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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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Besides, how many bajillion training videos have we seen Stephen post of his prep to play The Arrow?


As others have noted, SA's workouts aren't on the same wavelength to KC's flexing and posting on Instagram. 


Other reasons I'm fine with his videos/pictures:

- he gets asked often about his workouts (and diet) - there's a lot of curiosity so I think a few of his videos have shown that he's more into training, including stunts, than merely working out


- his videos are often Behind-The-Scenes flavor that also stress the stunt-work part of his job, and his work outs.  I'm thinking specifically of the parkour videos...


- His videos aren't trying get people to see what he can do as a means of convincing anyone that he's capable of doing it - I think most fans firmly believe he's more than capable by now.  Rather, he posts more informational videos rather than ones that are trying to convince or justify

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Someone clear up my confusion over the Salmon ladder...is KC saying she wants to do it on the show because she can do it in RL? Or is she saying she wants to try it because SA and CL did it?

I remember back in May she claimed that in a year she'd beat SA on the Salmon Ladder and in one of the Australia Cons she claimed she could already do it.

So I guess im confused by her comments here.

Edited by Morrigan2575

KC posting all those look at my muscle pics makes it look like she thinks that fixes the problem people have with her being BC. From her con answers she is not putting any effort into learning about her character. Which is the biggest issue, not whether she's physically fit.

She still seems to have no understanding about Laurel, the show and the other characters. So I wish she'd spend more time working on that than posting work out pics. Then I can maybe give her another chance, but her latest con answers have not given me hope in that front.

She's working out so she can do what? Stunts? Not really, she's doesn't appear to be trained in that area since she's not posting pics with her doing parkour or martial arts training. If she getting in shape for herself, great. If she's getting in shape for Arrow then she needs to focus more on getting to know her character and bringing Laurel to life first. Otherwise she can be in better shape then Stephen Amell and it wouldn't matter, her character would still suck and be hated.

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This might also be the one thing KC can control -- her own body. And it really seems to me as a direct reaction to the comments about KC when S2 started: everyone online wondering if she was sick or if she had plastic surgery because she looked so gaunt. This season she's super healthy and muscular, lookie lookie, so the biggest reaction to Laurel will *not* be about how sickly she looks. And if she's in top physical shape, it doesn't hurt her plea/campaign to become BC this season. Studio and network are on social media following her, and seeing her efforts.


It gels with the EPs thinking audiences don't like Laurel because she's not superheroing yet. If the EPs think Laurel is solved by ACTION HERO 123, then KC is doing the only thing she can do about that. I mean, she can't go back and erase Caity Lotz's presence in S2 providing a solid Black Canary to the show, so she has to make sure she can look the part for S3.


Of course I know -- and most everyone on this forum knows -- that this doesn't address any of Laurel's real character an narrative problems, but time and time again the EPs have come out praising KC's acting skills, so I assume they don't think there's anything wrong with what she's doing.

Edited by dancingnancy
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It's not just KC's acting, it's the writing for her character. She was pretty much a non-entity for 2 seaons, now they want to put her front and center without the work. It doesn't work like that and has never worked like that. She and the writers from Con interviews and regular interviews don't seem to get that. It's like they just want to put Laurel in fishnets and go "There all fixed!"


I guess I will be watching to see if they are actively trying to fix her character (not give her a personality change, that also doesn't work) before she puts on Sara's costume. However like I've said many times if Sara dies or becomes crippled I will only see it as Laurel's fault, so they better have a plan for that when it comes up as well. 


ETA: Taking the rest of my post to the Laurel thread.

Edited by Sakura12
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Someone clear up my confusion over the Salmon ladder...is KC saying she wants to do it on the show because she can do it in RL? Or is she saying she wants to try it because SA and CL did it?

I remember back in May she claimed that in a year she'd beat SA on the Salmon Ladder and in one of the Australia Cons she claimed she could already do it.

So I guess im confused by her comments here.

At comic con an interviewer asked the ladies about the salmon ladder, & CL said she could only do a couple, KC said she could do one. This past weekend, KC said that she hasn't tried the salmon ladder, but that she thinks she can do it because she can do pull ups and has gymnastics training.

It's is funny how different people are, KC seems to like to brag about herself while CL seems embarrassed when people ask her about what she can do. In the DragonCon interview Katrina Law talked about watching Caity's parkour vids and how badass she looked and CL bowed her head and looked at the floor. CL just seems more humble and grateful which comes across in her interviews, KC to me comes across exactly as she plays Laurel someone that thinks they are better than everyone else, hense why Sara and Felicity are flings and mean nothing to Oliver, Laurel is the most important person in Oliver's life and his soulmate. 


None of that is ever showed on screen, so yes she can have her opioion but she is also on a show where that will not or has not been shown on screen. The character we see on screen is who she is playing so that's who she is supposed to be talking about. It would be better she talked about how in season 3 Oliver and Laurel will get to know each other again after realizing they really didn't know anything about the other. Laurel will see that Oliver has this whole other life that she is just now becoming a part of. She'll finally see how much he's suffered and how much he's changed in the past 6 years. She'll get to know his new friends that helped him become who he is now. And working together with him to save the city will bring them closer than ever before and we'll see it where it goes from there.


That shows an understanding of the mess of Oliver/Laurel and that she is thinking about other character's and their importance and not just her own. Which is what she does in all her interviews. It's all about her character. Talk about the show, talk about the other characters and talk about the other actors. Make it sould like you care about the show as a whole. The rest of them do that. Manu talked about Celina Jade and joked about getting punched in the face by EBR, CL and KL joked about practicing for the Sara/Nyssa scenes in their trailer or how her and Stephen talked about their characters relationship. Especially since it appears she has nothing interesting or knowledgable to say about Laurel as a character. Talk about what happens on set with the other actors, guest actors would work too. Talk about Paul Blackthorne and the relationship between Laurel and Quentin. If she made up a backstory what is it? I have to yet to hear about this well thought out story she made for Laurel. Saying Laurel's a good-doer, angelic or strong is not a backstory those are personality traits that can be listed out not tell a story. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I don't think the EP's are ever going to badmouth her, they're too professional to do that so even if they can see the issues and have discussed them with her in private, there's no need to air it out. They try to be supportive of everyone and be enthusiastic of everyone's storylines but IMO the way her character seems to be an afterthought on screen tells me more than their interviews. It seems to me like they're trying to make the best of the situation. I don't think she needs to get called out on anything, at least not in public, it would lower my opinion of the rest of her cast, EP's if they do that because I do view them as team players that seem to put the overall show above their individual SL's. KC's a special case, maybe the network stuck them with her, in which case, what can they do but try to make lemonade?

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I think it was Which character would take care of your dog [if you had to leave for a while]? in an interview last season.  She picked Diggle because Diggle is Oliver's bodyguard so he protects things.  I don't know if she was trying to be funny but it gave the impression that she really didn't understand Diggle's role on the show.



But none of those people are receiving the level of criticism that Katie is with regards to being physically able to do the job.

Would people be saying that if the scene in s1 taking down Max had been better?  It's not a hard stunt and she shouldn't have needed a stunt double.  I think people are criticizing her because of what she did in the first two seasons, when she wasn't physically able to take on the role of BC and I think the producers knew that or we wouldn't have got Sara coming back as the Canary.


It occurred to me that acting, like medicine, psychology, law and a number of other professions, is a job where you have to learn a lot of stuff you may never use.  Medical students have to study diseases like Still's disease even though they may never encounter them while practicing because if they should, there isn't time to learn it, they have to be able to identify it.  A psychologist has to learn about sexual abuse in case one of their on-going patients has to deal with it, and lawyers have to learn about all sorts of legal issues they may never deal with.


An actor isn't going to have time to learn everything between hearing about the audition and actually doing it.   I think if I were in the  profession, I'd want to learn basic martial arts, accents, some dance, riding lessons and maybe even shooting and swordfighting, just in case I ever got the chance to do a role where it was required.

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I don't know, sometimes when KC talks herself up, I'm reminded of Joey Tribbiani's resume where he claimed he could do everything until he actually had to lol. I think it's awesome that she's working out but like I said before, that was not the issue, it's not why I don't buy her as Laurel. Camren Bicondova, the 4'11", 15 year old  who is portraying Selina Kyle in Gotham is more believable to me as a badass and she doesn't need to be flexing her muscles, etc and the reason for it is because that little girl has been doing her research, even though because of her age, she can't do as many stunts, she still took parkour lessons, as a dancer she understands how her character moves and she seems interested in the overall story, not just her SL. She understands that being in character is not just learning and reciting lines. KC could post videos of her backing up her claims and showing off her gymnastic skills, practicing the salmon ladder, reading a comic book, etc... none of that would hurt but BC is a fighter, not someone that just works out at the gym.

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Would people be saying that if the scene in s1 taking down Max had been better?  It's not a hard stunt and she shouldn't have needed a stunt double.  I think people are criticizing her because of what she did in the first two seasons, when she wasn't physically able to take on the role of BC and I think the producers knew that or we wouldn't have got Sara coming back as the Canary.


It occurred to me that acting, like medicine, psychology, law and a number of other professions, is a job where you have to learn a lot of stuff you may never use.  Medical students have to study diseases like Still's disease even though they may never encounter them while practicing because if they should, there isn't time to learn it, they have to be able to identify it.  A psychologist has to learn about sexual abuse in case one of their on-going patients has to deal with it, and lawyers have to learn about all sorts of legal issues they may never deal with.


An actor isn't going to have time to learn everything between hearing about the audition and actually doing it.   I think if I were in the  profession, I'd want to learn basic martial arts, accents, some dance, riding lessons and maybe even shooting and swordfighting, just in case I ever got the chance to do a role where it was required.


I don't think physical ability is as required to carry out a role as people are making it out to be. Katie's physicality should be least of her concerns, it should be more about her acting choices and how she performs whatever material she is given.

Colton Haynes has said it many times that his stunt double does all his action scenes and that's okay. They have stunt doubles specifically for that purpose. It is just that Stephen has talked about doing a lot of his stunts himself that every one jumps into the fray and says that they can do this or that or that they want to. Ability to fight does or right physical attributes does not make an actor, otherwise every stunt person would have been an A lister.


PS: Yes, everything an actor can do is listed on their bio, whether they can fight, ride a bike, horse, surf, swim, dance, sing etc. It helps the casting people to know at a glance what an actor can or cannot do or will be able to do it with minimum training.

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PS: Yes, everything an actor can do is listed on their bio, whether they can fight, ride a bike, horse, surf, swim, dance, sing etc. It helps the casting people to know at a glance what an actor can or cannot do or will be able to do it with minimum training.


Oh my yes. I see head shots and resumes every day, and the stuff actors will come up with is hilarious. They will make up new skills if they think it'll help them get a second look. 


I also agree that physicality is low on my list for what makes a performance. It can definitely enhance one, but if the character isn't realized or acted well, I don't care if you look the part. I also know a ton of stunt folks, and the training and skills they possess isn't something one can just pick up. There's also what I like to call the insanity factor. You have to be a special type of person to willingly jump off a building or set yourself on fire. The skills they have are no joke and I always side eye actors who say they do their own stunts. Some actors do a lot or as much as they can (Steve McQueen drove, Jason Statham being all Statham-y, even SA) but ultimately, they are hired to act and insurance will not risk them being injured which would shut an entire production down.

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According to Manu Bennett, Canada has really strict stunt laws. You can't just walk up and do them, especially if you have no training in stunts. Parkour is probably a start which is why SA and CL are able to do some of their own stunts. Caity Lotz was also actually in training to be a stunt double. So she had some of the practice, but even she wasn't allowed to do everything for insurance and timing reasons. She was hired as an actor first. 


What made me like Sara was not the fact that the actress can do her own fight scenes that was just a bonus. CL brought warmth and vulnerability to Sara. That is what me like her and want to root for her to succeed. Without that I wouldn't have cared whether or not she can do stunts. Like other's have said if that's all it takes then we wouldn't even need actors, the stunt people can just do everything. Gina Carano is a badass that can kick ass but she sucks as an actress and I can't watch her movies because of that.

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I think it was Which character would take care of your dog [if you had to leave for a while]? in an interview last season.  She picked Diggle because Diggle is Oliver's bodyguard so he protects things.  I don't know if she was trying to be funny but it gave the impression that she really didn't understand Diggle's role on the show.


The thing that was fun or odd about her answer is the question was between (I believe) Oliver or Sara, who would you trust to walk your dog?  And she picked Diggle because it's his job or something like that. 

The thing that was fun or odd about her answer is the question was between (I believe) Oliver or Sara, who would you trust to walk your dog?  And she picked Diggle because it's his job or something like that. 

Yes, the interview was basically asking between Arrow and the Canary who would an arm wrestling match, who would you tell a secret, who would win a salmon ladder race, who would you trust to dog sit, etc... so Diggle wasn't an option.

See i feel like this question is an open gate to her answering the same old practiced line "they are soulmate" or "Comics"


Personally, and I actually been thinking about it today before i read your post,  if i had the chance i would have ask her (preferably in front on the EP's and the rest of the cast) something along the lines of "in recent interviews you mentioned how you still see Laurel and Oliver as soul-mates, destined to be together, that they are still very in-love (or whatever it is she says in interviews) yet the EP's, as well as several cast members; specifically Stephen. who said so very specifically during interviews at SDCC) that the only woman in Oliver life now is Felicity, we had at least one if not all three EP's saying at one point or another for the last several months that Oliver and Felicity are truly in-love with one another. So i'm just wondering how/why, despite all of those statements you would view Laurel&Oliver as what i can only assume the show end-game, especially as we have not really seen anything on screen to indicate it."


although there's possibly a less passive aggressive and more nicely way to word it. (i'm just done with giving a fuck, plus it's been a long day.)

now I seriously wish i did cons, cause i would have loved to see the reactions of the cast and EP's to such a question, and how they would answer it.


That is a good question and one I'd love to see her answer, but I doubt she would.  I just figure with her personality, if you want a real answer, you have to sugarcoat the question a bit.


But I will definitely consider prefacing it with something like 'In the comics the O/L relationship isn't happy or healthy...' or 'Putting aside the comics because they don't really apply to the show....'  I'm hoping that including the 'why...soulmates' part of the question will prevent her from giving that generic answer. 


Edit:  I don't expect TPTB to rake her over the coals in public.  But there are ways to turn what she says into more of a question by responding something like "L/O soulmates?  Well, I guess we'll have to see." or something not so lame as that.


But they definitely have the power to talk to her and tell her "Hey, you can't say that at cons anymore...it doesn't follow the current story."  Which is true and wouldn't make her feel stupid.


And one other thing to add, reading this last page, I came to realize that I can't look down on KC's self-esteem.  I think she's a beautiful young lady who believes (rightly or wrongly) that she is capable of doing anything and that she's the star of anything she does.  So I guess I can't have a problem with her showing her biceps in response to questions.  She's probably justifiably proud.  


I appreciate CL's seeming humbleness and wish that KC knew how to at least give that appearance, but that's why I generally tune her out and don't watch her videos from cons, etc.  Except occasionally on here.  I can't resist the temptation sometimes. 

Edited by JenMcSnark
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@JenMcSnark yea, i'm not very good with sugarcoating - it usually comes off sarcastic when i do try (that difference in culture really, we don't do sugarcoating in my home country, we're very direct- and to someone who didn't grew up with such directness it appears rude. so i've been told occasionally by my American friends)


but yea, adding the "putting aside comics..." is a good idea.

Personally i think that presenting her with Stephen's and the EP's own words on the topic would in a way force her to give a proper answer, because: they're the EP's and he's the show star; Also, in my opinion, a lack of an answer is just as good. It will only prove (more firmly) that she obviously does not take the time to sit down with the EP's and truly talks to them, so that when she does answer it's on level to their vision and plan, rather than what she think is happening and/or is going to happen.

But than, i wouldn't think twice about telling her to please give a straight and proper answer when/if she would try to veer off topic.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I loved his insight into the industry and his duties as the leading actor on the show.

the guy keeps earning my respect every-time he opens his mouth!


and okay i have been wondering for the longest time whether Stephen had a pet or no, since i saw a pic of a much younger him with a black lab puppy. so yes he does, and i found this picture online. i'm melting.


Edited by foreverevolving
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oh. has he ever said why he gave him away?


I have absolutely no firsthand knowledge of why he did, but I'd imagine that once he started booking work it was difficult to keep a pet - the hours are unsteady and it probably wouldn't be fair to the dog to leave him alone so much. Maybe that's why?


lol don't want to get into this because this is the wrong section but  it's obvious they'll put more effort in advertising a new, potential hit show. And the only Arrow actor to advertise it is Stephen, who actually appears in first episode. Arrow and Flash have the same creators and crew and Flash could actually help Arrow get better ratings (the episodes with Barry Allen in Arrow had the highest ratings for all of season 2) since it's attracting a lot of attention, so I don't really see the problem.

Will see but as i am more interested in Arrow than Flash i hate that my TL is overflooded with Flash RT from Arrow crew ( from writers, EPs, the CW Arrow). Like i get its premiering today but you kindly shut up with it. And are we sure the higher ratings were due just to BA? The shows ratings were raising ever since Keep your Enemies Closer especially in the male 18-34 demo. I just hope all the promo wasnt for nothing. Since it will be going against the Voice.

Edited by Velocity23

Stephen was on an episode of Aisha Tyler's Girl on Guy that was posted today: http://girlonguy.girlonguy.libsynpro.com/girl-on-guy-153-stephen-amell

It's a great interview - he's pretty candid about his beginning in the business (and other stuff, too).

Such a GREAT interview.  I love how she approaches these like a fan, but with industry knowledge - it makes the interview so much more interesting.  I am really impressed with how seriously he takes everything.  To the point that I worry for him with all the con appearances and heavy filming schedule.  Which is ridiculous, but I kind of feel like his mom and want to make sure he's eating enough.  LOL

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Then we're both ridiculous together because I had the exact same reaction. Stephen, go home and sleep. I hope everyone on that set looks out for him the way he tries to look out for them. Also, I wonder if he could stop doing cons--or stick to like just SDCC and another couple of the bigger ones and skip everything else.

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Then we're both ridiculous together because I had the exact same reaction. Stephen, go home and sleep. I hope everyone on that set looks out for him the way he tries to look out for them. Also, I wonder if he could stop doing cons--or stick to like just SDCC and another couple of the bigger ones and skip everything else.

With the exception of SDCC everything else is on the actors.  It's his choice to do those cons, no one is forcing him to do them


Stephen was on an episode of Aisha Tyler's Girl on Guy that was posted today: http://girlonguy.gir...3-stephen-amell

It's a great interview - he's pretty candid about his beginning in the business (and other stuff, too).

I posted on facebook asking him to do it. I can't believe it happened.

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somebody needs to tell me from where the outfit felicity is wearing is from (yes i know it's a badly written line) but i need that outfit in my closet (even though i have zero dollars to buy it right now)



because grammar and structure is important. and i'm woman enough to also leave the original post :-P


someone needs to help me locate which brand Felicity outfit is from.....


I think that's worded a tad better?

Edited by foreverevolving
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Then we're both ridiculous together because I had the exact same reaction. Stephen, go home and sleep.


Ever since Comicon I've worried about him burning out.  It's odd, I don't recall worrying about the ongoing welfare of an actor before.  I think most actors are always running and burning the candle at both ends when they are employed but I swear SA takes it to levels I've never heard about. 


I wonder if it's because of the fleeting nature of fame. I do believe he loves his fans but ever con he goes to is one more penny in the rainy day account for when this endeavor someday eventually comes to an end. 

Ever since Comicon I've worried about him burning out.  It's odd, I don't recall worrying about the ongoing welfare of an actor before.  I think most actors are always running and burning the candle at both ends when they are employed but I swear SA takes it to levels I've never heard about. 


I wonder if it's because of the fleeting nature of fame. I do believe he loves his fans but ever con he goes to is one more penny in the rainy day account for when this endeavor someday eventually comes to an end. 

oh i've been worried about the well being of an actor before. I remember when Clooney was still on ER and during his last year and half he would divide his time between shooting ER and whatever movie he was doing. on the same week. i think he was working 7 days a week. especially in his last few months when he was filming Three Kings somewhere in the middle of nowhere so he was flying back and forth.

@writersblock51 Why not? you're not asking him about KC but about Fakanary journey as a character. i mean you can probably word the question differently so it won't make him feel as if you're attacking him personally (since he has no power over her arc- that we know of). you can ask him say: what is your opinion about Sara's death and the fact that she isn't the first one to be killed (sacraficed) off to push Fakanary arc.
actually there may not be a nice way to ask this question.. i say go for it. at worst he won't answer, or just say how it is always hard to lose a cast member or something like that. at best you'll get an honest answer.

And now i just hope the mods won't delete this message.

@foreverevolving, I truly don't know if I'll be in a position to ask him anything. I'm only there on Saturday - he's doing photo ops & autographs, the Lego Batman 3 panel and then he has his own Spotlight in the later afternoon. If I get to ask a question, though, I hope I'd be as tactful as I can be. There's absolutely no way I blame him for the stories on the show or want him to feel attacked in any way.  But yeah, it's a tricky question to ask.

@foreverevolving, I truly don't know if I'll be in a position to ask him anything. I'm only there on Saturday - he's doing photo ops & autographs, the Lego Batman 3 panel and then he has his own Spotlight in the later afternoon. If I get to ask a question, though, I hope I'd be as tactful as I can be. There's absolutely no way I blame him for the stories on the show or want him to feel attacked in any way.  But yeah, it's a tricky question to ask.

It's not a question you should ask Stephen Amell. Not at all. It's a question you ask one of the EPs or KC. 

I agree.  I think you should keep your questions focused on Oliver's characterization, how he preps for him, what he'd like to see, if he could hint as to what comes next, and so on.  If you do get the opportunity to talk to an EP (and you might, as I talked to Marc G at Comic Con this past summer as he was promoting his book in addition to Arrow, so check out the programming guides carefully to find out if this will be the case) that's who I'd bring the Sara questions to.  I wouldn't even ask Cassidy as her answers are always vague, so the EPs are your best bet if you get the chance.

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