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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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Oh he's totally into Diggle. When he was talking about bringing back Battle of the Network Stars, he said himself, Jared P. and David Ramsey and then anyone else the other teams want to suggest. Then he added Robbie Amell.


I thought it was diplomatic of him not to mention Caity Lotz, given the timing and all, because she would totally win on the CW team.

umm yeah no one ever said "I wish she were dead.| The guy said "he want to marry that girl one day" its unfortunate that someones hatred or bias against Laurel caused them to either make a quote up or incorrectly hear the wrong information. 

That particular tidbit happened at the beginning of the Q&A IIRC, which is cut off just as the Youtube video starts. I watched the entire panel live and Orion definitely wasn't making that bit up. I don't like Laurel but I wasn't sure whether to laugh or face-palm in embarrassment when it happened.


As for the panel itself, it was interesting to hear his thought process about certain things and I chuckled at his reaction to the guy who called him Oliver.

Edited by kdm07
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That particular tidbit happened at the beginning of the Q&A IIRC, which is cut off just as the Youtube video starts. I watched the entire panel live and Orion definitely wasn't making that bit up. I don't like Laurel but I wasn't sure whether to laugh or face-palm in embarrassment when it happened.

Lmao how did Stephen react to that comment? lmao I would definitely be embarrassed. Some people are just shameless which is kind of awesome

That particular tidbit happened at the beginning of the Q&A IIRC, which is cut off just as the Youtube video starts. I watched the entire panel live and Orion definitely wasn't making that bit up. I don't like Laurel but I wasn't sure whether to laugh or face-palm in embarrassment when it happened.


As for the panel itself, it was interesting to hear his thought process about certain things and I chuckled at his reaction to the guy who called him Oliver.

so it actually happened?. lolol how embarrassing how did Stephen react? Oh I wasn't saying Orion was making it up lol. (didn't know he/she was the first on here to say so) I assumed someone on twitter or something was spreading it around and people were just repeating it

Edited by ban1o

umm yeah no one ever said "I wish she were dead.| The guy said "he want to marry that girl one day" its unfortunate that someones bias against Laurel caused them to either make a quote up or incorrectly hear the wrong information lol.  


I'm assuming this was aimed at me since I'm the one that brought up what was said at the panel. Please feel free to PM me and I'll direct you to other people who were in the convention hall that heard the same thing I did. I do not appreciate being called a liar. I have never attacked you or anyone else in the forum  and I have always tried to be respectful on how I respond to a difference of opinion about fictional characters on a TV show.


Quite honestly I find your comment extremely distasteful.


I won't address this further because I am not starting a fight on a forum thread and making everyone else uncomfortable by taking cheap shots back at you even though you felt it was perfectly fine to do it to me.

  • Love 9

Lmao how did Stephen react to that comment?



so it actually happened. lolol how embarrassing? how did Stephen react?

I think the first thing you hear on the Youtube video is Stephen's reaction. I could be wrong though (it's late for this east-coaster so I might be fuzzy on the timeline) so just be on the lookout for the full panel.

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But there are like 13 people who are KC/LL fans. I bet even KC's mom loves Olicity. I mean if she loves her daughter, she is bound to loathe Laurel Lance, right?


Nice try but didn't quite land. 


Part 3 doesn't have Colin's entrance. 


From SA's FB: 


Reunited and it feels so good. Again.


Edited by wingster55

His answer to the last question before the video is cut.

Oliver was covered in blood in the pilot rescue scene??!! I didn't see any blood.


@Orion I don't think anyone called you a liar (definitely not me!) I think we were all just confused because none of the videos showed that comment, we had no idea it was the first question and that the person who uploaded the videos didn't tape it.

Not you @foreverevolving :) The person I quoted in my response implied it. But it's fine, I've moved on.


I apologize for not responding to your question, trying to move in the convention center and negotiate NYC traffic yesterday was nuts. He laughed and smiled and then moved on to praise CL.


ETA: I think he handled in well, there was a certain restlessness in the crowd when LL was brought up in a few questions and a few of the people I was with thought it could have turned the hecklers loose if had talked or responded differently. But that was just our perception of it.

Edited by Orion
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Delurking to say that Stephen's entire NYCC panel (including when Colin Donnell shows up!) has been posted: http://www.twitch.tv/nycc2/b/577067909


Starts at the 5 hour, 17 minute mark


I'm still looking for that "i hope she dies" link and Stephen reaction. @kdm07 can you point out the exact time on the video?

Edited by foreverevolving

Foreverevolving 5:18:52 "Canary fell off the roof." Can't hear it as clearly on here, audience member yells out "Laurel should have died"  Stephen smiles, laughs, throws up his arms, "Hey no one is a bigger Caity Lotz fan than me."


There is another time right after a Laurel question but I don't have time to watch the whole thing right now. It was before the question where Stephen talked about Laurel being Dinah Laurel Lance and that she becomes the canary if that helps.

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So I ended up watching that New York CC panel almost to the end.  I didn't see any negative emotion when talking about Felicity or anything extra excited about talking about Laurel's upcoming "journey"  (Air quotes mine)  Nothing really out of the norm IMO.
One thing he did mention that I found very spoilery and yet at the same time so incredibly vague I feel safe leaving it untagged was he mentioned that all the existing superheroes in Central City and in Starling would play a big part in what happens in the season three ending.   And then he said he'd said too much.  Since season 2 ended with all the allies massing together against Slade, I immediately jumped to the conclusion that means at the end of season three Oliver is going to

Hang up his hood. Right now he's warring between being the Arrow or Oliver. He thinks he can't be both. What if he decides the only solution is to go back to being Oliver full time? What if the conclusion he comes to is that he can leave the hero biz in others hands? Cue him whisking Felicity off. Than in the following season we would see him learning that he specifically was still needed. Maybe season four would be about finding a balance?  


I'm leaving my spec here since I've banned myself from the regular spoilers thread for now and don't dare put it in the Speculation Without Spoilers since technically it comes from a spoiler.  That said, any response probably should be in the spoiler's thread I'm guessing. 

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yea I've been noticing those tells too. and i don't watch all his panels or interviews.

it's pretty obvious to me that while he may like KC as a person he is less than pleased with her character place on the show or it may be her performance. I wonder if in the past they did spoke to her about the character journey, but she remains stuck on the original "soulmate" shit that they pretty just gave up on and let her do as she pleases, while they continue to push their revised story-lines.

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After watching his various interviews for a few years now, I've noticed - and perhaps some of you have, too - that he does have a few 'tells.'  He tends to look down and smile, as if we can't see it, when he's talking about Felicity OR Oliver's love life.  He looks up and smiles widely when talking about Diggle.  He looked sad, in my opinion, when talking about Caity Lotz.  And he looks down and to the side when he's talking about Laurel/KC.


In watching the video, yeah, I saw just what you are talking about.  I didn't realize those were his tells.  How very fun.  :D


I enjoyed that he mentioned questioning the producers after reading the script for 301 even if all he could do is ask if they were sure about it.  Something that big he'd have no control over but I appreciated that his gut reaction was to ask, "Really?" 

Edited by BkWurm1
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In watching the video, yeah, I saw just what you are talking about.  I didn't realize those were his tells.  How very fun.  :D


I enjoyed that he mentioned questioning the producers after reading the script for 301 even if all he could do is ask if they were sure about it.  Something that big he'd have no control over but I appreciated that his gut reaction was to ask, "Really?"

Yep. You could really tell that Stephen didn't like that TIIC were killing off Caity's character. Obviously he's never going to come right out and say Caity/Sara should have been BC (nor would I expect him to), but you definitely get the impression that's what he was thinking/hoping. Stephen's pretty savvy when it comes to what works or doesn't work with the audience (e.g. addressing Oliver sexing up anyone with a vagina to the producers, promoting Team Arrow and its members, teasing Olicity on social media left and right), and his reactions and body language in various comic con panels and interviews have been rather telling.

Edited by NumberCruncher
  • Love 5


I enjoyed that he mentioned questioning the producers after reading the script for 301 even if all he could do is ask if they were sure about it.  Something that big he'd have no control over but I appreciated that his gut reaction was to ask, "Really?"

@BkWurm1, that was a very sad & bittersweet moment during the panel.  I know I was watching his reaction & listening VERY closely to what he said and how, because of my strong feelings on the situation.  When he said that he'd asked "Are you sure?" and he cocked his head a bit, the crowd gave a resounding but low 'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww'.  I have no idea if it got picked up on the video, though.  It was not a loud reaction, after all.


He raved about Caity Lotz.  I think his admiration for her rather extensive skill set had impressed him from the beginning.  I felt bad for him because he worked so closely - and respected - Susanna Thompson, Celinda Jade and Caity Lotz  so much that it has to be a disappointment each time one of them left. 


On a totally biased note, I wonder if he's thinking "Thank God Emily & Willa are still here!" 


Of course, he'll never say anything like that. That's just my projecting, hahaha.

  • Love 1

Yep. You could really tell that Stephen didn't like that TIIC were killing off Caity's character. Obviously he's never going to come right out and say Caity/Sara should have been BC (nor would I expect him to), but you definitely get the impression that's what he was thinking/hoping. Stephen's pretty savvy when it comes to what works or doesn't work with the audience (e.g. addressing Oliver sexing up anyone with a vagina to the producers, promoting Team Arrow and its members, teasing Olicity on social media left and right), and his reactions and body language in various comic con panels and interviews have been rather telling.


I've also noticed that Stephen usually refers to Caity as Black Canary even though the producers seem to go out of their way to call her Canary (although, I think they may have called her BC a few times).  I suspect that SA does this intentionally, but I don't really know for sure.

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I still can't hear the "laurel should have died", the crowd is so loud, and Stephen cutting in really loudly too. it's impossible to hear it.

yeah I can't hear it at all. And the crowd doesn't really seem to be responding to it either. But whatever haha.

Just wanted to post the full video it because it has no cuts and it's better quality.  Also, You can hear the crowds HUGE response when Colin comes in lol. 

Edited by ban1o
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Eh I think ban1o like myself, is just disappointed there is no good video that has managed to capture the exchange so far. I'd have loved to have heard it, because it's funny. Kind of like the time I was at an SPN panel at SDCC and someone asked Jensen Ackles if they could "see" him with their hands due to their degenerative eye disease. For reals.

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Or Orion's word for it, or the word of all the other people in the audience who reported it on twitter immediately after it happened...you're all a bunch of liars...

Yes! absolutely, nothing but liars. Dirty, little liars.

excuse me while i roll my eyes.


Come, on!


as blixie pointed out, this isn't about calling you guys out as liars rather then it is all about our personal thirst to actually hear that line ourselves. can you blame us, considering how we dislike the character? (although i wouldn't wish her death, i just want her off my screen).

  • Love 1

lol I just wanted to hear it guys and get the audience/Stephen Amell's reaction and no video has captured it. I think it's hilarious (although a little mean) that someone actually did that. Give me a break. I never called any of you liars. I believe you. 

Edited by ban1o
  • Love 2

Yes! absolutely, nothing but liars. Dirty, little liars.

excuse me while i roll my eyes.


Come, on!


as blixie pointed out, this isn't about calling you guys out as liars rather then it is all about our personal thirst to actually hear that line ourselves. can you blame us, considering how we dislike the character? (although i wouldn't wish her death, i just want her off my screen).

You do realize that there is one specific person in this thread who has claimed that, right?  That's the person Orion, WritersBlock and I were addressing?


umm yeah no one ever said "I wish she were dead.| The guy said "he want to marry that girl one day" its unfortunate that someones bias against Laurel caused them to either make a quote up or incorrectly hear the wrong informatio
Edited by Morrigan2575
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I wasn't talking about anybody in this thread when I made the comment. I thought I already said that. I thought someone mentioned it on twitter or someone live tweeted it and that people were just repeating it/discussing it (I obviously didn't read this thready carefully). I didn't realize Orion or anybody else in this thread actually heard the comment. When someone (KDM) here told me they actually heard it, I believed them. I even asked for Stephen Amell's reaction because I couldn't find the clip myself. It's not really a big deal?? 

Edited by ban1o
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IF the story has been corroborated by multiple attendees shouldn't that be enough?

as to the person with the degenerative eye problem at the SPN con, the boys did invite her to the stage to see them better. That did happen and it's on video. Not sure what that has to do with this.

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IF the story has been corroborated by multiple attendees shouldn't that be enough?


I didn't realize that though when I made the comment. I just thought  someone  tweeted it and people were discussing it (Again I didn't read this thread carefully and just noticed people discussing it) Obviously my comment was made with incorrect information. In my reply to KDM I even said "how embarrassing" since I was embarrassed at my mistake. I'm really sorry if I hurt people here with my comment. That wasn't my intention at all :( I'll try and be more careful with my posts in the future. 

Edited by ban1o
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What it has to do with is that I thought it was funny, and exceptionally  gross to put them on the spot in that way: Hi my brain is leaking out my ears, and I have poor vision (she wasn't even legally blind) so can I feel you up? It's the extemporaneous crazy that is the con going experience which is not always and can not ever really be accurately captured on video. Case in point you saw it on video and think you got the gist you didn't, TRUST ME.

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