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From the "Public Appearances" thread

Mirakuru could explain it in terms of the show, but in real life....... I'm not buying it. Even Caity Lotz said she could do only two rungs. (I wish I could get rid of the impression that KC is delusional about her function on this show.)

But why would that presuppose whether or not KC could do it. People have different strengths and areas of their body that are stronger than others. Just because CL could only do two rungs (and that could be due to time restraints, injuries or what have you) doesn't limit me in anyway, so why should it limit KC.

As I understand it SA wasn't heavy into martial arts or parkour before this show and look at him now. I don't really buy into physical limitations, if you work for it, you get it based on experience.

In all the places KC has appeared in the past few months her physical transformation is clear. She's eating clean and working hard, I have no doubt she can achieve her physical goals including Sally (if that's one of them)


I have a sister who has been fit her entire life, and has been a provincial and national athlete numerous times over. Now I just started eating better and working out about a year ago, and I am nowhere near her level of fitness nor would I expect to be. She's been training her body for that for her years, and I haven't been.


Doing the salmon ladder isn't the equivalent to lifting heavy weights or running a mile. It's a part of the American Ninja Warrior, and is often a task that people fail at. So it is hard for be to accept that an actress who was scarily thin just this year is able to now be at the fitness level to be able to do something as difficult as the salmon ladder. She might be lifting weights and building muscle, but it's not the same level of fitness that CL seems to be at. I have an even harder time imaging KC being able to do half of the things CL is able to do in those few youtube videos that are floating around. 

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But at the end of the day even if you can't imagine it, everyone is different. People have different body types and different strengths, what's simple for your sister may be difficult for me and what's simple for me, difficult for your sister. Some people have a stronger core, some people have stronger legs etc. To me whether or not it's on Ninja Warrior is irrelevant because fitness and capability are 90% mindset with proper training. As Adidas says (cheesy as it sounds) Impossible is nothing. You never know what people are capable of fitness wise. We barely know what we're capable of so she could very well surprise you.

Also with respect to CL and her two rungs, do we know the context of her training? How long she trained to use Sally compared to SA and how much upper body training she does? I know she does martial arts, dancing and park our but I'm not sure how much lifting (if any) she was doing at that time....

I would opine it wasn't longer than a few weeks, if even that and I'd reckon she could do more than two rungs if she were in her 'The Machine' shape. Her abs and arms were nowhere near as defined during that part of the season. From what I've seen and read, Sally is all coordination,core and upper body strength with swinging from the legs to smooth the transition. Mind you I've seen girls, with skinnier arms than CL and certainly less defined than KC has now, successfully work the ladder so again I think it's down to the person.

There is also the fluidity in the movements, you can see the difference between Caity and Stephen in that regard. Caity is much better at it, however it makes sense in the story we've seen, Oliver appears to have had a more rough and tumble training while Sara had more disciplined taught by masters of martial arts training from the League. 


I know Stephen wasn't into martial arts before Arrow, but we also only have him and no one to compare him too. With KC she has to match the movements of someone that's been trained for years to move her body like artwork. So if she's just lifting weights it doesn't mean much she should be taking Martial arts or dance classes. 


Plus she can work out all she want, that's the least important thing she needs to work on since a stunt double can just do all the physical stuff. She needs to put her focus on making Laurel a better character. Her just saying because comics is not going to work for me. Laurel's a terrible character and I have no desire after 2 years to see her put on her sister's outfit and fight crime. So she not only has to be able to physically match Caity/Sara she has to make herself likable as well. Which is stupid because Caity looks the part, can do the fight scenes and most like her. So Laurel is not needed. 

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There is also the fluidity in the movements, you can see the difference between Caity and Stephen in that regard. Caity is much better at it, however it makes sense in the story we've seen, Oliver appears to have had a more rough and tumble training while Sara had more disciplined taught by masters of martial arts training from the League.

I know Stephen wasn't into martial arts before Arrow, but we also only have him and no one to compare him too. With KC she has to match the movements of someone that's been trained for years to move her body like artwork. So if she's just lifting weights it doesn't mean much she should be taking Martial arts or dance classes.

Plus she can work out all she want, that's the least important thing she needs to work on since a stunt double can just do all the physical stuff. She needs to put her focus on making Laurel a better character. Her just saying because comics is not going to work for me. Laurel's a terrible character and I have no desire after 2 years to see her put on her sister's outfit and fight crime. So she not only has to be able to physically match Caity/Sara she has to make herself likable as well. Which is stupid because Caity looks the part, can do the fight scenes and most like her. So Laurel is not needed.

I'm sorry but I don't see how this has anything to do with my initial post. We were discussing the salmon ladder and it's difficulties, I don't see how having dance training or martial arts training pertains to that. Many people can do the salmon ladder with proper training whether they have a dance/martial arts background or not as SA and many people (men and women) on youtube have proved. Whether or not you feel KC's character sucks has little bearing on whether or not she has potential to do the salmon ladder.

I also don't agree that CL is better at it as evidenced by the amount of rungs SA completes and the frequency and speed in which he completes them, I don't see how being fluid compares to the task of completing the rungs.


I wasn't talking about or quoting your post about the salmon ladder as evidenced that I never once mentioned the salmon ladder in my post, I was talking about the fighting movements in general which has nothing to do with whether or not one can do the salmon ladder. 


But if I am going to talk about it then Caity did it with very little notice or practice, they just came to her and asked if she could and she was game. She practiced for what a week in-between filming? That's why Stephen was impressed. If KC does it she had months to practice. 

Edited by Sakura12

Here's an interesting idea --  Mandi Brierly from EW looked at Stephen Amell's work-out videos and remembered that back in the 80s, there was a show called Battle of the Network Stars in which the stars of shows from the 3 networks competed against each other. Want to see physically fit? Have a look at Mark Harmon.


Someone must have brought it to SA's attention because he tweeted "Set it up. I'm in."



Without wanting to get too much off topic, I just had a quick question regarding the conventions that the cast members have been/will be appearing at.  How do the conventions handle audience questions?  Are questions screened, or do you just basically get up and ask whatever you want?  Thanks in advance!


Here's an interesting idea -- Mandi Brierly from EW looked at Stephen Amell's work-out videos and remembered that back in the 80s, there was a show called Battle of the Network Stars in which the stars of shows from the 3 networks competed against each other. Want to see physically fit? Have a look at Mark Harmon.

Someone must have brought it to SA's attention because he tweeted "Set it up. I'm in."


That.would.be.awesome. I also think it would help bring focus back to healthier body types for women instead of encouraging skinny to the point of anorexia. I think Arrow with CL and now KC will help in this area. Always glad to see more fit women (and people) on TV.

ETA It's kind of like a triathlon version of DWTS eh? Great idea IMO!

Edited by slayer2
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At the Con in San Diego, there is someone designated to screen the questions.  They don't care very much what you ask, but you can't ask for autographs, give the panelists things, make personal requests, or ask something that could be misconstrued as offensive or combative.  A question that seems like the latter would result in the attendee being asked to change the wording or come up with a new question.  And there will be consequences if someone ignores the rules.  At the Doctor Who panel last year, a guy in line told the screener what his question was, she had no objection, and he then proceeded to ask Matt Smith to sign his custom made Eleven inspired jacket.  Matt was happy to do so, and did, but the screener's supervisor came running over to make sure she didn't give him the ok (I was sitting right there and could have backed her up if he hadn't believed her but he did) and then they got on the microphone to remind the audience that was not ok and all questions would cease if that happened again.  A similar thing happened years ago at the White Collar panel when an attendee asked a legit question and then quickly offered Matt Bomer a CD he'd made.  Matt accepted it but clearly felt uncomfortable about it and the screener made a similar announcement.  I've never been to a panel where questions were stopped due to attendees not following these rules but most people are respectful of them and more interested in asking good (if often redundant-there's ALWAYS a question about the kinds of pranks tv casts play on each other and I mean ALWAYS) questions.  If anything, there tends to be a bigger issue with audience questions when said audience is made up of stans than with the screening.  Stans will hoot and hollar the entire panel if the moderator doesn't shut them up, though any delays to the questions said moderator is asking will eat into audience question time so it can be amusing when they announce there's only enough time for a single question and the stans are shocked (SHOCKED I tell you!) when this happens (I'm looking at you, Vampire Diaries).  


But that's just the San Diego Con, I don't know how anyone else handles it.

  • Love 2

Yeah, I think SDCC is a bit stricter than most Cons because it's so huge and it's more of a media event.


I've been to Dragon*Con, NYCC and Creation Con (years ago, don't know if they're still around).  At those Cons there's usually a moderator that asks questions and keeps the audience in line but they don't screen the audience questions. 


I think the recent Cons followed the general con standard, the ones that ended up online (Calcary Con, Phoenix and Denver Cons) didn't seem to have screened questions anyway.


What are "Stans"?  I've only recently seen this term used.  I'm guessing some kind of rabid fan but can't account for the word.


From Urban Dictionary

Based on the central character in the Eminem song of the same name, a "stan" is an overzealous maniacal fan for any celebrity or athlete.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Honestly, I hate the audience question part of the panels (I know fans like being able to talk to their favorite celebrity) but they are mostly the same questions asked all the time (ones that everyone knows the actors cannot answer, like shipper questions) there is maybe one or two interesting ones. I kinda wish they'd just let the moderator ask the questions. 


They must've changed the rules at SDCC because when I was there in 2008 people were getting things signed by the actors at panels. But I can see why, because the actor really can't refuse in front of all those people without looking like an ass. So they have no choice but to say yes. So it's probably better if the people working there are the ones that say no. 

I guess it's technically a public appearance? Stephen Amell is doing another live q and a over on his facebook right now.

I don't think it worked out, or I just don't know how to log in. I couldn't see any of the questions and then he tweeted that he couldn't hang about with no info or something. It was all rather confounding from over here.

The Facebook Q&A link worked for me. All the questions and answers are up as well though you have to expand most of the questions to find SA's answer.


Something went down later and he said he's taking a break from Facebook. Wouldn't say what it was. I hope it's not the studio making him rein it in - his devotion makes the show better than it actually is. I can forgive a lot when the lead is so charming, personable, and enthusiastic about their show. 

You know what I think it's addictive and I think that watching SA in all his training and the various crazy ways they have him show Oliver's training on the show that it just turns into a bigger and bigger mountain. Once you've mastered the Salmon Ladder you want to do push-ups on your hands, once you do push-ups on your hands you want to do Wing Chun and that crazy bashing cement thing he was doing. I think it's possible with Caity that since she started with dance and the flexibility of that that it's like learning French, after you learn French you learn Spanish, then Italian, then Portuguese. Suddenly you're Maya Angelou and you know like 6 languages. It's a pretty cool way to go through life.

This was true for me. I grew up doing really physical things with my family (whitewater rafting, water sports, hiking, mountain climbing, etc.) I started gymnastics in grade school because I needed it for cheerleading. Then my brothers started taking taekwondo classes and since I never let them one-up me (only girl syndrome) I signed up too. Once I got my black belt I took judo classes and later on at university I took unarmed self defense classes and kickboxing classes. I did yoga, Pilates, and then power yoga. The more fit you are, the better it feels when you push your boundaries. But I can say from personal experience that none of this means you can really fight well in a real life situation. I did manage to take down a guy twice my size and weight one night when he followed me to my car and tried grabbing me when I ignored him. But in his defense, he was a little drunk and surely not expecting a 5'2" 115 pound girl to turn on him, and the police arrived before he even thought of getting up lol. My brothers were proud :)

Caity Lotz is like my hero though. She looks like she could kick ALL the asses :). I'm going to be so disappointed if she doesn't return as Canary.

  • Love 2

This was true for me. I grew up doing really physical things with my family (whitewater rafting, water sports, hiking, mountain climbing, etc.) I started gymnastics in grade school because I needed it for cheerleading. Then my brothers started taking taekwondo classes and since I never let them one-up me (only girl syndrome) I signed up too. Once I got my black belt I took judo classes and later on at university I took unarmed self defense classes and kickboxing classes. I did yoga, Pilates, and then power yoga. The more fit you are, the better it feels when you push your boundaries. But I can say from personal experience that none of this means you can really fight well in a real life situation. I did manage to take down a guy twice my size and weight one night when he followed me to my car and tried grabbing me when I ignored him. But in his defense, he was a little drunk and surely not expecting a 5'2" 115 pound girl to turn on him, and the police arrived before he even thought of getting up lol. My brothers were proud :)

Caity Lotz is like my hero though. She looks like she could kick ALL the asses :). I'm going to be so disappointed if she doesn't return as Canary.

That.is.awesome. You go girl! It also explains a lot, martial arts, park our, all so addictive. I bet SA will still be working out when this gig is done, he seems really addicted to it.


Yes, SDCC would give us a lot of information about the future details but even when the shooting starts, we would be getting info and indications as to what will be the future trajectory of the show.



Looks like 301 is really something . 

According to James Bamford's Twitter


Wow......#Arrow episode 301.......insane. Wow. Hold on to your booties kids....you're in for a bumpy ride......

Edited by abhi

Yeah, I'm waiting for SDCC for info and I'm actually really curious about that Montreal panel, I can't imagine KC being a happy camper when there's going to be a ton of Olicity, Felicity, Emily questions asked of Stephen.  


I really hope this one gets video'd because I know SA allows that while KC doesn't (and yes I'm putting it on KC not her Publicist).


ETA: Thanks Abhi!

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Something went down later and he said he's taking a break from Facebook.


His exit was kind of dramatic both on FB and twitter - deleting his profile pics and those cryptic messages.  Whatever happened to make him take a break, happened very quickly as he seemed quite happy a couple of hours early at the Facebook campus.


I hope it doesn't have to do with his personal life (family) and all is okay.  Seeing pics with him and his mom and him and his daughter always put a smile on my face.

My guess with SA going radio silent, and it's a complete guess, is it has something to do with the Flash pilot being leaked. Last year I was a huge fan of Beauty and the Beast. They started having leaks about details of the episodes, not actually the video, including a scene by scene breakdown of the Season 1 finale.  As soon as that happened, the actors changed their profile pictures to generic photos, removed any mention of Beauty and the Beast from their profiles and pretty much all went silent as far as interacting with the fans. (Granted most of them didn't interact very often but they essentially went silent, all except a supporting actor on the show, Austin Basis, who mentioned that he has interacting with the fans written into his contract.)


It seems pretty likely that with the leak of the Flash pilot the day before its an attempt on the CW's part to crack down on off script social media and SA pushing back against them trying to control his interactions.

The other cast might be more willing to stay on script and only give the fans what the marketing department approves, whereas SA wants more freedom? I can't really say, I have a huge fear of following actors on social media because I don't want to find out that they are douche nozzles in RL and have it ruin a show for me, so I don't follow any of them. 


I do know that part of all CW contracts are that actors, writers and recently EPs have a twitter account. (the stars of BatB were all required to open one) How much control they have over how an actor interacts with fans I don't know. If that is what happened SA will be back the CW would be morons to hurt the gold mind they have in him with how he interacts with the fans.

I think when he commented on his Facebook page that Flash pilot was leaked, he basically announced it to the whole fandom. I think a substantial portion of the fan base would not have been aware of the leak but that single post announced it to everyone, albeit unintentionally. So, maybe the CW wants to do damage control and has forbidden Amell to interact online. Amell did say that he hoped that the matter gets resolved soon. So, it most probably is an external directive.


No one knows why he did it and it's certainly not the first time he pulled a dramatic exit from Social Media.  I just don't buy that this was a CW thing and that he went radio silent in protest. Or that he was the only one that got slapped and told no, don't interact with the fans.

Edited by Morrigan2575

I think when he commented on his Facebook page that Flash pilot was leaked, he basically announced it to the whole fandom.


I don't know, judging by the number of posts I saw in various places about it, I think a large portion of the fandom already knew (at least the ones who are internet savvy enough to be able to find it). I can see TPTB not being pleased, but it's not like he facilitated the leak or posted a link to it on his page, and ultimately he's a huge ambassador for the show - making him take a social media break to "punish/control" him hurts them and their product more than it hurts him.

  • Love 1

I think SA has gone quiet on social media before - this time seemed very abrupt and odd but it's not unheard of for him.


Lots of speculation as to why but until he decides to explain it (or not), no one knows. 

I suspect he will be asked about it at the next con he attends, too.

I'm actually really interested in seeing whether or not KC changes her tune on what she says at SDCC since she'll be there with the rest of the cast. I wonder if she has the balls to say what she believes about Oliver and Felicity's relationship in front of SA, EBR, and the EPs. I also think that KC will most probably be the one who looks ridiculous if/when Laurel doesn't become a part of the team and she doesn't become BC. I would feel bad for KC but she put it all on herself so... 


@wonderwall - I would not think she would be directly asked Oliver/Felicity questions.  They would be answered by someone else on the panel, quite possibly even the EPs.  This is as much a big media event for the launch of Season 3 as it is a fan event.  Just because we like to think KC is delusional doesn't mean she is.  Last year she was unhappy so she basically wasn't saying much about anything.


It will be interesting to see if they have SA & KC doing interviews together similar to SA & EBR last year.  If so...

Edited by Sunshine

@Sunshine, oh no, I don't think I worded it properly. I know she won't be asked that. I was just wondering if she would actually have the balls to say that about Felicity in front of the rest of the cast because so far, when she's been asked about FElicity/Oliver/Laurel, they've been in interviews with just her... I wonder if she would actually change her answer if she was doing an interview with SA or even AK/MG

I'm actually really interested in seeing whether or not KC changes her tune on what she says at SDCC since she'll be there with the rest of the cast. I wonder if she has the balls to say what she believes about Oliver and Felicity's relationship in front of SA, EBR, and the EPs. I also think that KC will most probably be the one who looks ridiculous if/when Laurel doesn't become a part of the team and she doesn't become BC. I would feel bad for KC but she put it all on herself so... 


This is what I've been wondering. So far she's been on her own or with JB and MB, so it hasn't mattered as much what she had to say, but the EPs probably aren't going to be too happy if KC shuts down any Olicity talk at probably the biggest and most important fan convention.

My Uncle got me free tickets to Wizard World! I probably won't be meeting anyone from Arrow since I already met John Barrowman, I want to use my money to meet people I haven't met yet and there's a lot people this year. If there's an Arrow panel I'll try to get to it provided John Barrowman is there, if it's just Katie Cassidy I'll be skipping that, sorry. It's at the end of August so we'll probably have more than enough information by then with what's happening with her character anyway.

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