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Tonya asked people for their thoughts on the finale.....and they gave them to her, haha. And I looked at the replies. No one was rude or disrespectful, they just didn't have glowing praise for the finale which I'm gathering Tonya was expecting. 

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This @BluePhoenix1 video included the first 10 or so minutes of SA's panel that were missing from the @emptiedwallets video.

-- On Olicity's final scene in S6 and where he has to go emotionally to act in a scene like that, SA: "To me, I think a little about, it's my last scene of the season with Emily... So you're putting a cap on things... I let some of my own emotions drift into Oliver, you know what I mean? ... The easiest thing to do in situations like that, I don't actually have to go anywhere. I just have to look at Emily because her crying makes me cry."

This quote makes it sound like he's sad cuz it's his last scene with Emily for the season. Which just cracks me up cuz I'm sure he saw her like the next week to socialise! 

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9 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

Tonya asked people for their thoughts on the finale.....and they gave them to her, haha. And I looked at the replies. No one was rude or disrespectful, they just didn't have glowing praise for the finale which I'm gathering Tonya was expecting. 

I didn't look at the comments at first because I was scared to based on her added commentary, but yeah - surprisingly all but two people (one who referenced "Olishitty" and the other who called people who asked for more of O/F and OTA "assholes") were pretty constructive and nice about what they thought was lacking and would like to see more of (whether you agree with them or not). Even the people who commented on her reading material were nice about it. If that's what makes her ask people to be nice and respectful, I worry for her, LOL. 

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8 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I didn't look at the comments at first because I was scared to based on her added commentary, but yeah - surprisingly all but two people (one who referenced "Olishitty" and the other who called people who asked for more of O/F and OTA "assholes") were pretty constructive and nice about what they thought was lacking and would like to see more of (whether you agree with them or not). Even the people who commented on her reading material were nice about it. If that's what makes her ask people to be nice and respectful, I worry for her, LOL. 

Another thing I only saw one or two people comment that she should focus on the show canon not the comics so I don't know why that in particular got under her skin.


Ill give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she was overwhelmed by people taking their complaints to her about a finale she didn't write but so far she comes across as someone who's overly sensitive to even the slightest criticism and thin skinned.

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Full video of SA panel at Motor City Comic Con yesterday (May 19) - warning: includes a few spoilers...

Motor City Comic Con 2018 || Stephen Amell
Published on May 19, 2018, by Akasuki ShikiHollow



-- On the Arrowverse heading toward Gotham City, SA: "This fall during the crossover event that we do, um, myself and probably - probably Barry, will be fighting alongside Batwoman."

-- On paving the way for the other Arrowverse shows, SA: "I don't know how long, um, I'll be doing - I don't know how long I'll do the show for. I mean, it's going into Year 7 now, and I'm officially into my late 30's. (Laughs) Getting more sore all the time. Um, I think I'll have more perspective on it when I'm on the B side of it. But right now, it is really, um, it's something that I take a lot of pride in, you know, that we had success and, um, we paved the way for some other shows. But - I mean, maybe we've given them an opportunity, but we have nothing to do with their success... Flash is led, really, by Grant, and Supergirl is led by Melissa, and Legends is led by - I think Caity Lotz [unintelligible words] calling the leader... And getting to know Cress and Black Lightning and all that stuff has just been - it's nice to be the first, but I'm glad that there are now five of us."

-- On what animated series he would choose for Arrow to cross over withm (fan referenced Supernatural/Scooby Doo crossover), SA: "Pinky and the Brain... And my reasoning is 'just because.'"

-- SA talked about being on a different Arrowverse set for the first time, when he first crossed over to The Flash. SA: "Giving Barry Allen his superhero name is probably the coolest thing that I've ever done."

-- He then talked about how doing the crossovers has gotten more streamlined, but still becoming more challenging. He said that he would just shut down all the shows and take 2 weeks to shoot the crossover.

-- On where he hopes to see the William/fatherhood storyline going in S7, SA: "Well, it's a little difficult for them to have a relationship right now. Um, first of all, I'm excited to get back in two months and see that Jack has grown another six inches. He's going to be taller than me by the end of next season. Um, I really enjoy the dynamic of Oliver as dad, and Felicty as a parent - them essentially becoming parents together. Um, that was really exciting. I have no idea where it's going to go, though. I have absolutely no idea. I know a lot about Season 7, but I don't know where the Oliver/William dynamic goes. I hope that it continues to be good. And I hope that he continues to be interested in superhero stuff, because that's fun."

-- When fan asked an archery question (I think), SA: "It's totally fake. (Audience laughs and applauds)  It's very rare that I'm actually branching an arrow, because they're so incredibly dangerous. Like, you can get a fake gun on set and shoot blanks. You can't - you have to shoot a full CGI arrow. Um, and there was actually one scene in Season 1 where Shado was teaching me how to shoot a bow and arrow... I'm starting to learn. And they wanted me to fake pick up an arrow off the ground, fake nock it on, and fake shoot it. I was like, 'No,' and I'm like, 'Why? Because I'm not Charlie Chaplin. It's going to look terrible... So find a way that I can safely do it, or rewrite the scene.' So they let me do it."

-- On his relationships with his fellow actors now that they're in Year 7, SA: "They've gotten incredibly good. I've been working specifically with Emily and David and Katie and Paul - I'm going to forget somebody else - I mean, obviously with Emily, not on the pilot... Working with these people for the past six years - I did forget someone, it was Paul. I didn't forget him, but it's still sad... I spend more time with some of these people than with my own family. Um, so those relationships have gotten incredibly good. Um, also with the crew too. We have some new people, but we definitely have some people who have been with us since the pilot. And they're - aside from being incredibly talented, they're fiercely loyal. And that means a lot to me."


-- On CH returning next season, SA: "I think that, in general, our universe is better with Roy Harper in it, so I'm very, very excited." When mod joked as long as Roy doesn't run for mayor, SA: "Anyone that Oliver cares about is not allowed to be mayor."


--  When fan commented that SA appeared to be growing a beard and asked if Oliver will have a goatee in S7, SA (after long pause): "Just because you've been polite, and just because everyone has been so nice to me today, I can break some news for you and let you know that, in Season 7, I am going to debut the goatee... I can't promise that I'm going to keep it forever. I can definitely promise that I'm not going to wear the stupid hat. Okay? But we've actually been thinking a lot, you know, assuming that - assuming that Oliver gets out of prison - thinking a lot, uh, if he suits back up as the Green Arrow, what does that costume look like? Because there's no more secret identity. The cat is out of the bag. Not that it was that secret before. But, um, we will see. Yeah, we're  gonna debut the goatee. And, um, we're also meeting a new character that, when I heard about it, I got goosebumps, I was so excited."

-- If he could play any other superhero, SA said that he didn't know, although he was "always a big fan of Superman... So probably Superman."

-- SA noted that many fans in that room were probably angry when they found out a GA show was being made and that Justin Harley was not playing the GA. SA: "So it's important for me to remember that I am - I'm simply a caretaker for Oliver Queen... Somebody played him before me, and somebody will play him after me, and that's fine."

-- On whether he would do a video game, SA said that he hasn't played video games since Super Nintendo. If they ever want to do an Arrow video game, he would do it "absolutely... tell me where to go."

-- On his favorite scene in the S6 finale, SA: "My last scene with Emily. Um, it's a very sad scene. That scene was more tiring than a fight scene, actually. Um, I just appreciated what, A) we got to do with the scene. I also appreciated that, after that scene, Emily came up to me and was like, ‘that particular scene made the entire season worth it for me.’ So, it was very nice."

-- When commented that he sounded a little hoarse recently and asked if they have a vocal coach or language pathologist on the show, SA: "No. I'm sorry that I'm hoarse. I went to the Kentucky Derby and probably spoke too loud for the majority of the day. And then I've been doing so much press and running around everywhere that, uh, I haven't gotten it back yet... And this weekend's not going to help." He then mentioned that he just flew in from Philadelphia the other day and they were delayed on the tarmac. He took a nap and, when he woke up, he asked his wife if they were still in Philadelphia.

-- He then talked about doing polo stuff and riding horses in Heartland. He couldn't remember the horses' names.

-- On Arrow's new showrunner in S7, SA: "Beth's been around since the very beginning, since she was a shy writer's assistant who was sitting on set for two days and didn't say a word, and I had no idea who she was. Um, and to see her mature into a showrunner and to have such a clear and fantastic vision for Season 7, and a very specific vision for it... I think that in any creative endeavor, it's always good to have an injection of energy and a new viewpoint... Marc and Wendy and Greg and Andrew and all the people that have been involved in Arrow for years, they've all done a fantastic job. But, I think new blood is nice. Um, I think the first person to say that would be Greg Berlanti, who likes creating something, putting it in a good position, and then handing it off. Right? Marc is still going to be around. Wendy's getting a new job, and I'm very excited for her... We also have a bunch of new writers in the room. And what I like about this and what you get, having done six seasons of the show, is, a lot of writers in the room now are fans of the show, and that's great."

-- When fan asked who he would want to play the GA after him, and then mod interjected that SA wasn't done playing him yet, SA: "No. But... I also want to do other things. If the show was 12 episodes a year, I would do it forever. But because it's 23, although I believe next year it's 22, um, I don't have the opportunity to do a lot of things that I would like to do. So I don't know. Now, I know who I would want to play it after me. I don't know the specific person in terms of who would fill the role, but I can't tell you, because I can't. Thank you very much. Sorry I couldn't answer your questions."

-- On why Oliver hesitated before killing Dark Arrow in the Crisis on Earth-X crossover, SA: "Maybe he thinks he's handsome. (Audience laughs)  Please know that I was joking. No, I think he hesitates because, despite how Oliver has behaved for large portions of the show, the best answer is not always murder... He hesitates, he realizes it was a mistake, and he doesn't hesitate in the end... I saw this really funny meme where it's like, Melissa letting her evil doppelganger live, and then it's Barry letting Reverse Flash go, and then it's me just going, 'Die!'"

-- On whether he watches Arrow, SA: "I do watch it. I don't typically watch the episodes when they're on TV. So what happens with Arrow is that, um, we finish an episode. The director goes and does a director's cut. From the director's cut they do a studio and network cut, which is usually around two minutes longer or so than the actual episode that airs on TV. It has [tent(?)] effects, it doesn't have the sound mix we've done. It has [tent(?)] music. And it's not color-corrected. So when you watch it, if you can enjoy that episode, you're doing well... I watch that, but mainly just because - it gives me the opportunity to offer notes, if I have any, or any suggestions that I might have." He then talked about an episode this year where they changed a piece of dialogue at the end of an episode, but then he referenced that piece of dialogue in the next episode. So he told MG and WM that they needed to change the dialogue so that Oliver didn't "sound like a crazy person."

-- On whether Arrow has given him the option to direct a scene or an episode, SA: "It is an option, and I'm not interested. You know, part of the show for me has been managing my time... Unless we are on episode 1, 8, 9 or the finale, I typically get Mondays off, because a lot of times I often travel on the weekends. And, um - and that's made things much more tenable and manageable, cause I have, you know, fatherly responsibilities and husbandly responsibilities... That's not a word, it it? ... I have been known to create a word... So it would be kind of hypocritical for me to ask for time off, but then also ask to direct. I'm much more interested in other people on the cast directing, which is why I'm so excited that David Ramsey's going to direct an episode next year."

-- On whether he'd be interested in directing when he moves on from Arrow, SA: "Oh, definitely. Oh yeah, I love it... I got to learn so much over the course of 138 episodes, so that now... when I see stuff, when I see the assembly of a scene, I'll have thoughts about it. I like to collaborate with our directors. And I would love to direct something that isn't Arrow."

-- On dealing with exhaustion on set, SA said that he drinks "too much coffee." He also said that it's important for him to get "somewhere between 6 and 8 hours of sleep," regardless of when he goes to bed.

-- On whether he's planning on writing or doing something after Arrow, SA: "Yeah, I mean, I have a couple of ideas. Um, there's a particular book that I'm actually - I'm trying to get my hands on right now. I don't want to say it, in case I do. Actually, I don't want to say it, just in case I don't get my hands on it." He then mentioned shooting Code 8 during his last hiatus with his cousin Robbie. He added that they're doing some additional photography for that movie at the end of June. Then he doesn't know and that there are "a lot of projects floating around."

-- On William, SA: "I don't think Oliver would want him to go into the field at all."

-- SA: "I don't know if Black Lightning is on Earth-1. I think it would be fun to do a crossover because I like Cress and I like the people on that show. I'm not confirming it. I don't know anything. I just think it would be fun."


-- On whether there's an Earth where all the superheroes are there, SA: "I don't know. I do know that, in the crossover this year, I get to work with a major character that I have never worked with before."

-- SA talked about being on The Vampire Diaries (he was in 2 episodes, it was great, it was his first experience with The CW, he learned a lot).

-- SA then talked about how and why he got involved in his fighting cancer campaigns (his mom is a cancer survivor).

-- Female fan asked if he would be her prom date "on Thursday." SA: "I'm not in the country. Otherwise, I would totally come... First of all, there's nothing wrong with going solo, at all. Second, you can let everyone know that I'm your honorary date."

-- SA: "I will do as many of the stunts as they will let me do, which is a lot more than they would like me to do... There are some things that, strictly from an insurance perspective, I just can't do. Um, and that used to bother me a lot. As I've gotten older, it hasn't bothered me so much. I love doing as much as I can, because I just think it lends an authenticity to it... A punch without an intention behind it is like saying a line with no inflection. Right? You have to put the same kind of intention behind your fight sequences that you put behind your big emotional scenes. So I like doing as much as possible."

-- On who he would like to see come into the Arrowverse that he hasn't seen yet, SA: "Superman. I thought that Tyler did a great job. And I had the opportunity to fangirl over Tom Welling... I would love for Oliver and Clark to eventually meet. I think that would be incredible."

-- On doing the salmon ladder and how to start a pull-up, SA: "You start by doing a pull-up. No, I mean, there are ways to do it where you're not taking on your entire body weight. And then just work up to your entire body weight. And then the next thing you know, we'll be doing the salmon ladder right next to each other."

-- When child fan said that his mother and brother are always watching Arrow and asked what makes Arrow so good, SA: "I don't know. If I knew what the secret sauce was, um, I would use it to create my own show, and become rich. But, um, I don't know. We try our best. Um, we've created new characters, but we try to be somewhat - somewhat authentic to the comics. And, um, I don't actually know."

Edited by tv echo
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Matt Mitovich's red carpet interview with SA at The CW upfronts...

Arrow Season 7 Preview: Stephen Amell
Published on May 19, 2018, by TVLine

-- On Oliver being in a bit of a pickle coming out of the S6 finale, SA: "I kinda like it. I think the bigger pickle would be the island blowing up. I don't think he's in that much of a pickle coming out of this finale. He's in a definitive spot." And on his first reaction when he learned where Oliver was going to end up at the end of S6, SA: "Very fired up. Um, the whole pitch of Season 7, I've really enjoyed. So, I like where he is. And I like some of the people that I'm going to be able to work with in Season 7, uh, in the early part of the season when, you know, he is where he is."

-- On what's keeping him from breaking out of prison, which he could easily do, SA: "What's keeping him is, if he breaks out, all of his friends and all of the people closest to him will go down."

-- On whether he was happy to see Oliver keep the deal he made with the FBI, even though it created some friction with Felicity, SA: "Yeah. I mean, he probaby acted hastily, but he got the job done and I think that's important."


And on MG saying that Felicity might not be entirely okay/on board with Oliver's decision, SA: "I think she understands it in the moment, but I think that, you know, retrospectively, especially if he has to spend a lot of time in prison, she'll get a little bit sour about it."

-- On whether his scene with PB in the finale was the scene that he wished would never end per his April 27, 2018 tweet, SA: "No... The scene that I shot in the finale with Emily was an incredibly difficult scene to shoot, but very, very, very rewarding. But yeah, the scene with Paul too - I mean, I'm going to miss that guy a lot on the show... He's a class act. He's an anchor. Um, he always came to work prepared. And he had a - he imparted a wisdom and maturity that I think, you know, I don't actually know how we will replace."

-- On Laurel "bungling" Diaz's capture in the finale and whether he likes that the show has kept her in the "frenemy zone," SA: "Yeah. I don't know if this ends up in the cut, but I ad libbed a line where I tell Lance that he's strong and then I go, 'despite' - and I like, I like, chew it out, like, 'Laurel's strong too.' And I like the frenemy spot. And I hope that there's a lot of fun stuff for her to do in Season 7."


-- On anything about the crossover this winter, SA: "Yes. I know the entire thing... We can't go bigger than we went last years, so we're going more specific."


-- SA: "We're going to introduce a new storytelling technique that I'm very excited about. That's all I can say."


-- On whether he's excited to have the Longbow Hunters element introduced to the show, SA: "Very much so. I think that's going to be very cool. I don't know what they're going to do with it, but, um, I like teasing stuff in the finale that you can then play out the next season."

Edited by tv echo
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From yesterday (I have not watched these videos) - the first video requires a sign-in to confirm age, probably because of JB's adult content in his con panels...

Puerto Rico Comic Con 2018 John Barrowman Panel part 1
Published on May 19, 2018, by Harold Pérez Santiago

Puerto Rico Comic Con 2018 John Barrowman panel part 2
Published on May 19, 2018, by Harold Pérez Santiago

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Next weekend's comic cons (updated, with schedules)...

Heroes & Villains FanFest-London, May 26-27, 2018 (Olympia London, UK)
Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, David Ramsey, Juliana Harkavy, Kirk Acevedo, Katie Cassidy, Josh Segarra and John Barrowman (also Caity Lotz, Brandon Routh, Danielle Panabaker, Hartley Sawyer, Mehcad Brooks, Franz Drameh, Robbie Amell, Italia Ricci and Tyler Hoechlin)
Schedule and Events
-Sat., 5/26, at 11:00am - Arrow Heroes (EBR, DR, JH)
-Sat., 5/26, at 1:30pm - JB Unleashed
-Sun., 5/27, at 11:00am - Arrow Villains (KC, JS, KA)
-Sun., 5/27, at 12:15pm -The Green Arrow (SA with special mod Aisha Tyler)
-Sun., 5/27, at 2:45pm - Legends of Tomorrow (CLotz, BRouth, FDrameh)
-Sun., 5/27, at 4:00pm - Supergirl (MBrooks, THoechlin, IRicci)

Tauranga Armageddon, May 26-27, 2018 (NZ)
Paul Blackthorne, Echo Kellum, Katrina Law and David Nykl (also Katie McGrath)
Main Stage Schedule
-Sat., 5/26, at 12:00pm - Arrow panel (PB, EK, KL, DN)
-Sat., 5/26, at 2:00pm - Merlin/Supergirl panel (KMcGrath)
-Sun., 5/27, at 12:00pm - Arrow/Dresden Files panel (PB)
-Sun., 5/27 at 1:00pm - Women of DC panel with KMcGrath, Lesley-Ann Brandt & Lauren German
-Sun., 5/27, at 2:00pm - Arrow panel (EK, KL, DN)

MegaCon Orlando, May 24-27, 2018 (FL)
(Cress Williams, Nafessa Williams, and China McClain)
-Sun., 5/27, at 2:30pm - Celebrity Q&A with the Stars of Black Lightning (CW, NW, CMcL)    

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3 hours ago, tv echo said:

Matt Mitovich's red carpet interview with SA at The CW upfronts..

It’s weird that the paps keep insisting that the last scene he shot was with PB, while SA keeps saying it was with EBR.


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9 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Am I the only one who heard "... as long as they keep her the fuck away from me"? Just me? OK. 

Nope - I laughed out loud when I read the interview because that is what I heard too.   He seems very happily disconnected from BS. 

I hope she becomes the other screamer's problem* now that PB is gone so I can fast-forward without missing anything.

*or I will accept murder-suicide with BS/ mumbles in the first episode.  I'm not greedy.  

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3 minutes ago, Trisha said:

It’s weird that the paps keep insisting that the last scene he shot was with PB, while SA keeps saying it was with EBR.

I wonder if they changed the shooting schedule for some reason and Ken didn't know? I don't really see the point in lying or pandering since I'm pretty sure everyone thought he was talking about Paul.

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No one would have objected if SA's most affecting scene was with PB since he's been there from the beginning.  The fact that SA keeps saying it was with EBR tells me 1. he really wants everyone to know and 2. he either hasn't seen the aired scene or he's doing damage control because it was so lacking.

The only people left from the pilot are SA, DR and KC. That's rather sad.

4 hours ago, tv echo said:

On whether he was happy to see Oliver keep the deal he made with the FBI, even though it created some friction with Felicity, SA: "Yeah. I mean, he probaby acted hastily, but he got the job done and I think that's important."

What the what?  He didn't get the job done.  Diaz is still out there and Felicity and William are in ARGUS protective custody because Oliver is in prison and can't protect them. That's a huge fail for me.

Edited by statsgirl
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The paps are also insistent that they needed to cut budget and couldn't keep everyone yet here we are, got rid of 2 brought back one 1 and they seem to be making up for it by cutting an episode so they are known to be wrong from time to time. 

21 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The only people left from the pilot are SA, DR and KC. That's rather sad.

It really is and I hate it.

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Reminder: EBR's Build Series live interview is tomorrow morning, May 21, at 11:00 am (EDT)...


... Join Rickards as she stops by to talk about the season finale of "Arrow" and more.

If you want to attend the taping: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/emily-bett-rickards-tickets-46075830048 

ETA: I just noticed that it's "Sold Out." Tickets are free, so I assume it means that the audience seats are all already filled.

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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

The only people left from the pilot are SA, DR and KC. That's rather sad.


It could be worse. Tom Welling was the only remaining original cast member when Smallville ended. Allison Mack still made appearances on the show, but as far as I can remember, not in a regular capacity.

Edited by strikera0
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Not quite apples to apples comparison though.  That was for ten seasons.  Going into season seven, they had more original characters than that.  Michael Rosenbaum, Kristin Kreuk, and Allison Mack didn't leave until later.  I'm not sure about John Glover and Annette O'Toole - what seasons they were regulars for. 

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I'd rather the show get rid of any character that doesn't fit instead of keeping them past their usefulness to the story. LL should've been dropped after season 2, Lance after season 4, and Thea after season 4. The show went into a different direction than what they envisioned in the pilot and the start of season 1, so it makes sense to me that 6 years later, most of the original cast isn't there any more.

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1 hour ago, Starfish35 said:

Not quite apples to apples comparison though.  That was for ten seasons.  Going into season seven, they had more original characters than that.  Michael Rosenbaum, Kristin Kreuk, and Allison Mack didn't leave until later.  I'm not sure about John Glover and Annette O'Toole - what seasons they were regulars for. 

Annette was a series regular for first six seasons, John for seven. Season 7 was the season with the biggest Cast departures with Lionel Being killed, and Lex and Lana leaving at end of the season. 

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1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

John left after S5 and Annette after S6. But at least they didn't kill off every original. Thea is the only one to get out alive 

John SCHENIDER left after season 5, Glover was season 7 

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Yeah, season seven was a bloodbath for Smallville. Michael Rosenbaum (Lex), John Glover (Lionel Luther) and even the showrunners left.  Kirsten Kruek (Lana) technically left in seven too even if she traded leaving early (how long was she in that coma?)  for coming back to do a handful of episodes in season 8.   

Edited by BkWurm1
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EBR's Build Series interview just ended, it was only about 30 minutes long (I took notes while watching live, so there may be errors; there will probably be a recorded video posted later)...

-- Host mentioned that EBR will be starring in the play, Reborning, in June.

-- EBR said that four of her BFFs are in town (3 girls and 1 guy).

-- Host brought up how she wasn't originally intended to be a regular on Arrow. EBR said that she's now 26 and auditioned for Arrow when she was 20. She then told her audition story that she's told before (about working in a dog apparel shop and having to quit, liking the Shakespearean themes on the show, etc.). 

-- EBR talked about maintaining the continuity of her character across different shows, since she's been on all of the other Arrowverse shows as well as Arrow, and there are different writers on the different shows. She said that she knows her character of Felicity Megan Smoak well. She said that Felicity is gone right now but will return in July.

-- EBR said that Felicity is "more evolved" than she is as a human being: "I love her. I love her so much."  She said that Felicity has grown up so much and is married now. She also said that Felicity has affected her and that she has affected Felicity. She wanted Felicity to have a dog, but it was a no go. They then joked about Felicity getting a cat, and how Colton Haynes would want that.

-- EBR said that her initial reaction to the end of S6 was "wait, what?" She said that this season ended in an "ellipsis," whereas every other season ended in an "exclamation point." She was surprised, because where do we go from there? She then said that it was good and included one of her favorite scenes. She also praised James Bamford.

-- EBR said that her "lack of knowledge of Season 7 is quite big." She mentioned Beth Schwartz being the new showrunner for Arrow. She sounded optimistic.

-- They then talked about her new play, Reborning. Reality Curve Theatre is doing 7 nights. Rehearsals are starting next Monday, after she flies back from London. She said that she "writes a lot" and that she wanted to do "something different." She's also "very excited" and "very nervous." She then mentioned the Indigogo fundraising and that they're now completely funded. She said that they put it out just for friends and family, but it got out there, and now they've actually gotten more than they wanted.

-- Host then quizzed EBR on her knowledge about Felicity, based on Wiki. Felicity's blood type is O Negative (per 4x10-Blood Debts). Felicity is right-handed. Felicity is Jewish. Felicity is allergic to tree nuts. Felicity's "Mr. Square Bear Face" is how her mother, Donna Smoak, described her 4-year-old face.

-- Fan asked if Felicity could cross over to Supergirl outside of the annual crossover event. EBR said that she would want that and will push for it.

-- Fan asked how she felt about Felicity becoming a stepparent. EBR said it was easier when William (Jack Moore) was shorter. She said it was good for Felicity. "It worked out, but it wasn't planned." It's not something that Felicity ever planned for herself.

-- Fan mentioned that EBR can sing and asked if she would consider a Broadway musical role (like what Melissa Benoist is doing in her off season). EBR said yes, but it's a question of whether anyone would consider her for such a role.

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SN did a Build Series interview last Friday (May 18), but she talked mostly about GLOW...

Sydelle Noel On Season 2 of Netflix's "GLOW"
Published on May 18, 2018, by BUILD Series

-- On having a "vision board" of roles that she wanted to play, SN: "Okay. Yeah... I had a vision board... The thing with vision boards for me, you have to be very specific. So my vision board wasn't like, oh, I just want to be on TV. I literally said I wanted to be in a Marvel franchise. Black Panther. I literally said I wanted to be a series regular on a hit show. GLOW. And then I said I wanted to be a recurring character on a major television show on a major network. And that was CW Arrow. So I literally, what I did is, I told my reps, this is the direction that I wanted to go. And... sometimes as actors you just want to work so much that you're just like, I'll take anything. I'll take anything, whatever, I just want to work. So I didn't do that. If there was an audition that I knew I didn't really want, I didn't go on it. And I know that limited me and that maybe took my - um, where I am now, it took a bit longer to get there. But it wasn't the direction I wanted to go. So I didn't want to get in that direction and be in that field, and knowing that I wouldn't be happy doing it. So I just let it go and let it be for somebody else who wanted to do that... So I was always very, very specific about where I wanted to go, and I would tell my reps exactly which direction I wanted to do. And then that's - that's pretty much how I got GLOW and Black Panther. And I always wanted to do alpha, very dynamic, strong female roles, and so that's pretty much all that I went out for. I didn't go out for anything other but."

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2 minutes ago, tv echo said:

-- EBR talked about maintaining the continuity of her character across different shows, since she's been on all of the other Arrowverse shows as well as Arrow, and there are different writers on the different shows. She said that she knows her character of Felicity Megan Smoak well. She said that Felicity is gone right now but will return in July.

-- Host then quizzed EBR on her knowledge about Felicity, based on Wiki. Felicity's blood type is O Negative (per 4x10-Blood Debts).

It's not really Emily's style to openly throw shade, but I choose to interpret her continuity comments as shade to The Flash writers, because I hate the way they write Felicity so, so much. Soooooooo much. I wonder if she does too.

Also, this was the fault of the people who run the Wiki, not the host, but the scene in 410 doesn't necessarily mean Felicity's blood type is O Negative. O Neg is the universal donor blood type so it can be safely transfused into almost everyone, but you don't have to have O Neg blood to receive it. Sorry, that bugged me.

Also, Emily's idea about a bunker support animal isn't a bad one, LOL. I'm not sure how much a cat would help, but the team members would have 50% less stress if there was a dog to greet, jump on, and lick them when they returned from a mission. Make it happen, writers.

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Youtube version of EBR's Build Series interview today...

-- On what she remembers about getting the role on Arrow and whether she went in with the mindset of turning the one episode into a full-time gig, EBR: "Well, now I am the old age of 26, so I'm forgetting a lot of things these days. Um, but yeah, I was 20 because it was six years ago. And, you know, I was living in Vancouver. I had been acting, you know, in Vancouver since I was 17... I ran away from high school early, graduated early, and then I was like, 'I'm going to act!' And my parents were real medical professionals, so it was like, 'sure, why?' Um, and that audition was a great audition. I went into the room, like hundreds of auditions before, and loved the character. I saw... I think I saw Hamlet the night before with my friend [Emma Rendell(?)], who I have been acting with since the beginning - and she's in London, so I'm going to see her next week. But, yeah, the audition had, you know, Shakespeare themes through it. And it was just kind of like this weird mix of things that were just sort of lining up. And then I got a call being like, ''you have to call into your shop at the dog apparel store and tell them you can't work tomorrow night.' And I was like, 'no, but yay!" And then they kept calling, they were like, 'can you come back?" And I was forced to quit that dog apparel shop." Per EBR, the dog apparel shop was called Wag-A-Bubba (not sure of spelling) in Vancouver, but it's not there anymore. Also EBR: "I was so bad at waiting tables... I was always nervous... Dogs I can handle... Yeah, me and my dog Ophelia did that for two years."

-- On maintaiining the line of continuity for her character of Felicity Smoak over multiple shows, on multiple sets, and with different actors, EBR: "Well, that's the trick, 'cause you have, you know, different writers rooms and different, um, story lines going on in different shows. I mean, there's reasons why we like certain shows and, you know, that we connect to certain things... It's hard, I think, sometimes, when you get a bunch of new people writing for your character 'cause hopefully you've grown with the people who you're working with and writing with and acting with and shooting with. So, that can get a little bit, um, messy, for lack of a better term. But it's really fun as an actor to get to go to a new set and, you know, guest star when you're regular-ing... all the time... Guest starring is so fun. Like, it's fun... Like I said, you're a guest and you get to come on and kinda like be silly and have a good time." 

-- On whether she's ever had to "right the ship" and say that this isn't something that Felicity would say or do, and whether they look to her for that as the expert on Felicity,  EBR: "Sure. Um, I mean, I hope so. I wouldn't want to step on anybody's toes. Just because the writer wrote it doesn't mean you actually get to say it, right? ... You got to know what you're saying. And it does have to be authentic to your character. I mean, I know her well. Felicity Megan Smoak is, uh - she's - she's gone for like a month, but she'll be back in July. And I always get to see her again in July. So, not everyone gets to say that."

-- On how she has evolved as an actor over the six years of Arrow, and whether any of that parallels Felicity's growth, EBR: "Oh, absolutely... Felicity is just more evolved than me as a human being, so I learn a lot from her... She's patient and like very - I don't know, she  - as much as she's like erratic, she gets anxious and things like that, she really is very thoughtful and, you know, does these things through in 60 pages or less. Um, I love her. I love her so much... She's really grown up... She's married now. She takes care of a kid now... She doesn't have a dog yet... It does parallel to a certain extent and, you know, we always say that art imitates life, and [life] imitating art, and I think that you do see parts of yourself, I think, after a long period of time. This is my only time doing this, right? I've never played a character for six years before. This is the only time. And I do see - especially - I think, in Season 2 and 3, we were like really together. And then 4 and 5, I tried to rebel from her, like, if I was at a store, I wouldn't want to buy that. I'd be attracted to something and I'd be like, this isn't me, this isn't me. Um, and then - not that I disliked her, it was just sort of like, I wanted her to be different because I wanted to act. I didn't want to - I didn't want to propel - um, I didn't want to judge her by just giving her things that were mine, 'cause she's not me... But there's things that I do respect about her that I just - I've learned from her, and hopefully things that I've given to her to a certain extent. I mean, she has my body... Not like in a creepy way! But also in a creepy way, I guess, now that I think about it. It's like Halloween every day."

-- On whether she's been pushing for a dog on Arrow, EBR: "Yeah, they're not having that. There's no way. They're not having that at all. I was like, 'like a bunker support animal.' They're like, 'no.' Um, I was like, 'okay, let's try something else, like a bunker support kid.' And they were like, 'yes.' And I was like, 'see, this is where we get a little lost.'" EBR would love a running joke of having a cat pop up every once in a while. She said that Colton Haynes would "jump on that" idea because he loves cats.

-- On what she thought about the end of S6, EBR: "I think... it's different than any season we've had before. I mean, not that this is literal, but it feels like this season ended in an ellipsis, where every other season like ended in an exclamation point. Like, everything ends in a bang, and this one's sort of just like, 'wait, what?' You know. And not in a bad way. I think, like in a really personal way. Like, things are just sort of like, that feeling when you get sort of a - I don't know, there's am empty - like, there's something missing. And that's because we knew we had a Season 7... It wasn't an accident. It was on purpose. Yeah, I was surprised. I was interested, because where do you go?... I find stories really interesting... Like, writing is so interesting... Sagas are so interesting... Like, where Firefly went with Serenity. How do you do that, you know? How do you keep something going, be invested, be interested?... Yeah, I think it was interesting, I think it was good. It had one of my favorite scenes from all seasons. Uh, James Bamford, who directed it, is beyond talented. So, we had an excellent time."

-- EBR: "My lack of knowledge for Season 7 is quite, quite big... I don't know much about it. We have Beth Schwartz taking over, who is a mastermind. She's a super - she, like, writes from her heart. You know, um, pretty much every episode.that is my favorite was written by Beth - um, in the past six years, not just in the past season, like, all of them... She's phenomenal, she really is. And I think she's going to twist it in a way that we just haven't seen at all before. Um, so she's going to give it a really cool voice and a new take, and hopefully we all love it."

-- Some talk about her new play, Rebonding, at Reality Curve Theatre (as previously transcribed upthread): up in June, fully funded, rehearsals start next Monday.

-- EBR then looked at and touched the wall-length Arrow poster (showing SA as the Green Arrow) that was hanging on the wall behind them and said: "He's not here right now. It's really upsetting. I saw him last week."

-- EBR was then quizzed on facts about Felicity Smoak (as previously transcribed upthread): O-negative blood type, right-handed, Jewish, tree nuts allergy, doesn't smoke, her upset face described as "Mr. Square Bear" face.

-- Supergirl would be EBR's preferred choice of show to cross over to, outside of the annual crossover event.

-- On Felicity becoming a stepmom to William, EBR: "Well, I think it was easier when Jack was shorter at the beginning of the season. But he grew like - he grew like a foot in nine months. So it was like, when I first saw him, it was like, 'oh yeah, William, no problem.' Then I was like, (tilting her head to look up) 'William, sir, you should shrink.' ... Yeah, he's extremely tall... I think it's good for Felicity. Obviously, it's sort of that thing in life where it worked out, but it wasn't planned, and she's rolling with the punches... She's just so giving anyway, as a human being, like, you know, before William was in the picture. Um, I don't think she ever pictured it for herself. But she's definitely really capable, and she does well at it. And I think her and William as - you know, he's her stepson, but he's also a friend."

-- On whether she would consider singing in a Broadway show, EBR said that it's definitely something that she would consider, but she didn't know if anyone would consider her for that.

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Video of EBR's Cheddar network interview in NYC today (I don't think there are any spoilers, just her speculation)...

-- EBR: "I think it's going to be quite a bit different this year. I mean, she's probably going to be, you know, helping William grow up solo, cause we're not sure where we leave her husband at the end of Season 6. We're not sure if he'll be back out in the real world. It's going to be quite dangerous."

-- On what we can expect from Felicity in S7, EBR: "Well, I think she'll still be very active in terms of, you know, saving the city, hopefully. Um, hopefully staying under the radar. In a way she has been exposed a little bit as part of the team, um, as the whole team has. And it is still her responsibility to keep her city safe and, you know, keep holding up the mantle, and then also try to get her husband out of prison."

-- On her favorite part about playing Felicity on Arrow, EBR: "I mean, I love her. She's honest and authentic and, you know, gentle and caring and always wanting to learn. And she's like super, super energetic, so I have to say - I mean, it's the first time I've ever gotten to grow with a character for six years, and I don't know how I'll have that opportunity again as an actor. Um, it's definitely very special."

-- On becoming attached to her character and not wanting to let her go, EBR: "If [Arrow] were to end, and things always do come to an end so it's inevitable, it'll be very, very sad. You know, we've killed characters across our show, and watching actors say good-bye to their characters is really quite devastating. Um, and having your character say good-bye to another character, especially if it's someone that they loved, is really, really sad. But we have to go through it in life. We have to say good-byes. Um, yeah, I mean, even when I have a two-month break, I'm sort of just like, oh, there she is every once in a while, 'cause it's 10 months out of the year." 

-- When asked if Felicity pops out in her own personality, EBR: "Yeah, she'll pop out or I'll do like a mannerism. Like, that's not so much me as it's her any more. And they do blend together a little bit, but we are different people too."

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Full video (4:26) of EBR's Cheddar interview - it's longer than the video in the Cheddar tweet posted above, so here's two additional transcriptions...

-- On how the way she's played Felicity has changed over the years, EBR: "Well, she's grown. I mean, she's become an adult. She's now, you know, a stepmother. She's a wife. She was always hiding behind a screen before and wasn't really in the real world, to say... She always had strong morals, and she believed in justice, and she found a way - or the way found her - about how she was going to take that out into the world, into this world that she's in. And, um, just seeing her become more confident in herself that way, and still staying really, really true to her core morals - and values, I''d say, that's probably the strongest."

-- On The Clinic and whether she'll be playing a superhero, EBR: "No, no. She's very strange. The movie's going to be very strange. I haven't seen it. We filmed it two years ago... You were saying 'psychological thriller' and I'm like, 'which one? when did I do that?' ... Yeah, I'm very excited to see what comes out of that. That's going to be really, really awesome. I have no idea what it looks like, but she was strange." On the plot of that movie, EBR: "Well, without giving too much away, ... we're in a different reality to a certain extent, where, um, your life - where your life source is being challenged." On the hardest part about becoming this character, EBR: "Well, she - her vibration was, like, very much up here (gesturing to her head). I don't know if that's too meta, but she was sort of, you know, going through these motions in a way of trying to help. But we're in a very - we're in a world where you don't understand a whole lot. So she's there trying to, you know, guide and help and move things along, with a purpose, without, like, letting the - without letting her subject know the purpose for real... It's very mysterious."

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Short video clips from JH's panel at Puerto Rico Comic Con on May 20...

Segmento Q&A de Juliana Harkavy en el Puerto Rico Comic Con
Published on May 21, 2018, by El George Rivera Rubio

Segmento Q&A de Juliana Harkavy en el Puerto Rico Comic Con
Published on May 21, 2018, by El George Rivera Rubio

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KC was kickbox training while on a Thai island yesterday...

Katie Cassidy Live training insta (@katiecassidy) 22-05-2018 | ARROW
Published on May 22, 2018, by ARROW - TV FAN

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Random question!

When EBR and SA's friends go to cons and generally follow them around, do they pay for their own airfares etc? I don't expect you guys to know but what would be your guess? Isn't it a lot of money to follow someone around the country let alone overseas?

Or do SA and EBR pay for them? Or are they all very rich being in the entertainment industry so they can afford to pay to follow people around?

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