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Unpopular Opinions: "I hate BLTs from Kelly's!"

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I'm not going to lie. I look forward to ME returning for a few reasons, but one in particular that his last character got to insult Morgan spectacularly. To be fair, I do believe that McBain would've beaten the crap out of him and arrested him by now. He's sent idiot young men he's liked to prison for less. Todd might have beaten him up and thrown him down the stairs or blown up his car or kidnapped him. Who knows? Either way Morgan needs tough soap love.

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Everyone's talking about Paul's whitewashing-what about Ava's? They are seriously backtracking on this character, *trying* to give her rootable elements and *trying* to make me care.

It won't work.  I don't care if she rushes into a burning building and saves a litter of puppies.

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Morgan definitely needs his comeuppance, but everyone keeps coddling him because of his stupid bipolarness. Sometimes an asshole is just an asshole. Look at Nik!


I feel like I could make a joke here about Nik's assholishness being related mostly to one pole, but it seems kind of beneath me.  

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Everyone's talking about Paul's whitewashing-what about Ava's? They are seriously backtracking on this character, *trying* to give her rootable elements and *trying* to make me care.


Ava's characterization has always been a mess. She's a ruthless mob boss one minute, a weeping mass (due to Morgan!) another. They're trying to give her layers, but they're doing it wrong, and MW cranking up the tears doesn't help.


I feel like I could make a joke here about Nik's assholishness being related mostly to one pole, but it seems kind of beneath me.


Hee. Do it anyway!

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Ava's characterization has always been a mess. She's a ruthless mob boss one minute, a weeping mass (due to Morgan!) another. They're trying to give her layers, but they're doing it wrong, and MW cranking up the tears doesn't help.





Hee. Do it anyway!



Her screeching doesn't help, either. I heard via the online grapevine that she did some of that yesterday.

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I love wheelchair. It is such a good character. I was going to miss it when Sonny had his BIG WALKING MOMENT.


But now it looks like Kiki will need it so I'm really happy!

It must have a good agent to get a better contract minimum that most of the legacy characters.

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I don't hate Morgan, nor did I want to see him jump (though I wouldn't mind his Daddy jumping), I just not know who told Bryan Craig he was this genius. Bryan Craig, Steve Burton didn't get his inflated ego until after his Emmy win. I think the uncreative writing isn't doing him many favors. 


If you read my recent wishlist, you would know I am not a feminist (at least by mainstream definition) . However, I don't think Jordan is a shrew (at least not a complete shrew). I think the only time she really acted like a shrew to Andre when Morgan was arrested and I thought she had a good reason. Morgan has a diagnosed mental disorder and is choosing not to take his medication, which led to his current predicament, with him taking a gun and shooting it. She has to come down firm or she could lose the respect of the police force she is now in charge off, but she did yield somewhat, and now Morgan managed to get out of his restraints. Not only is she a woman, unlike Anna, she doesn't have the history with Port Charles. I didn't enjoy Anna losing her job for FV/RC creation, but Jordan needs to err on the side of being too strict than being lax. If she was a man, I don't think she would be judged as harshly, maybe called a bit of a jerk.  As for her and Valerie, considering Val's last relationship and how it affected her and Dante's careers in law enforcement and her knowing Curtis, I don't think it is crazy to try and warn Val away. 

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Anyone who denies the Corinthii anything is automatically OMG TEH EVUL!!1!, so Jordan can't win there no matter what. Look at how assholish Sonny was to Anna when she got to the church: "You're late," or whatever idiot comment it was. Gah. 

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I love wheelchair. It is such a good character. I was going to miss it when Sonny had his BIG WALKING MOMENT.


But now it looks like Kiki will need it so I'm really happy!

It must have a good agent to get a better contract minimum that most of the legacy characters.



I heard the main reason Sonny was allowed to walk again was that BC complained that wheelchair was stealing his spotlight. Wheelchair got his revenge when wheelchair asked TPTB to be paired with Kiki.

BC is planning on starting a Twitter campaign to get wheelchair fired. Thus far, wheelchair is refusing to comment.

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If you read my recent wishlist, you would know I am not a feminist (at least by mainstream definition) . However, I don't think Jordan is a shrew (at least not a complete shrew). I think the only time she really acted like a shrew to Andre when Morgan was arrested and I thought she had a good reason. Morgan has a diagnosed mental disorder and is choosing not to take his medication, which led to his current predicament, with him taking a gun and shooting it. She has to come down firm or she could lose the respect of the police force she is now in charge off, but she did yield somewhat, and now Morgan managed to get out of his restraints. Not only is she a woman, unlike Anna, she doesn't have the history with Port Charles. I didn't enjoy Anna losing her job for FV/RC creation, but Jordan needs to err on the side of being too strict than being lax. If she was a man, I don't think she would be judged as harshly, maybe called a bit of a jerk.  As for her and Valerie, considering Val's last relationship and how it affected her and Dante's careers in law enforcement and her knowing Curtis, I don't think it is crazy to try and warn Val away. 


My issue with Jordan is Andre was doing his job and in general police do not keep out of control mentally unstable subjects in jail without first taking them to the hospital she acted like he was asking her to do something totally out of the question she had never heard of before and was doing HIM a favor in allowing it. I could have better understood her point of view if it had been Michael or Morgan's parents asking to taking him to GH but it was a trained professional that Michael had rightly called, not to mention Jordan had previously been dating the guy and knows him to be a very well meaning person.


Add to that the way she was acting about being left out of the loop on the sting when she did the same thing to the PCPD when she was doing an undercover sting. She is acting shrewish. To me being shrewish as a female is the same as a male being an ass. If she was male I'd call her an ass.


I actually think calling her a shrew is an UO. I think in general most people agree with you not me.

It mostly saddens me b/c I used to love BAMF Jordan and I just find her so disagreeable and not very awesome anymore:(

Maybe it's the police commissioner job that ruins people.

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Add to that the way she was acting about being left out of the loop on the sting when she did the same thing to the PCPD when she was doing an undercover sting. 


To be fair, I'm not sure an undercover DEA agent has a responsibility to keep the local PD in the loop about an undercover operation. If I were trying to keep things under wraps I sure as hell wouldn't let the incompetent PCPD know what I was up to.

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Jordan told Anna when she was undercover so it was kind of crappy of Anna to leave her out of the loop.

But I also don't like this role reversal for them. I think Anna worked much better as Commissioner by virtue of both age and experience. This position cuts Jordan off from the people she should be interacting with - the Sam/Liz age group instead of Olivia/Julian where I think she got stuck because Shawn was 15(?) years older than her

Hell, if they ever age Cam I'd rather see Jordan in a friendship with Liz than either one of them stuck in friendships with Sabrina/Valerie

Edited by Oracle42
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If Sam/Jordan weren't on opposite sides of the law, I think they'd get along like gangbusters and I wish that had happened while Jordan was undercover - as is, a friendship would probably have some of the issues TIIC ignored with Sam & McBain

Edited by Oracle42
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Who cares about Jordan's friends; how is her hair? Did the hair "department" finally stop fucking with it?

Is Anna's hair still looking amazeballs?

Edited by Tiger
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Here's one: To me, "the Cassadines" (the ones we've met) are Helena, Stavros, Stefan, and Nikolas. That's it. Any talk of anyone with a more tenuous family connection "going Cassadine on" some enemy is lost on me. Alexis might quality if she were written that way, but to me she's never done any more diabolical baroque scheming than what any woman on a soap does. She doesn't identify with or live as a Cassadine. When people talk about freaking Sam, Kristina or Molly unleashing a ferocious "Cassadine" side...no. If it makes me sound like Helena, I'll live with it: by that point in the line, the gene pool has been severely watered down. They're Davises, McCalls, whatever.  

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Like it or not, we are going to have to accept the new and improved "Franco sans Tumor" as the new saint of the show.  He is preferable to whatever to what is happening to Jason who is no longer Jason The Borg and Sonny Hired Gun nor is Jason Quartermaine, Golden Boy of the Q's and Monica's favored child, nor is he a new personality/character.  Right now Jason is NOTHING, a big void, a warm body for Tits and Tears Sam to run her mouth at.  I spare myself the total waste of time this couple is by Fast Forwarding any time Sam is given screen time. 


It is really time for Nina to exit.  She is useless in terms of story.


Why were we never given a scene showing a confrontation between Helena and Sonny?  I am thinking that Sonny was so far beneath Helena's notice that unless he deliberately got between her and whatever plan she was instituting he just didn't matter.  Even though her beloved grandson Nikolas married Sonny's sister, and Sonny bedded and impregnanted Alexis, he just didn't matter.  Sonny was a best friend to Luke Spenser and should have been fair game for Helena's machinations, but that never happened. 


I would love to have seen a story pitting Helena against Ava.  That might have happened if Ava had climbed into Nik's bed instead of Morgan's. 



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Sonny and Helena haven't really been in each other orbits, until stupid Jasus. Actually, I wonder why Helena never did anything to Carly or Jax after they hid Spencer's paternity. 


Because she loved Jax and his hot bod.

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The kind of chemistry that TC thinks Nik/Hayden have? Nik and Claudia actually did have.


That they were never explored is on my long list of soap regrets

Edited by Oracle42
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Sonny has always been off Helena's radar, for some reason. She could have at least used him as target practice. Talk about a missed opportunity.

Hells and Sonny were in a scene together yeara ago, he said something to her, and she summarily dismissed by him saying "we once had a gardener named 'Corinthos'".

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Hells and Sonny were in a scene together yeara ago, he said something to her, and she summarily dismissed by him saying "we once had a gardener named 'Corinthos'".

I'd relive Sonny Corinthos Trapped in the Closet if it meant Helena leaves him a gardening shed.

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Here's one: To me, "the Cassadines" (the ones we've met) are Helena, Stavros, Stefan, and Nikolas. That's it. Any talk of anyone with a more tenuous family connection "going Cassadine on" some enemy is lost on me. Alexis might quality if she were written that way, but to me she's never done any more diabolical baroque scheming than what any woman on a soap does. She doesn't identify with or live as a Cassadine. When people talk about freaking Sam, Kristina or Molly unleashing a ferocious "Cassadine" side...no. If it makes me sound like Helena, I'll live with it: by that point in the line, the gene pool has been severely watered down. They're Davises, McCalls, whatever.  



I think Alexis "goes Cassadine" any time she does things like shoving someone off a balcony. She definitely has the murderess part of that family down. She also knows how to get out of the murder charges. But overall, yeah, I don't consider her or any of her daughters to be Cassadine material. Just because you can go around punching someone in the face(Sam) that doesn't make you tough, and it doesn't make you a Cassadine. Kristina COULD be a candidate-I think she's a total narcissist. But they'll never write her that way-for whatever reason, the writing seems to want us to have sympathy for her and wants to present her as someone we're supposed to like and root for.


My unpopular opinion for the day, is that Hayden has the potential to be just as "relevant" as any other featured character on this show. I think first of all, that the days when one character or couple defined the show or helped make or break the ratings, is long gone. I don't deny some characters have larger fanbases. I just don't think ANY character or couple is all that anymore, if they ever were. At least, not for the past fifteen/twenty years or so.

I can remember when Sam first came on, people hated her for YEARS. And anything and everything under the sun was done to make her "relevant". She couldn't just be a con woman who conned because she was immoral and greedy. She had to be doing it because *boo hoo* her adoptive father "made" her do it *rme* and then when that didn't make people love her, all of a sudden she did it because she had a handicapped brother. Then she lost a baby. And when people STILL hated her, they did JaSam. And when people STILL hated her, they had to make her Alexis's daughter. Years later, most people tolerate her if not outright love her.


I think Hayden (or any character) deserves just as many chances.

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I like KeMo. I just hated who she was paired with. I can't abide with choosing Sonny over Jax. (Looking at you, Brenda.) Or marrying Jason THE Jason Morgan. Ugh. Sam seems too smart for them.

Hayden seems like a smart lady. I just hate Nik. If she takes his money and kicks him out, I'll be good. I want Hayden and Curtis together because they're awesome, smart, and hot. Really doesn't take that much for good soap.

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I like KeMo. I just hated who she was paired with. I can't abide with choosing Sonny over Jax. (Looking at you, Brenda.) Or marrying Jason THE Jason Morgan. Ugh. Sam seems too smart for them.

Hayden seems like a smart lady. I just hate Nik. If she takes his money and kicks him out, I'll be good. I want Hayden and Curtis together because they're awesome, smart, and hot. Really doesn't take that much for good soap.



Yeah, the Sonny over Jax thing. So, SO dumb.

Hayden *better* get to nail Nicky to the wall. I have a feeling though, that the whole entire balance of her leverage to get ELQ back, is blackmailing him with the attempted murder thing. I don't care if that's it or it's something else, I just want her to stick it to him and then leave him in the dust.

I don't think I can respect her, otherwise.

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I think Finn so far is more interesting than Silas. And while I liked John McBain, not so sure "interesting" is a word I'd necessarily use to describe him.

I've liked Michael Easton since his Days days, and I appreciate that he's actually making an effort to make this character different. He has an inflected way of speaking, and  different physical mannerisms for this character. That might not sound like much, but it seems he cares about actually coming to work and putting in an effort, which is nice.

Not sure if that's unpopular yet, since the new character has only been around a week.

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I never cared much for Patrick, but so far I really like Griffin. So, as the "white-knight brilliant doctor" slot goes, I think they've traded up. I just hope he gets more fleshed out and isn't such a Mary Sue who makes everyone feel better just by coming to town and existing.   

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I really dig Finn. I also like Griffin. Finn is interesting. I want to know more, see more. He's intriguing. I kinda like him with Carly, too. Not since Jax and AJ have I seen actual chemistry between Carly and a guy. So, I'm intrigued. Griffin seems like a decent guy, plus I see chemistry with Anna and Maxie. It's odd, but I do. I could also see a potential Kiki/Griffin thing because they'd be pretty. I want him shopped around.

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I love Wally Kurth, wish they would give him a contract and put him on the front burner.  I even liked Ned with Alexis back in the day, even though you could make a decent drinking game by taking a shot each time they uttered the word gatekeeper.  But I also liked him with Lois; I think he has good chem with most of his scene partners.


Even though it's not throwback Thursday, I just recently found his part from an Oprah episode on soap stars that sing. Yes, I even liked Eddie Main.  (Is that Rick Hearst in the background? With 80's hair?  Hee.)


Edited by amaranta
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I like that Griffin's introduction has been fairly low-key in the sense that he didn't come on claiming to be the bestest doctor who ever doctored, like Patrick did. I get that supreme self-confidence was a major part of Patrick's character, but the playa thing was hit too hard for my taste. The same way Sabrina as the perfect nurse was shoved down our throats. Somehow, someone decided to show more restraint with Griffin, and for that I'm grateful.


Finn's oddballness is getting a heavier hand than I'd like, but I think ME is skillful enough to keep it mostly in check.

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I think as he has more time, they'll tone down Finn's oddballness a little. Hopefully though, they keep him quirky. It makes him the most interesting thus far, out of all ME's characters, for me.  I know I semi-joked about maybe him being a previously frozen Cassadine, but I think there will be a less ominous reason for the injections. Though I do have to wonder why it looks so OLD, like something a doctor from the 1800's would use?

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I think as he has more time, they'll tone down Finn's oddballness a little. Hopefully though, they keep him quirky. It makes him the most interesting thus far, out of all ME's characters, for me.  I know I semi-joked about maybe him being a previously frozen Cassadine, but I think there will be a less ominous reason for the injections. Though I do have to wonder why it looks so OLD, like something a doctor from the 1800's would use?

I think it's left over from the last Stavros story, and Frank is too cheap to get more prop syringes. That's honestly what I think. He probably think it looks good enough. I really hope they tone nothing down about Finn. He's the best character ME has played since Caleb Morley. My only hope is that he and Lizard hate Sonny too.

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Though I do have to wonder why it looks so OLD, like something a doctor from the 1800's would use?


Maybe he's a time traveler! It's no more ridiculous than almost everything else on this show.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I just don't care about Kristina's fluidity. The issue that needs to be addressed is why she's been in school for 5 years in real time and is still nowhere near finished with undergrad and has dropped out yet again. There's more to life than having boyfriend or a girlfriend. Why aren't young people on soaps allowed to have goals anymore?

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