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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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-- SA: "I have an idea of how I'd like the show to end for me personally. And I don't know when that will be. But I would hope that, whenever the show does end, that we would write for the end. Um, I know that a lot of people were, you know, somewhat dissatisfied with how Lost ended, in terms of, there were a lot of questions that people answered and they weren't necessarily answered. But I did feel like that show, from a creative perspective and just from a spot that it was going to, really picked up steam when they decided, 'okay, we're going to do X number of years, and then the show's done.' Right? The Sopranos. 'We're doing the final season. This is it.' I feel like, whenever you decide to end something, you should make sure that you write appropriately towards that ending. And don't just decide, because the show's on the bubble, to pivot during Episode 16, and you're like, 'alright, we've got 9 more, let's just figure out a way to end it.' So I just hope that whenever we're done, that we know it and that we write for it."
Edited by tv echo
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I don't think this counts as a spoiler, so I'm putting it here. Dear writers, please listen to your star. He knows of what he speaks.

Edited by KenyaJ
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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

"They try to get out of it."

DO THEY? Or do they double down on their bullshit? ?

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2 hours ago, Mary0360 said:

Tags Emily but doesn't bother with her being part of the photo...okay. I guess it's better then him constantly promoting  her character's death. 

Yeah, what was up with that.  She’s there in the far background getting off the plane.  Why not wait one minute and take the picture WITH her?

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I really think SA was one of those guys that improved in attractiveness with age.  That guy doesn't do it for me without a lot of scruff and even then, the neck is a tad too thick.  But he does get points for ditching the beanie.  

(And ERB looks like a baby!)

Edited by BkWurm1
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25 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I really think SA was one of those guys that improved in attractiveness with age.  That guy doesn't do it for me without a lot of scruff and even then, the neck is a tad too thick.  But he does get points for ditching the beanie.  

(And ERB looks like a baby!)

I don't think it's the age, its the facial hair. If he shaved he'd look like thar frat boy DBag today 

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Back when I'd seen a few episodes of Arrow but wasn't yet fully invested, I attended a con where Stephen was one of the guests. While I was standing in line to get Karl Urban's autograph, I remember watching Stephen's autograph line and being really impressed by how engaged he was with the fans and how generous he was in his interactions with them. He's way more famous now, but it's nice to see how much he still cares about making sure they have a good experience.

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2 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Back when I'd seen a few episodes of Arrow but wasn't yet fully invested, I attended a con where Stephen was one of the guests. While I was standing in line to get Karl Urban's autograph, I remember watching Stephen's autograph line and being really impressed by how engaged he was with the fans and how generous he was in his interactions with them. He's way more famous now, but it's nice to see how much he still cares about making sure they have a good experience.

The funniest thing is is that I've seen basically this same exact tweet from Stephen for at least two different cons. I actually had to double check the date to see that it was made today. If I could go and find those other instances, I'm pretty sure it would almost be word-for-word, especially the "my body is ready" line. I've seen that from him before. 

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Yeah, he tweeted something similar a couple of months ago. I remember someone posting a picture of a basically empty hall, and Stephen was still there signing a few last autographs.

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6 hours ago, Trisha said:

This is cute:

IF SA is happy to bounce EBR I am going to need a scene where Oliver bounces Felicity!!!!! Damnit show if your leads have no (or little) personal boundaries let Oliver be happy and bounce Felicity in a scene!!!!!!!!!!!!

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7 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

Awww cute. Curtis can FOAD, but I really like Echo. And he looks like he's about a foot taller than Emily.

I miss the days when I liked Curtis.  

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From this video of entire OTA panel at HVFF-Chicago (April 7) - some portions were difficult to hear and understand, so the transcriptions may not be completely accurate...

Published on Apr 9, 2018, by Only1Nickster

Favorite Thing Is Felicity:
-- Interviewer: "There's a lot going on right now, right? I was asking folks when we came out, you know, what's their favorite thing going on right now, and you wouldn't believe how many people said 'Felicity,' right." (Audience cheers)

Thoughts On This Season:
-- Interviewer: "What's the season been like for all of you as a cast, 'cause it seems like it's been pretty vigorous."
-- EBR: "Did you say 'vigorous' or 'dangerous', because it's been both."
-- Interviewer: "Sure. Both."
-- SA: "It's been different... I've had stretches where I've had time off. Um, it's been a very unique season for me. Um, certainly different.


Not having the flashbacks has been a change. Not having to wear the wig has been a change.

Um, and then, you know, being at odds with so many people within our own team, that's also been a change as well... It's been challenging."
-- Interviewer: "It's been a great season, right? Everyone's feeling this season?"
(Muted audience reaction, with a few sporadic cheers.)
-- DR: "Talk about that! (Audience laughs) Not feeling the season. You're all like, 'crickets'."

Felicity and William: 
-- Interviewer: "Again, Felicity is, uh - she's doing [unintelligible word-important?plenty of?] work, making things happen."
-- EBR: "She's also sort of being like a mom now. So I get to work with Jack a lot, which is really cool. He's literally growing at a rapid pace.... He's taller than me now, which is fine. He was a foot shorter than me when I first met him, so - which was less than a year ago. So it's great working with him... Get to score that family dynamic as actors."
-- SA: "Poor kid has to do fittings before every episode.


We were shooting a scene where - a day ago, all of us were there,

and the pants that he was wearing were too short. Poor kid. He's a good guy, though. I love Jack."
-- EBR: "Yeah, he's a good guy."

Diggle and Choices Made This Season:
-- Interviewer: "David, we're back in the saddle of, you know, should Diggle be the Green Arrow again. What's going on?" (Audience reaction)
-- DR: "Oh God."
-- SA: "I'm still not talking to you."
-- DR: "I don't want to talk about it, man... What was the question?"
-- Interviewer: "How's the season been, we'll just go with that."
-- DR: "Yes! The season! The season. I love Spartan too, right? (Audience cheers) Put that on all of your social media... Implode, exclamation mark. Um, it's been challenging, like these two. It's a different kind of season. I think there have been some choices made that, um - that we'll just have to see how it all pans out. Because they've been choices that some of our characters in previous seasons never would have made. (EBR interjects, "Dun dun dun.") That was so political!"

Rest of This Season:
-- Interviewer: "That said, what can we expect now from the next couple episodes? Is he going to stay in that direction, or do you think he's going to get back more on track?"


-- SA: "[Unintelligible word-Things?] on this week are crazy. It's, uh - yeah, it's a real departure for us just in terms of the narrative of the story. And then towards the end of the season, we build up, like we always build up, but, um, we do something at the end of this year that we can never undo. (Audience reaction) Or a couple of things, actually, as the case may be."

Shirtless Question:
-- Interviewer: "The question we all want answered is, will your shirt come off more?"
-- DR: "We want to know, man. Will your shirt come off more?"
-- SA: "I don't know, man."
-- EBR: "I will put on more shirts when they take off less. (To SA) I'm going to be like Joey. I'm wearing all your clothes...."


(At this point, SA may or may not have made a "pregnancy" comment to EBR.)

-- Interviewer: "Now whether it's on the big panel stage or on this stage, I love seeing you three together. Uh, there's such a great dynamic. You can tell when people genuinely like each other, and that is rare sometimes on shows."
-- EBR: "I'm the mediator, as you can tell. It's not only on the show, but it's -- (Gestures with both hands)"
-- Interviewer: "So, how did these bonds form over time? Was it quick? Or were these relationships, did they blossom over the seasons?"
-- DR: "Al-Co-Hol. That's just a joke, children. It's just a joke."
-- EBR: "It is not a joke... Tell them the truth."
-- DR: "We can do this in a box for 12 hours."
-- SA: "How did the bonds form over time? They formed over time. I spend more time with these two than I do with my wife and child. So yeah, you know, we have no choice but to hang out and get to know one another. It's nice."
-- DR: "But admittedly, it did happen pretty quick."
-- SA: "Yep."
-- DR: "Which, I would admit, that's pretty rare. It doesn't always happen that quickly, you know. So, I think what we have is special." (Audience goes "ahhh")
-- SA: "Don't you try to make up with me." (Audience laughs)
-- Interviewer: "So what's it like to be the mediator of these guys?"
-- EBR: "Well, you know, it's a hard job but somebody's got to do it. I really stepped up to the plate. I've really grown up in six years. And I really feel that if they both need to be shoved away, I can do it."

Working with EBR:
-- Interviewer: "Emily's pretty tough, right? ... So what's your favorite part about working with Emily?"
-- SA: “When EmBett & I get to do scenes together, or when it's the three of us, uh, I like that it’s always a discovery. We always find something cool, uh, in the process of putting the scene on its feet that will tend to make it into the episode, because it will be a genuine moment. I think that, probably as we move through the years, you'll see more of me and Emily and David, like, not Oliver and Felicity and John. But, like, me and Emily and David in scenes, and we're laughing at each other, we're really laughing at each other. So that's always fun."
-- EBR: "You'll make me cry. I'm more boring, though."
-- Interviewer: "David, I loved your reaction. I gotta know what was behind that."
-- DR: "What we love about Emily Bett Rickards -"
-- EBR: "Don't do this."
-- DR: "Um, I don't know, you need more 'Delicity' on the show, don't you?" (Audience yells, "Yeah!") I agree. Um, I don't know. But honestly, the truth is that - I mean, Emily has this - it happened with Brandon, it happened with Grant, it happened with Stephen, it happened with Diggle. Every scene she's in, she just kind of – she has this thing, she clicks with people. She clicks. She just has this thing. She connects with people. But I think the biggest gift, obviously, is that she listens very well as an actress. It's the best attribute for any actor. It really is. And, um, she's gonna pay me later... But she listens, and it shows."

-- Interviewer: "I wanted to address with the two of you, you know, 'Olicity' - everybody loves that, right? That hashtag damn near destroyed my twitter when I just asked if people had questions for you guys. And I think when it comes to the DCTV universe, that could be like the biggest thing going... So what are your personal feelings on the 'Olicity' phenomenon, the use of that hashtag, and how much people are invested in you two?"
-- EBR: "Well, I mean, when I first started, I had to ask our mutual friend, [unintelligible word-Ray?] Mackenzie, what 'shipping' was. I was like, 'what - what ship are we getting on, and where are we headed?' Um, and she brought me a sweater that said, it means that we want a relationship with you guys. Still no boat, interestingly. Um."
-- SA: "Is that what it means?"
-- EBR: "Yeah. Relationship - ship. We got to talk. We seriously do. But, I mean, we like it because we get to work together more. And, I mean, I won't speak for both of us, but I will. And, uh, that's how marriage goes."
-- SA: "No, I like it because we make each other laugh. It's fun. I'm glad that fans latched onto it. But if it's interesting, then it's good. If it's good for the show, then it's good."

Delicity or Feliggle:
-- Interviewer: "So David, if you had to create your own, would it be a 'Delicity' or is there any other character on the show -?"
-- SA: "Why is it ‘Delicity’?"
-- EBR: "Diggle and Felicity."
-- SA: "Why wouldn't it be ‘Feliggle’?" (Audience laughs)
-- EBR: "What sounds more delicious?"
-- DR: "That was not that funny... Feliggle?"
-- EBR: "Feliggle sounds like -"
-- DR: "It sounds like a disease."
-- EBR: "It sounds like the jello on top of a washing machine."
-- DR: "Feliggle. Oooh, everybody, you got that Feliggle."
-- EBR: "You can't rid of that Feliggle!"
-- DR: "It's airborne."
-- EBR: "Everyone in this room has Feliggle now."
-- DR: "Everybody's got Feliggle."
-- EBR: "It also comes in dessert form."
-- DR: "What was the question?"

-- Interviewer: "Is there any, you know, female maybe superhero or anybody that you would like to see Diggle with permanently?"
-- Audience: "Lyla!"


-- DR: "Which you'll likely be seeing more of. (Audience cheers) ... It's always been another great relationship to have on the show, next to the Oliver and Felicity relationship. So you'll see a lot more of Lyla. If we could get Lyla full-time, it'd be awesome."

Desired Superpower:
-- Interviewer: "If you could have any superpower in real life, right now, what would it be and why?"
-- EBR: "Changing green lights like that." (Snaps fingers)
-- SA: "I wouldn't need to do that because I'd be flying."
-- EBR: "You're missing out on one of the great joys in life. No traffic."
-- SA: "No, I'm not."
-- EBR: "Yes, you are."
-- DR: "Um, my power would be speed. Yeah, speed. Flash."
-- SA: "Enjoy your speed. On the ground."

Their Heroes:
-- Interviewer: "Who is your hero?"
-- SA: "My mom."
-- EBR: "My mom."
-- DR: "My dad."

Their Nemeses:
-- Interviewer: "Who is your most hated villain? Of DC or the real world."
-- EBR: "I have a nemesis on set. He alternates. We pull pranks on each other. Religiously. But don't tell him, I secretly enjoy [unintelligible word]. But he is my nemesis. And I have a good one coming for him at the end of this season. He is not an actor. He is a director. His name is Gord. He's got what's coming for him... Lord Gord."
-- SA: "My nemesis is twitter. (Audience laughs) I hate it, but I can't quit it."
-- Interviewer: "What do you hate about it?"
-- SA: "I hate that I can't quit it."
-- Interviewer: "Doesn't that make your day, though? 'Cause if any of you retweet somebody, they pretty much like fall on the floor, right? Who would go crazy if one of them retweeted your tweets? (Audience cheers) Doesn't that kind of stuff make your day? That's why you can't quit?"
-- SA: "I mean, I guess. It's like a great place to get news, but a lot of the news is bad.... We'll discuss this at my panel tomorrow for the entirety of the 60 minutes."
-- Interviewer: "David, your nemesis?"
-- DR: "My nemesis is lateness. Tardiness. I always find myself rolling into the set, fashionably late. Very fashionably late... It's gotten much better. I've gotten much better with it."

Desired Superhero Vehicle:
-- Interviewer: "The three of you are all actually superheroes, so you need your own badass superhero vehicle. What are you choosing?"
-- SA: "Don't need one. I can fly. (Audience laughs) Here's another answer. Not the van we've been using for the past six seasons."
-- EBR: "I'd like a horse."
-- DR: "It'll be a Diggle tank. A Diggle Rider tank."
-- EBR: "It's called Feliggle."

Personal Advice: 
-- Interviewer: "What would be your advice for somebody who's closing a chapter on something they're kinda comfortable in and that they've done for while, and they're kinda moving on to the great beyond to something they don't know as well?"
-- SA: "My one piece of advice for anyone, no matter what your vocation is, whether it's the arts or whatever, is just make sure that you have faith in yourself and you have faith in your ability to bet on yourself."
-- EBR: "To piggyback on that, yeah, you dive in and it's all about the people you meet - and [unintelligible words] is an excellent example of that - and being able to collaborate and listen and be open to ideas all the time, and just making things better together, you can't go wrong."
-- DR: "Um, I would say, honestly, don't listen to the haters. Your biggest hater, though, might be you. Don't listen to him."

Edited by tv echo
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2 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I wasn't quite sure where to put this but this thread seems as good as any, especially since the campaign was organized on social media. Anyway, haters can say what they want about the Olicity fandom but it sure is a generous one and it gets stuff done:

Speaking of our fandom raising money, I saw that they met and then doubled their goal to donate to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in honor of our forever missed Sara Diggle.  

I particularly appreciate how they combined charitable works and shade, lol.  


Edited by BkWurm1
Thanks lemotomato for the link!
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So I went to HVFF in Chicago and got no good photos. I mean I got 2 bad photos but I'm not going to share because... they were ridiculously bad. Ok. I changed my mind. I'll post one bad picture.  For real guys. That's all I got before they pounced on me.

I went ahead and paid to get Stephen's auto and meet him but no photos were allowed. Not even while standing in line.  The handlers were taking that stuff seriously and kept eyeballing me.  As I got closer to him they were telling all of us to put our phones away and I swear to you I heard one of them mutter and point to me "watch that one she just put her phone in her back pocket".  The girl next to me snapped one sneak photo and then another handler started blocking him with a book.  For real.  I think that was a bit of overkill. 

Anyway.  Cass sat next to him the whole time.  She is much tinier than I expected. He seemed pretty engaged with people as they came up.  I found myself much more flustered than I thought I'd be as the man is just insanely good looking. Even with the beanie.  Had a hard time looking him the eye once I got there but did ask if he was considering doing a Nocking Point gathering in real Chicago (not the suburbs) and he said yeah he knows but the venues are more expensive in the city.  He'd like to though.  I learned my lesson from meeting David Duchovney a few years back and regretting that I didn't try to shake his hand...because really if you are being respectful who is going to leave you hanging on a hand shake?  So I stuck my hand out and said it was nice to meet him. He very nicely dropped the pen and shook.   So i touched him and it feels weird that I considered that an accomplishment for the day. I am not a stalker. :)

David Ramsey spent almost the whole time standing in FRONT of his table taking selfies and meeting fans. I saw him in multiple discussions with fans and he really looked like he was listing to them.  and by the time I decided maybe I should go for it he had to leave for his photo ops.  Darn.  John Barrowman was HIGHLY engaged as well. I watched him come out from behind his table and announce to people in line how many t-shirts were left and a few other instructions I couldn't hear all while rubbing the shoulders of the first fan in line who was practically GIDDY that he was touching her. It was adorable.  He also acted out with a kid who for some reason was laying on the floor for his selfie with John and John was dramatically yelling "NOOO"!!" I have no idea what was happening but quite a few fest goers thought that the kid was sick for a minute. Again. Super cute.  While I was walking around he must have been on his way to his photo ops because he walked right past me and I almost bumped him before I realized it was him.  I don't think he noticed my double take!  Echo was also there. Lines not so long but he always seemed to be talking to someone.  Emily was taking forever at her photo ops so I left before I even glimpsed her.  I figured I'd get nowhere near her anyway!  Running late on Sunday so I missed Stephen's panel too.   Anyway. It was pretty cool to glimpse everyone.  


Hope you all don't mind the long post but I wanted to share!


Edited by MissL
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Never hesitate to share a con experience or anything like that.  We LOVE hearing personal accounts.  

I love how everyone mentions how shockingly good looking these people are in real life, lol.  

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1 hour ago, MissL said:

I found myself much more flustered than I thought I'd be as the man is just insanely good looking. Even with the beanie. 

LOL. I feel you. I sat in the second row of one of his panels at a con, and it's hard to imagine that he's hotter and more charismatic in person, but he totally is.

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On 4/8/2018 at 2:29 PM, BkWurm1 said:

I really think SA was one of those guys that improved in attractiveness with age.  That guy doesn't do it for me without a lot of scruff and even then, the neck is a tad too thick.  But he does get points for ditching the beanie.  

(And ERB looks like a baby!)

That's EBR! ????

On 4/8/2018 at 3:02 PM, tv echo said:

So don't give a FUCK. ???????


It's a NIGHTMARE trying to read this particular thread on my phone, due to all the Instagram and Tweets! It freezes up my phone. So I have to wait until I'm at my PC or laptop to read them all and see all the comments!

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2 hours ago, Trisha said:


I've always wondered if they'd made Felicity's glasses real so she wouldn't have to wear contacts WHILE wearing glasses.  I guess this is the alternative, to look around at a blurry world during her scenes.  

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Recap by two college newspaper editors (Saint Xavier University in Chicago) of their fan experience at HVFF-Chicago (they also interviewed other attendees)...

Xavierite Visits Heroes and Villains / Walker Stalker Fan Fest!
Gisselle Lopez & Elizabeth Granato   April 11th, 2018


From April 7 to April 8, the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center hosted their annual Fan Fest, which was a joint celebration of two fan conventions: Heroes and Villains and Walker Stalker.
*  *  *
Heroes and Villains was located on the opposite side of the arena, and contrary to Walker Stalker, its venue was a compilation of various television series focused on superhero and comic plotlines, such as Arrow, Black Lightning, Gotham, and Riverdale.

This convention held a great roster of celebrities as well, with stars such as Stephen Amell, Mike Colter, John Barrowman, Kirk Acevedo, Aisha Tyler, Lili Reinhart, and Madelaine Petsch coming to see their fans and allowing fans a chance to meet them.
*  *  *
And if one of us (Gisselle) spazzed out and got an autograph with Stephen Amell, and if another one of us (Elizabeth) freaked and got a photo with Backstreet Boys’ Nick Carter, well…

Money well spent.
*  *  *
Thor the Impala, which allowed any passing Supernatural fan the opportunity to pose for pictures (with cosplay and props) both at the open arsenal and sitting inside the vehicle, and to fulfil their dream of sitting inside “Baby.”
*  *  *
What was your favorite moment of the fest?
Matesevac: Normally it’s extremely hard to pick a favorite moment from a fest like this, but this year had one special moment for me.

I was able to meet Stephen Amell, and he signed a personalized message for my mother — who is about to celebrate six years cancer free after beating breast cancer — on one of his annual “F*** Cancer” campaigns. He was so genuine and kind; it’s a moment me and my mother will never forget.
*  *  *
What/who were you most apprehensive and excited about?
Hays: My photo ops! I was terrified I’d make an idiot of myself because I was so nervous/excited. I was in luck though, I saw John Barrowman and Nick Carter and they were both incredibly sweet and very nice.
*  *  *
All the people from Black Lightning are here, and I also really like Black Lightning so I think it was probably them because those are people that I haven’t gotten to meet already.
*  *  *
Why do you come to these fests?
Keim: This will be our seventh fest, if you include the other Heroes and Villains fests that we went to, so seven since 2015. For us, we’re really big fans of the panels, just going in to ask questions and see them.
*  *  *
Why are these fests important?
Hays: Our world has taken a dark turn. Politics, crime, you can’t turn on the news right now without feeling a little defeated.

Yes they’re actors, but I agree with Mike Colter, it’s about what they represent. It changes us, inspires us, and sometimes gives people courage they wouldn’t have otherwise had.

Keim Voss: A lot of these shows affect people’s real lives, and I don’t think people fully understand how much these shows actually affect a person’s life.

I think for a lot of people, getting to meet someone that has changed their life in some sort of way, it’s a really big deal for them, and I think it’s really important that we have that chance to do that.

LaRue: Everyone thinks that these people are actors and actresses, and that we can’t talk to them, they’re too popular.

This shows you that they’re just normal people. They just want to interact with people that watch their shows. This really shows you that maybe they do different things, but they’re still just human.

Edited by tv echo
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14 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Wow, that's a gorgeous pic of her.

Does Ophie go to work with her Mumma? That's a nice life for a doggy if she gets to be with her mum everyday and not just home alone! 

Wasn't there a video of Stephen eating lunch in Emily's trailer and Emily telling Ophie off because he (she?) was presumably begging for food. I seem to recall something like that floating around.


So I'm going to say yes(?).

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25 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Does Ophie go to work with her Mumma? That's a nice life for a doggy if she gets to be with her mum everyday and not just home alone! 

Yep. During one of the OTA panels, she mentioned that Ophie likes David more than Stephen and loves to run into David's trailer.

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30 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

Wasn't there a video of Stephen eating lunch in Emily's trailer and Emily telling Ophie off because he (she?) was presumably begging for food. I seem to recall something like that floating around.


So I'm going to say yes(?).

Wasn't that Carina's video in Stephen's trailer? I missed the whole part with Ophie, I'd like to see it again. That doggie is too cute! All I can remember is the video zooming toward Cassandra's beauty pageant photo near the top of the trailer, LOL!

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There also were photos of Emily walking Ophie on the Flash set when she did her crossover this year.  Pup has had it pretty good.  Went to work with EBR when she was working at the Doggy spa store and then upgraded to having her own trailer that she lets Emily share with her.  

I imagine there are some days when it wouldn't make sense to bring her but it seems there are many more where she is there.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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