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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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She does, but in this one Felicity is wearing the ring and the only time we've seen her wear it is at the end of 4x09 and never while in the lair. so this pic has to have been taken BTS from one of the upcoming episodes. 

Echo posted a BTS pic of EBR wearing the ring right before the midseason finale aired. I think they were filming 412. I don't trust KC's post timing at all, so as far as I know, her pic could have been any time up to filming 412.

Edited by lemotomato
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Echo posted a BTS pic of EBR wearing the ring. I think they were filming 412, and I'm pretty sure he was posting live because it was a cross promotion with Entertainment Tonight's Instagram. I don't trust KC's post timing at all, so as far as I know, her pic could have been any time up to filming 412.


which is why I wrote: so this pic has to have been taken BTS from one of the upcoming episodes.

Ie it could have been taken at any point while they were shooting 4x10 up to 4x15

Edited by foreverevolving
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which is why I wrote: so this pic has to have been taken BTS from one of the upcoming episodes.

Ie it could have been taken at any point while they were shooting 4x10 up to 4x15


No one's arguing that, though. We're trying to figure out if this picture is BTS for 4x15 - what they're shooting now, or if it's "old" as in from any episode between 4x10 and 4x14. Just because she's posting it now, doesn't mean it's recent. We're trying to figure out if it's recent. 

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Jimmy Akingbola ‏@JimmyAkingbola

On way to #arrow table read :) now Im 100% grateful and not greedy but is it bad that I want to also turn left? #dccomics #dccrossover #baronreiter #shadowspire #arrow #flash #legendsoftomorrow @thecw @cw_arrow @cwtheflash @cw_legendsoftomorrow @arrowwriters   https://www.instagram.com/p/BAusaQMhcr_/

9:49 AM - 19 Jan 2016





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First time Arrow reached No. 1 on the Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings, I believe. Also maybe the first time Unique Audience numbers reached past 1,000. That's impressive. What's even more impressive is the difference between its numbers and American Idol. Well done, fandom.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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I forgot about LOT. Thanks for the reminder.

Right. I woke up this morning and had forgotten.

Me: Yay, the 100 is on tonight!

Boyfriend: and that new show you wanna watch.

Me: what new show, I ain't got no show

Him: with the superheroes.

Me: oh, yeah, that. Yay the 100 is back on tonight

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I noticed "Arrow" trended way into the 9 O'clock hour when it usually doesn't.  I never saw felicity trend but it supposedly trended on and off all night. 


I'm not sure Felicity trended worldwide but I saw screen caps pop up from Brazil, Canada, U.S., etc. And yeah, Arrow did trend past 9. It also happened during the winter finale. In fact, that time it trended in the U.S. all the way from the East Coast airing to the West Coast one. 

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Awww that's sweet of him. :) He was always super enthusiastic about her as BC, and maybe I'm projecting, but I always kind of felt like he was as bummed as the fans were when they killed her off.

I don't think it's just you :) I remember SA being really effusive with praise before and during Caity's time on the show, and I think he was as disappointed about Sara being killed off as much as he was allowed to show without being outright critical.

Not surprised at all that he's sending out good wishes to her in particular regarding LoT because she's getting a second chance to play a character that was, IMO, killed off because reasons.

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That's a bit nasty singling out Caity.

I honestly think it's sweet since they worked together the most.

I don't think I'll ever get his hat fixation. Does his head have problems retaining heat? It's honestly perplexing.

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I really think that Emily would be a natural at performing some really amazing and bad ass action stunts on her own if she was ever given the opportunity. Not saying Felicity being the brains of Team (G) Arrow isn't enough because it is and its evident how important she is to them having successful missions. I would just love to see Felicity beat or kick someone's ass (hand to hand) on the show hmmm Baby Momma would be good or even Oliver for abusing the trust and faith she invested in him. Any how Emily looks absolutely AMAZING in that photograph!

Edited by Ann Mack
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You guys have no idea how badly I want Earth-2 Felicity. Villain, Goth Felicity. Maybe she works for HIVE, which is like Division. She hacks and kicks ass. I want it.

NO To her being a Villian HELL FUCKING YES to being a badass

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I really think that Emily would be a natural at performing some really amazing and bad ass action stunts on her own if she was ever given the opportunity. Not saying Felicity being the brains of Team (G) Arrow isn't enough because it is and its evident how important she is to them having successful missions. I would just love to see Felicity beat or kick someone's ass (hand to hand) on the show hmmm Baby Momma would be good or even Oliver for abusing the trust and faith she invested in him. Any how Emily looks absolutely AMAZING in that photograph!

Honestly, I think that is why they put her in a wheelchair. I know I'm bitter about the plotline and I know I'm suspicious by nature, but I find it convenient that the melodramatic for plot purposes injury they went with permanently takes her out of being able to go into the field. It's almost like they didn't want any comparisons or potential for comparisons to they other female masked talents. They were tired of fans wanting her in the field and eager for EBR to use her natural talents in stunt or action sequences.

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You guys have no idea how badly I want Earth-2 Felicity. Villain, Goth Felicity. Maybe she works for HIVE, which is like Division. She hacks and kicks ass. I want it.


In my head she's got to be working for ARGUS. I've alwayss been stumped about how apparently she's never caught their interest when she has talents that could definitely benefit them. I'm still waiting for Lyla to reveal there's a file on her with a not 'has issues with authority'.

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Honestly, I think that is why they put her in a wheelchair. I know I'm bitter about the plotline and I know I'm suspicious by nature, but I find it convenient that the melodramatic for plot purposes injury they went with permanently takes her out of being able to go into the field. It's almost like they didn't want any comparisons or potential for comparisons to they other female masked talents. They were tired of fans wanting her in the field and eager for EBR to use her natural talents in stunt or action sequences.


Yeah, in one scene when she fought against the bad guys and she walloped them with a board or whatever she already showed her physical aptitude for stunt fighting and was exponentially better than LL.

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Local news this morning, we're supposed to get 6-10 in of Snow on Saturday, starting in the morning and will end Saturday evening.

I think the biggest concern would be the talent not being able to fly in because they're canceling flights today and tomorrow.

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He's very optimistic about the show going on. Meanwhile here in DC the whole city is shutting down and I'm staying at a hotel for the weekend with stockpiles of wine. Sorta glad I opted to not go to the event.

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Whose bright idea was it to organize a con in the dead of winter in the Northeast anyway? Seems to be begging for weather trouble. Most of the cons in January-March happen on the West coast or in the South.

Edited by lemotomato
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