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Being Human [US] - General Discussion

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I will miss it as well.  I am very interested in how they will tie up the loose ends in all the story lines.  I HATE it when a show just ends, and that's it. Perhaps it is the Sheldon Cooper in me.  I need closure!

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Given that the writers and cast knew before the season started that this would be their last, I am hoping they don't just leave things hanging. But I am not a fan of the Aiden-Sally pairing. I was ok with it in the alternate timeline, but Sally retained her memories and brought it into this timeline which bummed me out. I think the show works better with the three as friends.

I have no idea how it will end but what I'm hoping happens is that Josh and Nora find some happiness, Sally gets her door and Aiden dies. I like Aiden, but I really can't see any other end for him that makes sense.

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Hi there! Another TWoP refugee here. I had my doubts about BH ( US) Version) because I had liked the original version ( until that awful season finale where they pretty much killed everyone) and didn't think it could get pulled off well by SyFy. Anyway...I have gotten really fond of this cast and have been pretty impressed with the show. I don't know how exactly it will ned...feels like they are pushing hard towards something intense and irrevocable here. I too wish there had been a bit more development in the leap from Ramona the sad child sacrifice ghost to Ramona the Evil Spirit of the House ( I wonder if something got cut) but other than that I am enjoying the final ride. I can't wait for next week! My DVR keeps cutting off the previews so I really have no idea what will happen. 

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I fully expected to prefer the original verison over the US one but I think I've enjoyed the US version more.

I do feel like the storylines of this season would have worked better over two seasons and that the decision to end the show rushed some storylines.  Still, it's a great show.

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I figured the Adian turing on Josh would be Kenny induced, but Sally being the thing Kenny used was a shocker.  I thought it was a great episode and Ramona is scary as hell.

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I think next week, they are going to somehow wind up destroying the house in order to get rid of Ramona. There's no way another family could move in there while it's in the clutches of evil. My predictions for next week are that the gang accomplishes this and in the process, Aiden is killed and Sally gets her door. And hopefully Josh and Nora escape to rebuild their lives and live happily ever after.

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So the house possessed Kenny at the end? He was real? I would have liked him to have a chance to get it right in a way that Aidan never did.

I think the house will be destroyed in the end. I can see Aidan dead. Sally getting her door or getting trapped with Donna. I would kill Josh as well, but with Nora pregnant, they will likely get a happily ever after.

Edited by SimoneS
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There were lots of anvils.  Nora is pregnant.  She and Josh have reconciled and have a place all set up to go...her apartment.  They got custody of Catmandude.  

Aiden is getting tired and disgusted with his journey.  He has a wish that there would be an afterlife (Henry's image), but he knows it's not true.  He's had a long life as it is and he's caused a lot of pain.  He will probably continue to relapse and cause pain if he lives.  Susannah is gone (I hate that) and that's the only way I could have seen Aiden surviving...going off to be with the wife he had when he was human.  Sally is already dead but is waiting to get her door to finish her journey.

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I can't see Susannah making difference to Aidan's surviving. Whatever their past, they are strangers to each other. The idea that Susannah could think that Aiden would kill Kenny or let her kill him shows that she has no clue who he is or had become. Sally is the only woman who I think could help Aidan moving forward and I don't see that happening.

Edited by SimoneS
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My DVR keeps cutting off the previews so I really have no idea what will happen.

I watched it on ITunes so there wasn't a preview. Usually, it's up on SyFy by now but so far, there's nothing. Is there a preview of the finale out there? Does anyone have a link?

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Here's Comcast's description of the series finale.  I really hope we don't get a Sally-and-Aiden forevah resolution.


“In the series finale, Sally makes a huge sacrifice to keep her vision of Aidan killing Josh from coming true and that, in turn, changes Aidan’s life forever as he fights to destroy the house’s evil spirit.” ~ ComCast Preview Guide

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I love this show and find the main characters so endearing. I did (just barely) try the Brit version, but immediately liked it much less. If I get desperate I'll try it again. The Evil House storyline is my least favorite of all the seasons, but I'm almost grateful for that because it helps wean me.

I missed seeing this topic until today. Now I'm so pleased to encounter other fans. I'm the only one I know in RL who has even heard of it. I'm accustomed to getting raised eyebrows and noooooo when I ask friends, "Do you watch the show about the ghost, vampire and werewolf who live together?" Honestly, other people and their odd tastes!

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I really don't like wasting the final episodes on the Ramona storyline. Too much new crap being rushed too quickly. I know the writers say that they knew this was their last season, but it really feels like they didn't find out until it was half-written. The Kenny thing? Just confused the hell out of me. Everybody else was a hallucination, so maybe he was? Or he was real, but then he got possessed? Hell, I'm still struggling with whether or not Astrid was a ghost or a Ramona trick. Werewolves never turned into ghosts before, except in Donnaland. You'd think if they could, Liam's kids might have had a thing or two to say at some point. I don't mind having a few things to wonder about, but right now the confusing parts are in danger of overwhelming the coherant parts.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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Cletus, I was thinking the same thing about werewolves not becoming ghosts, but Sally was a werewolf in the alt timeline and when she died she became a ghost again. Seems like inconsistent writing to me.

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Cletus, I was thinking the same thing about werewolves not becoming ghosts, but Sally was a werewolf in the alt timeline and when she died she became a ghost again. Seems like inconsistent writing to me.

Except for one thing -- alt-Sally was inhabited by ghost-Sally, including the entire time when alt-Sally was a werewolf.  When alt-Sally was killed, only ghost-Sally emerged.  If werewolves could become ghosts, there should have been two ghost-Sallys (ghost-Sallies ?) at that point.

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Sally makes a major sacrifice to keep her vision from coming true; Aidan fights to destroy the evil spirit; Josh and Nora think carefully about their future.

Originally aired April 7, 2014.

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Aidan got a door. Sally was there. I teared up. I am so glad that Josh and Nora got to live their lives raising their werepups. Awwww, little Aidan and Sally.What a sweet ending.

Edited by SimoneS
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For every How I Met Your Mother there is a Being Human. 


I still say the SyFy Channel lied and ended the show without warning and a season or two too early but they ended it right,  Ooooh the feels. 

It wasn't perfect I am pretty sure the nitpickers are gonna nitpick but I am gonna say I loved it!

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Well, I'm a sobbing mess. More so than I should be.

Sally sacrifices herself to make Aidan human and save Josh, crying. The three at Nora's apartment grieving Sally, crying. Aidan eating food, laughing. Josh finding out Aidan is dying, crying. Aidan dying where Sally died, crying. Aidan is a ghost, laughing. Aidan finding Sally behind the door, crying. The dream of the four of them at the end, crying again.

It was cathartic, I guess.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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I also smiled when Nora told Josh that the dream was real and that Sally and Aidan were on a cloud dreamweaving because I think that it is exactly something that they would do. 

Edited by SimoneS
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It definitely felt like it needed one more season to end properly, but this was a nice ending. The scene with Aiden in the diner cracked me up and little baby Sally and Aiden made me a bawling mess. Good job SyFy.

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I read that those were Sam Huntington's real-life kids.

Sam Witwer was interviewed a while back and said that the ending made it impossible for a sequel, but I disagree. If not a sequel, then a Josh and Nora spin-off?

Edited by Rogaine2233
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I don't want a Josh/Nora spin off. I think that the ending should stay as it is, perfect. I want Josh and Nora happy and playing in that field with their werepups to be the last memory that I have of Being Human.

I re-watched the main parts of the episode. Sally sacrificing herself to save Josh and makng Aidan human again. Aidan sacrificing himself in the house to save Josh, Nora, and others would might live there. Aidan falling down the stairs to the place where Sally died. His smile as he died thinking of all the people that he loved, his sons, Josh, Nora, and Sally. Aidan's door and his reunion with Sally so unexpected and sweet. Josh and Nora dreaming of Aidan and Sally in their old kitchen and then playing with their kids. It made me teary eyed.

This was one of the best and most satisfying series finale's that I have ever seen. The writers and actors told a story that honored the characters' friendship and love for one another. It was a beautiful farewell.

Edited by SimoneS
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I think I wanted the series to end because I was afraid they were getting close to making Aiden impossible to root for. (Reminds me of Olivia on Scandal.) He kept sliding back, and the show seemed to be taking every additional kill a little less seriously than the ones before it. At least, that's how it seemed to me in this last season.I wanted him to go while I could still respect his battle to redeem himself. It seemed perfect for him to sacrifice himself for his friends at the end, and it was also satisfying to see him essentially forgiven--by being given a door--for having becoming something he hadn't caused and which overwhelmed him.

I wish the writers hadn't come up with the Ramona plot device. It worked to kick everyone out of the house, but her story took too much emphasis away from our friends. More important, however, was that making the house evil diminished the moral agency of the characters. If the house made Sally's finance kill her, for instance, that's not as morally/psychologically/emotionally interesting as what we thought was happening.I didn't like the imlplication that the house was evil all along. Yes, evil things happened there, but it had been a sweet place of refuge and recovery for them.

I hope I get to see these actors in other things. I thought they were terrific.


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Very satisfying series finale.  I knew that the only way Aidan and Sally could ever be together was for him to die.  I just didn't see how they were going to do it, but I liked the writers' solution.  I loved seeing Aidan enjoy being human again even if only for a short time--the scene in the diner was great!  Josh and Nora happily living their lives with their children was a wonderful final memory of the show for me.  You suck a lot of the time, Syfy, but this was well done!  

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There may be one scene I might have liked to see.  I would have loved the see Aidan ask Josh to cook for him which points back to Josh loving to cook and wanting to cook for his friends early in the show even though neither of them ate.  I would have loved to see Josh's face light up at the idea of cooking for his best friend and Aidan loving the meal Josh cooked him.  

Other than that I don't really think there is much I would have changed.  Yes it felt rushed but not in a bad way.  Honestly I thought this was a love letter to the fans and that is all I wanted.  A show where the writers knew that the fans loved the show and the show writers who loved the show as well.  


<----Hey Chaos Theory learned how to use the edit button- Hoorah!

Edited by ChaosTheory
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This was one of the best and most satisfying series finale's that I have ever seen. The writers and actors told a story that honored the characters' friendship and love for one another. It was a beautiful farewell.

I agree.  I don't think it's necessary all the time to end series with doom and gloom.  Happiness is just as real as sadness. 

I thought this show was better than the original UK version, which IMO fell apart the fourth season. 

The UK version made the mistake of getting rid of 3/4 of the cast at the start of season 4

This show had the good sense to realize that the cast worked well together.  I think it ended right where it should have because I was bored last season and it seemed that this season was a repeat of past seasons. I mean how many times can Josh and  Nora's relationship go through the wringer?  How many times can Aidan fall in love with a human woman/fall off the wagon?  How many supernatural things can happen to Sally? 

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I wanted to mention how much I loved the evolution of the Adian/Nora friendship.  There was a time where Nora litterally would have thrown Adian to the wolves.  The transition from their tolerating each other for Josh's sake to them being like family to each other is really interesting.  Adian's willingness to take the fall for Erin's murder to protect Nora and the way Adian and Nora had to work together for Josh's sake when he was stuck as a wolf really solidfied a bond between them.  That moment in the finale when Nora hugs Adian as he cries over losing Sally shows how much things have changed between them.  In earlier seasons, I couldn't have imagined Nora offering comfort to Adian or Adian accepting comfort from her.

I really loved the friendships on this show.  The four of them had a bond, but they all had bonds one on one as well.   Even with the romances, the friendships always mattered a great deal which was a big part of the finale.  Sally sacrificed herself for all their sakes and not just because she was inlove in Adian and Adian was willing to make the same sacrifice for their friends.  It was the love of their self made family that allowed Sally and Adian to be together on the other side and even though they have each other they still reach out to their earthly family.  I will miss this show and all the relationships romantic and platonic.

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I thought the US series was better than the UK original, which is pretty unusual.  They started out with a good cast and better production values.  I'll miss the show,, but there are too many of this type of show to watch them all now anyway.

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I liked the American version Better than the Uk version. The UK verdiob was fine until the original cast started leaving. That is the problem with UK shows; breakage of original cast. It wirks on Doctor Who but that is the exception. What makes shows like Being Human work is core cast. I love the relationship between Aidan, Josh and Sally but most of all i loved the relationship between Josh and Nora.

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I just watched the final season in about 3 days. That was such an emotionally satisfying ending. The ones who were living got to live. The dead ones got to be dead together. Babies, doors and peace. What's not to love?

How many shows pull that "trash the set for the finale" thing?

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I'm rewatching the series for the first time since it aired. While I still prefer it to the UK version, it doesn't hold up too well to rewatch. I've realized while rewatching that I mostly had fond memories of Aidan and Sally (I don't mean as a couple). Sally/Meaghan Rath was the heart of the show. I loved all her storylines. Donna was fantastic. 

By contrast, I hated almost all of Aidan's. From Rebecca to the Dutch, to Bishop (don't like Pelligrino), to Suren (yawn) to Henry (I know this guy is supposed to be hot but I hate his voice), to the various child-replacement figures, to Katrina, I mean Susannah coming back from the dead ... The only foil or love interest they ever got right for him was Kat, in my opinion. (Well, and Sally, but wish it hadn't been tacked on.) And they never committed hard enough to the ongoing "who runs Boston" snooze fest.

But, Sam Witwer, so all is forgiven.

Josh and Nora: there's a lot of good stuff here, and they should have utilized Huntington's comedic timing more often. I do wish they hadn't made Nora play the "nag" role so often, especially in middle seasons. But the actors were really good, and really sold their desperation at an impossible situation.

The show hit the themes of family, children, "packs", adoption, etc a little too frequently for my taste. 

But on rewatch, another theme emerged for me--they were all four people who were monsters who kept making huge mistakes (Aidan especially), and the big question was whether they could ever come to grips with what they'd done and who they were. I did think the show handled that well. 

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Continuing my rewatch, well into season 4 now ...

I'd forgotten the ongoing stuff with Josh and Nora and even more werewolf "families". I don't get it, every other wolf they run across starting in season one turns out to be a murderous psycho (or a group of them), why do they keep trying to form communities? They never went to any other well for plots for those two. 

Aidan and Kat really had a lot of chemistry, even on rewatch. Witwer plays Aidan with a lot of heart and is very nice to look at, but I didn't believe a single other relationship of his on the show outside of the primary household. (His other lovers, his relationship with Bishop, his various vampire kids, etc.) It's too bad they didn't snag that actress and that setup (American History professor) earlier. 

I'd forgotten that they push the Sally/Aidan stuff so late into the series. 

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One of the things I really appreciated about this show was that the Meagan Rath wasn't sidelined (much) once Kristen Hager became a full time cast member.

All too often, when white actresses are added to shows after the fact, (especially genre shows), with actresses of color in vital primary roles, the actresses of color are quickly sidelined (Sleepy Hollow, True Blood, Person Of Interest, etc).

That, thankfully didn't happen with Being Human, in fact it led to the two female leads becoming rather kickass BFF's (another unfortunate rarity in genre shows).

Edited by Dee
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8 hours ago, Dee said:

One of the things I really appreciated about this show was that the Meagan Rath wasn't sidelined (much) once Kristen Hager became a full time cast member.

All too often, when white actresses are added to shows after the fact, (especially genre shows), with actresses of color in vital primary roles, the actresses of color are quickly sidelined (Sleepy Hollow, True Blood, Person Of Interest, etc).

That, thankfully didn't happen with Being Human, in fact it led to the two female leads becoming rather kickass BFF's (another unfortunate rarity in genre shows).

It's really clear that by seasons 3/4 that they knew what they had with Meaghan Rath. (And your point about other shows being too dumb to do the same is well made, looking at you Sleepy Hollow.) She's just fantastic. (I watched the UK version first (including the original pilot with a slightly different cast), but I never made it to the end, especially when the whole cast turned over. But while I remember being interested in the Sally-analog character there, I remember her as being more of a wet noodle. Then again, that whole show was quite bleak, IIRC.)

I mean, all the main cast was good, and I keep hoping to see them pop up on other genre shows or good scripted dramas. But Meaghan and Sam Huntington seem to be doing middling FOX shows that don't look particularly interesting to me (although the latter at least seems to have a steady job). 

Sam Witwer seems to mostly be doing voice acting, which is just crazy to me when you look like he does and you're a more than decent actor. I assume that's just what he prefers doing, but I have no idea how showbiz works.

I did notice Kristin Hager in one episode of Masters of Sex on Showtime, and she was great there.

I'm on to the Sally/Aidan parts of S4 now. They're both selling the chemistry really well. I seem to recall reading interviews at the time that because the whole cast had more of a sibling vibe behind the scenes, filming the romantic stuff between them was awkward and they had to get kind of drunk to do it. 

Edited by kieyra
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Hey ALL other shows that ran too long?

THIS is how you do a show! 

It ended before things got stupid, boring, or insanely ridiculous. I occasionally watch the repeats when baby Lily naps and it's still SO good! The cast had such obvious chemistry and the comedic timing was excellent. I miss it, but again, I'm glad it ended the way it did, properly.

Edited by Fairlily26
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Just watched this for the first time with a free trial of Sundance Now. I enjoyed it mostly for the friendship. Really loved all of the core characters/actors, particularly Aidan, Sally, and Josh. I actually saw a lot of romantic chemistry between Aidan and Sally from very early on, and I thought they were going to get together sooner after the first time they were able to touch/held each other's hands. It's funny that someone mentioned how awkward it was for the actors once they did get together, because they did seem to have slightly less chemistry then. But I still love them together. 

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