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S01.E05: A Glitch in the System

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I am still not sure about this show but this episode was enjoyable at least until they brought back the stupid red box thing but that's next weeks problem. I loved the banter between John, Lucy and Dutch and how Dutch was jealous that the ship liked John best.

D'Avin usually annoys me but this episode I almost sort of liked him.

Still not sure about the show.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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"Favorites my ass!" Heh!

It's not a great show (yet), but I enjoy it a lot. I still love Dutch and Johnny, D'avin is coming along, and the world building interests me. Looking forward to more back story on Dutch and Roan next week!

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I've had a lot of shows on my TiVo this season and this is the one I'm enjoying the most, so for me it is indeed a "great show".  


Really well done episode, I was impressed with how organically it went from, 'Oh fun, we get to blow shit up!" to really freakin' creepy.  And even knowing immediately those were nanites, they still used them in an interesting way.  And I love how they divulged D'av's secret... there's still a lot of story to mine there (and I like how they've now incorporated John into both D'av's and Dutch's stories so it feels like he'll be more than just a spectator), but we didn't waste countless episodes with him trying to hid it from everyone.  And Lucy wins the universe.  

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I thought it was a little slow at first, but it did pick up the more it went on, and I was glad that we finally got more back-story on D'Avin. So, basically, he killed his squad, but he doesn't know why he did it.  But thanks to Pawter, it sounds like someone actually wiped his memory, as oppose to him just having a breakdown, so I think that there is much more to this, and he had reasons for doing whatever he did.  I just hope this means he'll continue to open up more to John now, because I do get annoyed that he keeps this from him.


Loved Dutch basically pulling a John Crichton from Farscape, by just jumping from one ship to the next, knowing that the nanities would protect her.  Preposterous, yes.  But I love anything that just has Dutch being a badass.  I hope they know what they are doing about this whole red box/Rob Stewart character story-line, but I'll give them a chance.


Really noticed a few former Lost Girl actors in this one.  I remember the actor playing Hogan in the episode, but that blonde scientist in all the videos, actually played The Keeper on that show, so that kept cracking me up.


Lucy finally acknowledging that, yes, John is her favorite, was the best.

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I thought the episode was okay. I enjoy the chemistry between Dutch and Johnny the best. I did like that her mysterious father/trainer showed up at the end.


I am glad that D'avin's secret is out so we can move on. I like the doctor, but I didn't think that she should have slept with him. I still hope that he is bisexual.

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I like that it wasn't something murky like a haunted ship or space ghosts or some other such nonsense, but a technical explanation about off-book black-ops military experiment gone horribly wrong ..... because of Nanites !!! (sorry, had to get that out of my system .... it was leftover from 'Revolution').


Lucy finally acknowledging that, yes, John is her favorite, was the best.


That was a funny moment.  Dutch might be dying in the airlock, but Johnny's in danger -- ok then, screw quarantine procedures.


So, basically, he killed his squad, but he doesn't know why he did it.  But thanks to Pawter, it sounds like someone actually wiped his memory, as oppose to him just having a breakdown, so I think that there is much more to this, and he had reasons for doing whatever he did.


Obviously someone knows what he did and has attempted to cover it up -- even from D'avin.  Did he kill his squad under orders ?  If so, whose orders ?  Or is it an implanted memory meant to instill PTSD so D'avin doesn't want to remember that is in fact covering up something far worse that D'avin did ?  Something that D'avin may have done to himself.  Of course he doesn't remember someone operating on him to install memory blockers -- they're memory blockers, of course they blocked that out.


I'm curious why Hogan had aged so much since he was chock full of nanites that were constantly repairing his body.

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Great episode - perfect balance between light-hearted humor and dark and creepy. And some great acting during D'avin's confession and the later scenes between D'avin and John. The brotherly vibe between McFarlane and Ashmore is a joy to behold (loved the 'space rats' thing). We now know parts of D'avin's secret and so does John and Dutch. I loved Dutch's stance on D'avin - no matter what he did back then now he's a member of my crew. Girl's got some fierce loyalty going on - which does make her vulnerable as creepy mentor dude pointed out.

We still don't know about Red 17 - what are the odds it will come up again?

On a shallow note: I  approve of the amount of scenes we got McFarlane in a tanktop or shirtless.

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 I'm curious why Hogan had aged so much since he was chock full of nanites that were constantly repairing his body.

Because although the nanites repair damage, they cannot prevent aging. He had been on that ship a horrifyingly long time. (That's not hyperbole. Stay with me and you'll see why I chose the adverb.)

One of the things I enjoy about this show is how much credit it gives the viewers. Not everything is spelled out.

When we saw the video of the doctor before she committed suicide, she was referred to as Prisoner 23B. D'avin was identified as prisoner 248A. Dutch was identified as prisoner 248B. So we know the count was #A through #B, sequentially. Math is not my strong suit but that means around 5,800 people had boarded the ship and been killed by the interrogation system! Horrifying.

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When we saw the video of the doctor before she committed suicide, she was referred to as Prisoner 23B. D'avin was identified as prisoner 248A. Dutch was identified as prisoner 248B. So we know the count was #A through #B, sequentially. Math is not my strong suit but that means around 5,800 people had boarded the ship and been killed by the interrogation system! Horrifying.


Intriguing theory @12mermaids, it certainly has merit.   The difference between Hogan in that video and Hogan present day it would put him being on the ship at least 20 years.  Yikes !!!  That's a long time to build that wall of info and arrange for the killing of, like you said, 5800 people.  Johnny confirms when they are watching those recordings that they are from "years ago".

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I think the A and B might be for the different pods and from what we see, 2 pods.  Wouldn't that mean 248A/B is 496 people? If the doctor, part of the original crew was 23B that would make more sense - crew of less than a hundred rather than her being the 600th or so victim. 


Still, hundreds of people boarded trying to help and died to that.

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Show, just keep coming up with excuses, ...er, valid plot reasons, to have D'Avin shirtless.


I too liked that Dutch was all "it doesn't matter what he's done, he's a part of my crew".  Not just loyalty but it comes from someone who has done as bad, or probably worse.


I'm really enjoying this show!  The action, the relationships, the sketchy pasts (does John have a sketchy past?), hot, hot leads.

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... the sketchy pasts (does John have a sketchy past?), hot, hot leads.


IIRC, he said something about meeting Dutch when he was trying to steal her ship.  That's definitely a story I'd like to hear.  

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IIRC, he said something about meeting Dutch when he was trying to steal her ship.  That's definitely a story I'd like to hear.

Given Lucy's behavior, sounds more like an elopement than theft. 

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This was really enjoyable. I'm quite surprised, because I hated last week's episode with the fire of a thousand suns.


But this was really good. At first I actually groaned, because Dark Matter already did the "Hey guys! This week we're Event Horizoning! No, wait, space zombies!"


But this was different and better. So much better. I like that he isn't actually suffering from tv amnesia but that something's been done to him. I like that there's meaningless sex which is so much hotter than its counterpart on Dark Matter.


And the nanites being used for torture was an interesting twist.


However, I did groan at the last bit - I don't enjoy the littlest assassin storyline. I'd enjoy it if it was over, but it isn't. I'm not particularly invested in the actor who plays her handler, so I'd like it to go away, please.

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This was really enjoyable. I'm quite surprised, because I hated last week's episode with the fire of a thousand suns.


But this was really good. At first I actually groaned, because Dark Matter already did the "Hey guys! This week we're Event Horizoning! No, wait, space zombies!"


But this was different and better. So much better. I like that he isn't actually suffering from tv amnesia but that something's been done to him. I like that there's meaningless sex which is so much hotter than its counterpart on Dark Matter.


And the nanites being used for torture was an interesting twist.


However, I did groan at the last bit - I don't enjoy the littlest assassin storyline. I'd enjoy it if it was over, but it isn't. I'm not particularly invested in the actor who plays her handler, so I'd like it to go away, please.

I thought this was much better than DM's similiarly themed episode from last week. I liked that this wasn't just a paint-by-the-numbers space zombie fest. I thought the use of the nanites for torture and then healing was clever and different. I liked that both Hogan and the ship's computer were both batshit insane. I liked that we never found out whether Red 17 had any meaning, or was just gibberish spit out by the ship's damaged programming.


I loved that Lucy abandoned her protocols because her beloved Johnny was in danger,  and that he was the one Khylen threatened to get Dutch to come with him. One of my fears was that Johnny would be shoved into the background in the rush to show just wonderful/amazing/abtacular D'avin is. I'm glad that's not happening.


Killjoys has some very ambitious world building going on; not just the people and politics of the Quad, but beyond. It's not a perfect show, but I'm impressed by the thought that's gone into it.

Edited by Lokiberry
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I concur that this was a fun, smart episode.  I especially like that the main baddie didn't die from Dutch's cool explosion device thingy. It was a result that made sense and was consistent with the mythology created for this episode,  The nanites will see you are damaged and repair you.  I like that Dutch, Johnny & D'Avin  forgot that for a minute (as did I) but the 'show' didn't.  So when the guy popped up again, it wasn't some cheap 'energizer bunny villain' stunt, but rather what should have happened given what we'd learned about their environment.


And now I'll take a moment to fangirl over Dutch.  I loved her getting caught -- again the result was not what I was expecting.  I loved her jumping out into space to get to Lucy.  Lots of fearless actions taken as the result of some logical decision making.  And yes, I loved her pragmatic & loyal response to D'Avin's big secret. She is full of win that girl!


And finally, I am fine with the red-box stuff.  I have a suspicion it will tie into something rather big and I am curious as to what that will be.

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That was a funny moment.  Dutch might be dying in the airlock, but Johnny's in danger -- ok then, screw quarantine procedures.

If I own a spaceship whose AI is perfectly willing to let me die in agony unless its boyfriend needs me to rescue him, that spaceship is getting a new AI at the next port. Lucy could enjoy her promising new career controlling the settings on Johnny's personal massager.


I know there has to be a certain economy of characters for both story and budgetary reasons, but D'avin's doctor/therapist being eager to get it on with him just raises all sorts of red flags. I wish they could have made his love life subplot involve another character who wouldn't be violating her medical ethics and the doctor-patient relationship to bang him. Ah well, still better her than Dutch.

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If I own a spaceship whose AI is perfectly willing to let me die in agony unless its boyfriend needs me to rescue him, that spaceship is getting a new AI at the next port.

He! I completely agree. And although it's mostly played for fun it's basically the old stereotype that women just can't get along even when one of them is an AI.

As for the hot Doctor and D'avin - let's just say the Quad has different ethical standards than the Milky Way *handwave*

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This follows the Lost Girl model: a very small core cast, low budget, and lots of sexy times. Therefore, a psychiatrist is duh of course going to be love interest. 


I don't care if the AI thing is trope-y or setting the feminist cause back a hundred years. Lucy is hilarious and I love her relationship with Johnny, who is the heart and soul of the show. Without him it would be two overcapable yet suffering pretty people and a robot. Boring. Johnny gives them all a family and grounding, performs deeply important exposition, and is not hard on the eyes himself.

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Lucy is a rare AI that I actually adore.  Most of the times, AI annoys me greatly.  It's the writing here, the subtext is just great.  Like with Lucy locking Dutch out and then it appearing she really favors Johnny when it was really just that protocol matters except in cases where overriding protocol is necessary to save another crew member.  Definitely made me laugh. There is some joy in this show, which the other syfy friday shows have been severely lacking.  

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With Defiance testing my patience and Dark Matter being slow to pick up I have to say Lucy only letting Dutch in when she said John was in danger has been my favorite moment from the beginning of this season.  I am really warming up to this show and have am having a real girl crush on Dutch and her awesome hair.  Firefly always wins Cannibals/Zombies in Space but Killjoys did a right respectable job.  

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I just had a quick thought on Lucy's behavior re: Dutch v. Johnny. Lucy is Dutch's ship. As such Lucy as AI may be in some small way an imprint of Dutch herself, or at the least has picked up and internalized some of Dutch's behavior. In which case, it is very likely that Dutch would not override critical safety protocols just to save herself, but she would to save Johnny (see that attitude repeated with Red Box guy at the end of the epsiode, she is willing to defy him when it is just herself on the line, but when it comes to Johnny she can't). So maybe Lucy's actions are just a reflection of what Dutch's would be.

Even so the humor of the moment was very well played.

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I think the A and B might be for the different pods and from what we see, 2 pods.  Wouldn't that mean 248A/B is 496 people? If the doctor, part of the original crew was 23B that would make more sense - crew of less than a hundred rather than her being the 600th or so victim.

496 makes me feel a bit better. Still awful, though.

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Great episode.  A very unique and interesting  take on nanotech, it didn't make me have horrible flashbacks of Revolution, so win. I enjoyed the team dynamics and how smiley they were around each other...you know before the horrible torture began. Great lines this episode also.  Dutch and her sugar pants comment and Lucy and everything she said. I love that it's not Lucy's  fault that  Dutch is filthy. Dutch airlocked her self and floated through space with no suit. How do you spell awesome? Oh that's right, D-U-T-C-H. I love the fact that Johnny is the one everyone loves most. Great use of music this episode also.

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Does anyone recall an old animated movie where they jump between ships in empty space but it's ok and they live because they "breathed out"? I can't remember what movie now but I remember making fun of that. When Dutch junked into space I was worried it was going to be that excuse, but the nanites explanation saved it from being completely awful.

Edited by LeGrandElephant
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Weeellll, actually, the human body can survive in a vacuum, briefly...  about 10-15 seconds of consciousness.  An upper limit of three minutes, give or take.  Long enough to "jump" a very short distance. The concept has been covered in many "hard" science fiction stories (an easy one to find online, and an all-around excellent episode, is the Stargate SG-1 season 4 Tangent).  


Dutch was travelling a much longer distance, but the nanites did provide assistance....  

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The implausibility of Dutch jumping into space didn't bother me because nanites in sci-fi is like a healing spell. It fixes all. What I found interesting was how D'avin was all NOOOO, Dutch is dead! She jumped out the airlock! and John is like chill, she's strong, she'll be fine. Typical D'avin-- throwing melodramatic fits about being tortured by nanites, killing his squad, and getting his memory erased because of some grand conspiracy. I'm obviously poking fun here, but I'm slowly warming up to his character. I still don't think the actor is up to carrying the weight of his backstory, but I like that he tries. The rapport growing between him and John also helps. As does the constant display of abs.


So, when is John going to make an honest ship out of Lucy?

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Well, I gave it my best shot, but after 4 eps and 10 minutes, I think I'm out. 


This show just isn't holding my attention.  I like Dutch, but the two male leads aren't really that interesting.


Plus, the plots for this space show are just not engaging and are kind of routine. 


Dark Matter is only a little better, so I'm hanging with it for now.


And Defiance is a far superior show.  I've liked it for 3 seasons now.

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Jul 20 2015. 4:36 pm

I just had a quick thought on Lucy's behavior re: Dutch v. Johnny. Lucy is Dutch's ship. As such Lucy as AI may be in some small way an imprint of Dutch herself, or at the least has picked up and internalized some of Dutch's behavior. In which case, it is very likely that Dutch would not override critical safety protocols just to save herself, but she would to save Johnny





They should call this Everybody Loves John.

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