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S17.E08: Episode 8

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Da'Vonne's exit interview was part self aware and part delusional. She had the good sense to know exactly when she blew up her own game, so I'll give her that. But I hate it when an evicted houseguest tries to brag that the reason they were voted out is because everyone is "a coward" or because they have to "be themselves." Julie gave her the chance to redeem herself by asking if she'd do anything different if she could go back and Day gave the classic response that she'd do the exact same thing. So, in other words, Day, you are incapable of learning from your mistakes. You are profoundly proud of the fact that you will forever keep making the same mistakes in life because "you gotta be you." Well, that's why you were doomed from the start. Pride in one's behavior even when it's detrimental to their goal is not something to boast about.

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I was disappointed that Julie didn't inform Day of Vanessa's star status in the poker world. And Day's going in there as a second grade teacher totally fizzled out, didn't it?

On another thread last week I brought up the notion that Shelli didn't want to be the one to get a transgender individual evicted. After last night I really do think I was right, at least when it came to Shelli.

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Add me to the peeps who have no clue why Day didn't sit Clay out for the vote.  Just 'Wha?'


Audrey may end up Victoria'ing her way to the finals:  She's so a non-entity right now, that her threat level is probably in the negative regions...And if you're sitting next to her in the finals, automatic win. 


I LURVE me an Austin/Vanessa HoH - this might actually be some interesting BB this week.

I think Dae made a mistake in not telling those that she had won the last laugh. This show has devolved to such a herd mentality, people are afraid to be the only one to vote for someone. If she told them she had a fighting chance, they may have been willing to risk voting for her.

that's a good point.  But I wonder if, even though we didn't hear it, that they were not suppose to tell because at the eviction when Julie was going to read the three names she said she wasn't going to say who it was that won.  Unless Da'Vonne not saying gave them an opportunity of a twist being those in the house might think that person is still there???

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Speaking of shout-outs during voting, I wish Austin would can it with the wrestling persona. Can't even remember what his "wrestling name" is but nobody's buying whatever it is he's selling. Clearly he's just here to promote himself. He probably thinks the show is making a big deal over his wrestling or something, can't wait 'til he finds out they never even mention it.

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I don't see how the "last laugh" was really designed to live up to its name. A real last laugh would have been something like the power to void the eviction. A double-eviction later on would balance out everybody staying this week. If they wanted to keep the winner a secret, Julie could have asked the HG at voting time (a mere formality in this case).


Da'Vonne's inability to use the knowledge of the twins was reminiscent of how she got herself into this mess in the first place, by unnecessarily calling the (Half of the) House Meeting to put Audrey on blast. Once she had convinced Vanessa that Audrey was lying about who started the rumor that Vanessa was leading a girls' alliance in the second group (remember, Audrey/Shelli/Da' started their alliance by entering in the first group, along with larger "let's backdoor Jace" ally Meg; Audrey's theory was that Vanessa had grouped up the four late-arriving female HGs), that Audrey had spread the rumor and then tried to pin it on Da', she should have simply used that to build trust with Vanessa, and reported back to her boo, Jason, and the other members of her core alliance, James and Meg.

Instead, she called the meeting, apparently feeling that going "See, I told you she's a liar!" on Audrey's ass would get everyone to apologize to her for ever having any issues whatsoever with her, even if her (Da's) issues with Shelli/Clay/Jeff were not specifically Audrey-derived. She wanted approval and vindication, but instead S/C/J were simply "okay, so Audrey's a liar…but you're smart and aggressive, and Jason will do whatever you want." Not good.

Similarly, when she figured out the twins, Da'Vonne's need to show off to "the group" had her leading half the house in to stare at the Memory Wall, rather than keeping the information to herself, as might be needed for later. Not only did this kill her chances for effective blackmail, as Jeff notes in the recap, but it also blew her shot at a simpler solutionusing Liz to build an alliance and save herself.

Remember, the original seed of Da's problems with Shelli came when she gave the safety to Liz, instead of her alliance member, Shelli. Well, wouldn't this be the time to call that marker in? "Girl, I saved you last week, now I need your help, okay?" Play on Liz's desire to keep her word, confide in her about having the power (so only five votes are needed) and spell them out: Jason, James, Liz, Austin, and Vanessa. The two "sides" of the house uniting to take out the wannabe power couples in the middle, before they can consolidate power any further. (A rather analogous alliance just happened in BBCan 3.) "And besides, Meg is so beloved she's a danger if you ever find yourself up against her, like I am, and with me in the game, you know that's one more week before they come after you…" Only if Liz doesn't seem to be committing would you then need to let her know that you're aware of the twin twist and you want to protect her because "when your sister gets to play full-time, that will make us even stronger, but Meg doesn't want to save you, she wants you gone" and so on. Just dumb.

I also love that almost nobody has a clue about Gronkowski. He's a tight end, ffs. Quarterbacks, running backs, the intimidating defensive stars, the occasional wide receiver; they all get more publicity than even the best tight ends. (Well, unless you're Aaron Hernandez, but still…) What's next, a "famous" long-snapper? Strength coach? Back Judge? He's not even dating anybody famous. Retired mediocrities Eric Johnson and Hank Baskett are probably better known to the HGs, thanks to spouses Jessica Simpson and Kendra Wilkinson, respectively.

Surprised that Vanessa won one of the HoH's; I thought she would throw it and just help handle Austin's plotting. I guess she figured it was important to keep James out of power. And I do know she misses her girlfriend terribly, but it still seems like a risky move, IMO.

Poor Grodner: not only spelled the power out in advance but basically tipped off which call it would be (Julie referred to a "lucky" call…which number is normally associated with luck, again? Oh, yeah, seven), and it still didn't help. Aw, shucks.

Edited by DAngelus
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Speaking of shout-outs during voting, I wish Austin would can it with the wrestling persona.

It's all about the hat. When he's wearing the hat he's the eeevilll Judas. No hat, he's the bookish mild-mannered Austin.


So I'm waiting to hear that his personalities are split as far as voting goes so it would be something like "That no good candyass piece of trash Austinwants to vote for Houseguest A but me, Judas, wants to vote out Houseguest B since I'm the one with the balls to do it, so we vote Houseguest B!!!" Give or take a few insults and wild hand gestures...


And on a related note... he apparently straightened his hair while he was wrestling, as pics don't show his Wierd Al mane like we see in the house.

Da'Vonne's exit interview was part self aware and part delusional. She had the good sense to know exactly when she blew up her own game, so I'll give her that. But I hate it when an evicted houseguest tries to brag that the reason they were voted out is because everyone is "a coward" or because they have to "be themselves."


In DaSpeak, "coward" = "Anybody playing in a manner which doesn't immediately benefit ME." In that respect, Da reminded me dead-up of Amanda Zuckerman.

Poor Grodner: not only spelled the power out in advance but basically tipped off which call it would be (Julie referred to a "lucky" call…which number is normally associated with luck, again? Oh, yeah, seven), and it still didn't help. Aw, shucks.

Glad to see somebody besides me picked up on the "lucky" clue. :)

Can't stand Kathy Griffin, thought Day was obnoxious, so the abysmal failure of the last laugh twist worked quite well for me.

Kathy has been trying to surpass the late Joan Rivers for years. Even dead, Joan, is a lot funnier than Kathy.

I don't understand Da at all calling them cowards. Since when does transgender trump African-American. Da was viewed as a threat and the house have bigger fish to fry than Audrey. It's just that simple.

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I don't understand Da at all calling them cowards. Since when does transgender trump African-American. Da was viewed as a threat and the house have bigger fish to fry than Audrey. It's just that simple.


And Da' has a ride-or-die in Jason (and the peripheral James/Meg), where Audrey is isolated.  And who's responsible for that?  Oh, yeah…Da'.  Well done, girl.  (Sigh.)


So now that Austin is HoH, will he be hatless and sincere with Vanessa and Liz/Julia, but then put on the "Judas" hat when the HGs come up to plead for safety?  Will Vanessa start to wonder why he's always going "wait a second, I gotta get my hat"?  Will the (presumably-) targeted side of the house try to rat the twins out to Austin/Vanessa, and will they believe it or just think it's a lie Jason came up with to revenge his departed boo?  Hmm.

You can kind of tell how these houseguests feel about each other in the way they react in the wake of an eviction.


I do believe that Shelli liked Da'Vonne on a personal level, and this really was only a game-related decision to get her evicted (or at least she thinks it was, although Da'Vonne was never coming after her until she nominated her).  She even joined in the round of applause for Da'Vonne as her picture went gray on the Memory Wall.


Clay, on the other hand, must truly have a real-life hatred for her, as he neither said goodbye to her nor joined in the applause for her picture.  He just stood with his arms crossed as it happened.


Da'Vonne, meanwhile, feels negatively toward both of them, I think, because she said goodbye to everyone but Clay and Shelli on her way out.  I think she might've passed over Audrey, too.

See now I didn't like Meg's shirt at all, I told my hubs I thought it was very unflattering. Da's dress, though, was divine.


Same here to both of those. Meg just looked tacky, while Day looked elegant and sexy. Yes, Meg, we know you have breasts. Becky's retro look was much more successful.

Speaking of clothing, Shelli and Liz were wearing almost the exact shade of pink. At one point I thought both Liz and Julia were in the house together, because they both had their backs to the camera and all I could see was blonde hair and pink.

What Day never seemed to get about the game (as she and Jason think anyone who doesn't do what they want is a "coward") is that Shelli had reasons to keep Audrey. She had no reason to keep Day. In Day's mind, that means everyone was scared to go against a trans woman. Frankly I found it more than a little questionable to say this, and after seeing her interview I'm glad she got voted out. She was fun but she didn't really want to play the game, even when given more opportunities than almost any player at this point in the game

I could see no one wanting to evict Audrey in Week One for that reason, but Audrey has blown up her game so badly that there are obvious reasons to get rid of her. She reminds me a bit of Russell Hantz on Survivor in that his main game strategy was causing chaos for chaos's sake. He was better at covering his tracks than Audrey, and a jerk to boot, but that strategy eventually ruined his game. Twice.

Da'Vonne's inability to use the knowledge of the twins was reminiscent of how she got herself into this mess in the first place, by unnecessarily calling the (Half of the) House Meeting to put Audrey on blast. Once she had convinced Vanessa that Audrey was lying about who started the rumor that Vanessa was leading a girls' alliance in the second group (remember, Audrey/Shelli/Da' started their alliance by entering in the first group, along with larger "let's backdoor Jace" ally Meg; Audrey's theory was that Vanessa had grouped up the four late-arriving female HGs), that Audrey had spread the rumor and then tried to pin it on Da', she should have simply used that to build trust with Vanessa, and reported back to her boo, Jason, and the other members of her core alliance, James and Meg.

Instead, she called the meeting, apparently feeling that going "See, I told you she's a liar!" on Audrey's ass would get everyone to apologize to her for ever having any issues whatsoever with her, even if her (Da's) issues with Shelli/Clay/Jeff were not specifically Audrey-derived. She wanted approval and vindication, but instead S/C/J were simply "okay, so Audrey's a liar…but you're smart and aggressive, and Jason will do whatever you want." Not good.

Similarly, when she figured out the twins, Da'Vonne's need to show off to "the group" had her leading half the house in to stare at the Memory Wall, rather than keeping the information to herself, as might be needed for later. Not only did this kill her chances for effective blackmail, as Jeff notes in the recap, but it also blew her shot at a simpler solutionusing Liz to build an alliance and save herself.

Yes, Day was far too focused on publicly being proven "right" or getting her own back when she thought she was wronged to be a good player. Cases in point, the quarrel with Clay and exposing Audrey's lies to the group. And the whole thing about calling out players who wanted to advance their own games over hers as "cowards" is just silly. She's rather young, though. It might be fun to see her play again in a few years.

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