually so compromised that they have to be isolated for life... and everyone's just chill about it? Telling people to suck it up and deal, betting on who will drop first, calling them wusses when they finally go home? Am I supposed to be amused? And my god, were they just disgusting. You hear there's a bug going around and not only do you not up your sanitizing game (soap and water, sanitizing wipes for your iPads and elevator keys, etc.), but you continue to touch anything and everything, including your face? Nasty!

I found it disturbing that Jo has not only been violent with that OB guy but with two men before her... plus, her vending machine Hulk smash from the other week. Even if it's just set up for her going into Ortho, like... that's concerning. With the OB guy, I think the idea was that she was defending herself and went too far, which was supposed to redeem her, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, I very well may be. But with two additional incidents, she's looking like more than just a tough girl from the trailer park, and now I'm worried for Alex.

Dr. Buttworth, or whoever that dude was, I found ridiculous with his dancing surgery... how can you focus like that? Especially weird when paired with a flu going around the hospital, doesn't seem like a time to boogie. He seemed legit in the end but I think Alex needs to ask more questions before diving into this new practice... sounded a little scammy to me.

Bailey describing the different kinds of sick men was funny and absolutely true. Happy that Cristina and Owen only interacted as coworkers, no romance drama. Nice to see the Shepherd-Grey family interacting for most of the episode and outside of their home.

On 4/4/2014 at 12:33 AM, bybrandy said:

Look, I know that the certain bugs are virulent and everything.  I get it.   I've lived.    But having spent a considerable amount of time in outpatient treatment on Tuesday I couldn't help notice how little our doctors washed their hands.    Nurses who treated my mom on Tuesday?  They used liquid hand sanitizer every time they touched everything.   They used it when they entered the room and again when they left the room.  


Wow, these storylines did not age well through a 2022 lens!  Definitely would not fly to be sick, coughing, and fainting all over the place in a healthcare facility!  That's all I could think while watching this.  Hopefully healthcare providers have learned a heck of a lot more about the importance of hand sanitization as well, and would not dream of working with a patient before washing up- I know I always do.

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