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Is she really the co-lead? The show had a really strange way of showing it. But then my view of Laurel is skewed because I've basically been ignoring her since season 1.


I have argued here myself in other threads in this forum that Felicity and Moira were the defacto co-leads, but on paper, Cassidy is the co-lead and given her most recent comments it would seem she is attempting to reassert her on-paper status to actual on-screen co-lead status. 


I'm saying if she wants the viewers that exist outside of her devoted fan base, to like Laurel and to like the idea of Laurel becoming the Black Canary, she's going to need to learn how to handle herself at cons better regarding her answers to questions in such a way that she can promote her character as part of Arrow and do it with charm and humor, which sounds like that didn't happen.

Edited by catrox14
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EBR, David and Manu charge $40 for autographs too, which is the usual price for a secondary or newer actor, rarely have I seen anyone under $30.  A lead actor usually charges anywhere between $50-$70, and the actors that think they are really special charge over $100. My $40 for Emily was totally worth it since I got to talk to her for awhile. It was towards the end, I don't think anyone knew she was still there. Manu was talking and signing things for people without taking their money after the con ended. So imo it's kind of worth it to stay until the very end hanging around the autograph areas at the smaller cons.


I wasn't criticizing the actors so much as the costs.  I remember going to D*C back in the day and I think it was $20 or $25 for Chris Judge and I was like WTF?  That's too much money....so for me $40 or $50 is just insane.  LOL


I saw that Barrowman was charging $50 for autographs and $60 for photos at Supernova...guessing Australian dollars not US.  And yeah I've heard of actors signing stuff for free or taking pictures with you while signing something.  I guess it depends on the mood their in and if they have the time. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
I wasn't criticizing the actors so much as the costs.



It does seem high. I got a pic with Rosenbaum during my Smallville obsession (so before S5, when I quit) and I think it was around $25. And then he did autographs for free later. 


Of course, I also remember getting a 3 day pass for Comic Con for $47 in 2007. I'm old. Get off my lawn!

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I remember SA last year saying he was exhausted because when he was done taping the show, and recovering from being sick, WB sent him all over the world on press tours to promote it so he didn't really get all that much time off.  I think it says something about EBR and CH's status that this year WB sent them to Europe instead.  And MB, JB and KC in Australia.


Thanks for the clips, tvecho.  EBR looked very tired in the not-Madrid clip.  CH looked very Abercrombie.



But, if it was solely on personal discretion, then why did Barrowman and Cassidy appear on a morning show together

My first job out of college was as a story producer for a daytime talk show.  We got guests either from the publicity people for an event contacting us to have the actor on to promote the event or the play, or by reading all the press releases to see who was in town and then phoning up to see if they would come on our show.  If Barrowman and Cassidy were in town at the same time, their publicists could had them appear together since two stars are better than one..  Or Barrowman got booked for his Sing Your Face Off show and the morning show's producers realized KC was in town and called up her publicist.

(The first year I was there, a movie publicist called us to offer the three junior stars of a new science fiction movie, and the oldies at the station were grumbling about these kids and why didn't they send the real actors like Alec Guinness and Peter Cushing?  (Yes, I'm really old. Shut up.))


I think the idea of having to paying for autographs happened when people started selling the free ones on ebay and other internet sites, and then those signing them started charging.


There is a fan-run convention in my town and the people on the committees contact the actors to see if they will come.  Because it's not a big FanExpo/ComicCon thing, autographs and pictures run from $30 to $50.

Edited by statsgirl
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(The first year I was there, a movie publicist called us to offer the three junior stars of a new science fiction movie, and the oldies at the station were grumbling about these kids and why didn't they send the real actors like Alec Guinness and Peter Cushing? (Yes, I'm really old. Shut up.))

OMG...Star Wars?!

  • Love 1

Hee. Yes.  But back then, it was just another movie that a p.r. person was shilling, and the people who had been working at the station for years were very unimpressed at the nobodies who showed up to promote it. (But I still remember that Harrison Ford was a real cutie back then.)

Edited by statsgirl
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My bad.  I guess they think EBR is popular enough in the U.S. and are sending her overseas to do promotion.

Most definitely.  It wasn't just EBR and CH doing the promotions...Nina Dobrev was with them for TVD, the leading and arguably the most popular actress on the CW.  Added to that was Adelaide Kane, the main actress for Reign.  In my eyes, they sent EBR as their leading lady with the other two leading ladies of the CW.  Adelaide Kane is arguably the second most popular leading lady actress on the CW.   I seriously feel, that if EBR was placed as leading lady, she would be the most competition Nina Dobrev has seen in a while.


And we've seen this, in Chile Caity was asked about S3 and she said she couldn't say anything, it was a secret.  She's obviously under a contractual obligation not to reveal her status for S3.

Interesting, because from KC's responses at cons, it seems like she doesn't have a clue what is going on with Laurel.  Mainly, because she is hanging on the jacket exchange in the finale.  And regurgitating things she said about Laurel from back in December and during the summer.


It wasn't just EBR and CH doing the promotions...Nina Dobrev was with them for TVD, the leading and arguably the most popular actress on the CW. Added to that was Adelaide Kane, the main actress for Reign. In my eyes, they sent EBR as their leading lady with the other two leading ladies of the CW. Adelaide Kane is arguably the second most popular leading lady actress on the CW.

I didn't know Adelaide Kane was there just heard about Nina, Julie Plec and I saw the two leads from The 100 were in Spain along with ERB/CH.

Edited by Morrigan2575

I didn't know Adelaide Kane was there just heard about Nina, Julie Plex and I saw the two leads from The 100 were in Spain along with ERB/CH.

Yeah Adelaide Kane, Nina Dobrev, CH, and EBR were in London together (post convention I think)...pics here:  





Here are some links to tweets: 

1) https://twitter.com/EmilyBettFans/status/475409201746153472/photo/1

2) https://twitter.com/NikaStrong/status/475363324277039104/photo/1


He's so goddamn badass and awesome. I love him( in that non-obsessive, I don't actually know him at all way).


LOL at this comment on Facebook re this


My name is Stephen Amell. After two years of playing a superhero on TV, I came to this workout with only one goal: to succeed on this parkour. But to do so, I can't be the human being I once was. I must become someone else. I must be...something else.

*eventually turns into the salmon ladder*


Edited by catrox14
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Katie Cassidy has some sort of background in gymnastics, right?  I know that she has posted a lot on her twitter about going to the gym, but I'd like to see some videos similar to SA's with running, jumping, etc.  You can work out and have muscles but still be a complete and utter klutz.  Anyone know of any KC clips that would show her fighting/sparring so that I could get a sense of what she would be like as Black Canary? 


Katie Cassidy has some sort of background in gymnastics, right? I know that she has posted a lot on her twitter about going to the gym, but I'd like to see some videos similar to SA's with running, jumping, etc. You can work out and have muscles but still be a complete and utter klutz. Anyone know of any KC clips that would show her fighting/sparring so that I could get a sense of what she would be like as Black Canary?

KC's a dedicated young woman, I'm sure whatever they teach her she'll pick up well. You can catch fight scenes on Supernatural I don't think she gets to hit anything on Nightmare on Elm Street because she basically plays Tina but you can catch her playing a bold, lovable character on Melrose Place.

Judging from her instagram though she's working pretty hard with Drew (?). I'm sure she'll rise to the occasion.

Edited by slayer2

Caity got the Olicty question a lot too and she managed to answer it without sounding like an asshole. She said she knows they are the fan favorite and she understands why and then goes on to talk about how awesome and Emily and Stephen are and how she's good friends with both of them. So there is a right way to answer that question and a wrong way, KC keeps choosing the wrong way. Making it sound like she thinks she's just entitled to role without actually thinking of reasons why. 


If you watch CL interviews she seemed to put a lot into the character of Sara and why she does the things she does, she just doesn't answer, because. Also the because comics answer makes no sense, the Dinah Laurel Lance in the comics is nothing like the Laurel Lance in Arrow. So saying "comics" doesn't mean anything. 


If we were to write up character descriptions for Sara and Laurel, excluding their names and handed them over to a comic purist that's never seen the show, asked them which one of them is the description for the Black Canary. Which one do you think they'd choose? That's really the simple answer. A name is just letters put together, it's the person behind the name that makes it real. 

Edited by Sakura12
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But it wasn't even an Olicity question it was a legit character question. What skill set and dynamic will Laurel bring to Team Arrow? What's her place in the group?

It's actually a really good question one that most actors would be able to answer to some degree, even divert if necessary. She could have just started talking about Laurel'a role in general or even some BS answer like Laurel will be the heart of the group or the "good doer".

Edited by Morrigan2575
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It's actually a really good question one that most actors would be able to answer to some degree, even divert if necessary.

It's especially good in this context, since this incarnation of Arrow is nothing at all like the comics. If it was similiar, yeah, reading the comics would give people insight (even though that would still be a terrible answer to give a fan), but it's not. She should put some real thought into these things if she's going to continue on the con circuit. The showrunners should at least put that bug in her ear.


I want to like Laurel so badly; it would increase my viewing experience tenfold. But the writers don't make that easy, and KC herself doesn't make me want to root for her. Ugh.

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I'm slightly hesitant to take the tumblr con thing as fact without any sort of verification, but I'm an extremely social media ignorant and can not figure out how to verify what the person said happened during her Q&A moment.  For now, I'll lean towards it being more or less accurate simply because it echoes a lot of other comments KC has made at conventions.  


Holy hell, that is some rude shit.  I think fans have the very reasonable expectation that screen stars should at least act gracious and humble when in front of fans.  After all, while the writers ensure that the story is good enough to keep our attention and the promo department ensures we hear about it, we are ultimately the ones that determine whether or not these stars will remain employed at salaries well above anything 99% of people will ever see.  If the popularity of a star determines the fee they can request at conventions, then the fans should be received even more graciously because it's ultimately us determining how much they will make that day.  If the summary of the Q & A is accurate, KC basically resorted to bullying a fan who was financially supporting her.  That puts a really disgustingly sour taste in my mouth and I really hope her behavior when representing Arrow gets addressed by TPTB.  I also hope they realize that her bullying non-answer means that she has absolutely no idea what her character looks like on screen.  She needs to be sat down in front of a tv and made to watch the show.  It's clear she hasn't.  

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I'm slightly hesitant to take the tumblr con thing as fact without any sort of verification, but I'm an extremely social media ignorant and can not figure out how to verify what the person said happened during her Q&A moment. For now, I'll lean towards it being more or less accurate simply because it echoes a lot of other comments KC has made at conventions.

The Tumblr post was verified by another con attendee and Apple4 (a notorious KC Stan) posted on this girls timber that she was at the con, remembered the girl'a question and said it was a stupid question and KC didn't have to answer her...

So yeah I'd say this is hapending pretty much as described.



It's especially good in this context, since this incarnation of Arrow is nothing at all like the comics.

A fact which KC doesn't seem to be aware of, although not really surprising if she hasn't read the comics yet.

Honestly, her only claim to fame is that her daddy was a teen idol forty years ago.

Her grandfather, Jack Cassidy was even bigger in his day.  And her step-grandmother is the fabulous Shirley Jones.  She divorced him because she couldn't live with him (he was bipolar and alcoholici) but she is still saying in interviews that he was the love of her life in spite of having been married to Marty Ingals for the past 37 years.  He died in 1976, long before KC was born, so I suppose there are only family stories of what he was like when he was ill..


I have a hard time getting a read on KC.  Sometimes, as at the Calgary FanExpo, she's gracious and supportive of her colleagues, and at other times it's like she's playing the only character on the show of any importance besides Oliver.  To hear her talk about her role on the show, she sounds very entitled but then she says she only got involved in Hollywood when she was 18 because she wanted to do it on her own merits (except that she was in The Division when she was 16).  I do think however that someone (the EPs? her publicist?) needs to talk to her about the attitude she's projecting and give her some stock answer for interviews and conventions.


Apple4 (a notorious KC Stan) posted on this girls timber that she was at the con, remembered the girl'a question and said it was a stupid question and KC didn't have to answer her.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Edited by statsgirl

I don't see how asking someone what their role on the show is, or is going to be, is in any way a stupid question. It's a perfectly reasonable question, especially if you as a viewer are unsure enough to ask in the first place. It really doesn't matter what anyone else on Tumblr says, but even if KC herself thought it was a stupid question I would expect a professional actress to be more...well, professional than that. If you are asked a question you don't like and thus don't have an answer for the very least you could say it something like "I'm still working on it" or even "The writers haven't made up their minds yet." Saying "Read the comics" doesn't make any sense from someone who admits they don't read them, since for all KC knows the comics might have Laurel turning purple, sleeping with Batman or being taken off Earth to be enslaved by Darkseid or something.

Edited by KirkB
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The Tumblr post was verified by another con attendee and Apple4 (a notorious KC Stan) posted on this girls timber that she was at the con, remembered the girl'a question and said it was a stupid question and KC didn't have to answer her...

So yeah I'd say this is hapending pretty much as described.

Well, that settles it for me.  


I don't see how that question could be considered stupid.  It seems it would be a valid question to any character on the show, especially if they are part of Team Arrow or are speculated to come into contact with Team Arrow.  I could even see it being valid for a fan to ask SA what he thought his role on the team was.  Is he a leader, a partner, etc?  I hope those social media savvy are sending relevant tweets and tumblrs to the right people to let them know that KC probably needs to be coached in how not to bully her fans.  If she wants to show off her acting chops and get us excited to see her, she should use these cons as a venue to show how well she can act.  She can play the part of an actor who is not contemptuous of her fans.  

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I'm so frustrated that the KC stans on tumblr have all but convinced this poor girl that her question was "loaded" and rude because poor Katie is constantly getting 'unnecessary criticism and hate.'  So asking her a very reasonable question about what her role will be within the team as it has been established on the show (which is FAR different than it is in the comics ESPECIALLY if you are reading the new 52) is rude because Olicity and Sara fans are MEAN.  That is such complete and total bullshit.  It's a totally reasonable question to ask, it's not loaded at all and if KC is getting her feelings hurt by all the mean Sara and Felicity fans, then she needs to grow a thicker skin or get out of the business.

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At this point, I hope someone asks the exact same question at Comic Con. Fans throw those panels up on the web pretty quickly. The entire cast as well as the EPs should be there. No ambiguity. It's a legit question that could be asked of everyone on the show, and if the actors don't have an answer for it, they're not doing their job.

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I would think that even someone who was excited about Laurel's potential role with Team Arrow would want to know KC's answer to a question like that. If I knew that Caity Lotz was coming back in season 3, I'd love to ask her the same question considering everything would be different this time around. It's one thing to know how I as a fan would like her role to play out, but it's on a whole other level to hear from the actors themselves. Sometimes the response could line up with what I already thought, or maybe it would surprise me and hype me up more.


I think it's a great question, especially since it would be a perfect chance to extrapolate on the strengths and virtues of a character who has only recently been inducted into the vigilantism. Hell, I actually would like to have heard KC's answer if only because it might give me a fresh perspective on Laurel. But dang, now I really do wish Caity Lotz had been asked that question instead.

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Caity's not allowed to talk about her role in Season 3. It's a secret for some reason.


Knowing how Laurel is going to fit in Team Arrow is a legitimate question. What does she bring that isn't already there? She's not a highly trained and skilled fighter, so she can't be a crime fighting partner like Diggle and Sara. They have Quentin for the law enforcement help and his would be much better since he gets the actual crime info as it's happening, Laurel as a lawyer gets it after it already happened so what help would that be? She's not a tech genius and Oliver already has his hands full training Roy and he sucks at that. Even if Sara didn't know how to fight that well she brought in forensic and medical knowledge. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I'm so frustrated that the KC stans on tumblr have all but convinced this poor girl that her question was "loaded" and rude because poor Katie is constantly getting 'unnecessary criticism and hate.'

Looks like they did convince her. She deleted her post and wrote another one apologizing for everything. Poor girl. I don't think she did anything wrong.

Edited by Starfish35
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I'm not really sure what kinds of questions KC was expecting to be asked at a convention. She obviously doesn't like Olicity questions and now she doesn't like Laurel questions. Are people just supposed to ask her to show off her biceps? She seems happy doing that.



Looks like they did convince her. She deleted her post and wrote another one apologizing for everything.


She apologized for asking a legitimate question? That poor girl. She must've been harassed to death.

Edited by AnyoneButYou
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She apologized for asking a legitimate question? That poor girl. She must've been harassed to death.


It's always the same 5-10 fans, but they really do reply to every. single. unfavorable. post about Laurel/KC, no matter how harmless or clueless, often times all of them ganging up on the OP with long rants about how Laurel/KC and their fans are bullied/persecuted by ~the haters~. Most [sane] people just give up trying to reply shortly after, because they're TIRING.

  • Love 3

At this point, I hope someone asks the exact same question at Comic Con. Fans throw those panels up on the web pretty quickly. The entire cast as well as the EPs should be there. No ambiguity. It's a legit question that could be asked of everyone on the show, and if the actors don't have an answer for it, they're not doing their job.

I think the question to ask at Comic Con is "What do the members of Team Arrow feel they bring to the team as a whole?"

Works on a couple of levels, because we would find out if it was just her that thinks she's joining TA, and if she is joining then there's no way she could answer "read the comics" if DR, EBR and SA all give well thought out responses.


That fact that you have to trick an actor into answer a question about a show they're supposed to be promoting is a bit sad.

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The thing is, if a piece of media has to depend on another piece of media to make sense, it's not very good.


If the only way you could understand Game of Thrones was if you had read ASOIAF, then GOT would be rubbish.


If the only way you could understand any of the Marvel movies was if you had read the comics, then the movies would suck. 


If the only way you can understand Arrow is by reading the comics, then it's a crap show. But you don't have to read the comics to understand Arrow, except, apparently, when it comes to Laurel. 


And when the most popular parts of Arrow aren't comic book compliant (Oliver, Moira, Thea, Diggle, Felicity, Tommy, Olivers relationship with Slade and Shado, pretty much everything else on the show), 'Comics' becomes such a weak excuse to fall back on. 


Even the main character, Oliver Queen, is nothing like his comic book counterpart, so why should Laurel be like hers?


KC needs to look at Laurel outside of the comic books (that she admits she hasn't read). Maybe then Laurel will become an interesting character, who doesn't feel like she's just there to serve the plot, so her character doesn't go through all of those weird inconsistencies. 

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Or maybe everyone going to her panels needs to start asking KC questions starting with IN THE COMICS.


-- IN THE COMICS, Dinah is, for all intents and purposes, Sin's mother. When is Laurel giving Sin her spare bedroom since the poor kid's last 'home' exploded?

-- Actually, IN THE COMICS, Dinah is also a mother figure to Roy. How will that relationship translate to how Laurel interacts with him?

-- IN THE COMICS, Dinah was briefly married to a dude named Craig while she was in college. Is he gonna show up in Starling anytime soon?

-- IN THE COMICS' latest timeline, Black Canary is Dinah Lance née Drake. So is Alex Kingston reading the comics since she's technically the current Black Canary?


I could go on, but I won't.

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Mirakuru could explain it in terms of the show, but in real life....... I'm not buying it. Even Caity Lotz said she could do only two rungs. (I wish I could get rid of the impression that KC is delusional about her function on this show.)

Edited for off-topicness (sorry).

In all the places KC has appeared in the past few months her physical transformation is clear. She's eating clean and working hard, I have no doubt she can achieve her physical goals including Sally (if that's one of them)

Edited by slayer2
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