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Guys come on. I think that @ban1o already stated multiple times that they didn't mean to imply anyone was lying. I think s/he wanted to watch that video for entertainment purposes and not to call anyone a liar. Because let's be real, that would've been a hilarious thing to watch! 

Edited by wonderwall
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I enjoyed that he mentioned questioning the producers after reading the script for 301 even if all he could do is ask if they were sure about it.  Something that big he'd have no control over but I appreciated that his gut reaction was to ask, "Really?" 


I don't know whether to laugh or shake my head. Because it's kind of hilarious that the star of the show has to point out the idiocy of a writing decision, to people who are older, more experienced and supposedly better at constructing engaging stories than him.


But it's sad that they chose to go that route, and when they were questioned on it, didn't change their minds. I imagine that most of the cast has similar reactions to reading the script. 'Really? This is really what you're choosing to do with that awesome character you created last year? You're happy to wave goodbye to that character and the actor that plays her, knowing that it will seriously limit what you can choose to do in the future?'


But given all the spoilers for this season, I have to assume it's not the first, nor will it be the last time, some of them have reactions like that. Reminds me of the story Andrew Marlowe once told, where he accidentally let slip that his writing bamboozled the hell out of Stana Katic. He said she actually had to take the time to map out her character's thought processes on a whiteboard, to make sense of them. That's not a good sign.

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Wasn't Orion actually there for the panel? That's enough for me to know it happened, along with the fact that it's something people would say since LL/KC is not a popular character. 


When the actors start questioning the writing for their character that is not a good sign. Both Manu Bennett and Caity Lotz questioned the sudden love stories they had to start playing having not been told that earlier and therefore not playing it like that earlier. If the actors playing the characters were caught off guard, how do they think the audience would react? Both of those storylines were met with "Wait, what?" reactions, and that "Came out of nowhere". That's not how you tell a coherent story. It should make sense to everyone involved. 


I could definitely see SA questioning the stupid decision to kill of Sara so early and in the most disrespectful way. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I was there. We didn't get nearly as good of seats as you though Writersblock51.  I should have brought a telescope to see better.



Or Orion's word for it, or the word of all the other people in the audience who reported it on twitter immediately after it happened...you're all a bunch of liars...


They were pumping Vertigo through the air ducks. Mass hallucinations for all. ;)

Edited by Orion
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Okay so just chiming in again (breaking my current "I don't want to talk about Arrow anymore" rule), I should've clarified when I said I watched the panel live. I meant I was actually at the panel as well and heard the same as what Orion and writersblocks51 did. It's a shame that none of the videos so far have been clear but there was a definite reaction by the audience to the "I wish she died" comment. Too bad the producers weren't there to hear it and poor Stephen had to field the questions/aggro instead although I doubt it would've sunk in for them.


ban1o you and I are cool. You did apologize once I pointed out what I had heard.

Edited by kdm07
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You do realize that there is one specific person in this thread who has claimed that, right?  That's the person Orion, WritersBlock and I were addressing?

I do. But I didn't perceive her comment as saying "you are lying" but more closer to "you probably just mis-heard it". anyway that comment was earlier when the videos were just coming up (it was when we still had the divided video), and i think it was when we had the word of only one member. since then, we had multiply people stating that it happened.


And we believe you all!

We just really, truly, wanna hear it too. 

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Ummmm KC is doing interviews again:



The Green Arrow needs Black Canary. It’s always been the two of them. I think comic book fans will be happy. Season 3 is a great journey for Laurel. If it was me, personally, it would drive me towards that direction, absolutely.


I’m not sure if Laurel is going to have the strength to tell her father. I don’t know if she wants to put her father through that. Some things are better left unsaid.


They’re best friends and have been best friends for life, even though there’s been hard times and good times. Their bond is so strong that if he romantically gets involved with Felicity, she’s going to be able to separate the two. I’m not sure that Oliver is going to be on board with Laurel taking on this role of wanting to get revenge, find out who did this to her sister, fight back and be training. I have a feeling he’ll probably be against that at first. At the end of the day, he’ll look at her and think, “Wow, she has what it takes. She is a warrior.” I think he’ll end up having respect for that.

Are you friggin kidding me. 



Edited by wonderwall
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lol wonderwall I knew you wouldn't like some of her comments :P I think KC should just stop doing interviews to avoid backlash. 

You know me too well, friend. What did you think of the interview? I like hearing from someone who's more level headed when it comes to Laurel and KC :p

You know me too well, friend. What did you think of the interview? I like hearing from someone who's more level headed when it comes to Laurel and KC :p

I kinda predicted the comments about her and Oliver's relationships so I'm not even annoyed about that lol. I rolled my eyes as "the Green Arrow needs Black Canary" and how "comic fans will be happy." I think most comic fans preferred Sara as BC, so I don't think she really knows what comic-fans want. Her "warrior" comment was kinda funny. Laurel hasn't really been depicted as a "warrior" but I guess she could develop into one? I do like that her character seems to have some direction this season and that she's more relevant to the plot. I'm not sure if based on history I trust the writers to pull it off. It's unfortunate that Sara had to die to give Laurel's character character purpose but too late now.  She does seem really exited about her story-line this season, so hopefully that excitement will translate to a good performance. 

Edited by ban1o
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I kinda predicted the comments about her and Oliver's relationships so I'm not even annoyed about that lol. I rolled my eyes as "the Green Arrow needs Black Canary" and how "comic fans will be happy." I think most comic fans preferred Sara as BC, so I don't think she really knows what comic-fans want. I do like that her character seems to have some direction this season and that she's more relevant to the plot. I'm not sure if based on history I trust the writers to pull it off. It's unfortunate that Sara had to die to give Laurel's character character purpose but too late now.  She does seem really exited about her story-line this season, so hopefully that excitement will translate to a good performance. 

I mean, I expect it from KC to talk about relationship stuff like that... But now it's borderline pathetic. I mean, when were they best friends? Because I've never seen them be best friends on screen? Why are the writers/EPs/KC trying to push the whole best friends thing when they've never shown it? And somehow we're supposed to accept it? 


And I didn't hate everything that she said actually. I really liked her description of her relationship with Ted Grant. It was way more thought out and deeper than anything she's said about Oliver and Laurel. Yet she keeps harping on the whole Laurel and Oliver are soulmates? What? 


Literally none of the other actors or EPs bring up comics when it comes to their arcs, I don't understand why KC has to... Smh


I agree that KC has a tad bit more to say in this interview meaning she's actually going to be relevant this season, but I honestly don't think that the writers are going to do a good job of handling it. 

Everytime she opens her mouth I become less and less optimistic about her. 

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Yeah I've noticed how she always brings up the comics as well.  I think it's just one of her ringer words that she uses in interviews Although there's nothing inherently wrong with bring up comics since the show is based on a comic the way she does it makes it seem like her character is relevant on the show just because she's loosely based on the Dinah character in comics. And I agree that the writers have never really shown Laurel and Oliver to be best friends but I think that's just a problem with the writing. They say that they know each other more than anyone and that they are best friends, but they've never really shown it.  

Edited by ban1o
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I can understand KC being confused about the direction the writers are giving her. They are lost at sea without a compass. They ride the waves instead of navigating the oceans. 




She should at least be familiar with what her character has already portrayed even if she has no idea where she is going. She is a revisionist. Oliver and Laurel are barely acquaintances these days. They know a bit more about  each other (thanks, Slade!) but they are hardly friends let alone do they know each other. They knew each other once upon a time. I have friends I used to know really well. Then we graduated and scattered to the wind. Now I am Facebook friends with them. There is a difference between the friends you are aware of and the friends you know. 

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She should at least be familiar with what her character has already portrayed even if she has no idea where she is going. She is a revisionist. Oliver and Laurel are barely acquaintances these days. They know a bit more about  each other (thanks, Slade!) but they are hardly friends let alone do they know each other. They knew each other once upon a time. I have friends I used to know really well. Then we graduated and scattered to the wind. Now I am Facebook friends with them. There is a difference between the friends you are aware of and the friends you know. 

To be fair to KC  when the writers have the characters say things "I know you better than anyone else" as recently as in the 21st episode of last season. I can see why she would say they are best friends. 


The writers clearly think they are best friends even though they have never shown it lol. 

Edited by ban1o

Yeah I've noticed how she always brings up the comics as well.  I think it's just one of her ringer words that she uses in interviews Although there's nothing inherently wrong with bring up comics since the show is based on a comic the way she does it makes it seem like her character is relevant on the show just because she's loosely based on the Dinah character in comics. And I agree that the writers have never really shown Laurel and Oliver to be best friends but I think that's just a problem with the writing. They say that they know each other more than anyone and that they are best friends, but they've never really shown it.  

I mean you're right. There's nothing wrong with talking about the comics now and then... I'd just rather want to read what she thinks of her arc on the show and not the comics (she literally has zero knowledge of the comics other than at one point BC and GA were together and BC is Dinah Laurel Lance). And you're also right. She uses comics as a way to make her seem relevant and that's kind of sad. 


Also, yeah. The writers did a terrible job creating a foundation for Laurel and Oliver's relationship. I mean, we never really saw them be best friends. What we did see was Oliver cheating on Laurel, Laurel planning out a life with Oliver even though she can't see that Oliver's been cheating on her, Laurel stealing the opportunity of being with Oliver from Sara, Oliver being consoled by Laurel for impregnating someone else (and she didn't know which was all kinds of blegh)... I come up with so many questions in regards to their relationship... How did they become friends? Were they friends first? Did Oliver always have a crush on her? Were they friends before they dated or did the friendship and dating all come at the same time? What did Laurel see in Oliver? What did Oliver see in Laurel? And it goes on and on... I don't think they could do a good job tackling this now after so long which is why I don't think I'll ever believe them ever being best friends before the island and especially after the island. Being best friends requires one to know about the other. Laurel doesn't know Oliver and Oliver doesn't know Laurel. I think the past two seasons have proven that. So KC and the EPs pushing them to be best friends is just ridiculous now because it just feels like they're retconning their history. 


And if KC takes all the things she said in season 2 (like "I know you better than anyone else") at face value and not question it as Stephen has numerous times, then we're all going to be doomed with a one dimensional Laurel Lance for the rest of the series. 

Edited by wonderwall
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To be fair to KC  when the writers have the characters say things "I know you better than anyone else" as recently as in the 21st episode of last season. I can see why she would say they are best friends. 


The writers clearly think they are best friends even though they have never shown it lol. 


If KC doesn't read her scripts and mutter "WTF" when she is forced to say lines such as "I know you 'superlative'" then here is a sign of a much larger problem. If someone who knows me better than anyone else knew so little about me, I'd be suffering from depression. I wish Oliver would react with "STFU you know nothing about me." The showing doesn't match the telling. 

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Every KC interview post S1 gives me the impression that she'd be rather doing *anything at all* other than talking about Arrow. Root canals would be more pleasant. I just get the opposite of enthusiasm from her.

I also think she brings up the comics every time because, since this show kinda blew up in her face hard, she probably resents the hell out of the entire comic book culture that flat out rejected her presence in it. But she needs them nerds to like her instead, so. Comics!

Edited by dancingnancy
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To be fair to KC  when the writers have the characters say things "I know you better than anyone else" as recently as in the 21st episode of last season. I can see why she would say they are best friends. 


The writers clearly think they are best friends even though they have never shown it lol. 


I don't think the writers think they're best friends, actually. They have Laurel say something like that after she's just learned Oliver's been keeping her in the dark for two years. Laurel may have been Ollie's best friend, but Diggle and Felicity are clearly his best friends now. The truth is in the way he confides in and trusts them. For everything we've seen in the actual episodes, Laurel might as well be someone Oliver used to know.

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I think the way she worded her comment about Oliver & Felicity was terrible.  I understood it as she could separate friendship & romance, that though they have a bond he's moved on and they're friends. From the pissed off reaction I'm seeing on twitter, people are taking it as she could come between Oliver&Felicity because her bond with Oliver is strong. Though it's not fair because she could have been misquoted, this is doing her no favors.

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lol I  feel bad for her if there's a huge backlash on twitter based on her comments abut Oliver+Felicity. I don't think she meant she would come between Oliver and Felicity at all. Her comment was just worded really poorly. I agree with you JJ928, that she just meant that they moved on as friends. 

Edited by ban1o

I had to read this 5 times before figuring out what she meant: "Their bond is so strong that if he romantically gets involved with Felicity, she’s going to be able to separate the two." Because my first reaction was a WTF? She's going separate Oliver and Felicity!?!? Thank God, that's not what she meant. It wasn't, right? (I'm kidding!)

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lol I  feel bad for her if there's a huge backlash on twitter based on her comments abut Oliver+Felicity. I don't think she meant she would come between Oliver and Felicity at all. Her comment was just worded really poorly. I agree with you JJ928, that she just meant that they moved on as friends. 


She gets people talking, I'll give her that.

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Unfortunately the only time people seem to talk about her is when they're pissed off. Other than that she generates very little media attention. I can imagine it sucks to be in her position where people are going to dissect everything you say, but that's when you put your efforts into turning your image around. I just feel like she's not that into the show, and that disconnect affects how I view her character.



Inhale, Exhale. Inhale, Exhale.

I'm just gonna ignore this shit. really i am. whatever.

I wanna hope it is misquoted or she worded it badly, or someone forgot their punctuation kit while typing the article.

and that she means that even though Oliver and Fakanary bond is strong the one he has with Felicity is stronger. and not that Fakanary is going to come between Olicity.


it's also the interviewer fault, because you can see it is worded in a very vague way. a good interviewer would have made sure to ask her to clarify her meaning and would have added it in as a side note to help the reader understand.

Edited by foreverevolving

I mean, I expect it from KC to talk about relationship stuff like that... But now it's borderline pathetic. I mean, when were they best friends? Because I've never seen them be best friends on screen? Why are the writers/EPs/KC trying to push the whole best friends thing when they've never shown it? And somehow we're supposed to accept it? 




oh I don't know.


They were best of friends when she wished that Oliver had rotted for a lot longer than 5 years on that hellish island, or perhaps when she called him too selfish to ever be the vigilante or perhaps when he cheated on her ass and got another girl preggers.

I don't know, could be any one of those times or my personal favorite when Slade kidnapped her and Oliver said, "the city comes first"

Oliver and Laurel are barely acquaintances these days. They know a bit more about  each other (thanks, Slade!) but they are hardly friends let alone do they know each other. They knew each other once upon a time. I have friends I used to know really well. Then we graduated and scattered to the wind. Now I am Facebook friends with them. There is a difference between the friends you are aware of and the friends you know. 


Lolz, when she called Oliver to attend her dad's press conference, he asked her twice why she called him or if she called him to see Stealgrave getting arrested. I mean he did not even pretend that he was happy to see her or anything. He was like, if there is nothing else for me to do, can I go back and look longingly at the fern that Felicity bought me?

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a bit OOT- and i'm not even sure this is the right thread, but i was having trouble falling asleep, so i hopped on to Stephen Twitter account, and ended on his wife's account, and that woman is hilarious!! I may have a minor crush on her!

Edited by foreverevolving

I just ................. Good heavens...

Anyway, an IGN interview with KC:


WTF?! I was going to quote the ridiculousness but I can't copy and paste the whole thing with my phone.

^I actually thought that interview was one that was already posted because it sounded super familiar, but it's a different one...she just keeps saying the same thing.  Apparently someone told her she's a "warrior" because that word keeps popping up in every interview.  Not since Sarah Palin have I seen such WTFery in interviews, for reals. 

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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"Cassidy: Before I get into all that, the one thing I will say is the thing that’s great about our show and television is anything can happen." I was really thinking I was about to be floored and impressed because I thought that sentence was going to end with KC praising CL. Sadly not. *sigh*  



IGN: So with that arc, her growing stronger and Sara’s death, do you think that will have an effect on Laurel’s relationship with Oliver?

Cassidy: Yeah, absolutely. I’ve always said that I think the two of them, from when we shot the pilot, are soulmates. Even though romantically they may not be together at the moment, or at this time in their lives, I think Laurel knows Oliver better than he knows himself.


Oh boy.


Everyone guessing that KC established her character in the pilot and is refusing to let go of how she sees Laurel now gets a brownie for being right.


Look show, I know I ask for a lot. I ask for a focus on certain members, that you change the love interest, that you have more character moments, that you have better continuity and I really shouldn't ask for more but I'll beg for this... please, for all that is holy, get this girl a decent publicist. 


ETA: I've tried moving this post for 15 minutes. O.o It keeps crashing my browser when I do, sorry everyone it's staying here. 

Edited by Orion
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I don't know if this was posted (ETA: if you avoid spoilers like the plague, don't click)




I found this interesting:


Colin Donnell:

“You sort of accept this fate as an actor of being a gypsy and moving from thing to thing. Then, you get your first series and you’re like, Wow, I’ve got a seven-year contract. This is interesting. My life is changing,” he said. “And it did. My life changed in so many ways, all for the better. And then we got to the end of the first season and I was like, Oh … I guess I’m not going to be doing this for a while.”


I know contracts have been talked to death both here and on the old TWoP boards, but I'd never heard that they got seven-year contracts.

Edited by AnyoneButYou

Brandon Routh @BrandonJRouth

OH, and of course, episode 2 of #ArrowSeason3 is tonight! #RayPalmer

REALLY wants #Felicity to work for him… + arrows & action @CW_Arrow


I've cried "uncle" and stopped trying to not find Brandon charming, so this tweet cracked me up. I hope this will be a source of levity in tonight's show.

Edited by KenyaJ
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IGN: So with that arc, her growing stronger and Sara’s death, do you think that will have an effect on Laurel’s relationship with Oliver?

Cassidy: Yeah, absolutely. I’ve always said that I think the two of them, from when we shot the pilot, are soulmates. Even though romantically they may not be together at the moment, or at this time in their lives, I think Laurel knows Oliver better than he knows himself.



No, Katie, no. She doesn't know him at all, as proved by the two seasons of her completely misreading him and failing to understand the first thing about him. No matter how much damage limitation the writers attempt to do on that front, it won't wash.


Does Laurel know how Oliver feels about anything at all? Until she learned his secret (which was told to her by Slade, because she never figured it out herself, despite knowing him so well), did she know that Diggle was even a friend? Did she know that Felicity was more than just some pretty blond that Oliver kept around? She never had any interest in anything that wasn't about her, so there is no fathomable way she could know Oliver at all.

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Well, technically 6 seasons of a regular 22-episodes Fall tv show are made in the span of seven years, so maybe that's what he meant?

I don't know. I thought SA got a 6 yr contract and every one else got 3 from what I've read on the boards. I guess it doesn't matter since they can all (minus SA and probably KC) be written off any time.

The video for the NYCC panel had been posted earlier but I thought I'd share these because Colin is adorable with his teasing and Stephen's reaction is cute. The question was: Is there gonna be more interactions between you and Felicity? (from this Tumblr blog)







Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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