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Twitter has been a bit frenzied since his #AskAmell Superman/Batman comment. I don't know if any of it is all that obvious at this point - I've seen a solid split on who he prefers between the superheroes AND the 2 women.

LOL Amell is such a troll, he knew what would happen if he made a whole Laurel vs Felicity situation (aka lauriver vs olicity situation). I"m not surprised by this at all. 


Season 1, he talked about always going after Laurel. Season 2, he was split. Sometimes he talked about Laurel, sometimes he said he would love for Oliver to be with Felicity. Season 3 it seems it's all about Felicity and the Laurel and Sara ship has sailed. So it's difficult to say...


...Unless Amell is talking about the characters themselves and not who Oliver would choose. :p 

I always laugh when SA says he's not going to choose between Laurel and Felicity.  Yes, that would be a good idea so as not to anger fans of either.  Unfortunately, he does a terrible job of coming of as unbiased.  I'm paraphrasing here: "There's just one woman for Oliver this year and that woman is Felicity, " along with "I don't think that we'll see Oliver and Laurel together again.  The ship has sailed on that romance."  Then there were earlier interviews where he talked about turning the script pages looking for an Olicity kiss and thinking, "Maybe next time" or saying he's "all for it" when talking about an Olicity romance.  Dude, you're definitely not coming off neutral here if you aren't saying the same about Laurel as well.  Maybe he has said the same about Laurel (beyond the first season, specifically), but I've not seen it.

If that is how you choose to interpret some friendly banter, okay. The only person who knows what he means is Amell and even then who knows. He's a troll and it's amusing.

Sometimes sarcasm doesn't translate well in text. And this has been my main downfall considering I am a very sarcastic person :p 

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If that is how you choose to interpret some friendly banter, okay.


Is that what you were doing? Over my head.


I always laugh when SA says he's not going to choose between Laurel and Felicity.  Yes, that would be a good idea so as not to anger fans of either.  Unfortunately, he does a terrible job of coming of as unbiased.  I'm paraphrasing here: "There's just one woman for Oliver this year and that woman is Felicity, " along with "I don't think that we'll see Oliver and Laurel together again.  The ship has sailed on that romance."  Then there were earlier interviews where he talked about turning the script pages looking for an Olicity kiss and thinking, "Maybe next time" or saying he's "all for it" when talking about an Olicity romance.  Dude, you're definitely not coming off neutral here if you aren't saying the same about Laurel as well.  Maybe he has said the same about Laurel (beyond the first season, specifically), but I've not seen it.


I don't think that's the same thing really...I can't recall who but another actor had to choose between two female characters on a show once..he chose the one that wasn't his love interest (no was she ever his love interest).


I think the bigger lie is him pretending to be conflicted about Diggle and Roy. I don't recall him ever writing Roy's name in all caps the way he did DIGGLE'S! ;)

I always laugh when SA says he's not going to choose between Laurel and Felicity.  Yes, that would be a good idea so as not to anger fans of either.  Unfortunately, he does a terrible job of coming of as unbiased.  I'm paraphrasing here: "There's just one woman for Oliver this year and that woman is Felicity, " along with "I don't think that we'll see Oliver and Laurel together again.  The ship has sailed on that romance."  Then there were earlier interviews where he talked about turning the script pages looking for an Olicity kiss and thinking, "Maybe next time" or saying he's "all for it" when talking about an Olicity romance.  Dude, you're definitely not coming off neutral here if you aren't saying the same about Laurel as well.  Maybe he has said the same about Laurel (beyond the first season, specifically), but I've not seen it.

during the 2nd season he said a lot of things about Laurel as well. It was mostly at comic-con where he made comments mostly about Olicity. 

I think the bigger lie is him pretending to be conflicted about Diggle and Roy. I don't recall him ever writing Roy's name in all caps the way he did DIGGLE'S! ;)

lol yeah that was funny 

Edited by ban1o

I always laugh when SA says he's not going to choose between Laurel and Felicity.  Yes, that would be a good idea so as not to anger fans of either.  Unfortunately, he does a terrible job of coming of as unbiased.  I'm paraphrasing here: "There's just one woman for Oliver this year and that woman is Felicity, " along with "I don't think that we'll see Oliver and Laurel together again.  The ship has sailed on that romance."  Then there were earlier interviews where he talked about turning the script pages looking for an Olicity kiss and thinking, "Maybe next time" or saying he's "all for it" when talking about an Olicity romance.  Dude, you're definitely not coming off neutral here if you aren't saying the same about Laurel as well.  Maybe he has said the same about Laurel (beyond the first season, specifically), but I've not seen it.


This is why the Captain Amell tag is one of my favorite tags on Tumblr. I saw an awesome post the other night compiling all the video from his SDCC '14 interviews about Felicity (and proceded to watch each one for the 25th time), but this will always be my favorite.

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This is the CBR interview of Caity Lotz and Emily Bett Rickards from the comicon




It is a short interview which ended with the question of romance between Oliver & Felicity. Caity Lotz joked that Felicity will be getting sloppy seconds.

That's a cute interview.  It's interesting that EBR wants to do comedy, I can't remember who here suggested it but she'd be great for romcoms.  Caity Lotz switches between serious and fun really fast.


Tarot cards is impressive. All I could do at 23 was the I Ching.



That's like picking between Laurel & Felicity. RT @TheKevinVargas: @amellywood Batman or Superman?

I don't think this is trolling, except maybe for pulling a personal question back to the show.  Batman and Superman each have their own strengths and their own fanbases, as do Laurel and Felicity.  It feels like a pretty diplomatic answer to me.


As an actor, he may well prefer Olicity to Lauriver because it's a most complex story to act. But I don't think that particular tweet was taking sides.

Edited by statsgirl

I'm still processing the fact that Stephen Amell has time to be bored.


As my mother said to me when I was a teen, "If you're bored, I can give you jobs to do."  I soon learned not to advertise the fact that I was bored...

Is that like a standard mother line?! cause my mom would say the same thing.

I learned to find ways to occupy myself so that i won't have to say it out loud and get bombed with house chores. :-P, lol. i was always sneaky an clever that way.

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I just want somebody to ask Guggenheim, Kreisberg or Berlanti the one question we keep asking on this forum: Why introduce and continue to develop Sara's Canary when the plan still seems to be to hand off the mantle to Laurel Lance? Aren't they worried fans would prefer one over the other, or that Laurel may not measure up?(which seems to already be the case)? No one will probably ask, not if they want to remain in the EPs good graces. Just as no one really asked when they were doing that horrible sister-swapping storyline, RME.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Yes, a thousand times yes. What is the logic of introducing a character, one you clearly mean for the audience to embrace, as Black Canary, to the point where you retcon the ish between sisters to mitigate and even justify an act of betrayal (she liked Olly first and Laurel KNEW IT). I have feeling they'd say something stupid like, how it's all about Laurel's journey to becoming Canary. Except for how we've 40 something episodes and she's less believable as Canary now than when the first episode aired.


I realize it's not the monster hit either critically or ratings wise other shows are, but I've seen TV journalists confront showrunners about stuff, I men hello Lost took right on the jaw for almost two and years about the disconnect between what they thought they were giving people (slow burn satisfaction) and what people thought they were getting (aka NUTTIN). Even on Sleepy Hollow, the critical response to Katia Winter's Katrina is largely poor, and journos frequently are like SO is she ever going to get agency/more interesting? Is there a reason we are supposed to care? Her role isn't as problematic because she's no where near as central as Laurel was supposed to be from the start.

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Except for how we've 40 something episodes and she's less believable as Canary now than when the first episode aired.


Yep, this is the biggest issue for me. Episode 1 of Season 1 was ready for Dinah Laurel Lance to be the Black Canary. After Episode 46 of Season 2 I can't ever see Laurel Lance being a hero. They made a huge mistake introducing Sara, making me care about her and want her to be a hero and managed that in only 23 episodes. Sara's storyline should've been Laurel's, whether or not Cassidy could've pulled it off would have been a different story, but then I would never have seen a much better version of the Black Canary and have nothing to compare her too. Now that is all I will do and will resent her if Sara dies for her.

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I just find it so utterly bizarre that these producers legit seem to think that Laurel Lance becomes Canary was a basic assumption, and they should therefore do everything in their power to stall, impede, and undermine her, because we don't want her to be Canary until the clock strikes episode X of Season Y. They have literally treated naming a character as telling a characters story. I mean we named her Laurel Lance, c'mon, what more do you need? Oh, right a jacket.

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In his off-time, Stephen Amell got involved with F&CK Cancer because his mother went through chemotherapy for breast cancer in 2012.  The goal was to sell 500 shirts to raise money for cancer research; the final tally was 21,486.  That's pretty amazing of Stephen's fans.

Edited by statsgirl
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Did she not learn anything from season 2?


warning: run on sentence.


I really want to ask KC why she would think a man who cheated on Laurel with other women including Laurel's sister, who then disappeared then came back only to lie to her about who he is and what happened to him on the island, a man who got back together with Laurel's sister after having sex with her again then proceeded to yell at Laurel at her lowest point in life and tell her he's done with her, AND told her to go to the bar knowing she was an alcoholic, but it's okay, he'll pay for it., would ever be Laurel's soulmate. WHY would she think they're soulmates after all that? Is it because KC thinks Laurel is a masochist? 


This yin yang crap isn't even a reason. Laurel isn't the opposite of Oliver, she's pretty much the same self deprecating, brooding, intense person as Oliver. She doesn't complement him in any way which is why they don't work. 



Edited by wonderwall
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Is she even watching the show?  Seriously?  What the ????

I'm pretty sure the only reason she thinks they're soulmates is because KC is the lead and so is SA. And of course, two lead actors are supposed to be 'soulmates'. 


Oh and also because of the comics (which doesn't make sense because it depends on which reboot of the comics you look at), which isn't even a reason. And shouldn't be a reason for someone who's never read the comics. Scratch that. It shouldn't be a reason at all no matter who you are. 

I'm pretty sure the only reason she thinks they're soulmates is because KC is the lead and so is SA. And of course, two lead actors are supposed to be 'soulmates'. 


Oh and also because of the comics (which doesn't make sense because it depends on which reboot of the comics you look at), which isn't even a reason. And shouldn't be a reason for someone who's never read the comics. Scratch that. It shouldn't be a reason at all no matter who you are. 


I truly don't understand her and her comments in conjunction with what the EPs, SA, EBR, DR and CH have all said.  My goodness. 


Her delusions? misunderstandings? ???? are very off putting.  It also highlights the big disconnect that comes about whenever she talks in public about her character and relationship with Oliver. 


Just wow. 

I have a theory about KC's delusion. She was told that she the lead actress when she was hired and she was for season 1. After that, she stopped watching the episodes in its entirety and stopped reading the scripts. Some production assistant guy hands her copy with her dialogues highlighted and then she staples off the rest because why want to know the whole story when she was told in 2012 that she was the lead actress.


God, I want to know what she is smoking because I want that too.

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Well perhaps it's just how she sees it. Personally, I don't understand why she'd want Oliver in Laurel's life at all because he doesn't treat her particularly well, but everyone has their opinion.

The fact that what she says seems a contradiction to everyone else toting Olicity is just amusing.

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And this is why (IMO) nothing they even attempt with Laurel in S3 will work because KC will play the scene totally wrong. She will base everything on this belief that O/L are OTP, that Olicity and/or Sara are just phases and that Oliver needs Laurel more then any other character on the show.

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So a guy that just hooked back up with her sister after having cheated on her with the same sister six years ago is her soulmate? If I just heard that from someone without seeing the whole story, that alone would make me think the guy was in love with her sister, not her.


What is she smoking? 

Edited by Sakura12

Eh, I don't take anything she says seriously. If she can't answer simple questions when she's doing interviews with cast & EP's, that tells me she doesn't have a clue whats going on. As far as her interviews at conventions go, I think she's catering to her fan-base which most likely want Laurel with Oliver. Did she say anything about her characters journey, I wonder? Also, before comic con she was saying they were soul mates, and everyone else is a fling. Now she's saying she still believe they're soul mates, but that story could go anywhere. That may not seem like much, but given her certainty this past summer compared to her words now, where she makes sure to state that it's her POV, is a big change. So she's not clueless, something obviously changed because otherwise she'd still be regurgitating what she said up until SDCC.

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Eh, KC is entitled to her opinions about Oliver/Laurel. It's not one I will ever agree with though.  Given what we have seen of their relationship, I just don't see any reason why Laurel would ever want to be romantically involved with Oliver again.  He treated her like crap.  Dude slept with her sister pre and post island.  I don't have an issue with Laurel forgiving Oliver if that's what she chooses because forgiveness is more about the person doing the forgiving than about the person being forgiven,  but forgetting and getting back together…Nope! 

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It's good to know KC can still bring the amusement factor.

I really want to ask KC why she would think a man who cheated on Laurel with other women including Laurel's sister, who then disappeared then came back only to lie to her about who he is and what happened to him on the island, a man who got back together with Laurel's sister after having sex with her again then proceeded to yell at Laurel at her lowest point in life and tell her he's done with her, AND told her to go to the bar knowing she was an alcoholic, but it's okay, he'll pay for it., would ever be Laurel's soulmate. WHY would she think they're soulmates after all that? Is it because KC thinks Laurel is a masochist?


Because he is the star of the show, and she was promised the star of the show as her love interest.


Or maybe she's playing to her fans and wants to give them hope.  But if that's the case, she's not doing them any favors.

I have a theory about KC's delusion. She was told that she the lead actress when she was hired and she was for season 1. After that, she stopped watching the episodes in its entirety and stopped reading the scripts. Some production assistant guy hands her copy with her dialogues highlighted and then she staples off the rest because why want to know the whole story when she was told in 2012 that she was the lead actress.

Or this. That's a good theory.  Otherwise she wouldn't have been grinning so much when Sara sold herself back to the LoA in exchange for saving Starling City.


And this is why (IMO) nothing they even attempt with Laurel in S3 will work because KC will play the scene totally wrong. She will base everything on this belief that O/L are OTP, that Olicity and/or Sara are just phases and that Oliver needs Laurel more then any other character on the show.

This is the real problem.  Like the Laurel/Felicity first meet scene, she will play it as Oliver/Laurel are OTP and Fellcity is just a roadblock.  It will throw off whatever they are planning for her and lose her even more good will.  But worse, it will stick out like a sore thumb in the overall show.  There's only so much of that they can afford before it starts affeting the show.

I know she's supporting her character, however that is not the story they are telling at least not anymore, it's making her look delusional. Caity Lotz got that question a lot, she of course would never bash Sara/Oliver and talked about their emotional connection via shared traumas (she was however aware it came out of nowhere and wasn't expected with the story presented) but she also acknowledged that Felicity and Oliver have a strong connection and are a fan favorite pairing. She also never thought Oliver was Sara's true love so that probably helps with her sane answers. 


I agree with the posters above that with those answers it looks like KC will be playing the scene how she wants it instead of what is happening in the story. Just like her grinning like it was the happiest day of her life when her younger sister was going back to being a murderer with the people that were just trying to kill her and their entire family.

Edited by Sakura12

She might not be reading the entire scripts, but what does she do on table reads? Legit spaces out while everyone else is saying their lines?


I'm aware that this makes me sound like an a-hole, but I do that in staff meetings at work when people are talking about things that don't concern me (SOMETIMES, OKAY. SOMETIMES), so maybe she does?

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She might not be reading the entire scripts, but what does she do on table reads? Legit spaces out while everyone else is saying their lines?


I think she day dreams about all the torn jeans and Birkenstocks she will be posting on her fashion blog and instagram. I bet she misses half the table reads as well.  

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I kinda feel bad for KC at this point. She explains a little why she believes that Laurel is good for Oliver, but what does Oliver bring to the table to make her believe that they're "soulmates?"

It's almost like KC sees that relationship the same way that Laurel did before the boat blew up.

Since table reads are just reads, maybe she sees them through her Lauriver glasses and then just forgets about what happened?  If she wanted to know the whole story, she would have read the comics by now.


I kinda feel bad for KC at this point. She explains a little why she believes that Laurel is good for Oliver, but what does Oliver bring to the table to make her believe that they're "soulmates?"

She says she thinks Laurel is good for Oliver because she isn't afraid to challenge him but every single regular character on the show does that, and most of the recurring ones (e.g.  Nyssa).  It doesn't make Laurel different or special. and it really doesn't explain why they are soulmates.  Going by that criteria, maybe Diggle is Oliver's soulmate.

Edited by statsgirl
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Uggh I really don't like how people here trash KC all the time. We don't even have the full panel just a quote pulled from the thing that could be easily taken out of context. They obviously used that one quote to try and cause buzz online. And she's entitled ot her opionions about the relationship. She did say "the story could go anywhere"

Edited by ban1o
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If KC didn't sound so delusional or uninformed about her character or the show we wouldn't have to talk about her. She's been in the business a long time, she should be more media savvy.

EBR and CL are new to acting and they seem to pay more attention to their characters and the show so they have something intelligent or insightful to say about it when asked. They make jokes and have fun with interviews but they also show an understanding of their character and what they want or are getting from them. KC does not.

Edited by Sakura12
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