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1 hour ago, Vera said:

I like Oliver and Felicity together. But there's a part of that fandom that's toxic. They bully anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with them. They hate tweet the cast and crew. I have seen some horrifyingly homophobic crap from them. I've stopped interacting with so many people on Tumblr and Twitter for this very reason. Unfortunately, this is the part of the fandom that tends to be the most vocal. At least, from my experience. 

Ok, I'm deep in the Olicity fandom on twitter and I've never seen any homophobic comments...

And you know what? Dealing with a very small subset of crappy people is just the nature of fandom. Every fandom has them and the best you can do is block and move on.

  • I've had westallen shippers call me a racist, trump supporter,  one even called me a bad mother, and last week one even tried to force a sexual preference onto Emily
  • Then there's Lauriver shippers who call people who ship Olicity 'cancer' and 'Olicitards' and make fun of Emily being a lesbian and how she got her job having sex with higher ups
  • The Clexa shippers who mocked me for my age and tried to convince me how pathetic it is that I'm 31 and on social media, called Bob Morley a monkey (which is SUPER racist), etc...
  • Let's not forget some of the comic book redditors who said that oliciters should be 'fucked to death' (and this is an exact quote that got upvoted) and that they should 'shoot up' an Olicity meeting. 

And while I do apologize that you've had bad experiences with a few Olicity fans - heck - I've had bad experiences with some Olicity fans myself -  I'd just block them and move on considering there are a heck of a lot more Olicity fans who are nice, accepting, fight for a good cause, and are actually worth my time. And instead of dwelling on the bad part of the fandom, I choose to focus on the good which is by far the majority. 

Edited by wonderwall
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4 hours ago, Vera said:

I like Oliver and Felicity together. But there's a part of that fandom that's toxic. They bully anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with them. They hate tweet the cast and crew. I have seen some horrifyingly homophobic crap from them. I've stopped interacting with so many people on Tumblr and Twitter for this very reason. Unfortunately, this is the part of the fandom that tends to be the most vocal. At least, from my experience. 

Gail isn't directly tweeting to anyone. You only see her tweets only if you follow her. Why is it so hard for people to ignore what she posts?

I think you can understand on your own why jokingly comparing people to Hitler or Trump supporters might be upsetting. I couldn't care less about her mocking the show, or a ship or whatever but some of her "jokes" make my blood boil. They are ignorant, insensitive and completely unnecessary.

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6 hours ago, Vera said:

I like Oliver and Felicity together. But there's a part of that fandom that's toxic. They bully anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with them. They hate tweet the cast and crew. I have seen some horrifyingly homophobic crap from them. I've stopped interacting with so many people on Tumblr and Twitter for this very reason. Unfortunately, this is the part of the fandom that tends to be the most vocal. At least, from my experience. 

Gail isn't directly tweeting to anyone. You only see her tweets only if you follow her. Why is it so hard for people to ignore what she posts?

I can't say that the Olicity fandom doesn't have homophobes, but if there is rampant homophobia, I'd like to know who's participating in it so I can avoid them. Thankfully, I've never seen it. I have seen a group of Katie's fans make derogatory comments about Emily's sexuality, but have only ever seen positive responses to that from Olicity fans. 

Also, I'm not sure that this particular subject — Gail making fun of people who misinterpreted a tweet she made about Godwin's Law — is the best one to have a go at Olicity fans over. Olicity is usually met with derision from comics people, so I do understand why people thought she was making fun of them. Of course the thing to do would be for her to calmly explain that instead of retweeting to her follows so everyone could ridicule them at once. But, that's adult behavior, and online Gail seems like a child desperate for attention. 

So I agree - it's best to just ignore her.

Edited by apinknightmare
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2 hours ago, lemotomato said:

Olicity fans than any other Arrowverse group. They've raised money for individual fans that were in need, for big causes like the Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter and a Children's Book Bank in Portland. They fundraised for a little girl's archery team when MG asked them to and for the Christopher Reeves Foundation on the behalf of the Arrow writers after they were inundated with hate last spring.

Let's not forget how many Olicity fans have donated to Stephen's Fuck Cancer charity as well as Emily's that supported the AARDA... Not to mention the donation to Vancouver Parks as well as The Downtown Eastside Women's Centre (which assists women and children leaving domestic abuse situations)...

I don't know about any of you - but most of the fandoms I've been in have never been this charitable. 

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9 hours ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I think you can understand on your own why jokingly comparing people to Hitler or Trump supporters might be upsetting. I couldn't care less about her mocking the show, or a ship or whatever but some of her "jokes" make my blood boil. They are ignorant, insensitive and completely unnecessary.

Oh, I'm not defending Gail here. I'm saying that this didn't start in a vacuum. I respect Gail for a lot of what she has done for comics, especially with the BoP but I recognize that she is being very insensitive here. I wish she would stop. 

As for the rest, I took a step back from the fandom stuff but here http://stilettoroyalty.tumblr.com/post/113464195519/wow-why-does-it-matter-if-someone-asked-if

This is one of the bigger names in the fandom. She took it to twitter and even when she was called out on it, doubled down on her opinion. If I remember correctly, this was not long after Sara was killed off. 

Stuff like this made me anxious, so apart from here, I just stepped out of the fandom.

Edited by Vera
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32 minutes ago, Vera said:

As for the rest, I took a step back from the fandom stuff but here http://stilettoroyalty.tumblr.com/post/113464195519/wow-why-does-it-matter-if-someone-asked-if

This was 2 years ago and a comment made by someone who barely is in the Arrow fandom anymore. Fandom has changed a lot since then (and even then this wasn't something that a lot of Olicity shippers talked about). I just don't think it's right to single out the Olicity fandom for this? Because it feels like you're just vilifying the olicity shippers when this happens in every fandom.

Like I said before - it's a small group of people. Don't let them affect you, block, and move on because there are plenty of other wonderful people you could've met but lost the chance to.

Edited by wonderwall
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48 minutes ago, Vera said:

Oh, I'm not defending Gail here. I'm saying that this didn't start in a vacuum. I respect Gail for a lot of what she has done for comics, especially with the BoP but I recognize that she is being very insensitive here. I wish she would stop. 

As for the rest, I took a step back from the fandom stuff but here http://stilettoroyalty.tumblr.com/post/113464195519/wow-why-does-it-matter-if-someone-asked-if

This is one of the bigger names in the fandom. She took it to twitter and even when she was called out on it, doubled down on her opinion. If I remember correctly, this was not long after Sara was killed off. 

Stuff like this made me anxious, so apart from here, I just stepped out of the fandom.

I'm most likely missing something here, but what is so objectionable in the response? 

Edited to rephrase the question because I don't want to make it seem that people's objection to the response is not valid. If that's how people feel, I respect. I want to be educated on why this particular response is considered a trigger.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
added clarification
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Most of the time Olicity fans just want to be left alone to set up charities, vote, complete art work and converse with other fans. It's when vile hatred about us as fans gets brought to our attention is when we say something. Sure there are some bad eggs but that's for every fandom. Old or new tv shows and movies have this. Celebrities, singers have this. It's just part of the game and it will never leave.

I really think some of this fandom doesn't like how we band together and get the show trending. Some may say it's not a big deal but it's most of the time the Olicity fandom getting stuff done for this show (promotion wise.) the other side just doesn't have the numbers to trend for themselves so they take it out on us. Like we're supposed to be ashamed we are advocating for our favourites and our show that we love. Sometimes it's the littlest things that piss off the comic book fandom (some male fans) who can't take it that a female character (Felicity) has had more trending power than the show and the main character. Don't get me wrong I love Oliver and the show but, they must be in serious denial if they can't see the power of Felicity. She's the only female character from the Arrowverse to be voted on the best female characters list from influential voters.

Edited by EmilyBettFan
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29 minutes ago, Vera said:

Oh, I'm not defending Gail here. I'm saying that this didn't start in a vacuum. I respect Gail for a lot of what she has done for comics, especially with the BoP but I recognize that she is being very insensitive here. I wish she would stop. 

As for the rest, I took a step back from the fandom stuff but here http://stilettoroyalty.tumblr.com/post/113464195519/wow-why-does-it-matter-if-someone-asked-if

This is one of the bigger names in the fandom. She took it to twitter and even when she was called out on it, doubled down on her opinion. If I remember correctly, this was not long after Sara was killed off. 

Stuff like this made me anxious, so apart from here, I just stepped out of the fandom.

This is one person that doesn't like Sara/Sara fans and didn't want her to be associated with Felicity, that she likes. I don't like this comment but I think the tune would be different if it was about another character..it's not about being against a relationship with another woman for Felicity, but this specific woman..like if Laurel and Felicity had a thing I can't even imagine the mess that would come from that while it wouldn't happen if they got a female LI.

I'm sorry this comment had such a negative impact on you, but I think if it's all you saw I find what you said about Olicity fans saying horrifying homophobic stuff a bit much.

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Yeah, can we maybe not call out one fandom in particular? Because I've seen a ton of nastiness and hatred and general vile behaviour from all sections of the Arrow fandom. There are bad eggs everywhere. Unfortunately, that's the nature of online fandoms these days. Generalizing is unnecessary and pretty unfair to the rest of us who don't partake in any of that mess. 

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It's huge irresponsible of Simone to keep referring to Olicity fans when she means the ones who specifically harass her. A lot of Olicity fans I know are pretty chill and don't participate in fandom drama, and yet this woman with more than 75,000 followers on social media is just grouping everybody together. And of course, Olicity haters are just egging her on as if their misbegotten existence gets any better when Olicity fans get knocked by a thirsty, childish third-rate celebrity.

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Generalising is unfair, especially to brand an entire fandom as homophobic bullies based on one Tumblr response that wasn't even homophobic. 


That tumblr answer was someone saying they don't like the idea of Felicity/Sara because they don't like Sara as a character and feel like Sara fans don't like Felicity as a character but want to pair them off to have Sara with a more popular character despite the fact that Felicity has been established as heterosexual. That was the "agenda" the account was talking about and not an agenda against homosexuality in all its circumstances and realities.

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17 hours ago, Vera said:

I like Oliver and Felicity together. But there's a part of that fandom that's toxic. They bully anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with them. They hate tweet the cast and crew. I have seen some horrifyingly homophobic crap from them. I've stopped interacting with so many people on Tumblr and Twitter for this very reason. Unfortunately, this is the part of the fandom that tends to be the most vocal. At least, from my experience. 

Gail isn't directly tweeting to anyone. You only see her tweets only if you follow her. Why is it so hard for people to ignore what she posts?

I think it's awesome you like Oliver and Felicity together, they're a pretty fantastic couple, no other ex-pairing or current in the DCTV universe can beat that sizzling chemistry they have. 

I sorry your experience with the Olicity fandom isn't the best but i really am wondering who exactly is the Olicity fans you came in contact with over the years? Because i've been around forever and the pocket of problematic people, which exist in all fandoms, doesn't have that much expression. 

The part of the Olicity fandom that is the most vocal is actually the entire Olicity fandom when we come together with the same objective in mind, charities, trends, PR for the show, voting etc Yes, we are a powerful fandom indeed and some other subsets of the Arrow fandom hate us for it, mostly because they can't do what we can. 

"They hate tweet the cast and crew" Did this happened in some alternative reality i'm not aware of? One small example of doing the exact opposite, after Laurel Lance was killed, and although many of us were getting death threats, rape threats and being called nasty names on a daily basis by the really toxic and problematic subset of the Arrow fandom you know what we did? As a fandom, the Olicity fandom, we tagged everyone from writers to cast to crew and tweet them our appreciation for their work, more than once just so we could dilute the hate they were getting. You know why we felt the need to do that? Because the real toxic ones where sending hate non stop and all sorts of threats to the Arrow peeps daily because of a fictional character they decided to kill.

"Gail isn't directly tweeting to anyone" Oh but she was, also RT/Quoting people to put them on blast to her followers, because that's what twitter bullies do, they send their followers after you. 

Again, i'm really sorry your experience with the Olicity fandom wasn't the best but looking at the words you wrote and analyzing all we've done over the years it seems to me you missed out on a lot of great things the Olicity fandom did and keeps doing.

Best of luck with your next fandom, if you don't have one already :) 

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4 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

They put some effort into that one, usually it's just a headshot

With so much effort, I would have thought they might have included the most significant relationship Oliver had on the show rather than just Slade and BC, lol.  So an SA fan and a comics fan but not a fan of all of the biggest parts of Arrow.  

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4 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

With so much effort, I would have thought they might have included the most significant relationship Oliver had on the show rather than just Slade and BC, lol.  So an SA fan and a comics fan but not a fan of all of the biggest parts of Arrow.  

I'm more surprised he is doing cons that aren't his own haha.

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How I read the tumblr answer was not so much that she disliked Sara (because it sounded like she couldn't care less about her) but she was objecting to the request for confirmation that Felicity is bi.  Because Felicity has never been shown to be bi in any way on the show:


Felicity Smoak is an established, long term core character on Arrow that has a history we’ve seen on the show. She’s been established as a straight woman. That didn’t even begin with Oliver Queen. So I’m not assuming she’s heterosexual, the show has shown me that she’s been a heterosexual young woman since college when they made that a part of her past.

Furthermore, that twitter fan didn’t “ask if she were bi”. No dear…

“Can the Arrow people confirm that Felicity is bisexual in canon? (I need this so badly.)”

This is implying that she already is Bi and attempting to get the show to openingly confirm it during an event for Arrow.

Would Felicity being canonically bi change her personality/spirit/heart? 

Nope, it would not. But it would still piss me off as a fan because I know that they have NEVER ONCE given me any indication that she was over the past 3 years. Which means it would be done to placate Sara Lance fans living SmoakinCanary dreams that never happened on the show in one single damn scene.

Tbh, I agree with this 100%.  If you want to write SmoakinCanary or Oliver/Barry or Oliver/Slade or Nyssa/Laurel fanfic, go right ahead.  Just don't ask the show to confirm what you're making up in your imagination.

And it's not about the sexuality, it's about the show's canon.  I wouldn't be asking them to confirm that Felicity is a concert-level pianist with a piano keyboard just because she's got magic fingers on a computer keyboard.

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4 hours ago, Vera said:

Oh, I'm not defending Gail here. I'm saying that this didn't start in a vacuum. I respect Gail for a lot of what she has done for comics, especially with the BoP but I recognize that she is being very insensitive here. I wish she would stop. 

As for the rest, I took a step back from the fandom stuff but here http://stilettoroyalty.tumblr.com/post/113464195519/wow-why-does-it-matter-if-someone-asked-if

This is one of the bigger names in the fandom. She took it to twitter and even when she was called out on it, doubled down on her opinion. If I remember correctly, this was not long after Sara was killed off. 

Stuff like this made me anxious, so apart from here, I just stepped out of the fandom.

I somehow missed this post before i typed me previous reply, i apologize. You can't generalize and say an entire fandom is toxic/homophobic/etc because of this one post you don't agree with, that's very unfair in my opinion, plus there's nothing homophobic about her post.

She didn't care or liked Sara and i see no problem with that, we all are allowed to dislike fictional characters, doesn't mean there's something behind it more than just a simple dislike or the fact we think said character doesn't add anything to a show that was needed in the first place. 

I have to say i agree with her post, funny thing about fans headcanons is that although they're great for fanfic asking the show/writers to confirm something non existent in show canon is quite odd, don't you think? I've seen that done by fans regarding a few things besides someone's sexuality and, yes, i would say every time there's some sort of agenda behind it. 

I'm intrigued about your comment "this was not long after Sara was killed off" because i honestly don't see why is that relevant at all,  more than talking about Sara per se she was debunking a headcanon that obviously came from Sara fans & defending what it's show canon regarding Felicity's sexuality. I don't see how Sara being alive or dead makes any difference in that post.  

Perhaps you let your disapproval of someone in the fandom that doesn't share your love for Sara, i'm assuming you're a Sara fan, cloud your judgement of an entire fandom.

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13 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Does he (SA) own the business? Really???

Does he own the one that EBR attends? The overseas one?

He must make a fortune!!!!!

My understanding is that he's a part owner of HVFF. How much of an part owner I have no idea.

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13 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Does he (SA) own the business? Really???

Does he own the one that EBR attends? The overseas one?

He must make a fortune!!!!!

Rumour is he owns a stake but I don't know if anything official has been confirmed. I believe I also read in the Hollywood Reporter article that he gets paid money from cons for recruiting talent/guests to join the con.

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From KC panel at Boston Comic Con on Aug. 13...

Katie Cassidy @ Boston Comic Con 2017 (Arrow)
Published on Aug 14, 2017, by ChristineDoesCons

-- Fan asked if KC would want to play a strong female like Black Canary on film or tv where she's an independent character and "not billed as, like, background." KC replied: "Absolutely." She said that she would love to play a strong female character, "whether it be Black Canary or Black Siren or something completely different." Mod then suggested a "bloody cop show, with you and Caity Lotz driving cross-country, solving crimes." KC responded, "Yes, yes. Love that."

-- KC said that her favorite season of Arrow was "Season... 2, 3... Not Season 4." She said that she loved training for Arrow and being an "inspiration" to other people. After training, she felt "empowered."

-- Mod asked about all those CW shows shooting in Vancouver. KC mentioned that Caity and Jensen now live in her same building

-- KC said that PB was her favorite Arrow actor to work with because their acting processes are similar.

-- Fan asked if she preferred being good or bad. KC said that she has "a bond with Laurel" but that "it's so much fun to play a villain." Another fan asked if she preferred playing Laurel or Black SIren. KC said that she liked playing both.

-- Fan asked what she was most excited for in S6. Mod interrupted and said that they can't spoil anything, so he asked her how excited was she for S6. KC replied: "I'm so excited for Season 6... I can tell you, it's the biggest season yet... It's going to blow your mind."

-- KC said that her favorite superhero/villain was Catwoman, especially Michelle Pfeiffer's version, and thought that Michelle Pfeiffer "killed it" as Catwoman. Mod compared Black Siren to Catwoman. KC said, "Interesting," and added that maybe that's where she was going "unconsciously" in her portrayal of Black Siren.

-- Fan asked which CW TV show she would want to be on the most (Arrow, Flash, Legends). KC replied, "I love my job." Mod brought up again his previous idea of her and Sara Lance "mixing it up." KC then said: "Yeah, absolutely. But I think it would be so cool too - don't quote me on this, I don't know - I think it would be really cool, considering we have time travel, for Black Siren - does Black Siren ever meet Laurel?" Mod said that "that would be a very busy episode for you to shoot." KC replied, "I got this." Mod quipped, "An all-Laurel episode." KC then mentioned that, because she was "doing character work," she did ask MG if there was "a world in which Black Siren could come face to face with Laurel, through time travel," and that MG replied, "Interesting. It is possible."

-- Fan asked about her time on Melrose Place. Another fan said that he's had a crush on her since Supernatural and asked her about whether she'd return to Supernatural and if so, as what creature (other than demon). KC said, "Vampire Laurel."

-- Fan asked what one superpower she would want. KC said it would be teleportation and that she hates flying.

Edited by tv echo
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Man, I hate this notion that a strong female character is only one who kicks ass physically. What nonsense. And actors perpetuate it. Grrrr.

Edited by Guest
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Full JB panel at Boston Comic Con on Aug. 13 (I skimmed through early parts of the first video)...

John Barrowman panel @ Boston Comic Con 2017
Published on Aug 14, 2017, by ChristineDoesCons

-- Much of JB's panel was his usual joking, singing, anecdotes and hijinks. He also got some of the same questions he's gotten before at other cons, and he gave pretty much the same answers.

-- Fan asked which Arrow characters would he like to be friends with in real life. JB said that he's already friends with quite a few of them, that he knows Colton "well enough" and that he knows Stephen "really well". Fan clarified that she meant the characters. JB said that he doesn't know if he'd want to be friends with Oliver because "everyone gets in trouble around Oliver" because he can't make up his mind. He then said that he'd want to be friends with two characters: Malcolm and Felicity. One is Malcolm because "you'd want to be on his side... if you're not, you're probably going to be dead or have a really tough life. Talk to Thea." JB then said: "The other one is Felicity. (Huge audience cheers and applause, around the 42:45 mark) And here's my two reasons why. Number one, she gets to rule kind of the whole kingdom in the future, right? With, you know, Ray Palmer leaving her all this stuff, and she becomes a bazill-gazill-bazillionaire, right? And number two, she gets to make out with Oliver. Now that's John talking. That ain't Malcolm, no. That's why. Those two, yeah."

-- Fan (dressed as the Dark Archer) asked audience to tweet that "Merlyn Lives". JB said that he didn't know the fan was going to say that, but said, "yeah, tweet, everybody."

John Barrowman singing Copacabana @ Boston Comic Con 2017
Published on Aug 14, 2017, by ChristineDoesCons

Edited by tv echo
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1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

Man, I hate this notion that a strong female character is only one who kicks ass physically. What nonsense. And actors perpetuate it. Grrrr.

What I think is interesting about this is that if you were to ask Katie (or anyone who gives this answer) about the strong women in her life, she'd probably have a whole list of women that she considers "strong" and very few - if any - would actually be literal ass-kickers.

6 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Anyone recall which S5 episode this script page is from?

Pretty sure it's 9?

Edited by apinknightmare
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15 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

My understanding is that he's a part owner of HVFF. How much of an part owner I have no idea.

SA is pretty savvy at business.  Capitalizing on fan fervor with his wine label and the stake in cons is smart.  I'm a wine enthusiast and while NP is just one of the wine clubs I belong to, I have to admit I only am in it because of him.  The wine is all over the board, due to how they source it, but yet I've never cancelled.  

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4 hours ago, tv echo said:

ETA: Just checked - this is from 509...


This scene never made sense to me since didn't we already know that Evelyn was secretly working with Prometheus by this time?  I kept waiting to find out the stockings were bugged.  

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3 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

This scene never made sense to me since didn't we already know that Evelyn was secretly working with Prometheus by this time?  I kept waiting to find out the stockings were bugged.  

It made Evelyn an even more awful person because she was giving them Christmas presents and being nice to them while working behind their backs with Prometheus to hurt them.

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Well.  Stephen is in Chicago right now and apparently it's a family vacation because according to his twitter feed he spent the day at Lincoln Park zoo and had Mavi with him. He's currently at Wrigley and will be watching the Blue Jays at some point this weekend. Guys I'm going to try very hard to spot him in Wrigleyviile but he put out a request for bar suggestions to Facebook and received some truly craptastic bro-bar suggestions so we will see how much I'm willing to endure to try to find him.  Man I'm slightly embarrassed, I generally don't stalk celebrities.

After hearing about his stake in heroes and villians it makes more sense why he isnt attending wizard world comic con in Chicago next week. Plus I assume he has to get back to filming at some point! 

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On 8/15/2017 at 3:04 PM, Primal Slayer said:

It was nice to see someone bring up Melrose Place, it was Katies best role. Can't wait for this stupid spoiler embargo to lift, i don't expect anything major but gimmie some scraps! 

I thought MP was her best role too. She does know how to play the Catty Bitch very well.

Also her comment about being in high heels all day and talking fast then coming home exhausted reminded me of how Emily must feel. She has the hardest dialogue on the show and the poor girl is constantly in 6" heels in every scene so it must take a toll on her physically. Probably why she works out a lot, just to be able to maintain a stamina.

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21 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

Also her comment about being in high heels all day and talking fast then coming home exhausted reminded me of how Emily must feel. She has the hardest dialogue on the show and the poor girl is constantly in 6" heels in every scene so it must take a toll on her physically. Probably why she works out a lot, just to be able to maintain a stamina.

Well, luckily it looks like once the season picks up they cut down on wide shots of the lair unless needed so she's able to get away with sneakers (I'm also thinking hilariously of 406 when they were in the shot like 3 times) or I'm guessing the occasional applebox (then again, has there ever been a really obvious time they used one for EBR besides 519 and I think 419?), but, yeah, as pretty as some of those heels are, I can't help cringe in sympathy like I do with female office-working friends.

Although yikes with that shot in the comic con footage


running away from explosions take after take in heeled boots with DR supposed to be running behind you, per Bamford saying it was really DR and EBR in that shot.

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12 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Well, luckily it looks like once the season picks up they cut down on wide shots of the lair unless needed so she's able to get away with sneakers (I'm also thinking hilariously of 406 when they were in the shot like 3 times) 

Oooh I'm going to hunt for those sneaker shots!!!!!

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