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As far as the fight goes, I have been known to say fuck this, fuck that, fuck me, and the new one my son brought home from the Army, fuck me twice on Sunday more than a few times in my life. In the 80's I do recall "fuckin-A" being really common in high school. lol 



A poster up thread mentioned "lord fuck a duck". I'm familiar with "fuck a duck" but never heard "lord" in front of it. I read it as "lord fuck a dick" and thought, well if you want to raise some eyebrows and get people's attention? That'll probably do it! Lol

My husband is fond of saying "well fuck me running" when things get really messed up. It still makes me laugh.


I am learning so many good new fucking swears! My two favorites are from one of Stephen Fry's novels -- "Fuck yourself sideways" and "Fuck yourself in chocolate." 


(I also like "Cocksmothering arse mustard," from his Twitter feed one time when he was upset about the cricket, but that's not as directly relevant to this conversation). 

  • Love 5

Considering Brandi Glanville has appeared on RHONY a grand total of once, and her name has come up zero times on the show this season, can we just stop going out of our way to make her relevant to the conversation about Kristen?


Can I get an "amen" from the congregation?


The way I perceive it, Kristin and Brandi were both young and working the same crazy industry.  That can forge a bond between 2 people who might not otherwise ever be friends.  Do I honestly think that if Brandi and Kristin would become good friends if they were meeting today for the first time?  I honestly doubt it.  They are VERY different people who just happen to have a similar background.

  • Love 21

Wasn’t it Ramona who also brought up the fact that some underage girl was drunk at LuAnn’s son’s party and the cops came or something?  It’s a wonder the Countess hasn’t shanked her.


Hahahaha! Seriously, though. Ramona came for LuAnn repeatedly in those early seasons. First, calling Lu a "weekend mom" and putting the de Lesseps business on Front street, and then specifically targeting Victoria and Noel. Ramona fights dirty. She has no finesse. She doesn't throw shade, she just immediately goes for the soft underbelly.

Edited by Lakewood27
  • Love 14

Nothing to add about Dorinda, although I'm disappointed at the way that weird conversation escalated. Europeans don't swear, LuAnn? When I worked in London I was shocked at the liberal use of the "c-word" - a word I find more offensive than anything Heather says.


I was pleasantly surprised to see these women go to the Da Conch Shack on their last night, considering that it's picnic tables on the beach. It's a fun place and the simple, homemade food is wonderful. I'm not sure why they went to the Gansevoort ("we've got a private villa with staff and a pool and beach access, but let's go to a hotel that has staff, a pool, and beach access"), but figured that might have been about Sonja's pretensions and thing for luxury more than anything. 


Those dogs are called "potcakes" and most shy away from people, but the ones I saw around the conch shack were friendly and likely more used to humans feeding them. Because I adore dogs, I need to give a plug for the island potcake rescue organization :) 


Why do I keep forgetting that Sonja was the "host" of this trip?

  • Love 5

Considering Brandi Glanville has appeared on RHONY a grand total of once, and her name has come up zero times on the show this season, can we just stop going out of our way to make her relevant to the conversation about Kristen?

I think the reason for the Brandi mention is Brandi and Kyle both said they spoke to friends on the RHONYC during filming.  Kyle is friends with Bethenny way before she was a RH and Brandi and Kristen go way back.  The idea being the more experienced and publicized Brandi was helping the shier more demure Kristen hold her own ground.  Brandi has made RHONYC about her going on a rant of Ramona being rude when she took her out to dinner in LA and Ramona wanting Brandi's book agent's phone number.  She has also said Bethenny gave Kristen a hard time.   Which rude Ramona seems to be the theme of this episode.

What I heard LuAnn and Dorinda say to Heather was...........A "good mother" does not use the F word, you use the F word therefore you are "not" a good mother. A "good daughter" does not swear in front of their mother, you swear in front of your mother, therefore you are "not"  a good daughter. They accused Heather of swearing in front of both her daughter and mother then both of the drunk idiots said that "good mothers/daughters" do not do that, IMO, that IS saying she, Heather was bad at both!

Agreed. Plain and simple!

  • Love 5

It seems that whenever the housewives go to an island there is some crazy meltdown so in my mind island=crazy...all.the.time. Think about it, Atlanta had it with Kenya, she cried a river about the fake boyfriend not touching her then came up with the Twirl thing after a huge blow up with Nene, NY had with Kelly and now Dorinda, NJ had it with one of the twins/boyfriend, (or was that just Florida).  


I may be in the minority but I don't think Ramona looks good in some of her bathing suit choices, that monokini was dreadful and the same goes for Sonja, awful.


Conch bar owner was hot but did Ramona really think she stood a chance with an island full of bikini wearing 20 somethings?  She dissed her girls for nothing. Bad.


If Luann wanted her smoking to be kept quiet and now it is out maybe she will take this as a chance to quit smoking, actually she can use the lack of nicotine as her excuse to be nasty or crazy just like Sonja and Ramona uses there issues to be mean and erratic.


As a chef shouldn't Bethenny known not to prepare food without clothing on, hygienically speaking.  

  • Love 4
Lord have mercy, Ramona is such a sad, sad bitch. Going over to the owner and pushing Bethenny and Carole out of the way, was rude.



I missed something. Why did Ramona approach the owner in the first place? Was it because he was the top dog and a man lower on Da Conch Shack hierarchy wouldn't do for a woman of Ramona's perceived importance and social status?


I agree with Bethenny, though - it IS like being mad at a 5-year old.

Edited by archer1267
  • Love 4

I missed something. Why did Ramona approach the owner in the first place? Was it because he was the top dog and a man lower on Da Conch Shack hierarchy wouldn't do for a woman of Ramona's perceived importance and social status?


I agree with Bethenny, though - it IS like being mad at a 5-year old.

One of the HW's (might have been Heather) came back to the table and said she had met the owner and, I think, Ramoaner's first question was to ask if he was single.  Methinks she hopes Mario sees her with the owner and falls on his knees sobbing, wishing he had the most wonderful, giving, unselfish woman he has ever met back in his loving arms.  hahahahahahaha

  • Love 9


I may be in the minority but I don't think Ramona looks good in some of her bathing suit choices, that monokini was dreadful and the same goes for Sonja, awful.




I agree, but, then again, I really don't think anyone looks good in a monokini.  It is an awkward design, either makes women look exceptionally elongated or short and dumpy.  Even someone with a perfect figure looks strange to me.  I'd rather see someone in a bikini or stylish tankini or one piece suit than that design disaster.

Speaking of one-piece/tankini suits - the one that Luann was wearing during the "know it all" argument was gorgeous!!!



As a chef shouldn't Bethenny known not to prepare food without clothing on, hygienically speaking.  


I thought she should have at least had on an apron or cover up - she was sauteing mushrooms and boiling corn (it looked like) - she could have gotten a splatter burn on her stomach from either the oil in with the mushrooms or the boiling water in the corn pot.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 7

Is it awful of me to wish that the employees Ramoaner insists unpack her clothes go ahead and rub some of her dresses in their armpits?

Yeah, but it is staying on my wish list :)

I have always assumed Moaner's clothes are covered in the spit, sweat and other juices, shall we say, of the various hotel employees with access to her room.  I would sense she has made the statement, "I don't remember there being a brown stripe on this [article of clothing]" more times than she can count.   

  • Love 12

You answered your own question. They were upset with her because she was rude. Do they need anymore reason to call her out? Not really. 

I guess I just felt that they overreacted. When I've been on girl's trips with my girlfriends and I know one of them just went through a breakup, I guess I just don't really care if they ignore me for a couple hours to talk to a guy. I just felt like they didn't need to make a big deal about it. Let her do her thing. 

  • Love 3

IMO If one can go only  by what is actually said, maybe one has to give Heather a pass when she did not pick up on non verbal  'cues and signals'  but did understand when Bethy actually said, out loud to Heather,  that she, Bethy, wanted to be left alone with her walls up. 


Heather respected it. 

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 9

IMO If one can go only  by what is actually said, maybe one has to give Heather a pass when she did not pick up on non verbal  'cues and signals'  but did understand when Bethy actually said, out loud to Heather,  that she, Bethy, wanted to be left alone with her walls up. 


Heather respected it.

And I respect Heather for it. I'm not sure what 'cues and signals' we are talking about, but Heather, you get a pass from me!!!

  • Love 2
I have always assumed Moaner's clothes are covered in the spit, sweat and other juices, shall we say, of the various hotel employees with access to her room.  I would sense she has made the statement, "I don't remember there being a brown stripe on this [article of clothing]" more times than she can count.


Oh thanks for the chuckle!


Now I'm thinkin' of who/what should have a Twitter account --


-Dorinda's lip crumb




-Moaner's new boobs (an account for each boob)


-Carole's hooch


Am I missing anything or anyone?

  • Love 3

Wait, so Bethenny's flabby/jiggly ass won as the best ass in that WWHL poll?  Er, huh?  Her ass sucked.  I'm calling fix.  Yeah, Satan Andy luvs her that much he'd fix one of his dumb polls to appease her,  OK, he stumbled when saying the winner of the poll & seemingly thought it was Legend, but I think that was just a lame cover.


So was the bar owner hot?  I couldn't tell.  They just sorta showed a smokey/blurry image of him.  They really didn't have enough man candy in this trip for my likes.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 5

Ramona is very rude. If I saw two girlfriends having a conversation with a man I found attractive, I'd enter the conversation like, "Bethenny, Carole, introduce me to your friend." It wasn't the flirting they cared about, it was being completely ignored. Had Ramona joined the conversation naturally, I'm pretty sure Bethenny and Carole would have picked up rather quickly that Ramona was getting her flirt on and politely excused themselves. Ramona just went about it the rudest possible way.

The entitlement also bugs and Bethenny was right about it. The way she talked to hotel staff was irritating. She just barks orders. Contrast that to Heather, who I noticed when she got to the hotel was saying hi to everybody in a very warm way.

Dorinda and hard alcohol clearly do not mix.

Kristin's dress at dinner was stunning. She may just be there making faces, but her wardrobe this trip has made me envious quite a few times.

I agree that Kristen always looks amazing and I really love her subtle reactions. When she was by the pool, rinsing off in the shower, with Ramona and Sonja cackling over Bethenny's lunch, she had such a WTF look on her face. They were trying so hard to drag her into the conversation, but she wasn't going there. I believe she could bring more to the show, but Andy has to decide to actually treat her like a HW.

That dinner argument was so crazy. First Ramona insults Heather by saying she picked up the F word from her and then Dorinda loses her mind and goes on a tirade that made no sense whatsoever. Even Heather told her that she didn't understand what she was saying. And Luanne just looked like a drunken fool -- not to mention, her jacket looked like one of those jackets that match jogging pants from Old Navy. I know it was a dressy jacket, but from the table up, it lost its appeal.

ED or not, I thought Berhenny looked great in her bikini, and she and Heather mooning us was hysterical. Poor Kristen, when she jumped up out of the water, and her bathing suit top was around her waist, I felt so bad for her. At least they didn't dwell on it. Did we ever see Sonja not covered up or sitting down in her bathing suit? Poor Ramona, if she thought she looked hot preening on the beach in that black bathing suit, I feel sad for her. She just cannot dress to look good. Did we ever see Dorinda in a bathing suit other than the first night when she was wearing the one piece, but only saw her from the waist up?

Did they film this offseason? The beach looked deserted.

  • Love 4

If Andy or anyone at Bravo think that a show with Bethenny, Sonja, Ramona, Luann and Dorinda would bring in more viewers then they are fucking idiots. A show with the afore mentioned would be middle aged women shrieking in each other's faces all day every day. Who the fuck would want to watch that?


When compared to them, there is no doubt that Kristen, Heather and Carole are different. I refuse to use the word boring to describe any of them because they don't share the same traits as those supposedly keeping their apples. They keep the show grounded in fucking reality. And more importantly, they bring some class as it is relative to Housewives.

If Andy or anyone at Bravo think that a show with Bethenny, Sonja, Ramona, Luann and Dorinda would bring in more viewers then they are fucking idiots. A show with the afore mentioned would be middle aged women shrieking in each other's faces all day every day. Who the fuck would want to watch that?


When compared to them, there is no doubt that Kristen, Heather and Carole are different. I refuse to use the word boring to describe any of them because they don't share the same traits as those supposedly keeping their apples. They keep the show grounded in fucking reality. And more importantly, they bring some class as it is relative to Housewives.

I agree! If Kristen, Carole and Heather are out....so am I.

I swear, Ramona's "mouth full of marbles" way of speaking is getting worse. She has not one redeeming quality, imo.

  • Love 8

Heather looked as if she had put on weight. Her face and arms, especially, looked bigger in this episode.

I find her so overbearing. She consistently forces herself on others, mentally and physically.

The way she bares her teeth in unnerving too. In nature, when you see an animal doing that, it sends a clear message. I don't see why anyone would purposely do that.

Loved Sonja calling Ramona out on the macrame overkill!

  • Love 3

I don't disagree, but I suspect they're gonna make changes.  And Kristen, Carole & Heather seem to be the most likely ones (to me) on the chopping block to make room for new ones.  I'd like to see some younger ones & a better mix of ethnic backgrounds.  That's the way it is in NYC -- yeah, even in upper-crust Manhattan.  And the show should reflect that.

Honestly, it's time for Ramona and Sonja to go -- and take Dorinda with them.

  • Love 5

Me too - and it seemed that the season started out that way.  The Moaner seemed low key and almost normal.  I knew it couldn't last. Lol. 


Yeah, that bathing suit did not do The Moaner any favors. 


Thank you!  

PREENING!!!! That was the word I was looking for!!! Thank you Butter Queen! I could watch Ramona with the sound off, the jerky exaggerated motions, crazy eyes, the posturing and preening, I can not stop looking. She has the oddest way about, it's almost like she is not comfortable in her own skin.

  • Love 7

Heather looked as if she had put on weight. Her face and arms, especially, looked bigger in this episode.

I find her so overbearing. She consistently forces herself on others, mentally and physically.

The way she bares her teeth in unnerving too. In nature, when you see an animal doing that, it sends a clear message. I don't see why anyone would purposely do that.

Loved Sonja calling Ramona out on the macrame overkill!

I think it's just the way she smiles, if you see pictures of her as a kid, she has the same smile. I think her clear message is, she is happy lol.

Ramona is definitely trying to make Mario jealous.

Sonja came off pretty good this episode, she never seemed drunk.

  • Love 12

Their safety most importantly, but also - they've got a lot of expensive stuff there!  Jewelry, wallets, SHOES.  Seriously, I'd be pissed if a friend dragged a totally random stranger into my suite in the night, too.  Not cool, Luanne. Don't be, all, uncool.

I thought we'd decided that it was Ramona who brought the guy in.  Luanne has her own room, no need for the stranger to be in anyone else's suite.  But Ramona is sharing with Sonja (who would certainly have agreed to share the guy!), so probably used Bethenny's bedroom.


I thought Dorinda and Luanne were both out of line, and of course drunk, in the f-bomb discussion.  The drunkness stopped them from realizing they were being stupid, especially Dorinda since (if not due to editing) Luanne seemed to have dropped out of the conversation at some point.  I still think there's an argument to be made that the f-bomb in front of kids is different than between adults.  But I don't know that Heather curses in front of her kids - heck wasn't it her who was mad at Aviva for saying fuck during the get together with the kids at some pottery thingie?  Or maybe that was Kristin.


But Sonja should be very careful about her glass house when she comments on the Countess being drunk.  It was both not a friend thing to say and stupid since they can all say it about her.  I have no idea why Luanne and Heather (or was it Bethenny?) went over to apologize to Sonja.  She's being a shit and delusional and is a drunk mess.


I notice Dorinda's blog ignores the evidence of her being so drunk she slurs her words.  But thanks to fellow posters for the tip on what makes a martini "dirty" - why would you want olive brine in the drink?? 


Ramona needs a real one-piece bathing suit.  The black sort of one-piece but with cut-outs made her look even more stumpy.  There was no waist to be seen.  Her clothing choices are so often so bad, how was she even in the fashion world?  Sonja, for all her craziness, does have some amazing outfits (and my HDTV doesn't seem to spot the black marker spots, so kaduzz to the interns!).  And Luanne of course almost always looks amazing (I personally am not sure about some of the statement necklaces).


Ramona is just mad that no 28 year old would have a fling with her, so Carole shouldn't bother to get insulted.

  • Love 8
ED or not, I thought Berhenny looked great in her bikini


Whether she has eating disorders now or not (I think she has admitted to having them in the past), Bethenny absolutely looks great in a bikini.  That's why I was soooo surprised to see that jiggly, ugly, flat-as-a-pancake thing pop outta her bikini bottom.  WTF?  That fugly ass ain't winning no polls except the ones Satan Andy fixes for her.  Ugh, is there anything he won't do for her?  Maybe he'll throw 2 mil at her next season, and ditch everyone else & make it the Bethenny Show.  Well, it already is that so . . . 

  • Love 6

I still think there's an argument to be made that the f-bomb in front of kids is different than between adults.  But I don't know that Heather curses in front of her kids - heck wasn't it her who was mad at Aviva for saying fuck during the get together with the kids at some pottery thingie?  Or maybe that was Kristin.

I agree. Is Heather allowing the fucks to freely fly around her elementary age children? If so, maybe she should listen to LuAnn and Dorinda. What the fuck, Heather?

...and it was Kristen with Aviva.

  • Love 4

I thought we'd decided that it was Ramona who brought the guy in.  Luanne has her own room, no need for the stranger to be in anyone else's suite.  But Ramona is sharing with Sonja (who would certainly have agreed to share the guy!), so probably used Bethenny's bedroom.



The clip that explains it all is on the First Looks thread, for anyone who cannot wait until Tuesday to understand what it is all about. It doesn't show the whole "uncool" deal, but shows Carole (after they return from T&C) having lunch with Beth and giving her the scoop on the naked guy. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 4

Heather looked as if she had put on weight. Her face and arms, especially, looked bigger in this episode.

I find her so overbearing. She consistently forces herself on others, mentally and physically.

The way she bares her teeth in unnerving too. In nature, when you see an animal doing that, it sends a clear message. I don't see why anyone would purposely do that.

Loved Sonja calling Ramona out on the macrame overkill!

It is muscle, not fat. Heather has been training for a mountain climb/challenge she is currently doing in Utah. And how should she smile? She smiles because she is happy or because she is nervous, not because she is aggressive. Thank GOD we are not like other mammals/animals and we can decipher the smile as warm/welcoming/comforting and not as if that person is going to bite us.  

Bethenny's ass doesn't look especially jiggly to me??


And even if she did put on a couple pounds, Heather looks awesome.  Flat tummy, toned arms and legs.  I would trade her or Lu bodies any day!

Sadly, it looked like Bethenny has cellulite on her upper legs and butt (or it was just a bad angle). It doesn't matter how thin you are, you can still have cellulite!

  • Love 10

Thank GOD we are not like other mammals/animals and we can decipher the smile as warm/welcoming/comforting and not as if that person is going to bite us.

LOL, true!

I guess I just see the smile as fake with Heather. Well, maybe not fake, but not genuine. She bugs me with her holla and Momma and fedora, etc. She always seems to be trying too hard to be someone she's not. At least that is how I feel about her, from what I have seen on the show.

  • Love 2

LOL, true!

I guess I just see the smile as fake with Heather. Well, maybe not fake, but not genuine. She bugs me with her holla and Momma and fedora, etc. She always seems to be trying too hard to be someone she's not. At least that is how I feel about her, from what I have seen on the show.

It's interesting because I think that others feel this way as well. I don't agree, but then I love her.  But my love for her is not the reason. From watching these shows, I have gotten the impression that the one thing the other ladies on their respective shows cannot tolerate is when someone is being fake. It is always their downfall, or at least the thing that will piss the others off. They are supposed to be real and show the audience the good and the bad. If it looks like others are being honest in who they are and taking the criticism that comes with being real, they don't like it if someone else is not; trying to create a character that the audience might find acceptable. It happened with Alexis on the OC show, where everyone came to hate her because she was so fake. She was trying so hard to present one image on camera, when they knew that she was living a different life away from the camera. It was one of the reasons the gals on the BH show had an issue with Lisa V. The most famous example is Lu. Beth and Ramona never let up on the fact that she was being fake on camera and was a very different person away from the camera. I think that by this time, if Heather was someone different than who she presented, we would know about it. Ramona for one wouldn't let her get by with it. I remember when Heather first came on. One of Ramona's issues with her was that she said she was being fake with her (her smile made Ramona feel sure of this.  Very few people smile when talking to Ramona). Heather assured her she was anything but fake, and by the reunion, when Andy asked Ramona if she still thought that about Heather, Ramona said that she had come to know that she was very genuine. 

  • Love 11

I thought we'd decided that it was Ramona who brought the guy in.  Luanne has her own room, no need for the stranger to be in anyone else's suite.  But Ramona is sharing with Sonja (who would certainly have agreed to share the guy!), so probably used Bethenny's bedroom.


I thought Dorinda and Luanne were both out of line, and of course drunk, in the f-bomb discussion.  The drunkness stopped them from realizing they were being stupid, especially Dorinda since (if not due to editing) Luanne seemed to have dropped out of the conversation at some point.  I still think there's an argument to be made that the f-bomb in front of kids is different than between adults.  But I don't know that Heather curses in front of her kids - heck wasn't it her who was mad at Aviva for saying fuck during the get together with the kids at some pottery thingie?  Or maybe that was Kristin.


But Sonja should be very careful about her glass house when she comments on the Countess being drunk.  It was both not a friend thing to say and stupid since they can all say it about her.  I have no idea why Luanne and Heather (or was it Bethenny?) went over to apologize to Sonja.  She's being a shit and delusional and is a drunk mess.



It was both Ramona and LuAnn that bring strange guys back but only Ramona lets him spend the night. LOL


It was Kristen with Aviva and didn't Aviva say something sexually crude to Harry in front of their son last season as well?


I think Bethenny and Heather apologized because they talked about Sonja's drinking on camera, IMO, that is what is ticking Sonja off more than anything else. Both of them told her that all the women are genuinely concerned/worried about Sonja but that they would not longer do it. Funny, for all of Dorinda's defense of Sonja, she has not apologized on camera for what she has said on camera about Sonja. Her apology in her blog is not the same as doing it on camera IMO.




LOL, true!

I guess I just see the smile as fake with Heather. Well, maybe not fake, but not genuine. She bugs me with her holla and Momma and fedora, etc. She always seems to be trying too hard to be someone she's not. At least that is how I feel about her, from what I have seen on the show.

Watch her eyes when she smiles, they lite up because she is happy. If she is nervous, her eye shape changes a bit but they never look upset/angry. Now watch Ramona's eyes when she smiles at most of the other women, the smile rarely extends to her eyes (except when she is drunk), she is fake smiling, it is not genuine most of the time IMO. The same for LuAnn and Dorinda, they all know how to fake smile and they do it regularly IMO.

  • Love 5

LOL, true!

I guess I just see the smile as fake with Heather. Well, maybe not fake, but not genuine. She bugs me with her holla and Momma and fedora, etc. She always seems to be trying too hard to be someone she's not. At least that is how I feel about her, from what I have seen on the show.

Interesting, both Bethenny and Ramona have mentioned the smile being disingenuous, they don't see it in her eyes. I think it's a habit, like some people have a nervous laugh. It's unnerving sometimes IMO.

  • Love 1

Interesting, both Bethenny and Ramona have mentioned the smile being disingenuous, they don't see it in her eyes. I think it's a habit, like some people have a nervous laugh. It's unnerving sometimes IMO.

I suspect it more likely that Ramona and Bethenny expect newbies or HWs they do not know, to be subservient and/or show them deference until they, Ramona/Bethenny, deem them worthy! LOL  JMO

  • Love 8

I don't blame Carole and Bethenny for being annoyed at Ramona pushing them off to the side.  It was rude.  But I got the sense that maybe Carole was interested in him. Bethenny didn't seem that upset about it.  I would give my friend going through a hard divorce a break on it.  


This episode was all sorts of great.  I loved Sonja's comment to Ramona "I thought we said no to the macrame" or something like that.  My love/hate with Bethenny continues though.  She is far more in-your-face than Heather has ever been.  And for someone telling Heather to be "direct" she went running over to Ramona and was doing the same thing she accused Heather of.  However, I loved that they got over it quickly.  


And that's also what I love about Heather -- she moves on.  I really try to apply her life philosphy "Keep it moving forward" when I fester on something.  Good advice.

Nothing to add about Dorinda, although I'm disappointed at the way that weird conversation escalated. Europeans don't swear, LuAnn? When I worked in London I was shocked at the liberal use of the "c-word" - a word I find more offensive than anything Heather says.


I could be wrong but I thought the "c-word" in London is used as "loser" not a misogynistic slur?

  • Love 10

Moved from First Look topic:

If she were being "judged" by LuAnn and Dorinda on her use of the F word only, then they had zero reason and no excuse to bring Ella into the conversation, none. IMO. They went down that road because they were trying to hurt Heather where it would hurt her and anger her the most, her children. Notice that they said nothing about her swearing in front of Jax, jLuAnn refers to her "children", not to just her "daughter"! Why? IMO, they knew they would get blasted by viewers because of his health problems. . LuAnn and Dorinda may have been drunk but they are not THAT stupid! LOL And when she, Heather, didn't fall for the "daughter" bait, they switched to the "parenting" bait. They were looking to fight on camera for more camera/face time and Ramona gave them the subject/target and the 2 drunk fools ran with it IMO.

I think the reason LuAnn brought up Ella was an emotional manipulation tactic. People use it all the time, 'would you want your children to do blah blah blah..." Or, 'what would your son think about this or that'.....it's like a very manipulative and personal way to appeal to our better angels (for lack of a better term, because it's a shitty tactic and appealing to our better angles is not, but it's all I can come up with now). Some people use it as 'what would your mother think' or more colorful like 'do you kiss your mother with that mouth?'. It's a manipulative way to get you to examine your behavior hoping that you will feel bad, because of course we want the best for our children and we want our parents to be proud of us! It's not saying you are a shitty parent or shitty daughter, but it's a way to use those people to shame you for your behavior.

Now as for why LuAnn used Ella, I doubt it was because Jax has health problems and has more to do with LuAnn's sexist attitude that cursing is not lady like and women should be "elegant". I'm guessing LuAnn probably likes a man who says fuck (if you know what I mean).

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 5

I don't blame Carole and Bethenny for being annoyed at Ramona pushing them off to the side.  It was rude.  But I got the sense that maybe Carole was interested in him. Bethenny didn't seem that upset about it.  I would give my friend going through a hard divorce a break on it.  


This episode was all sorts of great.  I loved Sonja's comment to Ramona "I thought we said no to the macrame" or something like that.  My love/hate with Bethenny continues though.  She is far more in-your-face than Heather has ever been.  And for someone telling Heather to be "direct" she went running over to Ramona and was doing the same thing she accused Heather of.  However, I loved that they got over it quickly.  


And that's also what I love about Heather -- she moves on.  I really try to apply her life philosphy "Keep it moving forward" when I fester on something.  Good advice.


I could be wrong but I thought the "c-word" in London is used as "loser" not a misogynistic slur?

IME it can be a mysogynisic, but it also gets thrown at men just as often if not more than at women

Interesting, both Bethenny and Ramona have mentioned the smile being disingenuous, they don't see it in her eyes. I think it's a habit, like some people have a nervous laugh. It's unnerving sometimes IMO.

Heather has said she uses the smile to be disarming.  To me the great big bearing of the teeth is reminiscent of a cheerleader.  The nose wrinkle is what gets me.  The thing with Heather even when people call her on something, be it the use of holla, the name dropping http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-6/episode-602/videos?clip=2760241  thetoo much smile, the f bombs or becoming to familiar with someone-the worst was probably calling Avery "Ave" when talking about her, Heather just keeps on keeping on and ignores the detractors.  So as long as she acknowledges it and realizes it is not desirable she is just being Heather and people can love it or hate it.  let's face it she shot her mouth and lost big time with Spanx so maybe there is a little wound licking in private.

  • Love 4

I don't blame Carole and Bethenny for being annoyed at Ramona pushing them off to the side.  It was rude.  But I got the sense that maybe Carole was interested in him. Bethenny didn't seem that upset about it.  I would give my friend going through a hard divorce a break on it.  


This episode was all sorts of great.  I loved Sonja's comment to Ramona "I thought we said no to the macrame" or something like that.  My love/hate with Bethenny continues though.  She is far more in-your-face than Heather has ever been.  And for someone telling Heather to be "direct" she went running over to Ramona and was doing the same thing she accused Heather of.  However, I loved that they got over it quickly.  


And that's also what I love about Heather -- she moves on.  I really try to apply her life philosphy "Keep it moving forward" when I fester on something.  Good advice.


I could be wrong but I thought the "c-word" in London is used as "loser" not a misogynistic slur?

LOL, It wasn't just Carole who felt she was rude, Bethenny talked about it at the table while they all watched Ramona try to score a hookup, she was amused but she also said Ramona was rude! LOL


Moved from First Look topic:

I think the reason LuAnn brought up Ella was an emotional manipulation tactic. People use it all the time, 'would you want your children to do blah blah blah..." Or, 'what would your son think about this or that'.....it's like a very manipulative and personal way to appeal to our better angels (for lack of a better term, because it's a shitty tactic and appealing to our better angles is not, but it's all I can come up with now). Some people use it as 'what would your mother think' or more colorful like 'do you kiss your mother with that mouth?'. It's a manipulative way to get you to examine your behavior hoping that you will feel bad, because of course we want the best for our children and we want our parents to be proud of us! It's not saying you are a shitty parent or shitty daughter, but it's a way to use those people to shame you for your behavior.

Now as for why LuAnn used Ella, I doubt it was because Jax has health problems and has more to do with LuAnn's sexist attitude that cursing is not lady like and women should be "elegant". I'm guessing LuAnn probably likes a man who says fuck (if you know what I mean).

IMO, when you tell someone that doing whatever in front of a child is wrong/bad parenting to a parent that does or may do that around their child, you are in fact telling them they are a bad or lacking parent.  AND it was especially hypocritical when that same parent does it in front of their own children. IMO, LuAnn used Ella to embarrass Heather and to get her angry, LuAnn she feels she needs to "bring it" this season and Dorinda was all too happy to help her now that she is more comfortable around the cameras. The Dorinda that went after John over nothing, the one that got bent out of shape over Heather not waiting at the entrance the episode before and the spittle spewing fool we witnessed this episode are the REAL Dorinda, IMO, her newbie mask is off! LOL


LuAnn referred to her "daughter" and she referred to her "children", so IMO, she meant both.

I don't think Dorinda's watched the episode yet. Today she tweeted:

Finally going to watch Tuesday's #RHONY episode now so I can see all this #crumbface action in all its glory lol


Good Grief, she had that tape at least weeks ago! I expect to see her blog on Monday night or Tuesday morning again! I think she just wants to read comments and see how she needs to spin this. LOL


Wait! I call BS on that! She would have watched it already because of the reunion, she is just trying to gage viewer reaction IMO!

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 8

IMO, when you tell someone that doing whatever in front of a child is wrong/bad parenting to a parent that does or may do that around their child, you are in fact telling them they are a bad or lacking parent. AND it was especially hypocritical when that same parent does it in front of their own children.


LuAnn referred to her "daughter" and she referred to her "children", so IMO, she meant both.

I just don't see it that way, it's saying you would expect your children to behave better, so why don't you?

Putting aside the whole issue of whether Heather does in fact let fucks freely fly in front of her young children, which if that's true, I think she should listen to LuAnn.

LuAnn referred to children in general, not Heather's children specifically. She said, before she brought up Ella, "But I dont like the f-bomb...I don't want kids using the f-bomb".

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 1

The nose wrinkle is what gets me. 


Hee!  I was reading the posts above about how some perceive her smile as animalistic and like she'd eat her young after bearing those teeth.  I didn't comment because I've BTDT - what more can I say?  But all the while I was thinking that her fake smile isn't what bothers me, it's her nose.


Not the wrinkle, nor the size. Nope, there are many majestic noses in my family.  It's the way when she's being nasty she sticks it up in the air, juts her chin quickly up and then lays into her victim.  It's like frosting an ugly cake with a layer of arrogance and sprinkling on some condescension.  She's good at talking down her nose at people.  Especially when annoyed.


I think every time she does it at the reunion, we should all drink.




  • Love 6

I just don't see it that way, it's saying you would expect your children to behave better, so why don't you?

Putting aside the whole issue of whether Heather does in fact let fucks freely fly in front of her young children, which if that's true, I think she should listen to LuAnn.

LuAnn referred to children in general, not Heather's children specifically. She said, before she brought up Ella, "But I dont like the f-bomb...I don't want kids using the f-bomb".

And then she quickly said "Ella". It's funny, I have a friend that uses the F word a lot, I do mean A LOT but neither of her 3 sons use it very often and only when really, really mad for the most part and they never used it as kids.  


Me, I even have trouble spelling it out here let alone saying it, it is the 1 word that I use when I am so mad that I could hurt/kill someone and everyone knows to walk away from me and give me some room to decompress! LOL My husband/son are the same way, that word is not a word to use/say lightly but we have friends that do and know for them it is no big deal and respect it is their choice to make, not our to dictate.

  • Love 2
I don't blame Carole and Bethenny for being annoyed at Ramona pushing them off to the side.  It was rude.  But I got the sense that maybe Carole was interested in him. Bethenny didn't seem that upset about it.  I would give my friend going through a hard divorce a break on it.


I probably would too if my friend didn't make room selection an Event because she wanted the best one for herself, then stir shit up continuously all while acting innocent and proclaiming selflessness.  By that point in the trip, I'd probably feel like I already gave my friend a break on enough things.


Also, Bethenney was going through a bad divorce then too, right, though she allegedly had some guy on the side who didn't film.  In a collision of difficult situations, who wins?  

  • Love 7

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