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EK will be participating in this live comedy show tonight...

Quick Dish LA: TOMORROW The Live BAD RECEPTION Release Show at UCB Sunset
August 17, 2018 CakeMama


Eh, what did you say? Oh, new Audible original comedy + release show this weekend? Got it! If that wasn’t clear, BAD RECEPTION is an entirely improvised comedy AUDIBLE ORIGINAL, that is set entirely, wait for it, on the PHONE. The show, created and directed by Justin Michael (Cartoon Network’s Infinity Train writer) and narrator Eric Martin (Maximum Fun’s Bubble director) and presented by Audible Originals and Audible Comedy, stars a cast of over 40 top comedians and improvisers including Paul F. Tompkins, D’Arcy Carden, Kyle Mooney, Lauren Lapkus, Nicole Byer, and more. The unscripted comedy of thirteen acts takes place in South Grampers, California, of course, the “Movie Theater Butter Capital of the World.” The town is forced to launch their own festival do take care of some cash deficit problems. However, an unexpected sequence of events leads to an extreme situation known as… “The Incident.” There’s only one soul that can expose the bubbling truth and , spoiler alert, he’s not in the know yet.
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The official release date is August 21, but TOMORROW at UCB Sunset, you can celebrate that release with the the cast and crew at the live show in Los Angeles. Expect appearances and performances by
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Echo Kellum (Arrow, Rick & Morty)
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+ more guests to come!


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I normally don't like to judge a person's intellect based on press interviews and social media because these things can paint a pretty distorted picture, but it's getting more and more apparent that JH isn't particularly bright. I mean, calling Marc Guggenheim a feminist? Really? Marc Guggenheim may try to paint himself in liberal colours on his social media, but what he really thinks of women comes through in his shitty writing. If Guggie really was a feminist, he wouldn't constantly pit women against each other. He wouldn't put an embargo on proper female-on-female interaction amongst the show's main characters. He wouldn't hire thrice as many male actors as female ones and he wouldn't repeatedly fridge or maime the few female characters he does have for man pain. Seriously, do these look like the actions of a feminist to you? Yeah, me neither. 

Edited by strikera0
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Just now, bijoux said:

I don't think MG is a feminist or that good a writer, but I don't really think he pitted female characters against each other. 

Er, the whole revolving door of Black Canaries? By having Sara, Laurel, Dinah and now Earth-2 Laurel compete for the same role, he has created a toxic environment amongst the fanbase. 

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I don’t think the BC’s are a good example. That was a bunch of BTS and external forces. If MG had his ideal, Laurel would have worked perfectly and there would be no Sara or Dinah.

In terms of pitting two female characters against each other, I’d look at 5x10. As much as I enjoyed it, it really seemed like one long meta statement ending in Laurel getting punch by Felicity. 

Its the lack of relationships between the female characters that tells me the most. Felicity/Thea/Laurel were never given the opportunity to develop. Felicity and Dinah haven’t had a real conversation.

I think it’s really interesting that the original actor have been pretty silent on praise for MG and hugely excited for Beth. JH is the only one giving MG love. 

Edited by Chaser
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Oh, the lack of relationships between female characters I'm completely behind. Massive fail there. Even more than Felicity and Dinah, Felicity and Thea were on the show for more than 5 seasons and had like two and a half short conversations, which was a real let down. I harbored such high hopes for them after the 90 seconds of screen time they shared while Oliver was with the LoA. 

I can't say I even mind 510. A) Felicity was right for distrusting BS. B) It came after season of what seemed like conscious effort not to pit Felicity and E1 Laurel against each other. Hero vs. villain is fine in my book. 

Edited by bijoux
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I seem to remember when JH first joined Arrow and people were talking about how social media savvy she is because she had a YouTube channel for the longest time, etc. But her interactions with fans tell me her "savvy" is limited to providing vague, uplifting words. She's all about positivity except when she gets called out. And suddenly it's about being trolled or bullied. She also deliberately picks the worst examples of fandom to reply to. The ones with the screaming ALL CAPS! There were a ton of other people in her mentions calmly pointing things out but she chose to reply and therefore highlight the loud and angry ones. That shows a bit of savvy actually. She knows lots of folks are gonna fall for a beautiful woman crying victim. 

As for MG pitting female characters against each other, I do agree he did this to a certain extent with all the BC-BC adjacent characters. Sometimes I can't tell whether the dialogue between Sara and Laurel are in character or meta. Same with BS and Dinah. There's something about his relationship with those characters that's a bit twisted. I can't tell if he was mad they're being forced on his show or he's just that petty or he thinks he's creating great drama.

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I don't see MG as anti-feminist because the show has created some great female characters (Felicity, Sara, Lyla, even Thea and Moira).  I just don't think he's as interested in the female characters as the male ones, and certainly not in developing female relationships. The worst was that he thought Felicity telling Laurel that she has a light in her that Sara didn't was creating a good friendship between them. And even after the twitter uproar, he still didn't get why people were upset.

I agree that he pitted Sara against Laurel but that started in the pilot episode. In season 2 I don't think he pitted them against each other because he wanted them fighting but that in terms o the long term story arc, he wanted Laurel to go from hating her sister to becoming her in s3.  (Terrible idea but I understand the logic.)  Later the pitting against was more by the famdom who wanted Sara as the BC rather than Laurel.

Really, I think the worst of pitting two characters against each other was Oliver and Diggle in s6 because that made zero sense in terms of their longterm relationship. 

So while I'm not going to hold up MG as a feminist and certainly not because he must have known what Kreisburg was doing and didn't stop it, I don't think he's malicious so much as lazy.

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How on earth is JH making it worse? She is looking more and more terrible and self-serving by the day. Yikes.

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The timing is a bit suspect. I wonder if JH messaged RG to complain about the fans calling her out for being opportunistic garbage. 

Like antagonising fans who loath their characters already is a good idea. 

I've always disliked RG ever since he had a fit when someone called him out (politely) for a really problematic interview and then the cast had to come to his defence. 

I hope Emily is able to stay away from these leeches. I'm always worried CW is going to make her be BFFs with them to try and dig them out of this hole. 

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8 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

The timing is a bit suspect. I wonder if JH messaged RG to complain about the fans calling her out for being opportunistic garbage. 

Like antagonising fans who loath their characters already is a good idea. 

I've always disliked RG ever since he had a fit when someone called him out (politely) for a really problematic interview and then the cast had to come to his defence. 

I hope Emily is able to stay away from these leeches. I'm always worried CW is going to make her be BFFs with them to try and dig them out of this hole. 

The should tell JH to stay off twitter ... because now she started to respond to posts she was not tagged in. 

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8 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

The should tell JH to stay off twitter ... because now she started to respond to posts she was not tagged in. 

Whoa you mean like say if I posted a post on Twitter dissing her but not tagging her (I didn't I don't have Twitter) she's responding to stuff like that?

Really? Sensitive much! The passive aggressive fakeness is really rearing it's head now isn't it! 

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On some level she must know that she’s only making things worse by responding to tweets she wasn’t tagged in, right? 

She’s stretching out the drama by continuing to engage, when if she just left it alone it would have started to settle back down by now. 

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It kinda looks to me like she’s trying to make out she’s a victim. Like, oh poor JH politely responded to all those meanies! Which might work if fandom didn’t have a legitimate reason to side eye the hell out of her.

Not that I thought much about her to begin with but she’s gone way down in my opinion. 

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ZGE Magazine's interview with MB, who's at Animekon Expo this weekend...

Manu Bennett | AnimeKon IX: World of Wonder
Published on Aug 17, 2018, by ZGE Magazine


We're back at FLOW HQ with another featured guest for this year's FLOW AnimeKon IX: World of Wonder, New Zealand actor from Spartacus, Arrow, The Hobbit and The Shannara Chronicles, Manu Bennett.

Fans can see Manu Bennett this weekend at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre on the 18th and 19th.

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I feel like this should be a PSA: Don't eat soap kids, or you'll think positive thinking can cure cancer & sexist racist trash bags are feminist heroes. lol

I went from disliking Dinah but being apathetic about JH, to disliking her immensely. How insecure must you be to track down tweets that don't even have your initials? As for Rick, after that interview he gave where he said it was sad what happened to AJK (that's how it read to me), is when I stopped liking him. Which is a shame because he was the only one I was excited about when they cast him (I didn't know how much I'd hate Rene) but he's trash too.

JH should have just ignored everything and let things pass. As it is, she probably the least liked in the cast from all sides, this isn't helping her at all.

Edited by JJ928
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Wow, at this point someone higher up on the show or network needs to step in and take away her Twitter access for a timeout. (Jim Carrey just did an interview and said he doesn’t have the password to his own Twitter and every post gets run by at least three friends first, and my first thought was “this needs to be Arrow’s new policy.”)  Did JH just admit with the “That breaks my heart” tweet that EBR did indeed face retaliation? Because to me, the blowback she talked about referred to online outrage. EBR doesn’t seem like someone who would air her bts laundry out like that in an interview. Plus it’s not like MG treated her character so great before her comments. But JH is out here unnecessarily adding fuel to an already-burning tire fire...

Her latest statement about personally feeling supported but that doesn’t mean other women should be discredited for having different experiences was good - that should have been her starting point in the initial interview. I’m actually amazed that after what happened with AK, the network didn’t give the cast media training on how to handle this specific topic. Between JH’s comments, RG’s previous interview and the original cast’s rush to support him following that backlash, they’ve mishandled it every single time it’s come up.  How hard is it to send a memo that says “the party line is: while that may have not been my personal experience, I believe women”? I guess the PR people assumed the cast would have more common sense (though a quick perusal of their biggest social media snafus would clear that right up.) 

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This whole thing is a dumpster fire and she should just stop already. But searching tweets about herself that weren’t even tagged and responding speaks of a desperation that makes me uncomfortable. ?

This whole situation is of her own making because she chose to mention MG and show support for him without being prompted. No one asked about him, she bought him up on her own, which tells me she was desperate to kiss some ass. Why, I’ll never know but I’m not impressed. 

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29 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

Perhaps she’s trying to get the love of fandoms that hate the Olicity fandom by painting herself as a victim. That’s the only way I can view this as a strategic choIce and not stupidity.

If that's what she's trying, I don't think it will work because many of those people resent her for taking away KC's role as the true BC. So not a victim herself but someone who victimized KC.

They all should just stay off of twitter or do what Jim Carrey does and have the tweets checked by multiple people before sending.  Seriously.  It's not like being on twitter benefited Crista Freeland who started a diplomatic war between Saudi Arabia and Canada for saying on twitter what had been said for a decade in diplomatic papers, or Netflix who cancelled Michelle Wolf's show on twitter without letting the producers or star know first.

Edited by statsgirl
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What, what? That's my friend she also responded to, the one where she said it breaks her heart. The funny thing is I don't think my friend realized JH responded because she's got her muted. (She has pretty much the entire cast excluding EBR and DR muted, I think). See, that tweet right there is not tagged, no one's named, etc. but she's responding to it?!?! Defensive much? Girl, go away. 

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I generally couldn't care less about the private lives of these people, but when did SA and JH become so chummy together? They barely interacted her first one and a half years on the show, but now they're almost inseparable. At the same time, he and Emily don't appear to be hanging out with each other anymore and if I remember correctly, he also didn't promote her play. Interesting ...

Edited by strikera0
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32 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

Since when are SA and JH so chummy together? There was barely any interaction between them her first 1 and a half years on the show, but now they're almost inseparable. 

Because she's the new Carina and is obsessed with documenting every single interaction she has with him and the wife like she's his personal biographer ?‍♀️

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32 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

Since when are SA and JH so chummy together? There was barely any interaction between them her first 1 and a half years on the show, but now they're almost inseparable. 

SA & JH hung out after HVFF London. Their next con was cancelled. RA was there too. They previewed Code 8. They’be been hanging out off and on since then. Might be the first time they really got to know each other, along with their spouses.

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5 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

Because she's the new Carina and is obsessed with documenting every single interaction she has with him and the wife like she's his personal biographer ?‍♀️

Didn't she post an instastory about how her best memory was something that happened recently with Stephen, his wife and some other people? Made me LOL.

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40 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

I generally couldn't care less about the private lives of these people, but when did SA and JH become so chummy together? They barely interacted her first one and a half years on the show, but now they're almost inseparable. At the same time, he and Emily don't appear to be hanging out with each other anymore and if I remember correctly, he also didn't promote her play. Interesting ...

Lol, what is this supposed to mean?

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3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Didn't she post an instastory about how her best memory was something that happened recently with Stephen, his wife and some other people? Made me LOL.

For real? Better than, I don't know, her wedding to her husband? Oh my ...

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I don't think Stephen and JH hanging out means he's not hanging with Emily at all.  She seems to be doing her own thing atm.  Em is also a bit more private than the rest of the cast and doesn't like being put on whatever social media app is currently trending constantly.   

Besides,  isn't Colton in Vancouver too right now and he's not there.   I don't think it's exclusion so much as I think him and Emily are fairly introverted and don't need to be out there constantly.

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Yeah, JH has been smelling a bit desperate for a while now. Her claims that she forgets to take pics when she hangs out with EBR are just laughable now that you see how happy she is to document every single moment with SA. ?

But I’m also pretty sure SA and EBR still hang out. She was in pics with their whole friend group only a few weeks ago. And she was at his house for July 4th. They just don’t post about it every single time. Unlike some. 

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41 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

I generally couldn't care less about the private lives of these people, but when did SA and JH become so chummy together? They barely interacted her first one and a half years on the show, but now they're almost inseparable. At the same time, he and Emily don't appear to be hanging out with each other anymore and if I remember correctly, he also didn't promote her play. Interesting ...

I’m expecting more of GA and BC and/or Dinah and Oliver. Not necessarily romantically but this could be what the show was referring to when they said they were gonna lean in on the comics more. Stephen generally starts posting lots of social media with co-stars when he wants to “sell” something. Happened with Lotz, even a little bit with Cassidy in early S3, with Emily and now, IMO, with Harkavy.

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3 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I’m expecting more of GA and BC and/or Dinah and Oliver. Not necessarily romantically but this could be what the show was referring to when they said they were gonna lean in on the comics more. Stephen generally starts posting lots of social media with co-stars when he wants to “sell” something. Happened with Lotz, even a little bit with Cassidy in early S3, with Emily and now, IMO, with Harkavy.

It might explain Juliana's orgasm over how "rad" season 7 will be. 


9 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Didn't she post an instastory about how her best memory was something that happened recently with Stephen, his wife and some other people? Made me LOL.


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