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And then she quickly said "Ella". It's funny, I have a friend that uses the F word a lot, I do mean A LOT but neither of her 3 sons use it very often and only when really, really mad for the most part and they never used it as kids.  


Me, I even have trouble spelling it out here let alone saying it, it is the 1 word that I use when I am so mad that I could hurt/kill someone and everyone knows to walk away from me and give me some room to decompress! LOL My husband/son are the same way, that word is not a word to use/say lightly but we have friends that do and know for them it is no big deal and respect it is their choice to make, not our to dictate.

I say fuck all the time, but it's for Adult Audiences only. I assumed that Heather would not be letting fucking fucks fly out of her mout in front of her elementary aged children, but if she is, then I agree with LuAnn and Heather should stop.

  • Love 4

Me, I even have trouble spelling it out here let alone saying it, it is the 1 word that I use when I am so mad that I could hurt/kill someone and everyone knows to walk away from me and give me some room to decompress! LOL My husband/son are the same way, that word is not a word to use/say lightly but we have friends that do and know for them it is no big deal and respect it is their choice to make, not our to dictate.


I agree.  But I'll be honest and say I'm a little judge-y when people use it often in conversation.  This is a coinky dink but last night I met an acquaintance of my husband and his friends'. They've always called him "Effin Ed".  After a 5 minute conversation with him, I understand why.  He's an attractive man.  Til he opens his mouth.  Almost every.other.word.

  • Love 3

I agree.  But I'll be honest and say I'm a little judge-y when people use it often in conversation.  This is a coinky dink but last night I met an acquaintance of my husband and his friends'. They've always called him "Effin Ed".  After a 5 minute conversation with him, I understand why.  He's an attractive man.  Til he opens his mouth.  Almost every.other.word.

Obviously it is not a word I use all that much but I really try to look at people by their overall behavior/conduct. My friend has a heart of gold, she just has a very salty vocabulary! LOL I am rather conservative in life in general but language is but a small part of who a person is that I don't get offended by it unless those words are said to hurt me or someone I love. As the saying goes, "ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS"! JMO

  • Love 4

I say fuck all the time, but it's for Adult Audiences only. I assumed that Heather would not be letting fucking fucks fly out of her mout in front of her elementary aged children, but if she is, then I agree with LuAnn and Heather should stop.

I do believe that Heather did say, to LuAnn, that she does not do it in front of her children but I would have to listen to it again to be certain. I am really convinced that LuAnn did this on purpose to cause drama for the camera time and that she mentions Ella by name because Heather was not taking the bait at first. As for Dorinda's involvement, she was drunk out of her mind and just followed LuAnn's lead because she was already upset with Heather from the night before with "wait for me gate". I am thinking that Dorinda may be a grudge holder/scorekeeper like her good friends Ramona/LuAnn! LOL

  • Love 4

I think that there are those who have a preconceived notion of whom THEY believe Heather to be and, when Heather acts like her true self, believe her to be a fake.

I "like" Heather.

On the show, Heather is not narcissistic, pretentious, elitist, nor classist. Although not broadcast on BRAVO, she appears to have a full, busy, normalish, and, at times, fun life. She IS more intelligent than DUHrinda, social-LITE Ramona, sLOANja, and C(o)UNTess Lay-a-man. Fortunately, Heather's "coming on too strong and agressive" behavior has aided in her varied successes, ventures, and philanthropic endeavors. Considering that we are not supposed to be viewing Soap Operas, Heather's behaviors are hardly those that are disturbing, ignorant, fake, theatrical, or predacious.

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 19


I feel like she and Vicki from OC should meet, on tv, for drinks, because it may create some kind of vortex and that would be interesting to watch.

I absolutely LOVE this comment!  Although I did not think about a vortex(birlliant), I did think while watching either OC or NY that Ramona and Vicki are virtually the same damn reality person. NO filter, whatsoever!

  • Love 5

Now, back in my late teens/early 20's I would have been fine waking up at my girl friends house and finding a strange dude in her bed. Now, in my 30's not so much. If a scenario like that were to ever happen now a days a friend would go back to the other persons house out of respect for our friendship. Besides obvious safety issues I think it's just common courtesy to be discreet about whom you are bedding. Can you not go 4 days without a lay?



I don't see how anybody is willing to sleep with a total stranger these days.  I'm not about to sleep with anybody, even with a condom, until they have been thoroughly tested for STD's and HIV.  Sure, you can use a condom for safe sex, but to me kissing someone is risky also.  If they have an undisclosed mouth sore and they are infected, you run the risk of contracting what they have.  This unfortunately happened to an acquaintance of mine.  She's now HIV positive even though she swears a condom was used when she hooked up with this guy while she was on vacation.  I just don't take chances in this day and age.  I don't care how cute and sexy the random guy is.

  • Love 3

Moved from First Look topic:

I think the reason LuAnn brought up Ella was an emotional manipulation tactic. People use it all the time, 'would you want your children to do blah blah blah..." Or, 'what would your son think about this or that'.....it's like a very manipulative and personal way to appeal to our better angels (for lack of a better term, because it's a shitty tactic and appealing to our better angles is not, but it's all I can come up with now). Some people use it as 'what would your mother think' or more colorful like 'do you kiss your mother with that mouth?'. It's a manipulative way to get you to examine your behavior hoping that you will feel bad, because of course we want the best for our children and we want our parents to be proud of us! It's not saying you are a shitty parent or shitty daughter, but it's a way to use those people to shame you for your behavior.

Now as for why LuAnn used Ella, I doubt it was because Jax has health problems and has more to do with LuAnn's sexist attitude that cursing is not lady like and women should be "elegant". I'm guessing LuAnn probably likes a man who says fuck (if you know what I mean).

So....they were implying that Heather swears in front of her kids?  Or have they witnessed it?  Because we haven't seen any sign of it and well, we're only going by what we're shown correct?  


This episode I dub FUCKGATE

  • Love 3

I don't see how anybody is willing to sleep with a total stranger these days.  I'm not about to sleep with anybody, even with a condom, until they have been thoroughly tested for STD's and HIV.  Sure, you can use a condom for safe sex, but to me kissing someone is risky also.  If they have an undisclosed mouth sore and they are infected, you run the risk of contracting what they have.  This unfortunately happened to an acquaintance of mine.  She's now HIV positive even though she swears a condom was used when she hooked up with this guy while she was on vacation.  I just don't take chances in this day and age.  I don't care how cute and sexy the random guy is.

Ok, I'm sorry, but I have to say something here. I have been HIV pos for 25 years. You cannot get HIV from kissing.  There has never been a recorded case of aquisition of HIV from kissingin the USA. Odds are one in a million. It is theoretically possible. but highly highly unlikely due to conditions in the mouth.





ETA, I have the actual number now.1 possible case out of 500,000 transmissions in the USA, And due to gum disease.The CDC reports that case as inconclusive and still states that there are no recorded cases of transmission via kissing

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 22

I don't think Dorinda's watched the episode yet. Today she tweeted:

Finally going to watch Tuesday's #RHONY episode now so I can see all this #crumbface action in all its glory lol


If Dorinda is inferring that she hadn't watched the show yet then she is a GD fucking liar and she needs to back that shit up. They get all the tapes prior to the reunion, which taped on Tueaday. There is zero chance she went into the reunion without watching all the shows. Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 13

So....they were implying that Heather swears in front of her kids?  Or have they witnessed it?  Because we haven't seen any sign of it and well, we're only going by what we're shown correct?  


This episode I dub FUCKGATE

I do not believe that LuAnn and Dorinda were implying that Heather uses fuck in front of her kids, they certainly didn't say that and to me, asking if Heather would be OK with Ella using fuck doesn't say to me that Heather says fuck in front of Ella.

  • Love 1

LOL, It wasn't just Carole who felt she was rude, Bethenny talked about it at the table while they all watched Ramona try to score a hookup, she was amused but she also said Ramona was rude! LOL



Oh yes, I know that Bethenny thought it was rude but she didn't seem as bothered by it as Carole which led me to believe Carole might have wanted a piece of the club owner as well.

  • Love 1

Hee!  I was reading the posts above about how some perceive her smile as animalistic and like she'd eat her young after bearing those teeth.  I didn't comment because I've BTDT - what more can I say?  But all the while I was thinking that her fake smile isn't what bothers me, it's her nose.


Not the wrinkle, nor the size. Nope, there are many majestic noses in my family.  It's the way when she's being nasty she sticks it up in the air, juts her chin quickly up and then lays into her victim.  It's like frosting an ugly cake with a layer of arrogance and sprinkling on some condescension.  She's good at talking down her nose at people.  Especially when annoyed.


I think every time she does it at the reunion, we should all drink.




These pictures solidified my love of Heather!  I'm about a foot shorter than her (she's what 6'? lol) but man, I bet I could motherfucker her under the table.  And that controlled, slightly condescending tone when she's pissed?  I got her beat!

I tried the Italian version of the word fuck one night at the dinner table when I was about 14.  No idea why, just did.  Thought my father - who is Polish but obviously heard the word before - was going to have a heart attack!


I do believe that Heather did say, to LuAnn, that she does not do it in front of her children but I would have to listen to it again to be certain. I am really convinced that LuAnn did this on purpose to cause drama for the camera time and that she mentions Ella by name because Heather was not taking the bait at first. As for Dorinda's involvement, she was drunk out of her mind and just followed LuAnn's lead because she was already upset with Heather from the night before with "wait for me gate". I am thinking that Dorinda may be a grudge holder/scorekeeper like her good friends Ramona/LuAnn! LOL

I will say that when my son was born - I never ever ever swore in front of him.  Ever.  It was not something I ever wanted him to pick up! Funny huh?  Once he turned 18 all bets were off.  He only swears when he's had a few beers (25 years old next week - Holla!)

  • Love 7

I probably would too if my friend didn't make room selection an Event because she wanted the best one for herself, then stir shit up continuously all while acting innocent and proclaiming selflessness.  By that point in the trip, I'd probably feel like I already gave my friend a break on enough things.


Also, Bethenney was going through a bad divorce then too, right, though she allegedly had some guy on the side who didn't film.  In a collision of difficult situations, who wins?  


Yeah, that's true.  A day of Ramona makes for good reality TV.  Probably wears thin after the first 5 minutes in real life!

  • Love 7

I have always assumed Moaner's clothes are covered in the spit, sweat and other juices, shall we say, of the various hotel employees with access to her room.  I would sense she has made the statement, "I don't remember there being a brown stripe on this [article of clothing]" more times than she can count.

**i can't breathe**

: ))

  • Love 6

I do not believe that LuAnn and Dorinda were implying that Heather uses fuck in front of her kids, they certainly didn't say that and to me, asking if Heather would be OK with Ella using fuck doesn't say to me that Heather says fuck in front of Ella.

Then, when she replied no, she does not do that around her kids they should have stopped! Argument OVER but they kept going on and on with their attack. AND they kept using Ella/children as their weapon until they started using swearing in front of mothers. They kept changing the weapon they used, first "children", then "Ella" and finally "mothers". JS

  • Love 6
Of Dorinda is inferring that she hadn't watched the show yet then she is a GD fucking liar and she needs to back that shit up. They get all the tapes prior to the reunion, which taped on Tueaday. There is zero chance she went into the reunion without watching all the shows.


I don't have the patience or strength to read Dorinda's Twitter, but has she commented at all on this ep?  Cuz I might believe she hasn't seen it if she hasn't tweeted about it yet.  The last several eps, she's literally had HUNDREDS of tweets on each one.  I'm completely serious.  It's absolutely fucking bizarre.  Between having a crumb on her lip for what looked like hours, without ever attempting to wipe that thing off (a really piggish & disgusting thing to do in public in my book) & this lunatic over-tweeting, I think the woman is out of her mind.


I don't think Dorinda's watched the episode yet. Today she tweeted:

Finally going to watch Tuesday's #RHONY episode now so I can see all this #crumbface action in all its glory lol



I applaud & very much appreciate your diligence of going thru Dorinda's nutso Twitter & going thru her thousands of inane tweets.  I couldn't do it.  Please let us know if she has an explanation why she was such a fuckin' drunkety-drunk slob that she couldn't wipe her mouth, at least once to get that crumb off her lip.  That was gross.

  • Love 6

Then, when she replied no, she does not do that around her kids they should have stopped! Argument OVER but they kept going on and on with their attack. AND they kept using Ella/children as their weapon until they started using swearing in front of mothers. They kept changing the weapon they used, first "children", then "Ella" and finally "mothers". JS

There was never a response from Heather that she did not swear in front of her kids. I feel like we are now arguing something that never happened.

Oh yes, I know that Bethenny thought it was rude but she didn't seem as bothered by it as Carole which led me to believe Carole might have wanted a piece of the club owner as well.

Nah, Carole has a 29 year old at home primed and waiting! LOL She was ticked because Ramona treated them like they were nothing, absolutely nothing!



There was never a discussion about whether Heather does or does not swear or say fuck in front of her kids.

Then why bring up children or Ella to begin with? If they were not accusing her of swearing in front of her daughter, and I do disagree with you about that, all they needed to do is ask her to try and F less frequently around them. THEN they need to do the same to Bethenny because she says it more than Heather ever does. Oh, I forgot, LuAnn and Dorinda would never, ever have the balls to say anything like that to Bethenny, she would destroy them for sport if they tried. LOL!

  • Love 6

Nah, Carole has a 29 year old at home primed and waiting! LOL She was ticked because Ramona treated them like they were nothing, absolutely nothing!


Yeah, but Carole dated Russ who wasn't a 29 year-old and they didn't have a monogomous relationship.  And her 29 year-old was in Nicaragua for a time wasn't he?  Not to mention, that club owner was a hot piece of ass!

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 2

Yeah, but Carole dated Russ who wasn't a 29 year-old and they didn't have a monogomous relationship.  And her 29 year-old was in Nicaragua for a time wasn't he?  

True. I am not sure that he was still OFTC and I don't know that Carole and Adam have an open relationship, she has not mentioned it. Carole only went over with Bethenny because B asked her to. B wanted to ask the owner for permission to go behind the bar to mix a special drink for all of them, I really suspect B wanted to promote her SG booze line to him in hopes he would carry it in his bar, and it looked like B did most of the talking. I didn't see any signs that Carole was flirting with him and B never implied/suggested that Carole was interested in him beyond being her friend/supporter. I really don't think Carole was interested in him that way, now the Countess was looking him over before Ramona made her charge at him! LOL

  • Love 2

I love the word fuck. When my mother was in her mid-80s she told me she had just talked to her best friend who was also in her mid-80s, and, her friend told her the one good thing about being a widow was she could swear whenever she wanted to. My mother told her to call me if she ever wanted to learn any new words or new combinations of words. I didn't really understand Dorinda's point. Hope she learned to stay away from the hard liquor after watching herself.

  • Love 9

True. I am not sure that he was still OFTC and I don't know that Carole and Adam have an open relationship, she has not mentioned it. Carole only went over with Bethenny because B asked her to. B wanted to ask the owner for permission to go behind the bar to mix a special drink for all of them, I really suspect B wanted to promote her SG booze line to him in hopes he would carry it in his bar, and it looked like B did most of the talking. I didn't see any signs that Carole was flirting with him and B never implied/suggested that Carole was interested in him beyond being her friend/supporter. I really don't think Carole was interested in him that way, now the Countess was looking him over before Ramona made her charge at him! LOL


Yeah, you are probably right.  I'd be more annoyed that Ramona was wearing my shoes every fucking day!  Just had to add "fuck" in here somewhere on this thread!

  • Love 3

According to an interview Andy has up on Bravo, Lu came prepared and was on fire at the reunion.

In this article from Stoopid HW's, they say the following:

- Lu goes after Ramona in a big way - like she had been waiting to say the things she did for years.

- They also say that Lu claims to have located Carole's Ghostwriter. This is something I had thought she might have up her sleeve. When Lu was doing all of her loony tweeting at the beginning of the season Aviva started jumping in with things like "you guys will finally see the truth".

It is so hard to watch Lu now and understand where all this is coming from.


  • Love 2

Dorinda was trying to explain how she wasn't racist, she was oblivious by telling a story. She was walking on the street and sees a guy in a wheelchair. She tries to give the guy money. The guy tells her he's just waiting for the bus and he's an attorney, he doesn't need her money. She laughed it off by saying how oblivious she was to not notice that the guy wasn't begging, he was just waiting for the bus. She was being ableist, not oblivious. She also used a disabled slur to describe her dog. Of course, we can add classist into the mix of being racist and ableist as well. "This room is good enough for the nanny but not for me!" Hell, it even comes out in how she describes the dogs on the island. "These aren't UES pooches, you know."

I think the story was a little worse than that. When Dorinda saw the man in the wheelchair, she said "look at that" to the person she was with. She then went over and stuck money into his cup. He then thanked her, but stated he now had to go buy himself a new coffee, as he'd been waiting at the bus stop to go to his office, where he is an attorney, and she had just spoiled his coffee.

  • Love 1

I don't have the patience or strength to read Dorinda's Twitter, but has she commented at all on this ep?  Cuz I might believe she hasn't seen it if she hasn't tweeted about it yet.  The last several eps, she's literally had HUNDREDS of tweets on each one.  I'm completely serious.  It's absolutely fucking bizarre.  Between having a crumb on her lip for what looked like hours, without ever attempting to wipe that thing off (a really piggish & disgusting thing to do in public in my book) & this lunatic over-tweeting, I think the woman is out of her mind.



I applaud & very much appreciate your diligence of going thru Dorinda's nutso Twitter & going thru her thousands of inane tweets.  I couldn't do it.  Please let us know if she has an explanation why she was such a fuckin' drunkety-drunk slob that she couldn't wipe her mouth, at least once to get that crumb off her lip.  That was gross.

She did tweet about the crumb on her lip buy that's about it. If we don't see/hear Dorinda say "she never did/said that" or "I have no idea what you are talking about" about  concerning anything she did/said during these last few episodes, including this weeks, during the reunion, then she is lying now about not watching this episode. Reunion time will tell us if she speaks the truth or not. LOL

  • Love 2

I hesitate to nitpick on Heather's body cuz I think she's in terrific shape, but it just shows how unforgiving the camera can be.  Er, I did notice some unflattering backfat on Heather.  I wouldn't have noticed or cared, but there ain't none of that on Kristen or Bethenny or Carole.  I didn't notice cellulite on any of 'em, but I wasn't looking closely.  Still think they all looked very good -- ALL of 'em -- in whatever swimwear they wore.  I kinda liked Moaner's one piece black number.  It's just that Moaner's posture is so darn weird.  She's trying so hard to jut her chest out -- I'm guessing cuz of the boob job.  But it makes her gut jut out too.  So I think her posture was making that black one piece look not so great, when it actually was a very nice swimsuit & very age appropriate & flattering for her body.

  • Love 5

Hey, anyone know -- is macrame making a comeback?  Or is it merely a "Moaner trend "-- like slinky royal blue satin dresses with spaghetti straps, worn in the middle of one of the most brutal, coldest winters in 20 years?


Did they film this offseason? The beach looked deserted.


If they filmed in the winter, then absolutely not.  Maybe the beach scenes were filmed near the house.  Beaches near the resorts would not be deserted, unless filming was done very early.  The filming at The Gansevoort looked very limited.  Trust me, that joint is very, very fancy shmancy.  In season, rooms/suites could go for a thou plus a night.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

There was never a response from Heather that she did not swear in front of her kids. I feel like we are now arguing something that never happened.

You are right, I apologize, I am Sorry. I just re-watched the show and although LuAnn was still talking about "setting an example for Ella", Dorinda cut in and said that she has been "told by everyone", she actually gestured around the table, that Heather "frequently walks into a room saying F this, F that, F everyone" and that is when Heather says "I don't do that" and Dorinda gets even more upset. I think Sonja, Ramona and LuAnn have been filling Dorinda's head with lies/exaggerations about Heather even though Dorinda did not claim she ever saw/heard Heather speak like that herself, she believed her old "friends" Ramona/LuAnn and Sonja. I am starting to suspect that Sonja and Ramona decided to pay back Heather because of the H/Sonja dustup last season and they recruited LuAnn/Dorinda to help them do it and we have heard Ramona/Sonja speak badly about Heather to Bethenny as well several times this season. JMO

  • Love 3

The latest TH are newer, coincidentally that is when Bethenny shifted her narrative to being nicer to Heather and Kristen. She is not closer or sitting on their side of the couch because of anything other than viewer feedback.



Are the new Bethenny TH's the ones where she's wearing a fuchsia blouse? Those are the ones where she claims to like Heather again, and I believe that they were filmed as part of her image rehab.


I liked Heather's TH calling Beth out for acting like she's such a business guru. I agree with Heather that Beth acts like a know-it-all, but most definitely does not know it all.


IMO, Beth is also the one who's bossy as fuck. She was going to push her way behind that bar at the Conch Shack to force some Skinny Girl drinks on them. (And I noticed she had SG drink drops in her hand when she was leaving. Then she had to shit all over Ramona's book ideas while dropping her book's name, "I Suck at Relationships," oh so casually into the conversation.


At the dinner, Lu and Dorinda stepped in it big-time by bringing up Heather's daughter. She would have been well within her rights to pull the "Don't Talk About My Kids" card. But I liked how she refused to sink to their level and kept her cool. The hashtag jokes were funny.


In the same vein, she didn't take Beth seriously either, when Beth confronted her with the whole "come to me live and direct!" thing. "Um, it's really not that deep." * shrug *


Can you tell I like Heather and don't care for Bethenny, LOL? I'm not sure what it would take at this point to change my mind on them.

  • Love 13

I think it's hard to determine intensions & motivations for the argument because it was a drunken rage. Dorinda, & to some extent Lu, were trashed & irrational. What was she saying about "we are pure people?" Dorinda was over served and lost her shit. Sometimes these things happen, no big deal. I think everyone at the table realized that. She should have come to her senses the next day & apologized for her outburst. That fact that she is still thinking she was anywhere near right, much less coherent is what bugs me.

  • Love 17

I get the impression that Dorinda was covering her bases pre-season by getting close to Heather. She already had an in with Ramona, but Heather had been popular last season, so Dorinda was positioning herself on both "sides", and with both alphas.

But once the season started, everyone was kissing Beth's ass. Heather was on the outs with the new queen B, and like a rat on a sinking ship, Dorinda jumped. She no longer needed Heather, so like a bully, Dorinda targets who she thought the most powerful were targeting. (BTW I think Luann does this every season)

She thought she was in the cool kids clique, but the clique changed. Like a true mean girl, Dorinda is through with you once you've served her purpose.

  • Love 8

PREENING!!!! That was the word I was looking for!!! Thank you Butter Queen! I could watch Ramona with the sound off, the jerky exaggerated motions, crazy eyes, the posturing and preening, I can not stop looking. She has the oddest way about, it's almost like she is not comfortable in her own skin.


Watching her try to walk makes me think she's also not comfortable with the Earth's gravitational field.    

  • Love 23


And they are all much better friends to Ramona than she has ever been to any one of them. I think this is their point. She always treats everyone like shit and at some point folks just get tired of it. 


The funny thing is that I completely expected this to be a redemption season for Ramona. She looked like such a giant jackass last year, and then had a horrible showing at the reunion. I expected that with her divorce she would make a much more sympathetic character.  Leave it to Ramona to screw up what should have been a slam dunk season by being herself. 

Because Ramona is a dick, plain and simple.  

  • Love 10

On the show, Heather is not narcissistic, pretentious, elitist, nor classist. Although not broadcast on BRAVO, she appears to have a full, busy, normalish, and, at times, fun life. She IS more intelligent than DUHrinda, social-LITE Ramona, sLOANja, and C(o)UNTess Lay-a-man. Fortunately, Heather's "coming on too strong and agressive" behavior has aided in her varied successes, ventures, and philanthropic endeavors. Considering that we are not supposed to be viewing Soap Operas, Heather's behaviors are hardly those that are disturbing, ignorant, fake, theatrical, or predacious.

I love your nicknames and would love to hear what you would call the others! Pretty Please?!

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
  • Love 3

Ok, I'm sorry, but I have to say something here. I have been HIV pos for 25 years. You cannot get HIV from kissing.  There has never been a recorded case of aquisition of HIV from kissingin the USA. Odds are one in a million. It is theoretically possible. but highly highly unlikely due to conditions in the mouth.





ETA, I have the actual number now.1 possible case out of 500,000 transmissions in the USA, And due to gum disease.The CDC reports that case as inconclusive and still states that there are no recorded cases of transmission via kissing


I beg to differ.  If the person has a mouth sore or bleeding gums or any minute cut on their lip you can contract HIV if you also have some kind of abrasion on your mouth or gums.  Any source of blood in the mouth no matter how minute from an infected person runs the risk of infecting the person they are kissing.  Just because you have the disease doesn't mean you're an expert on it.  I get my fact from a person with HIV and that's how she got it.  I have no reason to disbelieve her.

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