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And, this whole thing was dying down too. Like the Hive was busy with Beychella and all the good buzz that came from it. 

Now that they have time on their hands, he calls them losers.


Well, he was talking about Twitter analytics few days ago. So, this tweet should help with that. 

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Yeah... So, I guess Steve is just gonna keep on picking at that scab until it opens up again. I wanna thank @tv echo in advance for your transcription of the inevitable FB live about the terribleness of Twitter and the Beyhive and how much Stephen doesn't care about what internet people say. Though if you don't end up transcribing, that's cool, too. :) Coachella weekends are just so much fun, guys! *sigh*

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I mean it would have been nice if he had stopped at the Batman pics because that was funny and I think mocking and making yourself a willing participant in the joke is probably the best way to handle it. But at the same I find it ironic that the same people who went on to his twitter account and called him racist, mocked his acting, his family, his appearance, his personality, his show and his shows ratings for hours over a fairly harmless tweet, are now telling him to let it go and move on. I dont begrudge him tweeting back. If he is still talking about this in three or four days time then Ill probably judge him more harshly then I am right now. 

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3 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

I mean it would have been nice if he had stopped at the Batman pics because that was funny and I think mocking and making yourself a willing participant in the joke is probably the best way to handle it. But at the same I find it ironic that the same people who went on to his twitter account and called him racist, mocked his acting, his family, his appearance, his personality, his show and his shows ratings for hours over a fairly harmless tweet, are now telling him to let it go and move on. I dont begrudge him tweeting back. If he is still talking about this in three or four days time then Ill probably judge him more harshly then I am right now. 

The people that want him to let it go are his fans and anyone else who does not want this to get bigger than it was. Now, he can post whatever batman pics he wants, he just showed them he cares by responding back and calling them losers. 

His first response was great. The follow up not so much. 

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Oh my god, he needs to stop. The self-deprecating Walmart Batman tweet should have been his first and last about this topic. Getting all up in his feels like this is such a bad look. No doubt he’ll do a Facebook Live about how Twitter sucks in the near future.

I was texting someone I know who works in publicity about this today and she says what she’s used to is having no control over talent social and not being allowed to step in with advice unless it’s really, really bad. So he’ll just keep digging a hole, I guess. 

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12 minutes ago, TwistedandBored said:

The people that want him to let it go are his fans and anyone else who does not want this to get bigger than it was. Now, he can post whatever batman pics he wants, he just showed them he cares by responding back and calling them losers. 

His first response was great. The follow up not so much. 

True some of his fans were telling him to let it go but there were just as many of the same people who were having a go at him about the first tweet also telling him to move on from what I saw going through his feed. They insulted him personally on his account over a tweet where he didn't really intend to insult their fave personally- and some of them were pretty nasty about it. Its obviously hurt his feelings. I'm willing to cut him some slack for a day to lick his wounds and clap-back, even though I prefer he'd just stuck to the Batman jokes. Like I said if hes still harping on about it it in three or four days times that's a different story. 

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I don't blame him or judge him for getting mad about what people tweeted at him - some of it was mean and stupid. People going after his career, the show's ratings, etc - you're allowed to not like an artist who is more successful than you. A lot of it was very dumb. But Stephen's problem is that he never knows when to stop and he always makes things worse for himself. The Batman joke was the perfect way to handle it, because it didn't let people know it'd gotten under his skin. He needs to learn to just let it go. 

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1 minute ago, Mary0360 said:

True some of his fans were telling him to let it go but there were just as many of the same people who were mocking having a go at him about the first tweet also telling him to move on from what I saw going through his feed. They insulted him personally on his account over a tweet where he didn't really intend to insult their fave personally- and some of them were pretty nasty about it. Its obviously hurt his feelings. I'm willing to cut him some slack for more a day to lick his wounds and clap-back, even though I prefer he'd just stuck to the Batman jokes. Like I said if hes still harping on about it it in three or four days times that's a different story. 

This is Steve we are talking about. He does usually know when to stop stuff from escalating. He should have kept it cute with Batman joke and let it be. Don't feed the agitators dude. 

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I guess where I stand is until I open my twitter account or have my notifications going off with thousands of people personally insulting me, I couldn't say how I would handle that or if I would be mature or big enough a person to be above it and not call them pathetic losers. Id like to think I would be able to handle it in graceful classy way but who knows. If I had Stephen's traction on social media Id probably be just as likely to be terrible at it and say the wrong things. So I'm not going to judge the man for not being able to let it go a day later. I hope he does and this is the last of it, and  usually I am of the opinion that celebrities need to have a tougher skin if they want to be celebrities, but since what they were getting so riled up and personal about was so silly, I guess I have a little more understanding for Stephen in this particular twitter hubbub then say....Texas Gate or one of his many other twitter overreaction melt downs.  

9 minutes ago, TwistedandBored said:

This is Steve we are talking about. He does usually know when to stop stuff from escalating. He should have kept it cute with Batman joke and let it be. Don't feed the agitators dude. 

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and waking up early today to make a phone call like Tom Cruise’s character in Tropic Thunder. 

This is the line I'm curious about.  I remember Cruise in that movie was a gross talent agent or something, a lot of shouting and sycophancy.  Wonder what he's referring to.  

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On 4/15/2018 at 4:46 PM, JamieLynn832002 said:

Honestly, IMO Beyonce fans are coming off really bad here. They're attacking him because he had the nerve to not attend her show. 

From some of my Expriences with them Beyonce is a Goddess and everything about her is awesome she must be loved given all the awards etc etc if she isn't you're a hater or Racist etc. 

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On 4/15/2018 at 6:56 PM, EmilyBettFan said:

Her fans are what stops me from liking anything Beyonce does. Some of them are so annoying plus everyone acts likes she's a God. It's so ridiculous.

Yep Same here! She's very talented but the fandom gets very annoying and the god worship is BARF worthy 

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Oh, I Iove that Emily gram post. I never knew she had freckles though. 


24 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

Yep Same here! She's very talented but the fandom gets very annoying and the god worship is BARF worthy 

The real BeyHives are not even the ones insulting him though. It is just few casual Bey hangers, Arrow/Flash fans. So, Steve and his fans can relax. For now at least, they are paying him dust. 

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Yeah, but at the same time, Jeff Yang and people keep stoking the fire too so... not saying Stephen is in the right but I don't get why people (especially someone from CNN) is trying to make a Story out of this

Edited by shantown
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I follow Jeff Yang. He's also Hudson Yang's dad (Eddie on Fresh Off the Boat) so he has to be familiar with actors and their egos. Not that an ego should stop a call out but I'm team no one here. This is a non issue that's gone on way too long.

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I was on the "both sides are overreacting" at first but SA is really showing his a** here. He engages with a verified guy because he has CNN in his bio, and not the verified black woman whose thread the CNN guy was retweeting because of what...a publicity opportunity? Not to mention the incredible white guy confidence of continuing to keep it going and believing that he deserves to tell his side of the story.  It's gross. I want him to stop. 

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4 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I was on the "both sides are overreacting" at first but SA is really showing his a** here. He engages with a verified guy because he has CNN in his bio, and not the verified black woman whose thread the CNN guy was retweeting because of what...a publicity opportunity? Not to mention the incredible white guy confidence of continuing to keep it going and believing that he deserves to tell his side of the story.  It's gross. I want him to stop. 

I initially thought he handled it so well and then every day I'd wake up and find more tweets! Aiiiiiii

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The trouble is, as much as he claims otherwise, SA just cannot handle when people dislike him. So he's on the offensive now. 

I think he was dumb to post the original tweet but I also think the reaction to it was completely over the top and now it's just reached levels of ridiculous tbh. And there goes his ego, making it worse! ? Please someone throw his phone away. Or maybe can he start hating twitter again and go back to FB? 

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4 hours ago, shantown said:

Yeah, but at the same time, Jeff Yang and people keep stoking the fire too so... not saying Stephen is in the right but I don't get why people (especially someone from CNN) is trying to make a Story out of this

Yeah letting it go is all good and well, but it seems like people like this Jeff Yang aren't interested in letting it go either. This guy is basically implying Stephen is racist for not watching Beyoncé. Is there not far more gross racism in the world today that where left with deciding that if you leave a musical festival early to watch something comfortably at home that's racism?


Stephen should definitely ignore and rise above but at the same time these verified twitter people are using their platforms and their follower counts to keep perpetuating the issue. Where is their earnest to let it go and move on, and stop going after other verified people?  It was stupid joke, I'm sure Beyoncé is fine with one uncool white guy not watching her live and let's be real probably doesn't even know who Stephen is. Both sides need to let it go. 

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The only way it ever stops is if Stephen stops it. From now on there are always going to be people replying to his tweets/quoting his tweets calling him racist trash over this. It won't ever stop on their end, so he has to let it go. 

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And, now Echo has involved himself in this mess. sigh

Honestly, I am kinda of proud of the Real BeyHives for still paying him dust. I was looking at his feed and the BeyHives are not even the ones insulting him. I mean there a few casual Beyoncé fans but none of the real Hive accounts are involved in this mess. Even the woman who made the thread of about the name is like don't poke the hornets' nest in regard to The Hive. It just the usual suspect whenever Bey is involved. Those who hate Bey and those who use her name to call someone else a racist.

Steve's argument now has moved from disliking Beyoncé to defending himself against being called a racist. The more he continues to worse it will get for him. I mean this started on Saturday and it Thursday now. He needs to let it go.


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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

I switched off, have no idea what happened.

PS: You guys don't want to read the Arrow writers responses on twitter about the episode and the civil war split. It might induce rage.

Are the writers getting roasted?

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

Are the writers getting roasted?

More she's doubling down on their bullshit. "The noobies are right. Oliver almost killed Rene. Diggle had a point Oliver IS a terrible leader. Felicity was right to apologise because she needs a friend and  Curtis was a decent guy to forgive her. Oliver would be boring if we didn't torture him" blah blah blah.


Its not anything outrageous the writers haven't done before when they catch on to the fact that their storylines are only well recieved in their own minds and not people with eyes.  

Edited by Mary0360
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2 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Are the writers getting roasted?

I just checked and she's not only defending the newbies but she's liked tweets claiming everything Diggle said to Oliver was right. Fans are understandably pissed but she's not getting hate or anything. 

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2 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I'm kinda disappointed she's not getting politely roasted. 

She's getting politely roasted in her answers about Curtis and Felicity. But then she found one guy that liked the 3Dragon stuff and is responding to him instead.

Edited by lemotomato
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Just now, Angel12d said:

I just checked and she's not only defending the newbies but she's liked tweets claiming everything Diggle said to Oliver was right. Fans are understandably pissed but she's not getting hate or anything. 

Yeah most of the responses I've seen have been critical but constructive and not bordering on disrespectful or bullying. It's fair criticism. The writer just doesn't seem open to listening. 

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4 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

If only we'd been so lucky!

Is this writer new or is there some hope she gets the boot over hiatus?

I believe she's fairly new. I think she used to be Marc's Assistant and got promoted to the writing staff. So maybe she'll leave with him out of loyalty. Fingers crossed. 

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3 hours ago, Mary0360 said:

More she's doubling down on their bullshit. "The noobies are right. Oliver almost killed Rene. Diggle had a point Oliver IS a terrible leader. Felicity was right to apologise because she needs a friend and  Curtis was a decent guy to forgive her. Oliver would be boring if we didn't torture him" blah blah blah.

Well, if that's how the writers room thinks, it's probably a given that all the noobs will be back at full strength next season. Get ready for the least anticipated reunion in television history, folks!

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28 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Is there another episode coming up wherehe didn't film much? Next week?

I don't think so


621 is where he had the snide remark about filming all day but not having a line, but I don't think he was absent to the extent of 619, plus CD is in it so he didn't seem too bummed about the episode.

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2 hours ago, Sunshine said:

According to the pap he shot more for 4.20 than 4.19 but not much.  David filmed more than he did.

Lol.  Given the promo shows up Oliver and Diaz together, it probably means lots of DDDiaz mumbling on and on while Oliver waits for him to get to the point of it all.  Now we know how Diaz will beat him in a fight.  He'll bore him to death.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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